The Gentle Man Next Door is a Rabbit - 75



In the end, Ye Ye still got that beating and finally behaved, no longer rolling around on the balcony.

That day, Xu Mu received a collaboration invitation. Negotiations were nearing the end, and he secured a promotional advertisement contract, along with a long-term streaming partnership with "Extreme Mech Wars."

In the next two years, he would be required to stream a certain number of hours while promoting the game. During this period, he would not be allowed to stream competing games.

【It's over, Brother Xu has been corrupted by PQ's money. His homepage background has changed to "Extreme Mech Wars."】

【Extreme Mech fans are ecstatic. I'm settling here for good.】

【Damn, Brother Xu is still in college, and he's already financially free...】

【I was worried that my Brother Xu is living a tough life, but also worried that he's living too well.】

【Brother, you've even put the logo in your avatar. Are you going to stream all the time except when sleeping?】

【Whoa, brother, do you love it that much?】

【Love it to death. Mainly because his strategies and explanations are simple and easy to understand. Practice a bit, and your performance will skyrocket.】

【...Indeed, it's strangely fitting.】

【It must be talent. Some people really can perfectly exploit bugs in games.】

Xu Mu finished his last game of the day and rubbed his aching temples.

"Alright, that's enough for today," he said. "There's about half an hour left for chatting. Should we connect with someone or just chat casually?"

【Let's just chat casually. It's pretty late; some chit-chat before bed sounds good.】

【Brother Xu, you're streaming really late tonight. That's rare.】

【It's almost the prayer festival. Will you stream during the ten-day holiday?】

【...No way, he's not that dedicated.】

"Mainly because there’s nothing else to do tonight, so I might as well start streaming," Xu Mu said, taking a sip of water and setting down his cup.

"I won't be streaming during the prayer festival; I have some matters to attend to. I'll post a notice when the time comes."

The prayer festival in this world held a similar significance to the Spring Festival.

Xu Mu planned to go home with Bai Nian for the prayer festival and visit his uncle and aunt.

To be honest, he was quite nervous.

Although there was still half a month left, he had already started preparing and would think about it whenever he had some free time.

【Brother Xu, you're slacking off.】

【Tsk tsk, I'm very disappointed in you. Do you know that CC next door, a big streamer like him, plans to only take three days off for the prayer festival?】

【Wow, that's intense.】

【A hard worker.】

【...He hasn't ended the stream yet (I just joined).】

【Brother Xu, aren't you spending time with your boyfriend tonight?】

【Yeah, you used to be so clingy to him.】

【Hahaha, yeah, exactly.】

Evenings were usually the liveliest times for streaming, especially late at night, but Xu Mu had basically given up on this time slot.

Whenever someone in the chat asked, he said he wanted to sleep early and wake up early.

But several times, he hastily ended the stream because there was commotion outside, with a somewhat unclear male voice calling Xu Mu to come eat.

People started teasing him.

【Forget your friends when you see a beauty, huh?】

【You'll just disappear once you've made enough money, won't you?】

【Alright, alright, buddy, I keep you in my heart, and you keep us in your pocket.】

【It’s all just excuses; you're just going to spend time with your boyfriend.】

【Exactly, every time he leaves, he's all smiles, bringing along his little wave.】

【Hahaha, really? Did anyone record it?】

【Tsk, it's true, he's so mysterious.】

Xu Mu toyed with the desktop's bobblehead and casually replied, "He's been working overtime lately, and the prayer festival is approaching, so he's quite busy."

【No wonder.】

【He probably finds his bed too cold during the winter, that's why he comes to chat with us.】

【So, Brother Xu's boyfriend is already working?】

"Yeah," Xu Mu swiped the screen. "Is there any game or something else you guys want to talk about? Why is everyone talking about me?"

【Gossip is human nature.】

【How long have you and your boyfriend been dating?】

【Is your boyfriend really gentle? I heard him quite clearly once, his tone was really soft.】

【When are you going to show your face...】

【Tell us about you and your boyfriend's story.】

【Agreed, you listen to our gossip every day, you should share some of your own.】

【Hurry up, Wheat Bran is the key to traffic in the gaming section, don't you understand how to make money!!!】

Xu Mu felt a headache coming on. "Alright, that's enough. Isn't the stories from the stream room entertaining enough for you?"

【Not enough】

【We want to hear stories from someone we know】

【Sending 'Romantic Encounter' x99】

【Sending 'Destined Love' x99】


The screen was filled with gift effects, all in sweet pink.

Xu Mu: "..."

He massaged his forehead. "Thank you for the gifts, but..."

【Tell us tell us】

【Hurry up, if you're a man, don't hesitate】

【Wait a minute, although Brother Xu usually has a sharp tongue and is a bit taciturn, he's basically always streaming, even on holidays. If he's not streaming at all during this prayer festival, could it be because he's going to meet his boyfriend's parents?】


【It's possible】

【Things are moving fast】

【Well, they're living together, so it's not that fast, right?】

【Look, he's not denying it, it's probably true】

【If it's true, I bet he's been nervous this whole time hahaha】

【...I, who plan to meet my girlfriend's parents during the prayer festival, but I was struck down on my knees】


The chat room was abuzz with chatter. Seeing Xu Mu remaining silent only made them more convinced. They spoke with conviction, even offering advice on "Ten Behaviors Loved Most by Parents-in-law," "How to Conquer your Future In-laws with a Single Move," and "Being the Best Son-in-law." 

Xu Mu: "..."

He took a deep breath. Logically, he scoffed at these things, finding them unreliable, but emotionally—

He studied each frame, carefully pondered, and even took screenshots. After all, even a blind cat can catch a dead mouse. What if... it was useful? Right?


By the time Bai Nian arrived at the entrance hall after finishing work; it was already 11 pm.

The white light from the suspended lamp cast a pallor over his face, his features tinged with a hint of fatigue, exuding a sense of decadence beauty.

Xu Mu had been waiting in the living room, and upon hearing the noise, he got up to greet him.

"Brother Nian..." he affectionately called out and hugged him tightly.

"Ah, Mu—" Bai Nian was pushed against the cabinet, his glasses askew, his knees unconsciously bent.

Xu Mu slid one leg in between, his arm around Bai Nian's waist, holding him tightly, a hot hand resting casually on his side of his waist, measuring casually.

"It's so late today... your company really is not human with all this overtime," he complained, his lips lingering everywhere from his neck to his earlobe, then to his cheeks, peppering them with delicate kisses, marking his scent everywhere.

"Sorry, it's because of the project—" Bai Nian tried to explain but was interrupted.

"I'm scolding your company, not blaming you," Xu Mu said softly. "I'm worried about you, Brother Nian."

Xu Mu took off Bai Nian's glasses, his tongue tracing over his thin eyelids, outlining the contours of his eyes. 

Bai Nian involuntarily closed his eyes, the corners of his eyes flushing red.

Xu Mu pinched his chin, his rough fingertips parting his lips, exploring and teasing. He captured Bai Nian's lips, prying them open, entwining his soft tongue, exploring every corner of his mouth, sweeping against the walls like a child licking candy, back and forth, unwilling to stop.

Bai Nian's arms hung around Xu Mu's neck, returning the passionate kiss, but gradually, oxygen was being stolen from him, making it hard to breathe. He tilted his head back, his Adam's apple rolling gently, suppressing the slight discomfort with a soft groan, his neck slowly turning red, with faint veins showing.

During their stumbling journey back to the room, they collapsed onto the bed together.

Finally, Xu Mu released his lips. He pressed his forehead against Bai Nian, wiping away the saliva from the corner of Bai Nian's mouth.

"Go take a shower," Xu Mu said hoarsely. "Go to bed early, you look tired."

Bai Nian blinked slowly, "Don't you want to?" 

Xu Mu sighed in resignation, "I'm not a beast. Look at you, the dark circles under your eyes are almost as big—"

Bai Nian covered his mouth.

Xu Mu fell silent.

Bai Nian gently pressed his palm against Xu Mu's cheek and said softly, "I’ve been too busy this week and busy during the weekend. I haven't had time to wear the things you bought me. After this busy period, I promise I'll..."

Xu Mu smiled and kissed his hand. "Am I Zhou Baopi now, or a lustful demon? Always making my boyfriend lose sleep, not even sparing him when he works during overtime."

"The most important thing now is for you to take a hot shower, then get under the covers, sleep until dawn, and forget about everything else."

He lowered his voice, "With you in my arms, can you really escape?"

Bai Nian chuckled, teasing him, "I have two legs, why wouldn't I be able to run? I could even jump."

Xu Mu tightened his arms around him, "No running allowed."

Their eyes met, reflecting each other's expressions.

An indescribable softness overflowed and spread between them.

Finally, they touched each other’s lips lightly, an exquisite tenderness spread between them.


Bai Nian was busy until just two days before the prayer festival.

During the day, it was rare to see him, and there was even less time for intimacy at night.

Once Xu Mu hugged Bai Nian, it was like being stuck to a sticky ball, unwilling to let go.

On one hand, he genuinely missed Bai Nian. Even though they lived under the same roof, he felt they didn't spend enough time together. On the other hand, Xu Mu was extremely anxious about the upcoming meeting with Bai Nian's parents.

He bombarded Bai Nian with questions almost every day, eager to engrave his future in-laws' likes and dislikes in his mind, even extrapolating from minor details.

For example: Uncle doesn't smoke—Uncle's friends seldom smoke—Uncle dislikes the smell of smoke—Uncle dislikes people who smoke.

Bai Nian often found Xu Mu's thoughts amusing, as if he was examining a strange creature, he didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

"It's not that serious, Ah Mu. You're overthinking it. Just relax, think of it as visiting my house, having a meal, chatting. It's all simple," Bai Nian reassured.

"...It's not simple," Xu Mu took a deep breath, resting his forehead on Bai Nian's shoulder. "I need to prepare for every step."

Bai Nian pinched his ear. "My mom is straightforward, didn't you meet her last time? It didn't seem difficult to get along with her, right? Uncle Qin is very gentle too, he never gives people a hard time or gets angry. Don't worry."

Xu Mu replied, "...I’m not worried, I’m nervous, you get it?"

Bai Nian was puzzled. Wasn't he nervous because he was worried? He didn't argue and just went along with Xu Mu. "Okay, then don't think too much, and don't be nervous."

"...I can't." How could he not think about it?

Xu Mu's mind was filled with various scenarios of future meetings, countless forks leading to numerous outcomes—

Not many of them were good endings.

Bai Nian sighed. Well, all his words were in vain.

His words didn't work, and he couldn't think of a better way. He could only pat Xu Mu's head and tell him, "Anyway, if you have any difficulties, or can’t make up your mind, just tell me, or try not to overthink it. Okay?"

Xu Mu scratched his hair and honestly replied, "I can say okay, but my mind won’t cooperate. It's spinning on its own, and I can't control it."

He leaned back, lying on the sofa, staring blankly at the ceiling.

Bai Nian smiled and leaned forward, placing his arm on Xu Mu's shoulder, his chin resting on his arm.

He even exposed his furry ears and rubbed them against Xu Mu's neck.

Xu Mu's hand instinctively reached out.

"Is it fun?" Bai Nian asked.

"...It's fun," Xu Mu adopted Bai Nian's question-answer style. "But my mind still wanders. Like now, I'm already thinking about what kind of mimicry Auntie and Uncle are. Are they rabbits? If so, can I give—"

"Chu~" Bai Nian pecked Xu Mu's cheek. Seeing no reaction from him, he continued to peck him more than ten times, "Chu chu" non-stop.

Xu Mu froze, feeling clueless.

...What does that mean?

Bai Nian sighed softly, "I guess I understand why my mom calls you 'little husband’ now."

Xu Mu, a beat slow, asked, "Why?"

He remembered, it was what Auntie said that time when they accidentally overheard her on the phone.

"Overthinking, worrying about this and that, being all indecisive—" Bai Nian chuckled softly, "Indeed, you're quite my little husband."

Xu Mu: "..."

He corrected, "It's not being indecisive, I strategize before making decisions."

Bai Nian let out a long "oh," "So that's how it is."

Xu Mu stayed silent, expressionlessly biting Bai Nian's wrist.

Bai Nian's eyebrows twitched, "How come your habit... is the same as your mimicry?"

Fixated on nibbling on his wrist.

Xu Mu: "Well, it can't be helped. Indecisive people are like this."

Bai Nian burst into laughter.

"Really? You are holding a grudge like this." Bai Nian smiled at him, eyes twinkling, "Let's put it another way."

"Can I call you husband?"

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