The Beautiful Brother of the Orion’s Family (Wearing Book) - 67


| TBBOTOF | 67

"At the start of the third watch, the heat gradually subsides, yet with the arrival of the beginning of autumn." - Tang Qi Ji.

Although the temperatures gradually cool down after the beginning of autumn, it also brings with it the absence of rain, dry heat, gusty winds, and swirling dust. 

While others are busy working in the fields, Tang Xu spends his days experimenting with food at home. 

It's worth mentioning that the business with the cold noodles from the restaurant has resumed recently, selling five hundred portions every day. Tang Xu doesn't do much each day, but with his share of the cold noodles business, he earns a net profit of six hundred wen.

Luo Pingping and Wei Zhonghong are both farm women who spend most of their time cooking in the kitchen. Not to boast, but they have a knack for making dough, and after practicing just two or three times, they can make evenly thick cold noodles.

They don't need to wake up early to wash their faces; by the time the rooster crows, most of the cold noodles are already steamed, and they can quickly prepare breakfast for the family.

Ever since they started the cold noodle business, there's no need for their daughter-in-laws to worry about breakfast anymore; she's instructed them to focus on other tasks.

Before Luo Pingping could say anything, her mother-in-law, Wu Guizhi, had already admonished her two daughters-in-law who had recently entered the house, saying that the cold noodle business was a filial gift from Tang Xu to his grandparents. 

Seeing that the grandparents were too old to handle it themselves, he had asked Luo Pingping to take over. They didn't want any money from the earnings, as they were content with Tang Xu's filial piety.

She said this as a reminder, no one should be curious about how these cold noodles are made. If anyone dares to sneakily learn the method and leak it out, don't blame her for being unfriendly. Her family doesn't tolerate outsiders meddling in their affairs!

The two new daughters-in-law were frightened and pale. When they were still girls at home, their relatives had mentioned that Tang Dahu's wife had a decent temperament and was easy to get along with. 

However, the old lady in that family had always been difficult to deal with, and her temper had only worsened with age. She wasn't easy to get along with.

After entering the house, they didn't approach the old lady. They usually stayed in the newly built house, even though they were all in the same courtyard. They only sat at the same table during meals.

To be honest, they didn't find the old lady unreasonable. They admired her dedication when they saw her making shoes for Tang Xu with great care, stitch by stitch. They even thought she was quite charitable, as she still remembered her married grandson even after he left.

However, now that filter shattered by just a couple of remarks from the old lady. They felt unjustified but they could act as nothing had even happened, even though they were already being blamed.

Unexpectedly, the old lady's tone suddenly shifted, and she scolded the men in the house, saying, "When you go out gossiping with others, make sure to keep your mouths shut tight! If you let slip anything that could hinder Xu Ge'er from making money, beware of Dongzi coming after you."

Several men shivered simultaneously.

The two new daughters-in-law exchanged a furtive glance, both seeing astonishment in each other's eyes. They were surprised by the implication behind the old lady's words: Tang Xu, a married ger, held such a high position in her heart?

Luo Pingping particularly understood her mother-in-law. Ever since they helped Tang Xu trick the Wei family out of five taels of silver a while ago, and she and her mother-in-law each received one tael as hard-earned money, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law had silently agreed that no matter what, they must be extremely affectionate towards Tang Xu.

That child was too clever for his own good.

On the day of the beginning of spring, Tang Xu finally ventured out. As for Wei Dong, he hadn't had a moment's rest since returning from the tiger hunt last time.

He went to the mountains to dig up fruit trees, back and forth several times, planting several kinds of fruit trees on the half hillside in the yard. He also went to dig up a lot of mandrakes and planted them along the wall on the mountain.

Originally Tang Xu didn't know about this, it was when Wei Xi went up the mountain to cut pigweed that he saw some beautiful flowers, and he told Tang Xu when he came back.

Tang Xu was almost scared to death, grabbing Wei Xi and asking if he had touched them.

Wei Xi said he hadn't seen those flowers, they looked too beautiful, so he didn't dare touch them.

Tang Xu had to admire the sensitivity of this child at certain times, admonishing him not to touch them, as they were poisonous.

Then when Wei Dong came back, he asked why he brought back mandrakes to raise, estimating that they wouldn't survive.

Wei Dong's answer was simple, if they couldn't survive, so be it, but if they did, they could be sold to the pharmacy, as they collected the fruits with thorns.

"Xiao Xi!" Tang Xu knocked on the door of the eastern wing, "Are you ready?"

Wei Xi pushed open the door and came out with a smile, "Brother-in-law, are we leaving now?" 

Tang Xu nodded, adjusted the bamboo basket on his back, "I'm ready, let's go."

Wei Xi reached out to pull him, "Then let's go quickly."

Where were they going? They were going to Tang Erhu's house!

It was almost time for dumplings on the first day of autumn!

Yesterday afternoon, his father sent two bags of sorghum rice. Following Tang Xu's request, he didn't shell them, just packed the ears in sacks. 

At that time, the father and son were chatting, and Tang Erhu casually mentioned eating together the next day for the first day of autumn. Tang Xu could easily tell that his father was longing for it. He immediately agreed to go back early.

Then Tang Erhu happily drove the cow cart away, so today Tang Xu and Wei Xi went out early.

Wei Dong wasn't there. He had left early in the morning, saying it wasn't good to visit his father-in-law's house empty-handed. He went to the town to buy two jars of good wine, so he could have a drink with his father-in-law.

Tang Xu knew he was just looking for an excuse to have a drink, so he didn't stop him.

The two of them strolled along the road leisurely, meeting many people along the way.

In the village, many people knew that Wei Xiaoyuan's wife went to find Wei Dong to ask for money, but ended up injuring Tang Xu instead. She even had to compensate Wei Dong with five taels of silver.

Now seeing Tang Xu walking slowly on the village road, people were curious about him.

They heard he had hurt his waist and couldn't walk, but now it seemed he had almost recovered from resting at home recently, just walking a bit slower. Some people asked him with a tone of goodwill, "Tang Xu, are you feeling better? Weren't you supposed to rest? Why are you out now? You recovered so quickly."

Tang Xu could easily discern the hidden meaning behind their words, but he politely smiled and replied, "Doctor Xu said I should move around more once the pain is gone, otherwise I'll get stiff lying on the kang all the time. So I'm just taking a leisurely stroll as per his advice. It's fine to walk slowly, but if I walk too fast, it still hurts a bit."

"Yes, yes, after hurting your waist and legs, you need to move around more, or else you'll get stiff from lying down."

"Where are you heading? What are you carrying on your back?"

Tang Xu replied with a smile, "It's the first day of autumn today, and my father asked us to come home for dinner. Auntie and Uncle, you guys are busy, so I'll take Xiao Xi and leave first. I walk slowly, so I won't delay anymore time."

As soon as they left, some people started gossiping.

"Who knows if that injury is real or fake? Maybe there's nothing wrong, just pretending to be seriously injured to ask for money!" This person hit the nail on the head.

But just thinking like this didn't help, as most people disagreed with this.

"You can't stand to see others doing well, no wonder your husband dislikes you. A young man was pushed and fell right at his doorstep, and you still speak ill of him. I really don't understand what you're thinking."

"That's right. I saw it that day. Chen Xiufen used a lot of force. She pushed Tang Xu so hard that the palm of his hands turned red in an instant."

"I saw it later. He came back from town with a bunch of medicine packs. The herbalist said that half of the medicine was for Wei Xi, and the other half for Tang Xu. Who would take medicine for no reason? It's not like people think it's sweet water and love to drink it, and herbal medicine is not cheap."

"Only people with brain problems would take medicine. Just smelling it makes me feel bitter. If you think he's pretending, why don't you try pretending yourself and see if you're willing to spend money to buy medicine."

"Who would pretend? Tang Xu is losing five taels of silver, and the herbalist said that the medicine he's drinking alone would cost twenty or thirty taels."

"Oh my, Tang Xu is so kind-hearted. If it were me, I'd definitely ask for everything in her family for compensation!"

"If it weren't for Xu Ge'er 's husband knowing he's not that kind of person, he probably would've given up on living." 

"As for Old Wei, who would fancy him with those eyes? She's just too possessive." 

"Exactly, who would want someone so old? What can they do at that age?"

"Hahaha, shush, keep it down. Let me tell you guys, that young wife from someone's family has hooked up with a young guy who's not even married yet. Talk about being young, he's got so much energy. They say she could barely get up from bed the next day!"

"How do you know so much? Do you have a young lover too?" 

"You're dead wrong. She bragged to me herself!" 

"Who is it? Do we know them?" 

"Of course we do. I can't tell you who it is. If you spread it around, how can I face people?"

The voices behind them grew fainter. Tang Xu thought to himself that he was lucky his house was at the foot of the mountain, and his neighbors were far away. 

Otherwise, if the noises he and Wei Dong made on the bed, someone might hear and spread rumors about them.

He and Wei Xi leisurely walked to the front village. Tang Erhu knew that Tang Xu liked to eat boiled maize, so he specially got up early to cut a few tender ones from the maize field and brought them back to boil in a pot.

The courtyard gate was open, and the sweet smell of boiled maize wafted in the air, sometimes strong, sometimes faint.

Tang Xu sniffed and turned to Wei Xi with a smile, "Let's go, the maize is ready!"

Tang Yang was watering the vegetables in the courtyard. When he saw the two of them coming in, he threw down the water ladle and rushed over, but Tang Xu held him back. "Ah Yang, my back hurts lately. Don't rush at me. If I can't stand steady, we'll both fall."

Acting from start to finish.

Tang Yang quickly straightened up, supporting him anxiously, and asked, "Brother, are you okay?" 

Tang Xu smiled and patted his cheek. "I'm fine. Where's Dad and Ah Li?"

"Big sister is feeding the pigs behind the house, dad went to grandpa's place, and big uncle's wife heard that you guys are coming over for dinner today, so she asked dad to bring you the share of copper coins."

They agreed to divide it once every ten days. At the old Tang family house, Tang Erhu took a bag of copper coins and was about to leave but was stopped by his mother.

"What's the rush?" Wu Guizhi was holding a bag of freshly roasted melon seeds, still warm, and stuffed it into his arms, saying, "Xu Ge'er likes the ones I roast, take them to him."

"He can roast them himself at home. What are you busy with on such a hot day?" Tang Erhu said, but still took the bag.

Wu Guizhi glared at him. "He doesn't have time to roast them himself. There are always so many things to do at home every day, and you, as his father, don't care about him."

Tang Erhu felt wronged.

"Is there anything else, Mom? If not, I'll just go back. Xu Ge'er should be here soon." According to his understanding of his own child, he would probably help make lunch, and maybe he had already finished breakfast at home and was on his way over.

Wu Guizhi waved her hand dismissively and said with disdain, "Just go, go. Such a bothersome thing."

Tang Erhu sighed, feeling mentally exhausted.

As he had just stepped out of the gate of his parents house and hadn't walked five steps, he was stopped by his rarely seen younger brother, Tang Sanhu. 

Tang Erhu turned around and waited for his brother to approach before asking, "What's the matter?"

Tang Sanhu glanced around, then pulled his brother to the side of the wall. "Brother, I have something to ask you," he said, looking at his brother and gesturing for privacy.

Tang Erhu looked at him, indicating for him to speak.

Tang Sanhu's expression was a mix of hesitation and impatience. He paced back and forth in place, scuffing his grass shoes on the ground.

Tang Erhu was puzzled. What did he mean by not speaking when he had something to ask?

"If you don't speak, I'll leave. Xu Ge'er is still waiting for me at home," Tang Erhu said as he lifted his foot to leave but was pulled back.

Tang Erhu's temper flared up.

Tang Sanhu sighed and said, "I feel embarrassed to ask."

"If you feel embarrassed, then don't ask," Tang Erhu said, shaking his hand and walking away. 

Tang Sanhu quickly pulled him back, "No no no, I'll talk, I'll talk."

Tang Erhu looked at him with a stern face.

"Xiu Er heard that our sister-in-law learned how to make liangpi (cold noodles) from Xu Ge'er, and they earn quite a few copper coins every day. She also wants to learn," Tang Sanhu said, lacking confidence in his own words.

Although he loved his wife, he was aware that there was really not much interaction between his family and his brother's family, especially after Xu Ge'er rescued Ah Yang from the river, his wife didn't even go over to see the two children.

Tang Erhu frowned after listening.

Seeing his brother looking at him with a worried expression, Tang Erhu sighed.

He patted his brother's shoulder and said, "Telling me won't help. If your wife wants to learn to make liangpi to make money, she needs to talk to Xu Ge'er, but I don't think this will work out."

Tang Sanhu, thinking of his heavily pregnant wife making a fuss at home, could only lower his face and say, "Brother, you know, Xiu Er is about to give birth soon, and the eldest child(ger) has said he wants to marry. I really don't have much money in hand. Xiu Er suggested that we should also learn, at least to save up some money for the future."

Tang Erhu empathized with Tang Sanhu, but he truly couldn't be of much help.

"Here's what you can do. Why don't you come with me and ask Xu Ge'er yourself? No matter how much you say, it won't make a difference. You should hear it from him," Tang Erhu suggested. 

After some thought, Tang Sanhu gritted his teeth and nodded, "Alright."

He figured that even if he had to swallow his pride and ask, after all, he was still Xu Ge'er 's third uncle. Could Xu Ge'er really refuse to give him face?

As it turned out, Tang Xu really could.

He sat in the courtyard, munching on corn, while Wei Xi and Tang Yang sat beside him, equally enjoying their corn.

Tang Yang said, "Brother Xi, the corn grown by my dad is so sweet."

Wei Xi replied, "Yeah, Uncle Tang is really good at farming!"

Tang Yang then asked, "Brother Xi, when will you start studying? Can I learn with you?"

Wei Xi agreed enthusiastically, "Sure, sure! I think we'll start studying when it gets cold."

After saying this, the two younger ones turned to look at Tang Xu.

Tang Xu nodded, grunted in acknowledgment, swallowed the corn in his mouth, and then said, "After the autumn harvest, your brother said he'd invite the old scholar from the village to teach at home. If Ah Yang wants to learn too, he can come over every day, and Dad will drive the ox cart to take you."

Tang Yang vigorously nodded, "Brother, I will definitely study hard!" 

Then he recounted the incident from a few days ago when Tang Rui came back and caused a stir for two days. Tang Xu and Wei Xi listened with dreamy expressions.

"Dad took Ah Rui to work in the fields for two days and scared him away?" Tang Xu chuckled. "Why did Dad do that?"

"He didn't say anything. I don't know why Big Brother did that. He's the most leisurely one at home, just studying and doing nothing else with the money he has. He's never satisfied," Tang Yang said, tossing the corn husks he had finished chewing into the basket used for firewood. "Dad was really angry."

Tang Xu wiped his face, removing the corn husks stuck to it, "Don't worry about those things. If you really want to learn, just follow the teacher's instructions."

"Dad and big sister both support me. Big sister even said she would work hard to earn money to support my education," Tang Yang said, holding his face with a grin. "I'm so smart, I'm sure I can learn exceptionally well!"

Wei Xi nodded, "Yes, little brother Yang is very clever. I will study hard too!"

Tang Xu patted each of their heads, "Alright, after the autumn harvest, we'll find someone to teach you."

"Brother, do we need to steam these dried fish before frying them?" Tang Li popped her head out from the kitchen, holding two dried fish and comparing them to him. "Or can we just fry them directly in oil?"

"It's fine either way, let's just fry them in oil," Tang Xu said, getting up to help, but Tang Li stopped him. "Brother, don't move. Come in later to help wrap dumplings. I'll prepare the other dishes first."

"Do we have preserved meat? Slice some preserved meat and steam it. Your brother-in-law went to buy wine. Just prepare a couple of cold dishes to go with it," Tang Xu said, and then he saw Tang Li nodding and pointing behind him.

Thinking it was Wei Dong coming back, Tang Xu turned around in excitement, but instead saw his father entering from outside the courtyard, with Tang Sanhu behind him. 

Tang Xu signaled to Tang Yang, "Take your brother Xi inside for some water."

Wei Xi also obediently got up, calling out "Uncle Tang" to Tang Erhu, and then he was pulled inside by Tang Yang.

Tang Erhu also exchanged glances with Tang Xu and made a gesture with his mouth towards his back.

Tang Xu blinked and went over with a smile, saying, "Dad, Uncle San is here. We'll be making dumplings later, and Uncle San will take a plate back for Aunt San."

Tang Sanhu's smile looked stiff on his face, and he swallowed uncomfortably.

"Your Uncle San has something to discuss with you," Tang Erhu said, handing over the bag of roasted melon seeds he was holding to Tang Xu, and gesturing towards another bag, "Take it all back later." His implication was that the share from here was also included.

Tang Xu smiled in agreement, and he opened the bag in his hand, looking surprised, "Did Grandma roast these for me? Grandma's roasted melon seeds are so fragrant." 

After saying this, he grabbed a handful of melon seeds and handed them to Tang Sanhu, asking, "Uncle San, what do you want from me?"

Tang Sanhu hesitated for a moment, seeing Tang Xu staring at him, rubbing his hands with a flushed face, he finally spoke up, "It's your Aunt San, she wants to ask if you could also teach her how to make liangpi to sell." 

Tang Xu raised an eyebrow, there was hardly any suspense, it was within his expectations.

Tang Sanhuo looked at Tang Xu's expression and asked with a forced tone, "Xu Ge'er , do you think this could work out?"

Tang Xu sighed softly and shook his head, "Uncle San, it's not that I don't want to help you make money, but if there's too much competition at the restaurant, they won't be able to sell all of it. Besides, the weather is gradually getting colder. Liangpi sells well in the summer, but it won't sell as well in the cold weather."

Tang Sanhu persisted, "What about next year? Liangpi can be sold again next summer."

Tang Xu smiled lightly and shook his head at him, "Uncle San, you're talking about next year. How do I know if the restaurant will still accept my products next year?"

"My wife has been nagging at me at home, crying every day, saying that we don't have enough money to raise the children," Tang Sanhu wiped his face, feeling embarrassed even as he spoke, his face burning with embarrassment.

Tang Xu tilted his head, puzzled. "Didn't we have a good harvest this year? How can you not afford to raise your children?" 

Tang Sanhuo was rendered speechless by his question.

Seeing his discomfort, Tang Xu advised, "Uncle San, go back and talk to Aunt San. If we can continue selling next year, it's not too late for her to learn then."

Tang Sanhu felt bitter in his mouth.

Two months later his child will be born. The two elder ones will get married, leaving behind a half-grown daughter at home, with so much work to do that there was simply no time to make liangpi. He had heard that making it required getting up early.

"Xu Ge'er, where's Dongzi?" Tang Erhu came out of the house and saw them still standing there. Seeing his brother's bad expression, he asked, "Did you finish talking?"

Tang Xu nodded, "Yes, we're done. I told Uncle San that if we can do it next year, we'll let Aunt San give it a try. Wei Dong went to town. He'll be back soon. Dad, why didn't you go to work in the field today?"

"I'm taking a day off. The seeds in the dry fields have sprouted. I'll take Ah Yang to weed the field tomorrow," Tang Erhu said.

Seeing that the father and son were engaged in conversation, Tang Sanhu couldn't just stand there. He said, "I'll head back now, Eldest brother. I'll ask Xu Ge'er about this matter again and check with the restaurant later."

Tang Xu responded with an acknowledgment, "Okay, I'll ask again, but I don't think it'll work out. Uncle San, wait here for a bit longer. I'll start wrapping dumplings soon."

"No need, no need. You guys eat. I'll leave," Tang Sanhu waved his hand and turned to leave. 

After he had left, Tang Erhu's face turned dark, and he muttered angrily, "Li Xiu isn't much better than Liu Xiangxiang. Whenever she sees someone making money, she gets jealous. Just ignore her."

“Uncle San is stuck in the middle,”Tang Xu thought to himself. "I didn't really want to deal with her in the first place. But I guess Uncle San has to consider his situation."

Tang Erhu waved his hand dismissively, "Don't worry about him. If he can't even control your own wife, he'll be taken advantage of sooner or later." 

Tang Xu raised an eyebrow at him.

Tang Erhu raised his hand to pat him, "What's that look for?"

Tang Xu grinned and dodged, running towards the kitchen, "I didn't mean anything. Dad, help me with chopping the meat. I brought a big piece of meat, and we need to chop it all up." 

Tang Erhu chuckled and followed him into the kitchen.

The kitchen was really too small; Tang Erhu had to bend his head to enter. It was his first time helping with chopping meat. He had never done these chores before.

"Dad, be gentle. You almost broke the knife into the cutting board," Tang Xu couldn't bear to watch as his father swung the knife down forcefully with each chop. "Forget it, I'll do it myself."

Tang Erhu clicked his tongue, "You're picky."

Tang Li stood by, covering her mouth to stifle her laughter, and started placing the shredded cucumbers.

Pouring the meat mixture into the large bowl, Tang Li turned to Tang Xu and said, "Dad never helped with these things before."

"I know, I just wanted Dad to join in and experience the joy of cooking," Tang Xu chuckled softly. "But it seems Dad isn't enjoying it."

Tang Erhuo gave him a glare, "I'm not."

"We're just teasing Dad, don't be mad," Tang Xu grinned as he kneaded the dough. "Just now, Ah Yang told me that Dad agreed to let him go to school. He wants to learn with Wei Xi."

Tang Erhu chopped the meat mixture with particular seriousness, nodding, "Alright, if he can learn well, let him study."

"Then after the autumn harvest, we'll find an old scholar to come and teach reading and writing at our place. Dad, you'll have to work a bit harder, driving the ox cart to bring Ah Yang over in the morning, and he can come back by himself after the lessons in the afternoon," Tang Xu suggested.

Tang Erhu nodded again, "Alright, then I'll pack some food for him to take with him."

"What's the matter, Dad? Are you worried that my brother will not have enough food to eat and leave him hungry?" Tang Xu teased.

Tang Erhuo couldn't hold back, he wanted to raise his hand to slap him again; this child was too infuriating.

"Dad, don't be polite with us. I even got two bags of sorghum rice from you for free," Tang Xu said as he put the dough into a basin and took the knife from Tang Erhu's hand to chop the filling himself, swiftly wielding the dual knives.

Tang Erhu replied, "Alright, then let him go to your house and eat for free."

"Come on, don't say that as if Ah Yang doesn't help me with chores. Dad, go out and see, Wei Dong is probably coming back soon," Tang Xu retorted, prompting Tang Erhu to snort and immediately leave the kitchen, silently vowing never to enter it again.

"What filling are you making for the dumplings, Brother?"

"Cabbage. Cabbage isn't as sweet right now, so it's better for dumplings," Tang Xu replied, glancing at the vegetable garden. It looked a bit barren since they hadn't planted much before, but he figured they could sow some seeds while the weather was still warm, and they could harvest before the snowfall.

Tang Li nodded, "I also want to plant some more. After we finish eating, we can pick the vegetables and plant more."

"My fermented bean residue cakes are good for fertilizing the soil. Tomorrow, I'll have your brother-in-law bring some over, and you can mix it with water and irrigate the land before planting," Tang Xu said, looking at her. "Remember that, okay?"

"Okay, I'll remember. I've also soaked some fermented bean residue cakes," Tang Li nodded. She had asked Tang Xu before when she lived in the main house what fermented bean residue could be used for, and he had told her it was good for fertilizing the fields.

Later, with some money earned from raising cows and pigs, Tang Li had asked her father to buy two bags of fermented bean residue cakes to feed the animals, and Tang Erhu had agreed.

Remembering Tang Xu's advice, she also soaked a small jar of fermented bean residue cakes, but they hadn't fermented properly yet. As they chatted, they quickly wrapped dumplings together.

Although Tang Li wasn't fast at wrapping, she was quick at rolling out the dough, able to roll out two skins at once.

"Ah Li, you're really skilled. I don't even know how to roll the dough like you do," Tang Xu expressed his surprise every time he saw her roll out the dough.

"I can't shape the dumplings as nicely as you do, Brother. Yours look like ingots, so neat and beautiful. I can't do that," Tang Li smiled as she looked at him. "What have you been busy with at home lately?" She knew about Tang Xu pretending to be ill.

Tang Xu thought for a moment and replied, "I've been experimenting with making various delicious foods using the oven. I've also made a lot of dried meat and fish, as well as dried vegetables," he said proudly. "We'll have plenty of vegetables to eat in the winter."

“Brother, you're amazing!"

Tang Xu sighed, "There's no need to praise me so much."

"Really, ever since Auntie sold liangpi, many people have been saying that Brother is filial, that you've been taking care of the elderly by helping Dad," Tang Li said with a smile, then added somewhat shyly, "I also want to be as capable as Brother."

"You're already very capable. There's no second girl in our village your age who can run the household and earn money like you do," Tang Xu said, looking at her. "In another two years, the people who come to propose marriage to our house will probably wear out the door latch."

Tang Li smiled and nodded, "Then I'll work hard and strive to be like Brother said."

The siblings cooperated tacitly, with Tang Li cooking dumplings while Tang Xu mixed cold dishes. 

Meanwhile, Tang Erhu received Wei Dong, who had returned from town driving a mule cart loaded with two large wine barrels, two pieces of cloth, and some other items, all brought back from town. "Why did you buy so much stuff?" 

Tang Erhu asked in surprise as he patted the mule's neck and helped unload the cart. 

"Xu Ge'er said he wants to use wine to pickle vegetables, so I brought back a jar. This jar can be left here for you, Dad, to drink when you have time. The cloth is also requested by Xu Ge'er. He said it's for making a set of clothes for Grandma and Grandpa," 

Wei Dong explained as he lifted the basket on his back. "Inside here are the spices bought from the town market. I ran into a caravan there and they had some common spices, so I bought them. There's also some sugar and salt. Xu Ge'er  has been enjoying making desserts lately, and we're running low on sugar at home."

"You're spoiling him," there was a hint of reproach in the statement, but Tang Erhus eyes were full of playful affection.

Tang Xu heard some commotion and glanced outside. Seeing the two of them moving things, he put down the basin in his hand and went out to ask, "What are you two talking about?"

 "I said you're spending money recklessly," Tang Erhu replied grumpily.

Tang Xu frowned when he saw the two dark-colored cloths, one navy blue and the other dark green, and expressed his dissatisfaction, "I told you to buy a brighter color."

"The fabrics at the tailor's shop were all very bright. I mentioned that they were for making clothes for the elders at home, and they recommended these ones," Wei Dong explained helplessly. "Should I go back tomorrow and see if they have something else?"

"Forget it, it's fine. Just cut a piece and let Grandma decide for herself," Tang Xu said, then turned to Tang Erhu. "Cut one for Dad too."

Tang Erhu waved his hand, but before he could say anything, Tang Xu had already turned and entered the kitchen, leaving behind a remark, "Doesn't matter, anyway, when it's done, Dad can choose to wear it or not."

Tang Erhu grumbled, "You brat, you're asking for a beating today."

Wei Dong intervened, raising his hand to stop any potential conflict. "Dad, why don't you try the wine I bought this time?" 

Tang Erhu turned to glare at Wei Dong as well, "You, always spoiling him!"

 Wei Dong smiled; he was the husband after all, who else would he spoil if not his own wife?

Tang Li finished cooking the dumplings and put them in a small bowl. Tang Xu cut two large pieces of fabric and then carried them along with the dumplings in a bamboo basket. "You guys go ahead and eat. I'll take these over. Don't wait for me."

"But Brother, I'll save some dumplings for you. When you come back, we can heat them up, otherwise they'll get cold," Tang Li said, looking at him.

Tang Xu nodded, "Alright, I'll be back soon."

Tang Xu went over to the old house, where they were also setting up for a meal.

Both the elderly and the young were present, and a few people who had just returned from the fields were washing their feet in the yard. 

Upon seeing him, Tang Guangliang smiled and said, "Why did you run back again?"

"Grandpa, I came to bring you guys some dumplings," Tang Xu raised the bamboo basket in his hand, "Just cooked, pork and cabbage filling." Tang Guangliang laughed, his face full of wrinkles, "Come inside quickly, your uncle's wife is serving the meal."

"I won't eat here, I'm going back to my dad's place," Tang Xu entered the main hall, took out the small bowl of dumplings, and handed it to his uncle's wife. 

Then he pulled the old lady into the main room, "Grandma, these fabrics are for you and grandpa to make clothes. Take a look and see which color you like."

Wu Guizhi was a bit confused, holding two pieces of fabric, quite thick and solid.

"What are these fabrics for?" She lowered her head to look at the fabrics in her hands, feeling their smooth texture, which seemed rather expensive. "You're wasting money!"

Tang Xu sat on the kang and said, "Why do you call it wasting money? I used the remaining four taels of silver I had."

Wu Guizhi was still puzzled, wondering about the four taels of silver.

Then she remembered.

She was speechless, "You gave me the silver, if I wanted to buy something, I would've bought it myself."

"It was originally the silver that Grandma and Aunt helped me get, and besides, Grandma made me new shoes and even roasted melon seeds for me. Is it not okay for me to buy a piece of fabric for Grandma and Grandpa to make clothes?" Tang Xu picked up the dark green piece of fabric and unfolded it, then picked up the navy blue one, "Grandma, use this green one to make a jacket, so you can wear it when it gets cold."

"Next time, don't buy such expensive fabric, it's too costly," Wu Guizhi smiled as she touched the fabric, "Old man, come in, Xu Ge'er bought fabric for you to make clothes."

Tang Guangliang heard his wife calling him from the yard and hurriedly entered the room.

"Make clothes for me? I work in the fields every day, what would I do with clothes? It's a waste," Tang Guangliang smiled at Tang Xu, "Next time, don't buy it."

"Make a jacket to wear in winter, you don't work in winter anyway," Tang Xu unfolded the navy blue fabric and gestured to him. Although the color was a bit darker, the fabric seemed suitable for making clothes for the two elderly, "This is the color that Wei Dong bought, I was thinking of making a set for my father too."

"A jacket for winter, that sounds good," Tang Guangliang also reached out to touch it, reminding him, "Don't spend money randomly in the future, okay?"

"I know, Grandpa, you keep the fabric, you all should hurry up and eat, I'll go back for my meal too," Tang Xu left the house, and Luo Pingping handed him the empty bowl, "Auntie, I'm leaving."

"Go ahead, we won't delay you," Luo Pingping escorted him to the door, then returned to the hall, only to find the whole family already seated around the table. Tang Dahu looked at his father and asked, "Why are you smiling?" He had just gone to the outhouse and hadn't heard his mother calling.

Tang Guangliang glanced at him, "Xu Ge'er bought fabric for me and your mother said it's for us to make new jackets. How filial he is." 

Tang Wei said, "Xu Ge'er  earns money now, being filial to you both is only right."

"You're making money too, but I haven't seen you buy anything for me," Tang Guangliang looked at his grandson with a hint of disdain. 

Wu Guizhi picked up a dumpling and said, "That's right, with so much money in your hands, neither of you ever thought of buying us anything. Not even a piece of fabric on New Year's or holidays, let alone sugar."

Luo Pingping picked up a dumpling with her bowl but didn't eat. She listened as her son was being scolded.

Filial piety has nothing to do with whether one has money or not, but Tang Wei's words immediately dampened the sentiment.

Tang Dahu glared at his outspoken eldest son, "Dad is right, Xu Ge'er has a good heart, thanks to the good teaching from Erhu."

"Erhu is just like you, what can he teach? Ah Li and Ah Yang were both taught by Xu Ge'er, look at how sensible they are now. Remember how Ah Yang used to behave when he came over to play? Look at him now." Wu Guizhi sighed and picked up another dumpling, not letting her words interfere with eating.

Luo Pingping nodded and added, "Xu Ge'er  has become much more understanding since his temperament changed."

And quite scheming too.

She didn't say the last part out loud, but she glanced at her mother-in-law, and their eyes met, indicating that they were both thinking the same thing. 

Tang Xu returned home and washed his hands. The dishes were set out on the table in the main room, but no one moved their chopsticks.

He entered the room with a smile, sat down on the stool, and Tang Erhu picked up his chopsticks, saying, "Let's eat."

Tang Xu picked up a dumpling, took a bite, chewed it, and looked at Wei Dong, saying, "Tomorrow, bring some of my fermented soybean residue to Ah Li, she wants to plant some more vegetables."

Wei Dong held a bowl in his hand, poured half a bowl of wine into it, "Okay." He raised his hand and clinked bowls with Tang Erhu, "Dad, try it, how does it taste?"

"Yes, it's good wine." Tang Erhu took a big sip, picked up some bean sprouts with his chopsticks, stuffed them into his mouth with cucumber, "Good wine!" 

Tang Xu smiled at him, "When the sorghum on my side ferments well, I'll brew some wine for Dad to taste, it'll definitely be even better!" 

Tang Erhu raised an eyebrow, "Then I'll be waiting."

Tang Xu, who was enjoying his meal with a smile, never thought that he would soon be in big trouble. 



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  1. oh oh.. the calm before the storm..
    what kind of trouble this time hmmm...
    thank you for the update.. ❤️🐾


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