It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 36


IETSTSMLARA | The Richest Merchant In The World | 36

The night was quiet and lonely, with no place to stay. Shen Tang didn't want to break into the Prince's mansion at night and risk being riddled with arrows by countless crossbowmen, nor did he want to be criticized by Yun Hui again. He could only close his fan and land in front of an inn that was still open.

He couldn’t go home tonight, so he could only stay in an inn. There was probably no one in the world more pitiful than him. When he entered the shop, the shopkeeper was dozing off. He jerked awake at the sound of knocking on the counter, looking at the well-dressed young master the shopkeeper swallowed hard. "Young Master Shen, why are you here?"

Although the people of the capital might not recognize who the emperor was, they definitely recognized this young master from the Shen family. The Shen family was the richest, and the young master was the only heir. It was said that for the past few years, most of the family's business had been managed by him. 

Although he was a bit of a playboy and noble families were hesitant to marry their daughters to him, his naturally handsome appearance attracted the favor of countless women.

There were indeed many shops owned by the Shen family in the capital, so the shopkeeper naturally recognized him. But it was precisely because he recognized him that he was surprised. 

It was rumored that Young Master Shen would only wear silk, only drink the best wine, and only eat the freshest ingredients. His extravagance surpassed even that of the emperor.

There were countless merchants in the country, but even the richest couldn't afford to wear silk all the time. It was only because the Shen family had bankrupted itself to help the late emperor pacify the Western barbarians that they were allowed to wear silk. They didn't have to abide by all the formalities, showing how esteemed and favored they were.

Such a person passing by his shop was a rare sight, and the shopkeeper didn't know why he had come.

"This inn of yours is not bad," Shen Tang looked around and praised, not for the furnishings, but for being open at this hour. "How much for it? I'll buy it."

The shopkeeper choked up, then finally managed to catch his breath and clasped his hands together. "Young Master Shen, this inn is my family's livelihood. I can't sell it."

Looking at Shen Tang's imposing manner, he seemed like a tyrant oppressing the common people. He spoke, "Your inn is worth only a few hundred taels. I'll give you a thousand. You can open another one elsewhere."

The shopkeeper's face turned pale, then flushed red. He thanked Shen Tang profusely. "Young Master Shen is truly discerning. I'll get you the deed right away."

He looked rushed, as if afraid Shen Tang would change his mind.

Shen Tang's clothes alone were worth more than a thousand taels, so he found it somewhat amusing how the shopkeeper was rushing. He sighed inwardly at the truth of the saying "money can move mountains." 

After paying with a banknote, he took the deed and went upstairs.

Halfway there, the shopkeeper became somewhat uneasy. "Young Master Shen, it's not convenient to move tonight. Can we move our stuff to another place tomorrow?"

"I’ll give you three days, don’t worry," Shen Tang said as he continued up the stairs.

The innkeeper was profusely thankful, repeatedly calling him a good person.

The waiter working in the inn also knew that there was a change in ownership, and hurriedly replaced the bedding as per Shen Tang's request. "Young Master Shen, ordinary inns don't use silk, but these cotton quilts are brand new. Please have a look..."

"Alright, they'll do. Bring some hot water, I want to bathe and change clothes," Shen Tang said. 

He wasn't as picky as the rumors made him out to be. He just found silk more comfortable, but since the rumors had spread, he couldn't be bothered to correct them. It would just seem pretentious.

The waiter breathed a sigh of relief and hurried off.

Lin Su was halfway through his sleep when he dreamt he was swimming. When he opened his eyes, he realized it was the sound of water coming from the neighboring room. The inn was mostly made of wood, sturdy but not great for soundproofing.

The sound of water didn't seem like someone playing in it, but rather like someone taking a bath. It was strange to bathe when the moon was at its peak. It seemed like the person next door valued cleanliness.

Upon waking from his dream, Lin Su felt less tired. He wasn't angry about such a trivial matter; he was just curious about who the person next door was.

Suddenly, System 06 interrupted his thoughts. 【Host, the person next door is Shen Tang.】

【He didn't end up staying overnight at a brothel,】 Lin Su's drowsiness dissipated completely. 

He hadn't expected to encounter him twice in one day, let alone end up on the same floor. If it was fate, then it was truly fateful.

The rooms in the inn were not all the same. Some were situated far apart with two beds separating them, while others had only a wall between them.

Lin Su didn't have internal energy, and his hearing wasn't great. He could only vaguely listen to the sound of water diminishing and the sound of the bed board being weighed down. He knew that the peacock that had been plucked and had been in the water was lying in the pot... No, on the bed. .

He imagined this scene vividly. Lin Su chuckled, but heard a vague murmur from the other side: "The man next door must be sick. His silly laugh in the middle of the night scared me to tremble."

Lin Su’s isn’t that good. However, Shen Tang's hearing was quite good. While he couldn't hear people's positions or kill people with his eyes closed, he could still hear some faint noises that ordinary people couldn't. 

Naturally, he heard Lin Su's soft laughter clearly.

【System 06, make a note of this,】 Lin Su said with a smile.

He had originally planned to erase the incident of the young master listening to music in the brothel, but it seemed that fate had other plans.

System 06 dutifully complied and mourned for the rich young master next door, criticizing whoever he could criticize other than his host. He couldn't help but wonder if his host was starting to become petty, with a mind even smaller than a needle's point.

It was pitiful, lamentable, and sigh-worthy…

But exchanging a meat bun for a lifetime of wealth is definitely worth it.

After a good night's sleep, Lu Guo had breakfast and learned that the inn had changed ownership overnight. He nearly choked on his food when he heard the news. "This is extravagant! What a waste!"

"The location of this place is good," Lin Su said as he ate his meal, listening to system 06 report that the peacock was still fast asleep. He estimated that he wouldn't wake up until noon. "If they can renovate it nicely, it will attract many guests and money can be earned back quickly."

Shen Tang might be wealthy and extravagant, but he wasn't a fool. Even though he had inherited a fortune, he needed the ability to maintain it, let alone expand it.

To surpass such a flashy peacock and leave a lasting impression, Lin Su knew he would have to put in some effort.

However, it wasn't wise to meet again at this time. The reason moonlight was romantic was because it captured memories of the most beautiful moments. Judging by his current state, he probably looked destitute and devoid of any brilliance. It was better not to meet.

"Oh," Lu Guo didn't understand Lin Su's intentions, but he was curious. "You understand this too?"

"Yeah, I plan to do some business," Lin Su said with a smile.

"Aren't you going to take the imperial exams? It's a pity to give up such a good education," Lu Guo genuinely felt it was a shame. 

While he looked down on scholars because of their conservatism, he still respected the value of education. If he could understand a few more characters, he would also take the exams. 

Even becoming a scholar would guarantee him an official position without needing to kneel, unlike Lin Su who was abandoning this opportunity to become a merchant.

"There are four social classes—scholars, farmers, artisans, and merchants—our predecessors are not scholars, they don't farm, work, or trade. It seems like they don't fit into any of these categories," Lin Su calmly analyzed for him.

Lu Guo was speechless and scratched his head, not saying another word. It seemed like Lin Su's status was indeed the lowest, but even if he were asked to work in farming, he wouldn't want to.

Lu Guo began to carefully consider his words in front of Lin Su, so as not to be rebutted by him. 

For Lin Su, passing the imperial exams wasn't difficult; the challenge lay in promotion. In this era, no matter how outstanding one's achievements were, promotions had to be earned step by step, taking several years at least. Except for starting a rebellion and seizing the throne himself, he would always be ranked lower than Xiao Huang.

However, business was different. As the world's number one richest merchant, Shen Tang was limited by his loyalty to the emperor and his patriotism. He wouldn't truly surpass the royal law, but Lin Su didn't have such constraints.

Lu Guo relied on Lin Su to feed him, so he had to follow wherever Lin Su went. He watched as Lin Su immediately rented a storefront, seemingly without hesitation. The shop looked decent from the outside, but inside, apart from some miscellaneous items and old books, it was completely empty.

"What do you plan to sell?" Lu Guo looked around the shop.

"Do you know what is most valuable these days?" Lin Su flipped through the pages of the books without a hint of regret.

Lu Guo hopped onto the nearby counter and sat down. "What is it?"

"Women's jewelry, and also men's calligraphy and paintings," Lin Su smiled.

In this era where literature flourished, anything that surpassed others in terms of calligraphy and paintings would be highly sought after by scholars, just like how poets and writers were praised for their verses and writings.

If one's talents couldn't win praises and admiration, it meant they weren't good enough.

In this era, the fragrance of wine didn't fear the depth of the alley.

"But where will you get the old calligraphy and paintings?" Lu Guo raised his leg. "You won't ask me to steal, will you?"

"How could I do something that compromises the dignity of a scholar?" Lin Su retorted.

Lu Guo: "..."

Doing business was the number one thing that compromised the dignity of scholars. After all, associating with merchants would taint one's scholarly reputation, and those scholars would likely write scripters to criticize him to death.

"Senior, help me grind some ink," Lin Su spread out the paper and looked at Lu Guo. "Can you do this, Senior?"

Lu Guo had initially planned to refuse, but upon hearing Lin Su's tone, he couldn't refuse. "Of course, grinding ink is a simple task, but you don't plan to write yourself, do you?"

As he spoke, Lin Su quickly soaked a wolf hair brush in ink and effortlessly wrote three large characters. Even Lu Guo, who couldn't recognize many characters, could see that the characters were sharp, ancient, and dignified, different from others.

"What does this say?" Lu Guo asked.

"Calligraphy and Painting Shop," Lin Su took the paper, rolled it up, and handed it to him. "Please, Senior, go and frame it. It's the name of our shop."

Lu Guo carefully held the paper and turned around. However, as he reached the door, he suddenly stopped, feeling that something was amiss. But just as he turned around, he met Lin Su's smiling face. "This is a major event for our shop, Senior, and it will determine whether we feast on meat occasionally or every day. I'm counting on you."

In that moment, Lu Guo felt a sense of responsibility he had never felt before. He patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, I'll definitely get it done for you." He even used his lightness skill to speed up his pace.

【Host, you're truly wise,】 System 06 marveled.

This not only provided a free employee, but also a free runner and odd-job worker, only needing to worry about providing food every day. Such a good deal couldn't be found anywhere else nationwide.

The capital was a deep and complex place, where among scholars, besides critiquing societal issues, the most common activity was appreciating calligraphy and painting.

Within just a few days, a masterpiece by someone known as "Mr. Yan Gui" began circulating among scholars. 

Although he was previously unknown, the astonishing brushwork and delicate painting style made everyone willingly concede defeat.

"I initially saw this by chance at the calligraphy and painting shop, but it immediately stunned me..."

"This style is unprecedented. If it were to create a new font, it would be a remarkable achievement."

"How much did you spend on this, Brother Wen?" A scholar couldn't hide his envy.

The man, amidst the crowd, proudly rolled up the scroll. "Just a thousand taels."

While spending a thousand taels on silk might seem extravagant, spending it on such a masterpiece earned unanimous praise.

The calligraphy and painting studio was bustling, but unfortunately, Mr. Yan Gui only produced one piece a day, and it went to the highest bidder.

Although some mocked it for having a scent of copper, once it appeared, these usually upright and incorruptible gentlemen scrambled to buy a piece. Some even entertained the idea of acquiring the "Calligraphy and Painting Shop" itself.

Despite the occasional mockery, the studio's daily income was equivalent to a fortune. Some ruffians had ideas, but they were swiftly kicked out before they could even enter.

The owner behind the "Calligraphy and Painting Shop" in the capital was formidable, capable of hiring such a skilled individual.

Little did they know, this skilled individual is the shop owner and had duped them all.

In just over ten days, the shop's assets doubled, even acquiring the thousand taels previously offered by Lin Su. Despite encountering countless things in his travels, Lu Guo had never met someone who can make money like this. 

Amidst his excitement, Lin Su, who instead of diligently writing and selling paintings in the shop, had hired a carriage to roam around the city, caused much anxiety. "Why don't you write a few more pieces?"

It was his first time witnessing the combativeness of scholars. This group of scholars, who seemed fragile, that could be blown by a gust of wind, turned red-faced and vigorous when fighting for calligraphy and painting. Their fervor was akin to finding a gold mine.

"Scarcity breeds value," Lin Su said, observing the flow of people on the street. "Starting from tomorrow, we'll produce one piece every three days. Coachman, stop."

The carriage halted, and disregarding Lu Guo, who was still pondering his words, Lin Su got off and entered a shop on the street corner.

As Lu Guo just regained his senses, Lin Su had already concluded the deal. "Did you buy another shop? Are you planning to open a restaurant with so many purchases?"

"Yes," Lin Su smiled. "Senior is truly brilliant."

Though he was praised, Lu Guo felt as if he had been scolded. "..."

"Did you lie to me when you said you had a master?" Even Lu Guo, despite his foolishness, realized it.

Every day, Lin Su spent his time writing, painting, watching over the shop, and practicing martial arts. His techniques were clearly not those of a novice, and his progress in internal cultivation was astonishing. These techniques were unheard of in the martial world, and if he possessed such skills, he couldn't possibly be an unknown figure.

"Yes," Lin Su raised his hand to stop Lu Guo's fist. "Senior need not be angry. Although my master was fake, the peerless martial arts I acquired are real. If I reach mastery one day, I will surely compete with Senior. Before that, Senior can join me in earning money to help the needy."

While Lu Guo was still pondering the former statement, he readily agreed to the latter: "Alright, where are we going now?"

"To a wine tavern," Lin Su smiled.

As the fame of the Calligraphy and Painting Shop reached its peak, one by one, restaurants named "Cloud Visitor" quietly opened, attracting numerous customers with the renowned Immortal Drunken Wine and the ink masterpieces of Mr. Yan Gui displayed in the hall.

While initially customers flocked for these two attractions, they lingered for the unparalleled cuisine, elegant ambiance, and captivating stories. The dishes were unprecedented in the capital, the atmosphere distinct from traditional taverns, and coupled with the storyteller's tales never heard before, along with the poetic verses inserted, they became the talk of scholars, sparking a trend.

In a grand mansion in the capital, a young man in white delicately traced his finger over the scroll, pausing at the signature. There was a hint of admiration in his eyes. "Chun Hui, can you uncover the background of this Mr. Yan Gui?"

"Sir, the owner of the Calligraphy and Painting Shop only mentioned that Mr. Yan Gui never appears in person, his martial arts are profound and unfathomable, and he only deposits his paintings for sale. We couldn't uncover his background. As for the owner and knight, they're both from out of town, having suffered from a natural disaster and recently started anew. They're not your typical scholars," the servant, neatly dressed, explained.

"Nevermind, hang this painting in my room," Yun Hui said, gazing at the artwork with genuine fondness. It wasn't just the brushstrokes he admired, but also the vast mountains, remote waters, and desolate smoke of the wilderness within it, as if harboring endless aspirations.

In his previous life, he was exhausted by family disputes, he had finally escaped from that vile place with the help of his maternal family. He had resented his father for favoring concubines over his mother, the concubine who caused his mother's death, and his illegitimate half-brother who falsely accused him of cheating in the imperial examinations. 

His heart burned with hatred, feeling that without revenge, he couldn't move forward. Only when he looked at the painting gifted by his grandfather did he understand its profound meaning.

A man's ambition lies in all directions; while hatred must be avenged, one must not be consumed by it, forgetting their initial aspirations. The mountains are high, the waters are vast, and one's life should not be confined at home like women.

He felt a moment of contentment, pondering how only someone who had seen the vastness of the world could create such an astounding masterpiece.

Yet, he also wondered. In his previous life, although he was down and bullied, his reputation was extraordinary. However, he had never heard of Mr. Yan Gui or seen his calligraphy and paintings. Nevertheless, he was a patient person and hoped to meet this artist.

Perhaps due to his reincarnation, with the changing times, there would inevitably be some changes, just like when he met Xiao Huang and the others.

"Yes, Young Master, if the Master knew you liked this painting, he would certainly be pleased," Chun Hui carefully stored the painting and suddenly remembered something, "Oh, by the way, Young Master, I heard that several taverns have opened in the capital called 'Cloud Visitor.' Not only do they serve the famous Immortal Drunken Wine, but they also display Mr. Yan Gui's ink masterpieces in the hall for everyone to admire. Each tavern has a different piece hanging."

"Is that so?" Yun Hui, who had already sat down to read, stood up excitedly at this news. "Is the tavern related to Mr. Yan Gui?"

"Well, not exactly. It is said that the owner of the tavern admires Mr. Yan Gui and paid a high price for his ink masterpieces to display them for everyone to appreciate. It has received a lot of praise," Chun Hui observed his excitement and smiled, "If the Young Master wishes to go out, I'll arrange a carriage."

"Thank you," Yun Hui said with slight contemplation. "Wait, since it's for appreciation, I should dress more formally. Help me change into something more presentable."


If the east of the city was where officials and aristocrats resided, then the west was where the wealthy families lived. This area had the most markets and was the most prosperous. Among the numerous mansions, the Shen family stood out. While they didn't dare to use glazed tiles like those in the palace, their red-tiled roof was already magnificent.

Inside the mansion, Shen Tang's face showed no expression of joy or anger. However, even his always smiling eyes didn't curve upwards. The stewards present could not fail to notice that the master's mood was not particularly good.

However, these group smart individuals didn't clumsily walk into the firing line. Instead, they all bowed their heads in silence, not daring to breathe heavily, making the room even quieter.

The ebony-gold folding fan slid across the account book, and Shen Tang suddenly pulled the corners of his mouth: "In one month, the profits of the taverns and inns in the capital have decreased by seventy to eighty percent compared to last month. What on earth is going on?"

Since taking over the family business, he had only aimed to expand and had never encountered such a serious setback. Losing tens of thousands of taels in a month was a minor matter, but if the cause wasn't identified, it would become a major issue.

After exchanging glances, one steward stepped forward to report: "Master, this matter cannot be blamed on the Shen family. We have always operated in this manner. It's just that in the past month, several new taverns called 'Cloud Visitor' opened in the capital, taking away seventy to eighty percent of our business."

"I have heard of this name," Shen Tang furrowed his brows slightly. He was busy at the time and didn't pay attention to it. Who knew it would turn into a problem? "What's so special about it? Continue."

The steward sighed and said, "They excel in everything. Their alcohol includes the rare Immortal Drunken Wine that commoners find hard to obtain. I don't know why Mrs. Liu from the Liu family would be willing to give the recipe for that wine to the tavern and even supply it. The dishes in the tavern are exceptional, with new dishes every three days, unheard of before. Even the pastries are different from the usual..."

"And they also have Mr. Yan Gui's ink masterpieces displayed in the hall," another steward chimed in.

With the floodgate opened, other stewards also shared their grievances: "The storyteller's tales are extremely captivating, with stories never heard before."

"And when there's no storytelling, there are musicians playing unheard-of tunes, with the sound of mountains and rivers, which are already being sought after by the market. But only Cloud Visitor has these tunes."

"That's right, we are truly helpless. Even if we lower our prices, it only brings temporary relief."

As each steward spoke, Shen Tang had never heard of such talented individuals. If their words were not exaggerated, then the losses suffered by the Shen family's taverns and inns were justified.

"Do you know who the owners of these establishments are and where they come from?" Shen Tang asked.

All the stewards shook their heads. "We don't know. The owners of these establishments never show themselves, and everything is run by the stewards. Moreover, the stewards are very tight-lipped and won't reveal anything."

It was inconvenient to investigate privately, but since opening a business required official documents, it seemed he would have to rely on someone else. 

However, regardless of how the tavern was, Shen Tang decided to personally visit. If cooperation was possible, it would be excellent; if not, business was always about competition, and it wasn't surprising that if they used some means.

Shen Tang and Xiao Huang were on good terms; if Shen's family suffered losses, it would also hinder Xiao Huang's interests. Even before Shen Tang could visit personally, Xiao Huang had already come alone.

The prince's robe was not overly luxurious but made him extraordinarily handsome. His eyebrows and eyes exuded the dignity and steadiness of the late emperor, unlike the frivolous behavior of the current monarch.

Xiao Huang, as the legitimate son, found himself in an awkward position due to the late emperor's confusion.

Shen Tang's friendship with him was not just because of his rightful status but also because he found him pleasing to the eye. Standing together, they radiated different styles, and neither could overshadow the other's brilliance.

"Yu Chen," Shen Tang greeted him with a folding fan as he boarded the carriage, "It's rare to see you interested in going to a tavern. You've never stepped foot into any of the taverns owned by my family."

"Only because the capital is abuzz with praise for Mr. Yan Gui's calligraphy and painting, even the high officials praise it highly, but I have never seen it. What a pity," Xiao Huang reclined, exuding a laziness tinged with nobility.

Shen Tang's eyes deepened slightly. "If that's the case, it's worth obtaining a few pieces to make friends with. I'll take care of this."

"In that case, I'll trouble you," Xiao Huang responded casually.

With mutual support, Shen's family provided financial resources, while Xiao Huang ensured they were spared from official hassles. It was a mutually beneficial arrangement that would last for a long time.

Although they were mentally prepared, when they arrived at Cloud Visitor, they were still stunned by the bustling scene. The roads were congested, and even though servants continuously guided new carriages to the back alleys, Shen's family's carriage couldn't even get close.

Shen Tang and Xiao Huang exchanged a glance and opened the carriage window, observing the Cloud Visitor tavern. Unlike the typical three-story buildings in the capital, Cloud Visitor rose five stories high, requiring one to look up. The aroma of wine filled the air, giving a sense of guests coming from the clouds.

"It's indeed extraordinary," Xiao Huang squinted, "I just wonder who is behind it."

"Can't you find out from your end?" Shen Tang was genuinely curious now.

Xiao Huang shook his head. "All I know is that someone from the royal family is behind it, but their identity remains a mystery."

"If it truly involves the royal family, it's not just a matter of business competition," Shen Tang tapped his folding fan, his gaze carrying a hint of danger.

He must promote Xiao Huang to the top, otherwise the downfall of the Shen family will be just a matter of time. A towering tree attracts the wind, and he understands this well.

As for those who stand in his way, they can only make way for him.

There are many carriages, but among the hustle and bustle, the carriages of the Shen family are the most conspicuous, with their extremely luxurious golden threads and carriages that make it impossible for people not to look.

However, those who see either hurriedly cover their faces and leave or watch with some curiosity. The rise of Cloud Visitor naturally affects the business of the Shen family. This young master Shen is not very old, but his methods are extraordinary. 

Every business he ventures into is profitable, and anyone who has opposed him in the past has ended up defeated. How could he easily admit defeat after such a big setback? Now, he's here to pick a fight.

Lin Su has been busy lately. Although the opening of various restaurants is making a lot of money, there are many things to follow up on. Just as finding reliable people, renovating buildings, improving dishes, has consumed a lot of energy, not to mention his martial arts that cannot be neglected.

In this era, relying on anyone to protect oneself is not as good as protecting oneself. It's fortunate to have the system; otherwise, starting martial arts at such a young age with such poor aptitude, it might take years without any significant progress.

System 06 is finally being useful, and even the data fluctuations are much larger than before.

【Host, Yun Hui, Xiao Huang, and Shen Tang have all arrived at Cloud Visitor as guest,】 System 06 reports, 【Yun Hui is alone, while Xiao Huang and Shen Tang are together.】

Lin Su's hand with the pen stopped. In the original timeline, the three of them already knew each other at this time, and Xiao Huang and Shen Tang had a good impression of Yun Hui, especially Xiao Huang, but Shen Tang might not have figured out his own feelings clearly.

Lin Su pushed open the window and looked down from upstairs. The congested street outside gave the feeling that the carriages of the Shen family stood out among the crowd, with their golden carriages resembling pearls in the night.

However ostentatious it may seem, it indeed matches the peacock-like style of that person. 

After a brief glance, the carriage was handled by a servant, and a young man who exuded wealth and elegance came down from it, wearing luxurious clothes that couldn't hide his stunning appearance. However, unlike his gentle demeanor when Lin Su first saw him, Shen Tang's eyes were more scrutinizing.

Following him, another man stepped down from the carriage. Although he was dressed casually, he still emitted an aura of nobility, with a stature equal to Shen Tang's but a completely different charm.

Yu Chen, Xiao Huang.

Later, he became the emperor who ascended to the throne with glory. With such extraordinary appearance, he was indeed fit to be a protagonist.

The two were welcomed into the building, and after a cup of tea, a modest and elegant carriage stopped in front of the building. Though understated, the emblem of the Ministry of Personnel on it made the servants treat it with respect.

The protagonist's maternal grandfather is the current Minister of Personnel, a seasoned general with a broad mind, though troubled by family matters, he dotes on his grandson Yun Hui, who seeks his help.

A man descended from the carriage, dressed in white with embroidered bamboo patterns, exuding a refined elegance. Although he carries the air of a scholar, he doesn't seem as fragile as ordinary scholars but rather, as sturdy as bamboo.

Yun Hui had been frustrated before his rebirth, but after enduring hardships and rebirth, he seemed more relaxed amidst his ambitions. Though still young, he possesses the demeanor of a virtuous man.

【Host, according my estimation, they are bound to meet.】 System 06 reminded.

Changing the timeline could lead to a series of changes. Other hosts tend to minimize drastic alterations to avoid discrepancies. Only it’s host is bold, he doesn’t fear that the timeline might be severed.

【Don't worry, the smarter someone is, the harder it is for them to have deep feelings for someone.】 Lin Su wasn't concerned that they'd see each other a few times; at most, they'd develop a good impression. The more others try to stop them, the more likely things would turn sour.

System 06 felt this statement also applied to the host.

Cloud Visitor was spectacular both outside and inside. When Shen Tang stepped inside, he unconsciously paused his folding fan, although his heart surged, he merely swallowed lightly and followed the servant inside.

The hall was spacious, with a particularly vivid painting hanging in the center of one wall, signed "Yan Gui," surrounded by countless calligraphy works. Seeing the two men scrutinizing them, the enthusiastic servant said, "The calligraphy on that wall is the best of the day. If previous ones are inferior, they must be replaced. If the gentlemen are interested, you can also leave your own calligraphy for appraisal."

"We prefer a quieter place," Xiao Huang said calmly.

"Alright, please follow me," the servant warmly invited them as they ascended to the third floor. Surrounded by translucent screens that didn't obscure the slightest light, they could see the bustling activity below, making it an excellent spot.

When it came time to order, instead of reciting the dishes as usual, the servant handed them a thick menu. It was categorized and priced, with colorful illustrations of the dishes.

"This menu lists the most popular dishes from top to bottom, and the drinks are the same," the servant explained.

This method was novel, even illiterate people could understand. It wasn't difficult to implement, and it didn't require high drawing skills, yet no one had thought of it before.

They ordered their dishes and some Immortal Drunken Wine. While they waited, Shen Tang couldn't sit still. He approached the screen and tapped it, saying, "This doesn't seem like glass. You can see from the inside out, but not from the outside in. How miraculous! This innkeeper is truly ingenious."

Xiao Huang was about to respond when wind chimes outside rang, and the servant asked, "Guests, may I come in?"

Shen Tang returned to his seat and called out, "Come in."

The servant entered, served the drinks, and hurried away. Shen Tang poured himself a drink and sniffed it, "Indeed, it's the Immortal Drunken Wine. My Shen family has only had one pot for many years, yet now we can drink it here at Cloud Visitor."

"This person's abilities cannot be forced by power," Xiao Huang said after taking a sip and then pausing. "If we can make use of him, it would be a great help."

"If we can cooperate, the Shen family can also rise to new heights," Shen Tang casually fiddled with the table, but when he opened a drawer and saw bowls, plates, and chopsticks, he was surprised. He didn't care about his image and bent down to look. When he raised his head, his expression was somewhat urgent, "Everywhere here is full of ingenious ideas, all to my liking. If I cannot meet the owner, I fear I will have trouble sleeping and eating in the future."

Xiao Huang rarely smiled lightly, "Our goals are the same. We must find out who the owner is, no matter what."

"Unless it's absolutely necessary, we shouldn't pressure them," Shen Tang's expression turned serious for a moment, but his eyes lit up when he saw the lamp hanging above his head. "Brother Chen, what do you think if I were to steal one of these lamps? It matches my taste perfectly."

The lamp, resembling glass, depicted extremely beautiful scenes, exquisitely crafted and splendid, exactly to Shen Tang's liking.

"You can buy one, there’s no need to steal. Otherwise, if it's discovered, I'll have to find an excuse to bail you out. It's a minor issue. However, it would be a big issue if the son of the richest man in the capital is caught stealing," Xiao Huang said with a smile that wasn't quite a smile.

"If possible, I would love to buy Cloud Visitor as a whole," Shen Tang expressed his fondness for the place, feeling that everywhere he looked was filled with indescribable wonders. His gaze shifted, and when he saw a figure in white, his eyes lit up. "Yu Chen, guess who I saw."

Xiao Huang followed his gaze and softened his expression slightly. "Zi Yu rarely goes out, so he must be interested in calligraphy and painting. It seems like fate brought us to meet."

Xiao Huang stood up and went outside the private room to call someone over.

Shen Tang, with excellent eyesight, observed the young man who was holding a jade cup from afar. "Since he likes Master Yan Gui's calligraphy and paintings, I'll find several more pieces to gift him. Yu Chen, what do you think?"

Xiao Huang's eyes darkened slightly. "Ah Hui dislikes extravagance. He might not dare to accept such a lavish gift from Jingchen."

"Scholars are indeed conservative," Shen Tang sighed with disappointment. "Forget it. After acquiring Cloud Visitor, I'll just invite him to appreciate the calligraphy and paintings hanging here every day."

Xiao Huang remained silent, and there was a moment of silence in the private room.

On the other side, when Yun Hui was called over, he gladly got up and went to meet them. 

When he arrived, he bowed and smiled, "Yu Chen, Jingchen."

Xiao Huang's courtesy name was Yu Chen, while Shen Tang's was Jingchen.(Yu Hui- Zi Yu)

Shen Tang returned the greeting. Although he felt uncomfortable with Yun Hui always placing him in a secondary position, he wouldn't bring it up. "Zi Yu, your outfit today looks excellent."

Xiao Huang gestured for Yun Hui to sit down. Yun Hui chuckled lightly, "But don't you usually dislike white clothes?"

Shen Tang preferred grandeur and extravagance, which he could handle, but Yun Hui preferred simplicity, so when he first saw him in flashy attire, he found it headache-inducing. Based on their tastes, they were unlikely to get along initially, but unexpectedly, they became friends.

【Host, they are having a pleasant conversation.】 System06 reminded the very composed host.

The implication was that if they didn't act soon, there was a real possibility of losing the opportunity.

Lin Su lightly plucked the strings of the zither, adjusting the tune without any hint of hurry. 【You mentioned there were three people.】

The intimacy between two individuals is pleasant, but the presence of a third person makes it awkward. While having a third person present may accelerate the discovery of one's feelings, fostering emotions among three individuals is undoubtedly the worst scenario.

The three individuals beneath conversed about poetry, calligraphy, and paintings. Among them, Yun Hui excelled the most, followed by Xiao Huang, with Shen Tang being the least proficient. 

Although his literary skills were above average, Shen Tang's true talent lay in business, and he enjoyed theory and joy more than poetry. In this environment, the paintings hanging in the hall were less captivating to him than the lamps above.

Although he was obviously absent-minded, he pretended to be engrossed in the discussions, with Shen Tang's eagerness to take everything from Cloud Visitor evident in his demeanor, appearing endearing to Lin Su.

Shen Tang was feeling thoroughly bored, sipping on his wine and looking down when suddenly, a curtain descended from the ceiling, with a figure landing on the platform below.

The surrounding crowd cheered, "Is there a new piece today?"

"I would love to hear 'High Mountains and Flowing Waters' again."

"To encounter a musical performance, truly fortunate indeed."

"But who is the musician playing today? It's so exciting!"

The crowd was excited, but Shen Tang was puzzled. Then, a servant stood in front of the platform and announced, "Today, the musician will play a new piece. Anyone who can interpret its deeper meaning will be exempt from paying today's fee."

Upon hearing this, the crowd erupted in cheers, eagerly anticipating the challenge.

As the servant departed, the three men involuntarily ceased their conversation and sat quietly. 

The surrounding voices suddenly ceased, leaving only the faint sound of the zither emanating from behind the canopy. The music was enchanting, weaving and lingering, with a hint of innocence akin to the blossoming of young love. Shen Tang couldn't help but listen intently. He had heard countless pieces of music before, but none were as exquisite as this.

The zither's melody seemed to resonate within the hearts of the listeners, infusing even the drinks with a sweet taste, enticing them to peer behind the curtain and catch a glimpse of the person playing.

As the zither's sound gradually faded, Shen Tang unconsciously stood up and approached the railing, intending to chase after the disappearing sound. 

However, the zither's music suddenly intensified, gripping the listeners' heartstrings tighter and tighter until, at the peak, it abruptly descended, evoking a sense of dizziness and heaviness, as if their hearts were constricting, accompanied by a mournful wail.

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