The Evil Cub Surrounded by Reborn Ones- Chapter 44



Xue Ying's gift was a small telescope that could see faraway scenery, quite fitting for Xue Ying's personality of enjoying the excitement without getting too close to the crowd.

Finally, it was time to open the gift from Rong Que. Upon opening the small box, Lu Xu found an intricately folded piece of knitted fabric. There were beautiful golden threads intertwined, and a cute plush ball hung from the bottom. Delicate light-colored flowers adorned the surface.

Curiously, Lu Xu took it out, only to notice that Rong Que on the opposite side had a slightly flushed face.

After unfolding the knitted fabric, Lu Xu was a bit puzzled as he couldn't figure out what these two long strips were for. He tentatively asked Rong Que, "Did Brother knit socks for me?"

But why put a fluffy ball on the tip of the sock?

Rong Que blushed even more.

He fell silent for a moment and said, "I'm afraid your ears will get cold in winter, so I knitted rabbit ear protectors for you."

Lu Xu was stunned; he indeed thought his ears would be cold in winter.

He had never thought that someone would care about his ears.

Lu Xu happily smiled and said, "Thank you, Rong Que gege. I really like it. Rong Que gege, help me put it on."

Lu Xu's aesthetics had matured a lot, and the ear cover, with its golden thread and pink and white color scheme, wasn't that appealing.

The arrangement of the small flowers on it didn't quite match Deer Xu's taste.

But thinking that Rong Que gege had personally knitted it and put so much thought into it, Deer Xu felt deeply moved.

After Rong Que helped Deer Xu put it on, he could tie a bow at the base of the ears.

He didn't tie it too tight to avoid discomfort.

Lu Xu happily held his ears, touching the comfortable yarn, "So warm, I love it."

Rong Que finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Giving handmade gifts was risky.

It only made sense if the recipient liked it.

After recording the video, Qi Sui sent it to professional editors to trim unnecessary parts, add subtitles, and incorporate appropriate teasing expressions, turning it into a high-quality birthday vlog.

Lu Xu's Halloween outfits and poses were also recorded.

This video would be of excellent quality.

The highly efficient legal team had already organized the evidence and information.

They only needed to wait for the platform to obtain their information after filing the lawsuit.

The next day was the weekend, and as usual, the family of four would go out for some fun.

During lunch, Qi Sui suddenly asked Lu Xu to check the app where he posted his messages.

Lu Xu remembered that Rong Que mentioned leaving this matter to Qi Sui gege to handle.

Hearing this, he opened the app, and it was still familiar with 999+ notifications. However, this time there were many private messages.

Lu Xu clicked on each one, and each contained a video, all of them holding their own nicknames, apologizing.

He then clicked on his own post again and found that those people had also posted their videos in the comments. The post, which originally had just over 10,000 replies, had now reached nearly 100,000 replies due to the significant turn of events.

Later, the official account of the brand also replied in the comments, confirming that the blogger had purchased genuine products.

More and more people joined the spectators, and the public opinion completely turned against those who falsely accused the authenticity.

Lu Xu didn't feel the least bit sorry for them; they brought it upon themselves.

He closed the post, feeling even better.

The joyful birthday celebration from yesterday had almost made him forget about this incident.

Seeing it again now, it was a satisfying conclusion.

Lu Xu didn't reply or express forgiveness to them. Instead, he clicked to stop receiving notifications for this post, completely forgetting about the incident.

The joyful and fulfilling weekend quickly passed.

On Monday morning, like every other Monday, it was somewhat drowsy.

Since the weather had cooled down, Lu Xu was already wearing the bunny ear warm clothes that Rong Que had given him. His ears were warm, but his face was still a bit cold.

Lu Xu yawned and followed Rong Que back to the classroom.

Before the class started, Lu Xu couldn't resist lying down for a while, and Rong Que didn't wake him up.

As Lu Xu's head nestled into his arms, he felt a profound sense of drowsiness.

However, he didn't sleep for long before sensing someone shaking him.

Lu Xu frowned and looked up; it was Tao Yue.

Before he could ask what was wrong, he saw Tao Yue pointing to a direction outside the window.

Only then did Lu Xu suddenly realize that the person next to him wasn't Rong Que; it was Tao Yue. Why was Tao Yue here?

He turned his head to look and saw a cute little girl with two small bunny ears happily handing a small gift to Rong Que.

Rong Que didn't refuse, and with his back turned to Lu Xu, Lu Xu couldn't see the expression on the other person's face.

Tao Yue took the opportunity to ask, "Is this your friend?"

Lu Xu shook his head. For some reason, he made a displeased hum. He said to Tao Yue, "Can you help me take this off my ear? It's too hot."

Actually, it wasn't hot, as ears aren't that sensitive to heat. But for some unknown reason, he just didn't want to wear it.

Tao Yue didn't know this was a gift from Rong Que, so he did as Lu Xu asked. After taking it off, Lu Xu cherished it and put it in his small backpack. Then, he turned his head to look at Rong Que, who was still talking to the girl. Lu Xu, feeling upset, rested his head on the chair.

Aren't they best friends?

Why does Rong Que have friends that Lu Xu doesn't know about?

Feeling unhappy.

Lu Xu thought, closed his eyes, trying to shut out the unpleasant thoughts.

Not long after, someone passed by, bringing in a chilly breeze.

It was easy to guess that it was Rong Que who had just returned from outside.

Rong Que immediately noticed the missing ear warmers, but Lu Xu couldn't retrieve them himself.

Seeing that Lu Xu was in a deep sleep, Rong Que didn't want to disturb him. He planned to ask Lu Xu about it when he woke up. Besides, in the classroom, kids could easily mess with Lu Xu's things, but Cai You and the others were still around, so Rong Que wasn't too worried.

While Lu Xu was no longer tired from resting, he couldn't help but wonder why Rong Que didn't ask him about the ear warmers. Did Rong Que not care about them, or had he not noticed? Lu Xu felt increasingly annoyed, lying there without seeing or knowing anything.

Lu Xu became even more annoyed, so he abruptly sat up.

This startled Cai You (蔡由) who was sitting beside him. Cai You stared blankly at Lu Xu. Lu Xu, who was usually slow in everything he did, had surprised everyone with this sudden move. "What's wrong, Xiao Lu?," Cai You asked.

Lu Xu shook his head, but his actions of taking out the music book were not subtle.

It was apparent that he was putting in effort, but he didn't want to damage anything, nor did he want to make too much noise and disturb everyone. He seemed to be sulking in a somewhat pitiful manner.

Rong Que was also a bit confused. It was the first time he had seen Lu Xu like this.

He thought about sitting closer to ask, but Lu Xu immediately lifted the small chair under him and laboriously moved away, showing an unwillingness to communicate.

Rong Que felt that Lu Xu might be angry with him.

Was it because Lu Xu saw the little girl outside who had just given him a birthday present?

Trying to engage Lu Xu in conversation, Rong Que asked, "Is it too hot? Why did you take off the ear warmers?"

Lu Xu was sulking, but he also felt that staying silent wasn't a good idea. Saying that he wasn't hot seemed too deliberate and might hurt Rong Que's feelings.

After hesitating for a while, Lu Xu said heavily, "Hot!"

Rong Que reached out to hold Lu Xu's hand. Although Lu Xu immediately pulled away, he still felt the coolness. It was clearly cooler than in the morning.

Mother Rong Que, who had habitually come over, coaxed, "Your hands are so cold. Put on the ear warmers first."

Lu Xu's cold ears did indeed make his hands colder. However, he didn't want to wear them. He blew warm air on his hands and rubbed them. "Not cold."

Rong Que sighed, "Be good. It's okay to be angry, but don't make yourself cold. Where did you hide the ear warmers, Xiao Lu?"

"In my backpack," Lu Xu replied obediently.

However, he was still angry. He just didn't want to feel cold.

Rong Que went to fetch the ear warmers and slowly helped Lu Xu put them on.

On the side, Tao Yue understood. Lu Xu was definitely angry because of the little girl.

Cai You looked puzzled and said, "Xiao Lu, why do you keep taking off and putting on the ear warmers? It's not good to go from cold to hot like that."

Lu Xu's face turned somewhat shyly red, but he maintained a firm tone, "I got it."

Rong Que, satisfied after putting the ear warmers on Lu Xu, looked at the fluffy little bunny and smiled. He intended to explain what happened just now.

"That classmate heard it was my birthday, so she gave me a small box of cookies as a birthday gift. Xiao Lu, do you want to have some?" Because the little girl seemed shy, Rong Que didn't want to refuse her directly.

After Rong Que finished speaking, Lu Xu seemed even angrier. He frowned at Rong Que, then turned his head back to stare at the blackboard, sitting upright as if he was attentively waiting for class to start, even though it hadn't officially begun.

Rong Que glanced at the cookies and decided to give them to Cai You. Maybe Lu Xu didn't like cookies from other classmates. However, when Cai You was eating, Lu Xu gave a chilly look at the cookies in Cai You's hand, startling him into returning it immediately.

Taking back the unwanted "hot potato," Rong Que considered offering it to Tao Yue, but witnessing Lu Xu's reaction earlier made him think otherwise.

When the bell for class rang, Rong Que reluctantly put the cookie box away. He couldn't quite understand what Lu Xu was thinking.

For the first time, Lu Xu didn't doze off during the class break. He sat upright, attentively listening to a lecture, but whether he absorbed any of it was uncertain.

During the break, while snacks were being distributed, Lu Xu stayed at his seat, immersed in eating, showing no intention of engaging with anyone. Not even the usually carefree Cai You dared to approach him.

Rong Que took out the cookies and offered them to Lu Xu, saying, "Today's cookies are the dry kind you don't like. How about trying these? That classmate said they're for both of us."

Lu Xu lifted his head at the words, a hint of skepticism in his eyes, but his mood visibly improved a bit. "Really?" he asked.

Rong Que nodded, although it wasn't entirely true.

Lu Xu stared at Rong Que for a few seconds, making Rong Que feel a bit nervous under his gaze. Then, Lu Xu turned away with a more agitated expression. "I don't believe it. Otherwise, why would you give it to Cai You?"

Cai You, who was mentioned, fearfully excused himself to go to the restroom – this wasn't his concern. It was Rong Que who gave him the cookie.

Throughout the morning, during every break, Lu Xu didn't give Rong Que a chance to start a conversation. He found reasons to dismiss whatever Rong Que said. However, due to his anger, Lu Xu seemed unusually focused on his studies, escaping any reprimands from the teachers.

On the other hand, Rong Que, preoccupied with his own thoughts, received a few warnings from the teachers.

Fortunately, during lunchtime, Lu Xu and Rong Que walked together. However, Lu Xu walked unusually fast today, his little feet practically flying.

Cai You thought Lu Xu hadn't eaten the cookie and was too hungry.

Rong Que caught up, but Lu Xu walked even more vigorously.

Worried that Lu Xu might walk too fast and fall, Rong Que could only follow a meter behind.

Unfortunately, Rong Que's concerns came true. Lu Xu, walking ahead, suddenly fell to the ground, and at the same time, a seemingly insignificant little stone rolled out.

Lu Xu often tripped while walking, but Rong Que could usually prevent it by holding his hand.

This time, being far away, Rong Que had to run over to help Lu Xu up.

Lu Xu's eyes were red, appearing quite aggrieved. Unable to hold back, he blamed Rong Que for not sticking close to him. If he had been nearby, Lu Xu might not have fallen.

It seemed like Rong Que still didn't care that much about him.

Lu Xu was extremely angry. Regardless of being outdoors, he wiped his face, healing the injuries on his body, and then, with a huff, he said, "Belated affection is cheaper than grass."

Still falling down and then coming to help—what's the use!!!

Anyway, Xiao Lu had self-healing abilities!

Seeing Lu Xu on the verge of tears, Rong Que thought the fall must have hurt a lot. He quickly wanted to hug Lu Xu, comforting him, "Be good, blowing on it won't hurt anymore, falling down makes you taller."

Lu Xu, like a rebellious cat, shook off Rong Que's embrace and continued walking toward the cafeteria.

While waiting in line at the window, Rong Que stood behind Lu Xu. When Lu Xu glared at him, Rong Que obediently kept a gap of one person.

Unexpectedly, they encountered a kid cutting in line.

Usually, Rong Que would be the one to speak up in such situations.

However, today, Rong Que thought Lu Xu, who seemed angry, wouldn't care whether he was behind or not. Perhaps, keeping a one-person distance would be enough to avoid making Lu Xu angrier.

But Lu Xu unexpectedly turned around and firmly confronted the line cutter.

The kid who cut in line felt a chill running down his spine and quickly switched to another queue.

Lu Xu, having made his point, gave Rong Que a defiant look, as if demonstrating a protest. Then, he turned back to continue waiting in line.

At this point, Rong Que found it somewhat amusing. Even if Lu Xu was still angry, he didn't want anyone to be between them.

During the meal, Lu Xu sat alone at a considerable distance. However, Rong Que, still holding his tray, followed him and sat together as usual.

Lu Xu shifted his seat a bit, but in reality, he didn't move too far away. 

Rong Que, as usual, picked out pieces of meat for Lu Xu, who ate it without expressing any intent to forgive him.

Lu Xu felt that he was simply accustomed to having Rong Que around. His actions were just a way of maintaining his habits and not wanting to change them.

During nap time, Lu Xu still obediently went to sleep on Rong Que's bed. Lu Xu didn't want Rong Que to have nightmares. However, before lying down, Lu Xu made an effort to press down the blanket, attempting to create a trench between them.

Seeing a clear boundary on the blanket, Lu Xu lay down and covered himself, turning his back to Rong Que.

Rong Que effortlessly crossed the "river" on the blanket and wanted to hug Lu Xu to soothe him. However, he saw Lu Xu sitting up abruptly, going to his own bed, and bringing the blanket back, determined to create a clear divide between them.

However, the edge of the bed was a bit high, and Lu Xu almost got toppled by the blanket.

Although Rong Que didn't want to sleep with a divided blanket, he obediently helped out.

After Lu Xu managed to get the blanket up, he climbed onto the bed himself and coldly said that Rong Que didn't need to help. Then he covered himself with the blanket and went to sleep.

However, Lu Xu wasn't good at arranging the blanket, and it ended up wrinkled, with his little feet exposed.

Seeing Lu Xu's chilly feet, Rong Que found them quite cute. However, he couldn't bear to let Lu Xu catch a cold, so he got up to help tidy the blanket.

Lu Xu thought that Rong Que wanted to sleep together, so he forcefully pulled the blanket and turned around. However, he realized that Rong Que had just covered his feet.

Lu Xu became even more sulky, thinking that Rong Que didn't actively come to sleep with him, and it seemed that Xiao Lu was no longer needed.


Rong Que had something on his mind and kept his eyes closed without falling asleep. After a while, he felt some movement on Lu Xu's side.

Rong Que opened his eyes slightly and saw Lu Xu slowly moving towards him. Initially, he thought Lu Xu was dreaming, so he planned to lift the blanket to let Lu Xu in. However, he noticed that Lu Xu was biting his lip, and his eyebrows were furrowed.

It seemed like he was pretending to be asleep.

Considering this, Rong Que decided to play along and pretended to be asleep. If Lu Xu was caught, he would probably be even angrier.

After struggling for a while, Lu Xu finally rolled into Rong Que's blanket.

Feeling Lu Xu's breath spraying on his face, as if observing whether he was asleep, Rong Que remained completely unresponsive.

Then he heard Lu Xu let out a sigh of relief, gently patting his chest, looking quite nervous. Following that, Lu Xu gently lifted Rong Que's hand and placed it on his own body.

Rong Que wanted to laugh a little, but fearing that Lu Xu might get angry, he had to hold it in.

After completing this series of small actions, Lu Xu turned over with Rong Que's arm on top, facing away from him. In this position, it appeared as if Rong Que had voluntarily come to hug him in his sleep.

Feeling the person pressed against him bringing a slight chill, Rong Que pretended to be asleep and unintentionally tightened his embrace a bit more.

Lu Xu nervously turned his head to check if Rong Que was awake. Seeing that Rong Que was still seemingly asleep, he continued to rest.

When awakened by the afternoon nap bell, instead of getting up immediately, Rong Que opened his eyes and saw Lu Xu, who suddenly turned around, looking angry, saying, "I told you not to touch me."

Rong Que:...

He originally thought Lu Xu's various actions were simply an attempt to sleep close to him. It turns out Lu Xu was waiting for him.

Next, Lu Xu, still upset, insisted on putting on socks by himself, ending up with a crooked attire. He then combed a ponytail resembling a chicken nest, put on clothes, and struggled with buttons for a while.

While Rong Que was ready and waiting, Lu Xu still refused his help.

Little Lu Xu's heart, a needle at the bottom of the sea, life is not easy, Rong Que sighed.

During the afternoon outdoor activities, Lu Xu still went to swing on the swings as usual. However, this time, he called Cai You and Tao Yue to sit on the swings while he pushed both of them with some force, venting his frustration.

The poor two were pushed so hard they dared not touch the ground.

Watched by the teacher, Qi Sui and Xue Ying, the outdoor activities ended without major incidents. However, Lu Xu still wore a dissatisfied expression, pouting his small mouth.

The frustration was carried over to the end of the school day. Usually, the two of them would wait together at the school gate, hand in hand, for Qi Sui or Xue Ying to pick them up.

But today, Lu Xu chose to stand alone next to Teacher Li, and whenever Rong Que approached, he moved to the other side. Helplessly, Rong Que waited until Lu Xu's anger subsided before attempting to talk to him. He stood there obediently, wearing a face of resignation.

Teacher Li, feeling like a human pillar, had witnessed many quarrels among the children but never encountered such a tense situation where no one was willing to answer questions. Unlike other children who were usually willing to report their grievances, this time, communication seemed impossible.

When Qi Sui arrived, Teacher Li handed the two children over to him, signaling with her eyes that there was a little dispute between them.

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