It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 82


IETSTSMLARA | Empress Dowager at Fifteen | 82

He said there wasn't, so he believed him, because he felt that this person would not bother to lie about such a matter.

The palace gates were wide open, and as Lin Su had predicted, this coup ended in less than half a day. Fifty thousand troops entered the capital, which was defended by only ten thousand imperial guards. The surrounding garrisons didn't even have time to respond before losing contact with Shengjing City.

At dusk, as the sun was setting, a person dragged something into the main hall. Walking against the light, it wasn't clear who it was at first, but upon closer inspection, it became evident that what was being dragged wasn't a thing, but a person.

The person was Kang Boyu. Unlike the gentle man Li Yuan had first met, he was now clad in armor, exuding a heavy aura of bloodshed, his armor stained with blood, clearly having killed many. 

What he was dragging wasn't just anyone, but Emperor Yuanhe, who had been sitting on the throne of a nation just moments ago.

Although the emperor practiced martial arts, he was no match for a general who had fought on battlefields for years. His crown was nowhere to be seen, his hair disheveled, barely covering the bruises on his face. If not for his imperial robes, Li Yuan might not have recognized the once-mighty emperor.

Kang Boyu knelt, his armor clanging: "Your Majesty, Shengjing City is now under Qi's control. The Southern Emperor, in his devotion to his country, led the charge personally. We accidentally injured him, but my subordinates were careful not to take his life. However, he will have some issues having an offspring in the future, but it's nothing too serious."

Li Yuan gasped. This "issues with offspring" essentially confirmed that he had been injured in that area. Even though the man was beaten half to death, Kang Boyu could still claim it was done with restraint and even place the blame on the victim. 

Li Yuan had once thought of Kang Boyu as a person of virtue. Now, it seemed he had been corrupted.

As for this ability to twist the truth, it could not surpass the person next to him..

"General Kang, you have worked hard. You are most familiar with the South, so I'll leave the upcoming matters to you. Consult me only if necessary. I've stayed in the Southern palace long enough; it's time I returned to the capital of Qi," Lin Su said.

Kang Boyu looked up and asked, "Has Your Majesty already decided on the capital?"

Weren’t they supposed to discuss it further? 

“Hmm, my empress prefers the old capital of Lian, and indeed, it is grand and majestic. So, we’ll set it there. What do you think, General Kang?” Lin Su asked.

Kang Boyu had no objections. “Congratulations, Your Majesty, on having such a wise empress. Back when I was in dire straits, the Empress Dowager extended his hand to help. I never had the chance to thank him properly. Now that we meet again, I must express my gratitude for his assistance.” 

At that time, the Kang family was isolated, with no one willing to defy the Emperor. The Empress Dowager, despite her lack of power, was willing to help in small ways.

It’s easy to add to someone’s success, but hard to provide help in their time of need. Although the help didn’t yield immediate results back then, Kang Boyu always remembered this kindness.

Now, with the Emperor Qi and Empress having mutual affection for each other, it seemed all was well.

“It was just a small effort back then. No need to keep it in mind, General,” Li Yuan said.

Kang Boyu cupped his fists again and stood up, exuding a cold and fierce aura. “Your Majesty, I will arrange carriages and horses to escort you and the Empress back to the capital.”

“Go ahead,” Lin Su said. Kang Boyu nodded and left.

Preparing the carriages didn’t take long, and they boarded a large ship upon leaving the city. Though they were sailing upstream, it was far more comfortable than traveling by land.

As they left the palace and the city behind, Li Yuan looked at the receding Shengjing City, feeling a sense of unreality.

He continued to stare while Lin Su stood beside him. A small boat approached, and a guard came aboard to report, “Your Majesty, the matter in Li Kingdom is resolved. Here is the token from General Lu Ning.”

The letter was quite thick. Lin Su took it and read Lu Ning’s report, which detailed the events in Li Kingdom’s capital. Although it was tricky, they managed to switch the Li Kingdom’s empress out from her confinement in the palace.

The guard retreated, but Li Yuan heard everything clearly. He turned his head, obviously curious about the letter, but the man reading it didn’t seem inclined to let him see it.

However, such correspondence was a confidential letter, and it would be improper to look at it rashly.

Li Yuan glanced at it once, then again, becoming more blatant with each glance. When he looked again, he happened to meet Lin Su's raised gaze.

Lin Su chuckled, “Want to see it?”

“I just want to know how my mother is,” Li Yuan said, gripping the railing. “I’m not interested in the Emperor’s confidential letters.”

“Your mother and nephew are safe,” Lin Su replied.

“That’s good. Wait…” Li Yuan’s eyes widened in disbelief. “My brother has a child? When was he born? How come I…”

How come he hadn’t received any news while in the Southern Kingdom’s palace?

He was the legitimate youngest son, and above him was his elder brother. However, the Emperor of Li Kingdom favored the concubines and neglected the legitimate heirs. 

His brother…

“He was born three years ago. Shortly after his birth, your sister-in-law was falsely accused of adultery, making the child’s status illegitimate. Your sister-in-law’s family was exterminated, and the child barely survived. Even though your brother later proved his identity as a royal, your sister-in-law was already gone. After your brother was killed by traitors, the child was raised by your mother,” Lin Su explained patiently.

In truth, Lin Su could have concealed this information, but the Empress Dowager of the South and the young Empress of Qi had the right to know about such events.

The joy vanished from Li Yuan’s eyes, replaced by a slight redness around them. He clenched his fists, biting his lip to hold back his tears. “This happened three years ago, and I am only finding out now? How could they dare do such a thing?! How could they?!”

He had thought that even if his mother wasn’t highly favored, with his brother around, things wouldn’t be too difficult. As long as they were well, he wouldn’t have minded spending his life in the Southern Kingdom.

“Why did you agree to marry into the Southern Kingdom back then?” Lin Su stepped forward and embraced him. “You are the legitimate youngest son and the rightful heir of the Li Kingdom. If you hadn’t agreed, no one would have dared to forcibly send you away for a political marriage.”

“Consort De’s methods were cunning and left no trace of evidence. My mother, being straightforward and honest, couldn’t recognize those schemes. They threatened her life and colluded with the Southern Kingdom. The Southern Emperor falsely claimed that only a royal born on the twelfth of the twelfth month could marry and bring good fortune, ensuring peace in the realm. There was a decree from heaven, and they insisted on the marriage. For my mother’s sake, I had no choice but to comply,” Li Yuan said. “And my father even hoped to control the Southern Kingdom’s politics through me.”

He was only twelve then. Despite his intelligence, he was powerless against such treacherous schemes. His elder brother was framed, repeatedly made mistakes, and was eventually discarded. He had no choice but to compromise.

In the Southern Kingdom, he still kept an eye on Li Kingdom’s affairs, yet he never imagined he would be the last person in the world to know about his brother and sister-in-law’s misfortune.

“Do you want revenge?” Lin Su asked him.

Li Yuan hugged his waist tightly, gripping a part of his robe. “Yes! They dared to deceive me; they must face retribution for this.”

He couldn’t forgive those people. Even if he was still in the Southern Kingdom’s palace, had he known, he would have used all his strength to make them regret it.

“It wasn’t them who hid the truth from you. You were isolated in a foreign country, and they didn’t fear you. It was your mother who kept it from you. She feared you would disregard everything, even your own life, for revenge. Revenge is necessary, and it must be done personally. But you shouldn’t let those people occupy your thoughts. What you should focus on are your mother and your three-year-old nephew. They are your living family, understand?” 

Lin Su’s voice was gentle, soothing. Li Yuan, who hadn’t cried before, now felt a sting in his eyes. He buried his head in Lin Su’s clothes, heedless of the guards around. “Why are you so good to me?”

"Because you deserve it," Lin Su patted his back gently, like comforting a child. "If you want to cry, just cry. With me here, no one would dare to laugh at you."

The surrounding guards, who had been exchanging glances, now lowered their heads at Lin Su's words. 

They dared not laugh; they were simply impressed by their emperor's remarkable skills. No matter how noble the sons and daughters of other families were, none could compare to the Empress Dowager's esteemed position. Their emperor, with a single move, had secured the highest-ranking individual.

The large ship sailed upstream without stopping. Although Li Yuan was anxious, he knew that impatience was useless at this moment. Being a patient person, he focused on what he needed to learn, determined to absorb all the knowledge Lin Su had to offer. 

However, the more he tried to learn, the more he realized how vast Lin Su's knowledge was, like a drop in the ocean, never reaching its limits.

Conquering the Li Kingdom was inevitable, and Li Yuan understood its geography well. "The Li Kingdom is mountainous, unlike the Lian Kingdom, which is a vast plain. Those who attack Lian often fail midway due to a lack of supplies, but Li Kingdom is different. It only borders the Southern Kingdom here, with mountainous terrain that can be accessed easily from within Li Kingdom. However, attacking from the Southern Kingdom means facing cliffs and steep slopes, making it nearly impossible."

Attacking the Southern Kingdom was easier because of the water routes and the fact that Duke Kang no longer remained loyal to Emperor Yuanhe. The favorable conditions made it a justified loss for Yuanhe. 

But the Li Kingdom was different. Qi Kingdom did not have the geographical advantage. Sneaking in and replacing a less significant person was possible, but breaking through to kill the mother and child was not. 

As for his father, Li Yuan had once hoped he wouldn’t die, for he was his father and the man his mother loved. But now... he wished him dead. His brother and sister-in-law’s deaths would not have happened without his father’s negligence. Who else could have harmed the legitimate eldest son of a kingdom?

"With such natural defenses, it truly becomes a situation where one man can hold off ten thousand," Lin Su said while conducting a strategic simulation on the sand table with Li Yuan. 

"Even if soldiers manage to climb the cliffs, they would be exhausted before reaching the capital."

The current Li Kingdom was once the most defensible area of the former Qi dynasty. Back then, Li Kingdom had occupied this place, filling the ravines with lives to gain this strategic advantage.

"Actually, if you occupied this place and made it your capital, it would be extremely secure," Li Yuan suggested.

"Always be prepared for danger in times of peace. If the capital is too secure, the royal family might become complacent," Lin Su replied with a smile. His finger pointed to a high ground several miles outside the capital of Li Kingdom. "This place is said to be the most perilous in Li Kingdom, with cliffs as smooth as if cut by a divine blade. It's so dangerous that no one guards it. If we enter Li Kingdom from here, would anyone notice?"

"Your Majesty also mentioned that the terrain is extremely treacherous, with no footholds, let alone a way to climb," Li Yuan said. "Even the front approach is exceedingly difficult."

"What if we used rope ladders?" Lin Su asked again.

Li Yuan thought for a moment and replied, "Rope ladders would be too long and might not bear the weight. Soldiers might lose strength halfway up."

In such perilous conditions, losing strength could be fatal.

Lin Su stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Indeed. But have you ever heard of nylon ropes and pulleys?"

He had delved into an area unfamiliar to Li Yuan, piquing his curiosity. "What are those?"

Lin Su called someone to bring out the two items and handed them to Li Yuan: a bundle of rope and a circular pulley.

Perhaps others might not know how to use them, but Li Yuan had a natural affinity for mechanical devices. Using such a pulley, one person could climb up, and with a weight on the other end, they could be pulled up. If anchored with a stone, ordinary ropes would wear out quickly, but with these tools, everything became much simpler. Though it would be time-consuming on the flat cliff, it was feasible.

Li Yuan pulled the rope, finding it exceptionally tough, far superior to ordinary grass ropes. 

"What if you had these two items?" Lin Su asked.

Li Yuan took a deep breath and said, "With these, the natural barrier would be broken, and nothing could stop the Qi army from invading."

When a natural defense ceases to be one, the capital of Li Kingdom would no longer be safe.

"If I ascend this perilous ground and you are in the capital of Li Kingdom, how would you stop me?" Lin Su pointed to the location on the map, reminding him that they were still simulating a battle scenario.

It seemed like a simulation, but in reality, it was a lesson. Such one-on-one teaching would make any soldier envious. Li Yuan, however, was deep in thought, feeling a headache coming on.

"Even if you manage to take the high ground, you can't directly enter the capital. This strategy requires swift action. If you intend to attack, I would order the capital to keep the gates closed and inspect all comers. Knowing where your soldiers are gathered, I would set fire to the base from below. You wouldn't be able to retreat quickly," Li Yuan concluded after careful consideration.

"This strategy is ruthless, directly cutting off any retreat. After stationing troops, this natural barrier would no longer be so easy to climb," Li Yuan remarked.

Lin Su showed no sign of difficulty on his face. Li Yuan looked at him and asked, "How would you break through this?"

"Who said I need to descend the mountain to enter the city?" Lin Su replied with a smile.

Li Yuan was puzzled. "If you don't descend the mountain to enter the city, are you planning to fly in? Even a deity descending from the heavens wouldn't have such excellent lightness skills."

At this point, he looked at Lin Su with a hesitant expression. "Could it be that you really have a way to fly into the city?"

Lin Su laughed. "My empress is indeed remarkably clever to guess even this. It makes the royal family of the Li Kingdom seem like fools in comparison."

Li Yuan's curiosity was piqued. "What method is it?"

This person always had unexpected plans, making him genuinely curious.

"I've already told you about the existence of pulleys and nylon ropes. Telling you this too seems a bit unfair," Lin Su said with a smile. "How about you guess it yourself?"

He prepared to stand up but was pulled back by his sleeve. The young man looked up and said, "How can I guess this?"

"As a student, you naturally need to use your own mind. If the teacher tells you everything, your little brain will rust," Lin Su said, tapping him on the forehead. "You need to think creatively."

All this talk about using his own mind and thinking creatively—this person clearly just wanted to make things difficult for him. "What benefit do you want to make it fair?"

"Is my empress trying to bribe me with his beauty?" Lin Su looked down at him.

Li Yuan instinctively sat up straight. "Is that not allowed?"

Lin Su raised an eyebrow, then sat down beside him. "Of course, it's allowed. Will you give it yourself, or should I take it myself?"

Li Yuan was so close to Lin Su that he instinctively swallowed and said, "I'll give it to you myself."

If he let this man take it himself, it would be out of his control, but giving it himself meant he had to take the initiative, which made him extremely nervous.

"Alright, I’ll go along with your wishes," Lin Su said, seemingly magnanimous.

Li Yuan took a deep breath. For the method that was driving him crazy, he placed his hands on Lin Su's shoulders and sat on his lap. Instantly, he felt like he was sitting on a hot stove, not just his butt but his whole body on fire.

But this was only the simplest thing and certainly wouldn't satisfy the man. Li Yuan's heart was pounding like a drum. His fingers touched Lin Su's face, which was clean-shaven and smooth to the touch. Li Yuan leaned in and kissed his forehead.

He had intended to mimic the kiss from that day, but when he pulled away, he found only amusement in the man's eyes, which left him feeling quite unaccomplished.

Grasping his shoulders tighter, Li Yuan kissed his cheek. Still, something felt off. He kissed his cheeks, then the nose, and finally... the lips.

He didn't know how to kiss properly, only gently rubbing like a kitten lapping milk, which made him tremble slightly with nervousness. 

Lin Su suddenly laughed, making Li Yuan blush with embarrassment and a desire to scratch him. "Isn't this enough?"

"I didn't say stop; it just means the bribe isn't sufficient," Lin Su said, brushing a finger across Li Yuan's eyelashes, making him blink involuntarily from the tickling sensation.

"I'm not skilled in this," Li Yuan confessed. When he was sent to the Southern Kingdom's palace, he was still naive, only learning about the differences between men and women and between men from the wedding night illustrations.

He had been too young then, and the Southern Kingdom's emperor hadn't even come to their wedding night. Later, he realized the old emperor preferred women, which made him feel relieved, and he never had to deal with it again.

This kiss was something Lin Su had taught him by example.

Previously, he hadn't understood why men enjoyed intimate activities with women, but now he had a vague idea. Still, he was significantly lacking in experience.

"Then you have to guess it yourself first." Lin Su lifted him to place him aside, but Li Yuan instinctively clung to his neck. "You..."

He truly was bad.

Li Yuan met Lin Su's gaze and swallowed his words.

"What do you think of me?" Lin Su asked, placing him on his lap.

Li Yuan blinked, suppressing his urge to scratch Lin Su and replied, "His Majesty is naturally a man of extraordinary talent and imagination. How could ordinary people like us possibly guess your thoughts?"

Knowing how to speak to different people was a skill Li Yuan had mastered.

"Your mouth is really sweet," Lin Su said with a smile.

"Then..." Li Yuan looked hopeful.

"Fine, I'll teach you how to bribe me," Lin Su said, lifting Li Yuan's chin. The boy's features were delicate and refined, nurtured to perfection in the palace. 

Lin Su kissed his trembling eyelashes, then met his slightly dazed eyes and kissed his lips, his thumb lightly brushing Li Yuan's delicate Adam's apple.

Li Yuan trembled violently. When they parted, his eyes were slightly moist, and he seemed a bit dazed.

Lin Su laughed, "Do you understand now? What you did earlier was just like tasting food."

Li Yuan shook his head, trying to clear the fog in his mind, his voice also slightly moist, "I don't understand..."

It was clearly the same actions, but Lin Su's touch seemed magical.

He was genuinely confused, quite different from other boys who had been educated in various eras.

This innocence was actually quite charming. Lin Su embraced him by the shoulder, leaned over to pick up a pen from the table, and, under Li Yuan's puzzled gaze, drew the shape of a bird on a piece of paper. "This is called a glider. It can jump from a high place and glide downwind for dozens of miles, directly into the capital of Li Kingdom. The Qi Kingdom's army has been training with these for months. So, whether you close the gates or set fire to the mountain, it won't help."

"A glider, like a bird flying in the sky?" Li Yuan looked at the clear and simple drawing. "Isn't it like a kite?"

"More or less," Lin Su said.

"I've seen palace servants fly countless kites, but I never thought of something that could carry people," Li Yuan said, looking at Lin Su. "Even if I were to become emperor and fight against you, it would be a lifelong nightmare."

"If it were truly you, I'd dig a tunnel to sneak you out, ensuring you wouldn't be scared," Lin Su said, patting his cheek. "Being this naive is actually quite cute."

Li Yuan knew he couldn't match Lin Su's intelligence but he wasn't foolish either, so he felt a bit aggrieved: "Where am I naive?"

"In matters of love," Lin Su bluntly stated.

Li Yuan blushed. "That's because I haven't learned. If I learn..."

"Then learn," Lin Su encouraged. "After you learn, we can compare."

Li Yuan was in a dilemma, took a deep breath, and said, "Do you find pleasure in teasing others?"

System 06 nodded: 【  Yes, yes, if there there is no one to tease, the host play tricks on the system.】

Then System 06 was thrown into the system space by Lin Su.

"When did I tease you? Didn't you want to learn on your own? I'm just going along with it. Empress, you saying this really makes me feel wronged," Lin Su clucked.

Li Yuan really wanted to scratch him. "You are the one who is trying to provoke me!"

"You can resist my provocation," Lin Su said.

Li Yuan: "......"

This person is a real bastard, how did he end up liking him?

And yet, despite wanting to scratch him, he felt increasingly unable to let go, and if he tried to leave him now, he definitely wouldn't be able to.

Li Yuan calmed down and thought of a question he had just asked: "You just mentioned a tunnel. Did you dig a tunnel in Li?"

"Yes, it's a double preparation, in the sky and underground, taking advantage of the terrain," Lin Su said. "Otherwise, how would I sneak out the Empress Mother, the Empress of a country?"

Naturally, preparing for the invasion of another country cannot rely on just one method. Otherwise, if one method is discovered, all efforts will be in vain, raising suspicion and making it extremely difficult to achieve victory without bloodshed.

Li Yuan pondered, "The Li Kingdom's underground is mostly rocky. It's extremely difficult to dig tunnels. When did you start digging?"

"Since the merchants passed through Li Kingdom, I began preparing. At that time, the natural obstacles hadn't been discovered yet, so we couldn't attack from the front or from above, only from underground," Lin Su explained. "How do you propose to overcome this method of underground attack?"

There was a test for everything, and Li Yuan began to ponder. "Flooding. If water flows through, underground tunnels are likely to collapse."

"The tunnel is beneath Li Kingdom's capital. Once it collapses, many houses will inevitably collapse, harming the people. Think again," Lin Su said.

Li Yuan unconsciously bit his knuckles. "Poison attack? If poison gas enters, naturally no one will dare to enter."

"The tunnel connects to the city but is not completely sealed. There are also escape routes. Once the poison gas leaks out or accidentally enters the water source, the entire population of Li Kingdom's capital will suffer," Lin Su pointed out any mistakes without becoming angry. 

"Moreover, I've told you, I am proficient in the arts of medicine and poison. If I disregard the people, ignite poison smoke directly, no city in this world can stop me. Your poison is useless against me."

Li Yuan didn't lose confidence even when he was refuted again. After all, he had been beaten enough recently. Compared to the soldiers who still had to study military books on their own, Lin Su had indeed given him a back door. However, neither flooding nor poisoning seemed feasible, which was really distressing.

He wrote them down one by one on paper, but each idea was rejected. Unconsciously, he pulled his own hair. 

Lin Su held his hand tightly, fearing he might pull out all his dark hair.

Li Yuan was manipulated by him and had been thinking all afternoon and evening, approaching the point of sleep, but he had no intention of stopping. Lin Su bit his finger on his lips.

When Li Yuan felt a little pain, he asked, "What are you doing?"

"It's time to rest. Let's think about it tomorrow," Lin Su said.

Li Yuan hesitated, his face showing reluctance. "We won't sleep together. You go ahead and sleep first," he said. He needed more time to think.

In the past, no one would have opposed his wishes, not even his aunt, who could only advise him. But now...

Lin Su clicked his tongue. "Are you going by yourself or should I carry you?"

With something still on the Empress's mind, he cannot sleep as easily.

Frowning, Li Yuan said, "I really don't want to sleep if I haven’t figured it out."

"I heard from my aunt that when you got the Luban lock back then, you didn’t sleep for a night, staying up all night hurts your body. Do you want to die young and let others occupy your empress's position?" Lin Su raised an eyebrow.

Thinking of that scene, Li Yuan felt uneasy. If someone else cuddled up to this man, joked and laughed with him, listened to his storytelling, or showed affection, he would be so angry that he would jump out of his grave.

"No!" Li Yuan blurted out.

"The little empress is quite jealous. So are you sleeping or not?" Lin Su asked.

Li Yuan took a deep breath, his cheeks puffed up. "Sleep!"

"So good," Lin Su picked him up.

Li Yuan quickly hugged his neck. "I, I will sleep alone!"

He could accept kissing and intimacy, but he wasn't psychologically prepared for the openness and honesty depicted in the illustrations.

Lin Su carried Li Yuan despite his protests, ignoring his requests, and with a look of panic, entered the cabin and placed him on the bed. 

Like a hungry tiger pouncing on its prey, Li Yuan instinctively pulled the nearby blanket over himself. But he heard a light chuckle from above, and Lin Su got up to gently remove his shoes and socks.

Tickling his fair, jade-like toes, Li Yuan squirmed in discomfort, but Lin Su held his ankle firmly, preventing him from retracting. Tentatively poking his head out from under the blanket, Li Yuan saw Lin Su sitting on the edge of the bed, smiling at him. 

"Are you so scared?" Lin Su teased.

Li Yuan's mouth was still muffled by the blanket as he mumbled, "I'm just not ready yet."

"I won't force you in this matter, but if you change your mind, don't blame me for taking advantage," Lin Su replied, placing Li Yuan's foot back under the covers. He then removed his cloak, shifted closer to the bed, and lay down on his side.

Li Yuan asked hesitantly, lacking confidence in his words, "When have I ever been indecisive?"

There were times when he anticipated intimacy with Lin Su, yet he unconsciously wanted to adhere to certain etiquette.

"Alright, you've never been indecisive. It's just my wild imagination, always thinking about sleeping with the Empress Dowager. I really am a big pervert," Lin Su joked, propping himself up on his elbow.

Li Yuan met his gaze but quickly looked away. "You're not that bad."

Lin Su continued, undeterred, "To counter the tunnels, your methods would work elsewhere, but in the capital of Li, safety comes first. Find a tunnel entrance and block it with a mixture of rice soup and mud. Leave only one spot with a lit torch. If the torch doesn't go out for several days, it indicates another exit, keep searching until all openings are sealed."

Under a dim oil lamp on the swaying ship, Li Yuan gripped the edge of the blanket. "I've heard stories of people mysteriously dying in deep caves. It's not the ghosts who are seeking revenge, right?"

"Of course not. People fear ghosts, but why wouldn't ghosts fear people?" Lin Su patted his blanket. "Sleep now. No more questions, or you'll keep asking them until tomorrow morning."

Li Yuan lifted his head and looked at him. "What about you?"

"I'll wait until you fall asleep before I leave," Lin Su chuckled. "So don't start thinking of any more questions or reminiscing about any poorly executed kisses,and toss and turn and be unable to sleep."

Li Yuan agreed with the former but retorted, "I absolutely won't think about those!"

"Oh? How will you prove that?" Lin Su teased, pinching his nose lightly.

"How can I prove that?" Li Yuan stammered.

"If you fall asleep right away, I'll believe you," Lin Su pinched his nose again.

Li Yuan closed his eyes, but the more he tried to sleep, the more his mind raced. He was filled with thoughts of today's events and the  gliding wing, and then considerations about tunnels and why he hadn't thought of them sooner, or how smoke suffocation worked. And why did Lin Su's kisses feel different...?


Li Yuan suddenly opened his eyes, meeting Lin Su's gaze directly, feeling like his thoughts had been completely exposed.

"You shouldn't stay here; I can't sleep now," Li Yuan pushed Lin Su out and closed the door firmly. "Your Majesty should go back and rest."

The night air was cool, with only the sound of water lapping against the river. Lin Su draped his cloak over his arm, staring at the closed door, while in his mind, System 06's voice added a somewhat merciless taunt.

【It's normal not to sleep in the same room before marriage, Host,】System  06 remarked. "The Little Empress is just a bit shy.】

Meanwhile, the Host seemed to be teasing him to death.

Human tolerance has its limits—even flour will explode when exposed to flames.

【This seems to be the first time I've been kicked out of a room,】 Lin Su leaned against the railing, gazing at the bright moon in the sky.

【If there's a first and second time, there will be a third and fourth,】 System 06 interjected forcibly. 【That's just how humans are.】

【Has he become a bit spoiled?】 Lin Su asked.

System 06 replied in a systematic tone, 【He wouldn't be spoiled if you didn't indulge him.】

Lin Su stood still, then heard the door behind him suddenly open. As he turned, it abruptly slammed shut again, followed by a muffled voice from inside: "Your Majesty, please return quickly. It's not good to catch a chill at night."

Li Yuan ushered the person out, feeling somewhat uneasy himself. He leaned against the door, afraid of being misunderstood: "It's indeed not suitable for us to live together before marriage, to avoid tarnishing Your Majesty's reputation."

No footsteps were heard outside. Li Yuan called out, "Your Majesty? Your Majesty?"

Turning to look through the crack in the door, he saw no one outside when it opened again; the place was empty.

Li Yuan: "..."

Did he really get angry without saying a word?

But when he lowered his head, he found a piece of paper drifting down. Picking it up, he read: "I understand the Empress’s inability to restrain his heart."

The handwriting on the paper was definitely Lin Su's, a style that others couldn't easily imitate.

The first time Li Yuan saw his handwriting, he intended to treasure it, but now he felt like tearing it to shreds.

This man!!!

Though angry, Li Yuan surprisingly slept well.

After a few days of upstream travel on a large ship, they finally reached the territory of the former Lian kingdom. They still had to change to a carriage to reach the capital city. 

As Li Yuan disembarked from the ship with numerous stationed troops waiting, he heard a very familiar female voice: "Yuan'er!"

Li Yuan looked up and saw a woman whose face he recognized, though much older than he remembered. He had thought it would take several more days to see her, but unexpectedly met his mother after several years of separation.

"Mother!" Li Yuan's breath quickened. Instead of descending the steps step by step as planned, he rushed over, disregarding everything else. "Mother, why are you here? Are you well? Why didn't you wait in the capital?"

"Yuan'er, my dear Yuan'er!" Empress Li shed tears of joy as he approached. "Slow down, don't fall. Though your appearance has changed over the years, your temperament is just like when you were a child."

"Mother, you are as stunning as ever," Li Yuan remarked with tears in his eyes and a smile, noticing the strands of white hair hidden in her hair.

Seeing his mother well made him feel much more at ease.

"It’s a sight that can move one to tears, leaving one speechless," Lü Ning remarked after bowing to Lin Su.

"That's usually said of lovers, but it fits here too," Lin Su chuckled.

"Your Majesty, I heard this is the Southern Empress. Your taste is truly impeccable," Lü Ning praised, giving a thumbs-up.

Before this, he had wondered how beautiful a woman His Majesty would choose. Now he knew that some people truly looked like celestial beings descended to earth. 

While he had been amazed by Kang Boyu's beauty back then, he had not thought about it that way at that time. He just thought that he had a pretty face like a girl. Later, that killer rolled in the mud and water, often with blood on his face. Compared with the obviously pampered little empress dowager, he always felt that something was not the same.

If System 06 knew what he was thinking, It would definitely tell him: This is the difference between straight and crooked.

"Thank you for the hard work. You have taken good care of his mother." Lin Su watched the mother and son meeting without disturbing them.

Lu Ning chuckled and said, "Your Majesty has entrusted me with this. I will do it for you even if I have to sacrifice my life. The Empress Mother is also an Empress. Don't you think it's a little awkward?"

"It doesn't matter, she will be the Empress again soon." Lin Su said with a smile.

This means that he has already planned to promise the position of Empress to him. In this era, choosing a male wife has its advantages, but it also means that there will be no birth of a legitimate son. 

Although Lu Ning was a little surprised, he would not comment on Lin Su's decision. After all, they were many sons, legitimate or illegitimate.

However, he didn't know that the Emperor of Southern Yuanhe simply lacked heirs, and their emperor wouldn't have children at all.

As the emotions of the mother and son calmed down, Empress Li looked towards Lin Su's direction, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and maintained the dignified posture of an empress as she walked over, saying, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for allowing us to reunite."

"You're welcome, Mother," Lin Su replied casually. Empress Li, however, looked at him in shock and asked Li Yuan, "Why does His Majesty address me in such a way?"

Lü Ning, being on the inside, knew about Lin Su and Li Yuan's situation, but he wouldn't casually reveal it to outsiders. Empress Li had been unaware before and was simply curious why this reputedly decisive emperor had been so kind as to rescue them and facilitate their reunion.

Now it seemed she understood somewhat.

"Li Yuan and I will marry soon. It's only natural for me to call you 'Mother'," Lin Su explained.

"Marry?" Empress Li looked at Li Yuan, her initial joy turning to concern. Having just escaped one danger, now they were entering another, she now understood why this new emperor had been so kind—it was because he had set his sights on her Yuan'er.

Her child had compromised for her sake back then, but why did he have such a fate now?

Li Yuan could read the worry in his mother's eyes clearly. Last time, he had been coerced; though initially there was some compromise, now he was willingly accepting. However, discussing this openly in public was difficult, especially since the man in question showed no intention of explaining.

"Your Majesty is so domineering, impressive!" Lü Ning whispered, giving a thumbs-up. Lin Su playfully patted him on the back, nearly causing him to stumble into the water.

Seeing that explanations would be complicated, Li Yuan gritted his teeth and, with closed eyes, said, "Mother, this time, I'm doing this willingly."

After saying this, facing his mother's astonished gaze, Li Yuan felt his cheeks burning hot, wishing he could jump straight into the water.

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