It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 97


IETSTSMLARA | The Ambitious Vampire Prince | 97

“Only useless men talk about breaking up at the first sign of trouble,” Celtic said with a smile, lightly propping up his cheek.

“Small matters aside, irreconcilable issues like this only bring pain to both parties,” Lin Su replied with a smile. “When it's time to cut ties, you must do so decisively, or things will get messy.”

He stood up leisurely, just as he had arrived, and lightly patted Celtic on the cheek. “Goodbye, my love.”

He turned and left without hesitation, but just as he was leaving, Celtic grabbed his hand and said with a slight lift in his voice, “What are the benefits of being your lover?”

Lin Su, with his back to him, smiled and said, “Everything I have belongs to you.”

There was no need to ask; everything included his blood.

This was truly an enticing proposal for a vampire, having the most desirable food he had long coveted willingly offering his blood.

But unfortunately, there was an unresolvable condition that neither could compromise on.

Celtic looked at him, and Lin Su decisively withdrew his hand, saying, “See you.”

He left with ease. Celtic had initially smiled, but now he felt half-furious.

That person, although stunning to him, could also decisively withdraw, leaving him the only one trapped in the situation.

He didn't force him to compromise, only to make a choice.

“Master...” The butler, having finally managed to break away from the party, saw the master sitting in the flower hall, lost in deep thought.

In that deep thought, there was even a hint of melancholy.

“What is it?” Celtic asked, already wearing a smile when he looked over.

Being controlled by a human was definitely not a pleasant experience; he had to find a way to gain control back.

The butler respectfully said, “The party is over, the guests are leaving, and your food is ready.”

“Still no new premium blood discovered?” Celtic asked with some disinterest.

The butler respectfully said, "We have discovered someone. He is a human close to the ancestor, named Ian."

"Ian..." Celtic repeated the name and laughed. "Find a way to get his blood."

Once he tasted other premium blood, that man's blood would no longer have such a strong hold on him.

"But that might offend the ancestor," the butler said.

"Do you think I fear him?" Celtic replied, curling his lips.

The ancestor could wait. Right now, the most important thing was making that man pay for daring to toy with his feelings.

Posing under a false name indicated that he wasn't completely indifferent to him.

Lin Su indeed left easily. Matters of the heart should be cut off decisively to prevent future irreconcilable conflicts, which was better for both parties.

Human emotions have a memory cycle. After a month, the hormones and dopamine would slowly diminish. Failing to forget someone from the past was simply because a better person hadn't come along yet.

"Did you fail?" Yi Zhelai paused when he saw Lin Su's figure as he boarded the carriage.

He had thought that Lin Su would succeed tonight.

"Yes, I failed." Lin Su didn't mind admitting his failure.

He wasn't someone who succeeded in everything he did, and admitting failure wasn't shameful.

Yi Zhelai sat down and asked, "What was the reason?"

"He isn't as delicate and easy to topple as Ian." Lin Su glanced at Ian, who was getting into the carriage. "I didn't want to force him."

Yi Zhelai looked at Ian thoughtfully and said, "Indeed, that's the case."

For a proud vampire like Celtic, even considering sleeping with a human was difficult enough; asking him to submit further was an almost impossible challenge. Similarly, Lin Su, who appeared gentle but was inherently proud, disdainfully refused to use force, which matched the vampire's style and was one reason Yi Zhelai admired him.

Ian, somewhat perplexed, sat in the carriage, clasping his fingers. "I'm not easy to top; my body is very strong."

Despite his delicate appearance, like a pampered young master, Ian was actually hardworking and not as fragile as he seemed. However, compared to vampires, the difference was still vast.

Yi Zhelai reached over and casually lifted Ian off his seat by his clothes, like picking up a kitten, effortlessly demonstrating to the bewildered Ian how delicate and easy to top he was.

When Ian was placed back on his seat, he looked up and blinked. "You're not human; it's not a fair comparison."

Then Lin Su extended his hand and, with one hand, easily moved Ian from one seat to the other.

Ian: "???"

His face was full of confusion, fingers clasped, clearly teetering on the edge of an existential crisis.

"Keep an eye on him these days," Lin Su glanced at the person sitting next to him. "The vampires at the party must have noticed him. If Celtic wants to break free from my influence, he will definitely target him."

"You haven't given up on him?" Yi Zhelai was puzzled by Lin Su's continued attention to Celtic.

He didn't mind teaching him a lesson but wouldn't allow his death. Despite planning to let go, Lin Su still paid close attention.

"For certain special reasons, I need him to stay alive," Lin Su smiled. "It has nothing to do with giving up or not."

Even if he couldn't be with that charming little guy, Celtic was still his mission target.

"Got it," Yi Zhelai raised an eyebrow. "If Celtic can't get Ian, it'll be hard for him to break free from your influence. The more he wants to, the more desperate he'll become. He might even come knocking on your door for trouble. You're truly a bastard."

Having lived through many experiences, Yi Zhelai was certainly not foolish. This man was not the type to easily give up. Once he set his sights on something, he would do everything to get it.

"Thanks for the compliment," Lin Su said with a smile.

Fate was something one had to create for oneself. He didn't force others, but that didn't mean he couldn't make others willingly comply.

With Yi Zhelai's protection, no vampire trying to ambush Ian succeeded. One even ended up dead by his hands.


"Master," the butler knelt halfway before Celtic, admitting his failure. "I'm very sorry, the plan failed. It seems we've attracted their attention, making it difficult to succeed again."

A human who could even handle an ancestor—trying to take something from them was akin to snatching food from a tiger's mouth.

Celtic rubbed his fingers thoughtfully. "It seems I will have to go personally."

The butler bowed his head. "Master, that would be too dangerous."

"Indeed. In that case, let's have another vampire go first," Celtic said, picking up a letter from the table. "Cyril, for example, wants to cooperate with me. It's a good opportunity to see his sincerity."

"Don't you dislike him?" the butler asked, looking up and understanding the faintly mocking smile on Celtic's face. "Understood. I will convey your intentions."

There were many vampire factions, and Cyril was the leader of another group, though his territory was different from Celtic's.

The reason the master disliked him was because that guy, Cyril, was lustful and constantly coveted everything Celtic had. Their powers were evenly matched, making it hard to determine a true victor.


In a room filled with the scent of osmanthus flowers, a shirtless man sat up from the bed, leaving a boy who was in the process of turning into a vampire. He took the letter handed to him by his attendant.

The man's appearance was handsome, with long, slightly curly golden hair cascading over his shoulders. His reddish eyes showed the laziness and fatigue of recent satisfaction, but there was an underlying trace of brutality. "Is Celtic finally planning to lower his noble head?"

"Ellen said this is his condition for cooperation," the attendant said with his head bowed.

Cyril opened the letter and chuckled twice upon reading its contents. "Snatching a human? Does he think taking something from the ancestor is that easy? He's using me as a tool."

"Ellen also mentioned that if you can help accomplish this, his master will agree to any one thing you ask," the attendant added.

"Anything?" Cyril couldn't help but lick his lips, covering his mouth. "Celtic  is indeed much more attractive than those humans."

Though they were both princes, Celtic's strength surpassed his by a margin. A beautifully exquisite rose, protected by countless steel thorns, was something to be admired from afar, unattainable. The more unreachable it was, the more one desired it.

"Anything" naturally included *that* kind of thing. The smile on Cyril's face was almost drooling. "Exchanging a human for a prince's lover, how wonderful."

If the rose willingly emerged from its thorns, it would be incredibly sweet and juicy to ravage up close.

"Go tell him that I agree to this deal," Cyril said, picking up the clothes thrown on the ground and putting them on. He glanced at the pitiful boy lying on the bed. "Throw him into the woods."

Those who had already tasted it no longer held the value and deliciousness of the first time.

"Yes," the attendant replied cautiously.

The city-state of Baron fell into a deep silence at night. This place, home to the second-largest church, might not be as safe as the central church, but it was enough for people to close their windows and sleep soundly.

Ian was currently unaware of the capture attempts. He seldom went out, and when he stayed in the villa, Lin Su's protection, combined with the mithril talismans around the perimeter, was enough to deter many vampires. 

When he did go out, Yi Zhelai followed him secretly, making it a pipe dream for anyone to snatch him from the hands of a vampire ancestor.

Deep night was when vampires were most active. Yi Zhelai was fiddling with toys produced by Lin Su's newly opened factory. Vampires, with their long lifespans, often found many moments to be quite dull, making any source of amusement valuable.

Ian lay beside him, having just been fed on by Yi Zhelai. He slept deeply, turning over inadvertently, his slender arm draping over Yi Zhelai's leg as he mumbled, "Yi..."

Humans were indeed fragile. A slightly larger wound or disease could take their lives. The boy in front of him had a particularly delicate soul, so afraid of being abandoned by a vampire like him. It was a loneliness that reached a terrifying level.

"Yi..." Ian hugged tighter.

Yi Zhelai brushed aside his bangs and stroked his delicate cheek. "I'm here."

Human life was short. Given how obedient Ian was, staying with him until the end of his life wasn't difficult. After all, it would only be a moment.

Suddenly, there was a faint knock on the door, and a voice outside said cautiously, "Ancestor, we've discovered a newly created vampire."

It was Arnold's voice.

Yi Zhelai was responsible for this matter, so naturally, all updates had to be reported to him.

He got up to open the door, revealing the young man standing outside. Compared to when he first arrived, the boy had undergone a complete transformation. With ample blood and continually adapting to his new strength, he had clearly gotten used to his transition from human to vampire, though he still harbored a certain fear of his own lineage.

"Where is it?" Yi Zhelai asked, looking down.

"I brought them back, they are in the lounge," Arnold said, stepping aside to clear the way.

Yi Zhelai nodded and closed the door behind him as he left with Arnold.

In the lounge, a young boy was sitting on the carpet, hugging himself and trembling. "I'm not a monster, I'm not... I didn't sell my soul to... the devil."

This was a common reaction for humans who had just turned into vampires. Arnold glanced at the boy, seeing a reflection of his former self. "Ancestor, his name is Casey. He was found in Roland City-State, and when discovered, he had just undergone... the first embrace."

In other words, he had just been transformed into a vampire.

"Roland City-State is Cyril's territory," Yi Zhelai remarked.

"Yes, most recent discoveries have been in the same area," Arnold noted. "Ancestor, are you sure..."

He didn't finish his sentence because Yi Zhelai suddenly sniffed the air and hurried towards the stairs. "Something's wrong."

It was the scent of a vampire.

A very strong one, at least at the prince level.

Celtic? No, not him!

In Baron City-State, Celtic stood atop a high roof, looking towards a part of the city with a smile. "Cyril must have started his move."

"He alone might not succeed," the butler said respectfully from behind him.

"That's why we let him go first, and we'll follow," Celtic replied with a smile, adjusting his coat. "Let's go watch the show."

The thought of the vampire daring to covet him getting beaten to a pulp was quite exhilarating.

With a few swift movements, Celtic was already close to Lin Su's villa. The butler followed quietly, slower but keeping pace.

"What a fine specimen of blood," Cyril said, standing by the bed and licking his lips as he looked at the deeply sleeping Ian.

He was also quite good-looking. Cyril thought he could sample him before handing him over to Celtic.

But now wasn't the time. Although the Ancestor was away, vampires were known for their exceptionally sharp senses.

Cyril was about to grab the person when he sensed a rush of wind by his ear. He instinctively dodged and looked towards the wall, where a dart was firmly embedded. He was about to look again when several more darts flew in his direction, forcing him away from the bed.

Annoyed by the darts, especially after one burned his fingers with its mithril tips, Cyril's anger flared. "Who's there? Show yourself!"

"Over here," came a light laugh from another window.

Cyril turned to see the speaker, his eyes lighting up at the sight of a blonde-haired, blue-eyed beauty. "A real beauty," he remarked. This color combination was rare even among vampires, and this man's rich blood indicated he was human—a human as delicate as he was pitiful.

Lin Su's pupils contracted briefly before he smiled. "What brings you here at this hour?"

【  Host, he seems to be flirting with you,】 System 06 analyzed.

Lin Su chuckled, almost patting it on the head mentally. 【  Simple, then. I'll just kill him.】

System 06 searched through the data and noticed that the host's response differed from previous ones. Humans were indeed fickle creatures.

"I'm here to take this human. Who are you?" Cyril's nostrils flared. The agreement with Celtic was still in place—he wanted that rose, and he wouldn't let this one slip away either.

His tone made it sound like he was picking up an object. Lin Su jumped down from the window and walked unhurriedly to Ian's bedside, sitting down. "Me? I'm a hunter. My name is... Ivan."

"The vampire hunter?" Cyril's eyes narrowed.

He had heard of this name—a hunter who had slain hundreds of vampires. But he hadn't taken it seriously because as long as there were humans, creating new vampires was easy. For every one the hunter killed, Cyril could create two more. He didn't believe the hunter could kill them all.

He had often wondered what a powerful human would look like—strong, covered in scars, maybe like that knight whose entire village had been massacred by vampires. But seeing Lin Su, he found this human closer to a vampire.

The door was suddenly kicked open from the outside, shattering and flying apart. Yi Zhelai stood there, taking in the scene. His tense nerves relaxed upon seeing Lin Su. "Cyril."

"Yi Zhelai," Cyril responded with a sneer, his eyes darting between Lin Su and the new arrival. 

The tension in the room was palpable as the three figures faced off, each with their own agendas and hidden strengths.

"Hi there, Ancestor," Cyril greeted.

Despite his wariness of the Ancestor, he knew he wouldn't be easily killed. Killing a vampire prince over a human would make Yi Zhe Lai a laughingstock among the vampires.

"What are you doing here?" Yi Zhelai asked, though both knew the answer.

Cyril chuckled. "I came to take something, but I didn't realize it belonged to you, Ancestor. How surprising to see you working with a vampire hunter, our mortal enemy."

His insinuation was clear as he pointed at Lin Su. Yi Zhelai squinted at him. "He's an enemy of vampires, yet you create such a species with what intent?"

"I simply didn't want to see beautiful humans wither away, so I granted them eternal life," Cyril said, looking at Lin Su. "Beauty, if you wish, I can grant you eternal life too."

His tone was frivolous, clearly interested in Lin Su. Watching from a nearby treetop, Celtic's hand tightened around a branch. "He has some nerve," he muttered.

The butler dared not speak, sensing his master's anger as if someone had touched his possession. Blood slaves never evoked such anger in Celtic, only displeasure, for touching his things meant disrespecting him.

Lin Su remained silent, but Arnold, who had followed Yi Zhelai, gasped upon seeing Cyril. "It's you!"

Cyril glanced at the brown-haired boy and raised an eyebrow. "Do you know me?"

"You… it's you…" Arnold trembled, recalling the ambush on his return journey, the narrow space where Cyril had bitten his neck and infused him with his blood, transforming him into his current inhuman state. "You don't recognize me?"

"Should I?" Cyril sniffed, then laughed. "You smell like my blood. Are you one of my creations?"

"Beast? You're nothing but a monster!" Arnold's chest heaved with anger, the memory of that night a lifelong scar.

"Monster? My dear child, insulting your father like that, do you really think I won't kill you?" Cyril's face darkened slightly.

He enjoyed creating vampires, but he despised these lowly creatures trying to surpass him. Raising his hand, he was about to strike, but a flying dart from Lin Su blocked his path. Dodging the lethal projectile, he turned and lunged at Lin Su. "How audacious."

No matter how many vampires he had hunted, a human was no match for a true vampire. Cyril's hand moved swiftly, but Lin Su was quicker, grasping his wrist and slicing through it with a hidden blade, severing the hand. "So, you're the one who did that to Arnold."

The once gentle youth had endured much suffering to become who he was now, and Cyril seemed to take pride in such cruelty. Pain made Cyril retreat instinctively, staring at the severed hand in Lin Su's grip. "I'm a vampire prince. How dare you do this to me!"

"I've cut off a hand from a vampire ancestor before," Lin Su said, tossing the hand to Arnold. "You can handle this. As for you..."

His gaze fixed on Cyril. "Since you're here, don't think you'll leave."

"You think you can stop me? That was just a fluke," Cyril snarled, blood dripping from his wound as his other hand sprouted claws.

Despite his calm demeanor, he was wary. The earlier exchange had shown that Lin Su's strength was formidable. Any slip-up could be fatal.

"He knows about your dealings with hunters and tried to take what's yours. Help me block his escape, will you?" Lin Su asked Yi Zhelai.

"Of course," Yi Zhelai replied, appearing behind Cyril to cut off his retreat.

Killing a determined prince might be difficult, but blocking him was manageable. Lin Su drew a short sword from his waist. "I rarely use this. Consider it an honor."

Cyril found himself blocked, his smile turning grim. "Do you really think you can kill me alone?"

"Only one way to find out," Lin Su replied coolly, his sword thrusting forward.

Swiftly evading, Cyril noticed strands of his hair drifting down, realizing Lin Su aimed for his head. Though Lin Su's initial strike missed, he swiftly parried Cyril's clawed hand with his spinning sword, aiming the blade towards Cyril's other wrist.

Cyril pulled back sharply, blood dripping from his wound. He initially dismissed him, he now understood he was outmatched. This human was terrifying. If Cyril escaped, he must not be allowed to live.

Shifting his gaze, Cyril spotted Arnold standing anxiously by the door. Dodging another strike from Lin Su, Cyril lunged towards Arnold. "Got you!"

Humans' weakness lay in their emotions, their willingness to relinquish weapons for the sake of foolish sentiment. 

Arnold panicked; despite his enhanced strength as a vampire, evading an attack from a vampire prince remained nearly impossible. Cyril's claws gripped Arnold's shoulder, causing a sharp pain, but before he could act further, a sword pierced through his chest, its blade cold and crimson.

Clearly struggling to accept his fate, Cyril's face and hair withered. His eyes, however, fixed on the sword impaling him. "My life... my eternal... life..."

His voice turned hoarse and aged in an instant, the transformation leaving Arnold trembling as he pushed away from the body of the fallen vampire.

"Are you alright?" Lin Su glanced at Arnold, concerned.

"I'm fine," Arnold replied, holding his arm. "Thank you for saving me again."

Lin Su was the one who managed to keep him alive, still human in his heart.

Yi Zhelai observed Cyril's grim fate with a cold detachment, knowing well that this was the typical end for vampires. Perhaps one day, he too would meet such a fate, to rest eternally underground, never to awaken again.

"Master, Cyril has failed," the steward addressed Celtic, who had remained motionless for some time.

Equally shaken, Celtic's first astonishment at the human came within the Master's own castle, and now the second shock occurred here. Despite the founder's great expenditure of strength, intercepting a full-force strike was impressive, but casually killing a vampire prince was quite another matter.

His power did not merely rival the founder's; it exceeded it. This human posed a threat to the entire vampire race.

"Hmm," Celtic acknowledged without concern for Cyril's death, instead focusing intently after some time and saying, "Who is that vampire named Arnold?"

The steward was puzzled. "He's a recently turned vampire whom Lin Su rescued on the road. Why do you ask?"

The Master had always despised vampires, viewing them as ants by the roadside, barely worthy of his attention, let alone questions.

"He seems quite concerned about him," Celtic recalled Lin Su's decisive moment when he protected Arnold's life with a sword stroke that ended Cyril's. This act revealed how much the man cared.

"He even seemed angry about what Cyril did to that vampire," Celtic mused.

The steward hesitated. "It seems so."

Celtic's smile deepened, his eyes glinting dangerously. "Do you think I'm more attractive, or that vampire?"

The steward understood the implication of the question and quickly replied, "Of course, you are more attractive, Master. How could he compare to you?"

Celtic tightened his grip on the tree trunk. "And if humans choose partners, do they prefer attractive ones or those who are soft and gentle?"

The steward had never contemplated human mating criteria, but he answered promptly, "Humans prefer attractive partners, especially those who are powerful."

This rule wasn't always accurate, as human preferences varied widely, but he sensed it was the answer Celtic wanted to hear.

Celtic's mood indeed improved significantly. "Well said."

He knew he couldn't compare to that rabbit-like type.

With Cyril's direct failure, there was no chance to pursue Ian further. After glancing indoors, Celtic turned and left, disappearing from sight in an instant. Lin Su sensed his presence and lightly laughed as he turned his head to look at a distant big tree.

"Mr. Lin, have you encountered something pleasant?" Arnold asked as he looked at him.

"Hmm." Lin Su glanced at Arnold's wound, assured that with a vampire's constitution, it would heal quickly. He stood up and pulled out his sword. "You can handle the aftermath of this vampire."

Even though this vampire was dead, some hatreds didn't disappear with life's passing.

Arnold looked up at him and softly replied, "Thank you."

There probably wasn't a second person in the world as gentle as Lin Su.

Lin Su said nothing, got up, and left through the door.

Losing a prince who could sit in power was definitely not a small matter for the vampires. Yet, compared to their fear of humans, vampires were more concerned with seizing unclaimed territories. No one would mind having a larger hunting ground amidst the various conflicts.

However, in the midst of all the struggles, the vampire elders noticed that Celtic, who always wore his desire for power on his face, surprisingly hadn't intervened. Was he seeking more, or was he simply uninterested?

No matter how they thought about it, the second option seemed impossible.

But at present, Celtic truly lacked interest. His territory was already large enough. In the past, he would have undoubtedly sought to expand it further, but now he found himself lacking motivation.

"Arnold is a vampire. Do you think he might feed his blood to that vampire?" Celticasked from behind the desk.

The steward had encountered quite a few of these issues recently and answered seriously, "No, Mr. Lin is not that kind of person."

"He has strength comparable to the vampire ancestor. It seems extremely easy for him to choose another lover," Celtic continued.

He had always been confident in himself, but this confidence seemed to suffer an unprecedented blow when he encountered that man.

He cared about the way that man looked at him, and in his mind, he always saw his kiss—one restrained, the other filled with the sweet and bloody taste of blood.

The steward pondered seriously, “Finding someone else should be an easy task for you.”

If he still couldn't understand the master's intentions by now, he would be delusional as a vampire. Distance and time had indeed bred longing, but it wasn't just for Lin Su; it also included the master's longing for that man's power and blood.

The suppression of power, the manipulation of emotions, unprecedented experiences would cause noble vampires to remember humans, a kind of food, in their hearts. Once they quietly settled in, many things would be out of control.

All vampires understood one thing well: emotions were never under rational control, and those who played with fire would eventually burn themselves.

Celtic looked at him, intertwining his hands and said, “You've already seen the best. Do you think I can settle for anything less?”

“Why then don't you believe that you are the best?” the steward asked in return.

Matters of the heart had always been confusing for those involved, while clear to onlookers.

Celtic's eyes flickered, a charming smile playing on his lips as he said with profound allure in his violet eyes, “You're right.”

He was someone who could make that man change his identity, after all, the best in the world.

The night when Cyril arrived was a little lively, and then the villa returned to tranquility until three nights later, when Lin Su stepped into the room and was embraced from behind by a pair of arms.

The scent of roses was faint, and Lin Su didn't stiffen; instead, he stroked the hand held around his waist and said, “Have you figured it out?”

The cool breath near his ear carried a seductive tone with a hint of laughter, “I think we can negotiate. Before making a decision, we can be lovers without going to bed. What do you think? You becoming my lover shouldn't just be about wanting to sleep with me, right?”

【  That’s a good question,】praised System 06.

It exuded the strong scent of the host's scum nature.

“Of course not,” Lin Sule replied, reaching back to stroke his cheek, “If I only wanted that, I have plenty of choices.”

"That means from now on, you belong to me." Celtic chuckled lightly, "Your body feels so warm."

Just holding him gave a sensation like being scorched, human vitality truly is a mysterious existence.

"I really can't do anything with you." Lin Su smiled and opened his hand, turning to press him against the door, embracing him, saying, "Isn't this warmer?"

The body temperature of a vampire is definitely not a comfortable temperature for humans. Maybe it would be cool to hold in the summer, but in winter... you'd need a roaring fire.

Facing each other, his originally deep blue eyes were like the night sky in the moonlight, profound as if hiding countless stars.

This human could attract him. Perhaps it's related to his appearance. If he weren't so attractive, Celtic wouldn't allow this human to embrace him so freely.

Feeling surrounded by such warmth is nice, especially when this warmth is mixed with the strong scent of blood.

But it's not yet time for a full drink. Otherwise, with this man's intelligence, he would definitely sense that Celtic's intentions are impure. Although he may have already sensed something, agreeing to his request clearly indicates his fondness.

Celtic rested his head on that broad shoulder, his nose brushing against the pulsing pulse. He held him tighter, "Do you love me?"

Love needs to be induced, and humans are definitely the easiest creatures to deceive and move emotionally. Repeated inducement, repeated telling, may even deceive oneself.

"I love you," Lin Su said in a deep voice.

"How much do you love me?" Celtic continued to ask.

Lin Su patted his waist, "As much as you love me."

Celtic: "..."

He coveted this man's blood, filled with possessiveness. As for the so-called liking, he didn't even know how much he himself had. If there really is a measure, he wants to keep this man by his side until he dies.

Like him? Does that mean his liking isn't deep enough?

But Celtic certainly couldn't admit that he loved shallowly. He could only change the subject, "Really? I'm very happy."

"I'm happy too." Lin Su relaxed slightly, lightly touching foreheads with him, both deeply in love, looking like a pair of affectionate lovers.

Analyzing their dopamine secretion, at most it's ten percent of others' peak levels.

Humans are truly mysterious creatures, and hosts push this mystery to the extreme.

Nighttime is when humans sleep. Their embrace lasted a long time before they parted. Lin Su finished washing up, changed into clothes, and lay down. Celtic lay down beside him, half turned, saying, "You have a great figure."

When changing clothes, his slender, well-defined physique was flawless in every way.

"Want to sleep together?" Lin Su invited.

"I can't sleep on a human's bed." Celtic propped himself up on his arm, looking at the man lying with loose hair and a somewhat lazy cheek against the soft pillow, slightly lost in thought. It was rare to see this man so relaxed and unguarded.

"Then where do you usually sleep?" Lin Su's voice carried a hint of laziness, tinged with a sense of weariness.

Celtic replied softly, "Where do you think I should sleep?"

"Among rose petals?" Lin Su guessed softly, "Otherwise, why do you smell like that all over?"

"That's an interesting answer." Celtic curled his lips slightly, his tone slightly deep, "But I live in a coffin, in the pitch-dark underground. I sleep inside, closing the coffin lid, lying there like a corpse."

Such words would definitely startle an ordinary human, but the man lying on the bed seemed a bit dazed. Upon hearing his words, his lips curled slightly, not like the usual strategist, but with a hint of playfulness, "I... haven't slept there before. I'll sleep with you in the future..."

His breathing became slightly prolonged, evidently slipping into sleep during their conversation.

Celtic had expected to see Lin Su's expression change dramatically, but upon hearing his words, he was momentarily stunned. 

What Lin Su said wasn't entirely exaggerated; indeed, for vampires, lying in a coffin was hardly different from lying like a corpse. Humans abhorred such coldness. Even those humans who had claimed to love him before would look uneasy upon seeing a room full of coffins or the image of him lying inside one.

And yet, this man was saying he wanted to sleep together.

"Are you really telling me the truth?" Celtic lightly tapped Lin Su's nose and asked softly.

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