The Gentle Man Next Door is a Rabbit - 66



If time could be rewound, Xu Mu definitely wouldn't have rashly opened that door.

At the very least, he shouldn't have been holding roses, with messy hair, foolishly yelling like that.

Xu Mu silently set down the roses and stood awkwardly in front of the screen.

"Auntie, hello, my name is Xu Mu, I'm..."

He paused for a moment, then glanced at Bai Nian—

Can I talk about our relationship?

Bai Nian chuckled and gently said, "Mom, what I wanted to tell you just now was that I'm dating a guy and I wanted to introduce him to you."

After experiencing many ups and downs over the years, Mrs. Bai immediately calmed down.

She rested her hand on her knee, unconsciously straightened her posture, and smiled, "Hello, I'm Bai Nian's mom."

Xu Mu's palms sweated, and his heart beat rapidly.

"For our first meeting, according to etiquette, I should have visited you in person instead of meeting you so suddenly like this. I apologize for that," Xu Mu said, feeling a bit awkward.

Mrs. Bai was a bit surprised but smiled, "It's okay, this kind of meeting is also quite a surprise."

Xu Mu took a deep breath, trying hard to return a smile.

But his lips felt stiff and couldn't quite curve up.

Mrs. Bai cleared her throat, "I see you brought roses in, are you planning to go out on a date with Niannian later?"


"That's nice, very good."

"It just so happens it's Friday, and I have time over the weekend..."

"Mmm, young people, full of romance," Mrs. Bai said.

They chatted for a while, exchanging small talk.

Mrs. Bai asked, "So, what do you do for work, Xiao Mu?"

Xu Mu hesitated subtly, "I'm still studying."

"Oh, still studying—" Mrs. Bai paused, "Studying?"

Xu Mu nodded stiffly.

Mrs. Bai's expression turned slightly complex, "Are you doing a master's or a Ph.D.?"

"...I'm a sophomore."

Mrs. Bai fell silent for a moment and asked, "How old are you this year?"


Mrs. Bai did some quick math and realized there was a fourteen-year age gap. She couldn't help but feel worried. The age difference wasn't the main concern, but a student who had just come of age and hadn't entered society yet might not have a mature mindset... There were just too many variables.

"How did you two meet?"

"I'm Brother Nian's neighbor."

"Neighbors..." Mrs. Bai murmured.

The atmosphere in the room became awkward.

Bai Nian gently spoke up, "Mom, when we have time, Ah Mu and I will come visit you."

Mrs. Bai snapped out of her thoughts, "Oh, okay."

Bai Nian exchanged a few more words with Mrs. Bai before ending the call.

Xu Mu visibly relaxed his shoulders and leaned against Bai Nian's arm.

"I'm doomed, does Auntie think I'm too young?"

Bai Nian patted his head, "No, she might just be a bit surprised that I'm dating someone so young."

Xu Mu sighed softly, "Isn't that the same thing?"

Bai Nian patiently explained, "Today's meeting was a bit sudden, and it was online. In the future—"

Xu Mu's lips brushed against his, and he sighed, "If I had known, I would have come in a suit. The baseball jersey and sweatpants made me look even younger."

Bai Nian couldn't help but laugh.

Xu Mu was genuinely worried, his brows furrowing deeply.

Bai Nian found it increasingly amusing and couldn't stop laughing.

Not pleased with Bai Nian's reaction, Xu Mu pushed him towards the bed and tickled him relentlessly.

"Is it really that funny?" he teased.

"Not funny at all," Bai Nian said, wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes.

Xu Mu let out a sigh and buried his face in Bai Nian's neck, not moving a muscle.

Bai Nian smoothed his hair, "What are you doing?"

"Thinking..." Xu Mu murmured.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Life's major events."

Bai Nian sighed helplessly, "Didn't I tell you? Don't worry, my mom was just surprised, she's not unhappy with you."

"..." Xu Mu remained silent.

"Really, trust me."

"..." Xu Mu still didn't say anything.

Bai Nian adjusted his face, coaxing, "What's the matter? We're not like elementary school kids dating, are you worried that our parents will break us up?"

"Wouldn’t you be happier to have your family support our marriage, wouldn't you?" Xu Mu said softly.

Bai Nian was taken aback.

"Although I grew up as an orphan, I know that many people consider their families' opinions when it comes to dating and marriage in hope of gaining approval, right?"

Bai Nian lightly stroked Xu Mu's eyelids with his fingertip and suddenly smiled.

"You're thinking too far ahead, we haven't even reached the marriage step. But, did I miss something in between?" 

Xu Mu hesitated, "I, no, I mean, I had that thought, maybe I was a bit too eager... Wait, what I said just now, wasn't meant like that..."

He spoke illogically, stumbling over his words, his ears turning red as if they were bleeding.

Bai Nian's hand itched, and he pinched his earlobe, smiling teasingly, "What, you don't want to get married in the future? You're going to break up with me after graduation?"

"Of course not!"

Bai Nian scratched his neck and deliberately said, "Oh."

"Brother Nian..." Xu Mu realized, "Are you teasing me?"

"Kind of, your flustered look is quite cute."

Xu Mu chuckled softly, his hand moving down to touch Bai Nian's belly. Due to the false-pregnancy state, Bai Nian's body had undergone some changes, inevitably forming a slight curve. His mimicry was more pronounced; in human form, the difference wasn't noticeable unless touched.

"What's wrong?" Bai Nian's eyes were moist.

Xu Mu pressed his face against Bai Nian's belly, speaking earnestly, "Listening to the baby's heartbeat."

It was meant as a joke, but when he really pressed his ear against Bai Nian's belly, a strange feeling washed over him. He thought: if Brother Nian really had his child, what would the next step be?


Xu Mu's mind buzzed, and his heart rate shot up.

Bai Nian's fingers trembled, and the smile on his face gradually faded.

He silently watched Xu Mu, who seemed genuinely absorbed in listening, as if a child was really growing inside.

Curiosity, anticipation, joy.

"Ah Mu." Bai Nian's voice was a bit serious.


"I need to ask you something."

"Go ahead."


After a long pause, Xu Mu looked up, puzzled.

Bai Nian pinched his palm, his nails slightly digging into his flesh.

He said softly, "Do you really like children?"

Xu Mu realized something was off and propped himself up on his elbow, "Uh, just so-so, it's not a necessity."

Bai Nian stared at him, "Really?"


Xu Mu: Geez, how did this turn into me explaining my true feelings?

He said, "Brother Nian, if you don't want children in the future, we won't have any. If you want them, we will. It’s all up to you, I don’t mind either way."

Bai Nian said softly, "Ah Mu, my development there... isn't very good. The chances of me getting pregnant are very, very low."

"If you like children and hope I could have one, you might be disappointed in the future—"

"That's even better," Xu Mu interrupted gently, kissing his lips. "Pregnancy is so tough, I don't want Brother Nian to suffer."

"But you like children..." Bai Nian repeated.

"I don't." This time, Xu Mu's response was direct and firm.

"But you didn't say that earlier."

"Because I didn't know you were worried about this," Xu Mu pressed his forehead against Bai Nian's. "Generally, it's just something people say. I prefer the idea of us spending our lives together, just the two of us."


Xu Mu thought for a moment and said, "But a low probability doesn't mean none. So, we need to take precautions in the future."

Bai Nian's lips moved, "Ah Mu..."

"I'm serious," Xu Mu said, holding his hand tightly. "Pregnancy is tough and takes a toll on the body. Your health isn't great to begin with, this false-pregnancy has been affecting your body strongly, right?"

Bai Nian didn't respond immediately. After a while, he said, "But you like drinking milk."

Xu Mu was caught off guard, "Huh?"

Bai Nian turned his face away.

Xu Mu said, "No, Brother Nian, that's just a liking."

"Because it's you, it excites me." He explained honestly, "When I was a kid, I avoided milk whenever I could because I didn't like it, even though I knew it was supposed to help me grow taller."

"Just because of me?" Bai Nian repeated softly.


Xu Mu raised his hand, intending to turn Bai Nian's head so he could look him in the eyes and have a serious conversation. However, his hand paused as he unintentionally brushed against the buttons of Bai Nian's shirt. He pinched the fabric between his fingers and brought it to his nose.

The familiar scent of milk was unmistakable.

"Leaking again?" Xu Mu asked.

Bai Nian lowered his eyes and murmured, "Yes."

"Is it uncomfortable?"

"Not too bad."

"Did you use the tool to relieve it this morning?"


Xu Mu scratched his head, "I was in such a rush this morning. So, should I—"

To be honest, Xu Mu thought that the false-pregnancy had caused Bai Nian a lot of daily inconveniences: constant chest congestion, reduced appetite, mood swings, and so on. He couldn't imagine how difficult life would be if Bai Nian were truly pregnant.

—He absolutely cannot get pregnant!

Bai Nian grasped his hand.

"Why the gloomy face?" he said deliberately, "You look displeased, are you disgusted with me?"

"No," Xu Mu shook his head, "I'm worried about you."

Bai Nian gave a gentle smile and wrapped his arms around Xu Mu's neck, "You worry too much."

"It's not too much."

"…Then kiss me. If you kiss me, I'll feel much happier."


Xu Mu kissed him gently, full of tenderness, as if he were handling a rare and precious pink diamond.

Bai Nian's eyelashes trembled even more, dampened by tears, and the corners of his eyes were tinged with red.

He held Xu Mu's hand tightly, his knuckles turning white.

"Daddy... Daddy... Daddy... Daddy..."

Ye Ye's loud voice suddenly rang out.

Xu Mu paused, reluctantly pulling his lips away.

Bai Nian opened his eyes, swallowed, and said hoarsely, "Ye Ye...?"


"You go deal with him," Bai Nian curled up, "I'll change my clothes and come out in a bit."

"Wait a moment..." Xu Mu was momentarily confused.

"Our date," Bai Nian glanced over, "Aren't we going?"

"Let's go!"

Outside the door, Ye Ye was banging loudly.

"If we leave Ye Ye at home later, will he make a fuss?" Xu Mu suddenly remembered.

Bai Nian, eyes closed, replied, "No, I already talked to him."

"What did you say?" Xu Mu was surprised.

"I just told him that I'm going on a date with you."

"He actually understands what a date is..."

"Yeah, he even asked me if we go on dates, would that mean you will never leave again."

Xu Mu laughed, "Ye Ye really thinks a lot for a kid."

"What did you answer?"

"I said..." Bai Nian smiled, "Not necessarily."

Xu Mu's smile immediately faded, "Why?"

Bai Nian pouted playfully, "I was just teasing Ye Ye, and you fell for it too?"

"Brother Nian, I'm very sensitive, extremely so."

"Guess what Ye Ye said in response?"

"He cried?"

"No." Bai Nian laughed, imitating Ye Ye's tone, "Does that mean... Daddy will find someone else to live with and leave Daddy?"

Xu Mu: "..." Tsk, this kid.

"I swear, I won't."

Bai Nian caressed his cheek and said with a smile, "He's just a child. His thoughts are straightforward and sometimes quite unusual."

"Yeah, I know."

Xu Mu stood up, ready to handle the "deafening noise" outside.

Halfway there, he suddenly curled his fingers and wiped the corner of his mouth.

A faint milky fragrance lingered on his taste buds.


"Alright, I'm out. What's up?" Xu Mu habitually picked Ye Ye up.

"Look! My drawing!" Ye Ye excitedly held up a blank board.

"This is..." Xu Mu leaned in, "Me, Daddy, and you?"

Ye Ye nodded vigorously.

"It's really great."

Ye Ye flashed a cute, toothy grin and waved his hand haphazardly, "Daddy!"

Xu Mu closed the door, "Daddy will come out to see it later, you wait a bit."

"Wait... okay!"


Bai Nian changed his clothes. Since there was an external event at work today, he dressed in a form-fitting, formal outfit, but for the date, he chose something looser, with a non-clingy inner layer.

Bai Nian didn't wear his usual style of clothes; instead, he opted for a sporty look that he rarely wore.

It matched Xu Mu's color scheme today.

When Xu Mu saw Bai Nian, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Bai Nian felt a bit embarrassed, his face slightly red, "Shall we go?"

Xu Mu stared without blinking, "Couple's outfit?"

"Yes." Bai Nian nodded lightly.

Xu Mu couldn't suppress a smile, coughed twice, and looked around, pretending to be busy.

"Daddy, drawing!" Ye Ye rushed over.

Bai Nian caught him and said gently, "Alright, let Daddy take a look."

Xu Mu's gaze swept across the windowsill and suddenly fixed on something.

He saw a man in a thin suit standing foolishly downstairs.

Xu Mu squinted, finding him very familiar. He looked somewhat like the protagonist gong from the profile picture Little black ball had shown him.

Xu Mu's eyes turned cold, and he immediately sent a message to Little black ball.

Before he could finish typing, a black-haired boy suddenly rushed out, grabbed the man tightly, and they seemed to have a bit of an argument. The boy pulled and tugged, finally sitting on the ground and crying.

Xu Mu: "..."

He silently put down his communicator, marveling at how dedicated Little black ball was.

A few minutes later, the man, with a dark face, and the boy returned to their transport vehicle.

"Ah Mu!" Bai Nian called out, "Ready to go?"

Xu Mu responded immediately, "Coming."

Buzz, buzz, buzz—the communicator vibrated.

[Today’s Ever Handsome Karl: Where are you and the protagonist shou having your date? I need to go absorb some energy!!! Let me tell you, I was just helping you guys…]

Xu Mu didn't need to read the rest to know what it meant. He quickly sent the location and instructed Karl to keep the protagonist gong occupied.

—There's no need for lunatics to appear and ruin Brother Nian's mood.

[Today’s Ever Handsome Karl: Of course~~~~]

"Ah Mu, let me put a scarf on you."

"Okay." Xu Mu obediently lowered his head.

In the brief moment, Xu Mu stole a kiss.

Soft and sweet.

Bai Nian looked up.

Their gazes met, and in the next second, smiles appeared simultaneously on their faces.

Yes, tonight was definitely a night for a date.

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