The Beautiful Brother of the Orion’s Family (Wearing Book) - 99


| TBBOTOF | 99

Tang Erhu's decision startled the entire family.

Even Wei Dong couldn't help but squeeze Tang Xu's hand, signaling that his father-in-law was making a rash decision.

Tang Xu shot him a glance, then looked at Tang Rui, who had his head bowed. After thinking for a moment, he said to Tang Erhu, "Dad, let's discuss this after your leg heals. Talking about it now won't help. We need to get the new house built first."

Tang Erhu nodded, appearing quite reasonable. "You're right," he said, looking at Tang Rui. "You can get up now. No need to kneel there. I remember your mother said she paid for three years of your school fees. It's only been two years, so next year's tuition is covered."

Tang Rui looked at him blankly, realizing that while the tuition was covered, he still had to pay for accommodation and meals.

"But I need five taels for next year's accommodation and another five taels for the dining hall."

Tang Xu did a quick calculation, noting that it wasn't cheap but not overly expensive either. He remained silent, waiting to see what Tang Erhu would say.

Tang Erhu nodded and responded, "You're my son. I won't leave you without any money. Let's settle some accounting."

Tang Rui looked confused.

Tang Xu was also puzzled. What accounts to settle?

"The money from the sale of our grain allowed me to buy cattle. Later, your brother taught Ah Li to make and sell food, and she and Ah Yang worked hard and earned thirty-five taels of silver," Tang Erhu explained, glancing at Tang Xu.

Tang Xu blinked, thinking to himself that the two kids had made quite a bit.

Tang Rui widened his eyes in surprise.

Without waiting for him to speak, Tang Erhu started counting on his fingers.

"Two rooms collapsed in the house. Even if we don't build a brick house, a mud house would still cost seven or eight taels of silver. That's for two rooms. The other damaged parts also need to be repaired, which would cost another two or three taels. Altogether, I'm estimating conservatively, it would be ten taels."

Tang Xu nodded. Building a house is expensive. You need to dig yellow clay from the mountains, and it's not just mud; you have to add other things to increase its stickiness.

"To build a new house here would cost twenty taels, not counting the money your brother spent on buying the land. The family needs to buy furniture too. The carpenters and masons in the village can help, but you still have to pay them, right? Five taels of silver might not even be enough. Your brother is paying a tutor for Ah Yang's classes. How can I give him no money for that? Even if it's my own child, I can't take advantage of him like that." 

After Tang Erhu finished speaking, he looked at Tang Rui and asked, "Come on, tell me, how much silver do I have to give you?"

There was no silver left to give him.

But if they didn't build a new house, wouldn't there be money left?

How could Tang Erhu not see through his thoughts? He felt even more disappointed.

"I'll give you a chance to choose." He stuffed the last piece of pancake into his mouth and said casually while chewing, "The first option, we all go back and live in the old house. We repair it as it is, and I'll give you ten taels of silver from what's left. But in the future, when the family splits, you definitely won't get any silver or the house. I can give you land, ten acres of dry land and ten acres of paddy field, all to you."

"The second option, I'll give you three taels of silver this time to take back to school. No more than that. We'll build the houses on both sides, and when you get married, there definitely won't be much silver for your betrothal gift, at most five taels. You'll get the old house, the land, and the old furniture at home."

Tang Xu's eyebrow twitched slightly.

Wei Dong held him and gently rubbed his side, signaling him to stay quiet and listen to their father.

Tang Rui looked at his father in shock. "Why? Dad, do you mean that if you give everything to me, you will sever ties with me?"

"Of course not. Why would we sever ties? I've raised you this far, I have helped you start a new start, and supported your education. Do you think I would break off relations and not expect you to take care of me in my old age? Do you think such a good thing could happen?" Tang Erhu looked at Tang Rui as if he were an idiot, not understanding why his eldest son could say something so foolish.

Not only did Tang Rui misunderstand, but even Tang Xu thought Tang Erhu was going to sever ties with this son.

After hearing his father's words, Tang Xu felt a tightness in his chest.

He realized he had been shallow in his thinking. It was their father who had thought things through deeply.

That's right, they couldn't sever ties. In the future, they would still need someone to care for them in old age and give them a proper burial. If anyone dared to abandon their elderly father, they could be accused of being unfilial!

Wei Dong nodded in agreement. Yes, they couldn't sever ties. Severing ties would truly mean having nothing left.

This time, Tang Rui was genuinely stunned.

Tang Erhu asked him, "You have two choices. Which one will you pick?"

Tang Xu thought to himself that any sensible person would choose the second option.

However, given Tang Rui's mindset, it was uncertain which option he would choose.

But this time, Tang Xu guessed wrong. Tang Rui chose the second option.

Upon hearing his choice, Tang Erhu nodded and said, "When you go back after the New Year, I'll ask Ah Li to give you the silver."

After saying this, he looked at Tang Xu and Wei Dong and said, "It's getting late. You two should go back and rest. No need to get up so early tomorrow; we'll need to stay up late tonight to see the New Year."

"Don't worry about staying up late tonight; we can sleep in the afternoon. After we wake up, we'll have the New Year's Eve dinner, and then we'll have another meal of dumplings at midnight. Dad, what kind of dumpling filling do you want tomorrow?" Tang Xu got down from the kang and lightly patted his back. "I need to take out the meat filling to thaw in a bit."

Tang Rui was taken aback by this and looked up at Tang Xu.

Tang Xu smiled at him and asked, "Ah Rui, what kind of filling do you want? Pork, beef, lamb, fish, it's all fine."

Tang Rui pressed his lips together and looked at Tang Erhu.

Tang Erhu said, "Anything is fine. Everything you make is delicious. I'm not picky. Just make whatever is convenient."

Tang Xu hooked his arm through Wei Dong's and responded, "Alright, I'll decide then. We'll have a late breakfast tomorrow and a big meal in the afternoon. Dad, you can sleep in a bit."

Tang Erhu agreed and waved them off.

After they left, Tang Erhu glanced at Tang Rui and beckoned him over, saying kindly, "Bring me the chamber pot. I've been holding it in while your brother was here."

Tang Rui was momentarily stunned but then turned to get the chamber pot.

As Wei Dong supported Tang Xu towards the main room, he asked, "What do you think about what your dad said today?"

"What do you mean?" Tang Xu didn't quite understand and looked up at him.

In the moonlight, the man seemed to be glowing, as if bathed in a layer of light.

Tang Xu reached out and touched his face, chuckling, "I don't have any particular thoughts. As long as Dad isn't feeling troubled, it doesn't matter what Tang Rui does. I don't have the energy to worry about him anymore."

Wei Dong held Tang Xu as they walked back, one arm supporting his arm and the other around his waist, protecting him.

Hearing Tang Xu's words, Wei Dong felt relieved. He had been worried that his husband might get angry with Tang Rui, only to end up upsetting himself while the other person remained unaffected.

Outside, a large stove was heating water. Tang Xu had asked Wei Dong to modify this stove before it snowed. He didn't like the smell of coal smoke inside the house, so he had Wei Dong move the kang stove outside. This way, they could heat water outside without having to go far for hot water.

The other rooms' kangs hadn't been modified because Wei Dong hadn't had time.

After washing his face, brushing his teeth, and soaking his feet, Tang Xu snuggled into the bed, rubbing his face comfortably against the pillow.

Wei Dong washed his feet, carried the water basin outside to empty it, and upon returning, adjusted the stove's fire and filled the large iron pot with water.

"Are you hungry?" He supported himself on the edge of the kang with both hands and asked Tang Xu, who had closed his eyes and was about to fall asleep.

Tang Xu opened his eyes, thought for a moment, and shook his head. "No, I'm not hungry. I ate a couple of pieces of meat when I served Dad soup earlier. Are you hungry?"

"No," Wei Dong said as he blew out the candle in the lantern, got into bed, and held Tang Xu close. "I just wanted to check if you were hungry."

Tang Xu yawned. It had been a busy day, and he was tired, ready to sleep.

At dawn the next morning, the rooster crowed, waking Tang Li.

The bed was still warm, and the room wasn't particularly cold, though the heat from the kang in her room had gone out.

Remembering her brother's instructions last night about not needing to get up too early today, Tang Li pulled another quilt over herself and turned over to continue sleeping.

Since the weather was clear, there was no need to light the kang during the day; it wouldn't be too cold, and they could save some firewood.

She dozed off again, only to be awakened later by the sound of voices in the yard outside her window.

Wei Xi and Tang Yang had already started helping feed the livestock in the backyard, each carrying a bucket of feed prepared by Tang Xu.

"Brother Xiao Xi, slow down, don't fall! I'll go feed Fatty first!"

"I know, you don't run too fast either. Watch out for the snow on the ground, don't slip."

"Got it ~~~"

Tang Li hurriedly got up from the kang, quickly dressed, and jumped out of bed without even folding the quilt, rushing outside.

Tang Xu had just come out of the kitchen and was startled to see her rushing out. "Why are you in such a hurry? Isn't there a chamber pot in your room?"

Tang Li froze, her face turning red instantly.

Realizing he had said the wrong thing, Tang Xu quickly apologized. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Ah Li, don't hold it against your brother."

Tang Li shook her head and said, "No, it's not that. I got up late. Why didn't you wake me, brother?"

"Wake you for what?" Tang Xu laughed and waved her off. "We just got up not long ago ourselves. The mixed grain porridge in the pot isn't even ready yet. Go wash up first, no need to rush."

Tang Li covered her face with her hands and went back to her room, feeling embarrassed.

Tang Xu went to the icehouse and took out three types of meat fillings, along with two fish—one for stewing in the afternoon and one for making dumplings in the evening.

"Don't we have frozen dumplings already? Why are you making fresh ones?" Wei Dong asked, puzzled.

"It's a tradition to make fresh dumplings on New Year's Eve," Tang Xu explained. "Plus, fresh dumplings taste better, and it adds to the festive atmosphere when everyone gets involved in the preparation. We'll have the frozen ones as a backup in case we run out."

"What else is there to do late at night? Are we just going to sit around doing nothing? Isn't staying up for New Year's Eve about family time? Making dumplings together, snacking, and drinking some water—it sounds pretty good," Tang Xu said as he put all the meat fillings into a bowl and took out plenty of frozen vegetables. "Lamb and carrot, beef and celery, pork and chives?"

"Sure, however you want to make them," Wei Dong agreed, standing by as Tang Xu rummaged through a box surrounded by ice blocks, unwrapping gauze packages and sniffing each one. "What are you smelling?"

"Chives. When I froze them, I wrapped them in several layers of oil paper to prevent them from getting damaged by the cold," Tang Xu explained as he unwrapped the gauze and the layers of oil paper inside, revealing finely chopped, vibrant green chives. "I'll add them to the meat filling while they're still icy so the flavor won't change when we cook them."

Wei Dong glanced at the chives Tang Xu rewrapped, thinking to himself that they could just get them out again when it was time to mix the meat fillings later. But he kept this thought to himself, knowing he'd get scolded if he said it out loud.

Tang Xu put the chives back and moved to another large box to dig out meat: frozen pork ribs, pig's feet, beef ribs, and lamb ribs.

"We'll stew a fish, make braised pork ribs with potatoes and rice, peanut pig's feet, roasted lamb ribs, braised beef ribs, stir-fried wood ear mushrooms with eggs, braised tofu, and stir-fried chicken with spices. Wait, Dad can't eat spicy food, so we'll make it five-spice flavored instead. And a cucumber salad," he finished listing and turned to look at his husband.

Wei Dong gulped hard. "Sounds great, really great."

With that menu, he could eat a whole pot of rice!

The next chapter will be the last update and I will resume my usual update schedule. Thanks again Moo!

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  1. thank you for the update.. and thank you moo.. ❤️💐🐾


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