The Evil Cub Surrounded by Reborn Ones- Chapter 42



Lu Xu carefully carried his candy basket all the way, even planning to hold it while getting food.

When kids asked him for candy, he would pretend to grab some on the surface, then, after making sure it wasn't exposed, he handed it to them.

Upon reaching the cafeteria, they discovered that it was also decorated with a Halloween atmosphere, featuring cute ghosts hanging around.

There was a massive pumpkin gate, and "Happy Halloween" was written in English.

Lu Xu couldn’t read English, but the golden letters looked nice.

Many people were taking photos, and Lu Xu also carried his small basket, waiting for Rong Que to take a picture for him.

Once inside the cafeteria, there was no need to queue at the food window; they didn't have to serve themselves today.

The food was already arranged on the tables, each dish covered with an orange tablecloth, creating a Halloween atmosphere.

There were pumpkin-shaped cookies and Halloween devil porridge.

Chapter 42

More than ten people gathered around the assembled long table, with a particularly large pizza in the center and various fried foods on both sides.

Around them were Halloween-themed desserts and fruits.

Each child had a small plate, a cup of juice, and disposable gloves in front of them. After putting on the gloves, they could start eating.

Lu Xu placed his basket at his feet and obediently put on the gloves.

When all the classmates were seated, the teacher said they could start, and the eating began.

The table immediately became lively. With over ten kids, the atmosphere was chaotic and noisy.

Many children stood up to get things from the center, but Lu Xu felt embarrassed and only ate the food in front of him.

Rong Que watched Lu Xu nibbling on fruits like a little rabbit for a while and decided to stand up to get some main dishes from the center.

He could endure his own hunger, but he couldn't let the child go hungry.

Lu Xu took the pizza from Rong Que with a joyful "Thank you, Rong Que gege" and continued eating.

He started from the top, nibbling from the small tip.

When he reached the crust, Lu Xu sneakily glanced around and discreetly set it aside.

The crust was too hard; he didn't like it.

Rong Que then gave Lu Xu several cookies and some fries.

Lu Xu ate while drinking juice and quickly felt full.

When Rong Que saw Lu Xu wiping his mouth with a tissue, he also stopped eating.

The two of them finished quite early today.

Mainly because Rong Que didn't have to pick out the lean meat to feed Lu Xu, and there was no need for him to eat too many of these snacks.

Lu Xu carried his basket and returned to the dormitory with Rong Que.

When sleeping, Lu Xu placed the basket on the floor beside the bed.

This way, he could take it out when Rong Que gege was asleep.

Rong Que knew that there were probably gifts in Lu Xu's basket. So, when it was time to sleep, he deliberately gave Lu Xu the chance and quickly closed his eyes, pretending to be asleep.

Lu Xu squinted for a while, almost falling asleep himself. Finally feeling safe, he hung over the bed rail, searching for the small box in the basket.

However, as soon as he moved the candies, there was a rustling sound of plastic.

Although not loud, the sneaky Lu Xu felt it was extremely piercing.

Lu Xu felt like cold sweat was about to come out. He cautiously looked back.

Rong Que was still, and the other classmates were also still. Li Laoshi, who was playing with her phone at the door, didn't notice anything.

Lu Xu's tense heart finally relaxed a bit. This time, he reached directly into the basket, felt the box, and immediately took it out and laid it down.

There was almost no sound at all.

After making sure no one had woken up, Lu Xu secretly placed the small box at Rong Que's belly.

When Rong Que wakes up, he would think it's an egg laid by himself.

Lu Xu, who had watched many cartoons, was very confident in this idea.

After doing all this, Lu Xu obediently lay down and went to sleep.

In his dreams, he imagined the surprise on Rong Que's face when he discovered the "laid egg."

Only after Lu Xu fell asleep did Rong Que open his eyes.

He glanced at the small box in front of his belly, somewhat puzzled about Lu Xu's intention.

However, since Lu Xu wanted to give him a surprise, it would be better not to open the box prematurely.

Thinking so, Rong Que carefully moved the box a little to prevent accidentally pressing on it.

After a while, when the wake-up bell rang, Lu Xu vaguely opened his eyes.

Lu Xu usually has very good sleep habits, but because he stayed up a bit late today, he felt exceptionally tired.

He was so tired that he couldn't even keep his eyes open.

Seeing Lu Xu so exhausted, Rong Que suggested that he could sleep a bit more, and Rong Que would wake him up when all the girls finished braiding their hair.

Upon hearing this, Lu Xu, satisfied, closed his eyes.

However, as soon as he closed his eyes, he remembered today's important task!!

Lu Xu quickly sat up, but the sudden movement made his head spin for a moment.

Rong Que, who had just sat up, was startled and supported Lu Xu, saying, "Don't be in such a hurry."

Lu Xu nodded and then casually said, "Today, let Xiao Lu fold the blankets!"

Then, he went to lift the blankets.

In the place where Rong Que had just been lying, there was a luxurious and precious little box.

Lu Xu opened his mouth in surprise, "Wow, Rong Que gege, did you lay an egg too!"

In Lu Xu's view, a gift worth fifty thousand yuan would indeed be surprising, but saying it laid an egg might not convey the intended excitement.

This was an idea he had thought about for a long time this morning.

While watching "Guardian of the Egg Sweetheart," he had an intense desire for his own egg.

Every morning, he would secretly glance at the bed.

Although he couldn't have one for himself, making Rong Que gege happy was also good!

Lu Xu's voice was not small, and at this moment, as everyone was just waking up, many people looked over.

Rong Que was momentarily stunned, then awkwardly smiled, "What egg?"

Lu Xu took out the precious gift box like a treasure, "It's still warm!"

Tao Yue quickly finished dressing and came over to join the commotion. He was eager to see Rong Que embarrassed.

However, when Rong Que took the "egg" and saw the logo on the packaging, he realized that this thing was not cheap.

Lu Xu eagerly widened his eyes and said, "Quickly open it, Rong Que gege."

Upon hearing this, Rong Que unbuttoned the box in front of him, and the box slowly opened on its own.

Inside, a dazzling butterfly-shaped brooch was revealed.

It was delicately designed and beautiful, but it was still a butterfly.

A small card fell out beside it. Rong Que picked up the card and found a drawing of his phone wallpaper – a casual group photo taken with Lu Xu at the end of the comic exhibition.

However, Lu Xu seemed to think he liked the photo because of the bunny girl, so he had drawn his ears to look more like the bunny girl's image.

Rong Que was deeply moved. He pinned the brooch to his chest. Although it was in the shape of a butterfly, its intricate design made it not seem gender-specific.

Lu Xu seemed to have a good sense of aesthetics.

Rong Que turned around, looked at Tao Yue who had been enjoying his embarrassment, and smiled, asking, "Is it beautiful?"

Since it was a gift from Lu Xu, Tao Yue couldn't say it wasn't beautiful, but praising it would be a blow to him.

In the end, Tao Yue snorted and left.

Rong Que turned back to Lu Xu and said, "Thank you for the gift, Xiao Lu."

Lu Xu widened his eyes. Didn't he say it was an egg? How did Rong Que know it was his gift?

Oh! It must be that painting that exposed him.

Lu Xu felt a bit regretful, but seeing that Rong Que seemed genuinely happy and liked the gift, he forgot about the misunderstanding.

Lu Xu took a close-up photo of the brooch, planning to reply to those who had mocked him.

When he opened the post, Lu Xu saw the 999+ message notifications.

Clicking in, he found that the comments section was even more chaotic.

Some people felt that he looked like a child and there was no need for malicious speculation.

However, the most popular comment had already been pushed to the top: "The OP is really pretending. Predicting the next step and sending fake goods to self-confirm."

Lu Xu thought for a moment and decided to reply to the post, pinning his comment at the top, "Given to a good friend, and he really likes it!"

As soon as he posted it, Lu Xu's pinned comment received a reply.

"The top comment accurately predicted it, hahaha! Isn't it awkward to give a knockoff as a gift?"

Lu Xu was puzzled, not understanding why these people kept saying he bought knockoffs. Fortunately, there seemed to be knowledgeable people in the comments, confirming that it was an authentic item.

However, others didn't believe it. The person who claimed it was genuine was even ridiculed, with people saying he was just claiming it without evidence and that they had bought the same brand, but it didn't shine like that. They insisted it was clearly the effect of plastic rhinestones.

Lu Xu didn't understand these terms. After thinking for a moment, he handed the phone to Rong Que. He hadn't told Rong Que about the post in order to keep the gift a secret.

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  1. who gave him unrestricted access to internet, they need parental block


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