It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 106


IETSTSMLARA | The Top Student is Flawless | 106

"Come on, tell us the whole story from the beginning, and who caused his injuries," the middle-aged policeman scrutinized the boys who were looking down.

"Isn't it nothing?" a boy with dyed yellow hair and ripped pants retorted.

The policeman stared directly at him and said, "Nothing? You were in a gang fight and injured someone. The minimum penalty is fifteen days in detention, and it'll be on your record. You call that nothing?"

The boy mumbled, "But we didn't injure him. It was Ji Heng who did it. He’s fine, but we got beaten up badly. Why should we be detained?"

In these peaceful times, human rights are important. Even though the words were infuriating, the policeman couldn't act rashly.

"Who is Ji Heng?" the policeman asked.

Standing on the other side of the crowd, a boy who was noticeably taller than everyone else raised his head and replied in a somewhat cold voice, "I am."

He had a somewhat defiant look, but he was very handsome. Facing the policeman, he seemed a bit fearless, "I was passing by after school, and they blocked my way. Officer, this should count as self-defense, right?"

"Oh, you know about self-defense, huh? Not bad. But you could have run away instead of fighting back. This counts as mutual fighting. Since someone got injured, you'll be detained for at least fifteen days, and you'll have to cover the medical expenses," the policeman said.

"Why should I? I was the one being beaten up." Ji Heng glanced at Lin Su and said, "I didn’t cause his injury. A punch can't create a wound that big, can it?"

He appeared calm and steady, but at only seventeen years old, no matter how mature he seemed, he was still a minor.

Ji Heng, the protagonist and notorious school tyrant of A City No. 1 High School, came from a wealthy family. Because of his wealth, he didn’t care about his grades. His family’s donations allowed him to attend the best schools. However, no matter how smart one is, if they don't study at all, they are destined to be at the bottom of the class.

In the original timeline, his first conflict with the protagonist, occurred at a critical juncture. One was a delinquent who got into fights, while the other was a top student who would call the police at the first sign of injustice. Clashing was inevitable, and where there’s conflict, love isn’t far behind.

Lin Su’s original name was Lin Su, pronounced the same but with a different character. Before Ji Heng transferred to No. 1 High School, Lin Su was a class bully. But when Ji Heng arrived, his position was usurped. It’s easy for one person to take a dislike to another.

Forming gangs, having minor conflicts, and exchanging sarcastic remarks were all normal.

"Why? Because of the Public Security Administration Punishment Law, young man. The record clearly states that a group of them attacked you. If you didn't fight back, who else could have caused their injuries?" The policeman looked through the record and said, "Oh, you’re all from the same school, No. 1 High School. It’s a good school, and you’re all in the same class, excellent."

"You’re in Class One?" Ji Heng asked Lin Su.

His tone wasn’t accusatory but rather confused. Yet, it was this puzzled tone that would have infuriated the original Lin Su.

When someone you care about, regardless of the reason, doesn’t even know who you are despite all the open and covert struggles, it’s undoubtedly the most infuriating moment for you.

If it were the original Lin Su here, it would be perfectly normal for him to throw this false accusation right back. But Lin Su was not the original; childish remarks and framing others didn’t align with an adult’s way of handling things.

“Yes,” Lin Su replied.

“We’re all classmates. I never thought you'd be so ruthless, beating a fellow classmate to death,” Yellow Hair said, “Right, Lin Su?”

“It’s not your turn to speak. Shut up.” The policeman sternly rebuked him, then turned to Lin Su, “You’re the victim here. Tell us who beat you. We’ll investigate and gather evidence. Giving false testimony is a crime.”

Ji Heng shot Lin Su a deep glance, snorted, and turned his head away, clearly not believing Lin Su would tell the truth.

The fight had happened. Even if he was detained, there were still lawyers to bail him out.

Lin Su, observing the boy's attempt to appear composed while feeling wronged, said, “The lighting was too dim to see clearly, but it wasn’t Ji Heng.”

“What are you talking about?” Yellow Hair looked at Lin Su in astonishment, “If not him, then who?”

His eyes signaled frantically, and Ji Heng also looked at Lin Su in surprise, clearly finding it unbelievable.

“Don’t give me those looks,” the policeman said.

“It really wasn’t him. He didn’t have a stick in his hand. If the police check the fingerprints and find out I lied, I’d be giving false testimony. Shen Qiang, don’t try to set me up,” Lin Su said righteously.

This incident wasn’t instigated by Lin Su’s original self. He was merely joining in to see Ji Heng suffer. As for why so many students without money or power gathered to pick a fight with Ji Heng, one reason was the notorious reputation of this protagonist, making him difficult to deal with. 

Another reason was that he had offended many people, with Yellow Hair being the most prominent among them.

It wasn’t that Ji Heng intentionally provoked others; he was just outstanding in appearance, wealthy, and had a bit of a bad boy vibe. Yellow Hair's girlfriend had shifted her affection to Ji Heng because of this.

At this age, brimming with adolescent bravado, only clashes of strength truly demonstrated masculine charm. The result was a group fight that landed them in the police station, and they would likely be publicly reprimanded by the school.

Yellow Hair was clearly taken aback, not expecting the usually easily manipulated fool to become smart: “I was standing up for you.”

“But you can’t force me to break the law,” Lin Su replied righteously, his head bandaged.

Even the policeman almost mistook him for a law-abiding good kid.

While they waited, it wasn’t long before a policeman returned with the report, saying, “The results are out. The fingerprints indeed don’t match Ji Heng’s. These two from No. 1 High are first-time offenders; the others aren’t.”

Their conversation wasn’t particularly secretive. After reading the report, the middle-aged policeman took a deep breath and said, “Alright, notify your parents. Those who need to pay fines should pay, and those who need to be detained should inform their families.”

According to the laws in this world, minors who violate the Public Security Administration Punishment Law for the first time and commit minor offenses aren’t detained. Except for Lin Su and Ji Heng, the others weren’t first-time offenders.

While the others made phone calls, Ji Heng said, “I can pay the fine myself; it’s inconvenient for my parents to come.”

“I’ll pay my fine myself,” Lin Su added.

Lin Su’s biological father and stepmother were not the type to come pay a fine late at night.

Both he and Ji Heng spoke almost simultaneously. Ji Heng glanced at Lin Su and frowned, but Lin Su pretended not to notice.

Calling parents wasn’t mandatory; the police were just following procedure. After paying their fines, the two walked out of the police station together, looking like a team.

Once outside, there were few cars on the road. Lin Su took out his phone to call a ride home. 

Although his biological father and stepmother treated him like an invisible person, at least they didn’t restrict his movements or withhold support.

This kind of family environment, while deeply hurtful to the original Lin Su, felt liberating to the current Lin Su. He wasn’t used to being dictated to by people he didn’t like.

As he called for a car, Ji Heng, a few steps behind, watched him for a moment before finally deciding to speak first: “Did I offend you before?”

The original Lin Su wasn’t a model student in the eyes of parents and teachers. He acted out to get his father’s and teachers’ attention, similar to how Ji Heng behaved.

Lin Su’s image was already set in everyone’s mind, and any changes would take time. Without turning around, he replied directly, “No.”

With the original Lin Su’s personality, he wouldn’t admit that he disliked Ji Heng for usurping his position as class bully.

“I haven’t offended you, but you joined others to beat me up?” Ji Heng couldn’t believe it.

“Fine, I just don’t like you,” Lin Su said, considering the original owner’s temperament. “Satisfied? Happy now?”

【Your tone makes you sound like you deserve a beating,】 System 06 commented.

Although it caused Lin Su some undeserved trouble, statistically, people who spoke like that had a seventy percent chance of getting hit.

【It’s called strategy,】 Lin Su replied with a smile.

This world was quite peaceful, but as they were still not fully free at their age, being in their second year of high school meant they would have to coexist for another year. Despite their minor conflicts, it was necessary to start building a good relationship now.

“Then why did you speak up for me?” Ji Heng couldn’t understand this part.

“Giving false testimony is a crime,” Lin Su said, rolling his eyes at him.

“To hell with false testimony being a crime. Do you think I’d believe that?” Ji Heng retorted.

“Even though I dislike you, I can’t just throw this kind of dirt on you randomly. It would bring shame to our school,” Lin Su shrugged. “Just consider it a good deed.”

The car he called had arrived after this short delay. As Lin Su signaled the driver and started walking over, Ji Heng called out, “Give me a ride. It’s hard to get a car at this hour.”

“We just fought and walked out of the police station together,” Lin Su pointed to the police station’s sign. “Our relationship isn’t that good, right?”

Ji Heng simply walked over, opened the car door, and got in, saying, “Fighting brings familiarity.”

Lin Su shrugged and got in. Friendships among young people is strange. One day they could be inseparable, and the next, they could ignore each other completely. Similarly, fierce rivals could suddenly become friends at a certain point.

System 06: 【???】

The human world was truly beyond the system’s understanding.

“Where are you going?” Lin Su asked.

When Ji Heng got into the car, he felt he might be acting irrationally. However, Lin Su’s previous behavior showed a sense of loyalty and made him seem less annoying and even somewhat likable. "Wanjing Garden," Ji Heng said.

"I'm going to Luomei New Town. That's one south and one north. Maybe you should get another car," Lin Su suggested.

Ji Heng was tempted to switch cars when he heard the location, but being so blatantly asked to leave made him stubborn. "No way, if anyone's changing cars, it should be you."

"I'm not changing. You can cover the fare for the extra distance. Driver, head to Luomei New Town," Lin Su called out, "I called the car."

Ji Heng didn’t mind paying for the extra distance; he just found himself wanting to punch the person sitting next to him.

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