The Gentle Man Next Door is a Rabbit - 68



Xu Mu had a habit of sleeping in on weekends. Even though his biological clock would wake him up, he would just roll over and continue to sleep soundly.

Bai Nian also sensed some movement, his ears twitched, and he opened his eyes—

His vision was narrow, and the ceiling lamp above seemed like a huge monster.

After a few minutes, he slowly sat up.

But his waist and neck were met with resistance.

Bai Nian also looked closely, it was a green snake body with a red tail.

He was somewhat awake, he rubbed his face, and his furry cheeks puffed up.

Bai Nian gently pushed aside the green snake, transforming back into human form.

The green bamboo snake, deprived of its heat source, moved again, exploring along its previous trajectory.

Bai Nian originally intended to get out of bed to freshen up, but the little snake was particularly clingy, winding around his knees and slowly climbing up, curling around the warmest spot.

Bai Nian sighed helplessly, tapping the head of the green snake , muttering to himself, "What are you doing? You won’t let me get up..."

The green snake remained oblivious, still sleeping soundly.

Bai Nian lay back down, intending to take him out without waking up the little snake.

The slippery scales roamed over his skin, the sensation not too cold, but compared to the warmth of the bed, it was still quite chilly.

Bai Nian squinted his eyes slightly, his hair on his forehead was messy.

The warm blanket warmed him up again, and his eyes moistened slightly at the corners, his eyelashes closing tight.

Finally, the green snake was willing to leave and coiled back onto the pillow.

Bai Nian snapped back to reality, and upon seeing this, his brow twitched, his cleanliness kicking in.

"You..." He had just uttered a word, but fearing to wake the other person, he lowered his voice.

But considering the silence from the other side just now, it seemed he was sleeping like a log.

He might have worried for nothing.

Bai Nian wiped the bamboo green snake clean with a warm towel, wrapped it in a blanket, and then left the room.

Nades was mopping the floor, bending over and bowing, "Good morning, Mr. Bai."

Bai Nian smiled, "Good morning."

"Daddy!" Ye Ye, with pointed ears, trotted out of the room and hugged Bai Nian's leg.

"Hey, Ye Ye is so good. Did you wake up and dress yourself today?"

Ye Ye nodded heavily, opening his arms to be carried.

Bai Nian said, "Daddy still has something to do, I’ll carry you later, okay?"

"Okay." Ye Ye obediently withdrew his hands, but his head still affectionately leaned against Bai Nian, muttering something in his mouth.

"Nades, could you please change the pillowcases and bed sheets in the room at noon?"

"Of course, Mr. Bai." Nades took Ye Ye away to have breakfast.

Seeing that it was still early, Bai Nian took a shower.

The hot water thoroughly washed away the lingering fatigue from waking up.

"Mr. Bai, I made some buns and cereal with yogurt, would you like to eat?" Nades was feeding Yeye.

"I won’t eat, I'll cook some rice noodles for myself," Bai Nian said.



Xu Mu woke up suddenly.

His heart was beating fast, and all the sounds from his dream lingered in his ears.

Dark clouds gathered, lightning flashed, thunder rumbled, and the rain poured heavily. He was surfing in the surging and roaring sea, chased by waves soaring into the sky, thrilling and exhilarating, utterly free.

Then—he woke up.

Xu Mu originally wanted to scratch his head, but found that only his body would move.

Alright, he was still in his mimicry form.

Xu Mu transformed into human form, put on some clothes, and went to freshen up.

For some reason, his neck felt a bit sore, probably due to his sleeping posture last night.

Xu Mu didn't think too much about it and quickly took a shower.

In the kitchen...

"Good morning, Brother Nian," Xu Mu knocked on the door and hugged Bai Nian from behind.

"Morning, up already? I thought you would sleep a bit longer," Bai Nian said.

"Mm..." Xu Mu lazily leaned on his shoulder, "What are you cooking?"

"Rice noodles, do you want some?" 

"I'll have some."

"Alright, then you wait a moment," Bai Nian said.

The pot bubbled and boiled, while a large bowl beside it held the cooked rice noodles in broth, with the enticing aroma of specially prepared sauce.

Xu Mu felt hungry and couldn't help but kiss Bai Nian's cheek.

"Brother, you're so good at cooking," he said.

Bai Nian chuckled, "Really? How good?"

"You're like the ultimate boss that can never be defeated in the game."

"How childish," Bai Nian teased, then asked, "Why are you calling me 'brother'?"

"Is it not allowed?" Xu Mu asked in return.

"It's allowed, but it seems like the first time I've heard it from you."

"Really?" Xu Mu thought for a moment, "I called you that out of laziness... Well, I'll call you that more often from now on, and you'll get used to it."

Bai Nian smiled lightly, clearly accepting the new address.

He gently tapped Xu Mu's chin, "As long as you like it."

After breakfast, Xu Mu collapsed on the sofa and didn't want to move.

But he couldn't, he still had to livestream today and resolve what happened last night.

Because it was winter vacation now, he had more free time, so Xu Mu adjusted his livestream schedule to broadcast all day, with a few breaks in between, and ending earlier than usual in the evening.

As soon as he started streaming, the number of viewers skyrocketed.

【Livestream viewers: 19,034】

【It’s rare to see Xu in the morning】

【Wow, I saw the pinned notification, will it be an all-day stream from now on?】

【Tsk tsk, is the elementary school student finally on vacation?】

【Sending out a 'Romantic Encounter' x77】

【By the way, is Xu still studying now? Is he an adult yet?】

【...He is already living with his boyfriends, can’t you tell if he's an adult or not?】

【I heard he's a college student, a top student at a prestigious university】

【Damn, really? In the gaming community, nine out of ten drop out of school. Even if they're good at studying, playing games doesn't lead to a bright future】

【It's true - having a high education level doesn't necessarily lead to fame, it's quite strange】

Xu Mu finished setting up his equipment and greeted, "Good morning, for this month, I'll basically be streaming all day. If you have time or are bored, you can come to my livestream and hang out."

He logged into the gaming interface and adjusted the virtual settings. "Today, we're playing Extreme Mech Battle."

Xu Mu glanced at the barrage of comments. Aside from the usual greetings and chats, there were some less harmonious insults.

【? Heh, piggybacking off of Koni again】

【I'm really fucking done. Since Koni was recognized by fans at school and showed his face, why does everyone in the world want to follow the route of prestigious school, handsome guy, low voice?】

【Yeah, even when playing games, they have to study. It's sickening】

【Even the strategies, they copy his format】

【A bunch of idiots who rely on their voices every day, they don't even know what ugly monsters or fat losers are behind the computer screen, hiding and not daring to show their faces】

【Is it really something rare to be a top student, have a handsome face , and have a deep voice...】

【Maybe it's unique to Koni (smile), after all, he can play games】

【...Nonsense, a popular game like Extreme Mech Battle, if you can play it well, there's an audience. Which streamer doesn't want to give it a try?】

【Right, with good planning, a long game lifecycle, rich viewers, and high popularity, it's every streamer's dream game】

【If you become popular, with the advertising contracts and long-term deals from RQ, tsk tsk, you won't have to worry for the rest of your life】

【Isn't the formatting of the strategies and guides the default template that KK provides?】

【Koni's fans have such low quality, always attacking others' appearance...】

【Wait, did Xu show his face?】

【Nope (confused)】

【Then what are they babbling about?】

【Just their imagination】

The livestream chat was filled with noise, and as the number of viewers increased, the comments descended into a battle of insults.

Xu Mu pressed his temple, "Originally, I planned to finish the game and then respond to this matter during the break, but since everyone is arguing so fiercely now, I'll address it first."

"I am indeed still in college, and gaming is a hobby for me. I'm very happy to make friends with everyone through gaming."

"I understand everyone's curiosity about why I don't show my face, but there's no need to be too curious. I personally feel that I'm just an ordinary person, with an ordinary appearance, attending an ordinary school, pursuing an ordinary major. There's nothing worth boasting or being infatuated about. The only thing I can pride myself on is gaming."

"As for accusations of imitation or plagiarism, please provide evidence. I have no interest in proving it myself. Making vague and baseless accusations during a livestream and trying to play the victim, doesn't make what is said true."

"Game strategies, to put it simply, are all devised by the planners themselves. The numerical values are there, and there will always be an optimal solution. Even if you play creatively, you can't deviate from the data settings. Of course, bugs are not included, and games get patched. Unless it's the type of game focused on decryption, survival, and exploration, where each person has their own way of showcasing."

"...Alright, that's enough. I'm starting the game now."

After Xu Mu finished speaking, various dazzling gift effects dominated the screen.

At first, he could still clearly see the names and thank them, but as more and more came in, it became too fast, and all he could manage was a general "thank you."

"Alright, let's log into the game. Do you want to explore a new map or revisit an old one?" Xu Mu's mindset was extremely steady. After saying "okay," he stopped paying attention to some strange comments and fully immersed himself in the game.

"New map—" He clicked on the left side, "There are three, want to play them one by one?"

"Okay, one by one."

"Let's do random matchmaking."

"Will the guy we played with last time come back? He had good skills... If you want to see him play with us, I'll ask him later. He's also a streamer in the gaming community, with the ID 'PupuPupuFei.'"

"Yeah, his skills were really good."

"Can we play with fans... Yes, I'll finish this game first, and then we can do it slowly."


After finishing almost a day of livestreaming, Xu Mu's head was buzzing, and he felt a bit light-headed as he walked. He decided to extend his rest time a bit later, but he couldn't chat for too long during the break. Ending the livestream and starting it again would cause a drop in viewers.

Xu Mu went back to his room and headed straight for the soft, fragrant rabbit.

"Is the livestream over?" Bai Nian adjusted his glasses and held the light board for work.

"The livestream is over."

"Did you resolve the issue with that moon landing imposter streamer?" Bai Nian looked worried, "Why don't we just find a lawyer and sue them? Although rumors may not catch up with the truth, at least we should put on some shoes first."

Xu Mu: "... “ Moon landing imposter?"

"Brother Nian, don't copy those... " He choked up for a moment, "Strange words in my livestream."

"Strange words?" Bai Nian blinked, "I think it makes sense."


"If you don't have a suitable lawyer for the moment, I can help you find one."

"Sigh, it's okay, let's leave it for now. If he continues to harass and spread rumors on livestreams, I'll take legal action." 

Bai Nian nodded, "Okay, I'll keep an eye on it for you."

He frowned slightly, "Indeed, what they said is true. When someone becomes popular, there's bound to be gossip. That Koni is worse than a garbage bag, trying to ride on your popularity, appearing on the homepage every day, just to ride off your heat..."

Xu Mu's scalp tingled. Who corrupted the other person like this? It sounded just like the comments in his livestream. He hurriedly approached, using his mouth to silence Bai Nian's words, his tongue pressing against his lips, easily prying them apart and exploring inside.

Their lips and tongues intertwined, exchanging fluids, making soft, sticky sounds. Bai Nian melted into the kiss, his cheeks flushed, his glasses askew and eventually falling onto the bed. 

He responded tenderly, wrapping his arm around the other's neck, emitting soft moans from his throat.

When the kiss ended, Bai Nian sank directly into Xu Mu's embrace, his voice hoarse from the passion.

He caught his breath and softly said, "Was it tough today? I checked the livestream at noon, and it seemed like you didn't rest much... I had work to do later, so I had to temporarily stop watching."

In fact, he didn't completely stop. Whenever he was drawing something relaxing, he would wear headphones to listen to his voice—

It was a bit strange; the person was just next door, yet he still had to wear headphones to hear his voice.

"It's okay." Xu Mu tightened his arms around him, burying his face in Bai Nian's neck, kissing it fervently, and muttered, "Brother... your ears."

Bai Nian willingly exposed his ears and pressed them against Xu Mu's face.

Feeling the soft touch of fur brushing against his eyelids, Xu Mu couldn't help but squint his eyes, then he opened his mouth and bit down.

"...Aren't you afraid of getting fur in your mouth?"

"No... I won't... It's so soft..." Xu Mu shook his head and even commented, "It's chewy."

Bai Nian didn’t know whether to laugh and cry. He used his nose to nudge Xu Mu's nose and said, "Behave, don't mess around."


Bai Nian's hand rested on Xu Mu's arm, feeling the smooth muscles gently.

Suddenly, he paused.

"Ah Mu..."

"What's wrong?"

"Your skin seems a bit dry." Bai Nian lifted Xu Mu's clothes and earnestly felt his skin. "Do you want to apply some moisturizer?"

"Is it very dry?" Xu Mu felt it himself. "That normally happens during winter."

"How is that normal? You're skin is flaking." Bai Nian raised his arm. "Look for yourself, do you see any lines?"

Xu Mu's eyebrows twitched as he carefully examined it.

He treated himself roughly, and he couldn't feel or see any difference.

"Is it true?" Xu Mu asked skeptically.

Bai Nian gave him a sidelong glance, the implication clear.

Xu Mu touched his nose. "Alright, you apply it."



The bamboo green snake slowly moved, winding around Bai Nian's wrist, its snake tongue hissing.

Bai Nian touched the snake's head and stroked its scales, his eyebrows furrowing even more.

"Ah Mu, is it just my imagination, or do your scales not feel as smooth as they did this morning?"

Xu Mu: ?

"The color also seems a bit dull..." Bai Nian murmured, "It used to be so fluorescent green, but now it's turning gray..."

With a serious expression, he pinched the snake's mouth. "Come on, spit out your tongue, let me see."

Xu Mu: "..."

It was a strange request, but he complied nonetheless.

Bai Nian pressed his fingertip against it, and Xu Mu instinctively rolled his tongue around, licking back and forth.

"Your eyes also seem dull..."

Bai Nian cradled the snake's head and looked into its eyes. "Ah Mu, are you about to shed your skin?"

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