The Gentle Man Next Door is a Rabbit - 67



Xu Mu booked a table at a popular internet restaurant that has become quite famous recently.

It's said to be a lover's paradise, with a constant stream of couples checking in and taking photos.

The outdoor temperature was low, with snowflakes falling lightly. They turned off their navigation device and walked step by step, deep and shallow.

"Are you cold?" Bai Nian also reached out and touched his face.

"Not cold." Xu Mu's breath formed white mist around his face. He leaned in, "How about you?"

Bai Nian also frowned, took off his gloves, and reached into his collar.

Xu Mu originally wanted to dodge but forcibly restrained his instinct.

Huh? It’s not cold.

"If you're cold, let's walk a bit faster." Bai Nian also said, "Wear thicker clothes next time you go out."

"If I wear any more thicker clothes, I'll turn into a ball..."

"I am wearing a down jacket, do I look like a ball?" 

He tugged at the other's baseball jacket, "You're still young, you can withstand the cold."

Xu Mu leaned over, pressing his face close, "You're thin, not like a ball."

Bai Nian chuckled, "I really don't know why you're so stubborn..."

He didn't seem like someone who cared much about his appearance at home, he is rough enough to not even use face cream unless it was dry in winter, causing his skin to crack. 

Xu Mu thought: It's better not to know, once he knows, he'll definitely laugh.

He took the opportunity to embrace him, their clothes rustling, then planted a kiss.

"Hey, it's not important, I'm hungry."

Bai Nian also didn't inquire further.

The two walked closely together, their walking rhythm gradually syncing.

Xu Mu went from embracing to holding his hand, and finally one hand went into his pockets, gloves removed, fingers intertwined.

His heart inexplicably fluttered for a moment.

It's hard to describe the feeling in that instant.

The cold wind blew against their cheeks, icy air entered their lungs, shoulders brushing against each other. They occasionally lean in to whisper, the familiar scent lingering in their nose.

They used the same detergent.

They were stained with the same scent, as if silently indicating something.

"What are you smiling about?" Bai Nian occasionally glanced over, unable to help asking.


Bai Nian slightly tiptoed, his nose brushing against Xu Mu's chin, "I mean, why are you so happy?"

Xu Mu's lips curved slightly, "Because we're about to eat, just thinking about it makes me happy."

Bai Nian also raised an eyebrow, "Are you really that hungry?"


"Alright, then let's run over."

The restaurant was less than two hundred meters away from them.

Xu Mu was taken aback.

"Run—" Bai Nian also tugged at him and started running first.

Xu Mu was pulled along, stumbling, unconsciously following suit.

The pathways in the square were not very wide, the greenery on both sides bare, the public suspended lights on the roadside casting a cold yellow light.

The flow of people ahead and behind was sparse, occasionally requiring them to dodge.

Xu Mu's heart was blazing hot, as if engulfed in flames.

The taste of love, generally speaking, is indescribably wonderful.

The specialty of the internet-famous restaurant was the "Bread Bowl Thick Soup" paired with "Ban Gen" noodles, which was the highest-rated dish on the internet.

As for other dishes, it was recommended to avoid ordering them if possible, but if one must try something new, they should ask for the smallest portion.

"Is it good?" Xu Mu took a spoonful of the rich fish soup, casually broke off a piece of the bread bowl, and paired it together.

Mmm, not bad at all.

He squinted his eyes, reluctantly admitting that the "palates" of the masses were the most "prominent".

"It's pretty good." Bai Nian also smiled, "It lives up to its reputation."

Compared to Xu Mu, Bai Nian ate more elegantly. He would cut off a small piece from the edge of the bread bowl, soak it in the soup, and slowly savor it.

Xu Mu rolled up the cold noodles from his plate. They were already seasoned, with a sweet and spicy flavor.

He tried mixing some soup into it, his eyes brightening, "Brother Nian, the noodles go well with fish soup. It is delicious."

"Is it?" Bai Nian also followed suit, "Hmm, indeed, it's quite wonderful."

Xu Mu said, "I heard online that there's a specially made vegetable salad with mixed reviews. 

Some love it to death while others feel like throwing up just from the smell. Do you want to try it?"


Xu Mu immediately placed the order.

A few minutes later, the vegetable salad was brought over by a robot.

Bai Nian also tried it, "It's okay."

Curious, Xu Mu also took a spoonful.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Xu Mu only tasted a bit, his expression instantly contorted, "It's okay?"

He gulped down several glasses of water, finally managing to wash away the strange bitter taste.

"It has a hint of grassy fragrance." Bai Nian also commented, "You might not be used to it."

The taste lingered bitterly on Xu Mu's tongue, with an overwhelming aftertaste.

Bai Nian smiled as he watched, reaching over to switch their spoons and finishing off the remaining salad.

"...Impressive." Xu Mu breathed out.

"It depends on people’s personal taste."

Xu Mu's curiosity about trying new dishes was instantly extinguished.

If even dishes with such extreme reactions were this "bad," things labeled as "dark cuisine" by internet users, it was better not to have too much curiosity.

After finishing their meal, Xu Mu went to pay the bill and then headed to the restroom.

As he came out of the stall, he suddenly saw a head hanging next to the door lock.

"Damn!" Xu Mu took a step back, his heart pounding.

"Hey?" The black ball waved, its mouth moving squeakily, "I've been waiting for you for so long, why are you so slow..."

Xu Mu closed his eyes, regulated his breathing, then steadied his voice, "Why were you hanging by the door?"

The black ball took out a new battery and elongated its voice, "Because I came to find you."

He tasted the blueberry-flavored battery, extremely satisfied. "Of course, mainly I came to absorb energy."

"... " Xu Mu pressed his forehead, "So, why did you come to find me?"

"Do you have any cash?"

Xu Mu: ?

"Can you lend me some?"

"What do you need money for?"

The black ball said with melancholy, "To pay rent, I can't use the points I've accumulated. Don't worry, I'll pay you back, I'll transfer it to your account."

"How did you manage before?"

"The protagonist gong when I staged incidents." The black ball said matter-of-factly, "I received a sum of medical expenses, which I used for living expenses, but now it's all gone."

Xu Mu's mouth twitched, "Staged accidents? How did you stage them? Did you just fall to the ground?"

"No, I pretended to be hit by someone on the street, but in reality, I wasn't hit at all."

"... You're really something." Xu Mu was at a loss for words, "I don't have any cash on me, I'll withdraw some later, come find me then."

The black ball grumbled, "Ah, then I'll have nowhere to stay tonight."

"You've already been kicked out because of rent?"

"Yeah." The black ball nodded, scratching his head, "Forget it, I'll just stay at the hospital tonight—but wait, the smell there is terrible."

He pondered for a moment, talking to himself, "I'll see if I can leech off the protagonist gong."

The black ball's mood suddenly became cheerful again, waving goodbye, "I'm off, I've absorbed enough energy for today. You and the protagonist can continue your date, bye!"

After saying that, he jumped out of the restroom window.

Xu Mu: "..."

His heart skipped a beat again, reminding himself:

This isn't a person, it's a system.

He can't die.


"Are you back?" Bai Nian also looked up at the sound, his cheeks flushed from alcohol, one hand propping up his chin.

"Yeah, ready to go?" Xu Mu's hand itched, his fingertips brushed against Bai Nian's eyelids.

Delicate, warm.

"Let's go." Bai Nian also slowly stood up, a bit sticky as he leaned against Xu Mu's shoulder.

Xu Mu was taken aback, "Are you drunk?"

They ordered cocktails, they were not too strong, they ordered some to try the specialties.

Xu Mu found them hard to drink, but surprisingly they suited Bai Nian's taste. They ordered a few different ones in a row.

"Not..." Bai Nian also said slowly.

He pinched his nose bridge, his breath hitting Xu Mu's neck softly as he gently asked, "Do you want to stroll outside?"

"I'm fine, it's up to you." Xu Mu worriedly touched his head, looking at his unfocused eyes, suspecting he was drunk.

"Then... let's go home." Bai Nian also said softly, "It's cold outside, and Ah Mu is afraid of the cold, let's go home."

Xu Mu was startled, his hand on Bai Nian's hair paused slightly.

"Yeah, let's go home."

Medical Center

The black ball dashed down the corridor, slowing down as he neared his destination.

His head was spinning a bit as he shook the cake box in his arms.

Wasn't that colorful cup with orange slices hanging on it a drink?

How did drinking it make his head spin...

It was clearly sweet, with a taste like mint and lychee.

"Where were you?" A cold voice rang out.

A dark shadow loomed over, Qi Xin was sitting in the corner, arms crossed, impatiently spoke.

The black ball swayed as he walked, the person in front of him appearing blurred.

"Two... two people..." he murmured.

Qi Xin's face turned colder when he didn't get a response. He grabbed Karl's collar, his voice heavy, "Didn't you say your leg was hurting again? How can you run out if it's hurting?"

"I went to get that herbal medicine for you, I wasting so much time..." His eyes were sharp, pupils deep, his hand clenched tighter, "Is it fun to play tricks on me?"

Sure enough, this boy was a liar.

Qi Xin pressed his lips tightly, growing more and more irritated.

Every time he would use tears as a weapon, to elicit sympathy, and then...

"I had important things to do!" The black ball barely heard him clearly, raising his head and speaking loudly.

Lord Karl was no fool, of course he would come up with excuses to absorb the protagonist's energy!

Qi Xin sneered, "Hmph, I'm not interested in your affairs. I know your little tricks. You've been tracking me today, your jealousy rearing its ugly head again. Let me repeat for the last time, I will not like you. You better give up early, don't challenge my tolerance..."

"Happy... Birthday! I bought you a cake!!!" The black ball raised the cake in his hand, shouting loudly. His vision became blurred, he felt dizzy.

Oh no, was he out of battery?

Qi Xin froze.

His expression was somewhat ridiculous, "Cake?"

The black ball couldn't speak.

He hugged the cake, his body swayed, and fell straight back.

Qi Xin instinctively reached out and caught him.

And the box of cake was securely held in the other's arms.


Xu Mu and Bai Nian returned home. The living room was quiet, Ye Ye had already been bathed and put to bed by Nades.

"Can you still tell how many fingers I'm holding up?" Xu Mu made a gesture.

Bai Nian blinked, "Two."

Xu Mu nodded, "The sobering medicine is working."

Bai Nian rubbed his face and said in a muffled voice, "Ah Mu, you have to trust my alcohol tolerance."

"You almost fell down when we were leaving the restaurant..."

"It was an accident." Bai Nian also yawned, "I'm going to take a shower."


Bai Nian showered quickly and came out urging Xu Mu to wash up.

"Don't lie down yet, you need to blow dry your hair." Xu Mu reminded.

Bai Nian glanced sideways, his cheeks flushed pink, his watery eyes filled with affection.

"I've just been drinking, I’m not a fool." He scratched the palm of the other's hand, his tone drawn out.

"Yeah, I know." Although Xu Mu said so, he still helped Bai Nian blow dry his hair.

Bai Nian tilted his head, smiling.


Xu Mu finished his shower quickly, coming out in less than ten minutes.

Buzz buzz buzz—the light brain vibrated a few times in a row.

His hand was still a bit wet as he picked it up.

White mist filled the bathroom, the screen foggy, Xu Mu walked out, and several floating lights were all off.

The one messaging him was Pu Liu.

[Xing Pu: Have you seen the Association's discussion thread?]

[Xing Pu: Forget it, you probably haven't seen it]

[Xing Pu: sldfwjehweiorhwo. Link]

[Xing Pu: The 'Koni' in the neighboring gaming area said you're imitating his live streaming style, following his path, and even copying his strategies]

[Xing Pu: Damn, this kid really doesn't know when to stop]

[Xing Pu: Why doesn't he say he is the origin of all things that popped out from the cracks in the universe!]

Xu Mu glanced roughly at the reposted thread, which included screenshots and text versions of the other party's account content.

The reposting OP even categorized them meticulously for comparison.

Xu Mu frowned as he finished reading, then replied to Pu Liu.

[Xu: Yeah, I've read it.]

[Xu: Thanks, it's too late today, I'll see how to handle it tomorrow.]

[Xing Pu: Ha, you're welcome.]

[Xing Pu: That hangdog can really play the victim, he loves to stir up controversy. After you respond, don't give him any more attention.]

[Xu: Okay.]

"Ah Mu." A warm and gentle voice came.

Xu Mu looked up, "What's wrong, Brother Nian?"

He sat on the bed and instinctively pulled the person into his arms, buried his head in the crook of his neck.


Ah, even though they used the same shower gel, it smells even better on the other person's body.

Xu Mu habitually lowered his head, finding his familiar spot.

The scent of milk filled his nostrils, making him smack his lips.

"Ah Mu, I want to show you something." Bai Nian suddenly said.

"Okay." Xu Mu raised his eyes, and Bai Nian showed him a screen, "What is this..."

He paused, then suddenly straightened up.

[Mom: Yeah, I'm not upset about anything, just a bit surprised. I trust your judgment. Next time bring the person over, we'll talk face to face.]

"Is this a message from your Mom?" Xu Mu read it over and over again.

"Yeah." Bai Nian smiled, "Are you feeling relieved now?"

Xu Mu pursed his lips, staring straight at Bai Nian.

After a while, he said, "Yeah, I feel relieved now."

Bai Nian extended his arms gently, saying, "I wasn't wrong before, right?"

Xu Mu hugged him back, "You were right."

Bai Nian's lips curved into a smile, and he lightly brushed his cheek against Xu Mu's.

"Tonight, do you want to sleep in our mimicry state?" he asked softly.

"Both of us?"

"Yeah, with my rabbit mimicry, and your—" Bai Nian pulled his hand, "—snake mimicry."

Xu Mu hesitated, "I'm afraid I might strangle you."

"It'll be fine."


Ten minutes later, the floating lights dimmed.

The green bamboo wrapped itself around the waist of the lop-eared rabbit, while the crimson tail draped over the fluffy tail. Its little head rested against other's ears. As they lay covered by a blanket, cuddling quietly together.

A gentle breeze blew, their breaths gradually steadying, as they drifted off into a deep, peaceful sleep.

A night of sweet dreams.

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  1. Aww so cutee :)))) I also somehow really ship little black ball and the OG gong :)))))


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