It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 37


IETSTSMLARA | The Richest Merchant In The World | 37

The zither's melody sounded as if it were weeping and lamenting, carried a sense of melancholy, yet gradually dissipated the sadness enveloping their bodies. With a light and lively feeling, the music conveyed images of warfare and heroic deeds...

As the final notes descended, the initial lingering tenderness seemed to blend with a touch of softness, different from the sweetness of first love. The atmosphere at this moment was akin to fine wine, growing richer and more fragrant with each sip. Even if only the aftertaste remained, it lingered in the air, resounding in the ears.

For a moment, the room fell into silence, until one person applauded, igniting a lively atmosphere. Even those unfamiliar with music couldn't help but be moved by the melody, let alone those versed in musical theory.

Shen Tang covered his heart, feeling it pounding violently as if it could burst from his chest at any moment. He had heard countless pieces of music before, but none had ever left him so profoundly shaken.

"This melody seems to belong only to the heavens," Yun Hui remarked, rising slowly to stand at the railing, gazing intently toward the canopy. "I wonder what kind of person could play such a piece. If I could meet them, it would be a life well spent."

"Zi Yu is also knowledgeable in music. Can you interpret its meaning?" Shen Tang asked as Yun Hui approached him. His expression had returned to normal, but a thought had stirred in his mind.

"I only have a basic understanding, but I feel that this piece encompasses both grand emotions and tender love, a rare and perfect composition. On this aspect, I am no match for Jingchen," Yun Hui replied.

Shen Tang dismissed Yun Hui's humility. This was not something that could be discerned with just a basic understanding of music.

Amidst the cheering crowd, the servant approached and announced, "Who among you wishes to guess? A correct answer exempts you from paying for today's food and drink. However, if you guess wrong... you must compose a poem for Cloud Visitor, to be appreciated by all."

"This establishment truly caters to the refined," Yun Hui chuckled lightly. Even the punishment was elegant, arousing admiration.

Those who had initially hesitated now focused their thoughts. One person raised their hand and declared, "I'll give it a try. I believe the zither's melody contains the sound of warfare and the bravery of soldiers on the battlefield."

Some pondered deeply as the servant lifted the canopy to inquire inside. When he emerged, he shook his head in front of the expectant crowd. "You've only guessed a part of it."

The person felt somewhat disappointed but immediately picked up the nearby pen and paper, burying their head in composing poetry. 

Yun Hui, not seeing anyone respond, was about to give an answer when the person beside him spoke up loudly, "If I can guess it, I won't ask for exemption from today's food and drink. I only ask to meet the musician. How about it?"

His boldness in speech and action caused a moment of silence among the people in the building. Could it be that this young master from the Shen family had come to stir up trouble?

"This..." The servant hesitated before poking his head behind the curtain. After a while, he emerged and said, "The musician agrees. If the young master can decipher the meaning, the musician will play another piece. However, the musician here does not engage in frivolous entertainment. They only engage in musical exchanges with fellow enthusiasts."

The crowd erupted into cheers at these words. Scholars carried an air of aloofness and often looked down upon the trivial tunes played in places of entertainment. The music there paled in comparison to Cloud Visitor, where true mastery could be found.

Lin Su, however, had none of these thoughts. In his eyes, regardless of occupation, everyone was just trying to make a living. As long as they didn't deceive or cheat, any profession was respectable. No one was superior to anyone else.

His purpose was simply to pique the interest of that elusive peacock. If he easily succeeded, it wouldn't be fun.

Men inherently enjoyed chasing and conquering, especially intelligent and powerful men.

If he could see that peacock spread its feathers in front of him, it would be quite interesting indeed.

Shen Tang had expected it wouldn't be so easy to meet the musician. But being rejected like this seemed to fan the flames of his determination. If they didn't meet today, there would always be another chance in the future. There was no need to rush.

"The melody portrays the five emotions: childhood sweethearts, parting over a thousand miles, fighting on the battlefield, returning home in glory, and enduring hardships together," Shen Tang explained.

The music depicted the love story of a couple from childhood to old age, as well as the husband's heroic deeds, making life seem perfect. The lingering melody was truly memorable.

Yun Hui listened to his interpretation with a flicker of admiration in his eyes.

When the servant inquired again, he emerged and congratulated Shen Tang with a respectful bow, "The young master is truly talented, having deciphered the melody completely. The musician, impressed by your insight, will play another piece for you."

"Their name is Su Wen?" Shen Tang asked.

"The musicians at Cloud Visitor all have pseudonyms names, not their real names," the servant replied before carrying the zither out and sending the lyre inside.

"Please, musician," Shen Tang extended his hand.

The cheerful melody flowed out like running water, jumping in people's hearts like dancing pearls. It was both lingering and filled with longing, causing Shen Tang's hands, which were originally tapping, to stop abruptly.

Yun Hui, listening carefully, was somewhat surprised to hear the meaning behind the music. The intention of love in the song was unmistakable. While it might be a way for lovers to express their feelings privately, performing it in front of an audience carried a hint of teasing.

Shen Tang naturally noticed the surprised gazes of many people, but instead of feeling teased, he found it intriguing. Normally, he was the one teasing others, but this person had quite the audacity.

His curiosity, initially mild, grew tenfold.

As the music ended, Shen Tang came back to himself, a smile tugging at his lips. "They are teasing me, right?" he remarked, still wearing his usual debonair demeanor.

Yun Hui, seeing his calmness, relaxed as well. "The music is indeed exquisite," he commented.

"They do have some skill," Shen Tang mused, savoring the feeling of those delicate threads entwining around his heart. "If I could buy Cloud Visitor, I'd have them play whenever I want."

As the music ended, however, no one emerged from behind the curtain. Only those with keen eyesight could see a figure standing up and disappearing into thin air. While some were surprised at the sudden disappearance, regular guests were accustomed to such occurrences and focused on discussing the new music of the day.

"These two pieces are extraordinary. Cloud Visitor is truly full of hidden talents," someone remarked.

"I'm afraid it will become all the talk in the capital again. It's a pleasure for us, though," another chimed in.

Xiao Heng frowned and said, "That wasn't lightness skill." He hadn't sensed any fluctuations in internal energy, and scaling five floors without using any external force was something only a grandmaster-level expert could do.

“It’s a mechanism,” Shen Tang's eyes were filled with excitement, unable to contain his pacing. "If I can't acquire Cloud Visitor through legitimate means, I'm tempted to just take it by force."

Everything here was his favorite, even the mechanisms were unheard of to him. If it wasn't someone he had befriended or offended with such ingenuity, he would have suspected foul play.

Another person came to the private room, and when the servant entered, he handed Shen Tang a scroll. "Young Master Shen, this is the music score of the two pieces just now, gifted by Musician Su Wen. Please accept it."

"Where did they go?" Shen Tang took the score, and upon inspection, his expression almost changed. "Never mind, they must have left by now."

The servant nodded and left. Seeing Shen Tang's unusual expression, Xiao Huang inquired, "What's written on the score?"

"There's a beauty, unforgettable upon first sight. A day without seeing them is like madness," Shen Tang recited slowly, his expression unreadable. "Their audacity knows no bounds."

"But they are quite talented," Yun Hui murmured, contemplating those lines. "It's not inferior to the poems by Master Yan Gui."

"Do you like Master Yan Gui's calligraphy and poems?" Xiao Huang asked.

"I recently acquired a piece and greatly admire it," Yun Hui replied with admiration in his eyes. His trip to Cloud Visitor Guesthouse was now deemed worthwhile.

Xiao Huang offered, "If you like, I've acquired a new piece. I can send it to you another day."

Yun Hui politely declined with a smile, "I cannot accept such a precious gift without merit."

"In that case, I'll have to invite you over to my residence to appreciate it," Xiao Heng chuckled. "Then you won't refuse, right?"

Naturally, Yun Hui was delighted.

However, the tacit understanding between the two made Shen Tang, who had just received the music score, somewhat displeased.

Isn’t Yu Chen being too arrogant? Did he think Zi Yu was already his?

"Master Ya Gui's calligraphy and paintings are valuable, and Yu Chen is frugal. It wouldn't be right to let him spend too much. Why don't I acquire a few more pieces? Zi Yu can come to my place to appreciate them later," Shen Tang suggested with a smile.

In his words, calligraphy and paintings seemed to be mere commodities to be measured in gold and silver. Yun Hui, who valued calligraphy and paintings, felt that a masterpiece should not be easily insulted. 

He disliked this aspect of Shen Tang the most, but it was an unavoidable reality that the more renowned the artist, the more precious their works became.

“No need,” Yun Hui refused politely. “A few pieces from Cloud Visitor are already sufficient. There’s no need to spend on my behalf. If Jingchen doesn’t like calligraphy and paintings, there’s no need to collect them all.”

Making friends with them was one thing, but avoiding causing trouble for his maternal family was another.

His refusal was appropriate, but Shen Tang, accustomed to dealing with people from all walks of life, could easily discern that Yun Hui didn't appreciate his approach. Dealing with the lofty airs of scholars could sometimes be difficult.

“Since you put it that way, Zi Yu, I won’t spend unnecessarily,” Shen Tang replied, feeling a bit dejected but not showing it on his face.

As they bid farewell late into the night and saw Yun Hui off, Shen Tang's mood was subdued when he boarded the carriage. But as he settled in, a servant rushed over and handed him a beautifully crafted lamp. “Young Master Shen, please be careful on the dark roads. Take this lantern.”

The lamp, resembling glass, was even more exquisite than those hung in the inn. Shen Tang was initially stunned, but inexplicably felt his mood lighten a bit. “Thank you for your hospitality.”

As he entered the carriage without acknowledging Xiao Huang, Shen Tang couldn’t help but admire the lamp, feeling some of his frustration dissipate. Whether it was the musician or the inn, the gesture was remarkably considerate.

“Do you know what you look like right now?” Xiao Huang asked as he watched Shen Tang.

Finally setting the lamp aside carefully, Shen Tang asked, “What do I look like?”

“Like a pampered wife who’s been appeased by her husband’s gift,” Xiao Huang remarked pointedly.

Cloud Visitor was indeed a fantastic place, with excellent paintings, music, and people. Shen Tang found himself slightly out of sorts.

Shen Tang paused for a moment and responded with a smile, “Is Yu Chen worried that I’ll lose my ambition after receiving this trinkets? If we want Cloud Visitor, we must give each other a chance to interact.”

Although they occasionally clashed due to Yun Hui, it wouldn’t affect their original goals.

“As long as Jingchen doesn’t forget his ambition,” Xiao Huang remarked.

As the carriage stopped at the Shen residence, Xiao Huang departed in his own carriage. 

Servants rushed to greet Shen Tang, “Young Master, you’re back! Madam is looking for you.”

"Ah, this lamp is so beautiful, where did you get it?" 

"It's even more exquisite than palace lamps."

Shen Tang paused in his motion of entering the door, handing the lamp to a servant and instructing him to hide it in his room: "Put this thing away in my room and hide it well, don't let anyone..."

"Tang'er is back, what gift have you brought for your mother?" A richly dressed woman walked over from afar. If she hadn't called herself mother, she would have looked like a woman in her prime, definitely unable to have borne a son as big as Shen Tang.

Before Shen Tang could answer, her gaze fell upon the lamp: "Oh my, it's really beautiful, even comparable to the crystal lamps in the palace. Thank you, Tang'er."

She reached out to take it, but Shen Tang quickly grasped her wrist: "Mother, this is not..."

If it were anything else, no matter how precious, he would be willing to give it away. But just this lamp always reminded him of the bone-deep yearning of the qin music, as if it were still echoing in his ears, making him feel extremely good upon seeing it.

"What is it?" Madam Shen raised an eyebrow at him. "Tang'er, you've grown up now, unwilling to even give a lamp to your mother. Back then, I worked so hard to give birth to you..."

"Mother, this is mine..." Shen Tang gritted his teeth, speaking out of impulse, "This is my token of love. How about I find something better for you another day?"

At this point, Madam Shen had forgotten about the gift, grabbing Shen Tang's hand: "Token of love? Is it for a boy or a girl? Whose child is it? If you're in love, it's good to settle down soon."

Shen Tang would usually keep his wits about him with others, but when it came to his own mother, he could only go along with her: "Mother, did you ask the wrong question?"

"How could I ask the wrong question? Since the founding of our dynasty, it has been a tradition for men to marry and have heirs," Lady Shen glared at him. "If you weren't delaying marriage, I wouldn't have thought about you liking men. Tell me, why have you been hesitating to marry?"

Shen Tang was truly helpless. He lightly kicked the servant who was watching the spectacle on the side: "Hurry up and prepare a bath for me, don't just stand here enjoying the show."

After everyone dispersed, Shen Tang spoke up: "Mother, even if I marry a man as my wife, I still won't be able to give you grandchildren."

Traditionally, the men of the Shen family were always dedicated to one woman. If they truly loved someone, they would marry them as their legitimate wife without taking concubines or having extramarital affairs. 

This ensured a harmonious relationship between husband and wife, avoiding many troubles within the household.

However, with Shen Tang, as soon as he understood the difference between men and women, he seemed to prefer mingling with women. He truly had the appearance of a playboy. If it weren't for his persistent bachelorhood and lack of concubines, the reputation of the Shen family would have been tarnished by him.

If he liked men, the Shen family would face extinction. But he genuinely had no interest in women, except for when Yun Hui was around, he didn't feel repulsed. 

However, he couldn't marry Yun Hui. There is still a big difference between the family and the merchant. Yun Hui was the epitome of a noble family's son, proficient in poetry and prose, already a top scholar, and likely to achieve the top spot in the imperial examination. 

Whereas Shen Tang was a merchant, with no chance of even attempting the examinations, let alone passing them.

Although Yun Hui never looked down on him despite his extravagant nature, he had sparked many delusions in Shen Tang's mind, making him believe that they were equals, akin to the reverence one would have for royalty.

His mood sank a little, and Madam Shen pulled his arm as they entered the house: "What's the harm in that? Your father and I will try harder to give you a younger brother. The most important thing is for my son to live freely. Don't restrain yourself. Come on, tell mother, who gave you that lamp as a token of love?"

Shen Tang smiled knowingly and replied, "A musician who plays very well."

"A man?" Madam Shen asked tentatively.

Shen Tang affirmed, "Yes."

Only a man could play with such vigor and sentimentality; the emotions expressed in the music were those of the player.

"A musician is fine. If you truly like him, shall I arrange a betrothal for you?" Madam Shen was clearly delighted. "Quickly, tell me which family he belongs to."

"Mother, he is a man, and he would naturally want face," Shen Tang began to fabricate. Although he didn't want his thoughts to be constantly consumed by Yun Hui, he also didn't want to marry at this moment. "We need to wait a while longer."

Moreover, he hadn't even seen the person in question, let alone determined if they were suitable for marriage. While many skilled musicians were ugly, Shen Tang didn't care about appearances when listening to music, but marriage required more consideration.

"Very well, take your time to think about it," Madam Shen held his hand, ready to launch into a long conversation. "Tang'er, true love is rare, and mutual affection should be cherished. Sometimes you are too stubborn. If that person doesn't love you, seeking their favor will only hurt yourself..."

"Yes, yes, mother, you're right. I have some matters to attend to, I'll take my leave. Please rest early, mother." Shen Tang let her words go in one ear and out the other, using his lightness skill as he hurriedly left with his lamp.

It wasn't that he didn't want to listen, but his mother's words had been repeated countless times, and while he understood the logic, but it would be great if people's hearts could be controlled by reason..

The lamp hung in Shen Tang's bedroom, devoid of any sparkle for so long. Shen Tang lazily opened the lid and glanced inside, chuckling when he saw the large night pearl within.

Only someone from Cloud Visitor's shop could gift such a large night pearl. Otherwise, how could a mere musician possess such a precious item?

Playing music to tease him and gifting a night pearl—it was evident that there was affection involved.

There were plenty of people that admire him in the capital, one more or one less didn't matter. Well, it was better to have admirers; it made conducting business easier.

After three days, Shen Tang visited Cloud Visitor's shop again, not as a guest this time but to return the lamp. "I wanted to thank the shop for the lamp you gifted me the other day. It helped me find my way in the dark."

"Ah, you came at an unfortunate time. The owner isn't here today," the innkeeper greeted him with a smile. "But we can accept it on their behalf."

"This lamp is valuable. I'll come back another time," Shen Tang said as he walked away, pondering if perhaps three days was too long. But his previous experiences had always been successful; it was usually the other party who couldn't wait.

However, others couldn't easily snatch away business from the Shen family. This person couldn't be treated like an ordinary individual.

When Shen Tang arrived, Lin Su had already received news. Naturally, he was in the building, but now that the little peacock had seen him, he didn't need to worry about him anymore.

Would Lin Su kindly let the little peacock sleep peacefully? Certainly not.

When someone had a place in your heart, you first needed to unsettle their thoughts, then their emotions. Yearning for someone but unable to obtain them was the best scenario.

According to Lin Su's analysis, in the original timeline, Shen Tang pursued Yun Hui relentlessly out of friendship and understanding, but more so out of... unattainability.

He was handsome and admired by countless people, but he was the one who he couldn't obtain, rather than others being unable to obtain him. He wasn't used to being denied, so the more he couldn't have something, the more he wanted it, leading to restlessness and unease.

"Boss, they've politely declined the lamp," the innkeeper's assistant relayed the message.

"Alright, if he comes again, I won't be here," Lin Su responded.

"Yes, I understand," the assistant hurriedly retreated.

Lin Su took a long flute and examined it between his fingers. Suddenly, Lu Guo, who had jumped in from the window at some point, spoke up, "I delivered the letter to the Prince Ning for you. But seriously, what's with you? Sending a lamp and then not being here when he comes. Are you interested in the young master of the Shen family?"

"Yes, I am," Lin Su replied calmly.

Lu Guo sat down on a nearby stool and crossed his legs, "He's certainly good-looking. Are you interested in his appearance, or in... the Shen family's wealth? If you become the Shen family's son-in-law, it's like marrying a golden mountain. But the possibility of you being married off there is even greater."

"I'm interested in the person," Lin Su smiled. "Money is just external wealth. How could I be so vulgar?"

Lu Guo retorted, "Do you think I'm brainless?"

Lin Su glanced at him, "Do you want to hear the truth, Brother Lu?"

"No, stop, I don't want to hear it!" Lu Guo raised his hand to stop him. He felt like his future was bleak. Not only did he run errands every day, but ever since this guy defeated him the other day, Lu Guo felt like he had no idea what was going on. This guy stopped calling him 'senior brother' and just called him Brother Lu directly.

If this kept up, he might become his grandson one day.

Lin Su remained silent, but Lu Guo couldn't help himself. He didn't usually waste so many words on others; he had a demeanor of a master. But when he came face to face with Lin Su, he just couldn't stop talking.

While others only heard rumors about Lin Su, Lu Guo had seen with his own eyes how Lin Su seemed to effortlessly build such a large business. Even Cloud Visitor's shop was expanding beyond the capital, and it was even rumored that it was opening a chain.

Cloud Visitor earns a lot of money every day, and if they expand nationwide, they'll truly be buried in gold. He has never seen anyone so good at making money before. There's also that Zui Xian and Wang Ye, making it seem like a dream every day.

Many of his words come from unconscious awe and admiration, especially since he was the first person he has seen who could knock him down after just over a month of martial arts training.

"You're not some kind of old monster who's been alive for decades?" That's what Lu Guo asked when he was lying on the ground.

In a sense, he guessed right, but Lin Su naturally couldn't admit it. In this era, talk of gods and ghosts could easily get one targeted by everyone. "Of course not, I've just been practicing martial arts since I was young. I just temporarily stopped practicing my martial arts due to some recent events."

That answer was enough to satisfy Lu Guo's inquiries.

"So you like someone, but then let them go," Lu Guo really didn't understand, "how could you possibly catch up? Let me tell you, when you like someone, you have to be fast, accurate, and ruthless, decisively grabbing hold of them and not letting them slip away..."

Lin Su glanced at him and said, "Brother Lu is so capable, why haven't you married yet?"

Lu Guo felt like he'd been stabbed in the heart, feeling awkward. He scratched his head and said, "It's because I have no fixed residence, I can't bear to let a girl suffer with me."

"Then find a girl, I'll provide the betrothal gifts for you," Lin Su offered generously.

Lu Guo's legs trembled like a sieve, and after a while, he said irritably, "I don't know why those girls don't like me. Would your method really work?"

"Patience is key in pursuing someone, you can't be hasty," Lin Su stood up and smiled, "just wait and see."

Shen Tang never saw anyone when he returned the lamp. Plus, a few days ago, when Yun Hui's family came looking for trouble, it was all due Xiao Huang's help. He was almost overwhelmed with tasks, feeling extremely bad: "So where did your shop owner go?"

Although he was smiling, his grinding teeth seemed like he wanted to devour someone.

"The store owner went to the east side of the city to enjoy the scenery by the lake. They should be back by night," the waiter said politely.

Shen Tang's temper was surprisingly good, not getting angry. He had things to attend to here, yet the person went leisurely to the lake. "The shopkeeper is in such good spirits. Let's go."

He got on the carriage, but someone came to report, "Young Master, the newly opened Treasure Pavilion in the capital has snatched our Shen family's business. Everyone has gone there."

"Who's the shop owner?" Shen Tang's mood descended another notch in its wonderful degree.

"It seems to be the owner of Cloud Visitor," the servant said, head bowed, afraid to speak.

"Head east to the city!" Shen Tang ordered directly.

Even if he had to dig three feet into the ground and drain the lake, he would find the shop owner today.

The eastern city's Jade Lake lived up to its name, with willows hanging down and green waves rippling. This lake was connected to the Jade River, gathering water from various sources, making it one of the capital's scenic spots.

On a spring day, amidst the red flowers and green willows, charming young women wandered through, their smiles more enchanting than the flowers.

But in this era, these young women were really just little girls to Lin Su, even if they could embroider and recite poetry, they were still innocent and naive.

As a pleasure boat glided across the lake, Lin Su looked from afar at the shore. When he noticed the carriage approaching from a distance, he put the flute at his lips and gently blew. 

The melody seemed to spread along the green waves, drawing the attention of the girls on the shore.

"That seems to be the sound of a flute."

"It's as ethereal as celestial music, even better than what Master taught."

Some girls lifted their willow branches to look around, but only saw the boat passing by, with a figure leisurely sitting at the front, seemingly blowing away the hustle and bustle of this spring day along with the ripples.

"I wonder which young master that is?"

"Xiao Wan'er seems smitten."

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Laughter and teasing filled the air, with the women's beauty complementing the spring scenery. 

If Shen Tang had seen this scene on any other day, he would have surely composed a poem. But now, standing at the edge of the carriage, gazing at the pleasure boat in the middle of the lake, all he saw above was a cloud with a burning heart.

"Oh my, someone's coming, quick, go."

"Hurry, hurry..."

Women shouted, and they all ran away. Although there was no rule against women being seen by men in the morning, they still maintained a distance from each other.

With the absence of those noisy voices, the flute's melody became even more ethereal, truly as if descending from heaven, following the mountains and rivers into the human realm.

The beauty of its melody was no less than that of the evening's music. This shop owner was indeed leisurely, even bringing a musician along for the ride.

"Young Master, there's no Shen family pleasure boat nearby. You'll have to wait here for a while," the servant said.

"No need." Shen Tang didn't even get off the carriage, simply sitting up from the edge of the carriage. Amidst the nervous gazes of the servants, he lightly tapped a few times on the waves before landing directly on the distant pleasure boat.

The boat slightly sank, but the flute's melody remained fluid. Now that he was here, Shen Tang wasn't in a hurry anymore. He looked at the figure sitting on the boat with one leg bent and the other naturally hanging down, pondering.

He had guessed it was a man, but he hadn't expected it to be someone quite different from his imagination. Musicians in the pavilion were mostly slender, and even if they were men, they exuded a kind of tenderness. Scholars were even more inclined to be elegant, almost wanting to make themselves as thin as monkeys.

But this person's silhouette was different from those men. Although he sat with crossed legs, his figure was long and powerful, unlike the usual weak scholars.

But it made sense. Someone who could play such passionate melodies shouldn't be weak. He was too narrow-minded.

The flute's melody ended, but it seemed to still ripple on the jade waves. The person stood up, flipping the flute and placing it at his waist. As he turned around, Shen Tang was secretly on guard, but met a pair of deep, smiling eyes.

This person's appearance was quite remarkable, with sharp features and a handsome face that bordered on being too sharp, yet it didn't raise too many defensive thoughts in people's minds. It was as if he had truly descended from the heavens along with the flute's melody.

"Master Shen?" Lin Su walked towards him, unhurried, even the swaying of the pendant on the flute was at the same rhythm.

But he was just too calm. When he approached, Shen Tang couldn't help but take a step back. Seeing the deepening smile on the man's face, Shen Tang's expression darkened. "Master Su seems to have good taste. Where is your shop owner? Could you lead the way?"

Why did his words carry a sense of hostility? Clearly, this person was just a musician.

Lin Su stepped past him, opening the door to the pleasure boat. "Please follow me, Master Shen."

For a moment, Shen Tang hesitated. He couldn't blame himself for being suspicious, mainly because of the recent string of misfortunes followed by too much smoothness, which made it feel like there might be a conspiracy.

And this was on someone else's turf. He had been careless.

Lin Su glanced at him, not waiting for him to enter but going in himself, leaving the door open. By the time Shen Tang caught up, Lin Su had already walked a distance.

Was this person trying to provoke him and seize the Shen family's property?

Nonsense! What wishful thinking!

Shen Tang followed cautiously until they reached a place resembling a tea room, where the musician from earlier was boiling water and making tea. Besides the servant seen earlier, there was no one else around.

"Where is the shop owner?" Shen Tang smiled, lowering his gaze. "Could it be that the young master of the Shen family is not worth meeting for the shop owner?"

"It’s me," Lin Su placed a cup of tea in front of him. "Don't I look like it?"

Shen Tang: "..."

He just felt that the person in front of him was not as simple as he appeared, but he hadn't expected him to be the shopkeeper of Cloud Visitor. 

He felt like he had been played.

Shen Tang, who had been in business for many years, was actually played by a young man who was just starting out.

"So you're not Su Wen?" Shen Tang sat across from him, staring straight at the person and asked, "I didn't expect the owner of Cloud Visitor to play the flute so well."

"Su Wen is just an alias name," Lin Su met his gaze without evasion, "My real name is Lin Su. I've long admired Master Shen's name and have wanted to be acquainted with for a long time. I wonder if I can address you by your courtesy name?"

"So you are Su Wen." Shen Tang refused to admit defeat in the stare-off, but those deep eyes seemed to hide endless meaning. 

Usually, it was others who avoided his gaze, but now, facing such a direct gaze, he felt uncomfortable and wanted to look away. Yet he stubbornly kept staring, forgetting to respond until the person in front of him chuckled and looked away, snapping him out of it as if he had been released from a trance.

It felt like he had bumped into something sinister, what a ghost!

"That day, Jingchen's explanation was excellent, worthy of being called a kindred spirit," Lin Su smiled, "If there are new compositions in the future, may I invite you to listen?"

Shen Tang was interested in new compositions, but what astonished him was the audacity of the person in front of him. He hadn't even agreed yet, and this person directly addressed him by his courtesy name. "Then I'll respectfully comply. Is your courtesy name Su Wen?"

"No, it's Yan Gui." Lin Su said casually, but Shen Tang was choked with saliva, coughing uncontrollably. "You, you're that... cough..."

Lin Su patted his back until he stopped coughing, then sat back down.

Shen Tang's smile didn't reach his eyes. "Mr. Yan Gui, Brother Lin, you're truly talented."

He was adept in music, knowledgeable in calligraphy and painting. Just one painting made Yun Hui admire him endlessly. But if it weren't for his straightforwardness, who would have known that the shopkeeper of Cloud Visitor, the musician Su Wen, and Mr. Yan Gui were the same person?

But when he said that, he was the only one who knew about it in the entire capital, so he felt a bit like he was being treated specially.

"It's just a trivial skill," Lin Su chuckled, "not as good as Jingchen's understanding of music. Just by listening, you can decipher the emotions within."

"Why are you telling me this? Aren't you afraid I'll expose these matters about you?" Shen Tang added a hint of threat.

Mr. Yan Gui's calligraphy and painting were indeed remarkable, but more so was his mysteriousness. Once exposed, his reputation would definitely not be as glorious as it is now. 

Perhaps those scholars would even feel deceived, as it would be suspicious for a businessman to produce such writings and paintings.

"Jingchen's move is akin to cutting off the source of trouble," Lin Su seemed somewhat helpless. Just as Shen Tang thought he had regained control of the situation, he heard Lin Su continue, "But Master Yun probably doesn't care about Yan Gui’s identity. If he could foster a deep friendship and have a heartfelt discussion with him, it would also be a beautiful thing."

His voice was filled with longing, and Shen Tang's smile faltered. "Are you interested in Zi Yu? Do you dare to have interest in him? Do you really think this capital city is a place for you to act recklessly?"

Lin Su endured his sharp glances, knowing it was time to reel in the net. If he didn't do it now, this peacock would be stimulated too many times, and he might truly develop deep feelings for Yun Hui. "What Jingchen said is nonsense. I am not interested in Master Yun."

Shen Tang looked at him in suspicion.

Lin Su met his gaze and continued, "I am interested in you, Jingchen."

A silence fell inside the cabin, with only the sound of oars gently stirring the water, causing Shen Tang to feel his heartbeat slightly quicken. Though he had many admirers, they mostly just sent handkerchiefs and sachets. Where had he encountered someone who directly expressed their admiration like this?

"You..." Shen Tang's tone was hesitant, but he found that he didn't dislike it.

"If Jingchen is willing, all of Lin's wealth will be a betrothal gift," Lin Su said earnestly.

Shen Tang was struck once again, and as images of the beautiful screen and lamp flashed through his mind, he suddenly furrowed his brow, feeling that something was amiss. "Betrothal gift?"

System 06 said solemnly: 【Congratulations, Host.】

Someone who has no affection wouldn't be concerned about betrothal gifts and dowries. Lin Su naturally changed his wording, "Dowry works too."

Shen Tang had never seen someone so casual before, as if there was little difference between betrothal gifts and dowries.

"That's not the issue," Shen Tang finally extricated himself from the dilemma, "This young master hasn't said he's pleased with you. Brother Lin seems too eager."

Indeed, he was the number one playboy young master in the capital city; he wouldn't be deceived by such sweet words.

But he really wanted Cloud Visitor.

Lin Su seemed genuinely curious, "Then, how should one not seem too eager?"

Shen Tang was at a loss for words, so he simply put away his folding fan and regained his composure. "I didn't come here to discuss these matters with you today. A wise bird chooses its tree to nest in. Though Cloud Visitor is prosperous, it would be unwise for it to confront the Shen family. Does Brother Lin have any intention of cooperation?"

"Sorry," Lin Su smiled and directly refused.

Shen Tang frowned at his decision. "So it seems Brother Lin has chosen the unwise option?"

"It could be said so," Lin Su chuckled, "But competing with Jingchen must be exciting."

Shen Tang: "..."

Did this person really have affection for him?

If he did, wouldn't cooperation be the best course of action?

But Shen Tang wasn't the type to say, ‘If you like me, then do as I say.’ He just stood up and took his leave. "Since we can't see eye to eye, this young master will take his leave."

"Sure, take care," Lin Su didn't insist.

As Shen Tang stepped out of the cabin, he noticed that the pleasure boat had already docked at the shore at some point. 

As he was about to leave, a servant came out carrying a box. "Master Shen, this is the musical sheet performed by our shop owner today. Please accept it."

Shen Tang had been feeling stuffy in his chest, but seeing the box, he inexplicably felt a little aggrieved. He said he admired him, yet chose to oppose him. He said he wanted to compete, yet he still sent gifts.

Did Lin Su think he was just a plaything that he could manipulate at will?

"Thank you, there's no need," Shen Tang didn't take it, heading straight to the shore. But just as he stood firm, he heard the sound of wind behind him. He turned around and caught the flying object, only to find it was the box containing the musical sheet, and the one throwing it was the man himself.

"What do you mean?" Shen Tang's fingers tightened.

"Do you really not want to consider marrying me?" Lin Su asked with a smile. "After marriage, everything I have will be yours."

At that moment, Shen Tang felt like his previous grievances were akin to a malfunctioning brain. "What makes you think you've won my favor?"

"Jingchen, you're mistaken," Lin Su said across the ripples of water. "We first met in the slums, and you gave me a pork bun. From that moment, I was captivated by you."

Shen Tang had a good memory; even keeping accounts was a breeze for him. However, no matter how much he combed through his memories, he couldn't recall giving a pork bun to this extraordinarily handsome man. 

After all, the thought of handing a pork bun to this ethereal man felt more like an insult and blasphemy.

He just couldn't quite understand this man's thoughts.

"Are you saying it would be the same with anyone else?" Shen Tang couldn't help but think of this possibility.

"Of course not," Lin Su smiled. "How can other people be as good-looking as you, Jingchen?"

Shen Tang felt strangely pleased by his words.


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