It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 81


IETSTSMLARA | Empress Dowager at Fifteen | 81

Li Yuan was somewhat uneasy, and his aunt noticed it too. After Lin Su left, her aunt sighed and said, "Empress Dowager, what should we do now?"

Li Yuan fiddled with the cube and said, "Now even His Majesty is yielding. We have no other choice."

His aunt looked at the cube and said, "I'm not talking about the Empress Dowager's predicament, but if you end up together with Emperor Qi, it might be better than being trapped here."

He is handsome and talented. If the Empress Dowager really marries him, it would be better than living alone here.

"My father treated my mother well in the early years, but he was later seduced by the beauties presented by Concubine De and her son, indulging in wine and women. Although Emperor Yuanhe seemed deeply in love with the Empress, he still indulged in the pleasures of the three palaces and six courtyards, disregarding the dignity of the country." Li Yuan played with the cube and placed it on the table, saying, "What he first saw was naturally just my appearance. Changing identities, changing palaces, actually doesn't make much difference."

He now only hopes that if that person is truly interested in him, he can allow him to see his mother again. As for Li Country, although it's his homeland, he may not necessarily have the ability to protect it.

"The Empress Dowager sometimes lives too clear-mindedly," Aunt sighed, "Sometimes it's hard to be simple-minded, but it can lead to a happier life."

"Though I am clear-minded, I also pretend to be confused while knowing the truth." Li Yuan poked the Cube with his finger and smiled.

Although he didn't believe in that man, the process of getting along was indeed enjoyable.

As long as his mind was clear, saying comforting words like this was fine without putting in his true feelings.

Lin Su left Taihe Palace under the cover of night. He came alone, and as he left, just a few meters away, attendants were already waiting: "Your Majesty, rest assured, all the servants have been warned. If anyone dares to gossip, they will be executed."

The Qi Kingdom’s soldiers were fierce, it was rumored that they would kill without hesitation. The threats they uttered were like knives at their throats, making it clear that joking with their lives was no laughing matter.

"Good job," Lin Su praised.

"In fact, Your Majesty, you don't need to act like this. The Southern Kingdom will naturally offer the person you want.," the bodyguard said.

Even if it was the Empress Dowager.

"Have you not yet married?" Lin Su asked.

The bodyguard smiled awkwardly, "Back to Your Majesty, no."

"That's right. A forced melon is not sweet. In marriage, harmony is what matters. It should be mutual consent. If he's unwilling, there's no need to tarnish his reputation," Lin Su said.

The bodyguard, who had followed him for a long time, responded, "Your Majesty is indeed a true gentleman."

A true gentleman wouldn't resort to schemes to sow discord among the Three Kingdoms, nor would he be interested in a widowed Empress Dowager. But if others think of him as a gentleman, so be it.

【Host, you said before that coveting a widow is immoral.】The words echoed in System 06's mind, yet his host had gone and provoked someone.

Lin Su chuckled and said, 【Hmm, truly delightful.】

System 06: 【...】

When a person has already shed their dignity, they become invincible.

The next day, Lin Su appeared again in Taihe Palace. This time, the palace attendants wished they could bury their heads in the ground.

Lin Su arrived early. Li Yuan was having breakfast in his chamber, still in his inner robes and without his crown. When he saw Lin Su, his eyes widened in surprise. "Your Majesty, why have you come so early?"

"A lotus flower emerges from clear water, naturally without any decoration," Lin Su sat confidently at the table, his gaze sweeping over Li Yuan. "It seems I've arrived at a good time."

"Your Majesty's words today truly resemble those of a debuting scholar," Li Yuan hastily put on the outer robe brought by his aunt. "If you claim to understand, then you should respect me."

Lin Su chuckled. "If I didn't respect you, you would be sitting here now."

He patted his thigh and watched the young man, who seemed as startled as a frightened bird, making Lin Su even more amused.

Someone so young should be lively. If he was always composed and calm as a fifty-year-old isn't interesting at all.

Li Yuan looked at him, Lin Su's expression did not show any affection but rather a hint of amusement. Yet, Li Yuan felt increasingly irritated; this person was clearly here to toy with him.

"Forget it, let's have breakfast first to prevent it from getting cold and harming the stomach," Lin Su intervened, urging him to eat together.

The Empress Dowager had his own attendants for meals, with strict limits on portions and was not allowed to have a favorite dish.

Lin Su, however, dismissed them directly. He watched Aunt hesitate to speak, picked up a pair of chopsticks, tasted each dish, and said, “It's safe to eat.”

Li Yuan widened his eyes. “Has Your Majesty always eaten like this?”

Not having a favorite dish was to prevent the emperor from craving any particular delicacy, which others might exploit once known. Yet this man showed no fear and seemed to disregard rules like eating only three bites per dish.

Lin Su had no real interest in the throne or such matters. To be an emperor might seem above all others, but it also meant being watched by all. Wise rulers of the past were always diligent, and even with a harem of beauties, they shared their affection equally.

Even with offspring, many might not survive to adulthood, and every action needed careful consideration to avoid harming the people or oneself. Even if there is a natural disaster, one has to issue an edict of remorse, otherwise one will be impeached by the censors. One also has to guard against assassinations at one's bedside. It is indeed a difficult and thankless position.

Lin Su would not have a harem or children, which spared him many troubles. But the Qi Kingdom's fate still rested on his decisions. If he couldn't even eat freely, being emperor was indeed restrictive and rather dull.

"I understand both medicine and poisons. Ordinary poison can't reach my food," Lin Su smiled. "Rest assured, if poisoned, it would be me first."

Li Yuan nodded in understanding and ate his meal calmly.

The emperor couldn't have a favorite dish, and the harem's intrigues and fears of poisoning were also concerns. Though Li Yuan wasn't keen on making enemies, in the palace, harming someone didn't require much justification. After living there for a long time, this breakfast was surprisingly comforting for him.

After breakfast, Li Yuan went to change into his attire and crown. Lin Su waited outside and did not enter, which put Li Yuan at ease.

Perhaps this man, like many others, was drawn to appearances, but he wasn't the reckless type driven solely by lust. It seemed the more patient a person, the greater their ambitions.

Li Yuan's Empress Dowager attire mostly consisted of black and navy blue, giving an old-fashioned impression. Even the finest patterns would lose their color without suitable greenery to complement them.

Li Yuan believed he no longer needed to please anyone in his life and didn't want to overshadow the blossoming flowers of the harem. Consequently, he didn't pay much attention to his attire, but he did have the garments appropriate for a young man.

As his fingers traced over them. Since this man admired his appearance, he decided to pave a way for himself and bring out his colors to the fullest.

He donned an entirely different jade-white outfit from before, and his jade crown and hairpin were also light and lively. When Li Yuan left, he made a psychological suggestion.

He was only making himself more appealing to that man and thought he looked better, with no idea of pleasing himself.

As he went out, however, he discovered that the man was not looking his way but at what was on the table, and Li Yuan was surprised when he saw the map spread out on it: “Where did His Majesty find this?” He asked, noting that Auntie had clearly put it away.

Lin Su raised his head and blinked his eyes at the moment. The young Empress's skin was as fair as snow and her features were exquisite and bold. He was previously overshadowed by his attire and his pretentious temperament; his present jade-white dress indeed seemed to emerge from the heavenly palace. It appeared breathtakingly attractive.

His gaze was unwavering, leaving Li Yuan once again uneasy: “Uh ... Your Majesty, is there something wrong?”

"No issues at all," Lin Su smiled. "I’m just eager to reclaim it quickly, that's all."

Li Yuan forced himself to remain calm, reminding himself that this man was adept at sweet talk and poking at others. 

Yet, he couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy: "Your Majesty jests."

Lin Su vaguely understood his thoughts but didn't expose them. It was good that he remained clear-headed and rational in the palace. If Lin Su wanted him to be less rational in front of him, it would take some skill.

"I don't lie about whether something is attractive or not," Lin Su chuckled, glancing at the map on the table. "This map was put away, but I happened to see it and took a look. The marching routes drawn on it are quite well done; I presume they were drawn by the Empress Dowager himself."

For a queen dowager to understand military matters would be detrimental if it became known. 

Apart from Lin Su, no one else in the palace understood these matters. Knowing he couldn't argue, Li Yuan spoke up: "It's just some news I've received. It's merely a child's scribble."

"Now, the Qi Kingdom is surrounding the others and shares borders with all three kingdoms, which are all in peril. This is due to the Qi Kingdom's swift occupation of the former Liang territory," Lin Su pointed at the former capital of Chen Kingdom, indicating the three lines. "If one of the three countries had sent troops to the old Chen territory, causing trouble in my rear, I wouldn't have been able to advance so quickly. But since they didn't, you've drawn these marching routes here. A child wouldn't have such a thorough understanding of the situation."

Li Yuan knew he couldn't argue. He lowered his gaze and said, "I was making a guess on paper."

Having ideas without the ability to implement them was no different from paper theorizing.

"I once said Kang Boyu has the potential to be a great general. He has indeed become an outstanding minister, capable of standing alone," Lin Su touched his cheek. "You have ambitions, have received imperial education, and possess insight into worldly affairs. But you're trapped in this stifling cage of the palace. Don't you feel unfairly restricted?"

Li Yuan looked into his eyes and felt as though this man had completely seen the hidden thoughts in his heart. He had aspirations to soar, but he dared not reveal even the slightest hint of his capabilities.

This was not his homeland, and apart from Auntie, no one here would stand by him. He could only protect himself and dare not reveal anything.

But his ambitions in the past were never forgotten, not even a fraction.

"If I were to be Your Majesty's Empress, it would only be trading one birdcage for another," Li Yuan knew he shouldn't reveal his inner thoughts, but at this moment, he couldn't seem to hide them.

"I want to unify the world, so I naturally know the internal affairs of each country. Your father's mother is losing her beauty and love, and the government is controlled by the concubines. They conspired with the Southern Kingdom, seemingly sending you here as a hostage, but in reality, it's to hinder your future, to align with the Southern Kingdom, and to use you as leverage," Lin Su spoke. "Do you not believe someone could scheme for a lifetime?"

Li Yuan felt an indescribable sensation in his heart, knowing that this man saw through all his thoughts clearly. "Your Majesty is unparalleled in wisdom," he replied.

With this answer, perhaps this man would never return. After all, as an emperor, wanting someone who was unwilling to give genuine affection was truly unbearable.

In a world as vast as this, with so many beauties, he could always find another if he desired. There was no need to waste time on a widowed Empress Dowager and tarnish his reputation.

Li Yuan braced himself for anger, but Lin Su didn't respond with anger. Instead, he smiled and said, "Do you know why empresses throughout history have often been despised and become abandoned?"

Li Yuan pondered, "Because they loved deeply?"

"That's one reason, but more so because they had no choice," Lin Su took his seat naturally, gently pulling Li Yuan to sit beside him without any disrespectful moves. This initial surprise turned into composure for Li Yuan. "In the harem, concubines depend on the emperor for their existence. Therefore, it's entirely up to the emperor's whims. The exceptions are usually when the empress's family is exceptionally powerful, making the emperor wary of abandoning her."

Li Yuan found Lin Su's words reasonable. If he weren't the legitimate youngest son of the Li Kingdom, he wouldn't have been able to overpower the late emperor's consorts and become the Empress Dowager upon arriving here.

 However, in recent years, his father, the emperor, had behaved increasingly absurdly and grown more distant from the empress, leading to his current isolation and lack of support. Yet, he was still a member of the Li royal family, so people from the Southern Kingdom wouldn't easily harm him.

"Your Majesty's words are indeed correct," Li Yuan sat upright. "But throughout the dynasties, there have been no exceptions."

"Do you wish to be that exception?" Lin Su asked.

Li Yuan turned to look at him, meeting his gaze directly, listening as he continued, "If you were to become my empress, you could choose to be a decorative vase in the harem, or participate in court politics. 

If the Three Kingdoms need to be conquered, you could don armor and join the battle. If you desire, you could also govern from behind the scenes. If you possess power, even if I were to consider abandoning you in the future, you could make it difficult for me, or choose to leave and be free."

Li Yuan had never heard such enticing words before. It felt like, apart from staying here, he truly had countless choices.

"Your Majesty's current affection is reassuring, but suspicions and distrust may arise in the future," Li Yuan responded cautiously.

"Even the best relationships will fail without maintenance. I dare to speak such words because I have the confidence. It's up to you whether you believe them," Lin Su stood up. "I will leave for today and bother you again tomorrow."

It seemed he had only come for breakfast, but he had unsettled Li Yuan's heart. Just as he had prepared himself not to give his true feelings, this person's unexpected words disrupted his rhythm.

Lin Su later visited again without mentioning the events of that day. Instead, he taught Li Yuan algorithms for solving the Rubik's Cube, watching him stumble through the calculations. Li Yuan occasionally felt embarrassed when he made mistakes, but gradually became more proficient.

Unlike the first time when he stayed until late at night, Lin Su now only stayed for two hours each day. After half a month, there was not a whisper of gossip within the palace walls.

Boredom reigned in the palace, and moments of happiness were rare. Li Yuan had thought he could endure such loneliness. Indeed, he could manage, but he began to find himself looking forward to Lin Su's visits. 

When Lin Su was present, it seemed there was always something to talk about—solving puzzles, discussing military strategy, mastering poetry and song, even excelling in martial arts. 

Yet sometimes, Lin Su enjoyed teasing him, leaving Li Yuan at a loss for how to respond.

Li Yuan knew he had been confined to the palace for too long. His martial arts skills, once honed for years, had long since deteriorated. He could not be like Kang Boyu and fight on the battlefield. 

In terms of military strategy, he was no match for Lin Su, who was unexpectedly adept at it. Li Yuan could handle the intricacies of court politics to some extent, but Lin Su commanded several formidable generals beneath him, all loyal despite his long stay in their country. Li Yuan knew he lacked the ability to earn their trust.

Upon reflection, it seemed he could only be a decorative vase. Yet he couldn't help feeling resentful. He had secretly studied military strategies for days on end, but in Lin Su's presence, he always came up short.

As he reviewed the strategies, Li Yuan bowed his head in thought. Lin Su had already planned everything from the beginning—how to lure him in, how to lead him to believe victory was near, only to snatch it away at the last moment.

Li Yuan couldn't help but feel his confidence had been shattered.

Focused on his thoughts, he didn't notice someone approaching from behind. A faint embrace encircled his waist.

"The matter I asked you about that day, have you thought about it over these past few days?"

Li Yuan was slightly startled. He had never been this close to this person before, but now his heart skipped a beat. He tightened his fingers and said, “Your Majesty is undoubtedly the finest man in this world. Anyone who marries you would be happy.”

“Including you?” Lin Su whispered in his ear.

Li Yuan sighed softly and replied, “Including me.”

He could endure loneliness and wouldn't easily find happiness in another person, but Lin Su was different from others, he was admired and revered by many.

Seeing him brought him joy, and missing him brought longing. Though he was clear-headed and self-controlled, he couldn't control his feelings. He had fallen for this person.

A warm breath sprayed on his neck, followed by a kiss. Li Yuan shuddered involuntarily and instinctively grasped the hand Lin Su had on his waist. “Your Majesty…”

“I’m Here.”' Lin Su said as he looked at Li Yuan's reddened earlobe, realizing Li Yuan had never been this close to anyone before. “What's wrong?”

“Before marriage, such absurd acts shouldn't be done.” Li Yuan was very nervous, feeling he had overlooked something.

He had never been close to a man before. If they were to marry, there would inevitably be intimate moments. This person was obviously not someone who was a bottom. Recalling the illustrated manuals he had seen before, it was truly unimaginable if they were to be open and honest with each other.

“How can we avoid it being absurd?” Lin Su asked with a tight embrace, smiling.

Li Yuan wanted to seek help but found the hall empty. His face flushed like a burning cloud. “I am still the Empress Dowager of the Southern Kingdom. If this gets out, it will surely cause gossip in the court.”

“Well, it won't get out. You can rest assured. Even if I were to have you here today in this hall, no one else would know.” Lin Su nuzzled his neck with his nose.

Li Yuan's body stiffened even more in his embrace. He lowered his eyes and pleaded, “Your Majesty, please let go…”

The restraint around his waist suddenly loosened. Li Yuan heard a faint chuckle and turned his head in astonishment. “Your Majesty is joking, right?'”

"You already agreed, then naturally you're mine. There’s no need for me to be so eager," Lin Su teased, brushing his nose lightly. "But do you dislike being close to me? Such matters should be agreed upon before marriage. If you reject me afterward, it will be useless even if you shout at the top of your lungs."

Li Yuan certainly didn't dislike being close to him. It was just that being so close made his heart beat unevenly, and something beyond his control seemed to stir inside him. Lin Su's strength didn't harm him physically, but it left him struggling weakly, like a rabbit caught by a wolf, unable to break free even with his efforts.

But how could he articulate such thoughts? Society valued discretion, yet he was different from others in this regard.

"I don't dislike it," Li Yuan replied, leaning against the table and lowering his gaze. But this matter..."

Before he could finish his sentence, his chin was gripped and his face was tilted up. Before he could react, Lin Su lowered his head and kissed him directly.

Li Yuan's pupils dilated. He wanted to pull back but couldn't and could only experience this unprecedented kiss.

The kiss on the surface was just lips touching, but what could happen next...?

Li Yuan tried to clear his mind, but this was an entirely new sensation, it was both strange and comfortable, making his head feel heavy and foggy.

When the kiss finally broke, Li Yuan's breathing was quick. His almond-shaped eyes widened like a startled cat. "You! You!"

Bold! Disrespectful! Outrageous!

Though these words were on his tongue, he was kissed again before he could say them. This time, Li Yuan instinctively closed his eyes, and the kiss ended quickly. His forehead was lightly tapped. "You're so adorable. I couldn't help myself. I was wrong, I'll accept punishment."

Li Yuan opened his eyes, meeting Lin Su's gaze. Unlike before, he couldn't meet it directly.

"And you said you're not eager," Li Yuan remarked.

"I've always been able to control myself around others, but for some reason, my self-control is at its limit with you. Just looking at you makes me want to hold you and kiss you," Lin Su chuckled. "I feel like there's no one else in the world as adorable as you. I can't help but want to take you back right now..."

Before he could finish, Li Yuan pressed his hand to block Lin Su's mouth. He had never heard such straightforward words before.

 Even when Emperor Yuanhe had his eye on Kang Boyu back then, it was hinted at. Lin Su's directness was surprising; he too could be appreciated by someone.

"Stop..." Li Yuan's face was burning fiercely. "I understand Your Majesty's intentions, but your frivolity could lead to misunderstandings. Though I am not a woman, I cannot tolerate such offense."

As he spoke, he felt a tinge of regret, as if he had confined himself. He didn't actually dislike being close to this person, who showed no disrespect or belittlement. Yet, he felt constrained by etiquette, as if he had locked himself away.

"If you want to escape this cage, why not do what you truly desire?" Lin Su smiled. "You lack martial skills and aren't suited for war. I wouldn't feel at ease with you on the battlefield. But in the future, the governance of Qi will depend on you to some extent. When that time comes, the chatter about the harem not meddling in politics will surely cause a stir. Will you still adhere to etiquette then?"

"If you let me handle politics, aren't you afraid my incompetence will disrupt your court?" Li Yuan asked.

"Since I have promised you, I will ensure you are taught. You are not yet of age, and there's time to learn everything. Even if you are exceptionally talented, I wouldn't dare send you into battle unprepared," Lin Su said, bowing his head. "Otherwise, wouldn't I be using the lives of the people as practice?"

Li Yuan realized he had never openly shared his concerns with Lin Su, yet Lin Su clearly saw them. 

He didn't want to be constrained by the court, by society, or by etiquette. Lin Su saw all of this in him.

Clearly, Lin Su was extremely patient and resilient. Otherwise, as a merchant maneuvering through imperial matters, he wouldn't allow emperors to summon him like a common merchant. 

He didn't even keep concubines by his side, he was truly a man of self-restraint. How could such a person be driven by mere beauty?

With the current situation settled, there was no need for him to be so eager, yet he repeatedly broke from his usual ways, aiming to free himself from constraints.

He was a man, not a woman confined to the inner chambers, and he should act as a man, doing what he truly desired—this was true liberation from the cage.

System 06 would surely have a serene expression if it knew his thoughts: The Host really is driven by beauty.

However, he wouldn't be ensnared like other men. His mind was always calm and rational. He never forced anyone; he always made sure they willingly consented or could see their willingness before acting.

Li Yuan, unaware of this, pondered for a long time. Eventually, he cupped Lin Su's face and kissed him, encouraged by his gaze. Though brief, it was different from their previous reserved demeanor.

"Now that you have agreed, I will return and finalize the engagement. How does that sound?" Lin Su stroked his cheek.

Li Yuan looked up at him. "My status is special. Where do you intend to finalize the engagement?"

Since the late emperor's passing, he was the late emperor's lawful wife. After death, he was to be buried in the Southern Kingdom's imperial mausoleum. If Lin Su were to finalize the engagement in the Southern Kingdom, it would be a direct insult to the Southern Kingdom. 

However, if he were to finalize the engagement in Li Kingdom, it would publicly deny Li Yuan's status as the Southern Kingdom's Empress Dowager, causing widespread gossip and embarrassment for the Southern Kingdom.

"The Li Kingdom has treated you poorly, and Emperor Yuanhe of the Southern Kingdom has been ungrateful," Lin Su chuckled. "If I finalize the engagement, it will be directly for you. You don't need these relics of the Southern Kingdom. Just bring the engagement gifts as your dowry."

"What about my mother?" Li Yuan's fingers trembled. He didn't want to use Lin Su, but he did want to see his mother.

"Even if you didn't ask, I will bring her out from the Li Kingdom's royal family. With a major battle looming, leaving your weak spot there isn't ideal. I have no parents, so how about I appoint her as the Empress Dowager of Qi?" Lin Su proposed.

He was never one to adhere strictly to etiquette. If he were to become the ruler of the world, he would naturally follow his own heart in such trivial matters.

Li Yuan was both surprised and delighted, smiling openly. "Thank you, Your Majesty."

"To fetch someone from the Li Kingdom's palace will surely be fought with difficulties. I wonder how much effort it will take," Lin Su teased, lifting his robe and sitting beside him. He patted his leg. "Just one kiss feels like a bit of a loss."

His demeanor and actions were not suggestive but rather explicit.

Seeing his signal, Li Yuan marveled at how this man could be so versatile. He bit his lip and sat on Lin Su's lap, then leaned on his shoulder. "Is this satisfactory?"

"Why do you compromise so easily? Aren't you afraid I'll bully you in the future?" Lin Su leaned closer naturally, kissing his cheek. "Hmm?"

"I wouldn't let others bully me so easily," Li Yuan replied, feeling somewhat uncomfortable but agreeing with Lin Su's assertion that being close to someone he liked felt good.

Unlike the royal extravagance and sweet scents often associated with royalty, there was instead a fresh fragrance of grass and wood about him, reminiscent of the scent of a forest after rain—a stark contrast to the first hairpin he received when he entered the palace.

"Did you really fall in love at first sight?" Li Yuan asked.

"I have many sources of information, and I've seen your portrait," Lin Su hugged his waist tightly. "I've been thinking of you for years. Did that move you?"

"You are clearly lustful, yet somehow you always come across as deeply affectionate," Li Yuan had spent several days with him and knew he wasn't easily angered, treating palace attendants with kindness and never punishing them for minor mistakes. With his emotions stirred, he dared to speak freely.

"The Empress Dowager indeed has a keen insight, seeing through Lin's true nature at a glance," Lin Su joked with him.

Li Yuan didn't know what the future held, but he imagined it would be as sweet and loving as his mother and father's harmonious relationship in the past.

In the beginning, despite his wandering affections, Father often made mistakes, and Mother always rebuked him directly, never willing to gently advise. The fault naturally lay with Father, but as men say, even the best relationships require careful maintenance, and no one knows the outcome from the start.

As they spoke, the sounds of swords and spears clashing came from outside.

"This is the Empress Dowager's sleeping quarters. How can Your Majesty barge in?!"

"I naturally came to pay my respects to Empress Dowager, but now I am stopped by several unruly slaves from who knows where."

"The Empress Dowager is resting. Your Majesty, please wait."

This was Aunt's voice, she seemed to be appeasing Emperor Yuanhe, yet warning those inside the room.

Li Yuan wanted to get up, but Lin Su held him down on his lap, urgently saying, "If Emperor Yuanhe discovers this now, he will surely make a big issue out of it."

If it were a formal proposal, it would be justifiable, but if they were together before marriage, it would be like trampling the face of the Southern Kingdom. Emperor Yuanhe would surely make a big issue out of it, damaging Lin Su's reputation.

"Are you afraid of him?" Lin Su remained calm, not moving.

Outside, Emperor Yuanhe said, "It's broad daylight, and Empress Dowager is resting? I am mainly worried about Empress Dowager’s health. Please let me come in to pay respects and inquire about his health."

"After all, he is an emperor of the nation," Li Yuan said.

He knew Lin Su was formidable, but their actions were an insult to Emperor Yuanhe's face. If the Emperor was angered, there would be chaos, with the Empress Dowager insulted, and the nation's dignity lost. People would not agree. Lin Su's dominant position was likely to be weakened.

"Since he came in such a hurry and insists on entering, he must already know," Lin Su smiled, suddenly raising his voice, "Let Emperor Yuanhe in."

Once his voice was out, there was no more concealment. Li Yuan widened his eyes. "You!"

When the door was forcefully opened from outside, Emperor Yuanhe strode in angrily. Expecting to see both of them in a panic, he found only Li Yuan with a complex expression, while Lin Su remained seated, his gaze icy. “What brings Emperor Yuanhe here?” Lin Su asked coldly.

“If Emperor Qi wishes to select beauties, the Southern beauties are at your disposal. But now you have interfered with my late father’s empress. The Southern Kingdom might be weak, but such humiliation cannot be tolerated!” Emperor Yuanhe commanded.

The soldiers accompanying him cleared the room as the door swung wide open, and Lin Su's guards stationed at the palace gates were overpowered.

Yet, even so, Lin Su showed no signs of panic. As if embracing their Empress Dowager in front of the Southern people was the most natural thing: "Even if I humiliate you, what can you do?"

These words made Emperor Yuanhe's face alternate between pale and flushed. He always felt intimidated facing Lin Su head-on, so instead of confronting Lin Su directly, he turned to Li Yuan 

“Empress Dowager, Emperor Qi holds great power. You were forced into this, right? If he dares to humiliate you, I will seek justice for you. The people of the world will demand justice for you.”

When the door opened, Li Yuan was initially startled, but Lin Su's composure reassured him. Compared to this man who remained calm at all times, Emperor Yuanhe, who now seemed like a frantic clown, appeared less fearsome.

“I did it willingly,” Li Yuan said.

Emperor Yuanhe looked as if he had been slapped: “Empress Dowager, do you still understand propriety and shame? Your actions have brought shame upon the world!”

“Among the Five Kingdoms, widows are allowed to remarry. Even as the Empress Dowager, I have the right to remarry,”  Li Yuan responded with more assertiveness than before, bolstered by Lin Su's support. “Furthermore, Your Majesty, even if parents are not kind, children should not endure such humiliation. How can Your Majesty set an example for the children of the world?”

Emperor Yuanhe found it difficult to respond. He looked at Li Yuan and said, "If the Empress Dowager wishes to remarry then so be it, but Emperor Qi has to be the one to marry you."

In his view, men like Lin Su, who sought beauties from various countries, were naturally fickle. 

After all, which man in the world was not fickle? His interest in Li Yuan was merely for amusement and humiliation, not a genuine desire for a man who had been married before.

"What if he does wishes to marry me?” Li Yuan asked.

“Then I will respectfully arrange for Mother to marry over there, uniting our two families,” Emperor Yuanhe said. “Emperor Qi, are you willing?”

Lin Su looked at Emperor Yuanhe. Just when Emperor Yuanhe thought he would refuse, Lin Su smirked slightly. “I have long had this intention. I came today to seek the Empress Dowager's consent. Whether Your Majesty agrees or not is of no consequence. You are not his biological father and you have been disobedient and unfilial. It is not appropriate for you to decide his fate.”

Emperor Yuanhe endured and endured again, his eyes now bloodshot. “Emperor Qi, do you think I am really afraid of you?”

“Whether you are afraid or not is not important now. Kang Boyu, today I will take him away, along with the Empress Dowager's personal aunt. I leave the rest to you,” Lin Su stood up, holding Li Yuan and not letting him touch the ground, walking straight out the door.

Li Yuan instinctively held onto his neck, seeing this man's unrestrained side for real: “Now you are in Shengjing City. If he really wants to make trouble, you won't be able to leave.”

As Lin Su moved forward, Emperor Yuanhe swung his sword to block, but was stopped by Kang Boyu, who appeared from nowhere, swinging his sword: “Your Majesty, rest assured.”

Lin Su smiled faintly. “Hmm, you handle things properly. Naturally, I am reassured.”

The resentment from being oppressed and coerced that day naturally had to be vented. Kang Boyu acted calmly and would not take Emperor Yuanhe's life, but it was inevitable that he still suffered some hardships in the military.

Lin Su carried Li Yuan forward, and Aunt hurriedly followed behind, not daring to look back.

“Your Majesty, the army of the Qi Kingdom has arrived at the city gates, totaling fifty thousand soldiers!!!” The urgent report echoed faintly within the palace.

Li Yuan held onto Lin Su's shoulders tightly. “Wasn't it five thousand? How did you manage this?”

"Do you know who I recruited?” Lin Su walked with him leisurely through the chaos of the palace, appearing unruffled. 

“Who?” Li Yuan asked.

“They are all suffering people from various nations—fishermen, farmers—just ordinary folk trying to survive and have a meal,' Lin Su chuckled. “The Qi Kingdom is located upstream of the southern country. It only takes one day to get here by boat. If a large ship sets out, it will definitely be discovered, but everyone's boats are light and agile, so they will not be discovered at all. We can all gather here and catch them off guard.”

“Everyone thought you were reforming internal affairs in the Qi Kingdom and arranging marriages, making it the perfect opportunity to strike.” Li Yuan hugged his neck tightly, burying his head against Lin Su's neck.

"Are you afraid?” Lin Su asked quietly as Li Yuan calmed down.

"You are the person I once most desired to become,” Li Yuan murmured. 'But I lack your decisiveness, your strategic planning, and your patience. After years of planning, in this foreign palace, I can only prioritize self-preservation.”

Perhaps such a person needed him to look up to for a lifetime.

Lin Su led Li Yuan not out of the imperial palace, but directly to the council hall. He ascended slowly, then seated Li Yuan directly on the dragon throne.

Li Yuan touched something cold, and when he felt the dragon head, he almost jumped up. “This isn't where I should sit…”

Under Lin Su's gaze, he sat there with a hint of compliance. “What do we do now?” he asked.

He thought that the matter of palace intrigue should be full of excitement and bloodshed, but this person showed no excitement at all, as if he already had complete control over the subsequent developments.

"This matter can be settled within half a day. Naturally, this court will retain only those who are useful. However, the capital of Qi has not yet been decided. Where would you prefer to establish the capital? Nan, Chen, or Lian?" Lin Su presented an appearance of letting him choose.

"Or perhaps... the Li Kingdom?" 

"The South Kingdom is a cage, the Li Kingdom is my homeland, I don’t want to choose either one. The current capital of the Lian Kingdom is said to be magnificent, and the former capital of Qi Dynasty is also there." Li Yuan said, "Can we choose that place?"

"Alright, let's do as you say." Lin Su smiled.

However, Li Yuan felt an extremely unreal feeling. The cage he desperately wanted to break free from, which he thought he could never escape from in his life, unexpectedly seemed so easy to break free from.

"Do you feel anything about what happened today when we were discovered…?" Li Yuan hesitated, unsure if he should ask. After all, being discovered at that moment caught him off guard. 

However, Lin Su wasn't the kind of person to do that. if he didn't handle it properly, he would be laughed at by others.

"No," Lin Su replied.

Li Yuan didn't ask further, only lowered his eyes and said, "I trust you."

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