It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 109


IETSTSMLARA | The Top Student is Flawless | 109

The plan was beautiful, but before implementing it, there were various troubles left by the original owner to deal with, such as the phone call from Lin Su's father.

In this era of interconnected information, it is extremely easy for the police to obtain the information of a minor's guardian. Even though Lin Su did not want his father to know, things that needed to be notified would not be neglected.

When the phone rang, it once again attracted the attention of all the classmates and the teacher.

Ji Heng was first surprised, then looked over with a gloating expression. The teacher coughed and said, "Some students should pay attention; the school doesn't allow bringing phones."

Lin Su glanced at the display on the phone, hung up, and then turned it off.

The classroom was a bit quiet. The teacher knocked on the blackboard and continued teaching until the bell rang. 

The teacher took the lesson plan and left. The students going to eat formed groups of threes and fives, but only Ji Heng and Lin Su were left alone.

Ji Heng sat on his desk and knocked on the surface, "Who called you? Calling during class time, so urgent?"

"My father." Lin Su looked at the over ten missed calls and was just about to call back when it rang again.

When Lin Su answered, an angry male voice came through, "Why are you answering just now?"

"Just now I was in class. I can't just skip class to answer your call," Lin Su responded, recalling the original owner's attitude. "What do you want?"

"You attending class obediently? The sun must be rising from the west," the man on the other end laughed angrily. "You should think about your lie first."

"Believe it or not, what's the matter? If you won't say, I'm hanging up," Lin Su said impatiently.

"What matter? You don't know what you've done?!" The man's anger was clearly rising.

Lin Su remained calm. If such a minor verbal conflict could affect his emotions, then experiencing so many worlds would have been in vain.

 However, if the original rebellious teenager were here, he would likely be hopping mad. "How would I know if you don't tell me? Am I a worm in your stomach?"

People often reserve their good emotions for outsiders, showing all their bad temper to their family, relying on the belief that family will never leave them.

Lin Su didn't care about the original owner's attitude toward his father, but he disliked this superior way of interaction. Good relationships start with relatively equal and kind communication. Since the other party was so unreserved, Lin Su didn't mind hurting him.

"You really think you've grown wings, huh? You were supposed to be in class, but instead you went out to fight. The police called me before I even knew what you had done. How could you embarrass me like this?" Lin Su's father reprimanded.

If the original owner were here, he might feel heartbroken, Lin Su mused. He spoke up, "All you care about is me embarrassing you. Do you even know that I got my head smashed and bled all over the place? When I get into trouble, you call to settle it. When I bleed, you call to settle it. We don't see each other all year round; you're worse than an online friend. How did I embarrass you? You're the most disgraceful one as a father. I really was just attending class, believe it or not!"

Lin Su quickly finished speaking, hung up, and turned off his phone again, shoving it into his pocket without giving the other person a chance to respond.

He spoke so vehemently that his face was red, and his breathing was a bit heavy. The remaining classmates looked over in astonishment, as if witnessing something extraordinary.

Ji Heng glanced at his pocket and clicked his tongue. "You said it well, but you missed the part where you smash the phone afterward. It feels like something's missing."

"This phone costs nine thousand yuan. I might be kicked out at any moment; I need to save some money," Lin Su replied.

The primary rule of getting angry is not to hurt yourself or damage your own property; otherwise, it only causes pain to your loved ones and joy to your enemies.

He spoke righteously, and Ji Heng found himself unable to refute. "Fine, let's eat. At least you have a father who calls to ask about you. I'm worse off than you."

Just then, Ji Heng's phone rang. He glanced at it and answered, "Hello, I didn't start the fight; I was surrounded... I'm not hurt... No need for a driver to pick me up... There's no school violence, and if there was, I'd be leading it... Don't worry about me, just enjoy yourselves... I don't need money..."

He responded intermittently and, when he hung up, mimicked Lin Su's action by turning off his phone and putting it in his pocket. "What are you looking at? Let's go."

"Your mom seems to care about you," Lin Su said as they walked out of the classroom together.

The phone call had a distinct female voice that could be heard earlier.

"She only calls once a year. Like you said, she's worse than an online friend," Ji Heng shrugged.

He didn't show any resentment on his face. In fact, his family situation was different from Lin Su's original one. 

The original owner couldn't adapt to his family, while Ji Heng's parents were passionately in love, and having a child was purely accidental.

But regardless of the reason, the lack of affection from their parents was enough to bring them together as friends.

Being brothers in this life means sharing both joy and hardship. So, after lunch, the two of them were called to the principal's office to face reprimand together.

"This is the first time since I took office that a fight has been brought to the police station,"" the principal, wearing plain T-shirts and trousers, seemed to embody simplicity and frugality to the extreme. "This incident will inevitably spread among the students. The school must impose punishment. What do you suggest we do?"

"Isn't this school yours? I remember there were fights two years ago," Ji Heng muttered. "Your words are just to fool kids."

"You were intercepted, so I won't argue with you. But you!" The principal looked at Lin Su. "Fighting with classmates—you'll see each other every day..."

"Principal Bing, because we fought, we've now become good friends," Lin Su stated matter-of-factly.

"Bing?" The principal smiled. "So your fight brought you closer? Do you know how much this behavior negatively impacts the school's atmosphere? Conflicts can be resolved. Why must you resort to fighting? People should learn to be tolerant. Take a step back and the sea is wide and the sky is vast."

"What if one day someone tries to take this school from you?" Ji Heng asked. "Would you tolerate it?"

The principal looked at him without speaking.

Ji Heng shrugged. "See, if you endure it, the more you think, the angrier you get. If you retreat, the more you think, the more you feel cheated."

"Write a self-reflection. Each of you will write a 5,000-word essay, and a week later, you'll read it over the broadcast. Otherwise, I'll have to call your parents in for a talk," the principal said, taking a sip of tea. "I need to get through to you somehow."

If their parents found out they had to write a reflection, it would be even more embarrassing.

Ji Heng's face crinkled like tree bark. "Uncle, writing 5,000 words is too much. Can you reduce it a bit?"

Lin Su looked at him. The principal's face darkened. "Even if you call me Grandpa, it won't help. If you keep whining, I'll increase it to 7,000 words."

Two underage students, in a place like school, had no way to resist the principal's authority.

After all, beyond calling their parents, they might be expelled. If expelled, Ji Heng would have to study abroad, occasionally seeing his parents, experiencing the awkwardness of meeting an online friend who already has a partner.

Ji Heng thought this description was quite fitting.

The two entered without understanding, came out looking dejected. Ji Heng scratched his head and said, "What now? Five thousand words? An essay is just eight hundred words at most."

He was too lazy to write even eight hundred words, let alone five thousand.

"We just have to write it now. Unless you want to get expelled?" Lin Su shrugged.

Ji Heng put his arm around Lin Su's shoulder and said, "We really are brothers in misfortune. How about this, I'll act like a true school bully for once and have our classmates write it for me."

"Your handwriting is too unique. It's not something just anyone can mimic," Lin Su said, straightening his back and supporting the somewhat listless Ji Heng.

"Damn, if I find out who reported us, I'll make sure they regret it," Ji Heng, who had just calmed down, added another grudge to his list.

A grudge over a 5,000-word self-reflection was no small matter.

"Yeah, if we don't show them a lesson, we're not men," Lin Su replied.

Ji Heng felt a bit stuck by his own bravado. "You don't have to be so absolute about it."

"Brother, are you chickening out?" Lin Su asked.

"Whoever chickens out is a grandson," Ji Heng said, gearing up.

The afternoon class was a bit stifling. When the teacher entered the classroom and saw the two of them in the back row, she paused for a moment, as if seeing two deities that needed appeasing.

However, she didn't linger long and instead introduced a tall, thin boy. "Class, today we have a new student transferring from Anyang No. 1 High School. Let's give him a warm welcome."

A City's No. 1 High School was well-known, but it couldn't compare to the reputation of Anyang No. 1 High School. Students who got into Anyang No. 1 almost always went on to top universities, with countless entering the highest institutions.

The boy who entered was dressed in a white T-shirt paired with simple black pants. He looked as clean as a thriving young green sapling. He stood on the podium, his eyes curving into crescent shapes as he smiled. "Hello, everyone. My name is Ning Qiu. I'm happy to be your classmate and look forward to getting along with you all."

"I heard Anyang No. 1 High School is really impressive. Why aren't you attending there anymore?" a classmate asked.

"My parents' job relocation brought us here. It must mean I'm destined to be with you all," Ning Qiu responded confidently.

Even the teacher standing beside him smiled. "Don't underestimate Ning Qiu. He transferred here as the top student of Anyang No. 1 High School. Before enrolling here, he received a commendation from the police for his bravery in reporting a fight. Everyone should learn from Ning Qiu."

"The homeroom teacher always favors top students. It's so obvious," a student in the back row muttered.

The homeroom teacher arranged a seat for Ning Qiu at the back. Ji Heng, who had planned to take a nap to cool off, perked up at the teacher's last remark. He stared intently at the seemingly well-behaved new student and raised his hand. "Teacher, there's an empty seat next to me. Let him sit with me."

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