The Gentle Man Next Door is a Rabbit - 76



"Yes, of course, it's perfectly fine."

Xu Mu's mouth twitched slightly as he tried hard to suppress his laughter.

He was very pleased with being called "husband" and outwardly remained calm, but inside, he was secretly delighted.

"Mm, anything's fine... I have no objections."

Xu Mu said "anything's fine" with his words, but his eyes were all about "I want to keep hearing it."

Bai Nian found it amusing but didn't laugh at him; instead, he fully complied.

Every time Bai Nian called him "husband," Xu Mu felt a tipsy sensation as if he had drunk fake wine, almost losing his sense of direction.

As a result, whenever there was a chance later, Xu Mu would pretend to casually bring it up, hinting that he wanted to hear it again.

Bai Nian would then call him in different tones, and sometimes Xu Mu, lying in bed, would feel all tingly and numb.

As the Prayer Festival was approaching, Bai Nian's design office officially started their holiday break.

The two of them decided to change their original plans and go to the capital star a day earlier.

"Master, are you sure you want to bring everything over?" Nades asked.

Without looking up, Xu Mu was checking off the number of gifts they were bringing on a form. "Yes."

Nades said, "Everyone else brings gift boxes when they visit. Wouldn’t it be strange if you bring a storage container?"

Xu Mu paused, "Change it to a red one, to make it more festive."

Nades: "…How about tying a red ribbon on it?"

"Is this—" Xu Mu hesitated, "a usual tradition?"

He thought it might be some special custom.

Nades: "I was just talking nonsense. Don't take it seriously."

Xu Mu was speechless. "Alright, you can go now."

"Still packing?" Bai Nian had just finished his shower and hugged Xu Mu from behind, whispering softly, "Didn't we check everything yesterday?"

Xu Mu responded with an "Mm," "But I'm worried something might be missing, so I'm checking again."

Bai Nian sighed, "This is the third time you've said that."

"…Just in case."

"Even if something is missing, they won't know." Bai Nian chuckled, "Stop counting. We have an early long-distance flight tomorrow, and if you don't rest well, your first impression won’t be good when we arrive.”

The last sentence hit home for Xu Mu.

He nodded seriously. "Mm, you're right."

Xu Mu adjusted his arms hanging in front of his chest, and with his other hand, he held Bai Nian's waist. "Hold on tight, Brother Nian."

Caught off guard, Bai Nian was lifted onto Xu Mu's back. "Hey, hey, wait, put me down first..."

The sudden feeling of weightlessness made him instinctively wrap his legs around the young man's slender waist, his heart skipping a beat.

When he realized Xu Mu was carrying him steadily, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ah Mu…" Bai Nian pinched Xu Mu's earlobe, "You scared me."

Xu Mu intentionally jolted him a bit and lazily said, "Zhu Bajie is carrying his wife."

"Zhu Bajie?" Bai Nian was puzzled, "What's that?"

"…" Xu Mu realized he had forgotten that this world didn't have Journey to the West.

Xu Mu made up a story on the spot, "When I was little, the robots at the Federation's orphanage would make up stories for us. One of the interesting ones was about a boy with a pig mimicry who wanted to marry a beautiful, uh, monkey princess through his hard work and efforts. But because his parents didn't approve and the princess didn't like him, he ended up saving the world instead."

Bai Nian listened intently, "Why didn't the princess like him? Why did the parents not approve?"

Xu Mu: "..." Good question.

"Because the boy and the princess were of different species."

"But you said his mimicry was a pig..."

"That was a lie. He pretended he could transform into a pig, but he only has a human form."

Bai Nian pondered, "Just in human form..."

He frowned and murmured, "That's a strange species. If they don't have animal mimicry, then they would always just be in human form."

Xu Mu: "..."

It’s not that strange, is it?

"No wonder the monkey princess didn't like him. Sleeping next to someone like that would indeed feel weird," Bai Nian said understandingly.

Xu Mu felt as if his heart had been stabbed again.


After his shower, Xu Mu, all warm and steamy, crawled into bed and wrapped his arms around Bai Nian.

The cotton flannel pajamas were pushed up, revealing Bai Nian’s smooth thigh.

Xu Mu couldn't resist giving it a few squeezes.

Bai Nian shot him a sideways glance and nudged him with his knee, "Your grip is too strong."

Xu Mu brushed his lips against Bai Nian's earlobe and buried his face in his neck, greedily inhaling his scent.

"Ears, tail..."

Strange, they used the same bottle of body wash, but the scent on him smelled better..

Xu Mu found this to be an unsolved mystery.

Bai Nian let his furry ears and tail out, curling his legs and half-leaning against Xu Mu’s chest.

Xu Mu happily stroked him all over, found Bai Nian’s mouth, and began kissing and nibbling.

Bai Nian’s waist softened, his long legs hooking around Xu Mu, letting him kiss freely.

The atmosphere gradually heated up, the sounds of their kisses growing more pronounced.

Bai Nian thought the young man might do something more, but unexpectedly—

“Mm, time to sleep, we need to get up early tomorrow.” Xu Mu, satisfied after sucking a bit, lay back down contentedly, tucked them both in, and closed his eyes.

He has to go to bed, to greet uncle and aunt with the best spirit tomorrow!

Bai Nian, caught off guard, was left staring at the ceiling, his ears twitching slightly.

That feeling of being left hanging...

Bai Nian pursed his lips and silently gave Xu Mu a kick.

“What’s wrong, Brother Nian?” Xu Mu lay there straight as a board, not even his eyelids twitching.

“…” Bai Nian stayed silent for a while, then slowly said, “Aren’t you going to hold me while we sleep?”

Xu Mu replied, “Give me a moment to calm down, or I won’t be able to sleep. Don’t worry, in the middle of the night, my hands and feet have a mind of their own and will definitely cling to you.”


Xu Mu added, “I know myself very well, Brother Nian.”

Bai Nian didn’t respond, pulling back his outstretched ear.

A few minutes later, Xu Mu groped around in the dark, his palm covered with a thin layer of sweat.

He pulled Bai Nian back into his arms, their feet pressed warmly together.

Bai Nian didn’t open his eyes, his ear flopping onto Xu Mu’s face. He said coolly, “What, calmed down?”

“No, I can't calm down. Not holding you feels worse.” Xu Mu rubbed against his ear. “Don’t be mad. Just think of it as a momentary lapse of judgment.”

“I’m not mad—”

“Mm, you’re not mad.” Xu Mu quickly cut in, “I’m mad. How could you not immediately stop my behavior and sternly scold me? So unfair! Next time…”

Bai Nian used his ear to block Xu Mu’s mouth. “…You’re blaming someone else.”

There was a hint of laughter in his voice.

Xu Mu nuzzled into his neck, mumbling, “Yeah, I’m too slow. It won't happen again.”

“It’s not about you, I was just overthinking.” Bai Nian said softly.

“It does matter. It’s a lifelong matter, how could it not?” Xu Mu smiled. “It’s good that I’m getting better at sensing your emotions, it shows our hearts are connected.”

He realized that Bai Nian would hide the fluctuations in his emotions. At first, it was hard to notice, but gradually, perhaps because Bai Nian was willing to open up and not conceal his feelings, or perhaps because he was changing too—

Mm, anyway, it was all good.

“Heart’s are connected... such a cheesy saying,” Bai Nian chuckled. What kind of description was that?

“Yeah, cheesy,” Xu Mu admitted. “I’ll use something more trendy next time.”

He exhaled and hugged Bai Nian tightly, “Good night.”

Bai Nian gave a soft “Mm,” “Good night.”


Xu Mu had set an alarm.

But with something weighing on his mind, he couldn’t sleep once he was even slightly awake.

He opened and closed his eyes repeatedly.

Xu Mu finally got up, carefully slipping out of bed.

During this, he got hit a few times by the soft, fluffy ears.

Xu Mu washed up, changed clothes, and did his hair, all very quietly.

The moonlight outside was bright, the cool breeze like water.

It was a rare good weather during the frequent snow days.

Xu Mu checked the luggage again, his mind racing through the upcoming scenarios.

Nades: “…Master, stop being so fidgety.”

Xu Mu: “Get back to work.”

Nades: “Oh.”

Xu Mu: “Should I take you with me?”

Nades: “? You’re going to meet the parents. Why would you bring me?”

Xu Mu thought for a moment, “To secretly help me show off my cooking skills?”

Nades: “You really want to take the easy way out.”

Xu Mu rubbed his nose. “Just in case, right?”

Nades: “…Oh.”

Xu Mu stretched his stiff shoulders, looking energetic. “Alright, I should go wake Brother Nian. And I need to wake Ye Ye too.”

In the room

“…Ah Mu?” Bai Nian struggled to open his eyes.

Xu Mu blinked. “It’s me. Time to get up.”

“What time is it?” Bai Nian rubbed his temples. “Did my alarm not go off?”

“No, I’m ten minutes early.” Xu Mu smiled, “You can keep sleeping. I’ll wake you again later.”

He gestured, “Just relax and stay in bed. There’s a sense of happiness in waking up early and then lazing in bed.”

“…” Bai Nian was now fully awake. He took a good look and saw the young man brimming with energy, looking sharp and well-groomed.

As if he were ready to attend a high-class banquet any second.

“You—” Bai Nian paused, swallowing the words about whether Xu Mu was cold, “Are you done with your morning routine?”

“Mm-hmm.” Xu Mu nodded vigorously, “I’ve already woken Ye Ye up. We’re getting ready for breakfast, but he said he wasn’t hungry, so I gave him some water.”

“I checked the luggage again and noted anything missing. I’ve also organized Ye Ye’s little things and the morning essentials.”

Bai Nian was speechless for a moment. He rubbed Xu Mu’s head, “Alright, husband, you’re amazing.”

He skillfully smoothed Xu Mu’s hair, understanding that although the young man didn’t say it, he longed to be called “husband.”

Xu Mu’s face lit up, he smiled uncontrollably, especially at the word “husband,” which made him feel like he was floating on air.

He leaned in for a kiss.

Bai Nian turned his face away, “Wait until I finish washing up…”

"Oh, alright." Xu Mu regretfully got up.

With Xu Mu’s proactive “command,” they managed to leave an hour earlier than planned.

The sky was barely light, the mist hadn’t cleared, and dewdrops weighed down the green leaves. The world was still quiet and empty, with only the occasional early flight navigational lights blinking on the intersecting airways.

“Let’s go, Brother Nian. Let’s head out,” Xu Mu said energetically. 

For some reason, despite being nervous the past few days, he was suddenly excited today.

Unreasonably, inexplicably excited.

His chest was filled with intense emotions, as if they could ignite his blood, making him feel like he was in a furnace from head to toe.

His hands, usually cold, were unexpectedly warm.

Xu Mu even clasped Bai Nian’s hand, put it in his pocket, and squeezed and rubbed it.

“Isn’t it warm?” he asked excitedly.

Bai Nian probably knew why Xu Mu was so happy. He responded warmly as Xu Mu wished, “Mm, very warm.”

The felt hat on Bai Nian’s head wobbled, and the small piece of hair hanging over his forehead brushed against his brow.

Xu Mu’s smile was irrepressible, and he squeezed Bai Nian’s hand even harder, walking faster and faster.

Trailing behind, Ye Ye, like a little penguin, waddled and almost couldn’t keep up.

“Daddy—” he called out loudly.

Bai Nian suddenly realized, “Ah Mu, wait for Ye Ye.”

Xu Mu turned around and saw Ye Ye lagging quite a distance behind, looking at them with puffed cheeks.

“Hey, look at that pout, you could hang an oil bottle on it…” Xu Mu turned back and scooped Ye Ye up, “Alright, now let’s walk together.”

Ye Ye’s moods came and went quickly. He immediately planted a big kiss on Xu Mu’s cheek.

“Good daddy!”

Xu Mu said, “How good? If you really think I’m good, make sure to praise me a lot in front of your grandparents, got it?”

Ye Ye nodded earnestly, “Got it—”


From Weide Planet to the Capital Star, the flight took about four hours.

The distance was neither too far nor too close, but by the latter part of the trip, Xu Mu’s heart had gone numb.

The consequence of his heart beating too fast was a sensation akin to dying.

“Brother Nian, let me confirm again, does Auntie like…”

“By the way, is Uncle really fond of this brand of fishing rod?”

“Does Auntie usually wear this style?”

“These couple rings aren’t too tacky, right? Does Auntie like gold plated-style?”

Since disembarking the flight, Xu Mu hadn’t stopped talking.

Bai Nian understood his nerves and answered almost every question.

Ye Ye, on the other hand, had wide, curious eyes, full of wonder and confusion.

Finally, they arrived at Bai Nian’s home.

"The gray and black gate, intricate and elegant patterns... The first impression is so classic and grand..." Xu Mu stood before the door, practicing his lines. "Uncle and Auntie have such great taste!"

Bai Nian: "..."

He patiently waited for a few minutes but then realized they couldn’t wait there any longer.

They needed to act decisively.

Bai Nian said straightforwardly, “Ah Mu, I’m ringing the doorbell now.”

Xu Mu froze. The doorbell chimed, and the intercom screen lit up.

Mrs. Bai, looking as if she had been ready for a while, quickly tidied her hair and headed straight to the door. “Coming!”

At the same time, the automatic door opened.

Ye Ye called out loudly, “Grandma!”

Mrs. Bai, delighted, responded, “Oh, Ye Ye.”

When she saw Xu Mu, her smile grew even brighter. “You’ve arrived! I’ve been looking forward to your visit.”

Bai Nian smiled gently, “Mom.”

Xu Mu swallowed hard, his back as straight as a board.

He took a deep breath and said, with a rising and falling tone, “Auntie, hello. Sorry for the intrusion. I wish you a happy Prayer Festival in advance. Please accept this—”

He handed over the gift box he was holding.

Both Bai Nian and Mrs. Bai were taken aback, watching in amazement.

“Oh, okay, Ah Mu is thoughtful indeed.” Mrs. Bai accepted the gift and ushered them in. “Come on, you must be tired from the journey. It’s cold outside, come in and warm up.”

“Sure, thank you, Auntie.”

Xu Mu’s palms were sweaty, and he instinctively moved forward—

“Ah Mu, be careful!”

“Oh, there’s a step—”

Bang— Xu Mu stumbled and fell to his knees.

He barely managed to shift from both knees to one.

Without much thought, Xu Mu reflexively looked up and smiled, “Auntie, I’m fine.”

Bai Nian wanted to help him up, but upon hearing Xu Mu’s words, he couldn’t help but chuckle and lowered his head.

Mrs. Bai exclaimed, “Oh my,” and went to help Xu Mu up. “Be careful, let me see, did you hurt yourself?”

Qin Yi hurriedly came out of the kitchen, still holding a spatula. “What happened? Is—”

He froze.

“Why, why are you kneeling?”

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