The Beautiful Brother of the Orion’s Family (Wearing Book) - 141


| TBBOTOF | 141

Old Wen had recently not been paying much attention to these matters. As long as he could eat, sleep, and stay in a good mood every day, it was fine. Old Xu checked his pulse every few days and later realized that he was indeed...

Old Wen was a longtime friend of Old Xu and specialized in maternity and childbirth.

Not only that, upon taking the pulse, he scolded the person thoroughly.

He said: "How can you let someone be so lazy? Even if the pregnancy is stable and there's nothing to fear. You need to move around every day; otherwise, what will you do if the position is wrong during delivery? And don’t over-nutritious the body; if you do, it will cause an excess of qi and blood, which isn't good for the child. Stop drinking those nourishing soups Old Xu gave you.

Old Xu sighed and said, “He just gave birth not long ago. How can he not be nourished?”

“That’s not necessary. Young people recover quickly. Don’t overdo it; too much nourishment isn’t good either.” Old Wen stroked his beard and looked at Tang Xu with great satisfaction, “He looks quite good; none of the male consorts in the palace have such a grace.”

Tang Xu was taken aback and looked at him in surprise.

Old Wen, always with a squinting smile, waved his hand and stopped speaking.

The old man seemed to have many secrets!

Tang Xu wasn’t curious about these things. He asked Liu Yao to help clean up the house, and after inquiring about Old Wen’s eating habits, the old gentleman moved in.

He also quite liked the living environment here, mainly because Old Wen lived alone. He had no family and no old servants to attend to him.

When Old Xu told Tang Xu that Old Wen would be staying here permanently, Tang Xu was surprised.

After all, given the old gentleman’s age—he must be around seventy—didn’t people usually want to return to their roots? Could it be that he wasn’t going back at all?

Old Wen said, “No, I’m just drifting around. After I die, I’ll be just a handful of dust, scattered with the wind.”

At that time, Tang Xu thought that Old Wen had his own story.

Wei Dong prepared a room for the old gentleman. The old man couldn’t stay idle; as the weather warmed up, he began to wander around the village, especially enjoying mingling with the young women to gossip. 

He didn’t know anyone in the village, but that didn’t stop him from listening to gossip.

As the weather gradually warmed, the vegetable gardens in the front and back yards turned green and blossomed, starting to bear fruit. Tang Xu went into labor.

The twins, positioned well, were born smoothly.

It was even smoother than when they gave birth to the chubby little baby back then. 

In July, after nine months of pregnancy, Tang Xu gave birth.

A son and a little ger.

The two children didn’t look alike; the son resembled Wei Dong more, while the little ger looked like Tang Xu.

It’s hard to say if there was any real connection, but when the two babies were born, neither cried. 

However, when Tang Xu held the little ger, the baby surprisingly opened his eyes wide, stared at him for a while, and then cried out loudly.

When he cried, the other baby started crying too. Curious, the chubby little baby lying on the kang heard the cries and began to whimper as well.

Soon, the room was filled with the sound of crying.

Tang Xu was sweating profusely and exhausted, but he gently patted and comforted the little ger in his arms, mumbling, “Be good, don’t be afraid, I’m your dad, Daddy loves you.”

The little ger, tired from crying, smacked his lips and closed his eyes, falling asleep peacefully in his dad’s arms.

Tang Xu gazed at his child’s features, and his mind involuntarily recalled the frail figure of the original Xu Ge’er, which made his nose inexplicably sour.

“You mustn't cry; it’s not good for your eyes,” Wei Zhonghong came in from outside, saw his red eyes, and quickly comforted him.

Then, with a smile, he took the two little babies to one side and cleaned the dirt off their bodies.

“Don’t have any more children in the future, those three are enough.”

When the chubby baby turned one year old, Tang Xu had given birth to another boy, also twins no less, and they were safely delivered.

The village was buzzing with news, and Tang Xu’s door was knocked incessantly every day.

It wasn’t for any particular reason—everyone just wanted to share in the joy.

This time, Tang Xu was completely accustomed to postpartum confinement. Old Wen took care of him throughout, saying it was rare for his delivery to go so smoothly, but he should consider his health going forward and take good care of himself during the confinement period.

The two babies changed every day. Even though they weren’t as robust as the chubby baby was at birth, they still weighed five pounds each.

Tang Xu’s favorite thing was holding his little ger, keeping him in his arms almost all the time except when he was sleeping.

Because of this, Wei Dong and the chubby baby became a bit jealous.

One was jealous of his husband being taken away, and the other was jealous because he couldn’t hold his little brother.

By the way, the chubby baby had started speaking more clearly, and he could now articulate more words.

“Daddy!” The chubby baby cried out, startling Tang Xu, who was holding the little ger.

Tang Xu turned his head to look at him.

The chubby baby was standing by the kang, looking up with a displeased expression on his round face.

“What’s wrong?” Every time Tang Xu looked at his eldest son, he felt like smiling. How could he have grown up so quickly! He could walk and run, and ate heartily.

The chubby baby didn’t disappoint his father’s choice of nickname. He was as sturdy as a little calf, standing on tiptoe by the edge of the kang, stretching his neck to peek into Tang Xu’s arms, and kept saying, “Touch!”

“Touch your little brother?” Tang Xu showed him the baby in his arms, letting him touch the little hand.

The little ger made a small sound, and the chubby little baby quickly reached out to touch him again.

Wei Dong sat on the kang, watching the little ger in Tang Xu’s arms, squinting slightly.

He felt that his husband was unusually patient with this child. When the chubby baby was first born, he hadn’t been so fussed over.

Wei Dong reached out to hold the second son, looking at the little fellow who resembled him. He poked his cheek.

The baby immediately started crying.

Tang Xu looked at him helplessly and reached out to comfort him.

With one child in each arm, he held them securely.

As the two babies nestled in his arms, Tang Xu asked, “Have you thought of names?”

"Didn't you say that if you gave birth to another child you would name them ‘Wei Junzhu’?"

The chubby baby, clinging to the edge of the kang, pointed to himself and said, “Me!”

“Your name is Wei Junsong.” Wei Dong pulled him onto the kang, letting him sit between his legs, and pinched his chubby little hand, teaching him, “Wei Junsong, your nickname is Chubby Baby.”

The chubby baby nodded and pointed at the second son in Tang Xu’s arms, saying, “Ah!”

“What? The baby?” Tang Xu asked, noticing his puffed-up cheeks. He continued, “What will this little ger be named?”

Wei Dong shook his head, “I haven’t decided yet.”

“Give him a name that’s more cheerful.” Tang Xu looked down at the little ger in his arms, speaking softly, “I hope he can live a happy life.”

Wei Dong was stunned, glancing between Tang Xu and the little ger in his arms.

Although the baby had only been born a few days ago, his features already showed a unique kind of beauty.

"He looks too much like me."

Tang Xu, Yes, he looks so much like him, it makes me think…


Perhaps it’s just as he thought?

Some things can’t be said out loud; keeping them hidden in the heart is enough.

“Why not give him a cheerful name with the character ‘Le’ ?” Wei Dong, not dwelling on Tang Xu’s profound remarks, reached out to hold the baby.

When the little ger was in his arms, Wei Dong felt like the baby could see right through him with those shiny black eyes.

But that shouldn’t be the case; he was only a few days old.

“Wei Le?” Tang Xu frowned.

It didn’t sound good.

“Then let’s call him Wei Huan,” Wei Dong suggested.

Tang Xu tilted his head and pondered, but still found Wei Huan didn’t sound right.

For some reason, he felt a bit frustrated. Why did the baby have to have the surname Wei? Naming him was so difficult.

“Why not use my surname, Tang!”

Wei Dong frowned, “No, people might think we don’t like him if we do that.”

Tang Xu pouted, “Think of something else.”

“Let’s decide on a nickname first.” Wei Dong took the little ger’s tiny, soft hand and suggested, “Let’s call him Xiao Bao (Little Treasure).”

“And for the other one?” Tang Xu looked at the second son in his arms, asking, “How about Er Bao (Second Treasure)?”

He suddenly felt like they weren’t very responsible parents, struggling even with naming their children.

“Hmm, Er Bao, Xiao Bao,” Wei Dong nodded. Naming was indeed difficult.

The chubby little baby poked at Xiao Bao’s face and then pointed at himself, asking, “Me?”

“Da Bao (Big Treasure) sounds good. Let’s go with that,” Wei Dong patted his little head. “Da Bao, your little brother is Er Bao, and the smallest one is Xiao Bao.”

The chubby baby nodded enthusiastically, “I’m Da!”

“…” Tang Xu sighed. Fine, let it be as it is. He was too tired to argue.

In August, during the confinement period, it was hot and stuffy. Tang Xu worried that the babies might not adapt well, so he didn’t place any ice in the room and instead used a large fan to keep them cool.

The chubby baby was full of energy, running around happily behind the two old gentlemen, and had gotten quite tanned over the summer.

Wei Zhonghong came by to bring clothes for the babies and, noticing the little ger lying in the crib, turned to Tang Xu and asked, “Xiao Bao doesn’t cry at all?”

Tang Xu nodded gently, “He mostly doesn’t cry. He just makes a little noise when he’s hungry or needs changing. He’s very well-behaved.”

In contrast, Er Bao cried four or five times a day, making a tremendous noise, only stopping when he was too exhausted to cry anymore.

The chubby baby wasn’t this noisy when he was born; Tang Xu even worried that he might damage his throat.

However, Er Bao grew quickly. Although they were born with similar weights, by the end of the month, Er Bao weighed three pounds more than Xiao Bao and was noticeably larger.

“These two babies really don’t look alike at all,” Wei Zhonghong said, finding it increasingly interesting.

The village had other twins who looked very similar, but none were as different as these two.

And these two really grew well—one looked like his father, and the other looked very much like him.

“When Xiao Bao grows up, he’ll definitely be just as beautiful.”

Tang Xu’s face twitched. “It doesn’t matter if he’s beautiful or not; I just want him to grow up happily.”

“I heard from Xiao Xi that you haven’t named Xiao Bao yet?” Wei Zhonghong bent down to pick up Er Bao, hearing him whimper, “Is he not hungry?”

Tang Xu shook his head. “He just ate. He doesn’t like being held; he whimpers as soon as you pick him up.”

“He’s just like Dongzi when he was little,” Wei Zhonghong put Er Bao down, and sure enough, he stopped whimpering.

“We haven’t decided on a name yet; we’re still uncertain.” Tang Xu said this indirectly. He and Wei Dong had thought of several names but rejected them all, not knowing what to choose.

Wei Zhonghong casually said, “Since we don’t know what to name him, why not just call him ‘Bao Bei’ (Baby)? After all, this little one is our treasure.”

Tang Xu’s eyes lit up. That’s right—simple and understandable, Wei Baobei!

Xiao Bao suddenly cried out loudly, and Tang Xu quickly picked him up to comfort him, “Great idea, Auntie! We’ll call him Baobei, my little treasure!”

Xiao Bao: “…”

He doesn't want to be called Baobei! It’s so embarrassing!

Unfortunately, no one paid him any mind.

The name Wei Baobei was enthusiastically accepted, and everyone started calling him ‘Baobei’ with cheerful voices.

Ever since the name was decided, the baby who had never cried since birth began a new phase of loud crying.

Whenever he heard someone call his full name, he would immediately burst into tears.

It wasn’t just crying; it was the kind of dry wailing with no tears.

Tang Xu found it amusing and often intentionally teased him.

Wei Baobei pouted, clearly unhappy.

Bad Daddy!



TL: I think the original Tang Xu is back…but reborn as his own child (kinda strange lol). It seems like the original Tang Xu has awareness too but not a lot so that is interesting! 

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  1. Whoa, suddenly two chapters. Thank you! Thought it might have been an error first so opened both quickly in case they disappeared.
    Did not expect this though... interesting to see where it goes.

  2. Thanks for the chapter! I hope he will be happy this time around!

  3. Hmmmmmm it just my assumption lah i think the original Tang Xu soul actually in Tang Xu body he saw everything that happened n he feels happy about it he feel glad n then suddenly the soul separated n he(OTX) hv his own body n he were born or maybe he saw everything from up there n saw everything n one day he soul got into Tang Xu to be born as a baby n etc or maybe he soul was like in those stories floating in nothingness n then the gid whatsoever giving him a chance to be w his fam again or hv a happy fam. Owh byw that really is Original Tang Cu bcoz he so picky w the name n aware of it skskskks baobei that name suits u a lot u know >w<

  4. I think it's little weird that he give birth to the original MC
    I am also worried that the original MC will have problem with our MC
    i hope not but

  5. I just hope that The original "Tang Xu" has no recollection of his past memories cause it's a bit awkward?? I feel like it is only the beginning of the story of the Original protagonist and somewhere out there is the ML maybe the ML also is about to be born.. Anyway. they're still infant..
    thank you for the update.. ❤️🐾

  6. thank you for update~~ Because Baobei behavior shows that he understands something, now the only question is whatever he has memories from before his death, no memories or whatever he simply has some awareness


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