It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 52


IETSTSMLARA | The Charming Substitute | 52

In the social hierarchy of scholars, farmers, artisans, and merchants, merchants were at the bottom and could not participate in the imperial examinations. 

They made money quickly, but if Lin Su got involved with them, even if he became a top scholar, he would be punished.

Without the struggle for imperial power, officials of higher rank indeed held significant authority. If Lin Su wanted to live well in this world and avoid being trampled by others, the imperial examinations were the most convenient path.

He was confident in himself. Even if he didn’t get the top spot in provincial exams, he believed he could achieve the highest rank in the palace examinations. Even though Yang Cheng's father held a position higher than his own father, once everything settled, there would be nothing to fear.

However, the exam results would be announced in a month. In the original timeline, Yang Cheng redeemed Qing Xi during this month. Competing openly with Yang Cheng for someone was a minor issue. If he redeemed a man and took him home, his stepfather-like father would probably sell Qing Xi first.

Even if Yang Cheng didn't redeem him, Qing Xi's auction time wouldn't change. If someone else redeemed him first, his fate might not be much better than with Yang Cheng.

"This is a bit tricky," Lin Su said as he entered the rented courtyard and lay on the bed. "A hero can be stumped by a single penny."

【The system store can exchange for silver,】 said System 06.

【That's a last resort. One must think of solutions to poverty,】 Lin Su said, sitting up with a smile. 【I need a windfall.】

System 06 was extremely puzzled.

Lin Su left a servant to wait for the exam results and had the coachman drive him home. He avoided the official road and chose smaller paths. 

When he heard a voice call out, Lin Su's smile deepened.

"Stop, this is a robbery!"

The quickest way to get money was to rob the robbers. In this peaceful era, those who still turned to banditry rarely did so out of a sense of justice.

Lin Su didn't get out of the carriage but ignited some herbal powder and threw it out. After waiting for a cup of tea's time, he got out to find the ground littered with "heroes." They were conscious, which made their faces turn red with anger.

"Des...picable..." the bandit leader trembled with rage. "For... a... scholar."

"I'm weak and unarmed. Apologies, don't take it personally," Lin Su said with a bow. He took out an herbal packet and let the coachman smell it, then smiled. "Please help tie them up. The reward for turning them in will be yours."

The coachman, initially pale with fear, couldn't hide his excitement upon hearing this. He took the ropes that Lin Su had prepared in advance from the carriage and, under the furious glares of the "heroes," started tying them up. 

The coachman was strong, and though he was scared at first, he quickly realized they really couldn't move. He tied them up as efficiently as tying up horses.

Lin Su, the weak scholar, politely squatted in front of the bandit leader and let him smell the herbal packet. "Where is your hideout?" he asked.

"Bah! This time you got lucky. If our boss were here, you'd be stripped to your bones!" the leader spat angrily, clearly not used to such treatment after years of banditry.

"Your behavior is truly disgraceful," Lin Su sighed, picking up a fallen knife and placing it against the leader's neck with a smile. "Now, will you tell me?"

The leader glanced at the knife, swallowed hard, and said, "It's on the eastern side of this mountain. Even if I tell you, you won't find it."

"Thanks." Lin Su stood up and dropped the knife, shaking his hand. He wasn't trying to be overly dramatic; his body was genuinely weak and he tired easily from carrying heavy objects.

The coachman loaded the tied-up bandits onto the carriage. Seeing Lin Su standing alone, he awkwardly scratched his head and asked, "Sir, should I accompany you to the government office?"

Though Lin Su hadn't yet achieved the rank of a scholar-official, he was a candidate and therefore didn't need to kneel before officials. It wasn't inappropriate to call him "sir."

"No need," Lin Su waved his hand. "Go on. Once you get the reward, don't come back here. It might bring trouble."

"Yes, yes," the coachman replied, whipping the reins and driving away. Lin Su looked towards the eastern side of the mountain and began walking up the small path.

The mountain was steep, not artificially carved, but the bandits had their ways of coming down. 

As a great man once said, there was no path in this world, but as more people walked, a path could be made.

On his way up the mountain, Lin Su pushed through the underbrush, searching for signs of a hideout. 

When he finally spotted the rudimentary buildings, he concealed himself. His eyesight was quite good, and he observed that the bandit camp was hidden by the tall grass. There were patrols, but the sizes of the figures varied greatly. 

It seemed there were women in the camp as well, distinguishable by their relatively fair skin despite their coarse clothing. If they weren't there willingly, they were likely captured as brides for the bandits.

Lin Su gathered some dried grass and set it alight, covering it with leaves and tossing in a packet of mixed herbs. He fanned the smoke towards the camp with leaves. The thick smoke drifted into the camp, and though the bandits noticed something amiss, they didn't have time to react before collapsing one by one.

Once the smoke had dispersed, Lin Su put on a face mask and entered the camp. Seeing at least a hundred people sprawled on the ground, he regretted not keeping the coachman around. 

Tying up over a hundred people was a laborious task. Just climbing the mountain had nearly exhausted him, and securing the bandits would take even more out of him.

As the bandits stammered and cursed, Lin Su lay on a tiger-skin rug and took a nap. In the morning, he lit a fire and steamed a few sweet potatoes. The sweet aroma made the stomachs of the tied-up bandits growl loudly. 

Though the effects of the herbs had worn off, Lin Su had tied them up in such a way that they couldn't free each other; the more they struggled, the tighter the ropes became. Bound hand and foot, they could only wriggle on the ground like caterpillars in search of something sharp.

Eating a sweet potato, Lin Su watched the "heroes" squirming in the dirt and laughed, "What are you all doing?"

"Let us go, or we'll kill your whole family, you best believe it!" one of them shouted.

"Damn it, you don't even know who you're messing with. Once I get free, I'll kill you for sure," another one threatened.

Lin Su finished his breakfast and found over six hundred taels of silver in the bandits' stash. He also took a horse and, looking at the cursing bandits, asked, "Do you know who I am?"

"Who are you?"

"Who knows who you are!"

"Give us your name if you dare!"

"Not knowing is better," Lin Su said as he mounted the horse, kicked the horse's belly, and rode away. The filthy bandits were left staring at each other, realizing how powerless they were. 

They were furious—this so-called scholar had completely outwitted them. Not knowing his name or appearance, they had no way to track him down.

On his way to Qinghe Prefecture, Lin Su passed through the Qingzhou area. A letter was delivered to the local government office. The prefect who received the letter, initially uninterested, stood up immediately upon reading it and asked, "Where is the messenger?"

"Sir, the messenger said a young gentleman asked him to deliver it. He doesn't know the details," the report came back.

The letter detailed the takedown of the Qingzhou bandits. These bandits were notorious and elusive, often causing trouble and making it difficult for dispatched soldiers to catch them. If the prefect could eliminate them, it would significantly benefit his career. 

The letter suggested acting on the information if believed, otherwise disregarding it. Although it could be a trap, the potential reward was too tempting to ignore.

"Send this letter to General Xu and mobilize three hundred men to investigate," the prefect decided, feeling that fortune favors the bold. 

Three hundred soldiers cautiously ascended Qingzhou Mountain, wary of traps and ambushes. 

When they reached the bandit camp and saw the tied-up bandits, they were dumbfounded.

If this were a trap, the cost was excessively high. It was clear the letter was genuine. The prefect ordered the bandits to be taken away immediately. The men were imprisoned, while the women were questioned and sent back to their homes. 

Even though they had lost their reputations, it was better than being at the mercy of bandits.

Lin Su’s actions had brought down a notorious group, significantly impacting the region and earning the gratitude of the authorities.

Having achieved great success, the Yamen was beaming with excitement, his face glowing with pride. "Is it really true that you don't know who wrote this letter?" he asked.

“The messenger genuinely didn't know. The paper is clearly from the bandits' camp, and we can't identify the handwriting. Since the letter was given to you, the credit is yours," the advisor replied.

"That makes sense, but I wonder how he could be so powerful?" the prefect mused.

"That's simple, sir. Just ask the bandits," the advisor suggested.

"Good idea," the prefect said, clapping his hands and rushing off.

While it was certain that they could find out the method from the bandits, replicating Lin Su's precise herbal concoction was nearly impossible. Otherwise, generals wouldn't need to worry about troop numbers—one smoke cloud would incapacitate an entire army.

Lin Su rode swiftly and reached the Qinghe Prefecture. This area, known for its waterways, was humid and lush but further from the capital. The region was teeming with vegetation and pests, and many exiles were sent here to build dikes.

Entering the city, Lin Su didn't go home but headed straight for Cuinong Pavilion, a known entertainment district. The streets, filled with a mix of intoxicating scents and vibrant colors, were somewhat quieter around Cuinong Pavilion, reflecting the social disdain for those who entertained men.

Riding up to the entrance, Lin Su saw a sleepy servant suddenly perk up at his arrival. "Would you like to come in, sir? Our top performers are the best, even rivaling those at Hongyan Hall," the servant eagerly promoted.

Hongyan Hall was the top brothel in Qinghe Prefecture, renowned for its talented women skilled in music, chess, calligraphy, and painting, drawing a constant stream of visitors.

As Lin Su dismounted and glanced inside, the servant, noticing his interest, added, "Our performers are not just talk; you can see it for yourself."

Lin Su, amused, handed his horse over and said, "Let's see if they live up to your words."

The servant smiled obsequiously, hiding a flicker of disdain in his eyes, and replied, "Of course, sir. You'll see everything once you're inside."

Lin Su entered the pavilion, where the atmosphere was indeed warm and lively, though the décor was more green than red. 

He hesitated for a moment, and the heavily powdered brothel owner immediately approached him.

"Such a handsome young man! Is this your first time at Cuinong Pavilion? Come in, come in! Tell me who catches your eye, and I'll make sure you're satisfied," the brothol owner said, her face covered in white powder that flaked off as she spoke.

Lin Su covered his nose, showing a hint of disdain. "Who are your top performers? I want to see how they compare to Hongyan Hall."

"Please, this way to a private room," the brothel owner said without missing a beat. She recognized a wealthy customer when she saw one and couldn't afford to offend him.

Once in the private room, drinks and tea were served, and the room was filled with fragrant incense, all designed to stimulate the senses. Lin Su took a small bottle from his sleeve and inhaled its contents to counteract the effects of the incense. 

As he did so, there was a knock on the door, and the brothel owner entered with four young men.

The young men were all quite attractive, though heavily made-up and dressed in bright colors that suppressed their natural masculinity.

"This slave is named Chun Hua."

"This slave is named Xia Ye…"

They introduced themselves one by one, their eyes lingering on Lin Su with gentle intent, trying to allure him. Their behavior suggested that business at Cuinong Pavilion wasn't thriving; they were all just trying to make a living. 

As men forced into this profession, likely sold here in childhood due to misfortune, none of them had a higher status than the other.

Lin Su had no intention of making things difficult for them. However, given the tough business conditions, the brothel owner would likely charge exorbitantly if he revealed his true purpose upfront. He might not have enough silver to cover the cost.

"Just as I thought," Lin Su said, looking them over. "Are these young men all still 'pure'? I have a bit of a cleanliness fetish, so I hope you don't mind."

"Of course, they are all pure," the brothel owner said with a stiff smile. "Our top performers only sell their talents, not their bodies."

Lin Su said with a languid tone, "Though it's my first time at Cuinong Pavilion, I've been to Hongyan Hall many times. You should know that I'm aware of what 'pure' really means. If you try to deceive me, your pavilion might as well close down."

The brothel owner was startled, realizing she was dealing with someone knowledgeable. While it wouldn't matter much with an ordinary customer, it could be troublesome if it was an official. "You're joking, sir. We wouldn't dare deceive you. If you don't like these, I can bring others for you to choose from."

"You're a sensible person, so don't disappoint me," Lin Su said, tossing a ten-tael silver ingot into the procuress's hands.

The brothel owner quickly caught the silver, smiling broadly. "Of course, sir, rest assured."

Recognizing Lin Su's wealth and potential official status, the brothel owner couldn't afford to offend him. 

The next time, she brought in three young men, all dressed in simple yet clean clothes. They entered in a line and stood before Lin Su, heads bowed with a hint of trepidation.

At the end of the line, Lin Su saw Qing Xi. He wore light blue robes, with minimal makeup, and his eyes, when he glanced up, were clear and untainted—an indication that he hadn't been sullied by this place yet.

It wasn't common for men to serve in such roles, as even in consensual relationships, the risks of physical and emotional harm were high. It was understandable that these young men would be fearful.

In terms of appearance, Qing Xi did bear a strong resemblance to Qi Qingyi, with about seventy to eighty percent similarity. However, their temperaments were completely different. 

Qi Qingyi walked with a raised chin, exuding a haughty air and the confidence of someone from a prestigious family, deterring most from approaching.

Qing Xi, on the other hand, had delicate features. His lowered gaze and timid demeanor made him seem like he wished to shrink away and remain unnoticed. His slightly lowered eyelashes and brief, innocent glances were reminiscent of a fawn peeking through the forest.

Though they were different individuals, when standing next to Qi Qingyi, it was easy to tell them apart. Yet, it was unfortunate that Qing Xi was groomed to resemble someone else.

"This time, you've done well. What are their names?" Lin Su's gaze merely flicked over Qing Xi before moving on.

Upon hearing this, the young men instinctively looked to the brothel owner for guidance before responding, "This slave is named Qing Shui."

"This slave is named Qing Liu," the next boy said.

"This slave is named Qing Xi," said the last boy.

The brothel owner smiled and added, "These three are all from the 'Qing' generation and have not yet been listed to entertain guests. Though they are a bit inexperienced, they will certainly meet your requirements, sir."

“Qing Liu…” Lin Su stood up and lifted Qing Liu's chin to scrutinize him. These young boys, with their soft physiques, were still children. This boy was likely no older than fifteen, the same age Qing Xi was when Yang Cheng redeemed him.

They each called themselves "slaves," yet they were all just children. Qing Liu shivered as Lin Su held his chin, stammering, "Y-yes, this..slave…."

Lin Su released his chin and moved to stand before Qing Xi. "Lift your head."

Qing Xi's fingers tightened slightly. He was supposed to be officially introduced next month, yet the brother owner had abruptly called him to entertain a guest, emphasizing that he must not offend this important person. 

Cuinong Pavilion's business was doing poorly; offending a distinguished guest could lead to severe punishment. Despite the authoritative tone of the man before him, there was no hint of reproach in his words. Qing Xi hadn't gotten a clear look at him initially but now, raising his eyes, he met a pair of deep, discerning eyes.

There was scrutiny in those eyes, but no disdain. The man had a refined and handsome appearance, exuding an air of grace distinct from any client they had previously glimpsed. No wonder the brother owner had labeled him a "distinguished guest." Could such a person really be interested in toying with young men?

Lin Su found himself staring into those clear eyes and smiled, "Quite bold. I'll take you."

Qing Xi at the age of fifteen was untainted, and looked at him with a child's innocent curiosity. His straightforward gaze was unlike anything Lin Su had seen in such a setting.

The brothel owner, who had been holding her breath, exhaled in relief upon seeing Lin Su's choice. "Sir, you have excellent taste. This is the most handsome one among the 'Qing' generation."

"Let's just make do." Lin Su sat down in his seat as the madam skillfully ushered the other two people out, giving Qing Xi a meaningful glance and wisely closing the door behind them.

With only two people left in the room, there was a moment of silence. Lin Su tapped the cup lightly and said, "Come pour the wine."

Qing Xi moved his feet lightly and took the wine jug to pour for him. His movements were skillful, the wine poured without spillage, but his voice trembled as she spoke, "Please, sir, enjoy."

Lin Su only lightly touched his cup and looked up, asking, "What skills do you possess?"

Though he was sitting down, when he looked up, it seemed as if he were looking down on Qing Xi.

Meeting his eyes, Qingxi hurriedly lowered his head and said, "I can play the zither."

"With delicate hands playing the zither, adding fragrance to the sleeves, what tunes can you play?" Lin Su asked again.

Qing Xi whispered, "I can play the Red Fragrance Tune and the Phoenix and Phoenix Tune."

These were all seductive tunes belonging to brothels, only for the purpose of flirting, not suitable for refined settings.

He learned these every day, yet his eyes remained so clear.

Lin Su chuckled, leaving Qing Xi feeling at a loss. "Sir?"

"I've had my fill of those tunes. I wonder, how skilled are you in serving men?" Lin Su scrutinized him from head to toe and said, "Go to the bed and undress yourself."

Qing Xi stiffened, the slight blush on his face dissipating instantly. After a while, he spoke with difficulty, "Yes, sir."

He had thought he was a gentleman, but he hadn't expected him to be so eager.

Qing Xi walked to the bed, lowered the canopy, removed his outer garments and shoes, leaving only a thin layer of gauze on him as he sat on the bed. "Sir, I'm ready."

Ignoring him, Lin Su remained seated quietly, as if the food and wine on the table were more enticing than the person in the bed. Qing Xi dared not speak again, just sat quietly waiting. 

He didn't know how long he waited, his eyelids drooping, he struggled to keep himself awake, but eventually succumbed and closed his eyes.

Steady breathing came from within the gauze canopy. Lin Su set down his wine glass, rose, and lifted the canopy. The youth within, clad only in gauze, slept soundly, though there was a slight furrow between his brows, as if something troubled him even in his dreams.

He shivered slightly. Sleeping in such thin gauze during the cold spring nights would surely make him sick. Lin Su fetched a brocade quilt and covered him, then hesitated before untying his long hair. He sprinkled some wine on his face and neck, then pinched his wrist.

"Mmm..." Qing Xi stirred uneasily.

When Lin Su released his hand, there was a red mark on the fair arm.

There was no disdain look in his eyes, just a gentle smile as he rose.

System 06 asked puzzledly, 【What are you doing, Host?】

【A person who has lost their virtue is no longer so precious,】 Lin Su chuckled.

It wasn't that he couldn't afford the money, but the more valuable the courtesan, the less the brothel owner would want to let them go. Once she realized he lost his innocence, there was no need to be so insistent.

Lin Su straightened his clothes, opened the door, and called for someone. The brothel owner, seeing his relaxed demeanor, smiled ingratiatingly. "Sir, how was Qing Xi's service?"

"Not bad.," Lin Su yawned. "Once I've slept with someone, they can't be slept with by others. As for the one in bed, arrange a carriage for me. I'm taking him away."

The brothel owner was taken aback. "Ah?!"

The powder on his face began to fall off, and she looked quite forced as he said, "Sir, Qing Xi hasn't been put up for sale yet."

"What? Planning to sell someone who's already slept with someone?" Lin Su said lazily. "Name your price. Otherwise, if word gets out that you're selling courtesans who have been used, Cuinong Pavilion might as well close its doors."

The madam smiled. "Sir, what you're saying is not fair. Qing Xi was originally groomed as our top courtesan. We spent quite a sum when we bought him. Since you've spoken up, I won't beat around the bush. How about a fixed price of three hundred taels?"

In this era, buying a servant for one's household was a matter of a few taels of silver. There were channels specifically for purchasing from such establishments, and the prices were quite low. Only those with good looks were kept for training, while those with less appealing appearances became servants.

Three hundred taels was not a small amount. Lin Su glanced at him and chuckled meaningfully. "Alright, have his household registration and indenture documents prepared for me. Make sure there are no mistakes."

The madam, seeing the promise of silver, hurriedly said, "Of course, of course. We are experienced in handling such matters and won't make any mistakes. Sir, you can rest assured."

As the carriage was being prepared outside, Qing Xi, still drowsy from the medicine Lin Su had given him, was wrapped in a blanket and carried out. His tousled hair, exposed legs, and faint marks on his arms all indicated that he had already been with someone else.

Since he belonged to someone else now, staying in the brothel wouldn't fetch any more money for the madam. Taking the silver, she smiled, "Safe travels, sir. Come again next time."

There were few guests at the brothel, and even fewer who redeemed courtesans. Some onlookers were envious, while others were disdainful.

"Qing Xi was redeemed before even being put up for sale. Living at the gentleman's house will surely be better than here."

"I'm not so sure. Men can't lay eggs anyway. At most, they'll be doted on for a while and then get bored. If he ends up as servant, serving tea and water, it's not much better than staying in the pavilion."

"Such things have happened before. Let's disperse, shall we?"

Lin Su listened to those words, they weren't wrong. Servants could be beaten and scolded at will, and once someone from a brothel was redeemed, they were no different from objects. 

It was better for women to be concubines or maidservants, but for men, once they passed the age of delicacy, even if they wanted to engage in such a livelihood, they could only belong to the lowest class, sold and given away like common goods.

Sitting in the carriage with Qing Xi in his arms, Lin Su departed from the place as the coachman arranged by the madam drove them away.

The carriage rocked gently, and Qing Xi lay still, not showing any signs of a strong person. 

Though his features were delicate, they leaned towards softness and elegance. Perhaps it was because of his circumstances and experiences that he lived cautiously and followed Yang Cheng's requirements to change himself.

But the dead end he faced as a result of his impulsiveness might indicate that he wasn't as gentle as he appeared on the surface; there was a toughness in his heart that belonged to a man.

If he could grow up safely, even if his family was poor, no one would want to end up in such a place.

The carriage didn't go directly back to Lin Manor but stopped at a small courtyard. It wasn't difficult for Lin Su to buy a simple two-compound courtyard for Qing Xi to temporarily settle in.

After paying the coachman, Lin Su carried Qing Xi into the courtyard. It was deserted but clean. Placing Qing Xi on the bed, Lin Su casually picked up a book from the shelf and sat nearby, waiting for him to wake up.

The book wasn't filled with classical literature but rather idle stories about scholars and beauties. Reading it in his spare time was just a way to pass the time.

As the night grew darker and the candles were lit. Qing Xi made a soft sound, as if feeling a bit too tightly wrapped as he woke up. He struggled and squirmed, his eyelashes trembling slightly.

Lin Su chuckled. "Awake?"

Qing Xi's eyes fluttered open with a hint of confusion in them. When he saw the person sitting on the chair beside him, he suddenly sat up, looking around in panic. "Where is this?!"

How did he fall asleep? And why did he wake up here after falling asleep?

"It’s one of my residences," Lin Su replied calmly, leaning back in his chair. "Aren't you curious how you ended up here?"

Qing Xi lifted the covers and saw that he was still dressed the same, with no discomfort or pain as the maids often warned about. "Sir, could you please inform me?"

"I stole you from Cuinong Pavilion," Lin Su said with a smirk.

Qingxi's eyes widened, his normally slender and rounded eyes now round with shock. "How could this be? Although I am of lowly status, theft is punishable by law."

If his father discovered he was missing, he would surely suspect him of running away. If he were caught and brought back, he might be bedridden for a month from the beating.

His gaze turned fearful and sorrowful, and he seemed on the verge of kneeling down to beg Lin Su to let him leave. Sensing his distress, Lin Su handed him the household registration documents and indenture contract.

Qing Xi's tear-filled eyes widened in astonishment. "This..."

Lin Su chuckled. "What, can't you read? Don't the top courtesans at Cuinong Pavilion have to entertain guests with poetry?"

"I can read," Qing Xi said, lifting the covers, preparing to get out of bed to kneel before Lin Su. But he was stopped and pressed back onto the bed. "Master, I cannot stay on Master's bed."

Once a slave, always a slave. Whoever holds his indenture contract, owns him.

"You belong to me now. Do you expect me to have you kneel on the ground while serving me?" Lin Su gently lifted Qing Xi's chin and asked.

Qing Xi opened his mouth, but then bowed down. "Please enjoy, Master."

In the end, it was all the same. Serving one person or serving a group of people didn't make much of a difference. In this lifetime, he was nothing more than an object.

He trembled as he bowed his body, but after waiting for a while, he only felt the room brighten slightly. When he lifted his head, he saw Lin Su sitting on a nearby chair, watching him intently.

Lowering his head, Qingxi didn't know what to make of this. He had attended lectures from his superiors, but had never encountered such a guest. It always felt like he was being disrespectful, and he didn't know how to handle it. "Master... Master..."

"You've left the brothel. Do you still want to continue the life of serving others?" Lin Su straightened up and leaned closer to him.

Qing Xi peeked up at him and asked softly, "What does Master mean?"

"I'll give you two options," Lin Su smiled. "The first is to stay in this small courtyard and serve me on the bed. You can't be a concubine or a servant, but I'll provide some attendants for you. You'll stay here, and every time I come, you'll serve me. How do you feel about that?"

For someone redeemed from a brothel, this was already considered a good treatment. Qing Xi lowered his eyes and cautiously asked, "What about the second option?"

The smile in Lin Su's eyes deepened. "The second option is that I am a scholar, and few of those who serve me can read. Since you can read, how about being my book boy?"

Being a book boy was better than being a musician or entertainer; at least he wouldn't be looked down upon everywhere he went.

Lin Su could have given him a third option, to give him some money and let him go free to live as a commoner. However, his previous status meant that he couldn't take the imperial examinations for the rest of his life. 

If he wanted to farm, he wouldn't have the strength, and if he wanted to do business, he might be cheated. His good looks would attract bullies, and if he encountered Yang Cheng again, he would likely be brought back to the household. 

So, Lin Su could only keep him around for now.

Qing Xi raised his gaze, this time looking directly at Lin Su with disbelief. "Is what Master said true?!"

"Which part?" Lin Su asked with a smile.

"The second option!" Qing Xi hurriedly clarified, afraid of Lin Su changing his mind. "Qing Xi chooses the second option!"

There was a hopeful gleam in his eyes. Even though he would still be a servant, being a book boy was better than serving on the bed.

"Being my book boy is very demanding," Lin Su warned.

"I'm not afraid of hardship," Qing Xi said earnestly, even changing his address.

"Very well," Lin Su said, somewhat satisfied. "Since you've become my book boy, you only need to listen to me, and you don't have to pay attention to what others say."

"Yes," Qing Xi listened attentively, obediently responding. His eyes were full of hope, which made him much more likable than his previous anxious and fearful demeanor.

Qing Xi chose the second option, which meant he didn't need to enter Lin Manor and attract unnecessary trouble.

After some thought, Lin Su asked, "Did you have your own name before entering that place?"

As a courtesan from a brothel, his name was likely changed by the establishment. Qing Xi hesitated for a moment and replied, "This humble one's original name is Qing Tang, with no surname."

He didn't want to return to that family, as there was no one there he missed. He didn't even want that surname anymore.

"That's a good name. Who came up with it?" Lin Su asked again.

Feeling that Lin Su's attitude was not aggressive and that he had provided him with such an opportunity, Qing Xi couldn't help but feel a sense of dependence and admiration for this scholar. "It was my Master who gave it to me. Before I entered that place, I had also attended a private school, but then my family encountered a disaster..."

Even though their family had encountered a disaster, they could still have managed, but it was impossible for all the brothers to pursue education. In order to allow his eldest brother to continue his studies, and because Qing Xi was the best looking among them, he was sold off.

Filial piety was the highest virtue. Even if his parents were not good, he couldn't say anything bad about them behind their backs, but he really didn't want to have any connection with that family anymore.

"Then let's use my surname. My surname is Lin, and my given name is just Su, with my courtesy name being Zhi Yuan. You can call me whatever you like." Lin Su smiled as he stood up. "For now, you'll stay here, study and manage this place."

Qing Xi bowed to him, the sound indicating the genuineness of his gesture. "Yes, Master Su. From now on, Qing Xi will be called Lin Qingtang. Thank you, Master, for granting me your surname."

"Lin Qingtang..." Lin Su hadn't noticed it before, but now he sensed something in the name.

"I'm here," Lin Qingtang replied loudly.

Just a name wouldn't cause any trouble. Lin Su opened the door. "You can rest here today. There's money on the table. Can you cook?"

"Yes, I can," Lin Qingtang got up from the bed, looking at his clothes with some difficulty. "Master Su, my clothes..."

He could go out, but he couldn't go out wearing these clothes.

"There are clothes in the wardrobe I just bought today. Rice, noodles, fruits, and vegetables are all in the kitchen. You can handle it yourself." Lin Su finished speaking and left the room.

"Master Su, please be careful on your night outings," Lin Qingtang shouted from inside the room.

He tried his best to be a good servant, but he wasted time finding his clothes. By the time he put them on and came out, Lin Su had already left.

There weren't many people in the city who knew Lin Su, but there were always some who recognized him. Lin Su had to handle some matters before returning home. Lin Su's father held a relatively modest official position, and their residence wasn't particularly large. 

As Lin Su entered, the gatekeeper called out, and the entire courtyard seemed to hear it.

"Master, the young master is back!"

A maid came out from the main house, pulling back the door curtain. "Master Su is back. Why are you back so late? If you had missed the time, you wouldn't have been able to enter."

The night was dark, but Lin Su estimated it was only about eight o'clock. People in this era generally slept and woke up early, but the gates wouldn't be locked at this hour.

Lin Su chuckled. "If I couldn't enter, I'd just wait at the gate all night."

The next day, the entire household would be buzzing with news of the stepmother's mistreatment of her stepson.

The maid choked up for a moment. "Master Su is joking. If you come back, we'll open the gate no matter how late it is."

"Who do you think you are? Are you worthy enough to joke with me?" Lin Su sneered.

Although the original owner of this household lived relatively well, because his biological mother had passed away early, he had also faced a lot of subtle hostility. While he wasn't afraid of open confrontation, he found the subtle attacks more vexing. He couldn't vent his frustrations to these servants, fearing it would tarnish the dignity of a scholar.

But Lin Su had no such concerns. His identity was clear, and he didn't need to adhere to the strict etiquette expected of a scholar. 

Since he had chosen the path of officialdom, he would inevitably face challenges from superiors or even the emperor. That was the way of officials: endure when necessary, but there was no need to tolerate a servant's insolence.

The maid's face turned ashen, and she stammered, "I dare not."

"Why are you still outside? What's with the delay?" A middle-aged man's voice came from inside the room. 

Lin Su didn't bother with the servant anymore and went straight into the room, bowing respectfully. "Father, Mother, your son, Zhì Yuan, has returned from the examination trip. I am delighted to see you both in good health. I feel that all my fatigue from my journey has disappeared."

The middle-aged man, dressed in casual attire with a well-groomed beard, appeared scholarly and refined. But when he heard Lin Su's words, he seemed to swallow what he was about to say. Instead, he said, "Where did you learn such smooth-talking?"

"If expressing concern for my parents' health is considered smooth-talking, then it seems that all filial children in the world are lacking," Lin Su responded with a filial demeanor, making it difficult for Lin Zhuo to reprimand him as he intended.

This child had always been timid, unable to utter three words in a row. Unexpectedly, after his trip to the capital, he could speak so well. "Leaving that aside for now, where did you go in the city today?"

Lin Su knew from his father's question that he was aware of something, but how much he knew was another matter. 

Lin Su respectfully replied, "Father, I went to buy a book boy."

"Are you dissatisfied with the current book boy?" The beautiful woman beside him asked gently. She was indeed beautiful and seemed younger than her age, her words tinged with tenderness. 

"If you're not satisfied, let your father choose another one for you. Why did you go to such a place to select a book boy yourself? If others don't know, they might think you've set your eyes on someone."

"Mother, you're not aware. My book boys don’t know how to read. The only one who can is still in the capital, helping to look at the examination results. It's truly useless to have them around for studying. I was afraid that others would say Father was deliberately doing this, so I quietly went and chose one I liked to prevent them from gossiping. It's so unpleasant to hear them say things like, 'Once there's a stepmother, there's also a stepfather.' I wish I could just drop scholarly pretense and have a good fight with them," Lin Su explained tactfully.

Subtle hostility was irritating, and he knew how to deal with it. 

The beautiful woman's face froze at his words.

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