It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 88


IETSTSMLARA | The Ambitious Vampire Prince | 88

"Here's the wine," the bar owner announced as she brought over the drinks. She had clearly changed into a more alluring outfit. Setting down the tray, she boldly sat next to Lin Su. "Care to have a drink with me?"

Lin Su glanced at the slightly touching arm but didn't pull away. Instead, he asked, "How do you want to drink?"

He was evidently not the uptight type. The bar owner smiled seductively, "Simple, let's see who can hold their liquor the longest. If you win, tonight's drinks are on me. But if you lose..." 

She gave Lin Su a bold once-over, "How about you spend the night with me?"

Direct and daring enough.

Not only did the soldiers beside him start to cheer, but even the other patrons in the tavern joined in, "Agree to it!"

"Awesome, absolutely awesome!"

"So fiery! If you don't agree, you're not even a man."

Whistles and shouts filled the air. Lin Su didn't dislike such straightforwardness in women. As long as both parties were willing, anything was fine. But spending the night was out of the question.

Drinking here was clearly not about savoring the moment; any hesitation would make one seem stingy.

Lin Su picked up a wine glass, "Alright, tonight we drink till we drop."

His words set the entire tavern ablaze with excitement, and the bar owner's eyes sparkled.

A soldier obligingly set up a row of glasses and poured the wine, grinning, "Please."

System 06 analyzed, 【Your current body can't handle more than three drinks.】

【I can expel the alcohol.】 Lin Su smiled.

He had internal energy, initially for self-defense, but it seemed useful here too.

However, System 06 didn't quite understand, 【  But why go through the trouble?】

【  A Man's pride.】 Lin Su chuckled.

He came here to have fun and didn't want to dampen anyone's spirits. Sometimes, being a bit more carefree didn't hurt.

The bar owner picked up a glass of wine and downed it in one go, her eyes glancing at Lin Su with a raised eyebrow. He followed suit, downing his drink in one gulp. 

The liquor was strong and spicy, clearly high in alcohol content, but this feeling of indulgence was quite enjoyable. He tilted his empty glass, showing that not a drop was left.


"Cool, a real man!"

"Your turn, boss!"

One glass of wine had little effect on either of them. The bar owner immediately picked up two more glasses, downing them one after the other, and signaled for more.

The cheering continued. Unlike her hurried drinking, Lin Su took his time. Even in the rowdy, noisy tavern, he drank like a gentleman, not spilling a drop, yet still exuding a manly bravado. 

Though his gentle demeanor seemed harmless, there was an air about him that warned others not to underestimate him.

After three glasses, Lin Su gestured with his hand, "Shall we continue?"


"Let's go!"

"What a drinker, truly a tough guy."

"There aren't many like him among the gentlemen anymore."

Glass after glass, the high-alcohol content liquor quickly induced drunkenness. After about a dozen glasses, the bar owner, who had started out clear-headed, now had a hint of confusion in her eyes.

Lin Su finished his drink, still sitting upright, showing no signs of being drunk. The soldiers were amazed.

"Lin Su's tolerance is incredible."

"Could he be one of those who never gets drunk?" one soldier said, giving a thumbs up.

Lin Su smiled, "I'm just not very sensitive to alcohol."

The table was almost empty of wine. The bar owner leaned slightly on the table, and Lin Su asked with a smile, "Shall we continue?"

The bar owner gave him a sideways glance. "You're really oblivious, aren't you?"

If he had wanted to spend the night with her, he could have pretended to be drunk and let things take their course. Yet, he remained clear-headed the entire time. It was rare to find such a catch, and he wasn't interested?

"Let's stop here. Drinking too much isn't good for the body," Lin Su said with a smile.

This was a subtle way of refusing, avoiding any unnecessary awkwardness.

The bar owner glanced at him again, then stood up, leaning on the table. "Alright, I concede. Today's drinks are on me."

A bet was a bet. She accepted her loss gracefully.

The soldiers cheered, "Cool!!! Lin Su is too cool!"

Though the bar owner was reluctant, she glanced at Lin Su one last time and said, "Alright, I'll go get you more drinks."

Amidst the noisy atmosphere, one of the soldiers asked, "Lin Su, are you really not interested in the owner? Look at her figure. If you had pretended to lose just now...well, you know."

"Not everyone is as eager as you are. Someone like Lin Su surely isn't lacking in female attention," another soldier chimed in.

"Exactly, with Lin Su's charm, women probably flock to him. I'm so jealous!" a soldier said, downing a small drink.

"Different women like different men. It just so happens that she showed interest in me. It's nothing to worry about," Lin Su said with a smile.

The soldiers were clearly in high spirits, their confidence boosted.

As they were talking, the door to the tavern suddenly opened. A tall, relaxed man walked in. His clothes were not cheap, but his shirt was unbuttoned almost all the way down, revealing a well-defined chest. In this alcohol-saturated place, he exuded an unabashed aura of masculinity.

The man ducked slightly as he entered, the top of the door just grazing his messy hair. He yawned, then his gaze fell on Lin Su. "Oh, Lin Su is here too."

The newcomer was none other than Albert, the Knight Commander of the Templar Order. Unlike his initial appearance in armor, he now looked more harmless and... roguish.

"Knight..." one soldier started to say but was promptly silenced by Albert, who covered his mouth with a swift move. "Ah, we're all friends here enjoying some drinks, nothing else."

The seasoned rogue clearly had no intention of revealing his identity here.

The soldiers understood and turned away. Albert released the soldier's mouth and smoothly sat down next to Lin Su. "How did you find this place? Their drinks are the best."

"I've tasted them. They're indeed good," Lin Su replied with a sidelong glance and a smile.

Albert clicked his tongue. "See, I always say, we're all men here, why hold back? If those nuns knew how you look now, I wonder what they'd say."

"Does that mean you've got something on me now?" Lin Su joked.

Albert chuckled. "It’s not really a secret. I just don't fancy those who put on airs. This is more like it, comrades in arms. By the way, what do you think of the bar owner? Seen her yet? How does she look?"

"She's very beautiful," Lin Su replied with a smile.

"If she sets her sights on someone, she'll challenge them to a drinking match. If she wins, it will be a lively night," Albert scratched his head. "Hasn't she tried to tempt you yet?"

From Albert's perspective, Lin Su was quite appealing, despite his unconventional name.

"Have you tried?" Lin Su turned the question back on Albert.

"This bar owner is the toughest nut to crack around here," Albert said, a bit dejected. "She doesn't go for my type, apparently. Am I not attractive enough for women like her?"

【  This person can be described in one word,】 noted System 06.

【  Flirtatious,】 Lin Su chuckled.

Men were alike in many ways. Some concealed their emotions, making them hard to read, while others like Albert wore their personalities on their sleeves. Humans tended to prefer the former, finding overt displays of charm easy to dismiss as superficial.

Among comrades, occasional competition can be quite dull.

Joe, typically quiet among the soldiers, suddenly spoke up, "Actually, the boss already had a drinking match with Mr. Lin."

Albert's gaze abruptly turned towards Lin Su. "And?"

"She lost," Lin Su chuckled politely.

It was just a courteous smile, but in that moment, Albert felt a hint of condescension from the successful to the failed. "I didn't expect she'd take a liking to your type."

Joe added with a jab, "If the nuns saw Mr. Lin like this, they'd be as delighted as if they found a treasure."

Albert: "..."

What was up with this soldier? Did he have a problem with him?

Lin Su suppressed his smile and glanced towards the back door. "Looks like the boss hasn't come out yet. I'll go take a look."

"I'll go, I'll go!" someone eagerly volunteered.

"I'll go," Joe volunteered.

"I'll go, I'll go," someone eagerly volunteered.

"Sit down," Albert snapped his fingers, tapping the table. "Why would any of you go? If anyone should go, it's Lin. If he accidentally stumbles into some woman's room and sees something, the boss won't blame him. But you all should keep quiet."

The boss lived here, and behind it was likely her room. It wouldn't be good to barge in.

Others might not foresee some things, and although Lin Su had no interest in women, he also didn't want to see anything he shouldn't. But he had system 06 to detect it in advance, and this system was quite different from humans.

"I'll just take a look," Lin Su stood up naturally, adjusting his clothes before walking towards the back.

Everyone watched eagerly.

It was a small door, and inside, the smell of alcohol was even stronger. Countless wooden barrels were lined up, giving it a somewhat cramped feeling.

The wine cellar cannot have open flames, only the faint light from the front can be seen, making the path ahead even darker. Lin Su stopped his steps when he was near the end of the passage.

System 06 was about to remind him, but stopped abruptly because with the host's abilities, he had already sensed the situation ahead.

"Yi, don't touch her, she really didn't hurt me, just urged me a bit. If you want blood, you can drink mine." A soft, slightly hoarse voice came from the direction of the candlelight behind, with a hint of urgency.

Lin Su instinctively held his breath, then heard a rather cold voice saying, "You won’t be able to endure it if I always rely on yours."

"It's okay, I can endure it." The soft voice sounded anxious again, "Please don't hurt her. She gave me a job and didn't let me be bothered by some people in front. Yi, please."

【  That man looks very handsome.】 Reported System 06, 【  He has fangs.】

【  He's a vampire.】 Lin Su held his breath and didn't move.

There's even a possibility that he's one of the protagonists. This is the city of the Bird Empire. Without the permission of the vampires, the vampires generally won't come here. There is a good chance that he is the protagonist and attacker Yi Zhelai.

In the original timeline, after Ian brought Yi Zhelai back, it wasn't all smooth sailing. After all, he wasn't a real corpse, he would move at night and need to eat. Albert seemed to meet him in a tavern.

"If you hurt her, your whereabouts will be found." The soft voice said, "You're not fully prepared, right?"

There was a sound of a body falling to the ground from behind. Clearly, the bartender was released. The next moment, a whimper was heard, Lin Su held his breath and watched quietly at the bottom of a wine tank.

It was a spot outside the back door of the tavern, under the moonlight, where visibility wasn't clear, yet the image of a young man being embraced by a tall man was still discernible. They appeared deeply intertwined, but the faint scent of blood in the air told the tale of a feast belonging to the blood race.

Until they separated, the young man instinctively covered his neck area. He swayed slightly, then bent down to try and help the tavern owner lying on the ground, but lacking strength, he ended up sitting down himself.

The young man was slender but not frail, with a naturally small frame. His eyes were gentle and innocent, though they seemed to hold tears when lowered, glistening with tears. His face, pale from blood loss, accentuated his frailty. If not for his modest attire, he might have seemed like a well-kept young master from some wealthy family.

【  He's quite good-looking.】observed Lin Su.

【  Who are you referring to?】 asked 06.

【  Both of them are.】 Lin Su chuckled.

Compared to the gentle innocence of the young man, the appearance of the blood race man carried a striking and unsettling aura. Though it bore an eerie and cold air from the depths, it was precisely this that made him seem mysterious and unpredictable.

Unable to move the tavern owner's body, the man looked down at the young man. He lifted the tavern owner lying on the ground and placed her on the spread cloth, showing a sense of contentment.

The young man was exceptionally grateful: "Thank you, Yi, you're truly a good person."

System 06 voiced a question: 【 A good person?】

If its monitoring was correct, the man had just fed on him, and everything was caused by that blood race man.

【 In this vast world, there's no shortage of wonders.】Lin Su smiled.

System 06 searched through various worlds, organizing and analyzing, and finally found the general term for such individuals in the database: 【 Virgin Mary.】

Under the halo of the Virgin Mary, this world harbored no evildoers.

"I've said it before, I'm not human." The man's fingers touched the young man's neck, where the bite marks had completely healed. "You've recovered quite well."

"Yet you're always surrounded by humans everywhere, my body has always been in good health." The young man chuckled softly, swaying his head a bit when he stood up, seeming a bit dizzy. "The boss fainted, there's no one ahead to attend to, I have to go deliver the drinks. Will you wait for me here?"

"Go back." The man grabbed his arm, his voice cold.

The young man hesitated, "Yi, if I ignore the guests, I'll lose this job."

"I have gold coins," the man spoke, "I'll give you however much you want."

"Yi, that's your money, I can't take it," the young man said seriously, "I'll be back soon, really."

The two stood at an impasse. Lin Su had no intention of alerting anyone, but behind them came a playful inquiry: "Why are you standing here? The guests ahead are getting impatient without their drinks."

It was Albert's voice.

Both men turned to look, Lin Su remained silent, but in the next moment, the man still standing there had disappeared from his original spot, moving like a blur. If it weren't for Albert's quick reflexes, those seemingly slender fingers would have already gripped Albert's neck.

Pushing each other away, Albert half-knelt on the ground to stop himself from sliding further. When he looked up, his lazy and decadent demeanor had turned sharp, "Vampires?! How dare you come here."

"Vampires?" The man snorted coldly, that sound dripping with disdain, "Those things dare to be mentioned in the same breath as the noble blood race?"

The man retreated effortlessly, landing lightly. Just as he was about to attack again, he glanced at Lin Su standing aside, "Human?"

【  When the city defense catches fire, innocent people are affected】System 06 remarked.

Lin Su was too close to his position, Albert's expression changed. When he attempted to rush over, the man had already moved to strike at Lin Su.

"Don't!" a voice stopped him.

Lin Su's hand, which was about to move, halted. The hand that was originally going to grab Lin Su's neck passed directly through a wooden barrel behind him, splashing alcohol and soaking Lin Su's clothes.

The young man staggered over, grabbing the man's arm, "Please don't hurt anyone anymore."

His expression showed pleading. The man lowered his head and gave him a cold glance, then turned to Albert beside him, "He has a strong vampire scent on him and a deep hatred for the blood race."

"Boy, you're human, come here," Albert clearly showed no goodwill towards the man, in fact, he was extremely hostile.

Lin Su quietly moved forward, and the vampire wanted to move, but was tightly held by the boy's arm, "Don't hurt him, please."

Lin Su walked calmly behind Albert, "Thank you for protecting us, Sir Knight."

Albert: "..."

If this guy hadn't moved, he might have ignored his presence.

He meant for the boy to come over, but it was also appropriate for Lin Su to come over. He looked at the boy and said, "You come over too."

"No," the boy shook his head, "please don't fight."

"You're human, yet you associate with vampires. Do you know what dirty things they've done?!" Albert looked visibly angry.

"Dirty?" The man squinted his eyes, easily breaking free from the boy's grasp, "I didn't initiate  this provocation."

"If you've come here, don't think about leaving," Albert was very combative.

As both sides faced off, right on the brink of conflict, Lin Su suddenly interjected, "Can we take this outside? If we fight here, the boss lady might end up losing money."

One barrel of alcohol had already been ruined earlier, and ruining another would be quite troublesome, not to mention the noise would definitely attract attention from those ahead.

The tense atmosphere, about to erupt, was suddenly cooled down by Lin Su's words, like a bucket of cold water being thrown. All three looked at him.

Albert was clearly upset, "Now is the time to think about such things?!"

"Can you afford to compensate if everything here gets destroyed?" Lin Su asked.

For someone who frequently drank and flirted, his savings were nonexistent.

Albert: "..."

Damn it, I can’t afford it.

"Once I kill him, the Vatican will pay for everything for me." Albert obviously had no intention of giving up.

Without seeing the tragic scenes, people will never know how inhumane these monsters are. They move extremely fast, and only one person is enough to massacre an entire village. They watch people screaming and panicking, break their necks, and pick out the most delicious blood from them.

That's not eating, that's killing. Such a monster doesn't deserve to exist in the world.

【  Albert can't hurt him.】 System 06 analyzed the strength and said.

【  After all, he is a vampire.】 Lin Su said.

The late period of the original world line is recorded. The man saved by Ian is the awakened ancestor who has just emerged from a long slumber, he is still far stronger than humans despite not having fully regained all his powers.

In individual combat, he is virtually unmatched and could easily defeat Albert.

"Please don't hurt him," Ian stood in front of the man and addressed Albert, "He has never harmed anyone."

"What about the blood on your neck?" Albert keenly noticed the bloodstain there, even though the wound had healed, traces of blood remained.

"I did it willingly. He really hasn't hurt anyone else. Please don't hurt him," Ian pleaded with Albert.

Albert's expression darkened. Lin Su felt he might not be provoked by the vampire, but by the protagonist, his patience was about to snap.

"As a human..." Albert began, but was interrupted.

Because the vampire grabbed Ian's collar and pushed him aside, saying, "Who do you think I am? A mere human dares to harm me? How audacious."

"Try and you'll find out," Albert took out a dagger made of silver from his pocket.

"You really can't beat him," Lin Su said behind Albert.

Albert didn't know whether to be angry or amused. "You'd better not talk right now."

He didn't want to be infuriated.

Yi Zhelai narrowed his eyes and chuckled coldly, "Do you think something like this can hurt me?"

With a swift movement, Albert instinctively swung his dagger, but before he could see the man's figure, he was already being choked and lifted off the ground. The dagger slipped from his hand due to a momentary lack of oxygen, ringing as it hit the ground, then picked up by another hand.

"I told you, mere human," Yi Zhelai tightened his fingers.

Albert's face flushed red, his eyes bulging slightly. "I also... told you, filthy... vampire."

Yi Zhelai's eyes narrowed dangerously. "It looks like you really want to die."

The sound of his fingers tightening made a creaking noise, easily capable of snapping Albert's throat bone.

Ian panicked, "Yi, stop!"

But his voice couldn't halt what was happening. In that moment, a dagger pressed lightly against Yi Zhelai's heart from behind, a calm and low voice spoke, "The vampire's weakness should be the heart."

Yizelai's movements halted. He had instinctively ignored the presence of this person earlier because humans couldn't sneak up on him silently. Moreover, this human had been clearly closer to them earlier, yet he hadn't noticed their footsteps or traces. "You're human?"

Lin Su nodded. "Of course."

Albert looked equally surprised at Lin Su. Seizing the distraction caused by Yi Zhelai, he signaled Lin Su, but in the next moment, his throat was squeezed tighter.

"You could have pierced my heart directly when I was unguarded, but you didn't. What do you want?" Yizelai said.

Lin Su replied, "Release him, and leave here."

Albert struggled to speak, "No..."

Yi Zhelai glanced disdainfully at Albert, then loosened his grip slightly. Lin Su also withdrew the dagger. But in that instant, the vampire turned abruptly, fingers reaching towards Lin Su in an almost invisible blur.

A hand fell to the ground, blood trickling down.

It was Yi Zhelai's hand.

Ian and Albert, trying to intervene, widened their eyes, staring at Lin Su as if he were a monster.

Albert, just regaining his breath, began coughing. "You... cough... you..."

"You don't seem like a human," Yi Zhelai picked up his hand from the ground.

This arrogant species never respected weaker beings; only those who stood on equal footing had the right to converse with them.

Lin Su held the dagger between his fingers, as if he hadn't just severed someone's hand. "I'll take that as a compliment."

"My current strength isn't what it once was," Yi Zhelai picked up his hand from the ground but didn't reattach it, holding it in his hand. "I'll remember you."

"Goodbye," Lin Su made no attempt to stop him.

Albert, still coughing incessantly, tried to intervene, unable to even stand up. "No... wait!"

Yi Zhelai ignored him, instead walking over to Ian's side, lifting him under his arm and disappearing into the night with several swift leaps.

"Your dagger," Lin Su crouched down and handed the dagger to Albert.

Albert sat there, breathing heavily, staring straight at Lin Su without taking the dagger. "Why didn't you stop him?"

"I have no grudge against him," Lin Su said calmly.

Albert coughed in frustration. "If he leaves he will harm humans."

Lin Su looked at him. "Those soldiers would harm humans too. Would you kill one for every person they harm?"

"It's not the same!" Albert asserted fiercely. "They will continue to harm humans, they are monsters."

"We are actually quite similar; they're just different beings. You have your grievances against them, and that's your prerogative. But please don't impose that standard on me," Lin Su placed the dagger in his hand and stood up. "After all, I just saved your life."

He was human, but in the task world, he had been a fish, a bird, and an outsider in the eyes of humans. Racial animosity and hatred were inevitable, but he didn't believe in condemning an entire race for the actions of a few. He had witnessed in another world how other races sought to wipe out all humans because of the wrongdoing of one.

Turning to leave, Lin Su heard Albert speak behind him, "I'm sorry. It's my own fault."

His tone was somewhat disheartened, reflecting frustration with his own limitations. He had been dedicated to eradicating the vampire race, but human strength was truly limited compared to vampires. The future looked bleak for humans in such a scenario.

"I accept your apology," Lin Su turned around, extending his hand. "But I still advise you to distinguish who the real enemy is."

Albert looked up at him, taking his hand to stand up. His grip was strong, though his hands weren't rough. "You don't seem like an ordinary alchemist. With your strength, you should join the knights."

"But knights are poorly paid and it’s dangerous," Lin Su released his hand.

Albert, “...” 

He realized that compared to being an alchemist skilled in extracting aluminum, knights indeed received meager wages.

"I've actually killed vampires before," Lin Su continued. "One killed my stable boy, so I killed him. Regardless of my title, whenever I encounter evil, I act accordingly. Humans and vampires are the same in that regard."

Just as he wouldn't show mercy to a murderous bandit.

"But that vampire clearly wanted to kill me earlier," Albert said. "What about that?"

"Did you not provoke him repeatedly?" Lin Su countered.

"You truly are a strange person," Albert remarked.

He had never encountered someone like Lin Su, who seemed to judge based solely on right and wrong, not on race.

Lin Su shrugged and chuckled, "I'll take that as a compliment too."

Under the moonlight, a groan came from the mattress where the innkeeper lay, waking her up with a grunt, "This man has no manners at all! He just took action as soon as I fancied someone!"

She was clearly very angry, her consciousness just clearing enough to start cursing.

"Is she okay?" Albert asked, somewhat bewildered.

Lin Su smiled, "The vampire didn't harm her."

Although it was Ian's plea and sacrifice that prevented harm to her, hearing her words made it clear she had taken a liking to Yi Zhelai's beauty and attempted to flirt, only to encounter someone who wasn't human.

Albert licked his lips, "Well, let's leave here first."

Lin Su glanced at him, then at the spilled alcohol that covered the ground.

Albert felt awkward, "That was damaged when the vampire attacked you. It's not my problem."

"Kindness should be repaid generously; I'm not asking you for a life debt," Lin Su chuckled, "You're responsible for compensating the damages here."

Meanwhile, the innkeeper, now upright on her bed, witnessed the scene and screamed, "What's going on?! My wine!!!"

"He damaged it," Lin Su pointed out.

This wasn't exactly passing the blame; after all, without Albert's arrival, he wouldn't have been discovered at all.

It was Albert's first time being accused and unable to retaliate, so he had no choice but to admit reluctantly, "Yes, I accidentally damaged it. I'll compensate."

"That barrel of wine costs thirty gold coins!" the innkeeper's chest heaved with emotion.

"Thirty gold coins? That's extortion," Albert's face stiffened.

"If you don't compensate, I'll report you to the Holy Church," the innkeeper clearly knew Albert's identity.

If it really escalated to the Holy Church, it would disgrace the entire organization.

Gritting his teeth, Albert said, "I'll compensate!"

Hearing the woman's scream and considering the amount of gold coins he was about to spend, he felt no sentimental attachment to this woman anymore.

Thirty gold coins for a life—it seemed his life was quite valuable.

"Why are you here too? Are you worried about me?" The innkeeper's attitude towards Lin Su completely changed, with some warmth, "You're drenched in alcohol, go change your clothes in my room to avoid catching a cold."

She clearly had other intentions. In the past, Albert would have joked and facilitated a brief, pleasant romantic encounter, but now he just put his arm around Lin Su's shoulder and said, "How can my brother be short of these two clothes? We are leaving."."

He admitted Lin Su was a strange person, but there was a unique charm about him. Sacrificing himself for that woman would be a waste.

Lin Su thanked her and followed Albert out. Outside, the soldiers, unable to wait for the wine, had already started drinking the samples the innkeeper had set out. They were clearly drunk and wouldn't wake up until tomorrow morning at the earliest. Only Joe remained sober, asking, "Mr. Lin, what about your clothes?"

"Could you hire a carriage for me?" Lin Su asked.

They had walked here, not far from the Holy Church, but transporting this drunken group back wouldn't be easy.

"Please wait a moment," Joe turned and went to arrange it.

Night didn't halt business; in fact, on such a lively night, carriage business was particularly good.

"It's clear he admires you a lot," Albert observed Joe's retreating figure.

"Because I saved him back then. Of course, he's also quite brave himself," Lin Su remarked.

Albert murmured softly, "That guy said he'd come back for you. Actually, if you joined the Knights it would also be for your protection. After all, it's hard to fight off four fists with just two, and having companions will make you safer."

Like with the innkeeper, Albert clearly hadn't given up on recruiting him.

Having such a skilled and wealthy companion would be a boon for the Knights.

"That sounds promising..." Lin Su rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

Seeing an opening, Albert continued enthusiastically, "Exactly! And you can still pursue your own path..."

"But I already have an excellent companion," Lin Su interrupted.

Albert was taken aback, "Who? Joe?"

"No," Lin Su replied shortly, watching as Joe came in to help move the drunken soldiers.

System 06's mechanical voice sounded twice, 【  Is the host referring to me?】

The emotionless mechanical voice somehow conveyed a sense of cautiousness.

【  Yes,】 Lin Su affirmed.

While System 06 didn't often play a significant role, in critical moments, it could save him a lot of trouble.

Lin Su didn't oppose having companions, nor did he discriminate against anyone. After all, everyone's abilities were not innate. However, a companion's strength should be considerable; otherwise, instead of protection, they would become a liability under the guise of protection, like a weak link in a chain that could lead to endless trouble and mess.

【 What about Joe then?】System 06 asked.

Lin Su smiled, 【 If he's willing, he could become my subordinate.】

Subordinates had the responsibility and duty of protection and command, which differentiated them from mere companions.

With everyone loaded onto the carriage, despite the innkeeper's reluctance, Lin Su decisively boarded without looking back. Since there was no attachment, it was better not to linger on it.

The carriage interior was thick with the smell of alcohol. Lin Su opened the window for fresh air. The moonlight was just right—not overly bright, yet not too dim. Absently, he gazed outside and caught a glimpse of a figure swiftly leaping across the rooftops.

Silver hair, eyes that could be described as either red or purple, a face of exquisite allure, and dressed in magnificent noble attire—his arrogance seemed entirely justified.

A vampire.

Lin Su's pupils contracted slightly. In the original timeline, the supporting male lead, Celtic, had long silver hair and possessed a seductive charm.

Ambitious and arrogant, he coveted the heart of Yi Zhelai, the vampire ancestor. It was no surprise to receive news of Yi Zhelai's awakening and find him here.

【  His name is Celtic,】 Lin Su stated with certainty, without a hint of doubt.

【  Yes, Host,】 confirmed System 06. 【  How did you determine this?】

【 I wasn't sure before, but now I am,】 Lin Su replied, withdrawing his gaze. The figure had vanished in the gentle moonlight, but its distinctive silhouette and features were unmistakable.

System 06 interjected, 【 Actually, I could tell you anything you want to know.】

So don't mess with the system, okay?

The host really needs a love relationship.

【 Yeah.】 Lin Su responded, but he was a little bored. He obviously knew he was wrong, but he would dare to do it again next time.

The carriage continued towards the Holy Church, while Celtic landed gracefully on a nearby rooftop where he had briefly been observed. His flowing silver hair settled, his violet-like eyes faintly turning red as he observed the people passing by on the street, intrigued by a fleeting glimpse of someone who had apparently noticed him.

A Human?  he pondered. Clearly, besides the ancestor, there were many other intriguing things here.

Celtic didn't linger long before departing. A few leaps and bounds left no trace for bystanders to follow. He landed in a courtyard and lightly knocked on a door, which promptly opened to reveal someone inside, who respectfully greeted him, "Master."

Celtic's lips curled with a seductive smile. "Did you gather any information?"

"I heard he's living with a human, but the Ancestor's power is formidable; we can't get close," said the man in butler attire, bowing his head.

"A human?" Celtic entered the room and casually lounged on the sofa. "It seems that human's blood is quite exceptional. If we can't approach the Ancestor, we'll target that human."

"But the Ancestor is vigilant; I'm afraid he won't let us touch anything in his circle," the butler remarked.

"We can't touch directly, but we still have the Holy Church right?" Celt's smile deepened.

Human methods against humans may seem dirty to vampires, but they are undeniably effective. As long as he has that human in hand, even the Ancestor, not fully restored in strength, would be hooked.

What kind of powerful and graceful power would be contained in the blood of the ancestor's heart?

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