The Beautiful Brother of the Orion’s Family (Wearing Book) - 89


| TBBOTOF | 89

It's already close to mid-afternoon during lunch.

Wei Dong caught quite a few fish, and they were all fat.

Tang Li's fish stew wasn't as tasty as Tang Xu's, so she said to her brother, "Brother, you stew the fish, I'll tidy up."

"You have been busy all afternoon, take a break," Tang Xu glanced at Wei Dong, and his husband immediately chimed in, "I'll clean the fish."

Tang Li nodded with a smile and didn't insist on cleaning the fish. Instead, she went to wash the dishes and utensils that weren't used often, giving them a good clean.

Tang Yang and Wei Xi didn't go back to the house; they stayed to help.

Though they couldn't cook, they had no problem helping with washing.

Tang Erhu didn't idle either. He unrolled the fishing net Wei Dong had rolled up and carefully inspected it for any damage, promptly patching up any holes to avoid trouble next time it was used.

He even cheerfully asked, "How did my net hold up?"

Wei Dong sat on a small wooden stool, holding the fish with one hand and scissors in the other. 

He disembowelled the fish, scraped off the scales, and dug out the gills. His movements were so skilled it was as if he were a fish seller.

Hearing Tang Erhu's question, he nodded, "Dad's fishing net is very sturdy. When I pulled it up, there was a lot of resistance from below, but it didn't break."

Tang Erhu was pleased by his son-in-law's praise, "How about the net you sewed, did it catch any fish?"

"I haven't sewed the net yet. I plan to set it when the weather gets a bit colder," Wei Dong threw the first cleaned fish into the basin and picked up the second one, "Ah Xu, how many do you want to stew?"

"Stew two is enough. Clean the rest and leave half for Sister Li and take the other half back with us," Tang Xu turned to Tang Li, "You can take the other half, okay?"

"Yeah, thanks a lot, brother-in-law," Tang Li turned to thank Wei Dong.

Tang Erhu glanced at the people in the yard and asked, "Where's Ah Rui?"

"Big brother is reading in his room," Tang Yang scooped the cooked white rice from the pot into a basin and then carried it into the house. He intended to place the basin on the heated brick bed to keep it warm until mealtime.

Tang Erhu's displeasure was evident upon hearing this but he didn't say much in front of Wei Dong.

Meanwhile, Tang Xu heated oil in a pot, threw in two slices of ginger to sizzle for a bit, then scooped them out and added the fish.

Stewing the fish didn't take too long, so the family chatted while waiting for the fish in the pot to cook through.

When the fish was ready, the chicken stewing in the kitchen could also be taken off the stove.

Tang Li went into the kitchen to dish out the chicken, while Tang Xu moved aside and asked Wei Dong to help with the fish. He had sweated a bit from tending to the fire earlier, and now with a gust of wind, he felt a bit chilly, his stomach churned uncomfortably. But he didn't say anything, afraid that everyone in the family, young and old, would worry about him.

Wei Dong immediately noticed his discomfort and quickly handed the fish to Wei Xi, instructing him to take it away.

Wei Dong turned to support Tang Xu and asked him in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

"My stomach is churning, I feel like I want to vomit," Tang Xu leaned against him, exhaled deeply, and lightly patted his chest, "It came so suddenly. I just need to catch my breath and have some water."

Wei Dong nodded without saying much. This kind of situation often occurred, and they were both accustomed to it.

After drinking some water indoors and sitting down to rest, Tang Xu watched them dish out the meal. When they finished, he sat next to Tang Erhu, his face slightly pale, and asked, "Dad, what are you going to do after eating?"

Tang Erhu turned his head and was startled to see his son's complexion. He put down his chopsticks and reached out to touch his forehead, "What's wrong, feeling unwell?"

"Just felt a bit dizzy earlier, but I'm fine now," Tang Xu shook his head and handed the chopsticks back to him, "Dad, you haven't said what you're going to do after eating?"

"Nothing much, it's almost New Year, I’m busy at home too."

"What are you busy with?" Tang Xu's eyes gleamed with curiosity as he looked at him, "Dad, you're not planning to rush off with the cow cart to drive people to town to buy New Year goods again, are you?"

Tang Erhu glanced at him.

Tang Xu didn't care whether he glanced at him or not. He picked up his bowl, grabbed a piece of frozen tofu, placed it on the rice, pressed it with his chopsticks to release the trapped soup, poured it onto the rice, gently stirred it, then picked up the rice mixed with soup and frozen tofu, and put it into his mouth. The taste was so delicious that he squinted his eyes in delight.

Seeing him enjoying the food, Tang Erhu picked up a piece of chicken for him, "If you want to eat, why don't you eat?"

"I eat slowly, Dad. Listen to me, don't drive to town for the next few days," Tang Xu bit into the chicken and looked at him, advising, "Wei Dong encountered thieves in the county recently. If you rush out with the cart, you might encounter a robber."

"There aren't that many robbers around here, and besides, I don't have much money for them to steal," Tang Erhuo also picked up a piece of chicken, clinked his bowl with his son-in-law's, took a sip of wine, "I won't go. If you say I shouldn't, then I definitely won't."

Tang Xu nodded in satisfaction, "Then if you don't go to town, just come to my place, help me send the New Year gifts I bought for Grandpa and Grandma. I’ll leave them here for now."

"Why leave them here?" Tang Erhu puzzled, "You can just bring them over yourself later."

"What if I'm not feeling well and can't make it? I’ll just leave them here, and if I can't come by the second day of the New Year, you can help me deliver them and explain to them," Tang Xu picked up a piece of fish belly for Tang Erhu, "Dad, you're the best. You definitely wouldn't want to see me struggling with a big belly in the snow."

"It's not that I don't want to deliver the New Year gifts, I'm just worried that heavy snow might block the road, and we won't be able to make it in time."

Tang Erhu tapped him lightly, "Alright, you're just trying to avoid meeting your third uncle and the others."

"I'm not avoiding anyone. I haven't done anything wrong," Tang Xu clicked his tongue, showing no interest in Tang Sanhu's family affairs, "Dad, just say whether it's okay or not."

"Sure, it's fine. I'll help you tomorrow. Today, I'm busy drinking with Dongzi," Tang Erhu raised his bowl and took another sip.

With food and drink, everything was perfect.

Wei Dong remained silent, just accompanying them in drinking.

Tang Rui glanced around, ate a few bites, and seeing his father already in a jolly mood from drinking and chatting with his brother, he put down his bowl and spoke up, "Dad, there's something I want to talk to you about."

Tang Erhu looked up, and his smile faded instantly.

Tang Xu also looked at Tang Rui, but his smile remained gentle. He picked up the bowl next to him and took a sip of water.

"What's the matter?" Tang Erhu looked at his son.

"It's almost New Year, and all my classmates have given gifts to the teacher. I also want to give one, and I need money for next year's tuition at the school," Tang Rui finished, stealing a glance at Tang Xu.

Tang Xu was particularly sensitive to people's gazes and noticed Tang Rui looking at him, but he didn't return the gaze. He just ate silently and listened quietly.

Tang Erhu was stunned and asked him, "Don't you have more than twenty taels in your hand? Why are you asking me for money to buy New Year gifts? Besides, the annual fee for your school is five taels? You've said that the money in your hand is for your education."

"I've spent it all," Tang Rui said without feeling any problem with his statement, "I usually spend a lot of money on paper and ink, as well as on meals and accommodation at the private school. Since winter started, I also had to make two new sets of scholar robes. Even though I tried to save money, there's not much left."

Tang Erhu was dumbfounded.

"Twenty taels, and you've spent it all in just a few months? What are you doing with scholar robes? Don't you already have several?"

Tang Rui frowned slightly, "Those were made by my mother last year. They've been worn for a winter and are already old." Then he muttered to himself, "My classmates have all got new ones. I don't want to be seen in old clothes, they'll laugh at me."

Tang Erhu, sitting beside him, heard this and slammed his chopsticks on the table in anger, "You're just a country bumpkin going to school. I sent you to study, not to compare yourself with others!"

He didn't hold back his anger at all, shouting loudly.

Except for Wei Dong and Tang Xu, the other four were all startled.

Tang Yang leaned closer to Wei Xi, Tang Li glanced at Tang Rui, then at Tang Xu.

Tang Xu looked at her and slightly frowned, indicating for her not to intervene.

Tang Rui pursed his lips and looked back at Tang Erhu, "Dad, I'm studying in the county. If I'm too shabby, I'll be bullied. There are others at the school, who are also from villages, who have all got new scholar robes."

"Others are others, you are you. What are you comparing with others? Clothes, food, who has more money? Why don't you compare who studies better?" Tang Erhu's face was red with anger, his voice thundering, "I've told you before, if you can study, then study. If you can't, then come back and farm!"

"Why can my little brother study and not me? Besides, I don't intend to ask for too much money. Dad, you've given money to my younger brother for his education, you can't be so partial like this," Tang Rui turned to look at Tang Yang, then glanced at Tang Xu.

Tang Xu smiled at him, while Tang Yang looked puzzled as he held his bowl.

What's going on?

When has Dad favored him?

Every day, Dad scolds him and even beats him.

But he's never seen Dad beat his big brother.

Tang Yang was unwilling, straightening his neck as he said to Tang Rui, "Big brother, what do you mean? Just because only you can study, does that mean I can't study? Besides, even if I study, I don't spend as much money as you do. I eat at Brother's house, and Dad doesn't give Brother any money."

Tang Xu glanced at him. This kid, really, he didn't know if he was genuinely naive or just pretending to be clever.

Can he still say anything?

Tang Rui looked at Tang Xu and pursed his lips, "Brother, can you judge? Am I wrong?"

Tang Xu put down his bowl, wiped his mouth, took a sip of water, and calmly said, "Ah Rui is not wrong, Dad is partial."

Tang Rui was pleased to hear this.

Tang Erhu turned to look at Tang Xu, feeling like his eldest son hadn't finished speaking.

Indeed, Tang Xu then continued.

He raised his eyes to meet Tang Rui's gaze, his gaze clear and cold, and although there was a slight curve at the corner of his mouth, there was a hint of mockery.

"Dad and Mom have favored you for so many years, pampering you so much. How can you still have the nerve to compare yourself with Ah Yang? How much work has Ah Yang done for the family, and how much have you done? 

How much money has Ah Yang spent following his master's studies, and how much have you spent in the private school? When you compare what you wear and eat with others, Ah Yang is at home helping Dad with farm work. When you were eating well and dressing warmly, the family saved money to afford your education. There have been several days, when we did not even dare to eat meat, why don’t you compare how partial your situation is to ours?”

Tang Rui was completely taken aback by the question.

Tang Xu pressed on, tauntingly asking, "Why so silent? If you can give me a reasonable explanation, I'd be willing to give you money to buy gifts for the teacher and to fund your education."

Tang Rui felt flustered under his mocking smile, pondered for a moment, and replied, "Well, if I could pass the imperial examination, our family would certainly benefit more."

"If you could pass? Why use 'if'? You're not even sure if you can pass, isn't it too early to say such things? We don't even know how well you're doing in the private school, so how can you confidently claim that you'll pass? Who do you think you are?"

After questioning, Tang Xu stood up, propped his waist, and smiled at him, "I need to go use the restroom. Think about it yourself. If you can convince me when I come back, I'll definitely give you the money without hesitation."

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  1. Yes Tang Xu, put him in his place, he has been spoiled for so long.

  2. Thanks for the chapter! So useless

  3. Serves him right..
    thank you for the update.. 😊❤️🐾

  4. Thanks for the update!!😤😤


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