It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 105


IETSTSMLARA | The Ambitious Vampire Prince | 105

When Celtic opened his eyes, a flash of red light appeared in his gaze. He reached out to grab 

Lin Su's hand, but in that instant, the man twisted his arm back, pinning both of Celtic's hands firmly behind him with one hand.

Lin Su lifted Celtic's chin with his other hand and asked with a light laugh, "Darling, what are you trying to do?"

Celtic smiled, trying hard to free his hands, but found that he couldn't break free from the man's grip.

Although Lin Su's hold wasn't painful, it was extremely secure.

Initially, Celtic thought that he could stop Yi Zhelei because the ancestor's power had been significantly weakened and consumed. However, now it seemed that wasn't the case at all.

"Nothing much. You granted my wish, so I want to kiss you." Celtic relaxed and said softly, "You're hurting me."

One must submit when necessary. Offending the ancestor might have meant death in the past, but offending the man in front of him would result in being confined to a room for a month, begging to no avail, and unable to even crawl out.

Lin Su released his wrists, blew on them near his lips, and said, "Blow on it, and the pain will fly away."

"Are you trying to comfort me like a child?" Celtic softened his tone and pinched Lin Su's nose.

Lin Su, with a nasal voice, said, "I'm comforting you like my precious darling."

Even the deepest, most magnetic voice would sound strange when the nose is pinched. Celtic laughed and sat on Lin Su's lap as if he were sitting on a throne. "What was the wedding ring you mentioned earlier?"

Ian couldn't hear Lin Su and Yi Zhelei's conversation, but Celtic had heard it clearly. For instance, the wedding ring and the pill that allows a human to live like a human after being embraced.

"A pair of rings," Lin Su said, holding Celtic's hand and rubbing the ring. "The ring finger of the left hand is connected to the heart. Wearing a ring there means your heart belongs to someone, forever and always. Anyone can see that you are taken and cannot be pursued freely."

In this era, there was no such concept. It sounded romantic and beautiful.

Celtic raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "Then let's wear a pair."

This person wanted to bind him, and Celtic felt the same way.

"My ring isn't finished yet. When it's done, how about you personally put it on for me?" Lin Su asked with a smile.

"Since you've requested it so earnestly, I'll reluctantly agree," Celtic said, his eyes curving slightly.

He didn't ask Lin Su about the pill, but as Lin Su got up to leave, he said, "That pill has my blood in it, so it has the same effect. There's only one in this world."

That pill would ensure that Ian could live like a human after being embraced, maintaining his youth but not achieving immortality.

Yi Zhelei would personally give Ian the embrace, and Ian would bear Yi Zhelei's blood, accompanying him until the end of his life when Yi Zhelei enters his hibernation.

The reason for a vampire's hibernation is currently unknown. It could be due to the need for rest after a long period of activity, the burden of too many memories, or simply boredom. They may sleep for decades or centuries, and when they wake, they forget their past.

If Ian were immortal, he would have to live alone for hundreds of years as a human, watching his friends age and die, over and over again. That would be an extreme torment to the human soul, far from the beautiful imagination of humans.

Therefore, people who enter the mission world have limited lifespans. They age and die naturally, and everything here will no longer concern them.

Of course, Lin Su would never tell anyone this truth. He would rather let it be his deception.

Celtic didn't want to ask about it, but he didn't expect that Lin Su would know what he wanted to know and provide the answer. Having someone who understands you is indeed a wonderful feeling.

Lin Su's routine gradually adjusted until he was active at night and slept during the day with thick curtains drawn. The promise to sleep in a coffin together was fulfilled, though after each use, they switched to a new coffin.

"The wooden one isn't very sturdy. How about we make one out of platinum?" Lin Su suggested, tapping on the coffin lid.

Such a coffin would be bug-proof, waterproof, and extremely durable.

Celtic lazily sat on a nearby coffin and said, "I prefer wooden ones."

The feeling of sleeping in wood was more reassuring.

The coffin shop owner welcomed two incredibly handsome guests at night. They looked good, but their words made it seem like they were picking out coffins for themselves: "If you like something sturdy, we have golden phoebe wood coffins, made from hundred-year-old wood that won't rot for over a century."

"Hmm? Let's take a look," Lin Su said.

Celtic was also intrigued. When he saw the coffin, he tapped it with his finger, listened to the sound, and exchanged a glance with Lin Su. "This one is good."

"Should we start with ten?" Lin Su asked.

Celtic crossed his arms and said, "Buy a few hundred, so we don't have to worry about it every few days. Boss, if we buy a few hundred, can we get a discount?"

It was the first time the owner had seen someone buying hundreds of coffins in one go. These two might not just have bad brains; it seemed more likely that they frequently needed coffins.

Sweating, the owner respectfully said, "Of course, you'll get a discount, but I don't have that many in stock right now."

"Then we'll wait until you have enough," Celtic said, gently lifting the seemingly heavy coffin. "We'll take this one today."

His strength was evidently immense, confirming the owner's suspicions. Swallowing hard, the owner said, "Alright, no problem. Where do you live? I'll deliver it to you."

"Deliver it?" Celtic noticed the owner's change in demeanor and smiled, "Then deliver it now. It'll be just in time to use it."

The owner's body stiffened. Lin Su smiled and asked, "Boss, how much is the deposit in total? Calculate it for us."

Though both of them were remarkably handsome and eye-catching, in the dimly lit room illuminated by candlelight, there was a faint, eerie aura about them.

The shop owner trembled slightly, "O-okay, how many do you need?"

"Three hundred coffins," Lin Su said with a smile that wasn't menacing, yet the owner was still very frightened. With trembling fingers, he calculated for a long time and finally said, "A coffin made of hundred-year-old golden phoebe wood is worth ten gold coins each. Since you're buying in bulk, I'll give you a price of eight gold coins per coffin. A third of the total as a deposit would be seven hundred and twenty gold coins."

Lin Su turned and lifted a small chest from the carriage, placing it on the table. The owner, who had thought it seemed light, tried to move it but found it unexpectedly heavy.

With shaking hands, the owner opened the chest, counted the gold coins, and pushed the chest back, saying, "Seven hundred and twenty gold coins are all here. You can count them again if you wish."

"No need, I trust you're an honest man," Lin Su said, lifting the chest. "Oh, and make sure the coffins are delivered to Su Sheng Hospital without delay."

As Lin Su and Celtic turned to leave, the owner stood there in a cold sweat, stunned. "H-Hospital?!"

Ordering coffins for a hospital might be normal, but all made from golden phoebe wood? Those two must be out of their minds!

Lin Su and Celtic got into the carriage, and Celtic snorted lightly, "Wouldn't it have been easier to have them delivered to the villa? Didn't you see his initial expression?"

The owner had looked at them as if they were fools. The human should be grateful Celtic was in a good mood lately; otherwise, whether the owner would still be standing safely to see them off was questionable. 

Lin Su laughed, "If I ran into two people buying hundreds of coffins in one go as if they were for themselves, I'd look at them the same way."

It was, after all, too bizarre and strange. No normal human would do such a thing.

"Whose side are you on?" Celtic raised an eyebrow.

"Yours," Lin Su laughed. "I'm just trying to avoid unnecessary trouble. If you're still not satisfied, we can test the quality of the coffins when we get back. If they're not up to standard, we can go back and give him some trouble."

Celtic's expression became subtly pleased. "Good idea."

Although the owner had looked at them oddly at first, the quality of the coffins was indeed excellent. No matter how much they tested them, not a single edge or corner was damaged.

Lin Su kissed Celtic on the forehead, got up, and casually put on his clothes. After washing up, he sat at his workbench to continue cutting and polishing diamonds.

Celtic lazily leaned to the side, his eyes half-open, watching Lin Su's meticulous work without interrupting. He rarely had such moments of idleness and inner peace, he felt satisfied just by watching him.

Lin Su didn't like to procrastinate. He had promised to make a wedding ring for Yi Zhelei, and within a week, he finished it. The design was simple yet elegant, adorned with a pristine diamond. 

Ian was delighted when he received it, holding the ring for a long time.

Lin Su already had another ring on his hand, with a similarly pure diamond but a design that was the epitome of simplicity, in contrast to Celtic's extravagantly ornate style. His ring had a unique beauty of its own.

As the ancestor's blood took effect, and Celtic's power surpassed Yi Zhelei's, the supposed rivalry seemed to dissipate. As Celtic himself put it, "He's no longer my equal, so why bother with him?"

Yi Zhelei found this statement quite provoking, but the ancestor was not one to be provoked into recklessly challenging a stronger vampire. His patience was nearly unparalleled.

Celtic began to reform the vampire community. The current blood slaves could not be released, but future ones had to be willing humans. Forced measures often met with great resistance, but Celtic used himself as an example. 

As long as the deception was thorough, special blood like Lin Su's would willingly let him drink it. The vampires' standard should be elevated, not like mindless beasts forcibly hunting their prey.

Because of this example, the newly appointed ancestor was severely punished by his willing blood slave. It took breaking three coffins before he was let out, nearly developing a psychological aversion to coffins.

"Who am I doing this for?!" Celtic leaned against a tree, exasperated.

Ian was fertilizing the flower field and, after listening quietly, remarked, "Well, Mr. Lin would probably be very hurt to hear that, which is why he acted that way."

Outwardly, he seemed calm, but his small head was full of questions. How did they manage to break three coffins?

"This method can achieve twice the result with half the effort. Otherwise, those vampires might not listen," Celtic said.

Just as he had dared to confront the ancestor before, it was impossible to truly make vampires submit from the heart. Achieving their goals required taking shortcuts.

"You have a point, but isn't it hard to go on like this?" Ian asked, turning his head.

It was said that even vampires would struggle without blood for three days. Yi Zhelai could drink the blood of other species, but Celtic only drank Mr. Lin's blood.

Celtic crossed his arms. "Do you think I would bow down for food?"

Ian thought he was being stubborn. A few hours later, when Ian went inside, he found Celtic holding a cup and drinking blood. "You?"

"He left it in the freezer. Why waste it?" Celtic chuckled.

Ian: "..."

Indeed, he was being stubborn.

With Celtic's powerful bloodline, the vampire community was reorganized quickly. However, there were still some frictions regarding the status of vampires.

Most vampires despised the existence of other vampires, while a few liked to create them. After Cyril's death, those vampires became scattered but still existed.

Most vampires hated other vampires like lions hated hyenas. Hunting them all was one thing, but distinguishing between those who harmed others and those who didn’t was impossible.

Lin Su lowered his demands: "As long as they don't harass humans or create more vampires."

The current state between humans and vampires had persisted for centuries, and it couldn't be changed overnight.

With the help of two ancestors, achieving this much was already quite impressive. 

Without the birth of new vampires, humans could focus solely on dealing with existing vampires, which was much more manageable.

Meanwhile, news arrived from the Bird Empire: the Pope and Bishop Bart had been punished by divine retribution for selling their souls to the devil. This was the official story. Privately, it was known that a knight commander had caught the Pope and Bart drinking the blood of a nun and had swiftly killed the two newly turned vampires. 

The truth hadn't yet spread, but the aftermath was proving troublesome, as bishops began vying for the Pope's position.

Celtic leaned in to look at the letter, noting, "This handwriting seems familiar."

"It's from Albert, the knight commander of the central church. Do you know him?" Lin Su asked, glancing over.

The knight commander, whose skills were entirely in combat and living recklessly, with no time left for cultural refinement, sneezed loudly: "Achoo!!! Am I getting sick? That can't be."

Arnold, sitting across from him, said, "After receiving my letter, Mr. Lin should come quickly. You'll deal with him directly then."

"You're leaving?" Albert asked, running a hand through his slightly messy, curly hair in surprise.

Initially happy to meet Arnold, his attitude changed to caution upon learning Arnold was a vampire. However, over time, he realized how difficult it was for a vampire to hide and be universally despised.

Lin Su had saved Arnold, who then worked hard to accomplish things he previously couldn't.

Pairing Arnold with Albert was likely Lin Su's initial plan. It made things easier with someone familiar and also helped Albert develop a better understanding of vampires, reducing his prejudice. After all, those forcibly turned into vampires were once innocent humans.

"Yes, I have other matters to attend to," Arnold replied earnestly.

In reality, Arnold didn't have any other matters to attend to. He knew that if Mr. Lin came, Prince Celtic would come as well, and he didn't want to put Mr. Lin in a difficult position. He had long decided not to meet Lin Su again, not wanting to hold on to any hope.

"You really are busy," Albert said, scratching his head. "Alright then, when will you be back?"

"Because I have to work hard to survive," Arnold replied with a smile. "Maybe I'll come back to see you when things settle down."

Vampires rarely had human friends, and every additional friend was worth cherishing.

"Be careful on your way," Albert said with a smile. "When you come back, I'll buy you a drink... oh, you can't drink. How about my blood? Interested?"

"No interest," Arnold refused.

"Why not?!" Albert was surprised, having rarely offered such a personal sacrifice, only to be rejected unexpectedly.

"You drink too much, stay up late, and indulge excessively. Your blood quality is poor," Arnold replied with an innocent look, but his words were sharp.

Experiences change a person's character, especially after independently handling many things. Lost confidence returns, and timidity vanishes.

Albert: "..."

Arnold continued, "If you keep going like this, even with your strong body, you'll die young. Please don't abuse your body so carelessly; it'll help you live longer."

Albert wiped his face and said, "Alright, thanks for your concern. I'll buy the finest blood to welcome you back."

Arnold nodded. "Thank you for your generosity. By the way, Mr. Lin has a wife now, so be prepared."

"Wife?!" Albert, who had been a bachelor despite his many flings, was shocked. "That fast?! Whoever managed to tie him down must be quite something."

Meanwhile, on Lin Su's side, Celtic seemed to recall the human in question, "Are you talking about the guy with brute strength who was kept in the dark by the Pope? I don't know him, and I'm not familiar with him."

"He's my friend, so you'll get to know him eventually," Lin Su replied with a smile.

"He has deep prejudices against vampires. I fear our meeting might end in a fight," Celtic wasn't too concerned about a human, but Lin Su's friends were exceptions.

"People change. Didn't you once have deep prejudices against humans?" Lin Su chuckled. "But don't force yourself. If you really can't get along, there's no need to."

Everyone has different temperaments, and forcing a relationship wouldn't be beneficial.

Three days after Lin Su responded and headed for the Bird Empire, Arnold boarded a carriage to leave the empire. Albert had wanted to suggest staying a bit longer to meet up, but Arnold left so quickly that there was no chance to persuade him otherwise.

"What could be so urgent?" Albert sighed. 

Being experienced in matters of the heart, Albert could sense Arnold's feelings for Lin Su were different. Liking one's savior was normal, and if feelings were mutual, it would be a happy ending. However, it wasn't Arnold who won Lin Su's heart, so someone was bound to be hurt. If Arnold had truly moved on, he wouldn't have left so hastily. 

The affairs within the church were chaotic, but Albert believed Lin Su could handle them upon his arrival. His main concern was satisfying his curiosity about Lin Su's spouse.

Lin Su arrived in the Bird Empire just before dawn. The city gates were closed, but thanks to Albert's token, he encountered no significant obstacles. Settling in didn't take much effort, but just as Celtic was lazily nestling in Lin Su's arms for a meal, a loud, rapid set of footsteps approached from outside.

"Lin Su, I heard you have a wife now." Albert burst in swiftly. He was a frequent visitor and wasn't stopped, but he halted abruptly at the scene before him.

He had witnessed the brutal feeding scenes of vampires before; their faces were as hideous as rakshasas. But the scene before him now overturned his previous ideas.

Celtic raised his head, licked the corner of his lips, and with a slight flash of red light in his eyes, said, "Are you Albert?"

Albert had seen the aloofness of Yi Zhelai before, which hadn't left a stunning impression on him. But the vampire before him now, with a natural gesture, was as bewitching as a succubus emerging from the depths of the earth.

He drew his sword and asked, "You know me?! Who are you?!"

"He is my spouse," Lin Su said, wiping Celtic's lips with a handkerchief and smiling, "Long time no see, Albert. Your welcome ceremony is quite unique."

"Spouse?!" Albert's eyes widened as he looked at the man stepping down from Lin Su's arms, and he reflexively kept his sword drawn.

Earlier, there was awe, but now there was intimidation. The feeling the vampire gave him was exactly the same as the one he had felt when he saw the vampire in the tavern.

"Speak if you must, but put the sword away," Lin Su reminded him, "so you don’t accidentally injure yourself."

Albert: "…"

"You’re the one with the unique way of finding a spouse," Albert sheathed his sword, his gaze involuntarily fixating on Celtic, wondering how a man could be so strikingly handsome! Compared to him, his former romantic interests were merely women with average appearance.

But he also felt a sense of inevitability—just the appearance alone made Celtic miles ahead of Arnold, having no competition whatsoever.

"What's so unique?" Celtic asked, sitting on Lin Su's lap and flicking his long hair.

“Ha ha... Nice to meet you. It seems like you know me, but let me introduce myself anyway. I’m Albert, the Grand Knight of the Central Church.” Albert liked beautiful people, but his targets for teasing were usually those without masters. Teasing those with masters might be tempting fate, “Are you a vampire?”

“Celtic, vampire... ancestor.” Celtic liked this status level.

Celtic’s introduction was extremely brief, but the implications were enormous. Albert instinctively tightened his grip on the sword hilt and asked, “An ancestor of the vampire clan? How do you know me?”

“I’m part of the Pope's dealings with the vampire clan,” Celtic said with a smirk before Albert's expression turned cold, “However, the blood slaves living with me are still doing fine.”

“Blood slaves... Is Lin Su one of them?!” Albert felt a significant shock, especially since this vampire had just been feeding on Lin Su's blood.

Lin Su gave him a subtle glance and said, “Do you think it’s possible?”

That look made Albert feel inexplicably foolish. Although he didn’t trust vampires in general, he still trusted Lin Su’s character. He helped innocent vampires and hunted down those who did evil; his spouse wouldn’t be someone utterly wicked.

“I’m here today mainly for matters concerning the Church,” Albert shifted the topic, feeling overwhelmed by the shocks of the day. It was more important to discuss serious business, “You sent a message saying that there was no need to overthrow the Church’s rule, but the Pope and Bishop Bart being struck by divine punishment has still caused some disruption to the Church’s rule.”

After all, it was the highest ruler who had problems and was rejected by the gods.

“Now, the bishops are fighting like mad dogs. I’ve released rumors according to your suggestion, saying that whoever takes the position will follow in the Pope’s footsteps. This should calm things down for now. What should we do next?” Albert wasn’t very skilled in political intrigue.

After a night of travel, Celtic started feeling sleepy after feeding, but he didn’t want to leave. So he simply rested his head on Lin Su's shoulder. 

Lin Su held him close and thought, “What we need now is not a Pope, but a puppet.”

Albert was serious when discussing important matters, and Lin Su wasn't distracted. However, he was momentarily caught off guard by the scene before him. The identity of his partner was beyond question, but he also felt a tinge of frustration: “...A puppet? If the vampire clan doesn’t back down, such transactions will continue to exist.”

“The vampire clan will hold back for now. Celtic can decide, and the blood supply will come from a newly established hospital. It’s just that the new Pope will need to regulate the future blood donation process,” Lin Su said. “Supporting a compliant bishop to rise to power is currently the best solution.”

“But how do we coerce a bishop?” Albert asked. “Use force? Control their family? Isn’t that a bit too unethical?”

“Poison will do. If they breach the agreement, they’ll die from the poison,” Lin Su replied calmly. “Further developments will depend on the situation.”

He already had a specific plan in mind; it was just a matter of time to implement it. Although it was a bit underhanded, it was undeniably effective. Once Lin Su arrived, Albert felt reassured: “We’ll do it your way.”

Once the serious business was over, he changed the subject and asked softly, “Has he fallen asleep?”

“He’s asleep. Feel free to say whatever you want,” Lin Su said with a smile.

“It's good he’s asleep. Tell me, how did you manage to turn the ancestor of the vampire clan into your spouse?” Albert asked with a teasing smile.

As long as one’s character wasn’t terrible, finding such a beautiful partner was quite something. If he found someone like that, he would settle down immediately and stop wandering.

“If you learn how to do it, it won’t help. The vampire clan only has one such treasure,” Lin Su’s words were calm, but Albert could detect an undertone of boasting.

“If you don’t tell me, I’ll let your spouse know about the incident where you were spotted by the tavern owner,” Albert’s smile took on a slightly lewd edge.

Lin Su laughed lightly: “It’s not like I was interested in her. It just means I have great charm, which doesn’t prove anything. If you really want to learn, first clean up your act. Beautiful people don’t truly like someone who obviously looks like a playboy.”

The first part of the sentence left Albert choked, but the latter part made him scratch his head in frustration: “To give up a forest for a single flower…”

Lin Su: “…”

Well, he deserved to be single.

Albert took his leave with the poison. With his eyes closed, Celtic pinched Lin Su’s waist and asked, “The tavern owner? A forest?”

“I have you, why would I need a forest?” Lin Su looked down and smiled.

System 06 also counted the forests he had experienced: 【  This is the ninth tree.】

【  That’s because all the other trees are gone.】 Lin Su said.

With all the trees gone, how could one not move?

System 06 thought the host’s words made a lot of sense.

The plan involving the poison threat went very smoothly. The new Pope appeared benevolent on the surface but was actually a coward, which met Lin Su’s requirements perfectly. 

Rules were subtly implemented, and while vampires remained known only to a few, the majority of citizens lived in a more peaceful environment. 

As danger continued to recede, the influence of theological rule weakened. When the first city-state announced its departure from the Central Church's rule, Lin Su and Celtic planned to return to his castle.

Yi Zhelai took Ian on a trip. As long as they didn’t actively reveal their identities, there would be little conflict between vampires and humans.

Before leaving, Lin Su said goodbye to Albert. Albert had become more mature; time had left its mark on his face. His maturity was reflected in his statement: “No more wandering.”

Lin Su smiled, still as youthful as ever. It seemed as though time would never bring him any sense of aging. In that moment, Albert felt that Lin Su had always seemed so composed and timeless from the very beginning, and he remained the same now: “Goodbye.”

“Goodbye.” Albert smiled as he bid farewell, knowing in his heart that this departure would likely be permanent.

Celtic’s territory welcomed the vampires, and the blood supply was ensured, bringing new vibrancy to the land. 

Celtic thought everything would return to normal, that the fervor of romance would gradually wane. But Lin Su seemed to harbor countless secrets. Just when Celtic felt he had seen through everything, new surprises would appear.

Each day was spent embraced in sleep, and each night was filled with activities like reviewing financial reports, painting, or reading together. Even the mundane blood supply was turned into endless varieties of delight by Lin Su.

During moments of intense affection, kisses came naturally, and over the decades, Celtic still felt his heart race at a single glance or gesture from this man.

By the 150th year, Celtic sensed the approach of his dormant period. The preparations were routine, but Lin Su, though perpetually youthful, consumed human food. He wondered what the consequences of the dormancy would be.

Celtic voiced his concerns, and Lin Su embraced him from behind, saying, “We’ll sleep together. If I wake up hungry, I’ll find something to eat and wait for you to wake up.”

“But vampires lose their memories and start anew when they wake up,” Celtic said.

“I’ll make you fall in love with me again, it's not a difficult task,” Lin Su said, gently pinching his nose. “Don’t you trust me?”

“I trust you, but you mustn’t fall in love with anyone else. You must wait for me to wake up,” Celtic said firmly, holding his hand. “If you dare to fall in love with someone else, I will remember.”

“I won’t. There will be no one else, only you,” Lin Su smiled.

Dormancy took place underground. During Celtic’s dormant period, the castle would be completely isolated from the outside world by a barrier. All the vampires were preparing, and once Celtic, dressed in resplendent attire, lay down in the specially made coffin, Lin Su lay down beside him, holding him as always, just as they would for any other sleep.

Their fingers were interlocked, and the gemstones on their fingers still shone brightly, just as they had years ago. As Celtic closed his eyes in peace, the castle’s barrier automatically opened.

Though it seemed like sleep, Lin Su could sense his breathing stop, his heart cease, and all his sensations and thoughts fading away. The pitch-black environment was filled with silence.

【Host, the task is complete.】System 06 said.

Lin Su responded, 【Let’s go.】

The eternal life of vampires is essentially a series of cycles. Even if the body remains unchanged, the person who emerges later is not the same as the one before.

Lin Su closed his eyes, and the life that should have faded away instantly came to an end.

Back in the system space, Lin Su instinctively rubbed his fingers and only then realized that the ring hadn’t been brought with him.

Habit is a frightening thing, and years had been enough to form one.

【System assessment: Task completion is rated S-level. Task one earned 5 million star coins, task two earned 5 million star coins, and an additional reward of 4 million star coins. 

Total: 14 million star coins, deposited into the account. 

Additional reward reason: Improved the living environment for humans and vampires, allowing the protagonist to avoid many hardships together. Please continue to work hard, Host.】

System 06, having completed the assessment, quickly noted Lin Su’s actions and said, 【Host, if you liked that ring, you can bring it back.】

The system was quite humanized. Everything from a world could be brought to the original world, including items. As long as there were star coins, nothing was a problem.

【No need, if I want it, I can just make another one.】Lin Su coldly refused.

Exchanging an item from the task world wasn’t cheap; it was at least several hundred times more valuable than making it by hand. Although he wasn’t short of star coins, extravagant spending was not a good habit.

System 06: 【Oh…】

The system’s value was essentially diminished under the host’s formidable abilities.

【Please prepare the next world.】Lin Su said with a smile.

【Hmm? Alright!】System 06 felt instantly revitalized, 【I’ll do my best to select a particularly good world for you in the next one.】

【Okay, let’s go.】Lin Su said.

【 System 06 Notification: World loading, memory transfer in progress…】

When Lin Su opened his eyes, his first sensation was a headache, as if his head had been struck by something, and the second sensation was… the ground was cold.

There were noisy sounds around him, with the constant thud of fists hitting flesh and the cries of pain from wrestling.

“Ji Heng, don’t be arrogant. Do you really think you can take us all on alone?”

“Behave and beg for mercy, and I might let you go.”

“Don’t even look at whose territory this is. Today, you’re going to call me ‘Daddy’.”

“Damn it! That hurts!”

“Damn, this guy must be cheating…”

The alley was dark, with neon lights from outside streaming in. Lin Su could see a group of people surrounding a tall, slim youth. The youth’s movements were graceful and not just flashy, so much so that a whole group of people couldn’t take him down.

Given the youth’s calm and composed movements, Lin Su deduced that he was likely on the side of those attacking.

【Thank you.】Lin Su smiled. 【This place is much better than the last world.】

This time, there were people around, though even shouting for help might not have been heard. 

System 06’s mechanical heart felt strangely unsettled: 【This world is really peaceful.】

【Yes, get me a healing potion. If the blood keeps flowing, I’m going to die.】Lin Su said.

It was a routine he had grown accustomed to, even though he might not have liked it.

【Alright.】System 06 responded promptly.

Lin Su took the potion and lay on the ground, feeling weary from the blood loss. He could faintly hear the sound of a police siren in the distance.

Yes, help was on the way.

The group of youths was unreliable, but the police were dependable.

“Hey, wake up. Don’t think you can avoid capture by pretending to be unconscious. None of you are getting away today!” A stern voice rang out above Lin Su. Before he could open his eyes, he was lifted up.

The sound of the police siren was particularly clear, accompanied by several vehicles filled with brawling youths, and Lin Su, who was being sprayed with medication while seated.

“They were pretty rough. If it had been any worse, you might have ended up with a cracked skull, and we wouldn’t have been able to save you,” said the police officer, who was treating and bandaging Lin Su with a very professional technique.

“Do I need to go to the hospital?” Lin Su asked.

“Yes, the hospital is right next to the police station. It’s convenient for both taking statements and getting examined, so it doesn’t waste any time,” the officer said, with a half-hearted smile.

Thus, Lin Su found himself at the police station almost immediately after arriving in this world. This experience was truly unprecedented.

“Fighting and brawling, a bunch of minors trying to act tough. Look at the mess they made. What if someone had really died? Who did this?” A middle-aged police officer asked sternly.

The police had an innate deterrent power. The group of troublemakers, who even scared their teachers, lost their previous courage and lowered their heads, not daring to breathe loudly.

Lin Su, having been injured, sat down. Though he was being reprimanded, he felt it was deserved. What might seem like a simple fight to these youths could unintentionally end a young life.

In the original world line, no one had died, but even a slight flutter of a butterfly's wings could cause irreversible changes.

“Team Leader, the examination results are in. It’s only external injuries; there’s no damage to the brain,” a police officer reported as he brought over the results.

The middle-aged police officer glanced at Lin Su, who was sitting, and said, “You stand up as well!”

Lin Su stood up silently, he never felt so wronged before.

System 06, feeling both guilty and concerned, silently recorded the scene.

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