The Gentle Man Next Door is a Rabbit - 49



The total duration of the documentary was four hours and twenty-three minutes. It was obviously impossible for Xu Mu to maintain the same posture throughout.

The lop-eared rabbit transitioned slowly from Xu Mu's neck to his arm, and finally settled in his palm and thigh.

Xu Mu's willpower was not entirely steadfast; occasionally, he would tentatively touch the rabbit's ears or paws, slyly rubbing and pinching them, pretending it was unintentional.

Hmm... no reaction, very discreet.

Bai Nian was already immersed in the grand narrative of the documentary and hadn't noticed anything amiss.

Xu Mu's lips curved upwards as he continued to curl his fingertips, delving into the fluffiness. He absentmindedly spread his fingers and wrapped the rabbit's little hand in his palm.

—So adorable, he wants to kiss it.

Bai Nian wasn't oblivious to these movements; he basically went along with them.

However, there was something strange.

Every time Xu Mu did something, he would sneak a glance at him, as if observing his reaction.


Was he afraid of making him angry?

Bai Nian didn't understand. Xu Mu used to do more outrageous things before, and now...

Was it because they were in public?

He leaned his head over slowly. Ah, the young man’s shyness was always so unexpected.

Since that's the case, he would take the initiative.

After holding hands, Xu Mu felt unsatisfied, his fingertips itching, wanting to touch other places.

Hmm, the hands and feet are a part of the body, not touching the feet after touching the hands would be incomplete.

Xu Mu's index finger trailed down along the rabbit's side very slowly. When it reached the feet, he took his time, lightly touching it with his little finger.

One tap, two taps, three taps, four taps...

Xu Mu silently counted, timing it perfectly, preparing to casually grasp—no, to put his hand there, pretending to hold it accidentally.

His eyelids blinked rapidly as he slowly raised his hand—

The lop-eared rabbit suddenly moved.

Its long ears shook, he held Xu Mu's little finger down, then it shifted sideways, sitting down, one leg hooking around Xu Mu's hand that had been moving erratically, and then the other leg followed suit.

Did Xu Mu... intend to do this? Bai Nian wondered uncertainly.

Xu Mu froze, subconsciously enclosing the soft, bouncy flesh with his palm, his five fingers squeezing together and pinching.

Wait, this isn't right—

Bai Nian: "..."

He felt a bit embarrassed, quietly pushing away Xu Mu's fingertips on his belly and shrinking back.

Xu Mu's wrist shook, hastily wrapping his arm around the rabbit's belly, his other hand patting its back soothingly.

"Brother Nian, I... my hand slipped..." he said weakly, "I'm sorry."

Bai Nianye raised his eyes, shaking his head to indicate ‘it's okay.’

He rested his head on Xu Mu's wrist, nuzzling against it.

Xu Mu swallowed hard, his heart pounding like a drum.

His thoughts were in chaos: Actually, being a pervert isn't so bad. He can just suck on the rabbit whenever he wants, without any worries.

If he didn't know that the lop-eared rabbit was Brother Nian, he would definitely have the rabbit's ears in his mouth, bury his face in its belly, and with his free hand, he'd pinch its elastic butt. 

The feeling would definitely be…

Xu Mu closed his eyes, trying not to think about it anymore. If he thought about it anymore he'd be a total pervert!


As the documentary came to an end, Xu Mu let out a long sigh of relief. Truth be told, he hadn't absorbed anything from it, he was constantly struggling with sweet temptations.

"Brother Nian... Shall we head home?" 

Bai Nian had been staring at the screen for too long, his eyes feeling sore as he rubbed them.

"What's wrong? Are your eyes bothering you?" Xu Mu asked with concern.

Bai Nian pointed to Xu Mu's light-brain device.

"Do you want to use my light-brain?" Xu Mu hurriedly took it off.

Bai Nian didn't exactly mean that, but... it was close enough.

He turned on the screen, prompting for a password.

Xu Mu immediately entered the password, even before Bai Nian had a chance to turn around.


Bai Nian's first reaction was that the password wasn't very secure.

He opened the whiteboard, using his hands to select each letter one by one.

[I'm fine with that. Shall we head home? I'm currently in my mimicry and it's inconvenient to move, or should I change back into my clothes in the restroom.]

"Let's go home," Xu Mu said. "No need to go through the trouble. You can change in the restroom later... it might be inconvenient otherwise."


Bai Nian yawned, leaning back into Xu Mu's hands.

"Feeling sleepy?" Xu Mu asked cautiously.

[It's okay, my eyes are a bit sore, probably from staring too long without moving.]

"I'll massage your head for you," Xu Mu whispered.

Bai Nian nodded, curling up his limbs obediently.

Xu Mu's heart melted at the sight. Bai Nian, both in mimicry and in human form, was just so cute. The contrast was striking.


Xu Mu wrapped the lop-eared rabbit tightly in a scarf, holding him in his arms as he prepared to leave the exhibition hall.

As he passed by the front desk, he heard someone calling out to him.

"Hey, handsome guy! The guy in the jacket!"

Xu Mu was puzzled, turning his head to see the receptionist from earlier.

"Hello, is there something I can help you with?" 

The receptionist smiled and said, "We've finished the screening, and there are some souvenirs for you." As she spoke, she handed him a bag.

"Thank you," Xu Mu nodded.

"The other gentleman who was with you earlier, will you also take his souvenir with you?"

"Yes," Xu Mu replied, confused by the use of "also."

"Alright then." The receptionist maintained her smile as she handed him another bag. "Thank you for coming, and have a great day!"

As Xu Mu turned away, he suddenly understood why she had said "also."

The guy who had bought the wrong ticket earlier was standing there with... a squirrel. He was holding two souvenir bags, while the brown-red squirrel was hopping around on his shoulders, its tail swaying back and forth.

"Hey, don't shake me, I'm trying to find..."

“I should have brought it out.”

“If not, let's see if we can get it replaced later—”

The squirrel bounced up high, its tail slapping the guy's face, its fur looking like it was about to explode.

His mouth never closed, "Chirp chirp chirp chirp" it went.

The guy, helpless, said, "I was wrong, I'll remember next time, please don't scold me."

The squirrel got even more excited, waving its hands and feet, its voice getting sharper by a few degrees, almost yelling in the guy's face.

Seeing the guy still acting the same, the squirrel got even more furious, using all its limbs to scratch the guy's face.

The guy didn't dodge, looking happy.

Watching this scene, Xu Mu inexplicably felt a phantom pain on his cheeks, sighing inwardly: what a fierce squirrel.

Wait, no, this squirrel is also an orc.

Not a purebred squirrel.

Bai Niae peeked out from the scarf, his gaze wandering back and forth, his expression becoming thoughtful as he saw Xu Mu's "immersed" look.

Does Ah Mu enjoy being... stepped on?

It seems so.

He remembered when he transformed and sat on the guy's face, stomping and kicking, the guy looked like he was enjoying it, he looked completely infatuated.

Hmm, what a peculiar fetish.


When Xu Mu sent Bai Nian home, he hesitated, especially when the lop-eared rabbit jumped out of his hand, he instinctively wanted to scoop up the furry little thing.

“Brother Nian, goodbye,” Xu Mu cleared his throat, silently retracting the arm he had left hanging in mid-air.

The lop-eared rabbit tilted its head and waved goodbye to Xu Mu.

Xu Mu took three steps but looked back twice, “Well, I'm off... Oh, and there's a souvenir, I'll leave it on the sofa... Goodbye...”

——He really wanted to continue rua, he accepted that was a pervert.

Click, the automatic door closed.

He actually left.

Thinking about Xu Mu's reluctant expression, Bai Nian chuckled with a hint of helplessness.

He thought Xu Mu might stay, especially since he seemed like he wanted to continue hugging him.

Bai Nian adjusted his ears and sluggishly hopped onto the sofa, feeling a bit regretful:

It’s a pity, he was prepared to...

Oh well, it was indeed tiring to be out all day, it's time to go home and rest.

Meanwhile, Xu Mu had no idea what he missed.

Although he spent the whole morning at the exhibition and drained himself for hours in the private booth.

But his spirits were remarkably high. After exchanging greetings with Nades, he headed straight to his room, took a lukewarm bath, calming his restless emotions a bit.

The fluffy blanket was freshly changed today, emitting the fragrance of detergent.

Xu Mu leaned back and collapsed onto the bed.

He stared at the ceiling, and let out a long sigh.

Today's exhibition... should have gone well, right?

Buzzing—his thoughts were interrupted by the vibration of his light brain.

Reaching out, Xu Mu found the light screen floating above.

[Xing Pu: Have you received the invitation to the Muw exchange meeting?]

Xu Mu squinted, retrieving the email from the corner of his mind.

[Xu: Received.]

[Xu: Not going.]

Soon, there was a response from the other side.

[Xing Pu: Why not go? This is a rare opportunity. They are doing an exhibition match, and if you perform well, you'll get front page traffic from the "Live Streaming Star Promotion Plan" in half a month!!!]

[Xing Pu: Plus, the platform is changing the revenue split for participants in this event from six-forty to fifty-fifty, you'll make a huge profit!!!]

Xu Mu was speechless. In his words, there was nothing that wasn't considered a jackpot.

But, live streaming...

He pondered for a moment. Indeed, it would earn more than just playing games with clients, but it would also likely require more effort and time.

Initially, Xu Mu wasn't in a rush. He thought the money earned from gaming would be enough for living expenses and loan repayment, with some leftover to save in the bank.

But he wanted to fall in love.

He couldn't go dating empty-handed, right?

Thinking further ahead, if he succeeded in dating, would he propose? And if he proposed, would he get married? And if he got married, wouldn't he need a house?

Where would he get the money for a house—

Spend money.

And since his chances of success in his current career path were slim, and his talent for making big money hadn't shown itself, his only option was his old profession, gaming.

[Xu: You make a good point. I'll go the day after tomorrow.]

[Xing Pu: Children can learn well.]

[Xing Pu: With you around, I dare to start live streaming. Let's support each other, brother.]

[Xu: Oh.]

[Xing Pu: Ah, you're so cold and heartless. Who's your ride or die buddy? How can you be so cold-hearted...]

After replying, Xu Mu turned off the screen and ignored any further ramblings from the other side.

He continued to review today's date, from start to finish, but didn't find any flaws.

He wonders what Brother Nian is up to…

Xu Mu opened the photos taken today. Besides the yellowed manuscripts, there were various pictures of Bai Nian. Smiling, contemplative, speaking, looking down... He flipped through them one by one, the corners of his mouth almost reaching the sky.

He then opened the pinned chat box, preparing to find a topic.

What to say...

The manuscripts didn't trigger any memories, nor did the documentary.

After a moment of contemplation, Xu Mu decided to start with the souvenirs from the documentary.

For example, he could compliment how nice the souvenirs were.

A sense of joy flashed in Xu Mu's eyes as he prepared to take the bag of items out of the storage compartment.

His hand reached for the storage compartment at the head of the bed, groping empty a few times before finally finding the button.

Bang!  A bunch of things fell from above.

Xu Mu was stunned, too late to react, and his face was directly covered by them— 

It seemed that pressing the button had dumped everything out, and everything inside flew out.

"Hiss!" Xu Mu winced in pain as his cheekbone was hit heavily.

"What...?" There was a tingling sensation on his face, emitting a faint scent.

Xu Mu quickly lifted the cover, revealing his vision again.

He propped himself up on his elbow, and bits and pieces of things fell off his body.

It seemed to be... Brother Nian's clothes?!

Xu Mu froze, checked the storage compartment again, confirming it was his. But these clothes...

Damn, he packed them wrong!

Then what he held in his hand was—


Xu Mu's face instantly turned as red as blood. His palm felt hot, and he tremblingly opened his fingers.

A pair of black lace panties.

Xu Mu stared blankly, slowly picking them up, suspending them in mid-air.

They were see-through, with lace edges... Wasn't the fabric too little? And why was there a heart-shaped opening in the middle? What was this strap for...?

Almost involuntarily, he tugged at the small bow on top.

Did... did it come undone???

Xu Mu stared at it, incredulous.

His hand trembled again, and the thin fabric fell.

Does Brother Nian usually wear panties like these...? He can't even imagine... the contrast is so big...

Images of those symmetrical and slender legs flashed through his mind, fair and delicate, thighs with a hint of flesh, smooth calf lines, a slight bulge at the ankle, the feeling of bones on the instep—

Damn it, Xu Mu, stop thinking!

He's really become a pervert!!!

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