It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 84


IETSTSMLARA | Empress Dowager at Fifteen | 84

"They're gone now, so why not tell the truth?" Lin Su didn't approach to pressure him; instead, he casually pulled his bow, the bowstring whistling as each arrow hit the bullseye.

Li Yuan watched his upright figure, and the coldness in his narrowed eyes as he released the arrows. He couldn't help but voice his inner doubts: "Why did Your Majesty save General Kang back then?"

Feeling a bit jealous didn't suit the dignity of an empress.

Upon hearing this, Lin Su was about to shoot another arrow but instead loosened the string and set the arrow down. "Then let me ask you, why did you help him during the palace banquet?"

"I admired his talent," Li Yuan blurted out.

Lin Su smiled, "I also admired his talent. But that was just one reason. The second reason was that he was a point of conflict between you and the Emperor Yuanhe. At that time, I wasn't prepared to take you out of the Southern Kingdom's palace, so I took him away first."

Li Yuan's fingers tightened, and he said dryly, "...because of me?"

"Yes, because of you." Lin Su put the arrow back in the quiver and set down the bow. "Besides, he likes women."

Li Yuan shouldn't have asked further, but his heart was unsettled: "What if General Kang liked men?"

"What do you want to ask?" Lin Su looked at him.

His eyes revealed no emotion, making Li Yuan's heart tighten. "Actually, I..."

Lin Su approached, and Li Yuan, who had been looking at him, now lowered his gaze. He knew he was overstepping, but the man spoke above him: "That's just a hypothetical situation. Since I have you, why would I seek out others?"

Li Yuan's lips curved slightly, and then he heard Lin Su say, "Ask whatever you want. If you don't ask, I might not always guess what's on your mind. If I do something wrong, it could cause a rift."

His reasonableness made Li Yuan feel even greedier, but he really did want to be greedy: "You say you won't seek out others, but do you intend to leave the harem empty?"

Lin Su didn't answer immediately. Li Yuan couldn't help but look up, only to hear him say, "Do you want me to leave the harem empty?"

Li Yuan met his gaze but couldn’t discern the emotions within: "I know you need to continue the lineage, to ensure the dynasty lasts for centuries. But I don’t want you to touch anyone else, even for the sake of having heirs."

Jealousy, lack of virtue, power—no matter what it was, even if this person gave him the power to leave, he didn’t want to leave, nor did he want to share him with anyone else.

"If the Empress can bear the name of jealousy, I can naturally bear the name of not continuing the lineage," Lin Su said, patting his cheek with a smile.

He spoke now as an emperor, and an emperor's words are no trifling matter. What he says, he must do.

Li Yuan's heart was sour, yet also sweet, leaving him unsure how to respond. He stepped forward to embrace Lin Su's waist: "A gentleman’s word is worth a thousand gold. Once spoken, it cannot be easily changed."

Lin Su held him and said, "Words can be easily changed and or go back on. Do you want me to issue a decree? If I break my promise, you can use it against me."

"How could there ever be a day when Your Majesty's words are broken?" Li Yuan said, hugging him and smiling. "I naturally trust you."

Few emperors in history would declare they’d leave their harem empty, for one person couldn’t compare to the pleasure of three thousand beauties. But since he promised, Li Yuan believed him.

"We aren’t yet married. Does the Empress Dowager’s behavior count as impropriety?" Lin Su said, looking down.

Li Yuan wanted to let go, but his arms were tightly held, making it impossible to break free. Feeling like he truly couldn’t bear to part, he gave up and said, "Yes, I am indeed being improper. What can you do about it?"

Lin Su brushed his lips and said, "Courtesy demands reciprocity. Since the Empress Dowager is so proactive, it wouldn’t be proper for me to be a paragon of virtue, would it?"

Facing his gaze, Li Yuan felt both exasperated and his heart pounding. This man was clearly good at making things difficult, yet he couldn’t help but like him.

In his presence, all self-restraint seemed futile.

The emperor of Qi married his new empress with all the pomp and ceremony due. Red was everywhere in the palace, and even though everyone knew the Empress Dowager of the Southern Kingdom was marrying for the second time, the emperor's deep affection meant no one dared show the slightest disrespect.

Li Yuan wore a phoenix robe, not in a woman's style but one that exuded majesty. Being of royal blood and a former Empress Dowager, he carried himself with great dignity. Though he was often teased by Lin Su in private, in front of the court, he embodied the full majesty of the phoenix robe.

Standing at the high position, bowing and exchanging glances, Li Yuan's stern expression softened slightly. The imperial throne was a lofty position, seemingly distant and isolated, where even the faces of the farthest courtiers were indistinguishable. Yet, this was the seat of the ruler of all under heaven.

The imperial throne is lofty, but he wished to stay by his side forever.

"The Emperor's marriage is a great joy, and thus, I decree a general amnesty to celebrate with all the people," Lin Su declared. Clad in the emperor's robes, which were both ornate and heavy, his flowing crown and imperial attire only added to his majesty without diminishing him in the least. Li Yuan couldn't help but gaze at him.

From her elevated seat, the former Empress of Li, now the Empress Dowager, watched the couple and sighed softly. With everything settled, it was time for the younger generation to start their own life.

"Presenting the former rulers of the Xiao Kingdom!"

A call announced the entrance of the Xiao royal family, who came in procession. The former emperor, now dressed in a simple court robe, knelt at the steps with his entourage: "The Xiao clan, in gratitude for Your Majesty's unification of the realm and in compliance with the Mandate of Heaven, presents the national seal and cedes power, we are willingly to become subjects of Your Majesty."

A courtier presented the national seal, and Lin Su, with a smile that exuded authority, declared, "Accepted."

With this single word, the former rulers of Xiao performed the three-kowtow and nine-prostration ritual: "Long live His Majesty, long live the Empress for a thousand years."

The chorus of "Long live the Emperor" and "A long thousand years of life" rang out.

Beneath their robes, Lin Su clasped Li Yuan's hand, who was momentarily stunned but then turned with eyes full of joy.

"Long live the Emperor, a thousand years of life for the Empress. Does this not mean that His Majesty will be alone for nine thousand years before he finally rests?" Li Yuan whispered as they walked together after the ceremony.

The wedding night between a male empress and a female empress had its differences. 

A woman couldn't be seen by men, but a man had grown up spending time outside. There was no need for the usual blessings of "early birth of a son" during the wedding ceremony, and with Lin Su's special permission, Li Yuan didn't have to wait alone in the bridal chamber. Instead, the two walked hand in hand.

Lin Su chuckled, "How do you know, Empress, that those nine thousand years of loneliness weren't already lived before I met you?"

Li Yuan's heart stirred as he turned to look at him.

"Nine thousand years of loneliness, just to spend the rest of my life with you, Empress, until we grow old together," Lin Su whispered.

Li Yuan's breath hitched, and he unconsciously stopped walking, his hand clenching.

Wearing a bright red phoenix robe, Li Yuan was as vibrant and radiant as Lin Su had imagined, perfectly suited for such vivid attire. His eyes were filled with emotion, and he seemed to forget how to walk, appearing genuinely entranced.

Lin Su's actions were deliberate, but some people, without trying, could still be captivating .

"Is the Empress tired of walking?" Lin Su released his hand and, before Li Yuan could protest, scooped him up, phoenix robe and all, without showing any sign of effort. "I'll carry you."

There was something dangerous in Lin Su's eyes that made Li Yuan feel uneasy.

Lin Su's steps were unhindered by his robes, and though he moved without haste, the palace attendants found it hard to keep up.

At the entrance of the bedchamber, Lin Su didn't wait for the servants to open the door. He kicked it open and, once inside, shut it behind him, leaving a group of attendants outside, unsure of what to do.

"What do we do now?" a maid asked.

Traditionally, attendants stayed near the emperor during such times in case of any need. But now, they had been shut out by the emperor himself.

"The Empress is so beautiful that His Majesty must be eager," another servant replied.

"This is a new dynasty. While there are old customs, in Qi, whatever the emperor says is law. Since we've been shut out, we wait," said one of the palace attendants, their voices barely audible from outside.

 Li Yuan was already blushing intensely as Lin Su carried him into the bridal chamber in front of so many people. When Lin Su finally placed him on the dragon bed, his face matched the redness of his robe.

"Your Majesty..."

Lin Su casually removed Li Yuan's phoenix crown, pressed him down onto the bed, and, stroking the eyes that were looking directly at him, said, "Don't stare at me like that in public again."

Li Yuan blinked, his mind a bit hazy amidst all the red, unable to think about the palace attendants who had seen them. "Why?"

"It's an invitation, an invitation for me to break you," Lin Su replied, leaning in to kiss his lips.


Li Yuan wanted to protest, but Lin Su didn't give him the chance.

Before their marriage, Li Yuan could still resist him, but after the wedding, all those things from the Longyang Art that had once made him blush and feel at a loss were truly fulfilled one by one.

The old Lian capital was grand and majestic, and its climate was not mild year-round. As the weather turned colder, the snowfall was a good omen for a bountiful harvest the following year. 

On the emperor's wedding day, snowflakes began to drift down, initially just wetting the ground, but soon turning into large, fluffy snowflakes.

"It's snowing!"

"His Majesty is indeed a man destined by heaven!"

"The snow is a good omen, a sign of heaven's approval."

"The Empress is truly favored by heaven. When he married the Southern Emperor, wasn't it said that marrying him would bring peace to the land?"

"Perhaps he who has the Empress has the world."

While it was freezing outside, inside the room was warm with the fire burning.

When Li Yuan woke up, he instinctively snuggled into the warmth. It didn’t feel like he was touching a quilt, he suddenly heard a voice above him, "Awake?"

Li Yuan opened his eyes and looked at where his hand was placed. He immediately wanted to pull it back, but Lin Su held it down and said, "The Empress has already taken advantage of me. Do you plan to deny it now?"

After a night of deep intimacy, Li Yuan, who had never thought two people could be so close, felt shy when his thoughts were still fuzzy. But once he was fully awake, he wrapped his arm around Lin Su's waist and pressed his head against him. "Of course not. I will take responsibility."

He was now the legitimate Empress, and it was perfectly normal to be close with his husband.

Lin Su laughed softly, "If the Empress is so endearing, there may come a day when I find the nights too short and the mornings too late, and that will be the Empress's fault."

Li Yuan hugged him tighter, "Since I'm already labeled as jealous, being accused of leading the emperor astray is no big deal."

"It seems I am destined to be a foolish ruler in the eyes of the Empress," Lin Su joked.

The young Empress was clearly more affectionate than before the marriage. If Lin Su were to bring up any rules or etiquette now, it would be quite tactless.

The emperor's grand wedding warranted a three-day break from court duties. After some time spent relaxing and teasing, Lin Su still had state matters to attend to.

With the establishment of the new dynasty, Lin Su did not purge all the officials from the former states. Those who followed him served as ministers, and there were also officials who had been serving the people in their respective states. These men were renowned scholars of their time, and it would be a great loss to either kill them or send them back to the countryside.

This move shocked many but also garnered widespread praise. Although many rulers claimed to be open-minded, Lin Su's inclusive approach was truly unprecedented.

Those who rose to high positions naturally had the ability to perform their duties. However, watching former adversaries now standing side by side made for a complex atmosphere in the court. The memorials submitted seemed to be competing in literary excellence, with issues that could be resolved in a few words being expanded into volumes.

Though there was no need to attend court, state affairs continued unabated, and memorials naturally needed to be reviewed.

Within the hall, Lin Su was not dressed in his court attire but rather in his inner garments, draped in an outer robe as he sat at the desk reviewing the memorials. The classical language was not difficult for him, but reading through so many documents was quite taxing.

Li Yuan had been kept up late by him the previous night, and although they had joked around in the morning, with the heavy snow falling outside, he had dozed off again on the bed.

When the snow stopped, the entire hall was very bright. Li Yuan turned over and, finding it difficult to fall back asleep, he glanced over at the man who was diligently working at the desk. 

The warm carpet muffled his footsteps as he silently slipped off the bed, intending to sneak up quietly.

But just as he got close, the seemingly unaware man put down his brush, reached out, and pulled him onto his lap. Lin Su had some ink on his thumb, which he directly smeared on Li Yuan’s nose. "What were you planning just now?"

The ink on his hand was quite conspicuous. Li Yuan grabbed his hand to prevent it from touching his face, "Nothing, I just wanted to see what His Majesty was busy with."

"Local customs differ, and establishing laws requires inclusiveness, which inevitably leads to some issues. Help me take a look," Lin Su adjusted his position, pulling him into his embrace and spreading the memorials on the desk.

Although there was a fire in the hall, it was still a bit chilly off the bed. Now held in his arms, Li Yuan felt entirely warm.

"Are you serious about letting me look?" Li Yuan asked.

"Of course," Lin Su smiled.

Li Yuan picked up a memorial and began reading its contents. At first, he could stay focused, but after reading a few, he rubbed his eyes.

Lin Su asked, "What’s wrong?"

Li Yuan replied, "Your Majesty’s ministers are all exceptionally eloquent."

Each document was very long and quite laborious to read, with excellent literary quality throughout, but finding the key points within them was a challenge.

"Even court ministers are from various factions, accustomed to competing with one another. If even the Empress finds it strenuous, let’s limit each memorial to no more than a hundred words in the future," Lin Su said.

Li Yuan, holding a memorial, smiled and said, "This one has hundreds if not thousands of words. If drastically reduced, it might cause the ministers a great deal of headache."

"If they don’t get headaches, then the headache falls on me. The length of an article doesn’t matter; what matters is solving the issue," Lin Su said, embracing him.

Li Yuan found his words quite reasonable. "If Your Majesty wants it to be simple, perhaps education for the common people should also be simplified. Fewer formalities could actually benefit the country."

"If we conquer the Kingdom of Li, we indeed need to establish imperial examinations to select capable administrators. Your method is sound," Lin Su said.

Changing the feudal system wasn’t easy. Reforming people's hearts and minds, breaking free from traditional education, required subtle and gradual change over decades.

To alter the status of scholars, farmers, artisans, and merchants, changes had to be made both from the top down and from the bottom up.

From the top, one could weaken the power of the aristocracy. With the new dynasty just established and the aristocratic foundation unstable, it was the perfect time to reduce their power. From the bottom, changing production relations was necessary. Coming from a merchant background to becoming an emperor who unified the land, no one dared mock him. 

If handicraft workshops were vigorously developed, overseas trade promoted, and commerce flourished, the societal influence and status of merchants would naturally rise.

Lin Su initially had modest plans, but discussing with Li Yuan made him realize a potential issue. "If we elevate the status of merchants and workers, it could harm the interests of the aristocracy, weakening their loyalty to Your Majesty."

The divine right of kings was meant to instill a sense of reverence for the monarch among the people, preventing rebellious thoughts. Excessive decentralization could indeed threaten the throne. In the long run, it would be akin to digging one's own grave.

Lin Su laughed, "If this truly succeeds, the empire wouldn't belong to one person or one family. There would be no need to consider perpetuating the dynasty. If everyone had one spouse, internal family conflicts would decrease, leading to prosperous households. Without oppressive power, cases like yours in the past would become less frequent."

Li Yuan stood there, stunned, unable to regain his composure for a long time. He wanted to protect this person's interests, but this person was thinking about his well-being. "Your Majesty..."

"Would you be willing if one day you could no longer be the Empress?" Lin Su softly asked in his ear.

Accompanied by the first snow outside the window, Li Yuan smiled, "Of course, I would."

He wished that this world would have fewer people like his mother and himself, who could only be confined to the inner chambers for their entire lives.

He was determined to help this man achieve his vision.

Though the Kingdom of Li had yet to be conquered, debates about the new dynasty's laws were raging fiercely. Previously, officials were largely immune to punishment, but the new emperor insisted that even the emperor should be subject to the same laws as commoners. This significantly weakened the status of the aristocracy.

"If families are not allowed to execute their servants at will, it will embolden them," argued one minister.

"Then what would be the point of having government officials?" Lin Su replied.

"But if Your Majesty wants to punish palace servants, are you saying they should also be sent to the government?" another minister questioned.

"If that's what you wish, it can certainly be arranged," Lin Su responded. In his palace, there were not many servants to begin with, and other nations had their own systems for handling internal punishments, so the same could be applied here.

While the debate over the new laws was heating up, Lin Su launched an attack on the Kingdom of Li.

Using pulleys and lifting technology, countless soldiers had already been stationed atop that natural barrier, waiting for the order. At the signal, numerous gliders silently descended into the capital of the Kingdom of Li under the cover of night.

The Li Emperor had just ordered the strengthening of border defenses when the Qi army broke into his palace, startling him out of the arms of his concubines. "They’ve really broken through?!"

"Your Majesty, it's absolutely true! Those men had wings on their backs and descended from the sky. They are truly heavenly soldiers!" the palace servants, terrified, cried out.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!!"

"Help! Please don't kill me, don't kill me!!"

Outside was chaotic, everyone was so frightened by the soldiers descending from the sky that they couldn't even resist. These soldiers, descending from the sky, were not bloodthirsty; as long as those who knelt down and begged for mercy, they were simply detained.

The beauties were all pale with fear, screams echoing constantly. The Emperor Li's wine cup fell to the ground as he asked, "Where are Concubine De and Cang'er?"

"There was no prior preparation. Concubine De and His Highness location are currently unknown," replied an attendant.

"Don't panic, don't panic. The Emperor of Qi won't annihilate the imperial family. We still have a chance..." The Emperor Li forced himself to remain calm.

However, the door was smashed open from outside, and soldiers in light armor rushed in. One soldier, taking the lead, swung his sword directly towards the Emperor Li's neck.

When Emperor Li was young, he could lead the army in person, but now he has been drained of his body by alcohol and pleasures. Seeing the sword about to strike, his legs gave way, and he knelt on the ground, a stench of fear emanating from him, "I surrender!!!"

The soldier who had rushed forward looked disdainful, but paused with his blade at the Emperor Li's neck, "Emperor Li, please come with us."

The Emperor Li breathed a sigh of relief. As he stood up, he glanced at his wet lower body, feeling deeply ashamed and embarrassed. But now was not the time to change clothes; he could only be escorted away by the soldiers.

Once he had mocked the emperors of other countries, ridiculing their incompetence. Now, each of their capitals had been conquered one by one by the new emperor. Only now did he realize that some people truly possessed the power of divine intervention, effortlessly breaking through Li Kingdom's defenses like waves crashing against sandcastles.

Inside the palace, the women's clothes were in disarray, all appearing pitiful. If it were other soldiers entering, they would surely indulge themselves in the comforts of the emperor's residence. Yet these soldiers showed no interest in the women, not even sparing them a second glance.

"Put on your clothes and come with us, or none of you will be spared," their cold and ruthless demeanor made the women tremble with fear.

Watching this scene, the Emperor Li felt as though he was waking from a deep dream. He had once led armies on campaigns, enforcing military law strictly, ensuring that civilians were not disturbed. That was why the Li Kingdom's territory had expanded, even challenging the mighty Lian. But at some point, he had started to overlook the soldiers' conduct and indulged himself with women, time and time again.

Although he had not met Emperor Qi, it was discovered that under his rule, things were vastly different. As they were brought into the palace grounds, there were many bodies of guards, but there were almost no palace servants. When they arrived at the place of imprisonment, Emperor Li saw Concubine De in disarray with his beloved son.

They were all escorted by soldiers, and upon seeing Emperor Li, they were shocked beyond belief: “Your Majesty!!!”

“Father, why have you been arrested too!!!”

All three were dressed splendidly but looked disheveled. Li Cang's head was bruised and swollen with a deep shade of purple.

“Cang'er,” Emperor Li couldn't help but feel sorry for his son.

“What deep father-son affection. Move along!”' sneered the soldier behind them.

“My imperial brother is your Qi Kingdom’s Empress. How dare you treat us like this?” Li Cang struggled to say.

“Get lost, do you think you can be spared just because you're the Empress relative.” The soldier kicked him from behind.

When they were sent here, they were naturally informed of the relationship between the Li Kingdom’s royal family and their newly appointed Empress. When other countries' royal families were besieged, the emperor did not bow, although he fell as a prisoner of war, he also allowed them to leave with dignity.

They were informed of the relationship between the Li Dynasty royal family and their queen, and received an edict from His Majesty that they did not have to be too polite to the members of the Li Kingdom’s royal family and spare their lives.

Their Majesty is a true god of heaven, he treats everyone equally, although they are doubtful, they obey His Majesty in everything, but when they arrive to arrest the Li Kingdom’s royal family, they find that this Li Kingdoms royal family is truly unbearable.

The emperor is addicted to wine and lust and surrounded by beauties, and his concubines also followed suit and summoned pretty boys to their palace. His son was also like them.

“Go in.” When they arrived at the place of detention, the soldiers threw them in.

Emperor Li trembled and crawled on the ground for a long time before getting up. Concubine De was pushed in and hurriedly pulled up her disheveled clothes.

Li Cang, having just been kicked, dared not shout loudly again. Seeing Concubine De's anxious movements, he asked with concern, "Mother, what did those damn bastards do to you?"

Although Concubine De was already in middle age, her maintenance was excellent. She had captivated Emperor Li when she was young, possessing a certain beauty. Now, her charm still remained, and she was quite different from those delicate flowers.

Upon hearing this, Emperor Li raised his head and asked, "What did they do to you?"

Concubine De, initially flustered, now tightened her clothes and said, "Your Majesty, please don't worry, this humble servant is fine."

She felt wronged, but just as Emperor Li was about to withdraw his overly flattering words towards the Qi country soldiers, the soldier guarding outside sneered and said, "Don't slander us. When we arrived, this concubine of yours was indulging herself with several little white faces in bed. We have no interest in her. Don't tarnish our reputation."

They were people with wives at home. Under the majesty of His Majesty, the people lived in peace and prosperity. Although they were formidable on the battlefield, even the children by the roadside were not afraid when they passed through cities. 

Such majesty attracted many women's admiration. They had families and even children, and were harmonious as couples. Seeing such filthy things in the palace made them feel disdain.

Emperor Li's face changed color, and Concubine De's previous grievance turned into panic. "Your Majesty, I didn't do anything! They are lying. You can't believe them."

"I'll kill you, you wh*re!!!" Emperor Li was furious and rushed up to tear Concubine De's clothes, but Li Cang pushed him to the ground. "Let go of Mother!"

"Unfilial son, how dare you treat your father like this!" Emperor Li was stunned and choked with anger.

"Don't be afraid, Mother. She only summoned a few men." Li Cang protected Concubine De and looked at Emperor Li with no trace of his previous respect. "Haven't you also had those women? It's all the same."

"Unfilial son!" Emperor Li's chest heaved with emotion.

"What's so bad about being unfilial? Besides, you're not the emperor anymore," Li Cang realized his status at this moment and wasn't afraid of him anymore.

Concubine De had just been instinctively fearful earlier, but now that she had tidied up her clothes and had her son protecting her, she coldly laughed, "So what if I'm summoning men? You're just a useless old waste. Only that sl*t Empress Li likes you!"

This was a direct insult to the man. Emperor Li's face turned green and white in an instant, and he rushed up directly, "I'll kill you!!!"

The three of them kept tearing at each other, exposing each other's weaknesses. One said the other was old and fading, another said this one was useless and pathetic. It was truly a grand palace drama.

The soldiers outside listened until things got too out of hand, then knocked on the door, "Calm down. If you cause a death, you'll all die together."

Inside the room, they calmed down a bit. The three separated, but they looked even more disheveled than when they were first captured. Despite their anger, they were afraid of death.

The palace was being reorganized, the palace servants were being detained. This palace might be used as Qi's palace in the future, or it might be abandoned. But from the day Emperor Li was arrested and sent to Qi's capital, the Li Kingdom ceased to exist.

When the soldiers successfully attacked, Lin Su received a message by fast horse. It stated that everything was going smoothly, and within a month, the Li royal family could be sent to the capital.

After reading the letter, Lin Su placed it directly in front of Li Yuan, who was helping him sort through the memorials, "A letter from Li Kingdom."

Li Yuan paused and decisively took the letter. Emperor Li was captured, and Li Cang and his mother were also caught. His former enemies being so easily captured gave him a surreal feeling.

The letter detailed the capture of the royal family, with names registered. Emperor Li was caught in debauchery, while his beloved Concubine De was caught with her male favorites.

Seeing this, Li Yuan felt somewhat ironic, "Your Majesty, may I handle these people?"

They only addressed each other as Emperor and Empress when they were joking; but in their everyday interactions, they used abbreviated forms. Lin Su never objected; instead, they behaved more intimately like an ordinary couple.

If it was before their marriage Li Yuan might have hesitated to grasp power to avoid the man's fear, but now he had no qualms. This man was truly fulfilling his past promises, entrusting authority to him without any doubt.

Given this trust and affection, Li Yuan truly felt fortunate for believing in the man's words.

"Very well," Lin Su casually flipped through the neatly categorized memorials. "Whether to punish or kill, it's up to you."

"I won't take their lives to avoid criticism of Your Majesty's reputation," Li Yuan said, placing his hand on Lin Su's.

Lin Su glanced at his fingers. The young Empress had picked up martial skills and practiced archery frequently, causing his fingertips to lose some delicacy but still remaining fair and slender, a natural beauty. 

Lin Su held his hand and pinched the fingertip of his middle finger, watching him itch and curl his finger without retracting it. He smiled and said, "The Empress is virtuous, what reward does the Empress desire?"

Li Yuan moved his fingertip slightly, enjoying their intimacy. "Since Your Majesty wishes to elevate the status of workers, why not summon some craftsmen to the palace? I wish to improve the bows and crossbows used by the soldiers."

Although he had resumed his martial skills, he lacked the strength of those who had practiced for many years. While his arrows hit the mark, they lacked power. Facing armor of exceptional quality, they likely wouldn't breach it. Even hunting might only wound without causing serious injury.

Soldiers mainly used bows and arrows; large crossbows were cumbersome. Improvements would benefit the nation and himself.

Lin Su naturally knew the latest types of crossbows. As an individual, he couldn't handle everything. With the Empress's proposal, he didn't need to suppress his enthusiasm; letting him research independently was better.

"Very well, I'll find the best craftsmen for you," Lin Su teased, tapping his nose.

When he bowed his head, Li Yuan naturally kissed him on the cheek. Before Lin Su could catch him, he stood up and slid three feet away: "The memorials have been sorted and organized. Your Majesty, please go back to work. I'm going to ride my horse."

He ran away without even looking back. Lin Su touched the place where he was kissed and smiled: "Why are you running? The kisses are not symmetrical."

System 06 silently ate dog food.

Lin Su's delegation of authority was not obvious, but the matter of finding palace personnel to help the Empress create bows and crossbows stirred discussions in the court.

"Your Majesty, the Empress should manage the inner court properly, purify the harem, and set an example for the households of the world. Interfering in military matters is tantamount to overstepping boundaries and meddling in politics. Is this not against etiquette?" advised a senior minister.

"When the new dynasty was established, has this Emperor ever said that the inner court cannot handle political matters?" Lin Su was open to adjusting regulations according to various opinions, but he couldn't allow the court officials too much leeway in managing the court.

Handle what needs handling and avoid meddling where unnecessary.

"Throughout the ages, if the inner court meddles in politics, it will surely lead to factionalism among ministers and chaos in the realm," another ministers stepped forward. "Please, Your Majesty, do not grant the Empress the authority to meddle in politics."

"Please, Your Majesty, do not grant the Empress the authority to meddle in politics!!!" another minister joined in.

However, these objections came from officials who were veterans of various states. When the military commanders who had followed Lin Su in conquering the realm heard these objections, they couldn't help but feel like yawning.

Although they claimed it was for his own good, daring to threaten His Majesty like this, these officials really didn't know any better.

"General Kang, do you think what these esteemed ministers are saying makes sense?" Lin Su asked.

Military commanders were used to battlefield killings; if they really started a verbal battle, they could probably directly attack each other's entire families. It wouldn't be cost-effective to directly insult the civil officials until they fainted. Only General Kang Boyu could handle both civil and martial affairs, literate and courteous. Most importantly, he stood by the Empress.

General Kang Boyu stepped forward and said, "This world belongs to Your Majesty. If Your Majesty wishes for the Emperor and Empress to be united and harmonious, as long as you don't take the people of the realm for granted, Your Majesty can decide on household matters. A harmonious Emperor and Empress are essential for raising competent heirs. I support Your Majesty's actions."

"We all support Your Majesty's actions," the military commanders knelt in unison.

The officials wanted to interject, but Lin Su spoke up, "I have always been willing to listen to the opinions of my ministers. Seeing that all of you cherish the Empress, I am deeply pleased."

The officials were left speechless, knowing that further persuasion was futile. Ruling the world relied not on kindness but on decisive action. He could use them or discard them as he pleased.

With the matter settled, another civil official stepped forward, "Your Majesty values the Empress greatly, which is in accordance with the propriety of the world. However, for the future of the New Dynasty, when does Your Majesty intend to draft the selection of concubines?"

The civil officials didn't want to antagonize the Emperor. They knew that selecting concubines had always pleased past Emperors so they thought that this could bring satisfaction to the current Emperor. 

However, as the words left their mouths, they felt a cold stare from above, sending shivers down their spines.

Lin Su didn't want to engage in concubine selection at this time, but many matters remained unresolved. If he openly declared his reluctance to secure the future successors, it would likely provoke unrest throughout the world. "Upon establishing the new order in the former Li Kingdom, it became clear that the corruption of their royal family stemmed from their indulgence in beauty. Now is the time for peace and recuperation for the people. It is not appropriate to stir up unrest by selecting concubines. I do not want the people to think that I am indulgent and unfit for duty."

The statement was heavy-handed, causing the civil official who had spoken out to hesitate and retreat.

Concerns were raised in the court, some for the nation's well-being and others for the future heirs of Lin Su. Many offered advice and guidance.

They considered the nation's welfare and demonstrated their loyalty. Lin Su understood this well and refrained from blaming anyone hastily due to this matter.

As Lin Yuan sorted through the memorials, he naturally had to review their contents. Lin Su had already stipulated that minor matters in the memorials should not exceed a hundred characters, and major matters should not exceed three hundred characters. One memorial didn't take much time to read. 

However, as Lin Su returned to the hall, he found the young Empress sitting under a lamp, intensely focused on a memorial. His normally full lips were pressed into a tight line.

Lin Su gestured silently to the palace attendant to remain quiet and approached Lin Yuan's side, observing the contents of the memorial with him.

The memorial suggested not conducting a traditional concubine selection, but it also stated that if he did not want to waste manpower and money and alarm the people, he could select well-educated ladies from ministers' families to enter the palace, and have them taught by the current empress dowager to have them serve him in the future.

Lin Yuan read it attentively. From a nearby fruit tray, Lin Su picked out a fruit and offered it to him. The young Empress, absorbed in reading, simply opened his lips and took a bite, though his chewing carried a hint of gritted teeth.

He didn't come back to his senses, and Lin Su fed him a few more fruits and gave him some water to relieve the greasiness. The palace maids beside him were all carefully selected, and those who dared to be disrespectful or had unloyal minds were not allowed to serve here. Now, seeing the actions of the emperor and empress, they lowered their heads and couldn't help laughing.

Feeding fruit was useless, so Lin Su took out a pill from his sleeve and handed it to Li Yuan. Li Yuan was chewing it naturally, but his brows were slightly frowned. He reached out to the water beside him.

However, Lin Su's quick reflexes caught his hand.

Surprised to see him, Lin Yuan exclaimed, "When did Your Majesty return? It's so bitter... What did you give me... I need water!"

"It's a health tonic for you. Why are you so engrossed in reading?" Lin Su held the water cup to his lips, smiling as he watched him drink. "You didn't even notice me coming in?"

"The officials wanted to send some beauties to Your Majesty," Lin Yuan recalled the earlier discussion, his face wrinkling more than when he had taken the medicine. "Their arguments were persuasive and hard to refute."

"So the Empress was thinking of how to counter them just now?" Lin Su chuckled.

"This is a matter for the inner palace, not something Your Majesty should worry about all the time." Lin Yuan licked his teeth, saying, "Although good medicine is bitter, can't it be sweetened a bit?"

"You find it bitter?" Lin Su asked.

Lin Yuan nodded, "I really can't stand bitter tastes."

Lin Su intended to give him another fruit, but instead, he pressed it to his own lips and then offered the sweet fruit to Lin Yuan, mixing in a hint of bitterness. "It is easier to neutralize the medicinal properties by adding sweetness. I will share the joys and sorrows with you, okay?"

Li Yuan was originally chewing the fruit with lowered eyelashes. At this moment, his cheeks, which were already tinged with a blush, grew even redder.

Sharing their joys and sorrows together was indeed wonderful.

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