The Beautiful Brother of the Orion’s Family (Wearing Book) - 115


| TBBOTOF | 115

Wei Zhonghong stayed for lunch at noon, and Tang Xu packed some wild vegetables and meat dumplings for her.

When Wei Zhonghong was leaving, Tang Xu handed her a large basket of wild steamed buns.

Wei Zhonghong tried to refuse but eventually had to accept it.

As she was about to leave, Tang Xu called out to her.

Wei Zhonghong turned around and saw that he was going to see her off. So she quickly said, "Don't walk me out, just go back. It must have been exhausting to go up the mountain."

Tang Xu, smiling, reached out and took the basket from Wei Zhonghong's arm and put it on his own. Then he extended his arm and hooked it around Wei Zhonghong's arm, saying, "Aunt, let's walk and talk. I have something I want to discuss with you."

Wei Zhonghong guessed that Tang Xu wanted to comfort him, but that wasn't the case.

To her surprise, Tang Xu gave her an idea.

"Aunt, you’re so kind-hearted in taking care of your granddaughter, and you still have to take care of things at home. Your body won’t be able to handle it in the long run."

Wei Zhonghong nodded. Then she sighed deeply, "There's no other way. That little baby. If she’s hungry, she’ll cry loudly. Hearing her cries makes my heart ache. It’s like I’m his real mother. How could his own mother be so heartless?" 

Tang Xu somewhat understood.

Liu Shi was a typical rural wife with thoughts similar to most women in her position. She definitely valued boys over girls and probably wanted her first child to be a boy to secure her status in the family. 

As the eldest daughter-in-law, with no other young children in the family, her desire for a son was even stronger. Besides, Liu Shi had a very competitive nature. 

While she might not compare herself to others, but Wei Shi’s pregnancy placed invisible pressure on her. 

In three or four months, if Wei Shi also gives birth to a girl; Liu Shi might not feel ashamed of having a daughter. 

But if Wei Shi gives birth to a boy, Liu Shi’s mindset might collapse. She’d feel embarrassed that her daughter was not favored.

"I am not that kind of grandmother who valued sons over daughters! I gave birth to four bald little boys and always hoped to have a sweet daughter. But I never had that mother-daughter bond with my eldest daughter-in-law. You know, when I saw Liu Shi give birth to a chubby girl, I was very happy." Wei Zhonghong patted her chest, her face full of frustration.

Tang Xu patted Wei Zhonghong on the back, comforting her. "Auntie, I have an idea. There’s a fifty-fifty chance that this will make your eldest daughter-in-law want to take her child back.."

Wei Zhonghong looked puzzled, "What idea?"

Tang Xu leaned in and whispered in his ear.

As they walked down the village road, neither too fast nor too slow, they encountered a few people coming their way.

Seeing them, Tang Xu smiled, patted Wei Zhonghong on the arm, and greeted the approaching group, "Uncle, elder brother, sister-in-law, second brother."

The Wu family members were happy to see Tang Xu, except for Liu Shi, who frowned and kept glancing back and forth between Tang Xu and Wei Zhonghong.

"Auntie, why don't you go and ask them about it? Maybe they’ll agree," Tang Xu said, turning his back to the others and lowering his voice, while giving Wei Zhonghong a meaningful look.

Wei Zhonghong nodded and replied with a smile, "Alright, I’ll go and ask. After all, the child is still young and needs her mother."

Tang Xu responded, "Then please put in a good word for me, Auntie. I'll head back and wait for your good news."

Although they spoke in low tones, the Wu family could hear the conversation. Most of them might have heard it and might have not thought much about it, but Liu Shi felt a pang in her heart.

Most grandparents don't have a soft heart like their mother-in-law. The majority of them would be upset with her for giving birth to a daughter that they wouldn’t even want to raise her.

She gave her child to her mother-in-law because Liu Shi knew her mother-in-law wouldn't let her granddaughter suffer. 

There was also a bit of laziness on Liu Shi’s part since hearing a baby cry every day was nerve-wracking. Liu Shi had planned to take her child back when she was older and less troublesome because she was her own flesh and blood, and she couldn't just leave her be. 

But what did she hear just now?

Her mother-in-law actually wanted to give her child away!

Liu Shi frowned, and when she got home and sat at the dinner table, she felt even more upset when she saw that there was no soup left.

"Xu Ge’ers buns are really delicious," said Wei Shi, who was five months pregnant and found everything appetizing at this time. She ate four large buns and a bowl of porridge. 

Liu Shi took a bun from the side and took a bite.

She had to admit that the stuffing was delicious, but she couldn't swallow it.

"Sister-in-law, eat a little less. What's the point of taking so much care to nourish yourself?" Liu Shi said.

Wei Shi paused her chewing and looked at her mother-in-law before saying, "Eldest sister, I..."

"Why do you care so much about other people's business? It's not going into your stomach. People can eat as much as they want. What, are you the only one that can have a good meal but others can’t?" retorted Wei Zhonghong, turning to Wu Shouye, "Eldest son, I need to talk to you about something."

Wu Qiang glanced at his wife. His wife had been helping their eldest son’s wife take care of their child for over a month now. Although she tolerated it, her soft-heartedness wouldn’t last. 

Even if she was displeased with their attitude, she only voiced a few complaints and never really considered sending her grandchild back.

Feeling guilty, Wu Shouye looked at his parents and nodded when he heard his mother's words, "Mother, go ahead."

He thought his mother would suggest they take their child back and raise her themselves.

Wei Zhonghong said, "I went up the mountain to pick wild vegetables earlier and happened to meet Xu Ge'er coming down. He looked unwell, so I brought him to his house and asked Doctor Xu to check his pulse. The doctor said he hasn't been resting well recently, which could affect his health if it continues."

Wu Shouye rubbed his face, "Mother, but..."

"Xu Ge’er also said he felt sorry for your child, so he suggested that we let him adopt her and let him raise her," Wei Zhonghong said, not waiting for Wu Shouye to finish his sentence, and directly conveying the rest of his message. "After all, we're not well-off. It's a pity, but your work doesn't allow you to take care of her. Xu Ge'ers family has better conditions and won't mistreat her."

The room fell silent as everyone looked at each other in disbelief. But then they started to consider it and realized it might actually be a reasonable arrangement.

Wu Shouxin, being the second son, usually wouldn't speak up in such matters. But out of concern for his mother, he bit into a bun and supported the idea, "Mother makes sense. Xu Ge'ers family is much better off than ours. If they really take the eldest sister-in-law’s child in, she’ll be well cared for."

"Yes, no one from Xu Ge’er’s family objected to taking her in. However, it’s not like they would raise her for free. Once she’s with them, she’ll be part of their family, and we can't take her back," Wei Zhonghong said.

Wei Zhonghong turned to Wu Qiang and asked, “What do you think, husband? If we can't take care of her properly, it might be better for her to go to Xu Ge'ers family, where she’ll be loved and cared for? She can still call her parents aunt or uncle in the future."

Wu Qiang's face tightened. Even though his first grandchild was a girl, she was still their eldest granddaughter, and he couldn't bear the thought of giving her away. He remained silent.

Wei Zhonghong wanted to persuade him further, but Liu Shi finally snapped out of her shock and slammed her hand on the table, shouting, "Why should we give her away? She's my daughter!"

"Your daughter will be better off fed and cared for rather than starved and neglected. If her birth mother won't take responsibility, it’s better for her to be with someone who will love her," Wei Zhonghong retorted, turning her anger on Liu Shi.

Liu Shi's eyes widened, and she shook her head vehemently, "No, no! I won't agree to this!"

"If you agree or not, it doesn't matter. It's up to the Wu family to decide!" Wei Zhonghong shouted at her.

Liu Shi trembled, she grabbed Wu Shouye's arm and shook him vigorously, "Say something! How can you stay silent!"

Wu Shouye pursed his lips and furrowed his brows, turning his face away, "What is there to say? There's nothing bad about this."

"You scoundrel! She is your own daughter, and you want to give her away!" Liu Shi yelled, hitting and punching him.

Wu Shouye pushed her away and stood up angrily, "Do you think I want to give her away?"

Wei Zhonghong glanced at the couple and said, "Since you both oppose it, I won't be sending her away." 

She then stood up, ready to leave. Seeing this, Liu Shi hurriedly blocked her path, crying, "Mother, you can't be so heartless! She's my daughter. How can you just give her away?"

"Don't be ridiculous," Wei Zhonghong said, waving her hand to push Liu Shi away. "What, you think you can have the best of both worlds? You want someone else to raise your child well and then take her back when she’s all grown up and sensible? I'm telling you, once this matter is settled, we will split the family. You two can go build your house far away. I'm done serving you and your nonsense. I'm sick of seeing you every day."

Hearing that she wanted to split the family, Liu Shi became even more desperate.

Nowadays, the family has been exhausted from working. If they really split up, they'd have to farm on their own. Even if they get a share, they'd be busy to death just to eat a mouthful of rice every day. 

Wu Shouye also understands what his mothers words mean. He should take his child back , or else they'd have to split up. It's also an opportunity for him to discipline Liu Shi, who has been acting up too much. So, he decided not to say anything and just sit there quietly and continue eating.

Liu Shi cried and didn't chase after her. When she saw that Wei Zhonghong was about to pick up her child, she quickly rushed over and snatched her child away.

Originally, Wei Zhonghong didn't intend to stop her, when she saw her rushing over from the corner of her eye, she moved aside half-heartedly to let her take her grandchild, who was wrapped up in a quilt. Liu Shi hugged her child tightly, who was crying loudly.

In a panic, Liu Shi looked down at her child and then looked up at Wei Zhonghong. She turned around and ran out with her child in her arms.

Wei Zhonghong sneered coldly and followed her out, shouting, “Put her down, don't hug her too tightly!”

“No, I won’t! Xuna is my eldest child. No one can take her away!' Liu Shi ran back to her room quickly, closed the door, and leaned against it with her back.

Tears streamed down her face as she pressed his cheek against the crying baby's delicate face, looking at her lovingly.

Wei Zhonghong lay on the door, listening to the movements inside. After a while, she didn't hear Xuna crying anymore. Feeling relieved, she pushed the door gently, finding it locked. She went to the window and listened through the paper, tapping on the window frame. “Liu Shi, come out. Give me Xuna.”

Liu Shi sat on the kang, feeding the baby.

There's no milk left to feed her anymore, she was about to bring her outside when Liu Shi lowered her head and saw Xuna vigorously suckling on her arms. Liu Shi felt her chest swell again. 

Hearing movement outside, Wei Zhonghong shouted hoarsely, “Open up, give Xuna back!'

Wei Zhonghong snorted and turned back to the main room, entered the door and said to Wu Shouye, “Eldest, go bring Xuna back.”

Wu Shouye raised his hand and slapped himself twice, hitting his face.

“Mother, forgive us this time.”

Wei Zhonghong sneered, “You spoiled her too much.”

Xu Ge’er was right, she can no longer tolerate them.

TL: I am not satisfied with how this chapter turned out either, it was not as difficult as the last chapter but there were some difficulties. For example, the reason why I keep referring to the baby as ‘she’ or ‘her’ is because I had no idea what her name was or her nickname, eventually I settled on Xuna. I might have to go back on this chapter and fix the baby’s name if I got the name wrong. The raws that I found were also just sentences put into big paragraphs and not properly separated, or some of the sentences broke off unexpectedly and it looked like a new paragraph but in reality it was supposed to go with the sentence before that.

Anyway enough of my rant, but hopefully the next chapter will not be as difficult. 

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  1. thank you for the update.. 🐾❤️ your still doing a great job translating.. thanks a bunch.. 😘

  2. Thank u for translating this chapter4r🫶🏻

  3. Thank you for the update! Your translation is great and Xuna is a lovely name ❤️

  4. Thank you for the translation.. I keep on opening this website tab everyday to see the new update.. Xuna name is quite lovely.. I don't mind it at all.. Maybe because this novel is still ongoing so most website other than the paid one is really hard to translate and understand.. I didn't know if the paid one have the same issue because I cannot read it if I didn't pay for it.. Anyway Tang Xu is really good at solving the problem.. It's time for Liu Shi to take care of her child and not burdening her mother in-law.. I can't wait for the chapters Tang Xu giving birth.. I wonder how the Ger give birth


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