It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 35


IETSTSMLARA | The Richest Merchant In The World | 35

The fate between Zhou the Movie  Emperor and the fluffy bunny seemed to go on for the next couple of days. Every time, it felt good. It was always delightful. Once would lead to twice, and as the frequency increased, it wasn't that he became immune, but became rather accustomed.

"Alright," Zhou Xintang leaned on Lin Su's shoulder, "I promise you."

Lin Su gently lifted his chin and kissed his lips. Brief separations made yearning even stronger. Even though they had been together for seven years, they seemed to still be in the honeymoon phase.

The light kisses eased their longing, and Zhou Xintang's mood had been great since seeing Lin Su. Even though there were occasional embarrassing moments in between, this person was like his antidote.

As they got out of the car and entered the house, Zhou Xintang was prepared for another night of embarrassment. However, when he opened the door, he saw warm candlelight and a bouquet of flowers on the table. It wasn't roses but his favorite irises.

It was luxurious and beautiful.

There were several dishes covered on the table, still in perfect condition when uncovered. After all, with the current power of Su Sheng, it was effortless to develop a plate that could keep food warm and fresh.

"You must be hungry after a busy day," Lin Su pulled out a chair for him, "Let's eat first."

"Shouldn't you propose first?" Zhou Xintang was initially a bit hungry, but now he felt a bit anxious. Pushing the meal back a bit wouldn't hurt.

Lin Su paused as he took off his coat, his gaze sweeping over the ring on Zhou Xintang's hand. 

When he saw the actor subconsciously covering it, Lin Su casually plucked a flower from the bouquet on the table. Then, he knelt down on one knee, a beautiful iris flower ring appearing in his hand. "Zhou Xintang, will you marry me?"

In this relationship, Zhou Xintang seemed older, but he had always been passive, willingly placing himself below. He believed in Lin Su wholeheartedly, so it was only right to give him a formal proposal.

Zhou Xintang had initially wanted to tease him, but at this moment, he felt that the iris flower seemed even more beautiful than the ring on his finger. He extended his hand and said, "I promise you."

He wasn't a woman, but he still craved romance.

Like all those who fall in love, what Zhou Xintang desired was not a sea of roses, but the thoughtfulness that the person he loved was willing to put in. Even this small iris flower was more precious than all the colors in the world.

When the news of Zhou Xintang and Lin Su's marriage was announced, it caused a sensation worldwide and garnered countless blessings. Many fans felt like their dreams had come true. 

Though there were still skeptics, haters, and jealous remarks, they couldn't stop the romantic and grand kiss Zhou Xintang willingly gave at his wedding.

"I can see how Tangtang loves his sponsor so much."

"Wishing you a hundred years of happiness. I always said they were in love when I watched them film together.."

"It's a dream come true. My male gods are together now, no need to worry about any woman stealing my male god."

"I've been through two heartbreaks, but I suddenly find their love so sweet. Is there something wrong with me?"

"Ahhh, sisters, come join our official CP group. This is official sugar!"

Blessings poured in from all directions, and Zhou Xintang looked at their intertwined fingers, feeling a sense of finality. "Will you love me for a lifetime?"

"I will," Lin Su replied seriously.

He might joke around and tease him, but when he made a promise seriously, he always kept it, never breaking his word.

"I believe you," Zhou Xintang suddenly remembered the day many years ago when he accepted this person as his assistant. It was a day he would always remember and be grateful for.

Amidst the voices of doubt from all directions, some persisted for a year or two, but as time passed, such groups became fewer and fewer. Because those two people, seemingly favored by time, seemed to still be in love even after one, two, or even several decades.

Until their hair turned gray, wrinkles appeared, they could still share a kiss and then laugh.

Zhou Xintang's health wasn't good as he got older, with the torments of his childhood and the aftereffects of continuous filming. Despite Lin Su taking care of his health, he only lived to be seventy-three. 

On the day he died, amidst the mourning of countless fans, Lin Su also passed away.

【System Evaluation: Task completion evaluation is S-level. Task one earned five million star coins, task two earned five million star coins, with an additional bonus of three million star coins, totaling thirteen million, already transferred to your account. Additional bonus reason: The protagonist is more successful than in the original timeline, with no deduction points. Please keep up the good work, host.】

The last time the rating was low was because it affected the protagonist's fate. This time, with Lin Su's help, Cheng Luozhu's career was more successful than in the original timeline. 

Although there wasn't room for a higher rating for now, the extra star coins always made everything easier.

System 06 said, 【Host, would you like to start the next world or take a break?】

Other system hosts often rest for a period after completing tasks to avoid the discomfort of sudden withdrawal from the world. However, its host was always different from hosts of other systems. 

Lin Su rubbed his chin and said, 【What's the point of resting in a vacation-like world? Let's start the next world.】

System 06 initiated a new world, and in it’s Mechanical Heart the system silently complained, That's because other system hosts put in effort and need the system's help, while its host does everything effortlessly. The purpose of this system's existence is just to chat.

【System Prompt: World loading, memory transfer in progress...】


After entering a new world every time, he had to experience the pain that the original body died from. It wasn't that the system lacked humanity; it was to remind every task-doing host that life wasn't easily obtained, and if they wanted to relieve the pain, they could spend points.

Lin Su quickly assessed the damage to the heart and lungs and the heat of the breath. He could confirm that this body had died from fever caused by an injury.

Seeing the sky when he opened his eyes was already familiar to him. This body was someone who had fled to the capital after a flood hit his hometown. 

In the original timeline, he wasn't an important figure, just someone the protagonist had helped out of pity and who became a servant. 

Although he still died after taking the blame for someone else.

But at this point in Lin Su's arrival, he had been robbed after begging for money and was fatally injured during the scuffle, he could only end up waiting for death on the street.

When there are national disasters and starving beggars on the roads, it shows that the ruler is incompetent.

In the original timeline, that emperor was indeed incompetent, which led to the plot where the protagonist was supported to seize the throne. 

But what's interesting in this world is that the shou protagonist, Yun Hui, was reborn. 

As the legitimate son, he died because his father favored his concubine and neglected his mother. After coming back to life, naturally, he wanted to step on all those who harmed him, and incidentally, he met the protagonist Gong, Xiao Huang, and also got to know his deeply affectionate supporting male lead, now the world's richest man, Shen Tang.

With mutual support, Xiao Huang ascended to the throne, and Yun Hui naturally became his male queen. As for the deeply affectionate supporting male lead Shen Tang, although he was the richest man in the world, he came from a lowly background. 

The emperor needed money to expand his territory, and he even had thoughts about his queen. 

The emperor, being ruthless, could easily falsify a few charges, seize his assets, and exile him.

Lin Su lay on the roadside, exchanged for pills to restore his body, and had a friendly exchange with the system: 【Can you please choose a world next time where I am lying in bed?】

Lying on the ground all the time was fortunate in this era of long robes and sleeves. If it were in an era of short skirts and sleeves, it would be terrible if someone caught a glimpse under a girl's skirt.

【Alright, host, I'll record your feedback here,】System 06 dutifully responded.

The injuries on his body were obviously not as painful as before, and his strength was gradually returning. When Lin Su sat up, he looked at the half-broken clay bowl in front of him with interest. He had been many people before, but this was the first time he had become a beggar. 

It was novel and interesting.

Just as he was about to pick up his bowl, a hand as slender as jade held a steaming meat bun and offered it to him. Lin Su was struck by a dual assault on his sight and smell, unable to decide which was more enticing, the meat bun or the hand.

Looking up, he saw a young man draped in luxurious silk and satin, smiling at him with peach blossom eyes and a naturally charming appearance. The elegant robe and the jade-handled silk fan were completely out of place in this muddy place, just like Lin Su himself.

【System 06 system issues a task. Task one: survive as the original host. Task two: change the original fate of the supporting male character Shen Tang.】

【It seems like these three supporting male characters all have the same character in their names,】 Lin Su seemed to be frozen in place, hesitating to take the meat bun.

System 06's mechanical voice was straightforward: 【You're overthinking it, host.】

【I haven't even said my speculation yet,】 Lin Su replied.

System 06 remained silent, playing the silent game.

"Little beggar, don't want the meat bun?" The young man, who exuded wealth and elegance from head to toe, had a naturally flirtatious voice, making everyone he spoke to feel like he was flirting. "If you don't want it, I'll take it back."

"Thank you, sir," Lin Su quickly adjusted his demeanor, reaching out his hand. He noticed the hesitation in the young man's eyes when he withdrew his hand, so he carefully took the meat bun, even though it was stained with mud. The young man's hand, on the other hand, remained clean and white.

But after retracting his hand, he still discreetly wiped it a few times where Lin Su couldn't see, apparently a bit of a clean freak.

Shen Tang watched the beggar eat the bun and smiled. Just as he was about to leave, he heard the beggar inquire, "Sir, your great kindness will never be forgotten. May I ask for your name and surname?"

"You seem like a beggar who is knowledgeable," Shen Tang said with a chuckle as he waved his folding fan. "It's rare in the capital for someone not to know my name. Shen Tang of the Shen family, there's no need to repay the favor."

He finished speaking suavely and turned away, but not before he used his folding fan to lift the chin of a shy girl who was shyly looking at him. 

After seeing her stomp her foot and leave in embarrassment, he swaggered off, the epitome of a romantic rogue.

"Shen Tang," Lin Su muttered as he looked at the half-eaten bun in his hand. He tucked away the silver coin or two he had found inside it and then got up to leave.

Regardless of why the wealthy man suddenly felt inclined to give him a coin or two, the gesture was clever and kind, which was interesting in itself.

In the original timeline, there were two reasons why Shen Tang was not favored by the protagonist Yun Hui. 

First, he belonged to the merchant class, which, compared to the impoverished aristocratic status of Yun Hui's family, meant he was socially inferior. 

This difference in status led to different perceptions, so it's no wonder things turned out as they did. Second, Shen Tang, who dressed like a flamboyant peacock, was notorious for his flirtatious behavior. Despite his knowledge of poetry and music, he frequented brothels and pleasure houses. 

Although he was personally obsessed with cleanliness in private, his outward appearance made it hardly believable.

In an era like this, the power of social classes was not something easily overcome. The emperor's authority was unimaginably vast, and as long as one didn't openly provoke him, no one would be foolish enough to oppose him. Even if one was a wise ruler, court advisors could only do so much to sway decisions, and if the ruler was foolish, even death wouldn't change his decisions.

Unfortunately, the emperor in this world was undoubtedly incompetent. Even if the protagonist ascended to the throne later on, based on Lin Su's analysis of the original timeline, he wouldn't be someone easily influenced by others.

There were two reasons for Shen Tang's tragic fate: firstly, he couldn't protect the biggest piece of the pie he occupied, and secondly, he chose the wrong person to settle down with.

To change his fate, Lin Su would have to first take his pie and then take his person.

System 06 analyzed the situation and remarked, 【Host, what you're doing is morally wrong.】

【He provoked me first,】 Lin Su flicked the silver coin and chuckled. 【Look, this is his token of affection for me.】

System 06 fell silent.

Having only dated for two worlds, the host's cheekiness was already enough to withstand gunfire. It truly refreshed the system's understanding.

Before doing anything, one must have money. The original host had no way to do that, but Lin Su could solve many problems easily. The more backward the era, the easier it was to make money.

Of course, one needs money before making money.

Within the capital city, there were also slums where the streets were narrow, allowing only one or two people to pass side by side. Occasionally, a foul smell would drift over, but Lin Su was already accustomed to the stench of mud, or else he might have passed out before finding anyone.

Nearby, a precarious shack caught his eye. Several people in patched clothing were gathered there, sharing a roasted chicken. Their faces and hands were dirty with grease and grime, but it didn't seem to affect their appetite.

If Lin Su had been from a noble family, he might have pitied such people occasionally while passing through. However, after being beaten half to death by these very individuals in his previous life and experiencing their pain himself after arriving, pity was out of the question.

"Hey, everyone," Lin Su called out, tossing the silver coins he held toward them.

Initially irritated, the group turned to look at Lin Su, their gazes fierce and menacing. "You survived after being beaten like that, Li Ergou, you're lucky. You'd better give us—" 

Their eyes suddenly changed upon seeing the silver coins in Lin Su's hand. Instead of friendly gestures, their expressions turned mocking and greedy. Putting down their chicken, they stood up, cracking their knuckles and rolling their shoulders. 

One person, with a threatening look on his face, grabbed Lin Su's shoulder. "What? You just got some money and now you want to pay your respects to us?"

His companions laughed loudly behind him as Lin Su chuckled softly. He placed his fingers on the hand that gripped his shoulder and exerted a slight force. 

The man who had been laughing moments ago suddenly grimaced in pain, hastily pulling his hand away to blow on it. He then shouted, "This kid is looking for trouble! Beat him to death!"

The group surrounded Lin Su, no longer bothering with idle chatter, only raining blows upon him. 

If Lin Su were facing martial arts experts of this era, he might need to resort to some cheats, but against a few ruffians, his fists and feet were more than enough.

Stepping back slightly, Lin Su allowed a fist that had been aimed at his face to land on someone else's instead, and with a kick, he sent another flying.

Though some of the men hesitated, they were unwilling to give up the silver coins, so they attacked even more ferociously. Lin Su did not hold back.

After half a cup of tea's time, one person crashed into the shack's pillar, buried beneath the collapsed straw, their fate unknown. The others lay sprawled on the ground, clutching their injuries and groaning in pain, none able to rise.

Surveying the scene, Lin Su identified the leader and walked over. But as he approached, the man recoiled in fear. "Li Ergou, what are you planning? If you kill someone, you'll end up in the government office! Don't come any closer!"

Lin Su halted his steps. 【I don't particularly like that name.】

06 agreed, stating, 【I also find it offensive for the host to use that name towards the original body.】

With both the person and the system in agreement, Lin Su immediately decided to revert to his original name, out of respect for the deceased.

However, he decided against revealing his name to the people before him as it would only invite trouble.

Lin Su walked forward and squatted down in front of the man, smiling gently as he grabbed his hair and lifted him up. "If you empty your pockets, I'll let you all go."

"I don't have anything, nothing..." the man stammered, panic evident in his voice, but he showed no intention of handing over any money.

Lin Su didn't believe him. These guys were bullies who preyed on the weak, and they surely had quite a sum of money, having taken it from others. Even a single roasted chicken wouldn't cost all they had.

"I'm really trying to negotiate with you," Lin Su said with a smile. "Have you heard of talking reasonably first before resorting to force?"

"N-no, I haven't..." the man replied frantically, shaking his head.

The smile faded from Lin Su's lips as he pressed the man's head into the muddy ground. It was difficult to breathe in the mud pit, and the man struggled desperately but couldn't break free. 

He swallowed a lot of mud and water, nearing the brink of unconsciousness. When Lin Su lifted him up again, seemingly unaffected, he said calmly, "This is what diplomacy looks like. Choose between money or your life."

Though his tone was mild, after experiencing what had just happened, the man listened to him as if he were hearing a death sentence from the king of hell himself. His legs trembled, and a strong odor of urine filled the air. "I... I'll give it, I'll give you money..."

He fumbled through his pockets and pulled out three taels of silver, placing them in Lin Su's hand, trembling all over. "Spare me, spare... spare my life..."

"Too little," Lin Su said, standing up. He retrieved a knife from the collapsed shack and pressed it against the man's face, saying, "I know a thing or two about dismemberment. I could cut you into three thousand pieces before you die, and the slices would be so thin you could see through them. Would you like to see how many slices you can withstand?"

The man convulsed uncontrollably, tears and snot streaming down his face. The others who had fallen to the ground were desperately crawling away.

"I'll give it, I... I'll give you... buried under the third pillar... all of it..." The man's eyes rolled back, and he fainted from fear. Lin Su checked his pulse to ensure he had truly passed out before standing up and digging under the mentioned pillar.

Underneath the stone and brick lay a small jar filled with broken pieces of silver and copper coins, amounting to over a hundred taels in total. In this era, five taels of silver would suffice for a family's needs for a year, so it was no wonder the man had hidden the money so securely.

Lin Su wrapped all the coins in a piece of cloth torn from someone's clothes and tucked them into his chest before turning to leave. But as he passed by an alley, he noticed someone standing against the wall.

The person in white, though not dressed in luxurious silk, appeared clean and tidy. His handsome face carried a hint of nonchalance, giving off a somewhat roguish vibe, reminiscent of a wandering swordsman. He was chewing on a piece of grass and smiling at Lin Su. "A robbery?"

"You wouldn’t believe me if I said I had no money," Lin Su knew this person had been watching him closely since he started beating up the others. Despite lacking martial arts skills, Lin Su had the system monitoring him; it was hard for someone as big as this man to go unnoticed. "Now that this little bit of money will be spent, it's gone. Why don't you follow me for a month, and I'll give you a thousand taels after that?"

"A thousand taels?!" The man's eyes widened, and he staggered, his expression wavering. "...Do you think I'll believe that? Where would you get a thousand taels from? Are you going to rob someone like you did today?"

"They robbed me before, leaving me half-dead on the roadside. Today was just giving them a taste of their own medicine," Lin Su shrugged. "Do you have any objections?"

The man's face showed a hint of embarrassment. He scratched his head and said, "It was a misunderstanding. Kid, you have good potential. Have you found a master? How about I take you as my disciple?"

He was genuinely embarrassed. He had initially thought Lin Su was a bully, but now he realized he was just another unfortunate soul.

"But something's not right. Could they really beat you with your skills?" The man's gaze turned sharp.

"My master taught me well," Lin Su couldn't beat this man at the moment. He looked careless, but he was actually quite skilled, with a steady aura. Despite walking in the filthy alleys, not a speck of dirt clung to his shoes. Lin Su knew that unless he spent a considerable amount buying drugs from the system, there was no chance of defeating him.

"Oh, I see," the man's eyes lit up. "Why don't you take me to see your master?"

"Farewell, senior," Lin Su bowed, intending to leave, but the man grabbed his shoulder.

With a swift move, the man appeared in front of Lin Su. "Don't be so stingy. If you take me to see your master, I won't take your thousand taels."

Having traveled the jianghu for so many years, he had seen all sorts of martial arts, but this was the first time he had seen this kind of fighting technique. Naturally, he was curious.

"I never owed you a thousand taels, senior," Lin Su smiled and asked. He was good at deceiving clever people, let alone someone who looked so well-built.

The man scratched his head and hoarsely agreed after a while, "True, then..."

"My master has left the capital city and won't return for half a year," Lin Su lied with his eyes wide open. "If you want to see him, I won't give you a thousand taels, but if you follow me for half a year, you'll definitely get to meet him."

"Sounds reasonable," the man nodded, then suddenly flipped over and sat on the nearby roof. "Kid, I've traveled the this place for many years, and you're the first one who dared to deceive me like a fool."

Lin Su tilted his head up at him, showing no signs of panic, but added, "Meals are provided for the next six months."

With that said, he walked away, leaving the man momentarily stunned before hastily following after him. "Hey, wait, do drinks come with the meals? Wait for me."

Lin Su smiled but didn't pay him any more attention.

In this world, people might excel in martial arts or hail from prestigious families, but it was widely known that those who didn't align with powerful factions were often poor. Especially those who engaged in robbing the rich to help the poor were even poorer.

Though Lu Guo appeared clean, he lacked any faction affiliation and his pockets were flat. A wandering swordsman with no fixed income, eating was always a concern for him. Lin Su, with his clean appearance and persuasive demeanor, was an expert at hooking such wandering martial artists.

After taking a bath and changing into clean clothes, Lin Su emerged without his hairpin, his mid-length hair tied back with a headband. Lu Guo circled around him, marveling, "I never expected you to clean up so well. You look like a different person."

"Well, senior, you look good without having to clean up," Lin Su chuckled.

Though Lu Guo took it as a compliment, he felt somewhat insulted. Nevertheless, he had intended it as praise, albeit with limited vocabulary.

"Master, you look splendid in these clothes," the owner of the clothing shop said sincerely. 

Initially, he had almost thrown Lin Su out, but after Lin Su paid, he allowed him to use the hot water for a bath. He hadn't expected the filthy beggar to emerge looking completely transformed.

Though Lin Su was a bit skinny, his height and demeanor were imposing. His appearance was no less charming than those scholarly gentlemen in the capital.

Lin Su also took a moment to examine himself. While he didn't mind if he looked a bit ugly, everyone preferred to be good-looking. A handsome face was useful in any situation. However, his current body had been through a lot, with darkened skin, a too-thin frame, and sunken cheeks. It was far from perfect.

This appearance would suffice for finding a wife, but attracting the attention of a beautiful peacock might be a challenge. Nonetheless, with a good foundation, it was just a matter of time.

Lin Su paid and left, taking Lu Guo to a restaurant for dinner. They were warmly welcomed by the waiter. "Esteemed guest, please come upstairs. Since it's your first visit, what would you like to eat?"

Lin Su ordered modestly, but Lu Guo was extravagant, ordering all sorts of expensive dishes. In the midst of the waiter's enthusiastic voice, Lin Su interjected, "If you can't finish it, I'll leave you here to wash dishes."

This comment caused Lu Guo to pause in his ordering, adhering to the etiquette of treating guests. "Let's start with these dishes. If it's not enough, we can order more later..."

"Today is not suitable for drinking," Lin Su interrupted him, "Just tea is fine."

The waiter cheerfully went downstairs, while Lu Guo playfully nudged Lin Su's shoe with his foot. "Do you always treat your seniors like this?"

"In a place where you feast on extravagant food, many in the capital can't even afford a meal," Lin Su replied, looking at him. "Since you've taken on the role of a knight, it's good enough to be benevolent to oneself without having to help others all the time."

Lin Su's words were eloquent, but his intention was simply to flatter him. Sometimes, a man's vanity and sense of responsibility could be easily manipulated.

"You're right," Lu Guo's playful demeanor softened. He looked at the young man in front of him, unable to reconcile him with the filthy beggar from before. "Hey, let me ask you something. You seem educated, articulate. You're not from a criminal official's family, are you?"

"I'm a farmer's son who fled to the capital after our fields were struck by disaster, I had attended private school for several years," Lin Su began to fabricate a story.

With his current identity, no one could verify his past. Even if someone checked the reference from the refugees, as long as he fabricated it well, there wouldn't be any issues.

"Oh," Lu Guo visibly relaxed.

As the food was served, Lin Su ate gracefully, while Lu Guo devoured his food, not quite rudely, but it was evident how hungry he was.

Although people in this era could be stubborn in their thinking, the spirit of chivalry was still admirable.

"Eat more elbow meat," Lin Su passed him a dish, but Lu Guo was too preoccupied with eating to respond.

After the meal, Lin Su was satisfied, but Lu Guo was clearly full, patting his bulging stomach contentedly. "It's been so long since I've eaten this much. If only I could have a good night's sleep."

"Well, I'll take you for a good night's sleep," Lin Su generously offered.

If you wanted the horse to run fast, you had to feed it well and let it rest.

Lu Guo had been yawning, but suddenly felt a chill down his spine, as if someone was plotting against him. He looked sharply at Lin Su, only to receive a harmless smile in return.

Lu Guo: "..."

This kid had smiled the same way when he mentioned slicing that guy with three thousand cuts.

"What are you up to?" Lu Guo stretched his neck and asked.

Lin Su looked innocent. "Aren’t we going to rest. With my current strength, what can I possibly do to you?"

"Well, that's true," Lu Guo reasoned. When he regained his composure about his martial arts skills, he realized that this kid couldn't possibly harm him.

They entered the inn, where the waiter warmly asked, "Gentlemen, would you like a meal or a room?"

Lin Su spoke up, "Two rooms upstairs."

"One room should be enough for us two big men," Lu Guo remarked, crossing his arms.

"Two rooms," Lin Su insisted.

The waiter happily obliged and exclaimed, "Two rooms upstairs. Please follow me, gentlemen."

Lin Su followed along, and Lu Guo, not wanting to appear stingy, muttered beside him, "You dislike me, don’t you? I don't snore when I sleep."

Lin Su turned to him with a smile. "Of course not. It's just that I am cut-sleeve. It wouldn't be suitable for me to share a room with a senior like you."

"Huh? Oh...," Lu Guo swallowed his saliva and fell silent. After a moment of hesitation, he leaned over and asked, "You won't..."

"No, I like good-looking people," Lin Su reassured him, taking the key from the waiter and closing the door behind them. "Please retire for the night, senior."

With the door closed, Lu Guo patted his chest inexplicably. Despite knowing that this person wasn't interested in him, why did he feel so uncomfortable?

The first thing Lu Guo did after entering the room and closing the door was to look in the mirror. 

He pried his eyes open and muttered to himself, "What's wrong with me? I'm handsome! He just has no taste! Superficial!"

No matter how much Lu Guo fussed on his end, Lin Su had settled down for the night. In this timeline, the protagonist Yun Hui was reborn and had already resolved the internal conflicts within his family and broken free. He won over his maternal relatives to get rid of his father’s pampered concubine influence, who had killed his mother. Shen Tang should have already met him. 

At this point, there was no use in trying to stop him, so Lin Su felt no urgency.

【Host, Shen Tang is currently listening to music and flirting with a beauty.】Reported System 06 dutifully.

Just as System 06 thought Lin Su was going to intervene, he rolled over and adjusted into a more comfortable position. 【Make a note of how many times he indulges in such behavior and the events. It'll be useful for holding him accountable in the future.】

【Understood,】replied System 06 diligently.

As for whether that peacock would become Lin Su's possession in the future, that wasn't its concern.

Inside Le Fang, the air was filled with the fragrance of flowers, and the melodious music lingered, permeating every corner. This was the only place in the capital where the festivities continued all night.

In an exquisitely luxurious private room, a man half-reclined on a couch, his eyes half-closed, seemingly intoxicated. However, his hand resting on his chest tapped along with the music.

"Master Shen, we have some new Pear Blossom White wine today, which pairs perfectly with this piece of music. Would you like to taste it?" A dancer, having finished her dance, delicately approached, holding a small wine glass. But her advance was blocked by a sudden opening of a folding fan.

The man, who had been half-drunk moments ago, opened his peach blossom eyes gently, a smile on his face that outshone the stars, making the dancer involuntarily soften. "Master Shen~"

"A wine given by a beauty is indeed to be savored," Shen Tang said softly, taking the wine glass and finishing it in one gulp without spilling a drop, eliciting cheers from the room. His voice was soft and alluring, akin to the tranquil waters of the Green River.

Just as the dancer was about to offer more, a servant hurried over and whispered in Shen Tang's ear, "Young Master, the Master is calling for you to return home. He says it's urgent."

"Understood," Shen Tang straightened his sleeves and got up. The musicians and dancers in the room all showed reluctance. "Master Shen, are you leaving so soon?"

"I have urgent matters at home. When Luo Hong performs a new piece, be sure to call for me. I will definitely come," Shen Tang got up, but before leaving, he took off a jade pendant from the corner of his eye and placed it in the hands of the girl playing the pipa. "Luo Hong's music was exceptional today."

As the jade pendant fell into her hand, Shen Tang left gracefully, leaving behind a room full of girls eagerly crowding around to see the precious gift.

"That must be worth at least five hundred taels of silver," one girl said enviously. "Master Shen is so generous and easy to please."

"Indeed," another girl chuckled.

Outside Le Fang, as Shen Tang got into his carriage, he shook his sleeves. "The scent of cosmetics alone is bearable, but mixed together, it's unbearable."

"Since Young Master doesn't like this place, why did you come today?" The servant helped him take off his coat and replaced it with a more splendid one.

The silk brocade was embroidered with gold thread, and if it were anyone else wearing such vibrant colors, it might have appeared rather tacky. 

Nevertheless, despite the criticisms behind his back, many people couldn't help but envy him, thinking he squandered his entire family fortune on his attire, deeming him a merchant's low-born son with a petty mindset.

Yet, the more they criticized, the more extravagantly Shen Tang dressed, and he had his own reasoning: "Those who say such things are just jealous, aren't they? They wish they could dress like me."

His words indeed made sense. For Shen Tang to wear a single outfit required the efforts of ten embroiderers working together for three months. From raising silkworms to spinning silk into threads, weaving it into brocade, and finally presenting it as clothing, the entire process took a year. 

Shen Tang didn't have to wait for clothes; his father had opened a specialized embroidery and weaving workshop to tailor clothes specifically for him. For most people, owning such an outfit would be considered luxurious, but naturally, they couldn't afford it.

"I did a good deed today, so I need to have someone sing my praises," Shen Tang half-reclined on a soft pillow. "The girls at Le Fang, besides their music, their support is top-notch."

The servant knew his master's preferences well and quickly played along. "Master, what good deed did you do today?"

"I gave a beggar a meat bun," Shen Tang chuckled. "I was afraid he'd get robbed if I gave him money, so I deliberately tucked a tael of silver inside the bun. Isn't that clever of me?"

"Young Master is truly benevolent and clever, surpassing those who seek fame and reputation hundreds of times over," the servant praised enthusiastically. "Such a good deed cannot be known by only one person; it must be spread and become a model for the wealthy."

"Oh, it's just a small matter," Shen Tang's smile widened. "If it's to be spread, let's do something big—set up a porridge shed in the northern part of the city. There are too many disaster victims in the capital lately, with nowhere to go. It's time to help them out."

"Should we inform Prince Chen?" The servant cautiously asked.

Prince Chen, Xiao Huang, also known as Prince Yu, was the eighth son of the late emperor. He was originally the legitimate son of the empress, with both literary and martial talents, making him the best candidate for the throne. However, unexpectedly, the late emperor passed the throne to his idle bastard son.

Shen Tang was closer to Xiao Huang, so naturally, he supported him more.

"No need," Shen Tang lazily squinted his peach blossom eyes. "Let's just do it. It's better to avoid unnecessary trouble, lest someone from above starts bothering Xiao Huang again."

"Understood, Young Master," the servant bowed his head.

"However, you can reveal some information to Yun Hui," Shen Tang instructed, to prevent him from always thinking that Shen Tang was reckless and irresponsible.

"I understand." The servant naturally knew that his master treated Yun Hui differently from others.

"Oh, by the way, what did my father want with me?" Shen Tang asked.

The servant respectfully replied, "From what I heard, it seems to be about you reaching a marriageable age and wanting you to discuss the matter... Young Master, stop the carriage, stop!!!"

The sound of the carriage abruptly ceased, but the young man inside had already vanished. The servant maintained his posture as if reaching out and muttered to himself, "Couldn't you wait for the carriage to stop before jumping off?"

Shen Tang landed on a rooftop, watching as the helpless carriage departed, opening the gilded fan to fan himself.

It was a man’s duty to establish a family and career, and even the chaste Xiao Huang, for the sake of concealing his true feelings, had several concubines and beauties. 

But although Shen Tang enjoyed the light laughter and soft words of beautiful women, he inexplicably disliked being close to them, feeling they were too soft. While he wanted to protect them, he had no interest in that regard whatsoever.

Although the imperial family had no choice but to marry, he didn't want to hide it from anyone. It would just make his mother angry for a couple of days, and he could make it up to her with some gifts. As for his father? If his mother wasn't angry, his father wouldn't dare to be.

He wasn't envious of his parents' affectionate relationship; their long-lasting love over the years. 

No matter how many beautiful women he encountered, they all made him feel uncomfortable, they were not as appealing as the eyes of the beggar he encountered.

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