The Gentle Man Next Door is a Rabbit - 60



【Live Stream】

【Viewers: 8932】

"...Okay, once you've crossed Echoing Pool and got the key, you can leave. If you want to record the special effects of Iron Cable Bridge, you can go back and walk through it again. Remember to save your progress. I'll edit the walkthrough and upload it to the homepage at 7 p.m. on Monday."

Xu Mu took a sip of water and adjusted the virtual degree to 5%.

"If you have any questions, you can type them in the chat."

He leaned back and bent over, burying himself in the soft belly of the lop-eared rabbit, taking a deep breath.

Hmm, it's fragrant and soft.


Bai Nian was caught off guard too, letting the screen in his hand float into the air.

He didn't resist, accustomed to relaxing his body, and his limbs wrapped around Xu Mu, tilting his head, his gaze firmly fixed on the screen.

Xu Mu made a barely audible sound of disapproval, biting the soft, chubby face of the rabbit, dissatisfied with the other party's lack of focus.

Bai Nian casually touched his head, obediently tightening his legs.

Although comforted, there was obviously some perfunctoriness.

Xu Mu: "..." Is this livestream really that interesting?

【Brother, show your face!!!!!! 'Peeling Mud Loach' next door says you're fat, short, and ugly, only your voice is worth listening to】

【Just showing your hands is fine too, I'm into hands, last time you accidentally showed a glimpse, I screenshot it and made memes hahaha】

【Adam's apple, how did you make such a sexy voice, let me see how it's done】

【Brother, can I tell you about my scumbag ex-boyfriend?】

【Brother brother brother, I spent 1000 yuan to treat my college classmates to dinner, I just wanted to share with you the recent situation of my stingy ex-boyfriend, are you listening?】

【Heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, you must listen hahaha】

【Is there a pattern to the darts on Iron Cable Bridge? I feel like the streamer can dodge them every time】

【!!!!!! Sobbing, I want to hear your voice saying 'goodnight, baby', I'll record it as my ringtone】

【Brother, look at my charming ex-husband, photo.jpg, he underwent gender reassignment and got married :)】


Xu Mu refreshed the page several times, finally finding the issue of surviving in the crevice.

"The refresh rate of Iron Cable Bridge is once every three minutes, there isn't a very obvious pattern, but I've noticed one thing, it scans the player's supply pods and attacks actively, so if you pay attention, you can avoid it."

After answering, Xu Mu began to look for more questions.

【Hurry up, zoom through the progress, it's time for the exciting moment after the questions】

【No more questions, let's start our night chat】

【Rubbing hands together, my buddy's back for another storytelling session】

Xu Mu tapped his forehead, "If I've missed any questions or didn't cover something in tomorrow's tutorial, you can go to the summary link I've posted, and I'll reply to everything there."

【Night chat — show time!!!】

【Please, the first guest, share your story】

【Brother, hurry up and pick someone, I want to hear gossip】

【Ah ah ah don't delay, you're great at gaming, we're satisfied, but we want to see something else】

"Just like before, if it can be summarized in a few sentences, type it in the barrage, then apply for a connection."

Xu Mu clicked the button next to him.

"I will connect to the most popular topics among you all. If not, then I'll randomly select."

【Brother, I am still thinking about the ex who cheated on me seven times in the middle of the night】

【How should I adjust my mentality as a lapdog? Recently, she has another lapdog, I didn't mind at first, but with my recent job transfer, I'm close to her, bumping into her every day when delivering breakfast, it's so hard】

【My crush has been acting strange lately, sometimes close, sometimes distant. I saw on his social media two days ago he was posting close-up photos with another girl. Is he trying to make me jealous? Or is he keeping me as a backup?】

【Should I agree to get back together with my ex-boyfriend? Why is he coming back to me? We had a terrible breakup back then】

【Brother, I'm freaking out, I slept with my roommate, I'm straight, I had girlfriends before, but I enjoyed it a bit. What should I do? I have a crush on another girl】

【My best friend of ten years suddenly confessed to me, saying her feelings for me have changed, I haven't slept for three days, can anyone give me advice】


Meanwhile, colorful and flashy gift effects flashed one after another.

The number of viewers in the live stream soared, obviously, some people specifically rushed over to watch the broadcast, timing it just right.

Xu Mu scrolled through the messages silently sighing.

Why is it always these love-related issues?

Cheated seven times...

Being a lapdog...


Getting back together with an ex…

The lop-eared rabbit in Xu Mu's arms tilted its head, completely absorbed in staring at another screen.

Xu Mu couldn't help but glance over.

Bai Nian also seemed to sense something, looking up and then focusing on swaying his tail on his knees.

Xu Mu immediately straightened his back and spoke in a deep voice.

"If you're being cheated on, just break up."

"If you don't want to be a lapdog, you won't have any troubles."

"If your crush is using you as a backup, realize it in time."

"If your ex-boyfriend wasn't good to you, don't agree."

【Sizzling, why does it feel like Xu is a bit less sarcastic today】

【Not just a bit less, it's like his teeth got pulled, he's so dull】

【According to before, he'd definitely say "You've been cheated on seven times, just wait until it's seven times seven, unlocking the title of King of Green Hats", "Keep licking, in the world of lapdogs, you'll have everything in the end", "Your crush isn't using you as a backup, they're using you as a jack to lift the backup"】

【Who knows, but it just feels so damn right...】

【Hahaha because those are Xu's exact words】

【With Brother's cold and low voice, it feels great like being enlightenment, I love the feeling of being scolded】

【What's wrong with Xu? Did he also get cheated on?】


Xu Mu said coldly, "The streamer hasn't been cheated on, stop spreading rumors."

【Wait a minute, Xu isn't actually single】

【How did he accurately find that one small sentence to refute amidst the barrage of comments?】

【Because Xu cares so much hahaha】

【Tsk tsk, who said Xu's a shut-in, he has a girlfriend, doesn't he】

【Perhaps it's a boyfriend】

【Who's top, who's bottom】

【The streamer's voice is so commanding】

【...Really, there aren't that many homosexuals in the world (hesitates)】

【Some people are really something, they can fantasize about anything】

【No need to be so aggressive, I was just stating a possibility】

Xu Mu gently stroked the lop-eared rabbit's back, seeing the commotion above, he spoke directly:

"I have a boyfriend."


【Wow, impressive, courageous move, I am not longer a girlfriend fan】

【But he hasn't shown his face... where are these fangirls coming from】

【You don't understand, with a nice voice and sexy hands, imagination is enough】

【He's a gaming streamer...】

【Indeed, I don't know why everyone's attention is off track】

【Gotta admit, his gameplay is pretty awesome】

【Yeah, the later programs are fun, but mainly we're here to watch him play games】

Of course, there were also some unpleasant comments.

【Disgusting, turns out he's gay, unfollowing】

【Another gay??? Is there some kind of trend lately???】

【...Is this all for the sake of fame?】

【I've had enough, it's like in the gaming community, out of ten guys and five of them are gay, every couple is turning into a CP, seeing Maifu is so profitable】

【I also think it's for fame, could it be that after Maifu, he won't hesitate to show his boyfriend's face?】

【Hehe, it also fulfills the wishes of some people, at least if they dare to show their faces, they won't be too ugly】

【I suspect the first day's Green Hat was a set-up】

【It's all scripted. Streamers from the Muw Association must have some operation behind the scenes】

【I'm done, can't you just focus on gaming?】

【You *************】

Bai Nian also looked anxious, his tail swaying up and down, his grey-blue eyes filled with worry.

He wanted to touch Xu Mu, but he was afraid of disturbing his broadcasting status.

Xu Mu remained unfazed as he read through all the comments, ignoring them and only replying to other comments.

It wasn't that he was impulsive, but he genuinely didn't care.

He understood that he needed to catch onto the momentum brought by the chatting segment, but fundamentally, he was still a gaming streamer and didn't plan to deviate from that path.

Once the livestream stabilized, and with the winter break approaching, if he had more free time, he would definitely increase the daily duration of his broadcasts.

Starting with about five hours, simultaneously exploring different games, filtering out games with good livestream effects and long-term revenue potential. Ideally, he would focus on a well-established game with a broad player base.

But there was one person who kept spamming insults.

Xu Mu had prepared himself mentally, his endurance for long livestreams was quite good.

Live Streaming is essentially a job, it's a source of income. And just like any job, nobody is happy all the time, and you're bound to encounter some bad things. Negative comments during live streams are common, and when Xu Mu first started livestreaming, he had seen even harsher words. 

He didn't have very extreme emotions about it; he didn't pay much attention to the hateful words from strangers. But people aren't machines; constantly seeing negativity can affect one's mood. 

The best way to deal with it is to not look at the livestream comments for a while and shift focus.

"Everyone, let's be rational and kind online. When I shared my relationship status, I just felt there was no need to hide anything. It's not like I'm doing anything deceitful or illegal; I can talk about it openly."

Xu Mu paused, "Of course, since we're not currently discussing gaming content, it's chat time, and I happened to see someone asking, so I answered."

"There's no script or anything, my boyfriend and I are currently living together and our relationship is good."

"Respect others' choices. If you don't like it, you can unfollow, but please keep your comments civil and refrain from personal attacks."

"Thank you all for enjoying watching me play games, and I'm glad you like this chatting segment. So, I don't want the livestream to become chaotic."

"I'll play a song while the admins clean up the accounts. After that, we'll continue normally later."

Xu Mu played a soothing song, took off his headphones, and muted his sound.

Suddenly, there was more pressure on the back of his hand. He lowered his head, and the lop-eared rabbit lightly rubbed his cheek with its fur, its grey-blue eyes misty as if covered in a layer of mist.

"Don't worry, Brother Nian." Xu Mu's lips curled slightly, lifting the lop-eared rabbit from his lap and giving it gentle, meticulous kisses.

Bai Nian snuggled softly against Xu Mu's palm, his ears twitching.

‘Are you really okay?’

He stood up, cupping Xu Mu's face and gently touching his lips to his, his small hands caressing, his ears also reaching out to touch the other's eyes, like a silent comfort.

"Those words didn't affect me—" Xu Mu smiled, "and you shouldn't let them affect you either."

Bai Nian shook his head and wrote on the screen.

[I'm fine, I'm worried that your livestream might be affected by this.]

He paused for a moment, his ears and tail curling slightly. He stole a glance at Xu Mu, looking shy.

[But I'm very happy that you admitted my existence so naturally.]

Xu Mu said, "It hasn't affected me. I'm not the kind of streamer whose main focus is being in a relationship or selling dreams of love."

"I'm here to play games, well, no matter what I do, what's wrong with admitting that I'm in a relationship?" He looked serious, "If I can be in a relationship with Brother Nian, and still hide it, then that's just me being ungrateful."

"I like being in a relationship with Brother Nian, I want everyone to know."

Bai Nian's cheeks flushed, the young man's words were straightforward and simple, but each one was full of affection, like they contained a strange magic, making his head buzz, his body feeling numb, unable to stand steadily, only wanting to snuggle against Xu Mu's hand affectionately.

He didn't know what to say, so he just opened up his arms invitingly, shyly asking for affection.

Xu Mu's eyes lit up, and he didn't hesitate to lean down.

He sucked a little eagerly, from top to bottom.

He smelled strangely good.

Hmm, he had a milky scent.

Xu Mu wasn't quite sure, so he leaned in a few more times to sniff.

Huh, it seems like it's true.

He lingered between two areas and found that the scent here seemed to be the strongest.

"Brother Nian... Did you change your body wash?" Xu Mu held the rabbit's leg between his mouth, his hand supporting his back, his long ears hanging down. "I seem to smell a milky scent."

"Hmm... let me smell again." His hand was idle, so he started rubbing again.

The fur was soft and smooth, his whole body was soft making for an excellent touch.

"It really smells like milk, a bit sweet."

Xu Mu's nose twitched, nodding as he said. "It smells really good, let's use this body wash from now on—"

His cheek was scratched by a claw.

Xu Mu was stunned for a moment, quickly withdrawing his hand and clearing his throat.

"Sorry, old habit."

Bai Nian didn't say anything, but the watery look in his eyes made Xu Mu's heart skip a beat.

Xu Mu hurriedly coaxed him and kissed him a few more times.

"...Huh?" His mouth was full of fur, and he blurted out, "Brother Nian, do you also shed hair in winter? There's quite a lot..."

Bai Nian kicked him.

Xu Mu took the kick firmly and quickly smoothed his fur.

"You're not shedding, I am the one who’s shedding."

Bai Nian: "..."

Xu Mu snuggled against the lop-eared rabbit, the smell in his nose becoming stronger.

Ah, it really was a milky scent.

It smells so good!

He wondered what brand of body wash it was...

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