The Beautiful Brother of the Orion’s Family (Wearing Book) - 137


| TBBOTOF | 137

Wei Dong went to the back yard to fetch a cart, throwing it in with a clatter.

The curtain of the small clinic was lifted, and Old Xu, holding a small basket, looked up at the noise and saw Wei Dong’s imposing presence.

He was startled.

Old Xu’s beard twitched, and he widened his eyes slightly. “...What happened?”

The last time he saw Wei Dong like this was many years ago, before Tang Xu and the chubby child were around.

Unexpectedly, today he saw Wei Dong again with a dark expression.

Old Xu was curious.

Wei Dong, who was looking for him, didn’t greet him and said directly with a cold face, “Ah Xu injured his shoulder. He says he can’t move his arm. Old Xu, come with me.”

Old Xu was taken aback, then alarmed. He quickly went back inside to grab his small medicine box.

Wei Dong helped Old Xu into the cart, settled him, and then had the man who had come to report earlier got in as well. He then drove the cart out through the back door.

At Wang Cuicui’s house, Tang Xu, having recovered somewhat from the numb pain earlier, slightly moved his arm. He could lift it, but only to a horizontal level. Lifting it higher caused him pain.

He gritted his teeth and lowered his arm, sitting down on the kang with a sigh. Then he looked at Wei Zhonghong and reassured her, “Auntie, I’m fine. Your expression makes it seem like I’m disabled or something.”

Turning to Wang Cuicui, he smiled and said, “Auntie, take this silver note and find the property deed and land contract for me. After you marry my father, I’ll return these to you. The money you have now will be my wedding gift to you, and you can use it as you please.”

Wang Cuicui was dazed, her eyes widening the more he spoke.

She doubted whether she was dreaming.

The best way to tell if she was dreaming was to give herself a hard slap.

It hurt.

It wasn’t a dream.

Tang Xu and Wei Zhonghong were startled by her sudden action, watching as her face slowly turned red. They both thought to themselves, she’s really harsh, even on herself.

“What are you doing, Cui’er?” Wei Zhonghong reached out to pull her, guiding her to sit next to him. “Why are you slapping yourself?”

“Just checking if I’m dreaming.” Wang Cuicui came back to her senses, gave an embarrassed smile to the two, and quickly handed the silver note to Tang Xu. “I can’t take your money.”

Tang Xu didn’t take the money but smiled warmly, “As I said before, this is a wedding gift for you. My father is a rough man and can’t think of everything, but he is genuinely good-hearted. I hope that after you marry him, your life will get better and better. Auntie, please don’t refuse. I need to show you our sincerity.”

Wang Cuicui was momentarily at a loss.

The silver note in her hand felt hot.

She turned to Wei Zhonghong, seeking her help.

Wei Zhonghong pushed her hand gently, clearly indicating that she should accept the money.

“Just take it since my Ah Xu has given it to you. Find the property deed and land contract and give them to him. Otherwise, someone might come and snatch them away when you’re not paying attention.”

None of them mentioned that the total sale of the house and land was over three hundred taels, whether it was a lot or a little. Some things are better left unsaid.

Wang Cuicui looked at the silver note in her hand, hesitated for a while, then turned to the kang cupboard. She pried open the bottom board of the cupboard and retrieved a small cloth bundle that had been flattened. The bundle contained several sheets of written paper.

Without even looking at them, she handed the entire bundle to Tang Xu.

Tang Xu was momentarily confused, examining the papers closely. To be honest, even if he didn’t recognize all the traditional characters, he could still guess the general meaning. 

However, recognizing the characters didn’t help him understand the awkward content.

The content itself didn’t matter; what was important was that there were fingerprints and official seals on the documents.

Wei Zhonghong stretched her neck to take a look. Since she had kept the property deeds and land contracts at home, she was familiar with them.

“Ah Xu, keep these safe. If they get lost, the government won’t replace them.”

Tang Xu responded with an “oh” and thought to himself that the government really didn’t replace anything—whether it was the official silver notes or property deeds.

Wang Cuicui, seeing him tuck the documents into his clothing, finally felt relieved. She didn’t know why she had been so nervous earlier, afraid that he might not appreciate what she had given.

There was a noise outside the door, and Tang Xu’s ears perked up, realizing that Wei Dong must have arrived.

Wang Cuicui quickly went out the door.

Outside, Wei Dong was helping Old Xu out of the cart and had turned to pick up the medicine box.

When the mule cart had turned onto the village path earlier, those who had been lingering to watch the commotion had dispersed, afraid of being seen by Wei Dong and getting into trouble.

At this moment, everyone was peeking around curiously, and when they saw Old Xu getting out of the cart they thought it was convenient to bring the doctor along, but then they noticed Wei Dong pulling out a machete from the cart.

“!” As soon as the machete was revealed, everyone drew a sharp breath in unison.

This was definitely a situation where someone was out for blood!

Wei Dong, holding old Xu with one hand and the machete with the other, entered the courtyard. When the courtyard gate slammed shut behind him, everyone was jolted.

Inside the house, Tang Xu, sitting on the edge of the kang, felt a bit guilty as he glanced at Wei Dong’s expression. He was genuinely frightened when he saw Wei Dong’s machete earlier.

Fortunately, once they came in and old Xu confirmed that the injury was just a bruise without broken bones or skin damage, Wei Dong’s expression softened considerably, though he remained silent.

On the way over, old Xu had been worried. Seeing that the injury was not severe, just a large bruise that looked worse than it was, he felt relieved. After checking that the arm was not dislocated, he began to apply the medicine.

“You’re so careless, how can you be like this?” Old Xu scolded Tang Xu.

“Who would have thought it would actually hit? I didn’t do it on purpose,” Tang Xu said, feeling very wronged. He had initially intended to make a scene, but instead of getting what he wanted, he ended up injuring his shoulder painfully.


He pouted and looked at Wei Dong, acting coquettishly and complaining, “I don’t care, I don’t care! Ah Dong, you have to help me get revenge! I can’t have my shoulder hurt for nothing. I couldn’t even lift my arm just now!”

Wei Dong looked at him with a stern expression, remaining silent and cold.

Tang Xu licked his lips, swallowed nervously, and slightly shrank back, his eyes darting around.

Wei Dong let out a cold hum and turned to leave.

Tang Xu smiled, then turned to Wei Zhonghong and said, “Auntie, hurry and go with him. Don’t let Ah Dong kill anyone. Just let him give them a good beating.”

Wei Zhonghong couldn’t hold back any longer. She poked his forehead several times before turning and rushing out to catch up with Wei Dong.

At the Sun family’s house, the courtyard gate was tightly closed. A middle-aged man from the Sun family came home and shut the door, gathering in the main room to discuss with the head of the household about Tang Xu using silver to buy the house and land. He spoke with anger and agitation, each person more worked up than the last.

While they were still debating their response, the courtyard door was suddenly kicked, and the two wooden doors banged loudly.

Wei Zhonghong hissed, muttering, “There’s an old person in their house too; don’t scare the old one to death.”

Wei Dong remained silent.

Standing in the courtyard, Wei Dong observed the middle-aged men and women rushing out of the house. None of them were young.

It wasn’t that there were no young people in the family, but rather that in this village, men around Wei Dong’s age had been intimidated by him in the past few years. Seeing him storm in so fiercely, they were scared out of their wits and didn’t dare confront him, fearing another beating.

One man, who had been quite agitated talking to their head of household earlier, now turned pale upon seeing Wei Dong’s machete. He and the others were pushing and shoving, stepping back while looking at each other, not knowing how to handle the situation.

But where could they retreat to?

Someone had to step forward to communicate with Wei Dong.

Wei Dong wasn’t interested in their nonsense. He had come for revenge.

He raised his arm, holding the machete level, pointing it at them, and asked, “Who pushed my husband?”

The group was stunned, looking at each other.

How were they supposed to answer this?

None of them had pushed Tang Xu; they had all acted together to stop him.

As for who was closest to Tang Xu...

The three of them turned their faces to Sun Lao’er.

Sun Lao’er quickly waved his hands, his voice hurried and pale, “It wasn’t me, it wasn’t me! I didn’t push him.”

Wei Dong looked at the other three, and they all shook their heads in unison. No, it wasn’t them.

In front of Wei Dong, the feared figure, none of them could maintain their authoritative demeanor, especially since the situation was hard to explain clearly. Many people had witnessed Tang Xu’s shoulder injury, and the man’s face had turned pale with fear. 

It was quite pitiful.

Wei Dong stepped forward, grabbed Sun Lao’er , and, amidst his loud screams, pushed him toward the courtyard gate.

“Help! He's going to kill me!!! What are you doing, Wei Dong? If you touch me, I’ll definitely report you to the authorities!”

“Ahhh!!!” The scream was filled with terror.

Wei Zhonghong looked back to see Sun Lao’er being flung by Wei Dong, his shoulder crashing hard into the wooden door, and then slammed against the doorboard with a violent push. There was a soft crack, and Sun Lao’ers face turned pale as he howled in pain.

Wei Dong withdrew his hand, allowing him to collapse and continue screaming on the ground.

Before the other three, who had rushed over to help, could even shout their curses, Wei Dong had already grabbed them one by one, slamming their shoulders into the doorboard.

Crack, crack, crack.

Screams of pain and cries filled the air!

In a matter of moments, all the Sun family members were sitting on the ground, wailing in agony.

A stunned woman finally came to her senses and rushed over to help her husband.

Wei Dong wiped his hands, picked up the dropped machete, and held it firmly again. He glanced coldly at the people in the courtyard. Before the woman’s angry shouts could even reach him, he raised his hand and brought the machete down, shattering the doorboard.

All words were caught in their throats. At this moment, even the hens in the yard had gone silent.

Wei Dong put down the machete, his expression emotionless, and coldly stated, “Stay away from my husband. If you provoke him again, I’ll break your legs.”

With that, he turned and left swiftly.

Wei Zhonghong took a deep breath, patting her pounding chest, still in shock.

She needed to hurry back to tell Xu Ge’er. From Wei Dong’s demeanor, it was clear he wasn’t planning to stop here!

Tang Xu obediently sat on the kang, head bowed, as Old Xu scolded him. Old Xu repeatedly admonished him for not taking care of his health, and just when he was about to blow up, Wang Cuicui came over to hand him a bowl of water.

Old Xu finally stopped, looked up at Wang Cuicui, and realized she was someone familiar.

“Eh? How come it’s you?”

Wang Cuicui gave an awkward smile, “Ah, this is my fault.”

Old Xu: ???

What fault?

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  1. Yesssssss crazy Wei Dong is the best 😈😈😈🖤🖤

  2. Old Xu didn't know? haahahha
    thank you for the update.. ❤️🐾

  3. OMG!!! I would be very scared!!!


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