Puppet Notes (Wearing Book) - 47


| PN | Family Show | 47

The closer the starting and ending points of the maze are, the higher the danger level of the obstacles encountered. Conversely, if the distance is farther apart, the danger level approaches zero. However, the fans in the live stream don’t care about this; they only know that a fool has chosen the farthest route.

【Let me see who this fool is. Oh~ it turns out to be Qi Chao!】

【Damn, why the sarcasm? Do you understand strategy? The closer routes are so difficult, it’s better to take the easier one!】

【Easier? Did you not see the distance? Normal people would need five hours to get around it. With that time, other puppets would have finished already!】

【Let’s forget it, let’s go watch others. This puppet is already a lost cause.】

After this comment appeared, many others agreed, and even some of Qi Chao’s fans turned against him. There was no way around it—Qi Chao’s choice was too unscientific. The nearest route would take at most half an hour; a medium difficulty route would take around an hour to reach the end. Even if the closer route’s obstacles were tough, it would take at most two hours.

He chose the farthest route from the start, and considering the obstacle time, he simply couldn't win.

“Dad, their direction is different from Li Bai’s.”

Li Bai’s puzzled voice came through the headset. Qi Chao looked at the maze map in his hand, lowered his head, and comforted Li Bai through the transmitter: “It’s okay, don’t worry about them. Their route is too dangerous for us; just run a bit faster, Li Bai.”

“Rest if you’re tired, don’t push yourself too hard.” Qi Chao thought for a moment and added this, so his child wouldn’t overexert himself.

He knew how fast Li Bai could go; with his speed, there was no need to worry about the distance. Qi Chao looked at the obstacles, trying to find the simplest and most suitable route for his child.

Meanwhile, most of the audience was watching the live streams of various S-level puppets, with the most viewers gathered in Zhang Ya’s stream. 

Zhang Ya’s Wolf King puppet is an adult male figure. Although the name suggests a fantasy-type puppet, in reality, the Wolf King is a genuine realistic puppet with wolf patterns on its face. 

The Wolf King is very popular online due to his muscular build, handsome appearance, and outstanding combat skills, attracting many fans of both genders. 

The reason Zhang Ya’s live stream had more viewers than the online legend Qiao Laoshu was that Zhang Ya chose the nearest and also the most challenging route for his puppet. 

【Go for it!! The Wolf King is the best!】

Fans were eagerly anticipating seeing the Wolf King defeat all his opponents and win first place, cheering and encouraging on the screen. However, the next moment, they were disappointed.

A massive spiked ball rolled down the narrow corridor towards the Wolf King. Because the event was sudden, and in the maze, puppet masters cannot make any sound to warn their puppets, the normally straightforward Wolf King didn’t turn around to run but tried to stop the rolling ball with sheer strength.

His special ability is Steel Teeth, but biting through the rolling ball was clearly unrealistic. The enormous spiked ball eventually crushed him. After the rolling ball passed, the Wolf King was left with several holes punctured into him. Since the puppet has no flesh and blood, these holes appeared as dark, eerie cavities, looking particularly frightening.

All the fans were shocked by how cruel the obstacle was, something they had never seen before. Watching the Wolf King in such a state, they felt heartbroken and uncomfortable, with many comments in the chat expressing their sadness.

After being crushed, the Wolf King’s joints were damaged. Even after lying on the ground for a long time, he couldn’t get up. Despite his adult appearance, he looked like a helpless child, calling out for his father with a panicked gaze.

“You useless fool! Why didn’t you run away earlier?!” 

Zhang Ya was furious. “How could you be so dumb? Damn it! Even if you have to crawl, you must crawl to the finish line!”

The Wolf King opened his mouth, his eyes filled with confusion and disbelief, like an abandoned child. After a long silence, he chose to follow his father’s instructions and, using the strength of his arms, crawled across the ground.

【I’m leaving. This is too cruel.】

【Haha, puppets aren’t humans; they don’t feel pain the same way. Don’t worry, they have very little pain sensitivity. Haha.】

【Even if their pain sensitivity is low, they still feel pain. The Wolf King is in so much pain; Zhang Ya is too ruthless.】

Soft-hearted fans were still in the majority. They had followed the Wolf King since his creation, and over time, even a puppet can develop a sense of attachment, like a pet. Seeing the Wolf King treated so cruelly caused their feelings toward Zhang Ya to plummet, even adding a layer of disgust. Most fans couldn’t bear to watch anymore and left to check out other live streams.

However, the next scene was even more brutal. After witnessing a puppet’s lower body being severed by an obstacle and then being forced to continue moving, fans were utterly overwhelmed.

【Damn, what kind of inhumane obstacle is this?!】

【Let the puppet rest. Ugh, this is so painful to watch.】

The closer the starting distance, the more dangerous the obstacles. It wasn’t until this moment that viewers truly understood what this meant. They reassured themselves that it was all for victory; after all, they couldn’t start from the farthest distance like Qi Chao, as that would be essentially giving up the competition.

Thinking this way, viewers looked at the small white dot on the screen, and their eyes nearly popped out.

【Damn! Why does this white dot seem like it’s moving at double speed?!】

On the screen, the white dot, which was far from the many other dots, was moving incredibly fast. Compared to the other stationary puppets, it seemed to be in a different world. Many curious viewers clicked into the live stream, and once they synced with the perspective, they realized that this puppet’s speed was indeed extraordinary!

【I feel like I’m on a roller coaster; I can’t even see the trees passing by.】

【Impressive, impressive! No wonder Qi Chao chose the long route; it turns out this puppet is incredibly fast. At this speed, it should definitely reach the end in less than an hour, right?】

Such speed was clearly something not felt in other live streams, as viewers who had given up on other streams due to the obstacles stuck in the first stage were suddenly thrilled.

“Turn right after 300 meters, go straight after clearing the obstacle, go for it, Li Bai!” Hearing his father’s voice through the headset, Li Bai nodded and accelerated once again.

【Another obstacle?】

Viewers who had been traumatized by the brutal scenes in other live streams now shivered at the mere mention of an obstacle, but the next moment, they saw that this stage involved solving riddles. Huh? Riddles?

This was a stark contrast to the Wolf King’s grim fate; in fact, it seemed almost bizarre. They saw Li Bai solve the riddle and even excitedly bounce on the spot.

“Dad, I figured it out!”

After clearing the stage, both the headset and transmitter would automatically unlock.

“Li Bai is the smartest! Dad always believed you would figure it out!”

Is this a parent-child show?

Viewers who had endured the torture of the previous live streams were suddenly questioning if they had switched channels by mistake.

Unlike the new viewers, the die-hard fans who had stayed in the live stream were accustomed to it and began to flood the chat with comments praising Li Bai’s intelligence.

【Don’t worry! The route he chose has obstacles that are the most suitable for Li Bai!】

The viewers, who had suffered through the trials of other puppet master’s, suddenly became fans of Qi Chao, sharing their painful experiences on the screen.

【My wounded soul feels healed. Ugh.】

【I really want to cry. Li Bai gets praised just for solving a riddle, while the puppets in the next stream have had their legs cut off and are still being cursed as useless. It’s so tragic.】

【Ah, this is so heartwarming. At this speed, he should reach the finish line soon, right? Please, win first place! The puppet masters in the other stream don’t deserve it!】

New viewers on the screen were urging Li Bai to finish quickly. At the current pace, he could reach the exit in just half an hour!

Then, they watched in shock as Li Bai, who was on the right path, suddenly turned and started moving in the opposite direction.

【No, darling! Why are you taking the long route again?! Come back! The shorter route is this way!】

【New viewers, as mentioned earlier, Qi Chao’s chosen obstacles are the most suitable for Li Bai. The earlier route must be too difficult for him.】

Audience: …

So, can the route still be changed at any time?

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  1. Thank you for the chapter! 💕

    Ah, so painful. 😣 Those poor puppets don’t deserve such harsh treatment. But at least Li Bai is having a good time of it.


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