The Evil Cub Surrounded by Reborn Ones- Chapter 43



Rong Que initially thought about directly tagging the official brand to authenticate the item, but he was concerned that the most aggressive comment deleters might interfere. So, he decided to wait for information collected by Qi Sui before taking any action.

Rong Que handed the phone back to Lu Xu, saying, "Xiao Lu, don't worry about them. Qi Sui gege will make them apologize to you."

Although Lu Xu didn't know what Rong Que had done, it seemed like something serious.

"Don't think about those rubbish people. Let's enjoy the holiday today." Rong Que patted Lu Xu's head.

The post was from a while ago, explaining why Lu Xu had been absent-minded at times. It must have affected him.

After Rong Que helped Lu Xu change into clothes, he even styled Lu Xu's hair into his favorite little bun before dressing up in a small ghost costume himself.

In the afternoon, there were activities where students from different classes could play games together. Rong Que deliberately guided Lu Xu to avoid those overly enthusiastic friends.

Lu Xu tried several small games in different classrooms but didn't find a type he particularly liked, except for the game "Draw and Guess," which he enjoyed a lot. However, his drawings on the blackboard were so beautiful and accurate that there was almost no guessing involved.

Lu Xu enthusiastically played all afternoon until it was time to gather back in his own classroom.

In the last moments, the teacher took quite a few photos of everyone.

Today, parents could come to the classrooms to pick up their children. Lu Xu's good friends specifically asked their moms to take pictures with him.

These moms also liked Lu Xu a lot and had their children take several photos with him.

Today, Xue Ying would be picking them up. Lu Xu thought Uncle Xue Ying might be afraid of crowded places, so he came later.

It made sense.

Everything seemed normal elsewhere, and Lu Xu didn't notice anything unusual. The only disappointment was that no one prepared a birthday gift for him.

However, Halloween was already a lot of fun.

Upon returning home, when Xue Ying opened the door, Lu Xu felt that something was off. Normally, there were many beautiful lights on at home, but now it was completely dark for the first time, with all the curtains pulled shut.

Feeling a bit scared, Lu Xu huddled behind Rong Que, only sticking his head out to observe the dark room.

It looked like a mysterious castle from an anime.

Xue Ying explained, "It's just a power outage today, don't be afraid."

Then he pulled both of them inside.

As soon as Lu Xu was completely inside, Xue Ying immediately closed the door. The surroundings plunged into darkness. Startled by the unexpectedly closed door, Lu Xu let out a small scream and clung tightly to Rong Que, saying, "Are there really ghosts on Halloween, wuwuwu."

Before Rong Que could speak, the lights in the room suddenly lit up. Everyone shouted "Happy Birthday" together, holding various items in their hands. Streamers even fluttered in the air.

All the friends from kindergarten were there, and Li Haili sister was also present.

Everyone was smiling happily.

On the table, there was a two-tier birthday cake.

Qi Sui originally wanted to get a bigger cake, but considering there were only a few kids, they couldn't eat too much.

Lu Xu was pleasantly surprised, his small mouth slightly agape. Then, excitedly, he hugged Rong Que, "This is great! Everyone didn't forget our birthdays!"

Qi Sui laughed, "Who would forget? This is a surprise prepared for you. How is it? Surprised or not?"

Lu Xu nodded vigorously, "Xiao Lu loves surprises!"

Rong Que also smiled, "Happy birthday, Xiao Lu."

Saying this, he took a small box from his backpack, and everyone else also presented their prepared small gifts.

Qi Sui gave Lu Xu and Rong Que birthday crowns and asked them to blow out the candles and make a wish together.

As the candles lit up, the room dimmed again, leaving only the warm yellow glow from the candles swaying on Lu Xu and Rong Que's faces.

Qi Sui pressed the shutter button, capturing their first birthday celebration together.

The large villa already had many photos hanging on the walls. Each picture representing a meaningful moment was framed and hung up by Qi Sui, replacing those famous paintings he didn't appreciate.

This birthday photo would be added to the collection soon.

After making their wishes together, Qi Sui brought out a long knife for Lu Xu to cut the cake. Because it wasn't plastic, the knife had some weight to it.

Struggling, Lu Xu lifted it and hesitated when he wanted to cut through the center.

The very center featured a small doodle of him and Rong Que.

Lu Xu didn't want to separate himself from Rong Que. After careful consideration, he turned the knife horizontally, choosing to cut across his and Rong Que's lazy doodle waists.

This way, they wouldn't be separated.

Rong Que fell silent for a moment. Normally, he would try to keep the little figures intact.

After cutting two slices, Lu Xu felt a bit tired and handed the knife to Rong Que.

Even though Rong Que was a child too, he had better stamina.

He quickly divided the cake evenly and Qi Sui handed them out to everyone.

The cake was delicious, with a sweet filling inside, and the cream was also tasty. It wasn't too sweet, even if you took a bite.

Lu Xu had one piece and wanted more.

Although Rong Que usually kept a strict eye on Lu Xu's sugar intake, today was his birthday, so he cut another piece for him.

The children gathered around the table, enjoying their food, and it looked like a joyful scene.

After finishing the meal, they played together for a while before being picked up by their respective parents.

Qi Sui had been taking photos all along, and each picture looked like it would bring joy.

Back in the bedroom, Lu Xu found the bed filled with gifts. He willingly asked Qi Sui to record a video of him unwrapping the presents.

Qi Sui thought it was a great idea, perfect for updating his Weibo.

In front of the camera, Lu Xu, dressed in cute pumpkin pajamas, had just finished taking a bath, looking fresh and soft. A pair of rabbit ears swayed with his joyful movements.

Lu Xu took out the first gift, tilted his head, and then opened the box, revealing a pink ring.

Lu Xu paused for a moment and said, "Xiao Lu thinks this is a gift from Li Si classmate."

To confirm, he took out a greeting card from the box, and indeed, it was a gift from Li Si.

Lu Xu glanced at the greeting card filled with characters he didn't recognize and decided to put it back along with the ring.

He then unwrapped the second gift, revealing a baby bottle.

Furrowing his brows, Lu Xu said, "Xiao Lu doesn't need a baby bottle anymore; this must be a gift from Sister Hailii."

Indeed, there was a card with a fragrance similar to the perfume Hai Li used, confirming his guess.

Lu Xu opened the next gift, finding a fluffy hat inside. Considering the cooling weather, he thought, "This is from classmate Tao Yue, he always cares a lot."

And, as expected, the accompanying card was from Tao Yue.

The following gift revealed a small robot, undoubtedly from classmate Cai You.

Everyone had such distinct styles.

Lu Xu's unwrapping speed increased, and he grew curious about the gift from Brother Rong Que.

Opening the next one, he discovered a Lolita dress that Brother Qi Sui had bought for him.

The layers of the dress made it look like a princess gown.

Lu Xu widened his eyes in admiration, "It's so beautiful! Thank you, Brother Qi Sui."

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