It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 127


IETSTSMLARA | The Post-Apocalyptic Black Lotus | 127

The sudden emergence of Lin Su’s vines, and his decisive and forceful actions, were accompanied by a calm demeanor that somehow instilled fear in those watching. No one dared to intervene for a moment.

The difference between special ability users and ordinary people was significant. If a special ability user decided to act against someone, the ordinary people would be powerless to resist.

Seeing that no one responded, Lin Su placed a hand on the boy’s shoulder and said, “Let’s go.”

The boy nodded, holding the little girl tightly, and they walked out through the large iron gate.

Once outside the base, the view was desolate. The fields were filled with massive cracks, and the roads had occasional rifts. Even the once-green trees had lost their leaves.

Lin Su led the way, with the boy following silently.

Lin Su stopped, and the boy’s footsteps came to a halt as well, with no signs of collision. “Why are you following me? I could end up dying from zombies any day. Staying at the base is safer than being outside.”

The boy spoke, “Staying at the base means death. I’m not afraid to die, but Chouchou can’t die.”

Lin Su turned to look at him and asked, “Why is that?”

The boy lifted his gaze. Despite his emaciated state, his eyes were dark and clear. "Have you ever seen people eating other people? The people who starved to death at the base weren’t buried. You special ability users might not know how hard it is for ordinary people to get enough food in the apocalypse."

Lin Su lowered his gaze, patted the boy’s head, and said, "Let’s go. I can guarantee you won’t go hungry as long as you’re with me."

They traveled a considerable distance before stopping in front of a black Hummer. Lin Su took the keys from the top of the car, opened the door, and said, "Get in. We’re leaving."

The boy was visibly surprised. He couldn’t understand how someone could take the keys from the top of the car. He and the girl got into the back seat, trying not to touch the very clean-looking seats. "Aren’t you worried about someone stealing the keys if you leave them there?"

In the apocalypse, items left lying around had no clear ownership. Anything that could be picked up or forcefully taken belonged to the taker.

Lin Su drove the car and said, "Don’t worry. No one will steal it."

There were naturally no intact vehicles nearby. Vehicles had been moved from far away by zombies, so while the outside of the car was dirty, the inside was as clean as new. Who would risk their lives to steal a car covered in zombie goo?

The boy didn’t fully understand but felt an inexplicable admiration for Lin Su. "Brother Li is really impressive."

The original identity’s name was Li Pengfei, so calling him Brother Li wasn’t inappropriate. Lin Su, however, turned the steering wheel and said, "From now on, call me Brother Lin. My name is Lin Su, and I just changed it. What’s your name?"

"I’m Wang Tiezhu. You can just call me Zhuzi," the boy said.

Despite his youthful appearance and not having a simple or honest-looking face, Lin Su was silent for a moment before asking, "Is that your nickname?"

"My full name is Wang Tai, but that’s for outsiders to call me," Wang Tai explained.

Some places do have such customs, believing that having an unflattering name brings good fortune. Lin Su cleared his throat and said, "From now on, use your full name when we're outside. What about your sister?"

"Her name is Wang Xiuli," Wang Tai said.

The little girl was extremely frail, and Lin Su estimated she was only about five years old. Hearing her name, she said, "Brother, Chouchou is hungry."

"We just ate last night. Chouchou isn’t hungry," Wang Tai said, trying to instruct her seriously.

But the five-year-old was still hungry. She clutched her emaciated stomach and said, "But my stomach feels really uncomfortable."

Lin Su, holding the steering wheel with one hand, reached over from the passenger seat and handed a bag back to them. "Here, eat this."

Both of their eyes lit up. Wang Tai repeatedly thanked him, "Thank you."

Lin Su looked straight ahead and said, "No need to thank me."

Wang Tai carefully tore open the packaging, took out a piece of sweet, soft biscuit, and first handed a piece to the little girl. 

Then he licked the crumbs off his fingers before taking a piece for himself.

They ate ravenously in the back. A bag of biscuits that might have been considered tasteless in a peaceful world was, to them, an incredibly precious food. The entire bag of biscuits was quickly devoured.

The little girl, holding the empty bag, licked the remaining crumbs and said, "Brother, it’s delicious."

Their eating habits might not have been very refined, and they might have looked somewhat messy, but their desire for and appreciation of food was evident. 

A single bag of biscuits was not enough to fill their stomachs, but even though they were still hungry, they both refrained from touching the remaining food. In the apocalypse, food is precious. 

Perhaps at first, they did not understand the need to conserve, but now no one would waste food just to satisfy their hunger because they don’t know where the next meal will come from. Lin Su did not try to persuade them otherwise.

Whether it was the fact that their stomachs were no longer empty or the comfort of sitting in the car, the brother and sister soon fell asleep. 

They only woke up when the car pulled into a desolate town and stopped in front of a supermarket with a half-hanging sign.

Wang Tai looked a bit embarrassed, but Lin Su got out of the car and said, "Come and help gather supplies."

"Yes," Wang Tai responded quickly, and before Lin Su entered the supermarket, he tugged at his clothes and said, "Be careful. Places like this usually have zombies."

【Host, you need to act like a human.】System 06 reminded.

If the boy knew that the host was actually the biggest zombie, he might be scared out of his wits.

"I used my plant abilities to check; there’s no sign of zombies inside. Don’t worry," Lin Su said as he pushed open the door. The air inside was musty, as if it had been sealed for a long time.

Once the air circulated, they saw the supermarket’s shelves were in disarray, with packaging scattered all over the floor. Despite the mess, a lot of food remained untouched.

Lin Su glanced at the dates on the packaging and said, "Choose items that haven’t expired."

Wang Tai nodded repeatedly as he grabbed bags. "Okay."

There were still large barrels of water in the supermarket. Lin Su replenished the car with a lot of water and dragged one of the large barrels, clearly meant for storing water, into the compartment. 

He poured clean water into the barrel until it reached halfway up the side. Then he called out to Wang Tai, who was busy collecting supplies, "Bring your sister over here."

Wang Tai followed his instructions, dragging the bags outside and carrying the little girl inside. "Brother Lin, what do you want us to do?"

Lin Su pointed to the barrel and said, "Let your sister take a bath."

In small bases in the apocalypse, water sources are scarce, but in larger bases, there are usually water-based abilities that can gather clean water from the air, or at the very least, filter it. 

Unfortunately, the work at the Linyang Base was poorly done. The siblings were dirty, and their smell was quite unpleasant.

Inside the same compartment, Lin Su tried to block his senses. 

Wang Tai was visibly embarrassed; even with his dirty face, you could see him blushing. 

Nonetheless, he followed Lin Su's instructions and took his sister into the compartment. The half barrel of clean water, along with the soap and clean clothes scattered in the supermarket, were invaluable in this world.

The sound of water splashing came from the compartment. Lin Su found a place to clean himself up thoroughly and then created an empty space with his palm to sort and store the remaining useful items.

With his crystal nucleus covering all types of abilities, including spatial abilities, Lin Su could summon as much as he needed. However, it was still best to live according to human methods to avoid being detected by others.

When the siblings emerged from the compartment, clean and dressed in new clothes, their fair skin and round eyes made them look quite adorable, even though their features weren’t particularly outstanding.

"Brother Lin," Wang Tai called out, with the little girl mimicking, "Brother Lin."

"Let’s go," Lin Su replied with a smile.

The car started again, and this time Lin Su began teaching Wang Tai how to drive. The boy picked it up quickly, and after only two days of instruction from Lin Su, Wang Tai was able to drive smoothly on the road.

"Brother Lin, where are we going?" Wang Tai asked, still curious. They never seemed to hesitate about their destination, and even when encountering zombies on the road, they were few and far between.

"We’re heading to a place called Pojun Base. It should be a medium-sized base. We’ll start there," Lin Su explained.

In the original timeline, the base where the protagonist, Zhao Chengyu, was located was called the Morning Sun Base. Before the apocalypse, it was a military base. 

However, when the zombie virus outbreak began, the military also fell into chaos. By the time Zhao Chengyu and his team dealt with former comrades and subsequent enemies, order was already in chaos everywhere, and the outside world was overrun with zombies.

After rescuing and settling the people, they established the Morning Sun Base, which became a hub of activity. Since the base was managed by disciplined individuals, it was even more orderly than other bases.

Of course, the rescue efforts didn’t only involve finding people from scattered houses. They also sent teams to assist small, defenseless bases. 

The Pojun Base was one such place where the protagonists would eventually go. This base was destined to face a zombie outbreak later, but it would be saved by the combined efforts of other bases.

However, the vast population was more than any single base could accommodate at once. 

While ability users had fewer problems finding a place, ordinary people had to accept less favorable conditions, often worse than those at other bases. Some, particularly those who were attractive but lacked self-defense capabilities, would be selected as slaves and sold, losing their freedom.

Food in the apocalypse continued to be scarce, and the darkest times were still to come. 

At present, Wang Tai witnessed people eating each other in a more covert manner. As zombies evolved to higher levels and ordinary humans could no longer resist with cold weapons, some of the darker aspects of humanity became more visible.

The Morning Sun Base also grew rapidly during this oppressive period.

Finding the Morning Sun Base in this chaotic era was challenging, but locating the Pojun Base was still feasible. 

Although it was based on a rough map left by Wang Jianfeng before his death, it was sufficient for Lin Su to find the way.

Lin Su anticipated arriving at Pojun Base in three days, but plans often fall victim to unforeseen changes. 

On the evening of the second day, Wang Tai suddenly developed a high fever, his body turning red. The sight of his younger sister, who had been talking to her brother, crying loudly in fear, was distressing.

Lin Su diagnosed it as not being a common cold, but the persistent internal heat seemed as though it was reshaping his entire body.

At the beginning of the apocalypse, a few people successfully transformed into ability users, and new transformations continued to occur, but the odds were still very low.

“Brother, brother…” The little girl cried loudly. When Lin Su picked her up, she visibly hiccuped. 

Despite her brother’s repeated assurances that this person was good, she still wasn’t accustomed to strangers getting close.

“It’s alright, don’t worry. Chouchou be good, your brother will wake up soon,” Lin Su said, holding the child and gently patting her head.

The loud crying gradually softened to quiet sobs as the girl dabbed at her tears with Lin Su’s clothes: “Brother Lin, Brother Lin, you’re so cold.”

“Yes, I’m wearing less,” Lin Su replied.

Even though he could regulate his body temperature, it was still lower than normal.

The girl looked up, placing a small hand on his cheek, feeling somewhat warm: “Can you hold my brother to cool him down?”

Her eyes were full of hope. Lin Su raised an eyebrow and said, “Your brother’s condition can’t be treated with cooling. It might leave a lasting problem. Chouchou, you should feel sorry for your brother, but don’t resort to improper methods in desperation, alright?”

The high fever of ability users couldn’t be managed with physical cooling, and casually holding a boy could lead to misunderstandings.

“Okay.” The girl sat quietly on Lin Su’s lap, resting her little face with a hint of sadness.

Wang Tai woke up the next day. As soon as he regained consciousness, the intense heat in his body dissipated like a burning fireball thrown into ice water, leaving no trace. 

However, he seemed somewhat mentally exhausted: “...What happened to me?”

“Brother?” The little girl threw herself into Wang Tai’s arms, forgetting about her previous seat in an instant. “Brother, are you alright now?”

“What happened to me?” Wang Tai looked visibly confused.

“You’ve awakened an ability. There are new things to learn,” Lin Su said with a smile.

Under Lin Su’s guidance, Wang Tai quickly identified his ability attribute—ice. Unlike the soft and weak nature of water attributes, ice had a significantly higher level of lethality, making it highly valued in any base.

Ability users typically increase their levels in two ways: through innate talent and cultivation, or by absorbing crystal cores to enhance their powers, with each attribute corresponding to a specific type of crystal core.

While others might lack such resources, Lin Su had an abundance. He didn’t need to hunt his subordinates; he simply instructed his subordinates, and the zombies scattered across various locations would bring back the crystal cores that had been missed by humans.

There were crystal cores of levels ranging from one to three, each varying in color and brilliance, quite different from the menacing appearance of zombies. Light and ice attribute crystal cores were white, with the ice attribute cores showing a hint of ice blue. 

They were rare, and among the thousands of zombie cores delivered, there were only a few dozen ice attribute cores.

Absorbing these few dozen cores would be enough to elevate Wang Tai to level two.

Wang Tai was visibly surprised to receive the crystal cores. The rarity of ice attribute cores was well-known in the apocalypse, and yet he had dozens of them now.

“Absorb them all. It will be beneficial for you,” Lin Su said.

He didn’t explain further. Wang Tai pressed his lips together, not attempting to ask more questions. 

He understood that Brother Lin had many secrets—such as his suddenly changed name, the well-preserved car they found, their remarkably safe journey, and these dozens of ice attribute crystal cores. 

Though these were secrets, Brother Lin had never harmed them, always ensuring they had enough to eat and a good night’s sleep.

Wang Tai began absorbing the crystal cores diligently, and after a whole day of continuous absorption, he managed to reach level two with his ice ability, capable of conjuring ice spikes at will.

They arrived at the Pojun Base at dusk on the fifth day. The base, housing around fifty thousand people, resembled a sealed-off city, with tall buildings visible from a distance.

Everything here was noticeably different from the Linyang Base. The entrance was guarded by an exceptionally heavy iron gate, made from the same material as a bank vault door.

When the vehicle stopped, Lin Su got out to undergo an inspection. Their car was of high quality, and their appearance was not typical of ordinary survivors, setting them apart from the other bedraggled individuals arriving on foot.

Surviving well in the apocalypse with only three people and a little girl made it clear that they were likely to have abilities. 

Unlike the impatience shown by ordinary people in line, those in charge approached Lin Su directly: “Are you ability users coming to join us? Welcome to the Pojun Base.”

“Thank you,” Lin Su replied.

He was tall, dressed neatly, and although his straightforward demeanor was somewhat striking, his appearance was quite appealing, which would definitely catch the eye of the women in the base.

“Ability users can enter first, but we need to test your abilities and levels before you go in. This is used to determine your treatment here,” the person in charge said with a smile.

The testing process was simple: one just needed to demonstrate their ability and test their level on a transparent crystal core. 

Lin Su, being a level three wood ability user, could stimulate plant growth but could not grow crops. Without his power, the plants would quickly lose vitality and become inedible.

Being able to control vines was also considered a strong combat ability, and Wang Tai's ice ability was accurately measured at level two.

With two ability users joining at once, the person in charge's smile grew even wider: “The base needs people like you. I’ll have someone arrange accommodations for you. The two ability users will get separate rooms, but for this child...”

“She’s my sister. She’ll stay with me,” Wang Tai said.

The person in charge laughed heartily: “Of course, of course. You have the right to decide who stays with you.”

He called someone to escort Lin Su and the others to their new quarters. As they walked through the streets, it was clear that the area was bustling and the high-rise buildings made it look like a city from before the apocalypse. 

However, the tattered clothing of people working tirelessly and those who dared not retaliate when kicked by ability users made it evident that this was not a peaceful time but the end of the world.

They were settled into high-rise apartments designated for ability users, complete with elevators and separate units. The demeanor of the people they passed, exuding an air of superiority, highlighted the privileged status of ability users.

“Are they ability users too?” a burly man with red-dyed hair asked upon seeing Lin Su and his group.

“Yes,” the escort replied respectfully. “Level three wood ability and level two ice ability. The little girl is a family member.”

“They’ve really recruited some good people,” the man’s tone softened, showing a bit of familiarity. “Let me introduce myself. I’m Zhang Meng. We can team up when collecting supplies in the future.”

“Sure, sounds good,” Lin Su responded.

The man’s attitude was somewhat aloof, and Wang Tai merely nodded in response without saying anything. 

After they exited the elevator, one of the men spat disdainfully, “Acting all high and mighty.”

Their new quarters were arranged, and the apartment was pristine, like a sanctuary amidst the apocalypse. The little girl joyfully ran around, exploring every corner, while Wang Tai, now with his own apartment, still stood behind Lin Su.

Lin Su stood by the window, observing the street below. The privileges enjoyed by ability users were built on the oppression of ordinary people. Despite this, ordinary people had no means of resistance as they needed the ability users to protect their lives.

Lin Su's gaze was indifferent as he watched the scene below, and Wang Tai's demeanor was similarly stoic.

“This base is temporarily safe. I have kept my promise. If you stay here, you can later contact larger bases to seek safer places or take good care of your sister,” Lin Su said without any emotion.

Wang Tai looked at his back and asked, “Can I follow you?”

“Follow me for what?” Lin Su asked.

“To work for you,” Wang Tai replied earnestly. “I’ll do whatever you need me to do.”

“I don’t need muscle; I need capable subordinates,” Lin Su turned to him with a smile. “Wang Tai, can you handle that?”

“Not yet, but I will learn,” Wang Tai said seriously.

"Alright, I’ll take you in," Lin Su said with a faint smile. "As long as I'm alive, you won't go hungry, but remember: betray me once, and you'll never get another chance."

"I understand," Wang Tai replied earnestly.

Settling down as an ability user here wasn't difficult. As long as they were careful while gathering resources and energy crystals, they could survive well. 

However, Lin Su preferred to keep his distance from others, avoiding deep connections. 

As a result, Wang Tai, who followed him, appeared obedient and well-behaved in front of Lin Su but was cold as ice around others, just like his abilities.

Life moved steadily until one day, when Lin Su and Wang Tai returned from a successful scavenging trip, he received a task from the system.

【System 06 Task Announcement: 

Task 1 - Survive as the original owner. 

Task 2 - Change the fate of the supporting male lead, Ming Tang.】

The base was noticeably more lively than usual, with crowds gathering in the square. Lin Su led Wang Tai over, noticing many ability users had also gathered there.

Before Lin Su could say anything, Wang Tai went ahead to inquire and returned with a serious expression. "Brother Lin, I heard they rescued some slaves from another base and are now auctioning them off."

"Slaves? Let’s go take a look," Lin Su replied.

He was curious about how the task would present itself, not expecting it to appear through one of the most striking events in the world’s timeline.

In the square, many people with ropes tied around their necks were kneeling in a row. Most of their faces were numb, though a few showed signs of shame and fear. Regardless of their expressions or attire, they were all exceptionally beautiful—men and women alike, with figures and features far above average.

Among them, the most striking was a boy kneeling in the center, blindfolded with only his forehead and mouth visible. 

Even though his eyes were hidden, it was easy to imagine that they would be the most captivating part of his face, the perfect finishing touch.

Unlike the others who appeared numb, he seemed more anxious and uneasy, like a frightened rabbit thrown into a cage, desperately wanting to escape but finding no way out.

The supporting character Ming Tang first appeared at the slave auction after the fall of the Pojun base. His exceptionally striking appearance made him a target of desire for many. In a world where beauty could transcend gender, his allure was undeniable.

The auction was in full swing. Even in the chaos of the apocalypse, the spectacle of a well-organized auction remained. However, ordinary people and slaves without ownership had no right to enter the high-rise buildings of the Pojun base.

At the center of the crowd was an extremely comfortable-looking chair, occupied by a man with a tattooed arm and bulging muscles. His appearance wasn’t particularly striking, and the scar on one side of his face made him look somewhat menacing. 

Despite this, people hovered around him, respectfully offering water and cigarettes.

This man, with such treatment, could only be the leader of the Pojun base, Wang Pojun. In a world where most ability users were still at the second or third level, he had already reached the fifth level as a fire-type ability user. 

With the base’s endless resources supporting him, his dominance was unquestionable.

"This beauty, codenamed 41, has a pair of legs measuring exactly 41 inches. The starting bid is 41 level-two energy crystals. The highest bidder wins. Brother, take a look," the person in charge said, fawning over the man in the middle.

"Is she still a virgin?" Wang Po Jun asked, not particularly interested.

The question was quickly relayed by his lackeys. The man in charge of the auction licked his lips and replied, "No, but she's incredibly beautiful. She’ll be easy to handle and train."

He then removed the blindfold from the woman’s eyes, revealing a delicate and pitiable beauty, the kind that naturally evoked a protective instinct in those who looked at her.

The ability users watching the auction were visibly interested but hesitated to make any bids, frequently glancing at the central figure without daring to act. Despite Pojun Base's emphasis on democracy and fairness, where most of the slaves and other items were openly auctioned, everyone knew that if the true leader of the base didn’t want to part with something, no amount of energy crystals could take it away. Competing with the leader for anything was tantamount to courting death.

"I’m not interested in this one. You all can bid," Wang Pojun waved dismissively, his tone indifferent. With his declaration, the atmosphere finally became lively.

Level-two energy crystals were already considered extremely valuable, and with an opening bid of 41, the slave was finally sold for 78 crystals.

The transaction was swift and direct—crystals handed over, and the slave passed along without any further ceremony. 

The winning ability user eagerly took the rope, his rough hand immediately groping the woman’s soft skin. "She's got some tender skin," he remarked with a rough edge to his voice.

The man had a fierce appearance, and the woman flinched in fear. Initially, the surrounding onlookers didn’t react, but then the man suddenly slapped her hard, knocking her to the ground. 

Her face quickly swelled, and he kicked her several more times. "How dare you flinch at me," he growled.

The woman’s muffled sobs were met with cold indifference from the crowd. Not a single person stepped forward to help or even offer a word of comfort.

"The slave now belongs to him. If he wants to beat her to death, that’s his prerogative," the auctioneer chuckled, turning to Wang Po Jun, "Isn't that right, boss?"

Wang Pojun ignored the ongoing violence, instead raising his voice to address the crowd. "This is a reminder to you all—to cherish our base. Without the protection of the base, you’ll end up worse than them."

The mention of their own safety caused a flicker of fear among the spectators. They instinctively stepped back from the violent scene, as if distancing themselves physically could somehow separate them from the brutal reality unfolding before them.

Lin Su's expression flickered slightly. The auction was clearly serving a second purpose: to send a warning through intimidation.

The auction continued, with slaves being taken away one by one—some eagerly scooped up, their fates well known to all, others dragged off, their futures entirely dependent on their new owners' whims. 

Eventually, it was the young man's turn, and the auctioneer nearly beat a drum to draw attention. "Now, for the grand finale!" he shouted.

"A man, really?"

"No matter how good he looks, he's still a man. I'm not into that."

"How impressive could he be?"

Lin Su ignored the crowd’s murmurs, focusing instead on Wang Pojun, who suddenly straightened in his seat, previously uninterested in the earlier slaves.

"Men, huh? Let me show you what real beauty looks like. You lot have no taste," the auctioneer sneered, untying the blindfold from the boy’s head. As the cloth fell away, a pair of eyes, clear as morning dew, came into view.

The young man’s nose and forehead were already finely shaped, but it was those eyes—full of anxiety and confusion—that captivated everyone. His gaze was pure, untouched by any dirt or corruption, giving him the appearance of a delicate, otherworldly being who had somehow stumbled into this brutal world. 

Even the rough fabric of his clothing seemed out of place on him, as though it might chafe against his delicate, pale skin.

A tear rolled down his cheek, leaving his eyes slightly red. This visible anxiety didn’t evoke disgust; instead, it made several onlookers’ breaths quicken.

"Well, what do you think?" the auctioneer asked, swallowing hard and laughing nervously.

The crowd, having just dismissed the idea of bidding on a man, now felt a collective pang of embarrassment. However, their embarrassment did nothing to diminish their desire for the young man. 

One of those who had been skeptical before now asked, "What’s the starting price?"

The auctioneer’s voice boomed through the room, "Not much, starting at 100 third-level crystal cores. He’s worth every bit of it." He then turned to Wang Pojun and asked, "Big brother, what do you think?"

Wang Pojun’s cigarette fell from his hand, but he didn’t bother to pick it up. Instead, he licked his lips and said, "I’ll bid 200."

Though many of the other ability users had plenty of crystals, the gap between second and third-level cores was significant. No one was foolish enough to exchange their third-level cores for second-level ones. 

The price quickly jumped to 200 cores, a number that made those who had been considering bidding lose hope. 

Yet, despite Wang Pojun’s clear determination to win, someone else still bid, "210 cores. Big brother, the best beauties are always the ones you have to fight for."

"Then I’ll bid 250," another voice called out.

The price continued to climb, but Wang Pojun remained unfazed. 

Lin Su, on the other hand, showed no interest in bidding. The system 06, asked, 【Host, don’t you find him attractive?】

【He’s very attractive,】 Lin Su replied with a smile.

He certainly was. Especially in this post-apocalyptic world, such a delicate and innocent face was something one could never tire of looking at.

【Then why don’t you want him?】 System 06 pressed.

The system hadn’t anticipated this. Though the host couldn’t make money in this world, he didn’t need to. The endless waves of zombies would bring him more crystal cores than he could ever need.

 In fact, Lin Su was likely the second richest person in this base, if not the richest.

【It’s best not to flaunt wealth,】 Lin Su remarked, his gaze still on the innocent-looking boy. 【Besides, he doesn’t need saving.】

Lin Su’s expression shifted subtly as he observed the transaction unfold. 

Ming Tang, though appearing to be a mere slave, was anything but harmless. In this current stage of the apocalypse, his true nature wasn’t widely known, but once the Pojun Base fell, the legend of the "Black Widow" would spread across the surviving strongholds.

This "beauty" was notorious for being ruthless and lethal, captivating men with an irresistible allure, only to bring ruin to entire bases. 

Those who were seduced by his charms often met gruesome ends, but most people remained ignorant of one key detail: *he* was not a *she*.

Ming Tang wasn’t able to escape unscathed everytime. In his most vulnerable moment, disfigured and at his lowest, it was only the protagonist, Ruan Zehua, who saved and cared for him. 

Using his healing ability, Ruan Zehua  restored Ming Tang’s appearance, and it was then that Ming Tang truly fell for him. Even after his identity was exposed and he was forced to leave, Ming Tang was willing to die for Ruan Zehua in the end.

But right now, this delicate-looking boy was laced with venom, far too dangerous to touch carelessly. Buying him openly would only invite resentment.

Lin Su wasn’t afraid of Ming Tang’s abilities, but the timing wasn’t right.

As the bidding continued to escalate, the final price settled at 530 third-level crystal cores. The exchange was quick; Wang Pojun waved his hand, and a servant brought forward a box brimming with crystals. 

The auctioneer opened it, and the dazzling glow of the third-level crystals nearly blinded those watching.

The slave’s rope was handed over to Wang Pojun, who took it and tried to touch the boy’s cheek 

with his other hand. But his attempt was met with resistance as the boy defiantly said, "Don’t touch me."

Ming Tang's voice was clear, almost as if it were tinged with the freshness of morning dew, and his entire body was trembling, a sign of apparent fear. 

The crowd expected Wang Pojun to be enraged, perhaps even worried that he might leave bruises on that delicate face. 

But to their surprise, the man who was usually known for his ruthless authority softened his tone and said, "Alright, I won’t touch you. Don’t be afraid."

The boy’s trembling eased slightly. "I know… I’m your… slave, but… but don’t touch me for now," he stammered, trying to explain himself. 

Although his eyes were covered, he had heard the fate of the slaves who came before him.

"Alright, let’s go back." Wang Pojun gently tugged on the rope, and when he got into the car, his behavior was unusually cautious and considerate.

As the car drove away, the crowd buzzed with murmurs.

"The boss is really hooked this time."

"Yeah, he’s just treating him like this because he hasn’t had his fill yet. Once he’s tired of him, he’ll toss him aside like the others."

"True, he’s given away plenty of his old slaves to his underlings before. But by the looks of it, this one might be favored for a bit longer."

The crowd gradually dispersed, and Lin Su, along with Wang Tai, also left the scene, both calm and composed. 

Only system 06, was worried, fretting over the situation: 【Host, what if someone takes advantage of him?】

Taking advantage of someone the host is interested in was practically a death wish.

【Don’t worry. He’s the one who takes advantage of others, not the other way around,】 Lin Su replied, completely unconcerned.

Ming Tang's plan was meticulous and executed flawlessly. As he sat in the back of the spacious car, Wang Pojun, unable to resist the allure of the beautiful youth beside him, leaned in close and whispered, "Darling, how about a kiss?"

Wang Pojun had never been so careful with anyone before. His unusual behavior even left the person in the front passenger seat dumbfounded.

Ming Tang lowered his eyelashes to hide a fleeting look of disdain. When he looked up again, his expression was nothing but pure innocence. "Could we… only do that when we’re alone?"

He placed a hand on Wang Pojun’s chest, seemingly trying to keep him at a distance. But the gentle pressure was more like a feather’s touch, barely noticeable and only increasing Wang Pojun’s desire to get closer. 

As he reached out, Ming Tang’s delicate hand withdrew like a wisp of smoke.

Wang Pojun felt an overwhelming itch in his heart, one that only grew stronger the more he tried to resist. When they finally arrived at their destination, Wang Pojun practically hauled the boy out of the car, ignoring his fearful struggles. 

He hurriedly carried him into a room and tossed him onto the bed. Just as he pounced, he was suddenly stopped by a firm hand on his chest. Surprised, his gaze met Ming Tang’s, but before he could react, his vision blurred, and he collapsed unconscious.

The once-innocent expression on Ming Tang’s face turned cold as he kicked Wang Pojun off the bed. He calmly got up, walked to the mirror, and began untying the rope from around his neck.

As his fingers traced the faint marks left by the rope, he sat on the edge of the bed and placed his hand on Wang Pojun’s chest. 

A faint black glow emanated from his fingertips. After a moment, he snapped his fingers, and a small flame flickered to life. He chuckled softly, "You hurt me, so I’ll take this as compensation."

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