It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 104


IETSTSMLARA | The Ambitious Vampire Prince | 104

【  How's this record?】 System 06 inquired.

【  Perfectly done,】 Lin Su replied with a smile.

Of course, the book's entry had been altered by System 06. In other worlds, there were instances of beings undergoing a vampire's first embrace without changing their species, but those beings were originally fallen angels. Human bloodlines couldn't resist the transformative power of higher bloodlines.

Celtic studied the record intently, his finger resting on his chin. "I've never heard of such a thing."

"Perhaps it happened while you were asleep," Lin Su suggested with a smile. "Are you reassured now?"

Celtic looked up, shaking his head slightly. "Not entirely. I'll try again once my strength is restored in a week."

For humans, the taste of blood wasn't exactly appealing. Lin Su raised an eyebrow and said, "Alright, but this time, don't transfuse so much blood."

"No problem," Celtic leaned in closer, his arm propped on the back of the sofa behind Lin Su. "You look entirely human, with eternal life. Your strength won't diminish. Isn't that akin to being a god?"

His pupils turned red, indicating his growing interest. Lin Su lifted Celtic's chin and said, "If that's the case, even gods would fall for you."

Pulling a lofty deity down to earth, turning all purity and flawlessness into filth, making a cold-hearted person passionate—just the thought made his heart race.

Celtic leaned in to kiss him, saying, "No vampires will come here now."

This quiet and enclosed place was perfect for intimate and exciting activities.

When one's beautiful lover extends an invitation, no man could refuse.

The underground library had its own warmth. The butler stopped at the door, then silently turned to the vampire servant following him. "The master is currently occupied. Come back tomorrow."

The physical constitutions of vampires and humans are quite different. Vampires' powerful regenerative abilities mean they can quickly recover their strength and enjoy their favorite activities without tiring. 

Although Lin Su had trained in martial arts and spiritual power, human kidney function has its limits.

【  Redeem kidney-strengthening elixir,】 Lin Su muttered, realizing a profound truth in that moment: cross-species romance should not be attempted lightly.

System 06 swiftly took action, capturing the host's troubled expression with its newly replaced camera. The saying "there are no bad fields, only exhausted oxen" turned out not to be a mere system myth.

After everything was over, Lin Su leaned against a bookshelf, with Celtic straddling his lap. 

Celtic’s sharp fangs pierced Lin Su's neck, the blood slowly flowing into his mouth as he let out a lazy sigh, feeling a simultaneous satisfaction in body and soul.

"Full?" Lin Su asked, stroking Celtic's hair as if he were a cat that had just had all its needs met.

Celticlicked his wound closed, lazily leaning there. "You really don't seem like a frail human."

Allowing such indulgence carried an intention of provocation and comparison. If the man lost, Celtic would naturally have the advantage of demanding his position. Most humans couldn't match a vampire's stamina, but this man was exceptional in every aspect, making Celtic willingly concede.

"Is that a compliment?" Lin Su asked with a smile.

Celtic nuzzled his shoulder slightly. "It's a compliment."

He admired strength, and Lin Su was strong enough. Compliments were not to be withheld.

After a few days of intense activities, Celtic attempted the first embrace again. However, the result was the same as before. Lin Su still retained his human body temperature and dietary habits.

"Let's wait three to five years. If I haven't changed by then, it means it's a success," Lin Su suggested.

Celtic felt relieved, and his curiosity about Lin Su grew. "I heard you used to be an alchemist for the church. How did you gain such formidable strength?"

Despite sending out many vampires to investigate this person's past, they only got as far as the country of Andra, where the trail abruptly ended. It was as if he had appeared out of thin air, with no traces of his past to be found.

"A fortunate encounter," Lin Su looked up at him and said. "There was a famine in Andra. In a desperate situation, I fell off a cliff and into a deep well, where I found a secret manual."

System 06 couldn't help but think that this sounded like a familiar trope, like something out of a modern novel where the protagonist overcomes adversity in a similar way: 【  The Prince couldn't possibly believe this, right?】

Even a three-year-old from that era wouldn't believe they could find a secret manual by jumping off a cliff.

Celtic propped his cheek on his hand and asked, "Such a fortunate encounter? What happened next?"

System 06: 【...】

"Next, I found the accumulated wealth of the previous owner inside. I used it to make myself presentable and studied the manual. I didn't come out until I had mastered it," Lin Su said without changing his expression.

Celtic leaned forward unconsciously, even sitting directly on the armrest of Lin Su's sofa. "So, the first time the soldiers of Andra saw you, you looked quite disheveled?"

"Vampires are really good at investigating people," Lin Su praised.

"We checked it out earlier. If we wanted to defeat you, how could we not investigate your past?" 

At that time, Celtic was simply looking for Lin Su's weaknesses. If he had any relatives in the world, it would definitely form a weak point, given how much humans value emotions.

But unfortunately, they found nothing.

Celtic naturally wouldn't foolishly reveal this purpose. Saying it would only increase distrust without any benefit.

Lin Su wouldn't get angry over such things. After all, he had learned about Celtic's past from the system, which was more thorough than Celtic's investigation of him. "Know yourself and your enemy, and you'll win every battle. Not bad."

"Then the aluminum ware you presented to the King of Andra wasn't something you refined?" Celtic asked.

"That was refined by me. My identity as an alchemist has been very helpful," Lin Su said with a smile.

Celtic stood up, opened a nearby cabinet, and took out a box, placing it in front of Lin Su. "It seems I didn't lose out by taking this."

The box was very familiar, and the items inside even more so. There were vessels with olive branch patterns, an aluminum ring, and an exquisitely crafted chalice. The intricate designs were difficult for others to replicate, but Lin Su could recognize his own handiwork.

Considering the value of these aluminum items in this era, those who obtained them definitely got a bargain. At the time, it had been somewhat frustrating, but given the circumstances, Lin Su couldn't afford to hold a grudge over such a small matter. Holding onto others' mistakes to punish oneself was pointless.

Besides, with so many other tasks to handle, such trivial matters had been pushed to the back of his mind. He hadn't expected to see these items again.

"What did you do to them?" Lin Su closed the box and placed it on the nearby table, then asked.

"The king only asked a few questions when he first saw them and took these to keep as a collection," Celtic said, gently rubbing his fingers. "Now, his hands should both be broken. As for the pope and the bishop, they are currently reveling in the possession of eternal life."

Becoming a vampire was definitely not a reward, but a punishment that would make them disintegrate in sunlight.

They had touched things they shouldn't have and bullied someone only he could bully. Such a punishment was lenient for them.

Even young vampires would sometimes show their claws in front of him, let alone in front of others. As a vampire prince, he was definitely not someone to be trifled with. But as a lover, he was fiercely protective.

Lin Su smiled and said, "Thank you, darling, for standing up for me."

"You're welcome." Celtic used his sharp fingertip to trace Lin Su's cheek and said, "I also found out something particularly interesting. Do you know what it is?"

His question was quite clear: I won't say it, but you have to guess correctly. If you guess right, there will be consequences, and if you guess wrong, there will still be consequences.

Lin Su recalled the things he had done and, understanding what Celtic meant, asked, "What interesting thing?"

That kind of question couldn't be asked outright, as asking it would be equivalent to admitting he had ulterior motives from the beginning.

"The King of Andra said you initially wanted to become the Holy Son. Did you really want to serve a god?" Selt raised an eyebrow and asked.

At that time, Lin Su just wanted to see what the target of his mission was like.

"Having just mastered my skills, of course I wanted to choose the most comfortable and stable job," Lin Su said with a smile. "Later, I became an alchemist, didn't I?"

"Then why did you specifically replace Ian to come to me?" Celtic was inexplicably suspicious that this man had planned from the beginning to get close to him.

He had no evidence, but his sixth sense had saved him many times before, making his intuition quite sharp.

Lin Su chuckled softly and recalled, "Because on my first night at the Holy Church, I saw you."

From the first glance, he found Celtic's appearance appealing and, of course, wanted to bring him back without hesitation.

Celtic remembered that night when he first arrived in the Bird Empire. He sensed someone watching but couldn't find the source of the gaze. "It was you!"

"Yes, it was me, my prince." Lin Su smiled, taking Selt's hand. "You did sense my presence."

"You bastard, you planned this from the first time you saw me, didn't you?" Celtic moved his eyebrows in irritation.

From initially appearing weak and easily bullied to later overpowering him, it made Celtic resentful. He couldn't win in a fight or outmaneuver him, and then Lin Su used a gentle approach, breaking down the barriers in his heart beyond repair.

"From the first time I saw you, you were like a sprite in the night, flashing past me," Lin Su said with a smile. "I fell in love with you at first sight."

Being loved at first sight was the greatest compliment to one's appearance, and being pursued so determinedly by a man greatly satisfied Celtic's vanity.

It turned out he had never been completely defeated one-sidedly. Softening his tone, Celtic asked, "Then how did you know about my identity?"

"Yi Zhelai knows you," Lin Su replied without hesitation, shifting the blame.

Anyway, given the young vampire's character, it was destined that he couldn't have a calm conversation with the equally proud ancestor, making this matter unprovable.

"You're tall and strong but still pretend to be cute," Celtic couldn't help but pout, though his eyes couldn't hide the amusement. "The first time I saw you, if it weren't for your good looks, I almost mistook you for someone else."

"The first time we met, you couldn't resist drinking my blood. Was that love at first sight?" Lin Su asked with a smile.

Celtic recalled that moment, a smile tugging at his lips. "How could that be? It was just lust at first sight."

The first glance was stunning. Even though he thought Lin Su was just a frail human, that stunning impression lingered.

When Celtic re-entered Lin Su's villa, his attitude toward humans and vampires had changed somewhat. At least when the vampires living there greeted him, he no longer ignored them entirely.

Previously, he might not have listened to Lin Su's words, but now he would consider the intent behind them.

Lin Su had said that while some vampires indeed willingly fell into depravity, many more did not choose to be born as vampires. If they could live as humans, few would willingly sell their souls to the devil, facing rejection from both humans and vampires, living as neither.

To prevent unwillingly born vampires from truly falling into endless darkness, Lin Su hired them, allowing them to survive.

The fault lay not with those who experienced the first embrace but with the vampires dedicated to creating more of their kind. They created this race, but it was the vampire community that bore the consequences.

Celtic appreciated the man's goodwill, reluctantly admitting that his words made sense.

"Do you want humans and vampires to coexist peacefully?" Celtic had asked Lin Su.

Lin Su's response was firm. "Yes."

"Just having my support isn't enough," Celtic said, doubting that all vampires would compromise with humans and sustain their race through donated blood from hospitals. Such a method seemed to turn humans into caretakers and vampires into those being cared for.

"Just having you is enough," Lin Su smiled, gently patting Selt's head.

Celtic pondered this but didn't ask about Lin Su's next steps. He wanted to see firsthand how this man would proceed. Undoubtedly, the process and results would surprise him.

Celtic's change in attitude greatly astonished the vampires in the villa. A petite vampire girl tentatively said, "Madam, you are truly beautiful."

Celtic had heard countless compliments, but what pleased him wasn't the praise itself but the title she used. "What did you call me?"

His bloodline suppression was still in effect, causing the girl to shrink back and whisper, "Madam... I'm very sorry, Prince."

"No, continue to call me that," Celtic said with a smile.

Without needing a wedding or ceremony, he was now the other master of the villa.

He was clearly pleased. The other vampires looked at each other, then respectfully bowed, saying, "Yes, Madam."

After the vampires left, Celtic touched the smile on his lips. As he raised his gaze, he saw Yi Zhelai approaching.

Enemies meeting face to face, their animosity was palpable. Though he had promised Lin Su no physical conflicts, verbal jabs were fair game. Yi Zhelai sneered, "It seems Prince Celtic has really fallen for a human."

"So what if I have? It's better than our esteemed ancestor being a lonely old man, as humans say, growing old and dying alone," Celtic retorted, still coveting the ancestor's heart blood but knowing now wasn't the time to act.

Long life was a blessing for humans but a curse for vampires.

Yi Zhelai's expression turned icy. "Who said I'm alone?"

"So, Ancestor, does this mean you like that human, Ian?" Celtic raised his voice in a teasing tone, "Then aren't we in the same boat?"

Yi Zhelai frowned slightly. "Of course not. How could I ever be interested in a human?"

Celtic lowered his head and chuckled softly, then lifted his chin to gesture behind Yi Zhelai. Yi Zhelai turned and saw Ian, dressed in a bathrobe, looking pale.

"What are you doing here?" Yizhe Lai clenched his fists.

Ian's body trembled. "I just... came out... to use the... bathroom. I didn't mean to eavesdrop... I'll leave right now!"

As he turned, his steps were hurried and even a bit unsteady, giving the impression of someone fleeing in panic.

Yi Zhelai turned his gaze back to Celtic, his eyes cold and terrifying. "Did you do that on purpose?"

"If I said it was unintentional, you probably wouldn't believe me," Celtic said, rubbing his chin. "Anyway, you don't like him. What difference does it make if it was on purpose or not? Or do you actually like him?"

Yi Zhelai sneered. "You're overthinking it. Why would I care about a human?"

"Let's hope you don't forget today's words," Celtic said as he passed by. "Since you don't want him, I'll take over. It will lighten Lin Su's blood supply burden, killing two birds with one stone."

He left with a smug expression, feeling a deep sense of satisfaction as he looked at Yi Zhelai's rigid back. Even though he had started the conflict, the fact remained that this damn ancestor had nearly killed him. Celtic prided himself on holding grudges better than anyone else in the world.

But when he turned and entered the room, seeing Lin Su watching him under the candlelight, that self-satisfied look wavered. He had a feeling the man knew something.

"Feeling better?" Lin Su asked, half-smiling.

Celtic knew there was no point in hiding anything further. He laughed and said, "Of course. A coward who can't even admit his own feelings deserves a lesson. There are plenty of humans with special blood needed by vampires, one less won't make a difference."

Vampires were good at hunting and deception. Dealing with a special blooded human like Ian, they could trick him his whole life, all the while being gentle and considerate. Unlike that ancestor who wore a cold face and issued orders all day.

"You've disrupted his relationship; he might come after you for it," Lin Su laughed.

"Aren't you here with me?" Celtic raised an eyebrow.

The fate of the main protagonists seemed destined, but in reality, it wasn't much different from anyone else's. One wrong step could lead to separation, and the red string of fate could easily snap.

Lin Su didn't dislike Yi Zhelai. After all, being stubborn was something both humans and vampires exhibited to varying degrees. Celtic's interference was more of a provocation than actual disruption.

It's up to Yi Zhelai to either step forward and achieve completeness or step back and part ways.

"Aren't you taking advantage of your power?" Lin Su asked, smiling.

"I'm helping you," Celtic replied, sitting down beside him. "Ian is much easier to handle than Yi Zhelai. If they end up together, controlling the ancestor would only require controlling Ian."

Yi Zhelai would never truly follow anyone's orders, but if he gave his heart, he would naturally lower his defenses.

To ensure peace between vampires and humans, having leverage over Yi Zhelai would be beneficial.

Lin Su gazed at the lazy, yet elegantly beautiful young vampire in the candlelight and praised, "How can there be such a clever and beautiful darling like you in the world?"

"So, being with me is your biggest gain. You should be secretly pleased," Celtic smiled seductively, pulling Lin Su's collar closer. "I've helped you so much. How are you going to thank me?"

This blatant invitation was something vampires truly enjoyed.

Lin Su propped his arm beside him, leaning in for a kiss. "I'll fulfill all your desires, my darling."

System 06, sensing the situation, promptly exchanged for a vitality-boosting potion and offered encouragement: 【  Host, go for it!】

Lin Su promptly banished System 06 to the metaphorical black room.

The intricately carved candle had burned down from arm-length to just the candlehead by the time all movement ceased. Lin Su calmed his breathing and reached into a drawer, taking out a box. He opened it and slipped one of its contents onto Celtic's finger.

Celtic lay back in the bed, his consciousness slightly hazy. When he felt the unfamiliar object on his hand, he raised his finger. The flashing light from it caught his eye.

It was a simple yet elegant ring, with a dragon and snake coiling around it. Embedded was a violet gemstone, whose radiant brilliance surpassed any gemstone Celtic had ever seen.

"What is this?" Celtic asked, caressing the ring.

"This is platinum and a fancy diamond," Lin Su said, holding his hand. "The moment I found this diamond, I knew it was perfect for you."

"Platinum?" Celtic hadn't heard of this metal before, but its luster surpassed that of silver and aluminum. The first time he saw the ring, he liked it immediately.

"It's a type of metal that won't tarnish over time. Do you like it?" Lin Su asked, smiling.

Extracting the metal hadn't been difficult for him. In this era, people didn't have the technology to cut diamonds, which was why this beautiful violet diamond had remained unappreciated.

But in his hands, this diamond, which had only cost a few gold coins, could shine brilliantly.

"Did you make it yourself?" Celtic asked, noticing the stone's color was similar to his eyes.

"Yes," Lin Su replied with a smile.

"I love it," Celtic said, kissing the ring. Then, with a swift kick, he tossed the blanket aside. "You've given me such a wonderful gift. How do you want me to thank you?"

Lin Su tensed slightly, a movement so subtle that most wouldn't notice, but Celtic did. He laughed freely. " I didn't expect you to have something you're afraid of, did you?"

"I just think we shouldn't spend all our time on such things," Lin Su said helplessly.

Occasional indulgence was fine, but he didn't enjoy the constant feeling of losing control. It made one too accustomed to a lack of restraint.

“Then let me be on top,” Celtic propped his chin on his hand. “I’ll take control.”

Lin Su stared at him quietly, then smiled softly. “Sweetheart, do you want to experience the feeling of completely losing control?”

His tone was calm, yet it made Celtic suddenly uneasy. But not wanting to back down, he laughed. “Then let's give it a try.”

Lin Su's eyes darkened slightly, causing Celtic to feel an inexplicable unease. In that moment, he thought he might have provoked the wrong person.

Vampires were known for their bloodthirstiness and indulgence in desires, with immense strength and regenerative abilities. Usually, humans had no choice but to beg for mercy in comparison.

But after that night, it took Celtic a whole month before he could leave the room. When he finally stepped out, he almost felt like he wouldn't see the outside world again.

“Take it easy going down the stairs, sweetheart,” Lin Su walked beside him, attempting to support him.

Celtic instinctively pulled away and laughed. “I can manage myself.”

Technically, vampires shouldn’t experience back pain, but Celtic felt his back had been overworked. As he made his way down, various vampires greeted him, but he could barely muster a smile.

When they reached downstairs, they were met with the sight of Yi Zhelai holding Ian while they crafted something together. Their demeanor was intimate, and Ian's face was flushed, a stark contrast to the pallor of a month ago.

Yi Zhelai glanced up at Celtic and sneered. “Finally let out, huh? Not easy.”

The joy of an enemy when one had just been through an ordeal made things twice as unpleasant. “We’re just that close. Ian here probably couldn’t last three days.”

Whenever the two met, it was like clashing swords. Lin Su raised an eyebrow but said nothing. Ian, however, blushed as red as an apple.

Given the vampire's nature, after they committed to each other, everything that should and shouldn’t happen had happened. 

In reality, Ian hadn’t lasted even three hours.

Meanwhile, Lin Su and Celtic had stayed in their room for an entire month. Truly impressive.

Yi Zhelai's face darkened. “Ian is delicate and gentle, far better than you with your insatiable desires. Lin Su must have had a hard time satisfying you.”

“It wasn't hard at all,” Lin Su said calmly from his seat.

Yi Zhelai: “...”

Celtic sat down beside Lin Su. “Unlike Ian, who can’t satisfy you, so you must be the one left wanting.”

“Please, stop,” Ian pleaded softly. “People are watching…”

What he considered a very private matter was being discussed openly by them, which was incredibly embarrassing.

Both Yi Zhelai and Celtic looked up, noticing the vampires who had been secretly watching quickly pulling back their heads. Their exchanged glances were full of mutual understanding.

The shared look conveyed one message: This is so juicy!

The onlookers retreated, and Celtic laughed softly. “What's the big deal? Being shy and reserved in bed isn’t exactly charming.”

Ian's face turned bright red. “I... I...”

“And don’t forget how he talked about you before. Forgiving him so easily might make him take you for granted,” Celtic remarked, feeling like he had missed a particularly exciting drama over the past month.

“I don’t think he would,” Ian said earnestly. “He promised me, and I believe him.”

Celtic glanced at Yizhelei. “Who was it that said they’d never fall for a human?”

“Sweetheart, it might take time, but the 'true fragrance' moment will always arrive,” Lin Su whispered, pinching Celtic’s waist lightly.

Because of that gentle pinch, Celtic almost jumped up. “Talk if you want, but don’t touch.”

He tried to fend off Lin Su’s hand. After a month of intense indulgence, he had completely entered a sage-like state of mind.

His fingers were long and fair, adorned with a dazzling ring that shimmered with a violet hue, making his hands exceptionally attractive.

Ian, unsure how to change the subject, exclaimed, "Your ring is really beautiful."

Celtic nodded with a hint of amusement, "You think so?"

Ian obediently nodded, "It doesn't look like silver or aluminum, very beautiful."

"It was specially gifted by my lover," Celtic extended his fingers, waving them before him, "He made it himself, with platinum metal and diamonds that can last forever, just like our love."

The boastful tone did not go unnoticed by the four beings present; only Ian, foolishly, envied, "That's so nice, Mr. Lin is really good to you."

When Masters fight, every move is fatal.

When one's beloved praises another man, it's the ultimate denial of one's own capabilities.

Yi Zelai spoke up, "If you like it, I'll give you one too."

"You can make it?" Ian blinked, eagerly anticipating.

Yi Zelai: "…"

He couldn't, although he had lived longer than Lin Su, he felt he didn't know as much as this guy.

Yi Zelai looked at Lin Su, who stopped him before he could speak: "Yes, but I want something in return."

He asked, which meant this thing was precious to Yi Zelai.

"Do you want to talk in private?" Yi Zelai asked.

Lin Su nodded with a smile, "Yes."

"I'll be right back," Yi Zelai stood up and said to Ian.

Lin Su also stood up, lightly tapping Celtic's cheek with a smile, "Be gentle with him."

Who was clearly playing tricks on whom? Ian was at a loss, but Yi Zelai looked at Lin Su and said, "I'm still here."

Lin Su changed the subject, saying, "Get along well."

"Understood," Celtic raised an eyebrow.

Yet Yi Zelai felt there wasn't much difference between this statement and the previous one. 

The two went upstairs together for a private discussion. Celtic stood up and sat beside Ian, his arm draped over his shoulder. "Sweetheart, tell me, how did you forgive him?"

He behaved somewhat domineeringly, causing Ian to stiffen all over. His fingers clasped together on his lap, sitting meekly as he replied, "He apologized to me and said he knew he was wrong."

"And you forgave him just like that?" Celtic clicked his tongue, finding it somewhat uninteresting.

"I ignored him for a whole fifteen days," Ian blinked, "He couldn't bear it himself."

Celtic raised an eyebrow, finding it hard to believe this was something this sweetheart would do, but...

"Well done. Who taught you that?" Selt asked.

Ian sat up straight, "Mr. Lin said that things obtained too easily aren't cherished."

"Hmm?" Celtic's tone lifted slightly, sensing this statement applied to him as well. He asked softly, "When did he say this to you?"

"After I heard Yi Zelai say those things, when I brought food, Mr. Lin said it," Ian looked at him, "Is there a problem?"

"Nothing," Celtic stared at him for a while, laughing when Ian looked bewildered, "Can I taste your blood?"

Ian instinctively shook his head, covering his neck, "No."

"Why?" Celtic reassured him, "A vampire biting doesn't hurt at all, you should know."

Ian continued shaking his head, "Mr. Lin said it's not allowed."

"We can keep it a secret from him," Celtic leaned closer, "Just a taste, please Ian, you're the best, just a taste."

He usually carried himself with arrogance, but now, sporting such an incredibly charming demeanor, he softened his tone and coquettishly said, "Even Mr. Lin wouldn't be able to resist this." 

Ian promptly stood up and moved three meters away from Celtic, stating firmly, "No, this would make both Mr. Lin and Yi Zelai angry."

Celtic got up and walked towards him. "What if I really want to drink?"

Ian held out a hand to stop him and backed away, saying nervously, "Let's not get too close. If you insist, I'll shout for help."

He was as timid as a little white rabbit, yet stubborn about this matter. If he had encountered Celtic before Lin Su, Selt wouldn't have minded keeping him as a pet.

"Go ahead, shout all you want. No one will come to save you," Celtic took a few steps closer. Ian backed against the wall, with no further retreat. He covered his head and shouted, "Help!"

"Hahaha..." Celtic looked down at him from his superior position and burst into laughter. "You don't really believe that, do you?"

Ian looked up from his arms. "You weren't serious?"

"Just teasing you," Celtic sat back down lazily and loftily, "I don't want to provoke Lin Su."

Ian stood up from the floor, relieved. He found Mrs. Lin Su's husband rather whimsical. "It's good that you were joking."

"Actually, now I'm the one joking," Celtic raised an eyebrow, watching Ian return to his original spot. Suddenly, he felt that a bit of liveliness wasn't such a bad thing after all.

Lin Su and Yi Zelai went into the room to discuss matters. Both were straightforward. Yi Zelai asked directly, "What do you want?"

"Your heart's blood," Lin Su stared at him.

Yi Zelai wasn't surprised. He didn't have much to offer this man, and the only precious thing he could give was probably his heart's blood. "You're really good to him. You'd give him anything."

"That almost sounds like jealousy," Lin Su chuckled. "I'll trade it for that ring and a pill that can allow Ian to experience the first embrace and live like a human, and stay with you forever."

However, Ian would likely lead a very painful life if he fell into the dark world. Love can be disguised, but whether someone truly loves or not, Lin Su could still discern.

Yi Zelai couldn't bear to part with the young man. Even though a vampire's heart was as cold as stone, it could still be warmed, because their red threads were connected from the beginning.

"I've never heard of such a thing," Yi Zelai said.

"Just because you haven't heard of it doesn't mean it doesn't exist," Lin Su chuckled. "I disdain using such methods to deceive people."

Yi Zelai looked deeply at him. A vampire would die if pierced through the heart with silver, but taking blood would not kill them. Yet he had never given his heart's blood to any vampire.

Vampires have keen senses. A cry for help from the living room made Yi Zelai stand up.

Lin Su laughed, "Don't worry, Celtic won't harm him. I assure you."

Yi Zelai listened carefully to the sound from there and sat back down. "Deal."

His subconscious reaction couldn't deceive himself. He felt miserable when Ian ignored him, feeling life was dull and uninteresting. Although all this was taught by the person in front of him, it forced him to see the inner self he had been avoiding.

The pill from the system exchange was absolutely reliable. Lin Su handed the pill to him. "You can try this first. I'll confirm the details with Ian about the ring and make it in a style he likes. If you want a wedding ring, I can give you one as a gift."

It's crucial to show sincerity to a business partner.

Yi Zelai took the pill. "Got it."

He stood up, fetched a cup, unbuttoned his shirt, and when sharp nails grew from his fingertips, Lin Su handed over a dagger.

"Nails carry bacteria. This dagger isn't silver, but it's sharp enough to pierce a vampire's chest," Lin Su advised thoughtfully.

Yi Zelai: "..."

He took the dagger and pierced his chest without a furrowed brow. As the bright red blood slowly flowed into the cup, forming a shallow layer at the bottom, he withdrew the dagger and placed the cup on the table. "Drink this. Celtic's power will surpass mine."

"His power will surpass yours eventually. It's just his obsession with you. I only want to remove his obsession," Lin Su said as he picked up the cup, and Yi Zelai's chest wound had already healed completely.

Buttoning up his shirt, Yi Zelai said, "Don't tell Ian."

"I actually suggest telling him through my mouth, because hiding this won't be felt by the other person. He might even feel you don't love him enough," Lin Su suggested with a smile. "Of course, if you insist, I can keep it a secret."

The spirit of being willing to sacrifice is indeed precious, but Lin Su himself never approved of sacrificing and then hiding. Clearly deeply in love, but hiding it in the end, only moved himself.

Yi Zelai remained silent for a while before saying, "Then please."

In the living room, Celtic chuckled lightly, standing up under Ian's puzzled gaze, coincidentally passing Yi Zelai coming downstairs. "Don't worry, I didn't touch your baby."

He went straight upstairs and his eyes lit up when he saw the blood on the table.

With this, he could rightfully become the undisputed king of the vampires.

"So, you've always remembered my wish," Celtic didn't touch the cup of blood but sat decisively on Lin Su's lap.

He wanted to become powerful, but relying solely on age accumulation wasn't enough. Though vampires seemed scattered, they had strict hierarchical divisions. For a prince to possess the power of an ancestor, he had to obtain the ancestor's heart's blood.

Obsession had always been planted in his heart. Even if he temporarily ceased hostilities for Lin Su's sake, he would never truly be content until he achieved his goal.

"I remember every word you say," Lin Su smiled, "especially your long-standing wish."

Whether human or vampire, everyone likes to be held in someone's heart, craving open and unabashed favoritism, and Celtic is no exception.

"But this is blood from other vampires," Celtic pointed at the cup.

"Just this once, it won't happen again," Lin Su handed him the cup. "I have to redirect your thoughts away from him. It's better if you only see me."

Celtic took the cup, closed his eyes, and tilted his head back to drink. Ancestor's heart's blood didn't possess the vitality unique to humans, but the power contained within fascinated him. The moment his long-held wish was fulfilled, it felt like his entire body could finally relax.

No, his power surpassed this person's, which meant their position's could still be changed.

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