It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 83


IETSTSMLARA | Empress Dowager at Fifteen | 83

Empress Li was clearly taken aback. If she had given birth to a daughter, the Emperor of Qi would naturally be the best choice for a husband. After all, women were destined to spend their lives confined to the inner quarters, relying on the love of their husbands and the glory of their maternal families. There was no significant difference between living in the imperial palace or the home of an official.

However, her Yuan’er was an exceptionally intelligent heir to the throne. Now, with the Li Kingdom in grave danger and the defeated members of the royal family imprisoned, it might be more free and dignified to be an Empress than to remain in their current state.

Empress Li was not someone who didn’t understand the ways of the world, but she couldn't help but feel sorrowful. 

In the past, in her homeland, in the palace, even when her heart was aching, she had to wear a smile. Now, far from her homeland, she couldn’t let the new Emperor resent Yuan’er because of her sadness.

Empress Li took a deep breath and smiled, saying, "Yuan’er has finally found someone who loves him."

Li Yuan observed her emotional changes, knowing she might not believe in true love within the palace. After all, he himself did not believe it when he first met Lin Su.

But time reveals a person's true heart. As long as Lin Su remained consistent, his mother would eventually feel at ease.

Lin Su stepped forward, putting an arm around Li Yuan’s shoulders, and said, "The wind is strong here. It's not suitable to talk for long. Let's get Yuan’er and the Empress Dowager settled first, and then we can have a proper conversation."

When Empress Li called Yuan’er by his childhood name, it was with a mother's tenderness. But when Lin Su called him that, Li Yuan always felt it carried a different meaning. However, this was not the time to argue, so he obediently followed Lin Su's lead.

Once everyone was settled, Li Yuan remembered his nephew and hurriedly asked, "Why don’t I see Chen’er?"

Li Chen, the legitimate eldest grandson of the Li Kingdom, had just turned three this year.

Empress Li’s mood dropped for a moment as she said, "The little one, being far from his homeland, seems to have fallen ill from the change in environment. He is currently resting after taking medicine."

In this era, a high fever could be fatal. Lin Su glanced at Lu Ning, who quickly reported, "The little prince was fine in the capital of the Li Kingdom, but once he entered the Qi Kingdom, he began vomiting and having diarrhea. We have already sent for a doctor, and he has taken medicine. He will be fine soon."

Young children’s illnesses were more dangerous than adults’. Li Yuan was obviously worried and looked up, saying, "Your Majesty, I want to see him."

"I'll go with you," Lin Su readily agreed.

Aside from Li Chen's illness, Lu Ning had arranged everything else extremely well. The accommodation for the women and children was indeed more spacious and comfortable compared to the quarters of the rough soldiers, and they had maids to attend to them.

"Grandmother... Grandmother... Bao'er wants... Grandmother..." As soon as they entered the room, they heard weak cries of distress. The child was clearly uncomfortable but didn't dare to cry out loud.

"Be good, Grandmother will be back soon. Be good, Bao'er..." The maid was clearly at a loss, though she was not deliberately neglectful.

When the group entered, the maid visibly relaxed upon seeing Empress Li. "Madam, you're back. The young master has been crying terribly, he kept calling for you."

The maids Lu Ning had recruited naturally wouldn't easily reveal Empress Li and Li Chen's identities, referring to her only as "madam."

"Grandmother..." The child lying on the bed was alarmingly thin, with a haggard face and slightly sunken cheeks, making his already large eyes appear even bigger, evoking pity.

Empress Li's heart ached as she went forward to pick up the child, skillfully patting his back. "Grandmother is back, Grandmother is back, Bao'er is alright now."

The small child seemed even lighter when held, and his sobs were as soft as a kitten's mew. "Grandmother... Bao'er hurts..."

"Where does it hurt? Shall Grandmother call the doctor to take another look?" Empress Li patiently soothed him.

When Li Yuan first saw his nephew, he felt an immediate affection. But this child was clearly not as healthy as an ordinary child, which made him feel immense sorrow. He stepped forward and asked, "Mother, how did Chen'er become like this?"

The child looked up, his eyes brightening as he opened them and looked at Li Yuan. "Dad, Daddy..."

Before Empress Li could respond, she was taken aback by the child's address, just like Li Yuan. "Bao'er, this is your..." uncle.

But Li Yuan interrupted, "I am Daddy, Bao'er, I am Daddy."

"Daddy..." Li Chen called out softly, extending his arms for a hug.

Li Yuan had never held a child before, so he carefully cradled the small, frail body in his arms, saying, "Be good, Bao'er. Daddy is here."

"Mm, Daddy is back." Li Chen's arms lacked strength, but he clung tightly to Li Yuan, not letting go. His sobbing gradually ceased, his breathing became steady, and he eventually fell asleep.

Empress Li tried to take the child and lay him on the bed, but even in sleep, the little one held tightly to Li Yuan's robe. Forcing him to let go would likely wake him.

"It's fine. I'll hold him for now," Li Yuan said. He had never met this nephew before but felt an immense sense of closeness.

"Bao'er looks just like you did when you were little, Yuan'er. Even your brother didn't resemble you this much. Now, it truly looks as if you are father and son," Empress Li remarked. If Li Yuan could marry and have children, the child would surely be adorable.

"I wasn't this frail as a child. Why is Chen'er so thin?" Li Yuan asked. Even without much knowledge of children, he knew that Li Chen's size was not typical for his age.

Empress Li sighed and glanced at Lin Su, who was quietly sitting nearby, not interrupting. She softly explained, "Chen'er's lineage was questioned. Although it was later confirmed, in the palace, those who are not favored suffer greatly. Even the servants dare to mistreat them, with poor food and giving no access to the imperial physicians. Chen'er has endured much hardship."

She spoke of her own experiences, subtly warning Li Yuan that while Li Yuan was favored now, if that affection waned or turned to disdain in the future, Li Yuan's fate could be no better than hers.

Li Yuan understood the ways of the palace. Favored concubines lived in luxury, while the unfavored ones were treated worse than servants. He could occasionally look out for them, but he couldn't intervene in everything. Seeing his own family suffer now made his heart ache and filled him with silent rage.

"Given his current condition, he'll need careful nurturing to recover," Li Yuan said, gently patting the small child in his arms.

"Bring him over and let me take a look," Lin Su said, putting down his teacup.

Li Yuan blinked, remembering that Lin Su was well-versed in medicine and poisons. He walked over quickly and asked, "Your Majesty, do you have a solution?"

"I need to check his pulse first to know," Lin Su replied, taking the child's thin, pitiful wrist in his hand.

With such a weak constitution, even careful nurturing might not ensure survival into adulthood.

After checking the pulse, Lin Su's expression darkened slightly. "He doesn’t have a weak constitution; he’s been poisoned."

Li Yuan's grip tightened. "How could this be?!"

"Impossible. Before Li Yuan's brother passed, he had the imperial physicians examine Bao'er, and he was already like this then," Empress Li said anxiously.

Lin Su withdrew his hand. "The poison wasn't administered later; it was passed on from the mother during pregnancy. It's a very subtle poison, usually undetectable by imperial physicians. It's called 'Mengwei.' It won't cause immediate death but will gradually weaken the person until they die. The dosage wouldn't harm an adult but can be fatal for a child."

"Can it be cured?" Li Yuan asked, his eyes filled with hope.

Empress Li, though finding it hard to believe, also looked hopeful. If Bao'er died without them knowing the cause, it would be terrifying.

"If I mentioned it, naturally it can be cured," Lin Su said.

"Please, Your Majesty, save Chen'er's life," Li Yuan nearly knelt before him.

"With you pleading like this, how could I refuse to help?" Lin Su smiled.

"Thank you," Li Yuan sighed with relief.

Lin Su stood up and gently touched the child's cheek. "He really does look like he could be your own. He has no parents, and you are unlikely to have children. Would you like to take him back and raise him as your son?"

"Can I?" Li Yuan had never dared to consider such a possibility before.

After all, if he married Lin Su and became the Empress, his son would also be Lin Su's son. Being able to see his nephew already made him very happy, and he hadn’t expected such a delightful surprise.

"Of course you can. It's rare for you to see family, so stay here today. I'll take my leave," Lin Su said, lifting Li Yuan's chin and naturally kissing his cheek. "I'll send the antidote over once it's prepared."

Though Lin Su acted naturally, the intimacy in front of his family made Li Yuan’s face flush. "Take care, Your Majesty."

As Lin Su left, Li Yuan's gaze followed his departing figure, unable to snap out of it even after he was gone.

Empress Li, shocked by the kiss, covered her mouth. Having experienced love herself, she knew all too well that her son had fallen deeply in love.

Having lived a lifetime, she knew that in the harem, one could have everything except deep affection. If an emperor took concubines and sought beauties, it was perfectly normal, but it was a bitter reality for the one who loved deeply.

"Yuan'er, even if you like him, you must learn to restrain yourself," Empress Li sighed. "Otherwise, life in the harem will be very hard."

"Mother, you don't understand him," Li Yuan said, holding Li Chen.

In his heart, no other emperor could compare to Lin Su.

Empress Li looked at him, seeing a reflection of her younger self. Back then, she had insisted on entering the palace, believing her love to be unwavering. She didn’t realize that an emperor’s affection, when strong, seemed like he would give you the world, but when gone, made you feel as insignificant as roadside weeds. In the throes of deep affection, no advice could penetrate.

"Yuan'er, you don’t understand the harem," Empress Li said.

"I understand, but I trust him," Li Yuan replied. He knew most emperors were heartless, but he believed Lin Su was different.

Lin Su was unlike the others. He wouldn’t betray his expectations.

Both held their own views firmly. Empress Li knew her youngest son had his own ideas and could only sigh helplessly. "Then, Mother can only pray that your mutual love is with someone truly devoted."

Li Chen was still ill and unsuitable for further travel, but the next day, Lin Su sent over a medicinal prescription. After taking the medicine, Li Chen's condition improved significantly. Even the symptoms of acclimatization lessened, and he even said he was hungry.

Empress Li was overjoyed. "This child has always had a small appetite and could never eat much. Now, he's actually saying he's hungry. The Qi Emperor's medicine is indeed effective."

Li Yuan was equally delighted. "It's good that it works."

With the child able to eat and sleep well, he no longer seemed as frail. His slightly chubbier face made him resemble Li Yuan even more. 

Despite recognizing everyone, Li Chen remained extremely clingy to Li Yuan, constantly calling out, "Daddy, where are you going?"

"Daddy, let's play together."

"Daddy, don't leave. Don't you want Bao'er?"


Li Yuan prided himself on being composed, but facing such a soft and adorable child calling him daddy, his heart couldn't stay hard.

The two stuck together all the time, even sleeping in the same bed at night, leaving seemingly no room for Lin Su to intrude.

But no matter how clingy the little one was, Lin Su would kiss when he wanted to kiss and hug when he wanted to hug. Li Yuan would get nervous every time, covering Li Chen's eyes, yet unable to refuse Lin Su.

"Your Majesty, the child is here..." Li Yuan said, feeling uneasy.

"Well then, let's throw him out," Lin Su said after kissing him.

Li Yuan hesitated. "He'll cry..."

This man had just saved Bao'er, so he couldn't always refuse him.

"Children shouldn't be coddled. Let him cry; he'll stop when he's tired," Lin Su said with a smile.

Li Yuan: "..."

Such irresponsible words.

"If you want our wedding night to include him, I don't mind as long as you’re okay with it," Lin Su said with a smile.

Having a child on their wedding night?!

He absolutely couldn't allow it, but if Lin Su said it was fine, he wouldn't care about the child. Just thinking about that scene made Li Yuan feel faint. "That is absolutely impossible."

"So, you need to balance the relationship between the two," Lin Su said, kissing his cheek again.

This time, Li Yuan didn't cover Li Chen’s eyes tightly, and the little one turned to look at Lin Su and asked, "Who are you? Why are you kissing Daddy?"

Li Yuan blushed and looked at Lin Su, afraid he might say something provocative.

Lin Su poked the child's nose and said, "I'm your daddy's husband."

Li Chen looked at Lin Su with curiosity. "So, are you my mother?"

Children speak without a filter, saying whatever comes to mind. After all, typically, the other half of a daddy is a mother.

Li Chen had never seen his mother, so he didn't have any feelings of missing her. Remembering his father was already quite impressive.

Li Yuan's lips twitched, but he didn't dare laugh too much.

"No," Lin Su said, holding Li Yuan's waist. "This is Daddy, and I'm your Father. You were born from Daddy. If you really want to change, you can call him Mother."

"Daddy gave birth to me?!" Little Li Chen was obviously stunned. 

Li Yuan was also stunned. "I, I can't..." give birth!

"Or do you want him to call me Mother? Hmm?" Lin Su asked.

Li Yuan did want that, but he didn't dare. Moreover, if the emperor of a country was called Mother by a child, it would be a laughingstock if it spread.

He naturally had a blood bond with Bao'er, but Lin Su's tolerance for the child was due to his regard for Li Yuan. He couldn't push Lin Su's limits further.

"But you can't just make things up," Li Yuan said, feeling a shiver down his spine at the thought of giving birth.

"This is the best arrangement. You have a daddy and a father, right, Bao'er?" Lin Su asked with a smile.

The little one, no matter how clever, couldn't resist such reasoning and nodded, "Yes."

"Then it's settled," Lin Su said, decisively.

Li Yuan couldn't argue and could only scratch at him in his heart.

The Qi's capital was established in the old capital of Lian, and after annexing the southern state, it separated Li's kingdom from the Xiao Kingdom. While the emperor of Li consoled himself with the belief that natural barriers would hold, the emperor of Xiao could hardly sleep, fearing an invasion that would drag him off the throne.

Amidst this daily anxiety, news spread from Qi's capital that Emperor Qi was to marry the Southern Empress Dowager, the former Emperor Li's youngest son, Li Yuan, as his empress. 

This announcement threw the two courts into chaos. The Li Kingdom's court, initially anxious over the missing empress, found its emperor strangely calm upon hearing the news. "If Li Yuan marries the Qi emperor, it’s an alliance between our countries. I would be the Qi emperor's father-in-law."

While he remained composed, Consort De and her son couldn't. They had long suspected that Qi had taken the empress, and if it were truly a marriage alliance, that person becoming Emperor Qi's empress would surely seek vengeance for past grievances.

Consort De, now aged and less charming than before, was adept at selecting beauties. As long as she controlled the families of these beauties, winning the emperor's favor was easy.

"Your Majesty is confused. You sent Li Yuan away, and he must harbor resentment. Otherwise, why would the empress go missing just as he was about to marry Emperor Qi?" 

Consort De said gently. "Moreover, with Li Yuan as the Southern Empress Dowager, Emperor Qi would be allied with the South. However, did Emperor Qi spare the Southern emperor? Your Majesty should prepare early. The Li Kingdom isn't like the South; the Qi Kingdom's army can't just invade easily."

Her words made the Emperor Li furrowed his brows. "Does he truly resent me? That unfilial son! I did it for the Li Kingdom's sake. My brothers sacrificed themselves for the Li Kingdom, and as my son, he resents me? Without the Li Kingdom, could he become empress or a dowager empress?"

"Your Majesty, please calm down. The Kingdom of Li is naturally easy to defend and hard to attack. We need not fear the Qi Kingdom. As long as you remain steady, he cannot harm you," Consort De said soothingly, though a flicker of impatience crossed her eyes.

"That's right. The grand Kingdom of Li has no reason to fear a young upstart," Emperor Li said, taking a deep breath. "The Qi Emperor is just one man. If we can kill him, wouldn't the entire world fall into the Li Kingdom's hands?"

"Your Majesty is wise," Consort De praised.


While the Kingdom of Li had natural defenses, the Kingdom of Xiao was flat and vulnerable. Upon hearing news of the alliance, they assumed that Li Kingdom had surrendered to the Qi Kingdom, plunging them into fear and anxiety.

"With the world on the brink of unification, our soldiers may not be able to resist the Qi Kingdom's ferocious army," Emperor Xiao said, his eyes red with helplessness. "Luckily, the Qi Emperor treats the people of all countries equally. To avoid unnecessary casualties, I plan to surrender to the Qi Kingdom."

He did not want to surrender but knew he lacked the strength to resist. If the Qi Emperor were cruel to the people, he would have had no choice but to protect his nation by fighting. However, since the Qi Emperor showed no favoritism and cared for its people, it was not worth sacrificing countless lives for the sake of the Xiao royal family.

While the Qi's capital was busy preparing for the emperor's grand wedding, a letter of surrender arrived from the Kingdom of Xiao.

The letter stated that Emperor Xiao would surrender but requested the protection of the Xiao royal family.

The letter was delivered swiftly, and within days, the Xiao royal family would personally come to Qi's capital to surrender.

Lin Su skimmed through the letter, finding no unreasonable demands. Among all the emperors, Emperor Xiao was the most benevolent. In times of peace, such an emperor would undoubtedly ensure the people lived in prosperity. However, in times of chaos, without a powerful army, he was vulnerable.

"Your Majesty, the Southern royal family has settled next to the Lian royal family. Where should we arrange for the Xiao royal family?" Kang Boyu, who had returned to the Qi's capital, inquired.

All the royal families were kept in captivity, stripped of their former national status. These quarrelsome individuals were truly at each other's throats, wielding hidden weapons and daggers behind smiles, with soldiers watching closely to prevent any outright conflict.

Among them, the Southern Emperor suffered the most mockery, beaten and bruised, he even lost his ability to have heirs, and his whole demeanor became somewhat weird.

Kang Boyu originally intended to kill him, but now thought keeping him alive was the best punishment upon seeing his current state.

"Since they've surrendered, let's provide them with a better place to settle, separate from the Liang and Southern royal families," Lin Su smiled.

For those who voluntarily surrendered, they naturally deserved some benefits and good treatment, or else it would be no different from conquest.

"Your Majesty, where do you intend to settle them?" Kang Baiyu inquired.

"Luyang City is suitable. Send them there and let them govern the city," Lin Su glanced at the map and decided.

Luyang City was not remote but rather prosperous, serving as a decent place for someone demoted from ruling a kingdom to governing a city. It seemed like a step down, yet far better than a lifetime of imprisonment.

"Your Majesty, this is akin to letting a tiger back into the mountains," Kang Boyu knelt and advised.

"A tiger?" Lin Su chuckled softly. "Rest assured, this is also making the best use of resources."

The founder of the Kingdom of Xiao might be a tiger, but this current ruler was more about maintaining stability than expanding borders. Governing a city would be beneficial for the people, as he loved them like his own children.

As long as Lin Su remained in power, the Emperor of Xiao would not stir up trouble. Within the palace walls, power struggles were ongoing, and the world was always in flux—unifying and dividing over time. If Lin Su were no longer around, he wouldn't have control over the world's affairs.

The world wasn't just about one family or dynasty; it was about those capable of taking charge. If the next emperor proved incapable, they shouldn't blame others for seizing control of the world.

Knowing that His Majesty possessed the ability to found a kingdom, he also had the capacity to guard the world. Since His Majesty had made up his mind, he no longer advised: "I am ready to receive your orders. When does Your Majesty intend to start with the Kingdom of Li?"

"After my grand wedding," Lin Su smiled, "The Xiao Kingdom surrender may not cause chaos within the Li royal family, but the people surely will. Once public sentiment is unsettled, the Li Kingdom won't hold up for long. General Zhang will handle Li Kingdoms affairs now. With the surplus of troops, you'll need to coordinate and train them properly."

"I understand, Your Majesty," Kang Boyu bowed his head.

"Also, now that the world is settled, it's time for you to reunite with your parents. With our great enterprise accomplished, have you considered starting a family?" Lin Su knew the North Zhuo Palace had been brought along, and Kang Boyu's family was together in the same compound. The Lu Miao Princess of the North Zhuo Palace remained unmarried.

"I have no intentions of marriage at present," Kang Boyu replied respectfully. He recognized that the North Zhuo Palace's was forced to break off the engagement, but they were not of the same ilk and shouldn't mix further.

 Having met someone like His Majesty, who chose a partner based on mutual understanding rather than status, Kang Boyu also sought a heartfelt connection, someone who is in tune with him, rather than just being on equal terms on the surface.

"Very well, there are many eligible women in the world. Seek whomever you like, regardless of their status. If you find someone you love, I will arrange the marriage," Lin Su smiled.

Kang Boyu was grateful for this promise, knowing he wouldn't compromise on his choice of partner in the future. "Thank you, Your Majesty."

"As for today, since we have time, would you like to compare archery skills with me in the capital? If you win, I have a thousand-year-old ginseng that will aid your parents' health," Lin Su suggested.

"And if I lose?" Kang Boyu felt like His Majesty might have an ulterior motive.

Lin Su chuckled, "If you lose, you'll become the teacher to my eldest son, instructing him in archery and martial arts, no excuses are accepted."

Being entrusted with such responsibilities felt good indeed; no wonder emperors enjoyed piling tasks onto capable subordinates.

"If Your Majesty wins, wouldn't that mean your martial skills surpass mine? Why not teach him yourself?" Kang Boyu asked.

Lin Su smiled and said:“As an emperor, I have to teach the empress, and it's really beyond my capacity to be in two places at once. General Kang, if you have someone dear to you, naturally you'd want to give them the best."

Kang Boyu inexplicably felt that he was showing off.

"Or perhaps General Kang thinks he's already lost before even competing?" Lin Su asked.

Men are naturally competitive, and this provocation was quite effective on men.

Kang Boyu would never admit defeat before even competing. He clasped his fists and said, "Your servant has no such intention. Let it be as you've decided."

Lin Su changed into riding attire, and they both went to the palace's horse field, where they would compete in archery on horseback.

If there were both standing calmly on the ground, both would easily hit the bullseye at a hundred paces. 

However, on horseback, things were different. The warhorses were restless, requiring them to seize the moment to shoot accurately; otherwise, they risked missing the target entirely.

Lin Su, dressed in riding gear, exuded a heroic air as he sat confidently on his horse, his long hair tied up high. 

Kang Boyu, too, removed his armor, and both men mounted their steeds.

The Palace attendants brought them bows and arrows. Lin Su tested the bow's strength, nocked an arrow, and shot directly into the bullseye. "Not bad," he remarked.

"It seems Your Majesty's archery hasn't diminished in the slightest," Kang Boyu said with a hint of competitive spirit.

After a brief trial, they began in earnest, with the palace attendant raising a flag to start. The bullseye was the target, and Lin Su prepared his arrow, saying, "General Kang, you go first."

Kang Boyu, confident and composed, took his quiver, lightly urged his horse forward, and performed the act of shooting arrows on horseback, a common occurrence in battles. With three arrows drawn, he aimed directly at three bullseyes, hitting each squarely, causing three flags to flutter.

"Well done!" cheered the soldiers.

Approaching next, Lin Su took up his bow. As he aimed, he deftly held five arrows between his fingers, releasing them in quick succession. Each arrow found its mark, no less accurate than Kang Boyu's.

"Long live His Majesty!!!" cried out the soldiers in acclaim.

“Your Majesty is amazing! Shooting five arrows simultaneously, this equestrian skill rivals even the famed General of Divine Arrows from Li Kingdom.”

"Long live Your Majesty!"

If Kang Boyu were in his former Southern Kingdom, he wouldn't reveal his true strength when sparring with Emperor Yuanhe. He would have slightly held back, showing himself just a tad inferior, as monarchs generally dislike their subjects surpassing them.

However, when competing with Lin Su in archery, Kang Boyu didn't hold back in the slightest. To withhold his full effort would be the greatest disrespect to an emperor.

Taking up his bow once more, Kang Boyu fired three arrows this time, each striking the bullseye in quick succession, though in a staggered pattern. One arrow even split the tail of another before piercing through the center, while the final arrow lodged into the wall behind the target.

"Three flags! General Kang is formidable!"

"Well done!"

Cheers erupted around the equestrian field as spectators praised the display. Meanwhile, Li Yuan slightly bent over, holding Li Chen's small hand as they ascended to the viewing platform.

Li Chen was slightly out of breath, patting his chest with some effort. Li Yuan gently comforted him but refrained from picking him up. Not because he didn't want to, but as the Emperor advised that children shouldn't be overly pampered to avoid physical weakness. Playing and running around, teasing cats and dogs, were more suitable activities for children of his age.

Reflecting on this advice, Li Yuan couldn't help but think it sounded very much like a father's wisdom. Thinking back to his own childhood days of sneaking into other concubines' palaces to pick flowers, Li Yuan realized there was some truth to what Lin Su said. Li Chen's increasingly rosy cheeks were a testament to Lin Su's effective methods.

"Father Emperor!" Li Chen pointed towards the horse field.

This title was something Lin Su had encouraged Li Chen to use. Li Yuan lifted him up and said, "Yes, that's Father Emperor."

Li Yuan watched the competition intently, his gaze fixed on Lin Su. When he was twelve, he too practiced archery on horseback, using horses and bows gifted by his elder brother. Back then, filled with youthful vigor, he had dreamed of competing with others in the art of archery, but now, even drawing a bow was a challenge.

Observing the flags indicating their performance, it was clear both competitors were evenly matched.

"Why is His Majesty competing in archery with General Kang?" Li Yuan asked those around him.

A servant hurried to inquire and returned with an answer, "Reporting to the Empress, His Majesty had a discussion with General Kang early this morning. After the meeting, perhaps feeling a bit competitive, they decided to have a contest."

Such competitions were common in military camps. Li Yuan hesitated slightly and said, "We have yet to wed. It's inappropriate to address me as such."

The servant smiled, "It's His Majesty's special permission. He said that even before the wedding, you are already his Empress. No one should dare to disrespect you."

"Mama, Mama..." Li Chen chimed in mischievously.

Li Yuan gently patted his head, "Chen'er, you shouldn't be naughty. Call him Papa."

Li Chen shook his head and turned to the field, clapping enthusiastically, "Awesome, awesome!"

On the field, both men shot arrows simultaneously, and none missed the target. When they exchanged handshakes across their horses, the warmth between them was evident, a true bond between ruler and subject.

"The relationship between His Majesty and General Kang is truly admirable," the servant remarked. "Even in archery, they seem evenly matched."

Li Yuan had initially felt envy, but suddenly, a thought struck him. Back when Kang Boyu feigned death and escaped, only to later submit under Lin Su's command, it was likely Lin Su himself who aided his escape.

Gratitude for such recognition was hard to repay, hence Kang's dedication on the battlefield had led to their current harmonious relationship.

Kang Boyu naturally liked women, and Lin Su wouldn't easily change his mind. However, watching them interact so closely, Li Yuan couldn't help but feel a slight pang of jealousy.

He can now pick up the bow and arrows, but he couldn't compare to Kang Boyu. If he were to compete with Lin Su, it would have to wait for several years. 

He didn’t initially feel jealous but the more he thought about it, the more bitter he felt. Even if there was no Kang Boyu, there would inevitably be others. Lin Su wouldn't remain unmarried forever, as he needed offspring to ensure the dynasty's continuity.

Yet, thinking about this made him feel the carefree days in the Southern Palace were now gone. 

When he was the Empress Dowager, he had ignored the palace intrigues and the whereabouts of the late Emperor because he didn't love him and didn't care about that person. But now he cares about the person in front of him. 

He found it unbearable to think about those things happening to himself. Even if Lin Su gave him the power to leave, he feared he would not leave at all.

Perhaps his mother was right. The least desirable thing in the palace was deep affection. He trusted Lin Su wouldn't change his heart. But even if he didn't change his heart, he couldn't accept the thought of him having children with other women.

In the competition, there was no clear winner between them. When Lin Su shot his arrows while riding, he glanced toward the stands and his arrow missed the target, hitting the ground instead. He didn't mind and instead waved towards Li Yuan.

Li Yuan was taken aback but met his gaze, feeling all previous unease dissipate. Just as he told his mother, others didn't understand this person.

"Your Majesty?" Kang Boyu frowned slightly at the arrow, knowing it wasn't up to His Majesty's usual standard. But seeing Lin Su's gaze, he vaguely understood.

Lin Su rode over and stopped beneath the stands. "Why have you come here?"

"I heard Your Majesty was shooting arrows here, so I brought Chen'er to watch," Li Yuan's mood unexpectedly brightened. "I apologize for distracting you and causing you to miss."

"It's not your fault. I was distracted," Lin Su reassured, patting the horse's neck to soothe its restlessness. "Since you're here, would you like to give it a try?"

Li Yuan gently shook his head. "Your Majesty's competition is not yet over, I'll just watch from here."

"Watch from here?" Lin Su chuckled lightly, giving a light pat on the horse's back. In a swift movement, he leaped down from the horse behind Li Yuan, catching him by surprise. Before he could react, he lifted him up and placed him on the horse alongside him. "What's more fun than watching from here than riding with me?"

His sudden action startled the onlookers on the stands, and little Li Chen protested, "You stole daddy! You stole him!"

"This is my Empress. If you want to steal him, you'll have to wait until you're older," Lin Su teased with a smile, holding Li Yuan close with one arm while guiding the horse with the other, heading straight into the arena.

"Your Majesty!" Li Yuan wanted to scold him, but how could he say such things in front of the child?

"I’m here," Lin Su teased, tickling his waist a bit, which made Li Yuan forget his earlier annoyance. "Stop teasing me!"

Kang Boyu watched the intimate scene on horseback and asked, "Your Majesty, what is the meaning of this?"

"I lost. My Empress insisted on joining the competition to restore my dignity," Lin Su explained with a smile.

To lose a bet was to lose. This was a private wager, and there was no need to fuss too much about it. Kang Boyu wasn't a rigid person. He knew Li Yuan was smart and had a good grasp of military and political matters, but his skills in martial arts were indeed lacking.

"What would you like to bet this time, Your Majesty?" Kang Bayu asked.

Lin Su grinned, "I have a piece of warm jade left. Wearing it is beneficial for health. If you win, you can take it back to your mother. But If I win, the terms remain the same."

"Your Majesty, I..." Li Yuan began to say he was much less able to compete, but Lin Su patted his waist and whispered softly in his ear, "Don't worry, I'm here."

His words reassured Li Yuan, making him feel at ease. In the past, he had felt embarrassed about being intimate in public, but now he felt a hidden joy, as if declaring ownership.

"Alright," Kang Boyu agreed without objection. He could shoot multiple arrows at once.

Lin Su held Li Yuan close, waiting for the horse to slow down slightly before taking his hand and pulling back the bow. "That's it, lift a little more. If you lack strength, borrow mine."

Li Yuan aimed carefully again, but this time he hadn't noticed Lin Su slightly loosening his grip on the bow, with Lin Su other hand holding onto Li Yuan's wrist. 

"Release!" Li Yuan released the arrow, feeling his arm trembling slightly. The arrow flew and hit the bullseye once more.

"I hit it! I hit it!" Li Yuan exclaimed excitedly.

"Well done," Lin Su smiled, "just one more arrow."

Li Yuan nocked another arrow, but this time he didn't notice Lin Su's hand, subtly releasing the bowstring a bit. 

"Release!" Li Yuan shot the arrow, initially feeling a bit panicked. However, upon seeing the arrow hit the target again, he widened his eyes in surprise. "I hit it again!"

"That's really good," Lin Su chuckled. "Looks like General Kang is about to lose."

Kang Boyu: “...”

Winning or losing didn't matter much to him; he just felt a complex mix of emotions. Others were paired up, while he stood alone.

No wonder Lu Ning had advised him not to gather around when the Emperor and Empress were together. Initially, Kang Boyu didn't understand, but now he did.

Lost in his thoughts, Kang Boyu's arrow flew off distractedly. It didn't miss the target completely, but it was far from the bullseye—a performance reminiscent of when he was seven years old.

"If my father saw this, he'd be furious," Kang Boyu thought wryly.

Li Yuan, surprised by Kang Boyu's performance, remarked, "General Kang, you don't have to hold back."

It was clear that this wasn't his true skill level at all.

Kang Boyu replied, "I was distracted, I did not deliberately hold back. Empress, please don't worry too much."

"He did indeed slip up, much like my distraction earlier," Lin Su instructed Li Yuan to pick up the bow and arrow. "Though he was distracted, you mustn't underestimate him. It's rare to catch General Kang off guard once. If you want to win, you have to seize the opportunity."

Li Yuan understood the principle, but saying it so boldly felt... audacious. "I understand," he replied.

As the horse came to a stop, Li Yuan prepared to shoot without Lin Su's assistance this time. He struggled to draw the bowstring, he aimed for the bullseye as Lin Su had instructed, estimating the strength needed, and released the arrow with a heavy heart.

The arrow flew, slightly off-target, landing on the target but not in the bullseye—it was still closer than Kang Byu's previous shot.

"I admit defeat. I just wonder when I can begin teaching the young prince martial arts?" Kang Boyu asked, bowing slightly.

"We can start today," Lin Su smiled.

"Really?" Li Yuan looked confused.

Lin Su dismounted and lifted Li Yuan down gently. "My duel with General Kang was to find a teacher for our son. What do you think, Empress?"

Li Yuan felt a bit awkward realizing the true purpose. "If General Kang teaches Chen’er martial arts, it will be a blessing for our son."

"You're not jealous anymore?" Lin Su asked with a lowered voice.

Li Yuan gasped softly, stammering, "I, I wasn't..."

He just felt a twinge of jealousy—how did this person figure it out?

"You're not jealous?" Lin Su pondered for a moment, then said to Kang Boyu, "General Kang, would you like to have a candlelit chat tonight?"

Kang Boyu replied, "...I have no such intention."

"Alright then, go take your little disciple away," Lin Su gestured towards Li Chen who was watching from the sidelines.

Kang Boyu silently bowed, then ascended the platform, picked up the little guy, carried him under his arm, turned around, and decided to remember Brother Lu's teachings in the future.

Li Yuan's face had just slightly changed earlier, but now under Lin Su's teasing gaze, it slowly turned as red as a tomato.

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