The Beautiful Brother of the Orion’s Family (Wearing Book) - 90


| TBBOTOF | 90

Tang Xu went to the outhouse. In the winter, the smell inside the outhouse wasn't as strong. He remembered that in previous summers, the outhouse would be filled with flies, and the smell would be unbearable. There were all kinds of squirming maggots in the corners and on the ground.

On the other hand, in the large mansion of Wei Dong, the outhouse was very clean. They would usually use water to flush it, and after laying stone slabs on the ground, there were fewer maggots. In the summer, they would sprinkle lime powder on the ground, which could further prevent and repel insects.

He spaced out for a bit. After relieving himself, Tang Xu rubbed his sore stomach. Recently, he didn't know if it was because of the embryo growing, but he felt a sense of heaviness in his stomach, although it didn't hurt.

Thinking that if he still felt this way in a couple of days, he would have to invite the herbalist over again to take a look. He was worried.

Tang Xu lifted the curtain and entered the house, washed his hands, and sat down, smiling as he asked Tang Rui, "Ah Rui, have you come up with an answer? How will you answer me?"

Tang Rui pursed his lips and tensed his face, staring blankly at the rice in his bowl. When he heard Tang Xu's voice, his body visibly trembled.

Startled, he looked up at Tang Xu, opened his mouth to say something, but no sound came out clearly.

Tang Erhu sat there with a stern face, drinking silently. The three younger ones also dared not speak, just holding their bowls and eating quietly. 

Wei Dong, on the other hand, seeing that Tang Xu was obviously unhappy, said, "Everyone has their own way of living. You only know the bitterness of life once you're hungry."

Tang Xu looked at his partner, feeling somewhat surprised.

It was rare for this person to be willing to speak words of life wisdom to someone unfamiliar. 

Unfortunately, Tang Rui might not necessarily take it to heart.

It's understandable that growing up being doted on by Liu Xiangxiang from childhood to adulthood, not to mention suffering, he probably hadn't even experienced any grievances. It wasn't surprising at all that he turned out the way he did now.

He hasn’t seen any child who was doted on by their family become truly successful, maybe there are some, but Tang Xu hasn't seen any. 

All Tang Rui could think about at that moment was that he was being targeted right now. 

His father targeted him, his elder brother targeted him, his brother-in-law targeted him, even his younger siblings targeted him. 

All he wanted to do was to give his teacher a New Year's gift, he didn't say he needed a lot of money, so why did everyone act like he was in the wrong? 

And those things his elder brother said, he's not even at home, how could he possibly know what it's like at home or what they eat? 

Tang Xu could probably guess some of his thoughts from his expression. He thought for a moment and felt that he shouldn't push people too hard, after all, for someone who can't think clearly, pushing too hard could easily drive them crazy. 

"Ah Rui," Tang Xu spoke, his voice cold, "Answer me a few questions." 

Tang Rui frowned, looking at him. 

Tang Xu pointed to Tang Yang and Tang Li, "You've been home for a few days, and you've seen how much your siblings do every day. Have you ever thought about helping them?" 

Tang Rui was taken aback, subconsciously looking at Tang Li and Tang Yang. 

The two siblings met his gaze, and Tang Yang continued to gnaw on a piece of chicken without lifting his head. 

In his heart, his second elder brother was not close to him at all. When he came home, he couldn't even be bothered to say a few words to him. With such a brother, how could he care about what he was doing. 

Tang Li thought about how she had to do a lot of housework every day, and her father and younger brother would help her share some of it. 

Only her second elder brother, wearing his robe and holding his books, would come out to eat when the meal was ready, and as soon as he finished eating, he would leave without even bothering to help clean up the dishes. 

He wouldn't even bend down to pick up chopsticks that fell on the ground.

She knew that after her mother left, she would have to take on many responsibilities at home. 

She wouldn’t say anything out loud, but she was also very tired. 

It's not that she didn't want to go out and play with her friends, but she had too much to do, she didn't have time to play. 

Her first elder brother had already helped her a lot, she couldn't let him worry anymore.

Tang Li was clear that after her mother was gone, her father and younger brother didn't understand a lot of things at home. 

Asking her father to help carry water was fine, but asking him to wash clothes by the river? That would just be asking for trouble. 

Maybe her father didn't mind, but she herself was unwilling. She didn't want her father to be laughed at by others. 

Now, she met her second elder brother's gaze with an expressionless face.

"Second elder brother, yesterday I asked you to help me bring the dishes for our meal, but you acted like you didn't hear me."

Tang Rui replied with a stiff face, "A nobleman stays out of the kitchen."

Everyone in the room looked at him as if he were an idiot.

Nobleman? A nobleman that talks about money all the time?

Tang Xu took a deep breath and asked again, "When father works in the fields and comes back sweating, have you ever voluntarily poured him a glass of water? Have you ever asked him if he's tired?"

Tang Rui's face stiffened, shaking his head, and then he tried to justify himself, "Ah Yang always pours water for father every time, so I don’t need to."

Tang Xu glanced at Tang Yang, tilting his head.

Tang Yang immediately set down his bowl and looked at his elder brother, smiled as he said, "First elder brother taught me that father works hard every day, and we should take care of him and be filial to him."

Tang Xu nodded and picked up a piece of potato for him. "Don't just eat meat."

"I know," Tang Yang obediently responded, taking the potato and continuing to eat his meal.

Tang Xu looked at Tang Rui, raising his chin. "Did you hear that? Even Ah Yang knows how hard father works and how tired he is, and he knows to be filial. You're much older than him, yet you're not as understanding as him."

Tang Rui started, "I..."

Tang Xu raised his hand to stop his words, not wanting to hear his excuses.

"Here's the thing, there's a term called 'diligence and frugality.' Our family has given you everything we can. I'm an outsider here, I can't control you as much. If you don't have money to give out a New Year's gift, you can work for the family and earn some copper coins." Tang Xu looked at Tang Rui, asking, "How about it? Can you do that?"

"Work for the family and earn copper coins?" Tang Rui looked as if he had heard something dreadful, his eyes widening. "But I still have to study, I don't have time to do things."

Tang Xu shrugged, "Well, studying can also earn you money, even more than you think. I went to the bookstore in town before and saw that some original books were priced at two taels of silver, while hand-copied ones were half the price. You can earn half a tael of silver for copying a book without a single mistake. You can copy books, study, practice writing, and earn money. Isn't that a great thing?"

Tang Rui looked bewildered.

Copy books?

There were indeed many students from poor families in the school who would copy books to earn copper coins, but he had never done it before. It was too tiring to copy books, not only must the characters be written without errors, but the paper must not be soiled either. There were also requirements for the size of the characters, and a time limit was set. The speed had to be fast, and it couldn't be dragged out.

He had seen his classmates spend a long time copying books, only to receive a mere hundred or so copper coins when they were taken to the bookstore.

Seeing his surprised expression, Tang Xu raised an eyebrow and asked, "What's wrong, you don't want to copy books either?"

Tang Rui remained silent.

Tang Xu chuckled.

"What else can you do besides eating and asking for money?"

The question was particularly blunt.

Tang Rui immediately retorted, "I can study!"

"But you don't even want to copy books to help alleviate the family's burden. What's the use of just being able to study?" Tang Xu picked up his bowl and drank water.

He still had half a bowl of rice left, but he couldn't eat anymore.

Wei Dong took the bowl, poured the remaining rice into his own bowl, and Tang Xu scooped a large spoonful of chicken stew, including soup and meat, onto the rice, watching his partner mix it and eat it with gusto. 

Then, he turned to Tang Rui with a smile, "Your mother and you took away all the silver in the house, not leaving a single copper coin behind. If it weren't for Ah Li and Ah Yang working hard under the scorching sun, earning copper coins one by one, would we be able to afford to eat chicken now? Money doesn't come out of thin air. If you want to spend money, earn it yourself. No one owes you anything, and you don't deserve any silver."

Tang Rui's expression changed suddenly, and he shouted at Tang Xu, "You're not even a member of the Tang family, why do you have the right to control me?"

Tang Xu just responded with an "oh."

Tang Erhu hurled his wine cup at Tang Rui.

"Shut your mouth!"

Tang Rui was drenched in wine, his clothes soaked. "Father! I'm your biological son, he's just an outsider!"

"Look at the food on your table. Without your elder brother, do you think we could even have a meal?" Tang Erhu's face was red as he glared at Tang Rui, waving his hand. "How did I end up with a son like you? If you don't appreciate this family, then get out!"

Tang Rui was stubborn too. After being sprayed in the face, he stood up and walked out, but he didn't leave home, just returned to his own room, slamming the door shut behind him.

Tang Xu pulled Tang Erhu back to his seat and patted him on the back to calm him down. "Father, don't be angry. Ah Rui's temperament has been spoiled by Mother. We'll deal with him slowly, and he'll come around eventually."

"What's there to come around to? I don't think he'll ever change!" Tang Erhu pounded the table, clearly very angry. "Listen to what he said. He doesn't even think he's at fault!"

Tang Xu sighed. "Let's cut off his money. When he really has no money left, he'll figure out how to earn it himself."

But Wei Dong shook his head, disagreeing. "Cutting him off won't work. He doesn't have much money now anyway. You told him to copy books to earn money, and he didn't agree. Be careful, he might go borrow money from someone or even try his luck at the gambling den."

Tang Xu frowned deeply at this.

Tang Erhu picked up his wine cup and drank it all in one gulp, his voice rough. "He dares! If I find out he went gambling, I'll break his legs!"

Whether Tang Rui dared or not, others didn't know, but the other two young boys in the room were clearly frightened by his words.

Tang Yang quickly put down his bowl and wiped his mouth, tugging at Wei Xi's sleeve, whispering, "Brother Xi, are you full? Let's go back to our room."

Wei Xi nodded. "Okay, let's go. We'll practice writing together."

Tang Li also put down her bowl and stood up. "Father, elder brother, brother-in-law, you continue eating. I'll go back to my room. Call me when you're done eating, and I'll come out to clean up."

"We'll handle the cleanup. You go rest in your room, Ah Li." Tang Xu smiled at her. "Go back and sketch some designs and use the floral fabric. Finish it before the New Year so you can wear it and show off to Grandpa and Grandma and make everyone jealous."

Tang Li nodded with a smile. "Okay, brother, I'll go back to sketch the design right away."

After she left too, Tang Xu glanced at Wei Dong and then served himself another bowl of rice. "You chat with Father, I haven't eaten enough yet."

Wei Dong, feeling resigned, cautioned, "Take it easy, don't eat too much."

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  1. Well he might do it..
    thank you for the update.. ❤️🐾

  2. Thanks for the update 😤😤😤


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