Puppet Notes (Wearing Book) - 25


| PN | 25

Shen Yuxi was called downstairs.

However, before he could come downstairs, the two puppets, one large and one small, had already reconciled.

Qi Chao set down Lan Luo, and the blond little puppet immediately ran to his big brother, grabbing his clothes and smiling brightly at Qi Chao, "I was just playing with Big Brother, he didn't bully me!"

Moss also extended his bandaged hand, awkwardly patting Lan Luo's head with a dry, raspy voice, like sandpaper scratching across a tabletop, "Sorry, I was wrong too."

This was the first time Lan Luo had heard his big brother apologize. Although he was coerced to, Lan Luo was happy, and his previous grievances vanished instantly.

Seeing the two puppets forgive each other, Qi Chao, who had initially been looking forward to some drama, smiled slightly. 

When he heard footsteps on the stairs, Qi Chao pretended to look disappointed and joked, "Brother Shen, you're so slow. They've already made up."

"Oh, really?" Shen Yuxi chuckled lightly, his gaze shifting from the seemingly close relationship between the puppets back to Qi Chao. "Looks like I missed the show."

"No worries," Qi Chao said cheerfully. "Next time they argue, I'll call you to witness the drama again." He was as enthusiastic as a watermelon vendor at a market stall.

Shen Yuxi smiled and nodded.

The two puppets beside him stiffened noticeably. Lan Luo's eyes stared straight at Qi Chao, clearly forgiving his big brother but now he was getting angry with Qi Chao.

At this moment, Qi Chao, feeling particularly bold, completely oblivious to any tension, opened the projection and started searching for Lan Luo's favorite educational animation. He called out, "Lan Luo, Moss, come quick! Your 'Brave Bears Charge Ahead' is starting."

Lan Luo nodded, quickly ran to the sofa, and sat obediently, ready to watch the animation and continue his silent anger. 

Moss glanced at Qi Chao, then silently walked over.

Shen Yunxi, who had been standing at the staircase, moved calmly as usual, sitting between the two puppets.

Qi Chao didn't think there was anything wrong with the doctor's reaction. Wasn't it normal to bond with children by watching cartoons? He smiled with his deep brown eyes, then turned and headed to the kitchen. 

After a few minutes, Moss entered.

"Moss, aren't you watching the animation? Why did you come in?" Qi Chao asked, puzzled.

Moss paused when he heard his name, his mouth moved under the bandages, but no sound came out. After a few seconds, he tried again, still struggling to form words, "I'm not watching."

Honestly, if Moss had been any slower, Qi Chao might have reached out to touch his head. The stiff response from the "youth" was genuinely amusing to Qi Chao.

Moss's fingers twitched slightly, and his dark eyes seemed dimmed.

This was the most challenging task he had ever been given.

Father asked him to improve relations with Qi Chao, but Moss didn't know how to do it. In his limited social interactions, he had never encountered such a thing.

"Moss, what does your father like?" 

In fact, Moss didn’t have to worry about it, Qi Chao could find a good topic himself. He vaguely guessed that the reason Moss was following him was probably something the doctor had said.

Maybe this afternoon, Moss's reaction to him was too indifferent, so the doctor had instructed him? 

Qi Chao casually pondered this and moved past the matter. Whatever had happened, Moss genuinely wanted to get close to him now, and Qi Chao could take this opportunity to find out some things.

"What does he like?" Moss asked hoarsely.

Qi Chao hummed in agreement and added, "Yeah, the more expensive, the better."

The doctor refused to accept treatment fees under the guise of friendship, and Qi Chao couldn't refuse but also couldn't feel good about taking advantage of the doctor. Using gift-giving as an excuse was the best option.

Of course, he wanted to quickly get closer to Moss, so using the doctor as a topic was the most appropriate approach.

Sure enough, Moss lowered his head in contemplation.

Qi Chao steamed the rice, moved two small stools, and discussed this matter with Moss in the kitchen.

"I don't think Brother Shen likes those luxury items."

Qi Chao recalled the doctor's attire. Although Brother Shen looked very handsome with his golden scorpion braid, like a young master nurtured in luxury, in reality, the doctor didn't seem to care much about dressing up. Even a casual tie would be more valuable than what he usually wore.

"Yeah," Moss nodded in agreement, shrinking into his chair. He fidgeted with the bow on his wrist, his dark eyes showing some confusion. 

After a few seconds, Moss hoarsely said, "Father doesn't like wearing those things, but he really likes shiny things."

Qi Chao: ... Shiny things?

Moss didn't want to expose his father's privacy, but since his father had said to improve relations with Qi Chao, he hesitated while playing with the bow on his wrist. Finally, he said, his lips moving under the bandages, "Father really likes shiny things."

He paused and repeated, "He likes them a lot."

The fact that the usually silent Moss repeated himself twice was enough to prove that the doctor indeed had a strong liking for shiny things.

Since meeting the doctor until now, Qi Chao's impression of him had been gentle and amiable, a bit directionally challenged, and very kind to friends. He had completely missed this hobby of the doctor's.

One had to admit, connecting this hobby with the doctor created quite an unexpected and cute contrast.

This whole family, from the youngest to the eldest, was so adorable it was almost unbearable, Qi Chao silently thought.

Seeing Qi Chao's silence, Moss, with an urgent tone in his hoarse voice, said, "It's true! Father's studio is filled with shiny things. If there’s no shiny things, my father doesn't want to work."

Qi Chao: Okay, even cuter now.

The word "adorable" was something Qi Chao usually reserved for describing his little one, rarely used for adults, let alone a man older than himself. 

But from their initial online chats to now, Qi Chao had found the doctor adorable on more than one occasion.

It wasn't surprising; after all, there weren't many men like the doctor.

Qi Chao thought to himself as he opened his Light Brain and found the latest auction listing for a diamond valued at over a million. He showed it to Moss and asked, "Is this the kind of shiny thing your father likes?"

Moss nodded, “Almost."

Qi Chao nodded thoughtfully, bookmarking the post. He looked up at Moss and took the opportunity to ask, "Then, what do you like, Moss?"

Moss was about to say "Father," but before he could speak, Qi Chao leisurely added, "Besides Brother Shen."

Apart from his father?

Moss's dark eyes stared at Qi Chao.

No, Moss didn't have anyone or anything he liked aside from his father, including his brothers.

Qi Chao understood the answer from Moss's silence. After pondering for a moment, he smiled and said, "Well, it seems like you really like your father."

Moss came back to himself and nodded heavily.

Whenever this child mentioned his father, his eyes would light up. Unable to resist, Qi Chao patted Moss's head; the feeling of the bandages was quite good.

"Alright, go watch cartoons outside. Dinner will be ready soon."

Moss felt that he had completed half of his task. He nodded and obediently walked out.

In the living room, Father and Lan Luo were focused on watching cartoons. Moss silently sat down beside Father.

"How did it go?" Shen Yuxi asked in a calm tone, his eyes still on the screen.

Recalling the conversation in the kitchen, Moss replied hoarsely, "We had a pleasant chat."

Shen Yuxi nodded faintly.

Their relationship with Qi Chao didn't need to be particularly close, but before the plan began, it was important to maintain Qi Chao's favor.

"Keep it up," Shen Yuxi said. This statement was akin to praise. Moss felt a lot of tension release from under his bandages. It was as if he had found a direction for his efforts. He nodded, "I will, Father."

If Shen Yuxi knew that Moss had inadvertently revealed his long-hidden preference in order to complete the task, he might reconsider his praise. 

Of course, at this moment, he had no idea.

Shen Yuxi glanced at Moss, then withdrew his gaze and continued watching the projection. 

However, in his peripheral vision, he inadvertently caught Lan Luo picking at the sofa with his hands.

Lan Luo tended to make these little movements when his mood fluctuated.

Shen Yuxi remained silent, his gaze fixed on the projection screen. However, he lifted his right hand and lightly flicked the springy deer antler headband on Lan Luo's head.

The springy antlers trembled slightly under the gentle tap. Lan Luo instinctively straightened his posture, reaching up to touch the antlers, his eyes widening with a puzzled expression as he looked up.

Lan Luo recognized the gesture as his father's doing. His eyes instantly lit up.

Shifting slightly closer to his father on the left, Lan Luo sneakily glanced upwards and noticed his father giving him a faint nod without speaking, which he interpreted as tacit approval.

This made Lan Luo even happier.

Big Brother likes Father.

He likes Father too.

Father is the gentlest person in the world.

Lan Luo thought, if his master hadn't hit him before, he might also consider him gentle.

But he did hit him.

Father would surely avenge him.

Lan Luo started counting the days on his fingers, calculating how much longer he could stay with his master.

Big Brother's task is related to the master, which means his master is useful to Father. When his master is no longer useful, Lan Luo will be able to go home.

If it were before, Lan Luo would have been very happy, but now he didn't feel as cheerful.

When Qichao came out, he noticed that Lan Luo wasn't watching the animation as usual, but instead was looking down, seemingly lost in thought.

"What's wrong, kiddo?" Qi Chao reached out and patted the deer antlers on Lan Luo's head.

Unlike Shen Yuxi's gentle tap, Qi Chao's pat was stronger, causing the springy antlers to tremble uncontrollably.

Lan Luo looked up and smiled brightly, "Nothing."

Qi Chao believed him, smiling as he adjusted the slightly crooked headband he had patted.

Thankfully, the system wasn't around; otherwise, there would have been another sound of wailing.

After dinner, Qi Chao bid goodnight to the doctor and the two brothers in turn, then headed to the basement to prepare.

Normally, the first thing he did in the basement was to feed spiritual energy to the mother stone. 

However, this time he skipped that and instead accessed the auction listings on the light brain.

Most of the diamonds in the auction were from private collectors, far surpassing ordinary diamonds in quality and collector's value, something the doctor would surely appreciate.

The next diamond auction was scheduled for tomorrow evening. Without hesitation, Qi Chao bought two tickets: one for himself and one for Moss.

If the two little children at home knew they were choosing a gift for their father, they would certainly be eager to accompany him.

However, Lan Luo goes to bed promptly at 8 o'clock every night. Auctions take too long, and Qi Zhao does not allow his son to stay up late. 

Moss also needs sleep, but according to Qi Chao's knowledge, he usually sleeps after ten o'clock, so naturally, they can go to the auction together to have fun.

If nothing unexpected happens, he will bid on a suitable diamond as a gift for the doctor.

As for Moss's apology gift, Qi Chao has a rough idea in mind, but he still needs time to prepare.

After considering the father and son's affairs, Qi Chao begins his daily work.

He first carried the fish tank to the desk, poked the tank wall, and muttered about what happened today with a piece of stone. 

This is Qi Chao's habit. Although there is no evidence that the mother stone is conscious, it is better to be safe than sorry. If the offspring are conscious now, prenatal education is essential.

After he finished telling his day, Qi Chao focused his attention, closed his eyes, and tried to draw his spiritual power into the mother stone in his sea of consciousness.

Countless sparkling green orbs danced around the mother stone. Unlike the mother stone's usual slow swallowing, this time there seemed to be an invisible magnetic field around the mother stone. 

As the orbs approached the mother stone, they were sucked into the magnetic field.

Qi Chao couldn't see the spiritual power, nor could he see this scene, but he also sensed that something was wrong. It was much more tiring to transfer spiritual power than before.

At first, Qi Chao didn't think much about it, thinking it was because he wasn't in the right state today. But as he heard a crackling sound in his ears, he realized something.

Damn! Is this for real?!

The cracking sounds became clearer and clearer, Qi Chao suppressed his excitement and focused even more intensely. If Lan Luo were here, he would see that the magnetic field around the mother stone, which had never lacked spiritual power since being engraved, was spinning continuously. Gradually, it formed a spatial vortex, splitting once, then twice, then four times, constantly dividing and expanding until it filled the entire room.

It resembled a spoiled giant beast, greedily demanding spiritual power from its father to strengthen itself. 

This kind of greed had long surpassed what a normal person could bear; if it were anyone else, they would have been drained dry long ago. 

Yet its father merely felt a bit tired. This reservoir of spiritual power could no longer be described as merely powerful—it was truly terrifying.

In Blue Star, only a few puppet masters knew that mother stones were not inherently graded. 

Each one was like an uncut gem; the difference lay only with the puppet master. If a puppet master’s spiritual power was strong enough and devoted enough, they could unlock all the potential of a mother stone.

This was why Shen Yuxi chose these mother stones—they could be used to create high-level puppets. One could imagine that with such a grand spectacle, the puppet made from this powerful mother stone would undoubtedly be formidable.

Qi Chao could manage at first, but later, it became more challenging. He exhaled deeply, gritted his teeth, and persisted. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead. He didn't know how much time had passed when suddenly, the cracking sounds ceased. 

Qi Chao opened his eyes and looked at the fish tank. A translucent red color caught his eye.

He carefully picked up the object and examined it front and back. After the stone had shed its shell, it had turned into something resembling a red crystal, shaped like a heart, and looked incredibly beautiful.

The red color indicated that the mother stone was of superior quality. After the doctor praised the mother stone yesterday, Qi Chao had guessed that its grade couldn't be low, but seeing the red mother stone for real made him very happy.

A red mother stone meant a longer lifespan. Qi Chao's thumb caressed the smooth crystal. He smiled, played with it in his hand for a while, and then placed the mother stone back into the fish tank.

Sure enough, his own little beauty was exceptional.

Qi Chao had originally intended to follow the doctor's advice and modify the clay mold, but when he picked up the carving knife, he realized his left hand had been trembling non-stop. Now, the best thing for him to do was to go to bed and rest.

He didn't force himself, neatly put away the carving knife, stood up, bid goodnight to the red heart-shaped mother stone, and left the basement.

The next day at breakfast, Qi Chao told the father and son about the activation of the mother stone. The doctor had expected this and smiled warmly, saying, “Congratulations.”

Moss didn't react much at first but later seemed to remember something and followed his father to congratulate him.

Lan Luo remembered how much fun the mother stone was to play with, and now that it had finally been activated, he immediately said, “I want to go see!” and ran out.

Seeing this, the doctor also seemed interested. He quietly apologized and followed him out.

Moss sat in his chair, showing no additional curiosity. Qi Chao was relieved that Lan Luo and his father were going to the basement and Moss had no intention of getting up. Only the two of them remained in the living room.

"Moss, would you like to come with me to the auction tonight?" Qi Chao asked with a smile.

"The auction?" Moss's lips tightened under the bandage. Because his head was lowered, Qi Chao didn't see his dark eyes suddenly contract as if recalling something terrifying.

"Yes," Qi Chao smiled, "I want to pick a diamond as a gift for your father. Would you like to join me?"

A gift for his father?

Moss lifted his head and stared straight at Qi Chao, as if trying to see if he was telling the truth. 

After a few seconds, he nodded in agreement. "When?"

"Tonight," Qi Chao replied, emphasizing, "Remember not to tell your father or Lan Luo."


Moss had no objections; he also wanted to surprise his father.

Just then, footsteps approached from outside the door. Qi Chao closed his mouth and smiled at Moss.

This afternoon was Lan Luo's final treatment. If nothing unexpected happens, after applying the ointment this afternoon and cleaning it tomorrow, his skin would be completely healed.

Perhaps because he had slept for a long time this afternoon, Lan Luo was reluctant to sleep tonight. Normally, by seven o'clock, Moss would have gone back to his room.

Qi Chao sat on the sofa and glanced at Lan Luo and the doctor sitting there. He coughed and smiled, "It's almost eight o'clock, Lan Luo should go to bed."

It was time to go to bed.

But Lan Luo didn't want to sleep.

"Go to bed," Qi Chao said, then smiled at the doctor. "Brother Shen, shouldn't you also rest? You've been working intensely for four hours this afternoon, you need to rest early."

Shen Yuxi's eyelashes covered the doubt in his eyes. When he looked up again, he seemed convinced. He smiled softly and said warmly, "Then I'll go to my room to rest." 

After speaking, he called Lan Luo to go upstairs.

Lan Luo wasn't sleepy, but upon hearing his father speak, he didn't dare to make a sound and obediently followed him upstairs.

Qi Chao sat downstairs for a while, making sure the father and son wouldn't come back down, then knocked on Moss's door.

As the night deepened, the two of them, like thieves, sneaked out of the house. However, not long after they left, two figures appeared on the stairs.

"Father, where are the master and big brother going?" Lan Luo asked, puzzled.

Shen Yuxi's blue eyes narrowed slightly, but he said nothing.

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