It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 51


IETSTSMLARA | It's Hard Being an Uncle | 51

While Wei Corporation's public relations team was doing their utmost, Huasheng's official channels released two videos. Within just an hour of their release, the previous news items were completely overshadowed and pushed to the top of the headlines.

Among the trending topics were terms like "Lin Su, Chairman of Huasheng" and "Eighteen-Year-Old Genius Chairman."

The first video was a personal monologue by Lin Su. The sunny and cheerful young man was very eye-catching, but what drew even more attention was his speech: "...Love is a matter of personal freedom. I developed romantic feelings for my uncle when I was sixteen and pursued him for two years before he accepted me. At first, he thought I was too young and didn't want to accept me. If you keep opposing us, I'm afraid he might really break up with me."

The boy's words conveyed some worry, and such statements were enough to shift some opinions. After all, inducing a minor and a minor pursuing... no, chasing after an adult much older than oneself is quite different.

"Why would such a handsome young man like someone so much older than himself?"

"What's wrong with being older? President Wei is so handsome. If it were me, I'd like him too."

"They are obviously truly in love, why make a fuss about their age?"

"Exactly, the previous video was so sweet it was explosive."

However, the first video alone couldn't completely shift the narrative because Lin Su was just an adopted child.

"Who knows if he's under economic pressure? Wei Corporation is so powerful; forcing someone to lie wouldn't be difficult."

"Exactly, what's the point of justifying love? Two men can't have real love."

Such discussions were completely overturned when the second video was released. It was an interview video, with the interviewee being the chairman of the emerging Huasheng Group. 

The interview was conducted by the renowned Chenghui Finance, which is known for its authenticity and high standards. It has interviewed countless high-profile figures, making the possibility of fabrication zero.

Opposite the well-dressed host sat Lin Su in a suit. Unlike the youthful image in the first video, the suited Lin Su had a different aura. His posture was elegant, his speech was polite, and his demeanor exemplified a successful person.

"The rumor is that Chairman Lin, you're only eighteen this year, making you the youngest guest ever on Chenghui Finance. Could you tell us when you started investing in Huasheng?" the host asked with a smile.

"When I was sixteen," Lin Su replied with a polite smile in the video.

"Did President Wei support you at that time?" the host continued.

This question almost seemed to undermine Lin Su's personal abilities.

Lin Su's smile remained unchanged. "I suppose many people wouldn't believe me if I said no, but the truth is my uncle didn't even know."


"Can you tell us the reason you established Huasheng?" the host asked.

Lin Su smiled leisurely. "If I have to give a reason, it was probably the motivation to pursue someone. My uncle is a diamond-level man. If I had always stayed under his wing, relying on him for protection, I might not have been able to win him over."

The report wasn't long, and typically, few people pay attention to financial news reports. However, this report about Huasheng attracted a lot of attention.

One reason was its close connection to the previous events, and another was that the new rising star, Chairman Lin, looked incredibly handsome in his suit.

"An eighteen-year-old chairman of a listed company, haha, I was still playing games in internet cafes at eighteen."

"Comparing oneself to others can be really frustrating, it's impossible not to envy him."

"They say he had the support of the Wei family, but Huasheng is a group on par with Wei Corporation. If they really had such support, how could Wei Corporation still be the size it is now?"

"He still couldn't do without President Wei's guidance. But Lin Su is truly impressive; his academic scores were almost perfect back in the day. Imagine getting a perfect score in essay writing."

"An eighteen-year-old chairman, I feel such a gap at eighteen. To pursue someone, he felt he had to have his own wealth. Isn't this the standard for a top?"

"Even if he's not the top, he's still incredibly strong."

"I think being younger adds more flair."

With these two videos, coupled with Huasheng's PR team's efforts, although the heat from the previous events hadn't cooled down completely, it wasn't just a barrage of insults anymore.

This level of attention also meant that news reached Wei Yuan's father's desk almost immediately.

The young man in the video calmly answered every question from the host, neither humble nor arrogant. Such an attitude might seem arrogant if it were just an ordinary youth with nothing to show, but when it's displayed by a young chairman, it appears humble, and the vitality emanating from him is something not everyone can envy.

"Chairman, there's an intention for cooperation from Huasheng. If we collaborate, it would benefit both parties. We hope you'll carefully consider the president's choice of personnel," the report said.

Wei Yuan's father's expression stiffened. He remembered Lin Su's demeanor during the conversation. Back then, he thought the boy was too proud and conceited. Now he realized it was his own arrogance. He had committed a major taboo in the business world: never underestimate anyone easily, because you never know if they might one day rise to surpass you.

Offending someone who can easily manipulate you is a very dangerous thing.

"The board meeting will be postponed for now," Wei Father said. He didn't want his son to be with another man, but he knew he was powerless to stop it.

Wei Yuan also saw the two videos for the first time. The first video was fine; the boy confessed his feelings honestly, reminding Wei Yuan of the boy's previous affectionate actions. Back then, he thought the boy was just being childish, but now he realized he had a purpose.

Such affection and scheming didn't create any psychological obstacles for Wei Yuan, but he felt the child might not be what he had imagined.

It wasn't until he saw the second video that everything changed. The title of Chairman of Huasheng, the youngest new elite at eighteen, seemed insignificant. Looking at Lin Su speaking confidently, Wei Yuan felt the boy, who used to be all sweet talk and flattery, was miles away from the man in front of him.

He wasn't an immature youth anymore; he was a man who could stand on his own.

What fledgling? He was clearly a soaring eagle, needing not a trace of shelter from anyone.

Wei Yuan's mood was complicated. He felt both proud and deceived by that little bastard. He remembered a term he had heard before: "pretending to be innocent." 

There was no irony or praise in it; it was just as it sounded.

Lin Su hadn't even had a chance to return home yet, but just from a sudden sneeze, he could guess that his uncle at home was probably on the verge of anger. 

Meanwhile, Lin Ran came home looking bewildered.

He had only stayed up all night with his boyfriend... playing games. Why did it feel like the world had turned upside down when he woke up in the evening? 

The reversals in the news were dizzying to watch, but before he could roll up his sleeves to help, everything had already come to an end.

"Uncle, what's going on? How did my brother become the chairman of Huasheng?" Lin Ran could only seek confirmation from Wei Yuan.

Accompanying him back home was Liang Heng. Compared to Lin Ran's confusion, Liang Heng seemed visibly lacking in confidence. 

One reason was because the chairman needed him, a part-time worker, when he was sleeping with his partner. The other reason was because His brother-in-law’s wife's gaze seemed to pierce through him.

"Hello, Uncle Wei," Liang Heng greeted with a smile, having learned some social skills during his time working for Lin Su.

"You didn't know?" Wei Yuan sneered coldly. "I didn't know either. Liang Heng, since you're here, come and sit down. As the general manager of Huasheng, you should know, right?"

Lin Ran looked at Liang Heng beside him. With both of them glaring at him, Liang Heng felt like shrinking into a thumb-sized person.

If he told the truth, he would offend his brother-in-law, but if he didn't, he would offend his brother-in-law’s wife and his own wife. 

Liang Heng gritted his teeth and spoke, "Actually, I don't know much either. Just like what Brother Lin said on video. He has been aiming for Uncle for a long time.”

Wei Yuan remained silent, his expression somewhat elusive, not as serious as before.

"I know about this. My brother confessed to having a crush on someone when he just started high school, and now it seems it's Uncle," Lin Ran said. 

He had initially thought his brother had a change of heart and started liking Uncle midway, but after watching the video, he realized his brother had been planning it all along, with ulterior motives.

Wei Yuan fidgeted uncomfortably with his ears. "Let's set this aside for now. Why do you know, but Lin Ran and I don't?"

"Right, why?" Lin Ran wasn't as afraid of Wei Yuan as before, especially after his Uncle became his sister-in-law. He realized he might have misunderstood Wei Yuan before. 

Some people may seem like icebergs on the surface but are actually live volcanoes, easy to provoke. 

The specific manifestation was when he woke up to find out his Uncle had transferred a villa to him. There was no need to think about the reason for that.

What he was upset about now was why their two closest family members didn't know his brother's secret, but Liang Heng did.

"This is a long story," Liang Heng chuckled, feeling like he was about to face a tribunal. Elder brother-in-law, please come and rescue me. He can't hold out much longer.

Lin Ran chuckled too, his smile disappearing in a flash. "Cut to the chase."

"Well, actually, it's because..." Liang Heng hesitated and stammered, but before he could finish, the door opened from outside.

"Everyone's here," Lin Su's voice came through.

All three turned to look. Liang Heng breathed a sigh of relief, feeling saved. Lin Ran's expression was a mix of resentment and scrutiny. He couldn't believe his closest brother had kept a secret from him and even told an outsider.

Yes, he's an outsider before he marries into the family.

As for Wei Yuan, he was somewhat indecisive. He had initially intended to clarify things, but the child had pursued him. 

Lin Su's demeanor during the interview was different from before, though the stark contrast in styles was appealing. 

Now, seeing him dressed immaculately in a suit, he was very attractive.

Wei Yuan had once imagined what the child would look like as a grown man, and it seemed to have come true.

"Brother..." Lin Ran called out.

Lin Su responded with a simple "Hmm."

He remained calm, a stark contrast to Liang Heng's pleading expression. He casually took off his coat and draped it over the sofa, unbuttoned his cuffs naturally. He seemed unhurried, as if he wasn't the one being interrogated.

Lin Su approached Wei Yuan, naturally leaned down, and planted a kiss on his cheek. "Uncle, I've talked to Dad. We can be together now."

Liang Heng could only admire the bravery.

Wei Yuan was taken aback for a moment but quickly tried to regain his composure. "What about your company?"

"Just as I said in the video. It was difficult to afford a gift for you, so I started my own business in order to pursue you," Lin Su said, sitting beside Wei Yuan. Gone was the image of a successful man; now, he seemed entirely innocent. "Uncle, you're not angry, are you?"

Liang Heng: "..."

That reason seemed quite reasonable. Why bother spending so much on a gift?

"What, am I not providing enough for your living expenses?" Wei Yuan was naturally embraced by Lin Su, and faced with that innocent face, he couldn't bring himself to scold him. "What kind of gift do you need that requires so much money?"

"A betrothal gift, of course. Since I rely on you for everything, I can't go empty-handed when we get married, can I? Otherwise, I'd just be a kept boy, right?" Lin Su said confidently.

System 06 quickly applauded.

Wei Yuan couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, but then quickly composed himself. He wasn't really concerned about the company; he just felt that the boy clinging to him like a sweet treat wasn't as simple as he appeared.

"No, you're my partner," Wei Yuan pushed him gently. "Sit up straight and talk."

Lin Su released him, sitting up straight with a somewhat aggrieved expression, his eyes still stealing glances. "Uncle, did I do something wrong?"

Wei Yuan really wanted to facepalm. He pointed to Liang Heng, who was trying to make himself invisible beside him. "You should act the same in front of him as you do now."

Liang Heng thought to himself, The contrast is too stark; I'm afraid you won't be able to handle it, Uncle Wei.

【Host, things have taken a turn for the worse.】System 06 sighed.

【It was bound to happen sooner or later.】Lin Su had long prepared himself mentally.

He looked at Liang Heng and smiled kindly. "When dealing with family matters, shouldn't you leave?"

Liang Heng pointed to his nose. "Me?"

Lin Su nodded. "Yes, and take Lin Ran with you when you go out."

Lin Ran was surprised and pointed to his own nose. "Brother, do I have to leave too? I'm part of the family."

"In the future, you'll also marry into someone else's family. A married-off little brother is like water thrown out of a basin, leave quickly." Lin Su raised an eyebrow.

Lin Ran felt his brother had changed. He wasn't the doting brother he used to be. "I haven't married yet. Hmph, I might not even get married. If you keep this up, I'll show Uncle my diary."

He whispered the last part so softly, but Lin Su smacked him on the back of his head as if he had transformed from a loving brother into a stepbrother brother, leaving nothing but a plastic brotherhood.

Wei Yuan spoke up, "What diary?"

Lin Ran looked at him in horror. "..."

Uncle, do you have super hearing? How could you hear that?!

Wei Yuan faced Lin Ran with a natural air of coldness. "A diary is private. I'll only read what's related to Lin Su."

【Why is there still a diary?】Lin Su asked System 06.

System 06, who didn't have the habit of monitoring his brother's privacy, replied, 【It might be the last persistence of a hater or admiration for his brother's words. Let's stay optimistic.】

Lin Su patted Lin Ran's neck, wanting to pick him up and throw him out. "How come I didn't know you had a diary?"

Lin Ran glanced at his brother's expression and felt like the situation was getting out of hand. "I have a habit of keeping notes. I'm afraid I'll forget a lot of things when I'm old."

"Alright, go get it and let's have a look," Wei Yuan said sternly.

Lin Ran lowered his head and released the hand holding his fate. "I'll go find it."

Wei Yuan calmly added, "If you can't find it, you should consider the consequences."

This was even scarier than a direct conditional threat. Lin Ran stiffened at the implication and smiled, "I've kept all my things organized  well. I shouldn't have trouble finding it."

He felt sorry for his brother, but he was being forced. Since things were going to go south anyway, he might as well have a thorough meltdown.

After handing over the diary, Lin Ran ran away and decided not to come back anytime soon to avoid any repercussions.

Lin Su sat upright on the sofa while Wei Yuan lazily flipped through Lin Ran's diary. There wasn't much about Lin Ran's own privacy; it mainly recorded Lin Su's affairs.

For example, it mentioned how he defeated the coach at the martial arts gym, making him seem like a superhero. Wei Yuan only knew that Lin Su had learned karate but didn't realize he was this skilled. This incident occurred when Lin Su was only around thirteen or fourteen.

It also detailed how he became the leader of a group of delinquents when someone tried to extort him. Wei Yuan's memory of Lin Su during that time was of an adorable, playful, and seemingly helpless child.

Then there were accounts of him surpassing Liang Heng and the others in competitions, dominating and toying with them like a cat playing with mice. 

At that time, Wei Yuan thought his darling was extremely innocent, but he had already started his entrepreneurial journey.

As for the incident where he didn't allow his younger brother to eat bean sprouts stir-fried with meat and presented numerous choice questions to his brother who suffered from decision paralysis, let's not dwell on it for now.

Wei Yuan scrutinized Lin Su, who sat beside him with an air of obedience. The pure and flawless little white rabbit he had once thought Lin Su to be now appeared to be dark and cunning, still pretending to be innocent and adorable. 

But importantly, he was genuinely... adorable.

"Do you have anything to say?" Wei Yuan didn't want to know Lin Su from others; he wanted to spend the rest of his life with him, without constantly being deceived.

Lin Su, estimating that his brother's detractor hadn't recorded anything good, figured that the damage had been done. 

After a moment's thought, he said, "Uncle, I ran into my cousin a couple of days ago."

Wei Yuan, who had been reclining lazily, straightened up. He was guilt-free about many things, but he had used some means when dealing with that woman, deceiving Lin Su. "What did she say to you?"

"She said a lot." Lin Su observed his expression, smiling innocently. "We went for a paternity test and found out she's genuine."

Wei Yuan felt like Lin Su probably knew everything. "And then?"

"Then I pitied her for being all alone and needing to scam people for a living. How can a normal person keep lying to others? So I diagnosed her mental state and found out she had a severe mental illness. I sent her abroad for treatment." 

Lin Su squeezed in beside Wei Yuan, staring at him earnestly. "Uncle, I haven't become the consistent person you wished for. I still have a bad heart. I don't want you to think I'm bad, so I only show you my harmless side. Uncle, will you still like me?"

His pupils were clear, his expression innocuous, yet he had taken the initiative to send a normal person to a mental hospital. 

In such places, even normal people could gradually become abnormal. Lin Su's method was indeed a permanent solution.

Wei Yuan's heart was both complex and secretly excited. He wasn't pure and flawless himself; when it came to interests, he would also employ some means. He used to always want to protect his youth, but now he found that they might be of the same kind.

In an instant, all the pressure in his heart dissipated. Wei Yuan reached out and touched Lin Su's cheek, saying, "Of course, I will like you. I was just worried that you would be bullied, but now it seems that worry was unnecessary."

"I like being worried about by Uncle," Lin Su said, holding his hand against his own chest. "It feels like I'm always being loved. Even if there's no danger for me to worry about, you still worry that I'll be taken away by someone else, right?"

Wei Yuan knew he was acting spoiled, but there was a hidden excitement in his heart. His youth would only be harmless here with him; he was different to other people. 

This uniqueness made him cherish it. "Will someone else take you away?"

"No, they won't," Lin Su smiled.

"You little liar," Wei Yuan leaned in closer, holding his neck and kissing his lips, a brief but passionate kiss.

Lin Su asked softly, "Does Uncle like little liars?"

"Mm, I do," Wei Yuan acted on his words.

Lin Su chuckled softly. "Uncle, we haven't flipped a coin yet."

"What's the difference whether we do or not?" Wei Yuan remembered this.

He remembered from Lin Ran's diary that Lin Su had never lost in any competition with others, and he won all the way when he faced people from two classes alone.

What fairness? This little brat had calculated everything perfectly from the beginning.

"Well..." Lin Su pondered for a moment. "I want to give Uncle some hope. What if I am not lucky one day?"

He admitted this openly, and Wei Yuan looked at him, feeling like this person filled his heart completely. "Well, you can't give up halfway."

In terms of scheming, he might not outplay this kid, but if he wanted to deceive him, he might as well deceive him for a lifetime.

"Okay," Lin Su agreed.

Wei Yuan had always been in good shape, due to regular exercise and being immersed in love. 

The coldness on his body was difficult to maintain without the icy demeanor that kept people at a distance. Unfortunately, despite attracting attention, he was already taken.

Engagement and marriage followed naturally. Wei Yuan felt that perhaps all his previous waiting was for the arrival of this person, to compensate for the emotional void of his childhood.

Unknown to him, Wei Yuan's half-brother, Wei Mao, remained imprisoned on Cang Island. With a foreign nationality and charged with drug trafficking, even Wei Yuan's father couldn't help him, and was forced to abandon him in resignation.

On the original timeline, those who attempted to threaten Wei Yuan or capture Lin Ran vanished without a trace before they could act.

Both of them had successful careers, looks, and love. However, despite the pessimism regarding their gender and age, their lives in the business world were somewhat removed from ordinary life. 

As the hype died down and various events unfolded, only a small number of people continued to pay attention to Lin Su and Wei Yuan, watching them continue their lives together, traveling the world and cherishing moments amidst various scenic views.

In this life, Wei Yuan passed away much earlier than Lin Su. His hair turned white, wrinkles covered his face, but the most prominent were the smile lines, traces of being deeply loved by time. 

There was no trace of regret, only a heart full of happiness. "I'm sorry for leaving you alone."

"Uncle, you've always lived in my heart. I'm not alone," Lin Su said with a smile.

Wei Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, and his tightly held fingers relaxed.

He was buried in the cemetery, a small tombstone beside Lin's parents and Wei's parents.

Lin Su remained in good health, still agile despite his age. He owned a dog and visited Wei Yuan's grave every other week. His life was regular yet relaxed.

He enjoyed the life of two people while also being accustomed to the life of living alone.

Sometimes, System 06 would question, 【Host, Wei Yuan is no longer here, why do you still visit?】

【Because I have to finish what I started,】 Lin Su smiled.

Once we agreed on a lifetime, it means a lifetime, his lifetime.

After Lin Su's death, he returned to the system space, reverting to his youthful state. He flexed his wrist boldly, stretched his waist, and waited for the system's assessment.

【System evaluation: Mission completion rated S-level. Mission one reward: five million star coins. 

Mission two reward: five million star coins. 

Additional bonus: five million star coins. Total of fifteen million star coins has been transferred to the account. Reason for additional bonus: 

Successful development of protagonist's romantic relationship, even more successful than before, with no deduction points. Hope the host will continue to excel.】

System 06 finished the evaluation and asked, 【Would the host like to take a rest this time?】

What's saddening isn't the companionship but the farewell after experiencing all the happiness. This is the process most easily experienced by hosts with emotional storylines in task worlds.

【No need.】 Lin Su declined. 【Let's open the next world.】

The system assessed the host's stable condition, but System 06 still carefully discerned, 【Rest assured, this time you will definitely lie in bed.】

As a responsible system, it must fulfill the host's requests, like lying in bed, unlike the previous tiny bean situation.

【System 06 System notification: World loading, memory transfer in progress...】

When Lin Su opened his eyes, he chuckled at the sky, 【System 06, I see stars.】

This world did have a bed, but unfortunately, no roof, with drafts all around. The blanket covering him couldn't ward off the chill.

Memories flooded his mind. This was an era when officials were as numerous as clouds, with an emperor above and officials below. 

The original owner wasn't poor originally; he hailed from an official family. His father was Lin Zhuo, a sixth-ranking official in Qinghe Prefecture, which was considered a scholarly background.

The original owner was the legitimate eldest son, a status not comparable to ordinary families. 

Unfortunately, he lost his mother at a young age. Although his stepmother didn't mistreat him, it was impossible for her to treat him as her own. 

After she had her own children, the original owner was completely neglected by his parents.

Despite this, the original owner didn't fall into decadence. 

Instead, he studied diligently, almost to the point of sacrificing himself. While he didn't resort to extreme measures like hanging himself or pricking his thighs with needles, it was close. He learned a lot and, at his age, successfully passed the provincial examination to become an entry-level scholar. 

He was on the verge of achieving glory in the imperial examination, but unexpectedly, he didn't survive the three days of staying up at night and died from sudden cardiac arrest during sleep, only to be chosen by the system to enter.

The relationship between the protagonist shou and gong and the original owner varied in significance in the original timeline. They both participated in the imperial examination at the same Gongyuan (examination hall). 

On one hand, it was significant, as both were competing for success. On the other hand, as long as Lin Su didn't interfere with them in the future, he wouldn't be affected personally.

【Task issued by 06 system: Task one, survive as the original owner. 

Task two, change the fate of the supporting character Qing Xi.】

The original owner was not on good terms with his family, passing the imperial examination was the original owner's only way out in such a household. If he switched to another profession or failed to pass the imperial examination for a long time, he could easily become the subject of gossip and disdain.

Rather than endure silently in such a family, it was better to seize this opportunity to completely break away from that household.

The protagonist's and Qing Xi's affairs took place in Qinghe Prefecture. Changing Qing Xi's fate would be easier with official status by his side.

【System 06, did you deliberately choose an easy world for me?】 Lin Su asked after taking the system's relieving pill and sitting up.

【No, it's all random here. It's just that the host has good luck.】 System 06 replied neatly.

Lin Su got up, lit an oil lamp, and read the half-written article on the table. After finishing it, he tore the paper into shreds, letting the flames devour it bit by bit.

In Lin Su's view, the original owner's literary talent was actually quite good; otherwise, he wouldn't have passed the juvenile examination and the provincial examination smoothly. 

However, his talent fell short of the top three in the imperial examination, let alone being the top scorer.

Since he decided to become an official, Lin Su had to do his best. By the dim light of the candle, he pondered for a moment before the tip of his pen soaked with ink and touched the paper.

In this era of prosperity, with a new emperor ascending the throne not long ago, young and ambitious, yet also wise and people-oriented, the people were living in peace and contentment.

In such a prosperous era, the young emperor naturally aimed to expand his territory and become an emperor remembered throughout history. To achieve this, a strong military and abundant resources were necessary.

The title: "Food is the top priority for the people."

Although scholars held a respected position, farmers were the most important among the people. Prioritizing the well-being of the people was the way of a loyal minister. The new emperor abhorred factionalism, and these two points almost directly addressed his concerns.

Starting from the title, Lin Su's pen flowed smoothly without any obscurity. Throughout the entire essay, there was no difference between his words and those of the original owner. Even if the original letter was brought out for comparison, no distinction could be discerned.

It took only the time to drink a cup of tea to finish the essay. Lin Su air-dried the paper, neatly stacked it, then lay down on the makeshift wooden bed, covered himself with the quilt, and went straight to sleep.

The provincial examination consisted of three sessions, one every three days, totaling nine days. 

Although the time was ample, it was also the most grueling. It was four times longer than the most tense period of the high school entrance examination in the previous world, and many examinees died during the Gongyuan examination, a fate shared by the original owner, as referenced by Lin Su.

To cope with the upcoming exams, even Lin Su wanted to ensure he rested well. 

Three days passed, and a full nine days had gone by. When the examinees left the examination hall, their faces were pale, and the area in front of the Gongyuan gate was filled with carriages, indicating the presence of officials and nobles residing in the capital.

Servants stood by the carriages, each adorned with the insignia of various governmental offices. 

Farewells were exchanged continuously among the crowd, and even Lin Su, despite his good spirits, appeared somewhat listless.

"Farewell, Brother Bo Wen, I’ll take my leave," someone called out.

Lin Su looked over and saw a man in azure attire bidding farewell. "Brother Zi Jin, take care," he replied.

The man was handsome, towering above the other examinees, exuding an elegant air despite his attire not being particularly luxurious, typical of a scholarly gentleman.

The protagonist, Yang Cheng, who’s courtesy name is Bo Wen, was the son of a fifth-ranking official in Qinghe Prefecture, the same prefecture where Lin Su's father served. 

Although their fathers held similar positions, Yang Cheng's father outranked Lin Su's, demonstrating the principle that a higher official crushes a lower one. Yang Cheng came from a prestigious scholarly family, an aspiration beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"Brother Zhi Yuan," Lin Su was sizing up Yang Cheng when he noticed him approaching. "Has your carriage not arrived? Shall I offer you a ride?"

Lin Su's original name was also Lin Su, with his given name representing virtue and his courtesy name representing his aspirations. He had just been bestowed his courtesy name this year, Zhi Yuan.

Striving for lofty goals with simplicity, seeking tranquility to achieve distant aspirations.

The name was fitting, coinciding with his current objectives.

"Thank you, Brother Bo Wen. I instructed my servant to hire a carriage to wait here when I entered the Gongyuan. I think there are too many people here now and I may not be able to find it for the time being. Brother Bo Wen, please go ahead,” Lin Su smiled.

Yang Cheng reciprocated the politeness. As he was about to mount his horse, the surrounding voices suddenly quieted for a moment.

"Isn't that Qi Qingyi? Truly outstanding, like a dragon and phoenix."

"There have been rumors of his exquisite essays circulating before the provincial examination. It's likely he will be the top scholar this time."

"He is the son of the Minister of Personnel, how can we compare?"


Lin Su followed the gazes of those people and saw the crowded Gongyuan entrance. When a single figure emerged, the surroundings inexplicably cleared a path for him.

The man exuded elegance, with finely chiseled features. Although he possessed a feminine beauty, it was devoid of any feminine softness. His robes fluttered gracefully, and as he exchanged greetings with others, he exuded the aura of a literary scholar.

At a glance, he was as exquisite as jade, a peerless gentleman in the world.

Qi Qingyi, the son of the Minister of Personnel, courtesy name Wen Jue, was renowned for his virtues, as clear and pure as jade.

Coming from a noble and illustrious family, he had been a companion to the heir of a marquis since childhood. If he could pass the imperial examination, his future prospects were limitless.

Such a distinguished and noble family background, like a jade pendant, it was no wonder that the protagonist, Yang Cheng, was infatuated with him at first sight.

Lin Su glanced at Yang Cheng, who was about to board the carriage. Although he had been composed just moments ago, his steps now seemed to falter halfway. His gaze was fixed on Qi Qingyi without the slightest deviation.

The plot in the original timeline also began from here. Qi Qingyi was indeed talented. Not only did he pass as a top scholar, but he also achieved the top three ranks in the examination, an extremely rare feat. 

He was immediately appointed as a compiler in the Hanlin Academy, holding a sixth-rank official position. It was only a matter of time before he rose to higher positions, eventually becoming a prime minister.

As for Yang Cheng, although he passed the imperial examination, he only ranked in the top three. After the announcement of the results, he returned to his hometown and became a seventh-rank judge.

Although the official rank is not much different, the promotion channels for officials in the capital and local officials are different, like the difference between heaven and earth. 

Although Yang Cheng is infatuated, he knows that he cannot pursue him, otherwise it will bring disaster to his family.

If they just part ways like this, naturally each will be fine. However, Yang Cheng happened to see Qing Xi, a young boy in a brothel when he returned home. 

Qing Xi is young, but his appearance is strikingly similar to Qi Qingy’s, with eight points of resemblance. If he improves his manners a bit more, he would be a spitting image of Qi Qingy standing in front of him.

Unable to obtain the real thing, Yang Cheng nevertheless redeemed Qing Xi with a large sum of money. There has never been a precedent for male concubines in this dynasty, and playing with men is even more criticized. 

However, he disregarded all this and carefully nurtured and trained Qing Xi at home, trying to glimpse a hint of that person from Qing Xi.

Perhaps because the moonlight in his heart was too bright, Yang Cheng felt it blasphemy to even touch Qing Xi. He blamed himself while enjoying the company of someone so similar to that person.

With such a careful and protective attitude, even a stone could be warmed up, let alone Qing Xi, who was redeemed the first time he was put on sale.

If this continues, it is not impossible for a substitute to take over the position. 

Unfortunately, the Minister of Personnel was found to be corrupt and accepting bribes, and the whole family is implicated. Qi Qingy, who had a promising future, also fell from grace and became a condemned slave.

A fallen phoenix is not as good as a chicken, and there are always people who want to trample on it. When Yang Cheng received the news, he felt both pity and overwhelming joy, and rushed a hundred miles to bring Qi Qingy back.

With the real thing present, even the best imitation is just a substitute. Qing Xi, with a similar face and demeanor, could not understand that his sincere affection was misplaced.

Qi Qingy is proud and arrogant. Even though Yang Cheng brought him into the mansion, he was careful to please him. He had never driven Qing Xi away, but only hid him in a small courtyard. 

However, how could such actions not lead to trouble?

When the two met, Qi Qingy learned of Qing Xi's background and felt humiliated. Yang Cheng cherished and loved him so much, how could he be displeased because of a substitute?

If Qing Xi had just been sold away, it would have been fine. But unfortunately, neither of the protagonist’s could accept Qing Xi serving someone else with a face so similar to Qi Qingy. 

His beautiful face was scratched and ruined, he felt heartbroken, Qing Xi's unwillingness led him to utter reckless words.

"So what if I am from a brothel? Your current status is no different from mine!"

Indulging in momentary impulse cost him his life. After death, his body was thrown into a mass grave for birds and beasts to gnaw on, becoming a wandering ghost with no one to speak up for him.

This was the tragedy of this era. Prostitutes were considered the lowest of the low, and it was common for noble families to beat slaves to death. Moreover, Qing Xi was from a brothel with a contract to sell his body.

Although their master had the power of life and death over slaves, charitable families would not easily kill them, as it would tarnish their reputation.

As Qi Qingy left in the carriage of the Minister of Personnel's mansion, Yang Cheng only reacted when the carriage disappeared from view, unable to hide his feelings of admiration and loss.

System 06 said, 【All love at first sight starts with attraction.】

【You're right,】 Lin Su praised.

System 06 didn't dare to say that he had summarized it from the host's experiences. He was just curious, 【Aren't you interested in Qi Qingyi?】

【Hmm, I'm not really interested either.】 Lin Su's enthusiasm waned. Even if attraction plays a role, it varies from person to person. 【Even if I were a beast, I wouldn't just go for someone because they're good-looking.】

System 06 thought that Qi Qingyi might not have reached the point where the host's attraction was triggered by appearance.

At the moment, Qi Qingyi had nothing to do with him. He needed to figure out how to redeem Qing Xi before Yang Cheng did.

As the legitimate eldest son of the Yang family, unlike Lin Su, who was a disappointing eldest son, Yang Cheng was highly favored at home. When he redeemed Qing Xi, he casually took out five hundred taels of silver.

In an era where five taels of silver were enough for a family of three to live comfortably for a year, five hundred taels of silver were basically out of reach for Lin Su in his current status and position.

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