It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 57


IETSTSMLARA | The Charming Substitute | 57

"Then shall I have people move your things over?" Lin Su asked softly.

Lin Qingtang didn’t answer. Lin Su kissed his cheek and said, "If you don't answer, I'll take it as a yes."

"Young master..." Lin Qingtang's voice was wet and obviously still shy.

Lin Su, however, was quick and efficient. He mentioned it during the day, and by evening, all of Lin Qingtang's belongings had already been moved over. It was Xi Kang who handled the arrangements.

Now that he had confirmed their relationship and taken on the role of a steward, Xi Kang was perceptive and knew Lin Qingtang’s importance in Lin Su's heart. He didn't dare slack off in the slightest. Those who dared to gossip were all punished, making Lin Qingtang's life in the manor much more comfortable.

Lin Su had to attend court, so even though Lin Qingtang was shy, he carefully arranged his belongings and even bathed with flower petals.

Although the young master didn’t touch him, sharing a bed naturally required him to be clean everywhere.

With steam rising and the fragrance of flowers in the air, Lin Qingtang grabbed a handful of petals and rubbed them on his arm. Afterward, he sniffed to ensure there was a faint fragrance, then used his hand to wipe his face.

His face was either flushed from the steam or from shyness. In any case, he felt both ashamed of his actions and eager to do them.

The sound of the water splashing covered the faint noise of the door being pushed open, so Lin Qingtang didn't hear it clearly. 

When Lin Su entered the room, he had already been informed by the servants that Lin Qingtang had been bathing for almost half an hour.

Deliberately lightening his footsteps, Lin Su walked around the screen without disturbing the person bathing. 

Amidst the steam, the young man's slender frame was visible, with water droplets trailing down his back, making his skin look rosy and translucent as if the color of the petals had seeped into it.

Lin Qingtang loved beauty. Since being with Lin Su, he paid even more attention to perfecting every part of himself. He washed his hair with sesame leaves, making it glossy and black. He avoided going out in the sun at dawn and carried an umbrella when he did. 

As for his skin, although some cosmetics of this era were good, none were as effective as the ointments Lin Su personally prepared. Lin Qingtang used them daily, becoming more and more beautiful.

Men are prone to lust, and Lin Qingtang didn’t exempt Lin Su from this, understanding why he was so attentive—his affection for Lin Su was evident. Since he loved Lin Su, he supported this attention to detail, knowing that a love for beauty wasn't exclusive to women.

Finally, Lin Qingtang finished grooming himself. He took a deep breath and turned around, only to see the man who had been spying on him through the mist. Instinctively, he submerged himself in the water, his eyes moist from the steam. “Young master! Why, why are you here?!”

“I’m here to take a look,” Lin Su responded quite openly, straightening from his position leaning against the screen.

“A gentleman should not look at anything inappropriate...” Lin Qingtang’s lips trembled. He didn’t know whether to reprimand him or to feel shy, his thoughts tangled to the point he wanted to splash the water.

“A gentleman wouldn’t have such a privilege,” Lin Su said, pulling Lin Qingtang by the wrist to bring him closer. “Then I won’t be a gentleman anymore. Being a scoundrel for my little Lin Qingtang is just as good.”

“Then wouldn’t I be leading you astray?” Lin Qingtang’s voice was tinged with softness.

Lin Su smiled and said, “It’s not the beauty’s fault; it’s my fault for having such desires and not being able to control myself.”

His words resonated deeply, making Lin Qingtang feel a tingling sensation from his palms to his feet, and then to his heart. He looked up and said, “Young master, can you...”

Kiss me.

Before he could finish his sentence, Lin Su had already embraced him and kissed him on the lips, not caring that his clothes were getting wet, behaving unlike a proper gentleman.

After the kiss, Lin Qingtang’s chest heaved as he submerged himself in the water again, leaving only his mouth above the surface. “Young master, you should go change your clothes. I’ll come out in a moment.”

After saying this, he submerged his mouth as well, leaving only his eyes above the water, blinking at Lin Su.

Lin Su took off his outer robe and wrung it dry, not staying any longer. He simply smiled and reminded Lin Qingtang, “Don’t choke on the water. Come out soon.”

Lin Su turned and left. Lin Qingtang raised his head from the water, touching his lips in a daze.

He used to hate doing anything related to men in the brothel, terrified at just the mention of it. But now, just a kiss made him yearn. It wasn't men he hated, but strangers he didn’t care for.

With the young master, he was willing a thousand times over, even if it was painful and even if it meant rivers of blood would flow, he would be willing to do it as the teachings said.

Unfortunately, the young master could never engage in such acts with others in this lifetime. But even so, Lin Qingtang was content with what they had.

Lin Qingtang stepped out of the bath and put on a thin garment. When he turned past the screen, he saw Lin Su sitting on the bed, reading a book, waiting for him.

Even though nothing would happen, Lin Qingtang still felt extremely nervous. He took a deep breath, trying to appear calm as he walked over and said, “Young master, you’ve had a long day. What book are you reading?”

Lin Su looked up and smiled, asking, “Curious?”

Lin Qingtang wasn’t actually curious about the book's content. He was just trying to make conversation. But now he had to continue, “Yes, I’m curious about what book could captivate you so.”

“You sound like you’re jealous of this book,” Lin Su said, leaning forward to pull him into his arms.

Lin Qingtang blushed and said, “I... didn’t mean that.”

“If you want to see it, let’s look at it together.” Lin Su opened the book in front of him. The cover was proper, labeled as a travelogue, but inside, the illustrations were vivid and detailed, even in color, far more exquisite than anything Lin Qingtang had seen in the brothel.

Lin Su’s demeanor remained calm, as if he were reading a historical text. Even if someone else saw it, they’d think he was studious. But Lin Qingtang was extremely uncomfortable. “Why... why is it this kind of book?! This...”

“Xi Kang bought it to show his respect. He’s married now, and his wise wife has taught him a thing or two, making him more experienced.” Lin Su scratched Lin Qingtang’s chin. “Have you never seen such a picture book before? I recall you mentioning seeing erotic art before…”

Lin Qingtang quickly covered Lin Su’s mouth, the fragrance of flowers evident from his half-hour bath. Blushing deeply, Lin Qingtang said, “Please, don’t say any more!”

If Lin Su continued, Lin Qingtang would turn as red as a boiled crab.

Though the young master appeared elegant and proper, he showed no scholarly restraint when speaking of such things.

“Alright, I won’t say more. Let’s do it instead.” Lin Su pulled Lin Qingtang’s wrist, drew the bed curtains, and held him close, lying down together. “I planned to wait until I achieved great merit and asked the emperor for permission to marry you. Who knew our Lin Qingtang would be so eager?”

“You... you are the one who…” Lin Qingtang’s protest was cut off.

The book was thrown unceremoniously to the floor, its pages splayed open, if anyone were to witness this, he would be criticized as unworthy as a scholar.

Though they went to bed together, they didn’t just sleep innocently. 

When Lin Qingtang woke up, he winced slightly, feeling a soreness in his waist that made it feel like it wasn’t his own.

A warm hand gently massaged his waist, providing some relief.

Hmm? Just one hand.

Lin Qingtang opened his eyes, staring blankly at the man lying beside him. Instinctively, he called out, “Young master…”

“Hmm,” Lin Su responded lazily, like a satiated beast.

Lin Qingtang’s ears twitched, fragments of memories flashing through his mind. He realized he was lying on Lin Su’s arm. “We... But young master, aren’t you supposed to be… incapable?”

Lin Su raised an eyebrow. “When did I ever say I was incapable?”

Lin Qingtang was confused. “Didn’t you say you had... an illness?”

“I recall saying my illness prevents me from being with women, but it’s no issue with men,” Lin Su replied innocently. “Next time, little Lin Qingtang, make sure you listen to everything I say. If you regret it, you’ll only have yourself to blame.”

Lin Qingtang didn’t really regret it; he just felt that his seemingly proper young master had done it on purpose. “You said before that your words couldn’t be entirely trusted. Was that for this moment?”

“Little Lin Qingtang is so clever, your mind works very quickly,” Lin Su praised with a smile.

Annoyed, Lin Qingtang slapped his chest lightly. “How can you be like this?!”

Lin Su grasped his hand and said directly, “I was wrong. Be careful, or your hand will hurt from hitting me so hard.”

Lin Qingtang, unable to vent his anger, found himself swallowing a bellyful of sweet words. “Then why didn’t you explain earlier when I misunderstood? I suffered from misunderstandings for so long in vain."

His tone was soft, the anger from before completely gone.

Lin Su held him in his arms, patting his back. “I don’t mind if others misunderstand and keep their distance. As long as it’s you little Lin Qingtang, I don’t mind, that’s enough for me.”

“How could I ever mind, young master?” Lin Qingtang whispered, leaning into his embrace. “But I am a greedy person. Before, I thought just being with you was enough. Even if you married and had children, I could watch from afar. But now, if you want to marry and have children, it won’t be possible. If that day comes…”

He hesitated, looking up at Lin Su’s encouraging gaze, then bit his lip and said, “If that day comes, we will perish together.”

“Perishing together is not an option,” Lin Su said, lifting Lin Qingtang’s chin with a playful smile. “But being greedy for more is. Yesterday, we did it just twice. Today, you might want it three times. Tomorrow, maybe four. At thirty, like a wolf; at forty, like a tiger; at fifty…”

“Young master!!!” Lin Qingtang sat up and started hitting him in genuine embarrassment and anger. “That’s not what being greedy means!”

This man was truly bad.

When they finally got out of bed, the sun was already high in the sky. Lin Qingtang then learned that Lin Su had taken leave from work the previous day.

And he had the nerve to call him impatient. Lin Su had clearly been planning this.

“Are you upset? Don’t be. How about after the palace examination results are announced, I take you horseback riding outside the city?” Lin Su coaxed.

Among the six arts of a gentleman, riding and archery were essential. Lin Su excelled at riding, whereas Lin Qingtang struggled with it, just as he had initially struggled with painting.

Despite his soft exterior, Lin Qingtang was determined and tenacious. He had already achieved a level of painting skill comparable to Lin Su’s, earning respect from scholars. Naturally, he wouldn’t give up on horseback riding due to initial difficulties.

“Alright.” Lin Qingtang brightened up.

Learning to ride in the city was inconvenient compared to the open countryside. The thought of riding side by side with Lin Su one day was exhilarating.

The imperial examination was approaching. Before the palace examination results were announced, the Lin family arrived in the capital. Lin Su went to greet them, displaying his filial piety for ten miles from the city gate, leaving no room for criticism.

Lin Su’s father alighted from the carriage, barely recognizing his son. The son he remembered was silent and eccentric. Despite Lin Su’s success in becoming the top scholar, his father had attributed it to sheer luck.

Seeing him now, if they were on the street, he wouldn’t have recognized this elegant and refined gentleman as his son. “You’ve changed a lot.”

“It’s thanks to His Majesty’s guidance and the mutual influence of my colleagues,” Lin Su replied with a smile.

His stepmother also got off the carriage and shared Lin Su’s father’s sentiments. “Zhi Yuan, you look like an important official now.”

“Mother, be cautious with your words. There are many officials in the capital more capable than me. Even if not for my sake, you should consider Wang’er’s future. If he attracts dislike before even passing the imperial examinations, it will cause trouble later,” Lin Su gently reminded.

His stepbrother, Lin Wang, was only fifteen and had not yet passed the provincial examination. 

Although Lin Su’s stepmother knew her son would eventually inherit the family estate, she couldn’t help her habitual need to make snide remarks when she saw Lin Su.

“Elder brother.” Lin Wang, despite his young age, showed proper manners and respect, his actions far more considerate than his mother’s.

Lin Su nodded and said, "This is not the place to talk. Let's discuss further once Father has settled at home."

The group boarded the carriage. When they arrived at the Lin family residence, Lin Qingtang came out to greet them. “Young master, you’re back.”

Stepping off the carriage, Lin Su’s stepmother, who had never met Lin Qingtang, made a courteous comment, “Zhi Yuan, which official’s family does this handsome young man belong to? He looks quite charming.”

Lin Su’s father, however, had seen Lin Qingtang before. Observing their close behavior and their lack of concern for others' opinions, he wanted to comment but, recalling his son’s condition, merely said sternly, “This is no young master from an official’s family. He is someone from Zhi Yuan’s courtyard.”

“Greetings, Master, Madam.” Lin Qingtang took a deep breath and bowed properly, neither too shy nor too proud. “I am Qing Tang. I have taken the young master’s surname, and I’m called Lin Qingtang.”

Lin Su’s stepmother caught the implication in Lin Su’s father’s words, her expression shifting. She coughed and said, “So, he’s just a servant. Talking like he’s something more, really...”

She met Lin Su’s gaze and swallowed the rest of her words.

The group entered the expansive Lin family mansion, which had five courtyards. Inside, tea and meals were already prepared. 

Lin Qingtang smiled and said, “Master, Madam, you must be tired from the journey. Please wash up and have some food.”

Lin Su’s stepmother, feeling intimidated by Lin Su’s cold glance earlier, didn’t dare address him directly. She directed her displeasure at Lin Qingtang instead, “You’re just a servant. How dare you manage the affairs of the household?”

Lin Qingtang’s fingers tightened, ready to respond, but Lin Su placed a hand on his shoulder and coldly said, “Mother, you seem to have grown quite bold.”

The welcoming smile Lin Su had outside vanished, his eyes making his stepmother feel a chill down her spine. She stammered, “I wasn’t wrong in what I said...”

“Mother, you are mistaken. Lin Qingtang manages the household affairs not as a mere steward, but as the head mistress,” Lin Su stated directly. “Though he has no official title now, in my heart, he is my wife. When I achieve further merits, I will petition His Majesty to bestow upon him the title of my spouse. I hope Mother understands.”

“How can a man be a wife?!” Lin Su’s father slammed the table. “Heaven and earth are divided into yin and yang. Only yin and yang together are harmonious. Two yang together will overflow and cause ruin!”

Lin Su sneered. “Father, that’s an interesting perspective. Ask around and see which family’s daughter would be willing to marry a eunuch. Even if someone is willing, she would inherit my estates and properties, leaving nothing for my brother.”

Lin Wang, standing nearby and still shocked about Lin Su and Lin Qingtang’s relationship, heard this and interjected, “Father, Mother, please calm down. Brother’s situation is unfortunate. Father, you are compassionate and wouldn’t want Brother to live a lonely life without anyone to rely on. Though I am his brother, I will eventually marry in the future and won’t always be around to take care of him.”

“Wang’er is indeed sensible.” Lin Su wrapped an arm around Lin Qingtang’s shoulders. “Father speaks of yin and yang. Now, I am yin and he is yang; we complement each other. It is a son’s duty to support his parents, but if staying in my house causes you discomfort, then you will have to move out. This residence was bestowed upon me by the Emperor, and I cannot leave it. My duty to the Emperor is important to follow. Please wash up and eat something to rest. I will take my leave now.”

“You!” Lin Su’s father was furious.

His stepmother turned pale. If they were truly forced out, their reputation would be in tatters. “What should we do now? That person is just a male prostitute.”

“He can have a man if he wants, but to call him a wife? If people find out that our family accepted a male prostitute as a spouse, we would lose all face!” Lin Su’s father angrily threw a cup, smashing it.

Lin Su led Lin Qingtang away. As they turned a corner, they saw the fragments of the cup fly out. 

Lin Qingtang instinctively shivered. Once they were out of the courtyard, he sighed and said, “I’ve caused you trouble, young master.”

Lin Su gently squeezed Lin Qingtang’s shoulder. “Don’t say that. You are my chosen companion, and I will protect you. They will come to understand in time.”

Lin Qingtang looked up at him, eyes filled with gratitude and determination. “I will do my best to support you, no matter what.”

Lin Su smiled warmly. “That’s all I ask.”

Lin Qingtang's origins were a source of shame, no matter how well he had masked it with his literary skills, music, and mastery of the six arts of a gentleman. Even common families would consider his past disgraceful, let alone an official’s household.

“How could you choose your birth?” Lin Su’s face showed no anger. He flicked Lin Qingtang’s forehead gently. “If they were in your position, they might not have fared as well as you.”

“What should we do now?” Lin Qingtang, seeing that Lin Su was not angry, felt reassured and calmed down. He had faced many insults and hardships in the past without shedding a tear. 

Now that he had what he desired, he was not concerned with the opinions of insignificant people, even if they were Lin Su’s parents.

“We just need to maintain appearances. You will continue to manage the household affairs. If my stepmother asks anything of you, feel free to ignore her. See her if you wish, or not if you desire. If you ever feel wronged, just let me know.” Lin Su held his hand as they walked through the courtyard, unconcerned about being seen.

The servants, already accustomed to their master’s behavior, lowered their heads and continued with their tasks, making no comment.

Lin Su, noticing Lin Qingtang’s lack of response, turned to find him looking at him with admiration. He chuckled, “What are you looking at?”

“Though you were born into a better family, your circumstances were also difficult. If you were in my position, you would have found a way to rescue yourself without anyone’s help. You are my role model,” Lin Qingtang said with a smile.

Lin Su paused. If he had been in Lin Qingtang’s position, he would have likely avoided such hardships by changing his identity and starting anew elsewhere. But Lin Qingtang had not been as resourceful. 

Thinking about the past, Lin Su said, “If you were still in that situation, you could have used your talents to buy your freedom without selling your body.”

"Lin Qingtang is able to have these current skills thanks to you," Lin Qingtang said with a smile. 

"Young master must be tired today. Shall I go back and give you a shoulder massage to relieve your fatigue?"

"Little Lin Qingtang is already so virtuous even before becoming the official mistress. If you truly marry me, my life will be complete," Lin Su teased, lightly touching his nose.

Lin Qingtang smiled and followed behind him, "Actually, it's enough now. You don't need to trouble the emperor with my matters and give the world more gossip. As long as you consider me your wife, then I am your wife."

Lin Su smiled, "Haven't you always claimed to be greedy and insatiable? Don't retreat on this matter, and don't worry. You are my wife in my heart, but to let the world recognize you as my wife, you need to be in that position, rightfully so, without any criticism. 

Throughout history, the notion of favoring concubines over wives arises from personal bias. What the heart acknowledges doesn't count. You know men say beautiful promises but don't always fulfill them. Don't just listen with your ears; see with your eyes. I mean what I say."

His words, though light and devoid of grand vows, struck Lin Qingtang deeply.

Lin Qingtang had read many stories and knew of misplaced affections. He'd heard tales of lovers who fell out of love after marriage. But Lin Su was different. He might say teasing things, but he rarely made promises, and when he did, they were promises he kept.

What made Lin Qingtang fall for Lin Su was not just his words, though they made his heart race. 

From the start, he admired what Lin Su did. Even when they sat silently together, just looking at Lin Su made Lin Qingtang feel content.

"Then I'll watch," Lin Qingtang stood still, watching Lin Su's retreating figure. He took a few quick steps to catch up and held his hand.

After the palace examination, new members were added to the Hanlin Academy. Those who entered the Hanlin Academy with Lin Su before had to wait for another round of examinations before being assigned to various positions in the court, widening the gap between them and Lin Su's official rank.

Though the court was being replenished, Emperor Zhao Yang was still not entirely satisfied. "The newly appointed officials are inexperienced. While they submit memorials daily expressing concerns for the country and the people, their proposals are often lacking in practicality. If only they were all like Minister Lin," he remarked.

"If they were all like me, Your Majesty would have a headache," Lin Su replied respectfully.

System 06 nodded repeatedly: 【He will definitely would lose the throne.】

 The host for a thousand years was indeed a seasoned old fox. If the entire court consisted of hosts like Lin Su, the original world would be in chaos.

Emperor Zhao Yang also felt one Lin Su was enough. "Minister Lin speaks wisely," he agreed.

"Indeed," Lin Su said calmly, "while the newcomers may be inexperienced, they are receptive to Your Majesty's guidance. With more experience in the future, they will naturally be able to handle matters competently. Your Majesty need not worry."

"It's always refreshing to speak with Minister Lin. Perhaps I should let Minister Lin handle the task of training them," Emperor Zhao Yang joked.

Lin Su bowed respectfully, "I dare not take on such a task. Leading a clique would only sow discord. If others were to follow suit, it would be my fault."

It wasn't a desirable task. Whether he succeeded or failed, there would be criticism. It was a thankless job, and Lin Su naturally sought to refuse it.

Emperor Zhao Yang had been in the court with him for three years. While he hadn't completely figured out Lin Su, he knew he was extremely intelligent. 

Even without holding an official position, Lin Su could live very comfortably. Not every official was as knowledgeable about agriculture and irrigation. Just by examining a handful of soil, Lin Su could determine the cause of drought.

If Lin Su wanted power, Emperor Zhao Yang would grant it, but Lin Su clearly didn't have a strong desire for wealth and power. He held his current position not out of loyalty to the country, but because it allowed him to live comfortably and shielded him from talking to scholars.

"I believe in you," Emperor Zhao Yang said.

Lin Su, genuinely apprehensive, replied, "Your Majesty, I do not believe in myself."

"Oh? If Minister Lin is incompetent, how did you come to hold such an important position?" Emperor Zhao Yang threatened.

Lin Su knelt down and said, "If Your Majesty wishes to punish me, I will accept it."

Emperor Zhao Yang had been considering appointing him as Minister of the Household, as once Lin Su took charge of the household, he would no longer feel financially strained. It was the perfect time to spend money. 

How could he bear to demote Lin Su? 

"Minister Lin, you jest. Am I a tyrant who arbitrarily demotes people without reason? You simply wish to give your family member a legitimate status, correct? If you can achieve this, I will pardon his past, abolish his lowly status, and allow him to participate in the imperial examinations. How does that sound?"

For many enslaved individuals, struggling to escape servitude was a lifelong endeavor. After all, unless an enslaved person performed great deeds during times of turmoil or had powerful officials vouch for them, receiving a pardon from the emperor was as difficult as ascending to heaven.

Lin Su expressed his gratitude, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your grace. I will do my utmost and will not dare to be negligent."

His attitude was resolute, without a trace of hesitation or doubt from before. All talk of cliques and leading roles seemed like jests now.

As Lin Su left, Emperor Zhao Yang felt a bit uneasy. "Do you think he was planning this from the beginning?"

The eunuch attendant beside him chuckled, "Your Majesty, you were the one who agreed to it first."

"He's doing all this for that person in his family, called... Lin Qingtang, right?" Emperor Zhao Yang rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "He seems to be quite infatuated. I wonder how attractive this Lin Qingtang is. Have you met him before? What kind of person is he?" 

The eunuch attendant reminisced and chuckled, "He's quite an extraordinary individual. In terms of appearance, he bears a striking resemblance to the previous commoner, Qi Qingyi, but with a different charm. Although he comes from a humble background, his character is excellent, and he excels in the arts of music, chess, calligraphy, and painting, not inferior to Qi Qingyi."

"Is that so?" Emperor Zhao Yang became curious. "Wasn’t he born in a brothel? Do they teach such skills there?"

"You jest, Your Majesty," the eunuch attendant chuckled. "It's Lord Lin who taught him, after all. You've praised Lord Lin's calligraphy and painting skills as top-notch. Achieving even a fraction of his proficiency is already outstanding."

"In that case, if this person can enter the court in the future, he would indeed be worth meeting," Emperor Zhao Yang mused for a moment, then smiled. "Well, love is blind after all."

An infatuated man, without heirs of his own, and with a stepmother who was no easy character but had great wealth, could be used by him. 

Lin Su was a clever man who knew how to reassure him, and by entrusting him with this, it saved Emperor Zhao Yang some worry.

Within the capital, there was also the National Academy. Emperor Zhao Yang specially allowed Lin Su to teach there. Once classes began, newly appointed officials and scholars who had just entered the Hanlin Academy were very enthusiastic. 

Even the veteran officials were curious about how Lin Su had won the emperor's favor and ascended so quickly.

Since Lin Su had agreed to Emperor Zhao Yang's terms and conditions, he naturally had to do his best to ensure everything was done properly. Otherwise, as Deputy Minister of the Household, he would constantly have to overstep his authority to solve various issues for the other departments.

"The way of being an official lies in loyalty and patriotism," Lin Su spoke calmly. "As for what constitutes loyalty and patriotism, it means relieving Your Majesty's worries and addressing the people's suffering in practical ways, rather than just empty words. It means understanding all aspects of taxation and finances..."

For scholars to hold positions in government, they should not only be proficient in classical literature and writing eloquent essays but also be knowledgeable in practical matters. 

However, without guidance, they might think that forming cliques and accusing others would lead to rapid advancement, unaware that they were on the wrong path.

Of course, being able to speak skillfully was also crucial. Even though something might be beneficial in itself, if it was misunderstood or disliked due to verbal missteps, it could turn into a negative. 

Lin Su understood this well but prioritized solving Emperor Zhao Yang's worries. Therefore, he aimed to instill in the newly appointed officials the principle of speaking less and showing more action.

At the outset of his lectures, there were always dissenting voices: "Lord Lin talks about understanding business practices in managing the Ministry of Revenue. But isn't commerce beneath us scholars? Doesn't this tarnish our refined demeanor?"

"Though commerce may be considered inferior, it is still a vital aspect of the lives of the common people. Among scholars, farmers, artisans, and merchants, scholars are considered the highest, but if we don't even understand the simplest things known to the lowest, how can we claim to understand them or presume to lead them?" Lin Su explained calmly. "If you don't understand this, then you don't realize how some unscrupulous merchants evade taxes, depleting the royal treasury. Would you rather rely solely on punitive measures, without considering the manpower, resources, and time it would consume, causing distress to His Majesty?"

"If we're expected to learn such things, why not just let those people become officials? Why bother enduring years of study and acquiring scholarly knowledge that seems unnecessary now?" someone else questioned.

Lin Su replied once more, "Scholarly knowledge enables you to stand out among scholars, exuding grace and dignity in every action, garnering respect from the people. Literature and scholarship refine one's character, distinguishing your conduct from others'. If someone who hasn't studied were to come here, they might not understand what I'm saying today. Imagine if they wore their shoes and socks casually or lounged about disrespectfully during my lectures, indulging in food and drink, speaking vulgarly. Wouldn't that be a subject of ridicule?"

There was a subdued laughter among the students, indicating their agreement.

"There are rumors that Lord Lin has... a certain illness. Is this action meant to set an example for scholars across the realm? Do you think it might hinder the propagation of offspring?" someone ventured to ask. "Wouldn't it be better for one to be devoted solely to the pursuit of literary knowledge?"

"As long as one is dedicated and sincere, what difference does it make whether it's a man or a woman? Are we suggesting that without such inclinations, one cannot bear offspring?" Lin Su responded without anger.

Due to the influence of the times and education, some beliefs and customs ingrained from childhood are hard to change. Unlike Lin Su, who has had diverse experiences, encountering various species forming partnerships, he simply focused on his own path. 

There was no need to concern himself with the unconventional behaviors of others.

After concluding his lecture, as Lin Su stepped out of the National Academy, he spotted the Lin Family's carriage waiting at the entrance. Just as he glanced over, Lin Qingtang lifted the carriage curtain and waved to him, "Young Master."

Some of the newly appointed officials were unfamiliar with him, while others had seen Qi Qingyi before and remarked as they followed behind Lin Su, "He really does resemble him."

"In my opinion, he doesn't. Have you ever seen him smile like he does? If he were indeed a woman, I would certainly..."

"What would you do? He already has Lord Lin. Where would he find interest in you?"

Although they were discussing, their words showed respect for Lin Su. In the past, they had always considered high-ranking officials to be aloof and capable of dismissing them with a word. 

Lin Su, on the other hand, was approachable. Even when their opinions differed, he would calmly clarify rather than erupt in anger and rebuke them for being presumptions.

"If we could have Lord Lin as our teacher before the imperial examinations, maybe some of us could make it into the top ranks," one of the aspiring scholars remarked.

"In that case, you can go and ask him to be your teacher now, and then try your luck in the exams again," someone teased.

"I think I'll pass."

Regardless of their scholarly pursuits, enduring the hardships of the imperial examinations for nine days was something they were not eager to experience again.

As they boarded the carriage, Lin Qingtang first handed Lin Su a cup of cooling tea and smiled, "You've worked hard these past few days, Young Master."

"The carriage is indeed cool," Lin Su remarked after settling in.

Lin Qingtang smiled and replied, "I followed your instructions and added ice to the carriage, and the walls have been thickened. I also calculated the time of your departure from the office."

"Why didn't you stay at the mansion? Wouldn't it be more comfortable there?" Lin Su asked, setting down the cup.

Lin Qingtang shifted closer, sitting beside him, and ran his hand along Lin Su's cheek. "I just touched that vase with the ice. Is it cold?"

His fingers were cool like jade, and Lin Su grabbed his hand and held it in his palm. "Did she scold you again?"

Since Lin's father's promotion to the capital, his stepmother had initially been docile. However, in recent days, she seemed to feel that Lin Su would rely on her son in the future, as he had no heirs of his own. 

Consequently, she had become increasingly arrogant. Lin Su had been too busy with his affairs to pay much attention to her, almost as if he were indulging her behavior.

"It's not a big deal, really. Which mother-in-law doesn't nag her daughter-in-law a bit? It's nothing serious," Lin Qingtang said, leaning against his arm. "Can't I just come because I miss you?"

Women in this era had a hard time. Once they became mothers-in-law, they often liked to give a hard time to their new daughters-in-law, as if they were venting their past frustrations.

If his stepmother had been his biological mother or had treated him well in his past life, Lin Su would have shown her more respect. However, since she always found fault with him over trivial matters, he couldn't be blamed for retaliating.

"If you consider yourself my wife, then I can't let you suffer," Lin Su knew that Lin Qingtang couldn't directly confront his stepmother due to his current status. However, this issue would need to be addressed sooner or later. A verbal warning had proved ineffective, so he would have to resort to other means.

After Lin Su decided to take action and within two days, Lin Wang was thrown into prison for causing trouble while intoxicated. When Lin's father went to see him, he was refused entry. The commotion caused quite a scene in the Lin household.

"Why was he thrown into prison? Our son never drinks. Father, you must save our son!" Lin's stepmother wailed, but Lin's father, lacking real power, felt helpless.

Lin Wang was the legitimate son, and even Lin's father felt ashamed to ask Lin Su for help. "Zhi Yuan, now that your younger brother is in trouble, could you lend a hand?"

"I can't interfere with the Ministry of Justice's affairs. If I were to meddle and the censors reported it, my official position would be in jeopardy," Lin Su replied with a smile after bowing respectfully.

The stepmother's eyes welled up with tears, clearly feeling genuinely anxious. "Is it really that serious? He just drank and got into a fight. Can't we turn a blind eye to it?"

"Whose face are we turning a blind eye to? Your mother's?" Lin Su replied calmly.

The stepmother looked at him in confusion, then glanced at Lin's father. "Master..."

"If you're asking for my father's help, why bother coming to me?" Lin Su lifted his teacup. "Send my parents back. It's just a few days in prison; they won't hurt him that much."

His words were casual, as if it weren't his own younger brother in trouble. Lin's father took a deep breath. "Zhi Yuan, do you still consider Wang’er as your real brother? While your stepmother may not be related to you, Wang’er is still your kin. He has never disobeyed you as his elder brother. Why are you treating him like this..."

"If you're asking for help, you should show some humility," Lin Su smiled. "Even if you accuse me of being unfilial, you'll need evidence. But if you do accuse me, I'll have Lin Wang's fingers chopped off. How do you think he'll be able to hold a pen and pass the civil service examination then?"

His words were chillingly cold, far from what Lin's father, a typical literary man, was accustomed to. 

The stepmother spat out, "Are you saying you sent Wang’er to prison yourself?!"

"Yes," Lin Su admitted frankly. "If my mother makes me uncomfortable, I'll make you uncomfortable too."

"What do you mean?" The stepmother asked, sounding nervous.

"You know exactly what I mean. Although Lin Qingtang's background is humble, I've recognized him as my wife. If he's happy, I'm happy. If he's not, then neither am I. If you were a good mother, even if it were just superficial, I wouldn't interfere, even if you hosted parties and put on airs. But you just had to find fault with Lin Qingtang, just like you used to with me."

"You're doing all this for a mere prostitute?!" Lin's father's face turned red with disbelief.

Lin Su remained indifferent, smiling as he replied, "If you look down on brothel workers, I can send my mother to stay there for a couple of days. I'm sure you'll get used to it. Don't worry, I'll handle it naturally and make it seem like a coincidence. I won't leave any evidence behind. By then, you might not want to divorce your wife, but you'll have to."

Lin's father trembled with anger. "Do you still have any of the demeanor of a scholar left?!"

"No, why would I need that?" Lin Su sneered. He stood up, walked over to the stepmother, and grabbed her neck, lifting her up in front of him. "My patience with you is running thin. I'll be honest with you. I'm not impotent; I'm just not interested in women. So I lied. I actually intend to pass on my wealth to future generations of the Lin family for a hundred years.

 If you were smart, you would have tried to please me and make me comfortable. Then, if Wang’er enters the court in the future, I would have to show him favor based on our blood ties and ensure the future prosperity of the Lin family. But if you make me unhappy again, who knows when someone might make a careless mistake and Wang’er really becomes incapable of bearing children. Then, in a hundred years, I'll have to pass on my wealth to other Lin family members."

After finishing his speech, Lin Su released his grip and watched as the stepmother shrank back in her chair. He bowed politely, wearing a scholarly smile. "Mother, do you understand now?"

His smile seemed genuine, but his expression changed so quickly. The stepmother had never been confronted like this before, and she instinctively retreated a bit. She forced a smile and said, "Mother understands Zhi Yuan's intentions. It's just... Wang’er."

"Since mother understands. He'll be back tomorrow, and Zhi Yuan will ensure his safety," Lin Su said with a smile as he took out a bottle. "I have some excellent healing ointment here. Mother, apply some to avoid raising any suspicions."

"Yes, yes," the stepmother took the bottle without even looking at it and quickly applied it to her neck.

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