It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 108


IETSTSMLARA | The Top Student is Flawless | 108

“You don’t have to be that harsh.” Ji Heng coughed. “A little lesson is enough.”

Although the person reported him and got him into trouble with the police, calling the cops when there’s a fight is normal procedure. It’s necessary to teach them not to meddle in his business, but it doesn’t need to be so severe that their own mother wouldn’t recognize them.

Ji Heng wasn’t inherently bad, which is why he eventually ends up with the protagonist and they both enter a prestigious institution together, becoming a pair.

Lin Su didn’t ask what kind of lesson Ji Heng had in mind, to avoid him having a change of heart and letting the small matters slide. Even the best connections could be severed if mishandled.

“Okay, time to sleep.” Lin Su put the towel back, slid into his room in his slippers, and closed the door directly.

Ji Heng, who had been preparing to discuss how to give the reporter a lesson, suddenly felt as if a bucket of cold water had been poured over him. He felt incredibly childish.

Playing games all night was no big deal, but with the living room so quiet, it was easy to get sleepy.

Another door was closed, and the night fell into complete silence.

Lin Su slept soundly through the night. When he woke up and looked out at the brightness through the window, he checked his phone and saw it was exactly ten o'clock. According to the school schedule, plus the early self-study, three classes had already been completed.

He used to have a regular schedule, but with his biological clock reversed in the previous world, and considering the biological clock of this body, waking up at ten was already quite early.

Lin Su got up, dressed, and after much effort picked out a relatively plain shirt from a pile of skull-patterned clothes in his wardrobe. He paired it with pants adorned with chains and then opened the door to find Ji Heng sitting at the table eating breakfast.

“Good morning.” Ji Heng glanced at his expression and remarked, “Nice, your still very composed.”

“What’s the big deal? I just need to get a sick leave note from the hospital,” Lin Su pointed to his forehead and said, “I’m currently an injured person.”

“Trees can’t live without bark, and people can’t live without shame,” Lin Su added.

Ji Heng paused chewing his bread and said, “So I’m the only one getting scolded for being late, huh?”

“Brothers are like birds in the same forest; when disaster strikes, each one flies their own way,” Lin Su sat down at the table and said, “Just listen, let it go in one ear and out the other. I’m counting on you.”

Ji Heng wanted to retort but realized he couldn’t out-argue this brother.

“Your eloquence is wasted on science; if you had joined the humanities class, you might have become a top scholar. The examiners wouldn’t stand a chance against you,” Ji Heng bit into his bread as if he were biting into Lin Su.

Lin Su swiftly grabbed the last egg on the plate and said, “Well, unlike you, it’s a pity no matter which path you choose.”

Ji Heng: “…”

Damn it!

Lin Su’s house was not far from the school. Although the Lin family wasn’t a top-tier wealthy clan, a school district house was not something they would be stingy about.

By the time the two had finished breakfast and leisurely strolled into school, it was almost eleven o'clock.

The director of education walked by in the hallway, noticing the two of them moving slowly. 

Adjusting his glasses, he said, “It’s already class time, and you two are here dawdling? Hurry up.”

Ji Heng glanced at the director and said, “Got it.”

When he spoke, the director took a deep breath and said, “Oh, it’s you. Hey, you should still follow the school rules. Skipping class is one thing, but don’t overdo it.”

“Okay, we’re heading to class now,” Ji Heng said as if he were a model student.

While the school could overlook some of his behavior, being disrespectful to teachers and authorities was not permitted. After all, teachers and authorities needed respect to manage other diligent students.

This was an agreed-upon condition from the beginning, and Ji Heng was relatively compliant. 

After all, being expelled from the First Middle School would be extremely embarrassing.

When the two reached the classroom door, students in Class One were diligently taking notes, with piles of books on their desks, creating a scene of every second counting. This made the two standing at the door and announcing their arrival look quite out of place.

The teacher glanced at them, scanning their messy clothes and hair, and said, “Hurry up and come in. Don’t disturb the other students.”

Students turned to look at them, some with envious eyes and some with disdain. Ji Heng didn’t care at all, swinging his backpack and exuding the aura of a school bully, while Lin Su followed closely behind. He narrowed his eyes when he saw someone sitting by the third-row window.

First Middle School didn’t strictly require students to wear uniforms. Students wore various casual clothes, but most boys stuck to T-shirts and short haircuts as per school regulations. 

They looked plain and unadorned, while girls dressed a bit more stylishly.

Among the crowd of plain and unadorned people, the young man sitting by the window, wearing a white shirt, with his stray hair slightly blowing in the breeze, and illuminated by the light from outside, stood out as exceptionally eye-catching. He even brought a touch of coolness to the hot classroom.

【System 06 announces tasks: Task 1: Survive as the original owner; 

Task 2: Change the fate of the male supporting character, Ye Huaitang.】

The main storyline of this world follows a campus romance theme—a destined encounter between a poor student and an academic genius. From mutual dislike to becoming friends and eventually lovers, it’s a tender and secretive love story of youthful adolescence.

But in the comedy of life, sometimes there’s a mix of others' tragedies.

Ye Huaitang, the supporting male lead, was once the most admired and outstanding student at First Middle School. He held the top spot in his grade, was the class leader, had diverse interests, a gentle personality, was helpful, tall, and handsome, and was once even considered the school heartthrob.

If any female student at First Middle School were to comment on him, they might use the word “perfect.”

He seemed like a god-like figure from an idol drama, stepping right into the scene. With such a halo around him, Ye Huaitang lived as the object of everyone’s envy. But everything changed when the protagonist, Ning Qiu, transferred to First Middle School.

Academic performance is a competitive game—there’s always someone better as long as perfect scores aren’t achieved. Even top scorers in each province can’t guarantee they’re the best in the country.

As long as the mindset is right, the difference between first and second place isn’t that significant.

But Ye Huaitang was different. It was said that his family, which had fallen into decline over generations, pinned all their hopes on him, hoping he would return with a degree and restore the family’s status to that of a top-tier wealthy clan.

Pressure, expectations, and care—emotions accumulated from a young age seemed to only be answered with first-place results.

In this regard, Ye Huaitang did exceptionally well. Despite the immense pressure, he never backed down. 

However, the protagonist, Ning Qiu, seemed like his natural nemesis.

Ye Huaitang was outstanding, but Ning Qiu was even better. Although the difference in their scores was sometimes just a single ranking, it often amounted to a gap of more than ten points.

Such a disparity, coupled with the pressure from his family and concerns from teachers and the school about whether something was wrong, all culminated in Ye Huaitang’s silent end on the day the college entrance exam results were announced.

His academic performance was not poor; even with a broken mindset, his scores were enough to gain entry into the top institutions. No one could understand why someone so excellent would end their life so abruptly until a secret was discovered in his diary.

The seemingly perfect person had a diary filled with oppression, darkness, and brutality. He longed to explode with his pain but had to endure, suppressing all his suffering, disappointment, and sadness to present the most perfect image. 

Until his emotions reached a breaking point, leaving no room for recovery.

The deceased is gone, and for the living, no amount of regret or hatred seems to hold any meaning.

The young man before him, sitting by the window, still looked like a painting. Even as he attentively listened in class, there seemed to be a gentle emotion in his brows and eyes.

As Lin Su walked from the door to his seat, he noticed no fewer than five girls sneaking glances at Ye Huaitang.

【He really is good-looking.】 Lin Su commented.

Unlike the allure of Celtic, the young man had a light, almost translucent quality, exuding the freshness of a forest after the rain.

【After all, he is the campus heartthrob.】 System 06 said.

【Heartthrob?】 Lin Su was skeptical of this term.

 In his eyes, Ye Huaitang was just a child—a child who believed he could shoulder everything on his own, forcing himself without understanding his own limits. 【Perfection is actually the greatest flaw.】

There is no such thing as perfection in this world. Perfection means there is no room for improvement. Even the most perfectly carved diamond in the world would reveal flaws when magnified a million times.

Lin Su considered himself quite good, but he wouldn’t use the word "perfect" to describe himself because if his own shortcomings were to be listed, they would fill a basket.

Lin Su’s gaze was somewhat subtle, and the young man sitting there did not notice. He didn’t cast any scrutinizing or unusual glances like the other students.

Simple politeness is something everyone can manage. What is truly commendable is a comfortable manner of interaction.

The two of them took their seats. The teacher knocked on the blackboard and continued the lecture. Ji Heng glanced at the board and realized he only recognized the letters A, B, C, and D. 

When combined, he couldn’t understand what they meant. He looked over at his good friend, only to find that his friend was seriously focusing on the blackboard as if determined to study hard!

The academic underachiever understands academic underachievers best. Ji Heng tore off a piece of paper and threw it over. 

Lin Su instinctively caught it and saw that the note, written in the underachiever’s scrawl, read: “You’re quite dedicated to studying.”

It was meant to be a jab at underachievers, written in underachiever’s handwriting. To describe it as "dog handwriting" would be an insult to dogs. If Lin Su hadn’t once been a doctor, he might not have been able to read such handwriting.

The content the teacher was discussing was easy for Lin Su to understand. He was focused on how to accomplish this task.

In the past, the supporting male leads often faced tragic fates. Changing just one key point could alter the outcome. 

However, this time, Ye Huaitang had given up on this world himself.

Lin Su signaled with his lips: “Avoid getting scolded.”

A person’s psychological endurance has limits. If the pressure can be continuously released, it will never reach the critical point. However, if the pressure is constantly applied without release, even the most densely packed container will eventually burst.

With this in mind, it would be much simpler to help him release his emotions.

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