It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 71


IETSTSMLARA | The Assassin is Not so Cold-Blooded | 71

"How long of a timeframe are we talking about?" Lu Yan asked. "While Mr. Lin, your weapon technology is indeed exceptional, there will always be advancements surpassing yours."

"Then let's say before those superior technologies appear," Lin Su smiled.

Lu Yan chuckled, "So, who would you like to protect your life?"

"Naturally, someone from the Destruction Mercenary Group would be best," Lin Su's gaze skimmed over the others and settled on Tang. "Although I would prefer to choose someone else, due to Mr. Tang's failed assassination attempt, there have been many assassins seeking to make a name for themselves by killing me, the target Tang couldn't kill. In a way, Mr. Tang bears some responsibility."

"So, if Mr. Lin were to be killed by assassins other than Tang, the title of the first assassin would likely fall to someone outside of the Destruction Mercenary Group?" Lu Yan pondered slightly, then looked at Tang. "Do you want to save your reputation?"

A killer can kill, naturally, they can also protect.

Yin muttered to himself on the sidelines, "Now that I know of it, I want to try to see if I can surpass Tang."

"What did you say, little maid?" Lin Su looked at him.

At that moment, a glance from Lin Su abruptly reminded Yin of the pain he had endured twisted on the bathroom floor and the month he spent in a maid outfit in jail. 

Oh, he had forgotten—this man's skills were also top-notch.

Tang wasn't concerned about the title of the first assassin. No matter his ranking, he only received tasks and completed them. However, if someone outside of Destruction Mercenary Group were to gain that honor, it would damage Destruction Mercenary Group's reputation.

"Very well," Tang nodded. He turned and stood behind Lin Su, indicating his stance.

Lin Su chuckled lightly, "Thank you. So, let's proceed to discuss the contract."

Having achieved what he wanted, Lin Su had no intention of dwelling on the matter. The contract between both parties was signed smoothly.

After the contract signing, they should have departed. However, Lu Yan smiled after collecting the contract, "Mr. Lin, since you've come from afar, why not stay at Destruction Mercenary Group for a few days before leaving? It would allow you and Tang to get acquainted and cultivate some understanding for future collaboration."

Lin Su had also planned to stay a while, to meet the protagonist Jiang Heng, who had been protected by Lu Yan in the original timeline, where "the future" had never been produced and was permanently sealed.

Things have changed, and a butterfly flapping its wings can cause a storm. Lin Su naturally wanted to assess the possibility of producing "the future."

"Alright then, I appreciate your hospitality, Mr. Lu," Lin Su smiled.

The territory of the Destruction Mercenary Group had a pleasant environment, filled with vibrant flowers and green willows. Unlike Tiffany, it was full of modern equipment, emphasizing convenience and efficiency in everything.

Once Lin Su and his entourage were settled, the manager handed him a pass with a smile, "This pass ensures Mr. Lin's movements within the Destruction Mercenary Group. You are free to go anywhere it permits, but please refrain from entering restricted areas to avoid harm."

It was both a reminder and a warning.

Accepting the pass, Lin Su smiled, "Thank you."

Lin Su didn't wander around casually. Instead, he relaxed in Destruction Mercenary Group's small flower hall after eating, handling matters amidst the gentle breeze and the fragrant flowers. His leisurely demeanor seemed more like he was on vacation.

Tang stood on a distant tree, observing him, feeling that he couldn't quite figure out this person.

He assessed people through their strengths and weaknesses, determining the easiest way to take their lives. Some were motivated by money, others by desire, greed, or cruelty—all desires that were usually easy to spot at a glance.

Even within the Destruction Mercenary Group, Yin had a strong competitive streak. If disguises could deceive others or surpass them, he would be pleased. While he loved various technologies and was motivated by money, Jiang Heng sought world peace, while Lu Yan aimed to further Destruction Mercenary Group and ensure its existence.

Everyone had their own purposes and weaknesses, except Lin Su....

Or perhaps he did, but Tang couldn't discern what it was. Did Lin Su truly have feelings for him? Impossible.

Such intelligent people generally did not form attachments. They wouldn't fall in love with anyone, just like Tang himself... who also wouldn't fall in love with anyone.

"Tang has been staring at Lin Su for more than five minutes now," Yin sat on a tree with one leg folded, casually swinging the other leg.

Zong took a puff of his cigar. "Isn't he just on a mission? You know Tang takes his missions seriously."

"Seriously my foot. He's not supposed to keep staring at the target like that," Yin replied, glancing up.

"But is there any danger inside the Destruction Mercenary Group?" Hui asked, and both of them looked at Yin.

Yin licked his lips. "There's no danger inside the Destruction Mercenary Group, but we can create danger. Do you have any intention?"

Although not really going to kill Lin Su, he could still tease Tang. Even if the boss asked, he could say it was to help him develop crisis awareness.

Zong turned his head away, pretending to be pondering the tree's lines. His eyes stayed on top.

Yin immediately refused, "You go alone."

"Tsk, ... You guys are so negative, you'll never get the title of number one killer." Yin stood up from the tree with a push, standing firmly on the trunk, looking at the two not far away. He jumped down from the tree with a flip.

He was petite and extremely fast. Within the flower bed, he appeared and disappeared a few times, already close to Lin Su.

Assassinating someone doesn't require being too close. When Yin settled in one place, a conical dart was already thrown out, hitting Lin Su's temple directly.

That was a vital point on the human body. Once pierced by a sharp weapon, even with expensive medicine, there would be no way to survive.

The moment Yin appeared, Tang had already sensed his presence. However, when the dart was thrown, Tang did not intervene. Such darts were not a concern to him, and Lin Su's skill would naturally not be threatened by it.

But the dart was already close to Lin Su. He still bowed his head slightly to deal with the matter, as if he was oblivious to everything.

"Lin Su!" The dagger in Tang's hand slipped out, but it happened to pass by the extremely fast dart without hitting it.

Tang's pupils dilated, watching as the man who had been sitting upright suddenly fell to the bench nearby, blood flowing out steadily.

"Did it hit?! No way!" Yin jumped out of the flower bed, his face full of disbelief. "What should we do now?"

With the skills of that man and Tang, stopping him should have been a piece of cake. How could it have been so easy to succeed?

Not only was Yin shocked, but Zong and Hui, who didn't think he could succeed, were also shocked. They quickly hurried over, watching Tang seemingly dumbstruck standing in front of Lin Su without moving.

"Just signed the contract, and the person died in the Destruction Mercenary Group. If this gets out, who would dare do business with us Destruction Mercenary Group," Zong sighed. "Yin, you've caused a huge problem."

"It's Tang who didn't protect him well. He didn't act at the first sign of trouble," Hui said calmly. "At any time, in any place, failing to protect the target is his negligence."

Tang had always been the calmest among them, handling tasks strictly professionally. 

But this time...

"He let personal judgment and emotions get in the way," Zong sighed, "So this person's death is actually beneficial to him."

Assassins can have emotions, but they cannot afford to develop feelings towards their targets. If they develop feelings towards someone they intend to kill, they might lose their judgment and risk their lives. Conversely, if it's someone they are meant to protect, they might sacrifice their lives to ensure their safety.

Lin Su's formidable abilities were well-known, powerful enough to make them apprehensive. 

They had thought that Tang's protection would be sufficient, never imagining that Yin could so casually take away his life with a dart. Yet, that's exactly what happened.

They had taken things for granted.

Such a basic mistake should not have happened to top-level assassins, especially not to Tang.

The three stood outside the flower hall, Tang in front of Lin Su. He moved his fingers, feeling somewhat stiff all over.

He's dead?

This person, who had escaped his numerous attempts before, died just like this?

How could this be?!

Tang's fingers reached Lin Su's nose, where there was no longer any breath. Not holding his breath, but truly no breath at all.

Tang tried to lift him up, but found that the body had already stiffened, with no pulse or warmth left.

"Lin Su, Lin Su..." Tang couldn't articulate what he felt.

It was as if something was blocking his heart, making him feel uncomfortable.

This kind of basic mistake, which shouldn't have happened to him, occurred once and it was a failure, a loss of life.

What should he do? Killing someone was too easy, but keeping someone alive was too difficult.

"You don’t want me dead?" The person in his arms seemed to be asking him.

Tang nodded instinctively, "Hmm."

He knew it wasn't out of duty, but he didn't want this person to die. However, he wasn't clear on the specific reasons himself.

"I thought you'd be glad to see me dead. No one else even tried to block the attack in the first place," Lin Su sat up from Tang's embrace, taking out a handkerchief to wipe away the horrifying mess of blood from his temple. 

The hole where the dart had seemingly penetrated was nowhere to be seen.

He stood up and moved around, causing the three bystanders to almost stop breathing in shock.

"Holy shit! His heart just stopped beating, right?" Yin exclaimed incredulously.

They could all sense whether a person was breathing or had a heartbeat without getting close.

"Yeah, you're right," Zong deeply looked at Lin Su and shook his head suddenly, "Unbelievable, unbelievable."

Playing dead wasn't something everyone could do. Breathing, heartbeat, body temperature, and stiffness were all standards for determining whether someone was alive or dead. If someone could control all of these, it would be the deadliest blow to an assassin.

"You're okay..." Tang was amazed inside, struggling to regain his composure. "Can you play dead? Or are human weapons ineffective against you?"

Was this person really not human? How else could such fatal wounds disappear in an instant?

The three bystanders: "..."

"What kind of unscientific question is this?" Zong was incredulous.

It was surprising that Tang, known for his composure, would ask such a question.

Yin scoffed, "What's so surprising? I once saw Luo Yue give him a fairy tale book. Some people say he doesn't read, but secretly, he probably does."

Although they also suspected that Lin Su's actions were not quite human-like, they absolutely would not ask such questions themselves.

"Just a distraction," Lin Su flicked the dart with his fingertip, sending it flying directly towards the three onlookers. It moved so quickly that before Yin could even dodge, it grazed his cheek and embedded itself into the tree behind him. 

Blood trickled down his baby face as Yin touched his cheek in disbelief, staring at Lin Su with a mixture of shock.

The force and speed were such that if Lin Su had intended to kill him, Yin wouldn't have had a chance to evade. This man's strength far exceeded their expectations.

The dart returned to its original place, and Tang, knowing Lin Su had fake it earlier, asked, "Why?"

"If I didn't have the ability to avoid risks, I'd be lying in a pool of blood right now," Lin Su looked at Tang and said, "I hope my cooperation with Destruction Mercenary Group isn't a joke, and I hope to see your professional abilities."

He smiled, adjusted his clothes, frowned slightly at the bloodstains on them, and then turned and left.

Watching his departing figure, Tang felt like he was angry, even though nothing had happened to this person. Yet, he couldn't shake off a strong sense of self-blame.

Guilt, regret, and a heavy heart intertwined within him, making him feel he should apologize.

"Ah, completely fell into a pit," Zong sighed, knowing he could have casually taken the dart and used it to intimidate Yin, but now, this incident would ensure Tang would henceforth be diligent and never repeat today's mistake.

He would also feel pain for that man, guilt, and a sense of wrongdoing, self-consciously lowering his head. How easy it is to bully someone when you just need to make an effort.

"Yin, I think you shouldn't try to train for crisis response anymore. You're no match against that man," Zong advised.

Yin, still staring blankly and covering his cheek, only snapped out of it when Zong poked his shoulder. His once bright eyes had dimmed. "I've been crushed. Did you see that? His mannerisms seemed to say to me, 'You're just trash in front of me.'"

He looked like he was about to cry.

Zong cleared his throat and patted his shoulder. "Take it easy..."

Yin was devastated by being casually crushed, especially given his strong competitive spirit. Yeah, he probably needed to shut himself off for a while.

Returning to his room, Lin Su changed his clothes and washed away the smell of blood from his body. The blood was prepared early in the morning, even scars were pre-prepared, all for today's purpose.

In the Destruction Mercenary Group, assassins train their crisis awareness. They often send other assassins to follow, hiding their murderous intentions, always ready to strike at any moment, to train their crisis response abilities.

Tang had also gone through this, so being attacked like this within Destruction Mercenary Group was normal.

As for whether Lin Su really needed him to protect him?

Perhaps Tang's abilities were indeed formidable, but he was an assassin, not a bodyguard. He might be able to play a significant role, but Lin Su would never truly entrust his life to someone else.


System 06 said: 【Zong said you can't outwit him.】

The host's routine is really like an old sow wearing a bra.

【Yeah, that's why he's single,】 Lin Su said without shame, rather proudly.

System 06 felt attacked: 【I'm single too.】

【You can't outwit me either,】 Lin Su laughed.

System 06 couldn't argue back.

When Lin Su went out, he saw Tang at the door. His expression remained icy, as if nothing could shake him, but unfortunately, the scene where Lin Su pretended to be dead had already disrupted this calmness.

Tang's voice was cold, "I'm sorry. From now on, nothing like this will happen again."

"When you apologize, is it just verbal?" Lin Su's face showed no hint of a smile.

"What do you want?" Tang's eyes flickered slightly.

He seemed to have a somewhat casual attitude.

"Just now when I pretended to be dead, blood stains got on my clothes. Could you please help me wash them?" Lin Su smiled. "Hand wash."

"Sure," Tang nodded.

Washing clothes wasn't a big deal.

"Well, be good. Only family and partners have the right to hand wash clothes," Lin Su turned around, neatly folded his changed clothes and put them in a bag, handing it to Tang. "Thank you."

Tang hesitated for a moment whether to take the bag or not. He reminded himself to ignore this person's words, not to be constantly influenced by him, otherwise he might lose control of his calm heart.

Tang lowered his eyes and took the bag. "I'll take care of it."

System 06 kindly reminded: 【Host, you can't use water to wash this clothing. It will damage it.】

【It's okay, I have plenty of clothes,】 Lin Su laughed.

Maintaining an elegant appearance required a variety of clothes and equipment, so damaging one piece wasn't a big deal.

During the day, Tang had to stay close to Lin Su to prevent any further danger. Although Lin Su had repelled Yin, news of the incident hadn't leaked out. 

There were also many  assassin’s who came to increase Tang's sense of crisis, but this time they were all intercepted before they could get within ten meters of Lin Su.

"In a fit of danger, love can turn into deep affection," Luo Yue sighed gently. "It's rare to see someone who can make Tang put in such effort."

A woman who looked very similar to Luo Yue but had a completely different style of dressing raised her long legs and said, "There's no one in this world who can make Tang care, let alone a man."

"Luo Lin, don't be so skeptical. I heard a few days ago that Tang was washing Lin Su's clothes, by hand," another woman adjusted her glasses and said, "Although I guess the clothes must have been ruined, have you ever seen Tang pay attention to anyone in these years, let alone wash clothes? It sounds like a dream."

"Is it true or not..."

Lin Su looked at the already dried clothes on the table, lifted them slightly with his fingers, and then let go with a laugh, saying, "Tang, do you have a problem with me?"

The clothes, looking like beef jerky, were in worse shape than before they were washed. Anyone would think they had been used to vent someone's anger.

But Tang really didn't.

If Tang truly disliked Lin Su, he could have just fought him instead of resorting to such childish tactics.

Tang replied coldly, "No."

"You said you were compensating me, but now you've ruined my clothes. Your sincerity is lacking," Lin Su sighed softly. "How am I supposed to accept this?"

"I can compensate you," Tang said.

"That piece of clothing has special meaning to me. Money can't make up for the emotional damage," Lin Su looked at him and said. "Besides, I'm not short on money."

Tang moved his lips and said, "Then what do you want?"

Lin Su smiled and said, "How about this, you cook a meal for me as compensation. Good food brings happiness, and that way, we can call it even."

"Okay," Tang agreed.

There was no problem with cutting vegetables; Tang's knife skills were excellent. In no time, the ingredients were ready on the table. But when the oil heated up in the pan, an indescribable burnt smell wafted from the kitchen. 

Lin Su wrinkled his nose, knowing that eating this would be no different from poisoning himself.

When the dishes were served, Tang averted his gaze and said, "It's not that I have a problem with you."

He had followed the recipe, but controlling the fire while cooking was different from controlling a fire in other situations. No matter how many times he tried, it always ended up like this.

Looking at the dishes that resembled charcoal briquettes, Lin Su rolled up his sleeves, pushed Tang aside, and said, "Forget it, let me do it."

He turned and went into the kitchen, which had already been tidied up by the robot, though the burnt smell lingered and wouldn't dissipate quickly.

Lin Su moved swiftly. Sitting on the sofa outside, Tang occasionally caught glimpses of him. The sound of chopping vegetables was rhythmic and soothing, clearly the work of a skilled hand.

The sound of vegetables sizzling in oil rang out, and the aroma wafted through the air, completely masking the previous burnt smell. It even made Tang's stomach growl involuntarily.

Tang felt around his body and just as he found something, Lin Su's voice came from the kitchen, "No snacks before meals."

Tang looked at the compressed biscuit in his hand, flipped the bag, and seeing the word "snack," he put it away.

It was a snack, he had no way to argue.

The dishes were served: sweet and sour pork ribs, pineapple sweet and sour pork, Thai lemon shrimp, and two or three stir-fried vegetables. Not to mention the aroma, just the appearance alone was worlds apart from what Tang had made earlier.

"Come eat," Lin Su said.

Tang sat down at the table, picked up his steaming hot bowl of rice, and started shoveling it into his mouth. He ate so fast that by the time Lin Su had only taken two bites, Tang had already finished half of his bowl.

"Stop, slow down," Lin Su stopped him.

Although Tang wasn't eating rudely, this almost wolfing down way of eating was also disrespectful to the food.

Tang paused with his chopsticks and asked, "What's wrong?"

He seemed quite regretful about not getting more food into his mouth as he occasionally glanced at his bowl.

Lin Su picked a grain of rice from the corner of Tang's mouth, his natural gesture catching Tang off guard. Instead of eating it himself, Lin Su wiped it off with a napkin and said, "Have you heard the story of Zhu Bajie eating the ginseng fruit?"

Tang looked at him seriously and said, "Tell me."

He didn't catch the implication, it seemed more like he wanted to hear Lin Su tell a story. 

Lin Su smiled and recalled the scene of telling stories to the little ones before. At that time, they had the same look in their eyes as Tang does now. Although their emotions were wrapped in coldness, it was a similar thirst for knowledge.

"It’s a story about a monk and three monsters on a journey to retrieve scriptures for the salvation of all beings," Lin Su, with his experience in storytelling, began in an unhurried manner. "And this is about an incident during their journey. There was a ginseng tree in the world... When Bajie ate the fruit, he swallowed it whole without even tasting it. He wanted to taste it again, but the fruit was so precious, where could they find a second one for him..."

By this point in the story, Tang had already understood Lin Su's earlier meaning. He spoke up, "I’m used to it."

"Then start changing this habit from now on, or it will be bad for your health." Lin Su picked up a piece of pineapple for him. "Try this."

Tang hesitated, wanting to refuse.

In the world of assassins, rising through the ranks depended on skill and speed. Eating was essential, but so was speed; wasting even a moment could mean missing an opportunity.

As hunters, they might have to go without food for a day or two in harsh environments. To maintain their strength, they had to eat as much as possible in the shortest time.

This habit...

"If you don’t change it, the story I just started will have no ending," Lin Su said, clasping his hands together under his chin with a smile.

When a captivating story halts midway, the rest of the plot dangles in front of you like a carrot on a stick.

"Name another condition. I can kill an enemy for you," Tang said, looking at him.

"I'm a businessman; businessmen engage in transactions for profit, where would I have enemies?" Lin Su laughed. "As for those who trouble me, if I don’t bring them up, wouldn’t you handle them anyway?"

Tang thought what he said made sense. "This..."

"Alright, I’m not unreasonable. Let's change the condition. If you have every meal with me from now on, I’ll continue the story." Lin Su smiled. "How does that sound?"

Tang didn't move, still feeling that Lin Su hadn't given up on his previous idea.

"I’ve already given in; I won’t push it any further." Lin Su laughed. "It’s just having meals together. That shouldn’t be too difficult, right?"

"Okay," Tang agreed.

"Good. Let’s eat then, before it gets cold." Lin Su picked up more food for him. "Try this."

Tang put the richly flavored meat into his mouth. The sweet and sour taste was incredibly appetizing, making him unconsciously reach for more.

"Is it good?" Lin Su asked with a smile.

Tang nodded. "It's good."

Even robot-made food wasn’t this delicious. This dish not only had an excellent flavor but also an inexplicable, indescribable quality.

It made him feel that swallowing it whole would waste the chef’s skills.

Just this once.

Tang subconsciously slowed his movements, carefully savoring each dish. By the time the plates were empty, he couldn’t help but burp.

A momentary confusion appeared in his eyes. Tang hadn’t eaten this much in a long time, which left him feeling awkward. 

However, Lin Su smiled and said, "It seems you really enjoyed it. Thanks for appreciating it."

Tang's initial embarrassment was alleviated, leaving only a sense of satisfaction.

Meanwhile, news of Tang cooking for Lin Su and sharing a meal with him reached Lu Yan's ears.

"The other day he was doing laundry, and today he's cooking," Lu Yan chuckled. "Is he trying to win him over completely?"

Once someone is truly won over, there’s no telling when they’ll be returned.

“It’s been seven days now. When can I meet the weapons maker?” Jiang Heng asked, having been inexplicably confined here for several days, unable to leave, let alone meet the weapons maker.

Lu Yan wasn’t sure why he instinctively kept Jiang Heng locked up, but he smiled warmly. "You’re eating my food, living in my place, using my resources, and I’m protecting you. Shouldn’t you offer some compensation when making requests?"

“How much do you want?” Jiang Heng asked.

As a top-tier researcher, he could easily cover his own living expenses.

Faced with such a man, Lu Yan felt somewhat powerless. "I don’t need money. Tang cooked for Lin Su, so you could cook for me. Maybe then I’ll let you meet him."

Jiang Heng had a deep impression of Tang, a man who seemed cold to the bone, now rumored to be doing laundry and cooking for another man. It sounded like a fairy tale but also made Jiang Heng even more curious about the weapons maker.

He must be exceptional to attract someone like Tang.

Jiang Heng asked, “Is Tang pursuing him?”

“You could pursue me too,” Lu Yan suggested, finding the idea quite appealing as he said it.

“I don’t like you,” Jiang Heng rejected bluntly. “I won’t do anything to give you that impression.”

Lu Yan sighed. “...Then forget about meeting him.”

When Lu Yan spoke, he felt oddly like the Queen Mother by forcibly separating a pair of  lovers, and Jiang Heng was already looking at him as if he were crazy. Feeling cornered, Jiang Heng said, "I’ll cook."

Lu Yan felt even more frustrated.

Jiang Heng's knife skills were average but orderly enough, not too uneven or inconsistent. The food he made was better than most people’s cooking, though not up to the level of an intelligent robot. 

However, as Lu Yan tasted it, he found that the dish, like Jiang Heng himself, wasn’t particularly outstanding, even a bit bland, yet he couldn’t stop eating, as if bewitched.

Lu Yan ate silently until he finished. Only then did Jiang Heng speak, “Can I meet him now?”

“You can. I keep my word,” Lu Yan said, staring at him with his usual gaze, which made Jiang Heng sit up straight. “But I have one condition: you can discuss weapons but must not disclose any information about the ‘future’ to him.”

That man was not easy to deal with and had the power of creating weapons. If he couldn’t be a collaborator, he’d be a formidable adversary.

“I won’t disclose that to anyone, you can be assured,” Jiang Heng said seriously.

It was clear who else was included in "anyone".

Lu Yan: "..."

Sometimes he really wanted to tie him up and spank him.

Lin Su received an invitation from Lu Yan in advance, stating it was for a discussion with a weapons master.

Lin Su replied calmly, "I would be happy to participate in such an academic exchange."

After the messenger left, Lin Su began to tidy up his appearance. He always presented himself impeccably, and Tang had grown accustomed to Lin Su changing his accessories to match his outfit. This habit allowed him to always be the most appropriately dressed for any occasion.

Was it out of politeness? Respect? Perhaps it was both.

At this moment, Lin Su was dressed in an extremely low-key and simple manner. His outfit exuded a scholarly air, making him appear entirely harmless.

"Does it look good?" Lin Su asked.

Tang nodded, "Yes."

"Then, will you tell Lu Yan about our conversations?" Lin Su quickly shifted the topic.

Tang blinked, "It’s not my responsibility to gather information."

"Oh? What if it’s something harmful to the Destruction Mercenary Group?" Lin Su asked.

If it were something that endangered the Destruction Mercenary Group's safety and honor, this person couldn't be allowed to live.


Tang replied seriously, "I’ve taken on the task of protecting you. My sole duty is to protect you."

As long as the mission wasn't canceled, he was obliged to protect Lin Su's life, regardless of who wanted him dead, even if it was his boss.

Lin Su raised a strand of Tang's hair to his lips and kissed it lightly. "You've used the hair oil I gave you. It's indeed smoother than before."

This gesture was similar to a hand kiss, carried a subtle and indescribable meaning, reminding Tang of the kiss on his cheek earlier.

After the kiss, Lin Su released his hold, returning to his previous demeanor—a sense of distance that was visible but impenetrable, like something within sight but out of reach.

Tang wanted to ask what Lin Su intended, but he swallowed the words before they left his mouth. 

As a protector, he didn’t need to understand the psychological state of his charge. Like all his other assignments, removing or safeguarding their lives was entirely sufficient.

On Tang's face was a faint trace of unease, so subtle he didn't even notice it himself, but it was there.

System 06's data analysis could detect it: 【Is the host dissatisfied with Tang’s earlier response?】

【I'm satisfied,】 Lin Su replied.

Loyalty and preferential treatment are difficult to balance, which is why assassins avoid emotional entanglements—hesitation can arise. 

Even with the harshest psychological training, they remain human and are not mere tools.

Tang balanced loyalty and preferential treatment well. His dedication to duty was part of his allure, and his special treatment reflected his feelings.

【Then why?】 System 06 was puzzled.

【I need to make him mine,】 Lin Su smiled.

This way, both his loyalty and preferential treatment would belong solely to Lin Su. Moreover, Lin Su was confident he wouldn’t become a weakness for Tang.

With this goal in mind, Lin Su met Jiang Heng, a man who seemed to spend most of his time in a laboratory. His gentle demeanor and the calluses on his fingers from years of experiments made him look more like a doctor who would hand out candy to children than a weapons creator.

In the original timeline, Tang's affection for Jiang Heng wasn’t fully explained. If Lin Su hadn’t intervened, Tang would have been assigned to protect Jiang Heng. Unfortunately, their reduced contact now made Jiang Heng less familiar with Tang.

Jiang Heng’s original appeal might have been his gentle, familial nature.

"Hello," Lin Su said, shaking Jiang Heng’s hand. "I’m Lin Su. Pleased to meet you."

Lin Su didn’t dislike the protagonist. In fact, he appreciated that Jiang Heng, who seemed so gentle, harbored a deep love for humanity, refusing to divulge ‘future’ under any circumstances.

"I’m pleased to meet you as well. My name is Jiang Heng," Jiang Heng replied, surprised by Lin Su’s gentlemanly and noble demeanor. Despite his scholarly air, he resembled a nobleman from a book.

So, this is the man Tang could like?

It turned out that people could indeed exceed their own expectations.

"I've seen your previous innovative weapon, the M96A1. The core data is far beyond my capabilities. How did you come up with such a weapon?" Jiang Heng’s speech was straightforward, unlike Lu Yan's with its multiple layers of meaning. He was direct but not sharp.

Even though Jiang Heng didn’t agree with the production of ‘future’, he didn’t try to persuade Lin Su that making new weapons like the M96A1 was wrong.

"Traditional artillery is quite difficult to use in space combat," Lin Su explained his ideas. "While laser weapons face some limitations on land, they are highly effective in space."

Traditional artillery requires enormous energy just for propulsion in space, whereas light propagates naturally and, if directed correctly, can cause unimaginable destruction.

Jiang Heng's eyes lit up. "I’ve thought the same. However, effectively concentrating the power of a light beam and avoiding external interference is extremely challenging."

Initially, Tang understood their discussion, but as it progressed into topics like formulas, quantum mechanics, stellar fusion, and supernova explosions, it went beyond his comprehension.

Although Tang didn’t understand, he realized that the topics these two genteel men were discussing could have a significant impact on human society.

An assassin can kill one person, two, or even hundreds. But a powerful weapon of the future could decide the fate of millions at once.

"In today's world, it's not that I’m unwilling to share ‘future’; it's that I haven’t found the right person to possess it," Jiang Heng said, feeling a kinship with Lin Su. "Weapons themselves are neither right nor wrong. It’s the people who use them that matter. Some use them to harm lives, while others use them to maintain peace and deter evil forces. In this era, if such a weapon were created, it could be terrifying."

He wasn’t afraid of becoming a sinner; but he feared countless people would die because  of him.

Lin Su agreed with his thoughts. This person was not weak. People have desires, and while ordinary weapons can still be used to prevent and save, weapons of the future at that level, if placed in the hands of those without great love, would be disastrous. 

Tang listened to their conversation, his eyes flickering.

"Did he really say that?" Lu Yan asked upon hearing the news. As the leader of the Destruction Mercenary Group, it was easy to listen to the conversation between the two even without Tang. Lin Su probably didn't intend to hide it.

"Yes," the subordinate replied.

"It seems I'm not a suitable person either," Lu Yan said thoughtfully. He wanted the ‘future’ for himself. Once he had such power, the Destruction Mercenary Group would be invincible. 

So he was disqualified because he wanted to use it for selfish reasons rather for the greater good?

It seemed he had underestimated that man all along.


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