It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 47


IETSTSMLARA | It's Hard Being an Uncle | 47

Lin Su watched him leave and sat quietly in his seat, undisturbed this time. Although he planned to play a little trick to make Wei Yuan anxious, he didn't intend for people to gossip about it. 

Even though his earlier threats were just words, he could indeed carry them out if necessary. He could specifically target the joints, dislocate them, and then set them back, causing excruciating pain without necessarily resulting in serious injury.

Although no one was gossiping anymore, Lin Su was still called by various teachers to be questioned. After confirming that something was wrong with his state, the teachers directly called Wei Yuan.

"Ranked ninety-ninth in the grade?" Since receiving Lin Su's report card, Wei Yuan had never seen such poor grades. "What is the reason for this?"

"He refuses to say. We need the cooperation of his parents to see if the child is facing any pressure or problems," the teacher said.

"Okay, I understand." Wei Yuan hung up the phone and immediately instructed his assistant to investigate Lin Su's recent situation.

"Are you Lin Su?" A heavily made-up woman lowered her car window and greeted Lin Su, who was walking by the roadside. "Wow, you’ve grown so much over the years, such a handsome young man now."

"Auntie, who are you?" Lin Su asked politely.

The opportunity he had been waiting for had arrived.

The woman flicked her hair, and a strong perfume scent wafted over, causing Lin Su to hold his breath due to the poor quality of the fragrance.

She smiled and said, "It's no wonder you don't recognize me. I'm your distant cousin. I've finally found you after all these years."

"Really, Auntie? But I've never seen you before. What if you're a human trafficker?" Lin Su said with a smile.

The woman's face froze for a moment. She then said, "What are you talking about, kid? Your mother's name is Luo Juan, isn't it? Your father's name is Lin Wenbin, and your grandfather is..."

She listed everything in detail. Lin Su neither nodded nor shook his head, but his attitude implied acquiescence.

"Cousin, why did you come to see me?" Lin Su changed his tone, clearly indicating he believed her.

"When your parents died, I was starting a business along the coast. I haven't returned for years, and when I came back, I heard that your parents were gone and you were taken in by the Wei family," the woman said, wiping the corner of her eye with her finger. "Living in someone else's home must be tough. I'm back to take you back this time."

"But what you're saying doesn't matter to me; my guardianship is with my uncle," Lin Su said calmly. "Why don't I take you to see my uncle?"

This woman's identity was real, but unfortunately, in the original timeline, she was part of a scam group. Her goal wasn't to take the children but to exploit the Wei family's wealth.

Lin Su naturally had to let her meet the main person involved; otherwise, she would continue to harass Lin Ran.

The woman didn't expect it to be so easy to be taken to see the Wei family and immediately said eagerly, "Get in the car. I'll take you to find your uncle."

"Auntie, you need an appointment to see my uncle. He's very busy right now. Maybe in a few days," Lin Su smiled. "I'll call you then."

They exchanged phone numbers. Shortly after Lin Su left, the woman's car was stopped.

A well-dressed assistant politely said, "Hello, Ms. Wang Hua. Our Mr. Wei would like to have a word with you."

"Mr. Wei? Wei Yuan?" The woman was taken aback. "Did Lin Su call Mr. Wei?"

"Yes," the assistant replied with a smile.

As they investigated Young Master Lin Su's situation, they discovered that this woman had been following Lin Su for several days, seemingly waiting for an opportunity. She was undoubtedly a factor that could have affected Lin Su's grades.

Hearing this, the woman smiled smugly, "Alright, lead the way."

Meanwhile, Wei Yuan had received all the information about this woman. She was indeed Lin Su and Lin Ran's maternal cousin, with a legitimate familial connection. In terms of adoption order, she would definitely precede him. 

However, this woman had a dubious character, she made a living off scams and repeatedly getting into trouble with the law. She was a key target under police surveillance.

It seemed that failing in her usual scams had driven her to target Lin Su.

Wei Yuan waited quietly in the lounge. When the woman entered and saw him, she couldn't help but swallow hard, partly because of the prospect of money and partly because such a handsome man was indeed a sight to behold. Rumor had it that this man was still unmarried.

From the moment the woman entered and sat down, her gaze never wavered from Wei Yuan. She stared intently at him and asked, "Mr. Wei, what do you want to talk to me about?"

"I want to know your purpose for seeking out Lin Su," Wei Yuan said, disgusted by her gaze, and his slight frown made the woman finally sense a bit of fear.

But this fear was outweighed by her greed. She smiled and said, "Mr. Wei, you're asking the wrong question. I'm Lin Su and Lin Ran's cousin. When their parents died, I didn't know. Now that I do, of course, I want to bring them back to their own family."

She spoke as if it was only natural, relying on that thin blood connection as if it justified everything. Wei Yuan despised that sense of entitlement.

"Moreover, Lin Su said that you would call me in a few days when you were free. He must be willing..." Her words were abruptly cut off by a sudden commotion.

Wei Yuan stood up, knocking over the coffee on the table. The liquid dripped down his lapel, leaving a muddy, dirty stain. His current disheveled state mirrored his inner turmoil, but he couldn't care less about his clothes. "What did you say?!"

The woman was intimidated by his gaze and shrank back, saying, "I said the child will definitely want to come with me. How can he be happy living in someone else's house?"

"Mr. Wei, what's wrong?" The assistant leaned in, quickly grabbing tissues to clean up the mess.

Wei Yuan stood still, watching their busy movements, but inside he felt like he was on fire. He had always thought they would eventually separate, so he had pushed away any closeness, he never expected the opportunity to come so soon.

Did Lin Su really want to leave, or was it just a whim? How could this woman, with her bad character, take good care of him? 

He realized his mistake. Even if they were to part ways someday, now was not the time. It wasn’t Lin Su who couldn’t leave him; it was he who couldn’t leave Lin Su. The bond they had built over the years was like a bone being broken—it hurt immensely.

The assistant took away Wei Yuan's soiled coat. Left alone with the woman again, Wei Yuan handed her some documents. Regardless of the means, he needed to keep Lin Su... and Lin Ran.

"I think you need to look at this," Wei Yuan said, regaining his composure. He observed the woman's expression as he spoke, "Starting twenty years ago, your record of fraud is staggering. Some cases were caught by the police, others weren't. You've spent a total of ten years in prison. If I submit the evidence the police missed, how many more years do you think you'll serve?"

The woman took the documents, her face growing paler with each passing second. She looked at Wei Yuan with fear. "What... what do you want?"

"I want you to give up getting custody of Lin Su and Lin Ran," Wei Yuan stated firmly.

Lin Su and Lin Ran were already sixteen, old enough to have a say in their own lives. If they decided to go with this woman, there would be nothing he could do to stop them.

Even if he could prove that this woman was unfit for guardianship, taking the matter to court would damage his relationship with Lin Su. Blood ties are not easily severed.

"Why should I?" The woman attempted to resist, not wanting to end up worse off. But when Wei Yuan took out his phone and started dialing, she froze.

The Wei family had a lawyer on standby. A document was quickly drafted, and Wang Hua signed it, pressing her fingerprint onto the paper.

Wei Yuan carefully put the agreement away, feeling a rare sense of relief. Even if the woman managed to get out of prison one day, he could legally prevent her from coming near them again.

Leaving the lounge, Wei Yuan encountered the police officers who had just arrived. He said, "The lawyer is inside. He will explain everything to you."

It was impossible not to send her away. Someone like her, appearing in their lives, was a stain.

The woman was swiftly taken away. The evidence presented was more than enough to ensure a long prison sentence. She had no livelihood and no skills, relying solely on scams. Even if she got out, she could easily be sent back in, repeatedly, until her death.

【Host, Lin Ran's cousin has been sent to prison. Before that, she signed an agreement relinquishing her guardianship rights,】System 06 reported.

That agreement would lose its effect in a couple of years or, in practical terms, was already ineffective now that Lin Su could take care of himself. Yet, Wei Yuan still made her sign it.

【Ruthless and swift. I like it,】Lin Su said with a smile.

As expected, that man wasn't soft-hearted towards everyone. This unique softness was something Lin Su cherished, knowing its rarity.

【It's a pity there's Tang in his name; he seems so sweet,】Lin Su remarked wistfully.

System 06 felt for the first time that the host was really hard to please. Having it was a problem, not having it was also a problem: 【Host, that's not something we can decide, you know that.】

Lin Su negotiated: 【Let's have it next time then.】

【That's really not something we can decide,】 System 06 resisted stubbornly.

Lin Su ignored it.

The very next day, Wei Yuan appeared at the breakfast table, surprising Lin Su. He called out, "Uncle... good morning," with a noticeable hesitation.

Wei Yuan hadn't looked at him directly for a long time. Seeing the boy's eyes devoid of his usual joy made him uncomfortable. "Morning," he replied.

Lin Su naturally sat down next to the spot where Lin Ran usually sat, instead of his usual place next to Wei Yuan. He kept his head down, focused on eating, and only greeted Lin Ran when he appeared.

The breakfast table was eerily silent, with only the occasional sound of cutlery clinking. Lin Ran felt tense, like he was sitting on pins and needles. Neither his uncle nor his brother spoke, creating an atmosphere that made him want to finish his meal quickly and leave.

"I'm done. I'll head out now," Lin Ran said, tugging Lin Su under the table to signal him to hurry up.

Lin Su put down his spoon and was about to get up when Wei Yuan, wiping his mouth with a napkin, said, "Don't waste food. Finish what you took."

Everyone else's plates were spotless, except for Lin Su's. Aunt Jiang stood up and gave Lin Su a look urging him to comply before retreating to the kitchen. When Mr. Wei was in a bad mood, she knew better than to provoke him.

Lin Su picked up his spoon again. Lin Ran, caught between wanting to leave and feeling he couldn't, started considering the idea of staying at school dorms. Those who live on campus got up later, studied less, didn't have to face a cold presence at the breakfast table, and could eat fried chicken and drink soda instead of milk... There were many advantages, but he didn't dare mention this to his uncle.

"Lin Ran," Wei Yuan called out.

Lin Ran immediately snapped out of his thoughts and responded, "Yes, Uncle? What is it?"

"Weren't you about to leave?" Wei Yuan glanced at him. After all these years, the boy was still afraid of him.

"Oh, right..." Lin Ran stood up, gave his brother a helpless look, and slipped away.

It wasn't that he lacked brotherly loyalty, but their uncle was just too intimidating today.

With just the two of them left at the table, Wei Yuan watched Lin Su eat in silence. The boy's table manners were impeccable, a testament to the good habits instilled in him from a young age. This made it even harder for Wei Yuan to find the right words to say.

He was waiting for Lin Su to speak first. He couldn't be the one to bring it up, fearing that if the boy knew he had dealt with the woman, it might trigger a rebellious reaction.

Wei Yuan regretted his previous harsh words. The distance and coldness Lin Su was now showing were well executed and painful for him to endure.

"Uncle," Lin Su finally spoke, having finished eating and wiping his mouth with a napkin. He glanced at Wei Yuan.

The man's hopeful gaze had been fixed on him from the moment he saw him, though even Aunt Jiang hadn't noticed this emotion through his cold demeanor.

As a good man, Wei Yuan needed to be given a way out.

"What is it?" Wei Yuan instinctively straightened up, his voice eager.

Lin Su found this subtly endearing, though his mood remained subdued. "Uncle, I need to talk to you about something."

"Alright." Wei Yuan visibly relaxed, and Lin Su couldn't help but feel a mischievous urge to tease him. However, he resisted and spoke directly.

"My cousin came to see me. She wants to talk to you about the custody of Lin Ran and me."

"Your cousin? According to my investigation, you didn't have any relatives back then, which is why I adopted you," Wei Yuan said, his fingers tightly gripping the edge of his pants. For the first time, he felt nervous about lying. "Are you sure you haven't encountered a scammer?"

"No, she knew my parents' and grandparents' names," Lin Su replied, a bit taken aback and instinctively defensive.

Wei Yuan felt a heavy weight in his chest. The boy’s reaction clearly showed that he hoped the woman was genuine. "Do you have her contact information?"

Lin Su handed over the contact information.

Wei Yuan said, "I'll take care of this. If she... if she wants to take you away, would you go?"

"I... I don't know," Lin Su turned his head away. "After all, we have no blood relation with you, Uncle. You've been very kind to us all these years, and if you don't want us anymore, we won't bother you."

"When did I say I didn't want you?" Wei Yuan asked in shock, completely losing his usual composure.

When Lin Su looked at him, his eyes were already red. "But didn’t you tell me to grow up quickly and stay away from you? If you dislike us so much..."

"I don't dislike you!" Wei Yuan stood up and walked to him, but he didn't know how to undo the harm his previous words had caused. "I was wrong. I'm sorry."

He rarely apologized, but now he felt overwhelming guilt.

Lin Su stepped closer, looking directly at him. "Really?"

Wei Yuan shook his head. "No, I don't dislike you. I like you both very much."

Such straightforward words left him feeling very awkward, but he feared that if he didn't say them, they would drift apart forever.

He was truly his mother's child, inheriting the same method of making others feel insecure.

"Uncle won’t abandon us, right?" Lin Su’s voice wavered slightly, revealing a hint of vulnerability.

"Never," Wei Yuan said firmly. "Absolutely never."

Lin Su continued, "No matter what we do, you won't abandon us, right?"

Wei Yuan nodded, feeling a sense of relief as he saw Lin Su's attitude soften.

"Swear it," Lin Su said seriously.

Wei Yuan, now relaxed, asked, "What kind of oath do you want me to take?"

"If you break today's promise, then..." Lin Su pondered, "then you will never be able to get married."

"Alright..." Wei Yuan's expression softened. "If I abandon you, I will never get married."

He would never abandon them, as he had already experienced the pain of separation, which left him sleepless.

"Uncle, can we be like we used to be?" Lin Su's face lit up with a sweet smile, full of expectation.

Wei Yuan nodded and was met with a hug. It was a man's hug, not overly intimate. After a moment's hesitation, Wei Yuan hugged back. The child would grow up and leave his side eventually. Until then, he would cherish their time together.

"Uncle, I like you the most," Lin Su said as he released him.

Wei Yuan felt his heart fill with something warm and satisfying. "Mm, Uncle likes you the most too."

Yes, despite his efforts to be fair, Lin Su was his favorite among the two children. It was undeniable and irrefutable.

"Then I'll go to school. You should talk to my cousin," Lin Su said, grabbing his backpack. As he was leaving, Wei Yuan called out from behind, "About your grades this time..."

Lin Su turned back, and said quietly. "Do you really want to know the reason, Uncle?"

Wei Yuan suddenly didn't want to know. He had thought it was due to the woman's interference, but now it seemed to involve him. "Don't worry about one bad result. Just do better next time."

Children can also be hurt by enforced coldness. This realization unexpectedly improved Wei Yuan's mood. They didn't want to leave either, did they?

"What if I do poorly next time too?" Lin Su asked.

Wei Yuan patted his shoulder and said, "It's okay, don't put too much pressure on yourself. Even if your grades don't improve, my promise won't change."

How do parents become so indulgent? 

"Don't worry, I won't disappoint you next time," Lin Su said as he left.

Wei Yuan's lips curved into a slight smile. Of course, he knew Lin Su wouldn't disappoint him because he had never let him down before.

Their relationship returned to how it was before, or perhaps even closer. Lin Su had recently developed a passion for cooking various delicacies, and with his culinary skills improving, Wei Yuan found himself spending more time in the gym.

Every time he opened a drawer, he would find bags of marshmallows, gummies, assorted candies, and all kinds of sweet cookies.

"Do you think I'm still a kid?" Wei Yuan never bought these kinds of snacks, especially those that seemed more suited for girls.

"Good things are meant to be shared with Uncle," Lin Su smiled. "When I saw these, I immediately thought of you, Uncle. Don't you like them?"

"...I do," Wei Yuan said.

He did enjoy sweet treats because they always brought happiness, but he had never realized just how much he liked them before.

Satisfied, Lin Su left, leaving Wei Yuan holding a marshmallow shaped like a little rabbit. It didn't resemble him at all. It was sweet, soft, and loved to be indulged, just like a child, leaving Wei Yuan feeling utterly defenseless.

The matter with his cousin ended when Wei Yuan presented evidence that the woman was a fraud. Throughout it all, Lin Ran remained oblivious.

During the mid-term exams, Lin Su returned to the top spot with perfect scores in every subject, making his classmates and teachers increasingly convinced that his previous slip-up was just a fluke.

With Lin Su reclaiming the first place throne, others could only compete for the second position, which was quite disheartening.

"Brother, brother~" Lin Ran attempted to act cute, "Just one more time, I've never gotten first place since I was little... Brother, what's in your drawer?"

Lin Ran nagged him all the way to the classroom, and as soon as he sat down next to Lin Su, he was stunned by the plethora of snacks and love letters covering Lin Su's desk and drawer.

Leaving aside the snacks for now, just looking at those pink love letters made their meaning crystal clear.

"Brother, you're going to get caught by the headmaster," Lin Ran exclaimed in surprise, completely forgetting what he had said just moments ago.

Although their high school didn't treat puppy love as a taboo like middle school did, being so blatant about it would still result in criticism and education.

"I won't let myself get caught," Lin Su glanced at him, took out a bag, swept all the love letters and snacks into it, then picked it up and left the classroom.

Lin Ran was still immersed in his own situation of being unapproached by anyone, but in the next moment, he saw Lin Su stand up and hurriedly followed: "Brother, where are you going?"

Carrying such a big bag of gifts around was no different from dancing around the headmaster's head wearing a grass skirt.

"I'm going to share them with the teachers, let them supervise my studies," Lin Su said in a single breath, and the faces of some girls had already changed color.

Lin Ran followed closely behind, "Aren't you afraid of offending the girls?"

"Then should I throw them in the trash?" Lin Su countered.

Lin Ran pondered, "That wouldn't be good either."

"Distribute them to our classmates?" Lin Su suggested.

That would be too blatant, and refusing would also be too obvious. Lin Ran shook his head, blinking his eyes with a cute expression.

Recently, Lin Ran's height has also been increasing. Although it was unlikely he would catch up to Lin Su, he now resembled a small poplar tree, attracting people's affection. 

As for why nobody pursued him, it wasn't because he wasn't good-looking; rather, it was because girls found more of a best friend vibe in him. 

Love? Non-existent.

"That's right. To completely eradicate it, handing them over to the teachers is the best option." Lin Su was certain that with so many people sending batches of love letters, nobody would be foolish enough to leave their name behind. Besides, there's safety in numbers; it's much better than singling out one person.

Lin Ran thought it made some sense. "But what if, by chance, the person you end up liking is among them? Wouldn't you miss the opportunity?"

"They're not among them." Lin Su took a long stride, leaving his younger brother behind.

Since he had decided whom to pursue, he wouldn't leave any opportunities for others. One reason was because it would create obstacles on the path of pursuit, and the other reason was... trouble.

"Not among them?" Lin Ran pondered those four words carefully. Suddenly, his eyes widened, and with unprecedented speed, he darted to Lin Su's side and whispered, "Brother, do you like someone?! Who is it? You should confess for leniency, severity is for those who resist!"

"I'll let you choose between being the first next time or knowing who I like," Lin Su said with a smile.

Lin Ran was instantly torn, unsure of what to do.

Couldn't he choose both? He was genuinely indecisive!

Choosing to be first next time or knowing who his brother liked? This was the ultimate choice in life.

"What's wrong?" Liang Heng asked, looking at Lin Ran's distracted expression.

Liang Heng, now handsome and popular, was also a campus heartthrob. However, with someone like Lin Su towering over him, it seriously dampened his once-ambitious spirit of dominance. 

But for now, solving little Lin Ran's problem was more pressing than aiming for the top.

Lin Ran sighed and placed two candies on the table. "Which one do you think I should choose?"

The two candies looked exactly the same, without any distinguishing packaging.

Liang Heng pushed one of the candies. "Can't you have both?"

Lin Ran felt deflated. "I'd love to have both, but my brother only lets me choose one!"

He was really frustrated, but still couldn't go against his brother.

Liang Heng clicked his tongue. "You love candy so much, I'll buy you a bag."

Lin Ran: "..."

This classmate of his might be a bit simple-minded.

Lin Ran picked up both candies. "It's okay."

He decided to just flip a coin.

Liang Heng felt like Lin Ran, the little black rabbit, might be upset. "Then... how about I buy two bags?"

Lin Ran couldn't help but smile.

Although he might be a bit silly, he was still quite cute.

Just as Lin Ran was immersed in constant indecision, trying methods like flipping coins, rolling dice, and navigating mazes to make a decision, the school started cracking down on puppy love.

Under the rule that male and female students shouldn't sit together, Lin Ran and Liang Heng cleverly became desk mates.

When Lin Su found out, he exclaimed, "Oh," leaving his younger brother bewildered. "What's with the 'oh'?" Lin Ran's curiosity was piqued.

Lin Su held up three fingers and smiled, "Now there’s three choices."

Lin Ran gritted his teeth, "Brother, are you trying to kill your little brother? If you keep this up, I'll tell uncle you're dating early."

At this point, the younger brother had gone mad.

Lin Su flicked his head and said, "Silly little brother, I remember when you skipped class with Liang Heng. Oh, right, you went to the internet cafe, didn't you? I remember minors aren't allowed there."

Lin Ran was dumbfounded, hastily explaining, "We were there to look up information. Brother, I'm sorry, I won't threaten you again, but how did you find out?"

"Four choices," Lin Su left gracefully.

Lin Ran: "..."

Did Mom give all the decisiveness to his brother when she was pregnant with them?


Lin Ran couldn’t decide, and Lin Su continued to sit firmly on the throne.

According to the rebellious little brother, it's like getting caught red-handed, even if you stand up, you have to take the seat with you and run away together.

【Turning a good little brother into a crazy fan will make him dislike you.】Through it all, there were countless emotions.

Lin Su smiled, saying, 【I've said it before, what's the point of having a little brother if I can’t bully him?】

In Lin Su's dedicated efforts to bully him, the relationship between Liang Heng and Lin Ran clearly warmed up. 

This was evident in Liang Heng occasionally feeding Lin Ran delicious food, and when Lin Ran was present during basketball games, Liang Heng would showcase his handsome posture, aiming to imbue every drop of sweat with the artistic beauty of a photoshoot.

At this age, there's a unique way of expressing affection, with a blend of secrecy, innocence, and an urgent, straightforward desire. Although it is stupid, its sincerity is exchanged for sincerity.

【This is youth.】Lin Su chuckled as he watched the secretive eye exchanges between the two.

Time passed, and more than a year went by. The atmosphere in the second half of the sophomore year was already tense in school. 

However, Lin Su was the most relaxed at this point because his guaranteed spot for direct admission to the best university in City A had long been secured. As long as he agreed, graduating from high school and entering university directly wouldn't be an issue.

After all, except for the initial failure in the first monthly exam, his subsequent grades consistently approached perfection. With such achievements, everyone was convinced.

The relationship between Liang Heng and Lin Ran had progressed noticeably. Many classmates assumed they were simply close, while some vaguely sensed something more, but articulating what they were feeling was difficult.

Lin Su saw through it at a glance, and the teachers weren't blind either. They just turned a blind eye to the two students' stable performance.

"Brother, do you want to stay for one more year of senior high or go straight to university?" Lin Ran would ask Lin Su such questions when deciding his future.

"Don't you want to go straight to university?" Lin Su glanced at him.

The profound meaning in that glance made Lin Ran inexplicably guilty, feeling as though his brother had seen through something.

Feeling guilty, Lin Ran said, "I'm considering it, so I wanted to ask your opinion."

With their grades, getting into their ideal university wasn't difficult, and the university environment was much freer than high school.

"Um, just focus on the exams for now. Once your in that environment, you won't have to be as restrained when it comes to dating as you guys are now," Lin Su finished eating, patted his shoulder, and glanced at Liang Heng beside him. "I won't be a lightbulb anymore. You guys eat first."

Lin Ran dropped the eggplant on his chopsticks into the plate, looking at Liang Heng in surprise. "How did my brother find out?"

He didn't say anything.

"The point is, even if he knows, he doesn't seem to oppose it, right?" Liang Heng grasped the key point.

"Be more confident, take out the 'seems'," Lin Ran said quietly.

In Lin Ran's mind, there were two authority figures: Uncle Wei and his brother. His relationship with Liang Heng didn't necessarily have to be approved by Uncle Wei, but he wanted his brother's approval.

He hadn't made any effort yet, but it seemed like the most difficult obstacle had already collapsed on its own. He only felt happy..

"I never thought he would become my brother-in-law one day," Liang Heng also felt emotional.

Before meeting Lin Su, he was always the outstanding one, the pride of his family. Lin Su's appearance almost shattered his confidence. Even if he couldn't defeat him, he still wanted to conquer the world.

Having experienced such crushing pressure at a young age, Liang Heng felt that he could now face anything with inner peace.

"Stop jumping to conclusions," Lin Ran felt a bit embarrassed. "Don't get ahead of yourself. If you don't get into the same university, my brother's agreement might turn into disagreement overnight."

"My brother is so unpredictable."

But he’s used to it...

Lin Ran and Liang Heng were very tight on time. Even though their relationship was confirmed, they were still in the pure stage of holding hands, focusing all their time on preparing for the college entrance exams.

Time was running out, and their college entrance exam applications went smoothly. In the scorching June sun, they entered the examination hall with the students of the eleventh grade, spending two and a half days to test all the knowledge they had accumulated over more than ten years.

The waiting period for the results was anxiety-inducing. Even during this waiting time, the two didn't give up on their studies. They woke up early and stayed up late, causing Lin Su to deliberately lighten his steps even when walking.

"Is high school really this hard?" Wei Yuan, who had met Liang Heng a few times, thought he was just Lin Ran's study partner and hadn't shown any negative reactions so far.

"Uncle, didn't you experience this before?" Lin Su sat there, cracking pine nuts one by one. When he had a small plateful, he pushed it towards Wei Yuan.

He was actually quite patient, but Wei Yuan found it amusing, feeling like the kid was trying to fatten him up.

System 06 also thought the same: 【Is the host trying to fatten Wei Yuan up?】

For example, if he got fat, he would be stuck in his mind and couldn't come out.

【No, I want him to exercise more.】Lin Su smiled. 【Life is about movement.】

Exercising more prolongs life.

System 06 felt that if one lacked self-control, they might not be able to resist the host's overfeeding: 【What if he gets fat?】

【You know I like beautiful faces.】 Lin Su smiled.

A fair complexion can hide hundreds of flaws, but being fat ruins everything. Being fat is no different from disfigurement.

System 06's mechanical heart sank for a moment, feeling that their host was both extraordinary and a scumbag. Then they heard Lin Su reply: 【I’ll just exercise with him to recover.】

It's hard for one person to persevere, but having someone accompany you makes a difference, especially since Wei Yuan had an easy-to-lose body type and extremely strong self-control.

"I used to be just like you," Wei Yuan said. Although he didn't achieve perfect scores in every subject, he always stayed at the top. He wasn't the type to not study at all, but he also wasn't as diligent as they were now.

"Um, diligence can make up for lack of talent," Lin Su said obediently with a smile.

When Liang Heng came out to use the restroom, he happened to see this scene of his brother-in-law being so obedient, as if witnessing Godzilla turning into a little rabbit. For a moment, he was stunned in place, forgetting to refute his own lack of talent.

"What's wrong? Are you tired of studying?" Lin Su smiled sweetly. "Do you want to eat pine nuts?"

"No, thank you," Liang Heng replied stiffly and turned around to go back to his room.

But he heard Lin Su asking behind him, "What did you come out for?"

"To use the restroom," Liang Heng replied, swallowing his saliva.

"Then why did you come back without using it?" Lin Su's face was full of curiosity and surprise.

Liang Heng: "..."

Damn it, He forgot because he was shocked!

Liang Heng awkwardly smiled and went to the restroom, almost walking with a stagger. When the door closed, Wei Yuan spoke up, "He’s a bit clumsy there."

Lin Su chuckled, "It’s good to be clumsy."

Wei Yuan: "???"

"It's nothing, it's hot today, do you want me to make some mango sago dessert for you?" Lin Su asked with a smile.

Wei Yuan nodded, "Okay."

The dessert Lin Su made was delicious.

The state of Lin Ran and the two of them continued until the scores were released. Neither of them underperformed, and their scores far exceeded the admission requirements. Liang Heng even directly became the top scorer in City A's college entrance examination.

Typical top scorers in the college entrance examination aren't this dazzling, but Liang Heng took the exam in his second year of high school, directly surpassing all the third-year students, making his achievement truly unprecedented.

During the summer vacation of the second year of high school, there usually weren't any class gatherings. However, when the college entrance exam results came out, both classes prepared a farewell party for Lin Ran and the other two.

They started with dinner, followed by singing, and crates of beer were brought in one after another. 

Lin Su was fine, but Lin Ran was really dizzy and ended up lying on Liang Heng's shoulder with a flushed face.

"Oh!!!" Some guys cheered, "Our school flower can't handle it anymore, Liang Heng, take care of him."

"What school flower!" Liang Heng smirked, "Let's go outside and practice some more."

"Hey, don't take it seriously, it's mainly because this school grass already has someone." The guy was also quite drunk. "You dare to say you and Lin Ran aren't a couple?"

Liang Heng was stunned. It wasn't that he was afraid of people knowing, he just didn't expect it to be revealed like this. Before he could respond, someone asked Lin Su, "Does your big brother-in-law know about this?"

They didn't mean any harm, curiosity being the primary motivation.

Since the cat was out of the bag, Lin Su didn't hide it either. Holding his cup, he said, "Hmm, I agree. Since they're a pair, shouldn't you guys give them some blessings?"

"Oh!!! Blessings are definitely in order."

"Two top students together, 99 points!"

"They've been together without a word, if it weren't for Li Kang mentioning it today, we wouldn't have known. Liang Heng, you got off the singles' list without telling your brothers, that's not fair, you need to drink as punishment."

"No, I'll collapse if I drink more, I can't carry both of them," Lin Su laughed.

"How about big brother-in-law drinks on behalf of them?" Someone suggested, and the atmosphere became even livelier.

Although some people showed disdain and others secretly felt regretful, no one dampened the mood at this moment.

As the atmosphere heated up around Lin Su, everyone's spirits rose. Some girls even boldly joined in, saying, "Lin Su, have a drink."

With nearly a hundred people from two classes, Lin Su couldn't handle it if everyone insisted on him drinking. 

Liang Heng had just frowned when he saw Lin Su putting down his cup and saying, "Just drinking isn't fun, let's do something else."

"Want to play dice?" someone asked.

"That's gambling, right? Lin Su and them are graduating, we shouldn't," someone said. "Let's pick something else."

"How about something everyone knows, simple and luck-based, and everyone can agree on?" Lin Su suggested.

"Okay, then let's play rock-paper-scissors, even the girls can play," someone proposed.

"Good, let's do that. I'll go first, and the rest of you line up. Whoever loses drinks!" The guy walked up to Lin Su with a smirk. "Come on, school grass."

Lin Su raised an eyebrow, and the surroundings quieted down. They both made their moves, Lin Su with a fist and the guy with scissors.

"Ah..." a sigh resounded.

The guy wasn't bad either, immediately going to take a drink.

Another person stepped up, only to lose as well. One by one, they came up, and one by one, they lost and drank before leaving. Lin Su didn't touch a drop of alcohol, and at first, it could be attributed to luck, but as it continued, everyone was stunned.

"This can't be possible..."

"But there's no way to cheat either..."

"He must be the luckiest person alive."

"I suddenly want the school grass to draw cards for me..."

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