The Beautiful Brother of the Orion’s Family (Wearing Book) - 136


| TBBOTOF | 136

Ever since having the baby, Tang Xu's appearance had become even more alluring, with each smile and gesture exuding charm. He carried an enticing, sweet fragrance, and his delicate features and the change in his demeanor made it hard for anyone to take their eyes off him.

Wei Dong hadn't noticed this change. Otherwise, with his possessive nature, Tang Xu's activities would have been strictly limited, especially when out and about.

At this moment, the four middle-aged men were simultaneously stunned by his presence.

Ignoring the voices around them, their focus was entirely on Tang Xu's luscious, moving red lips and the blush on his fair cheeks.

Tang Xu smiled gently, but his words were far from polite. "Uncles, if you're busy, please wait outside until we're done here. You can help us afterward."

Help with what?

The Sun family members were confused.

Tang Xu turned to the bewildered Wang Cuicui and said, "Auntie, we agreed on this, right? The house for thirty taels, the land for three hundred. I brought the silver notes. You can't sell the same property to two families; we don't do that here." 

As he spoke, he took out a stack of silver notes from his lapel and shoved them into Wang Cuicui's hand.

Wang Cuicui and the Sun family men were dumbfounded, and even Wei Zhonghong was in a state of shock.

She looked at Tang Xu as if he were crazy, unable to believe that what seemed like a mere idea had been turned into action so quickly. He had even prepared the silver notes.

Wang Cuicui stood there with her mouth half-open, unable to utter a single word.

The Sun family members, snapping out of their daze, quickly turned angry. The oldest among them glared at Tang Xu and spat, "What business does a ger like you have meddling in this?"

Tang Xu blinked innocently, the corners of his mouth curling higher as his eyes turned cold. "Uncle, if your eyesight is so bad, you shouldn't be wandering around. You might bump into someone and have to pay compensation."

In the eyes of some men in the village, a ger was no different from a woman, sometimes even considered inferior. They didn't take Tang Xu seriously at all, and his retort only fueled their anger.

"How dare you, a junior, be so impolite! What business of yours is this? Just because you married into the Wei family, you think you can be arrogant? Ask the Wei family if they dare to interfere!"

"Yeah, this has nothing to do with you. Go home and take care of your husband."

Tang Xu raised an eyebrow and turned to the four men, saying, "What do you mean by your Sun family's business? If I'm standing here, it means this has something to do with me. 

I want to buy the house, the ancestral fields, and the land. Do you have the property deed? Are you the ones wanting to buy it? There's always a first-come, first-served, highest-bidder rule. You should understand that, right?

If not, I can explain it in more detail.No matter who used to live in this house or who it was built for, its current owner is this auntie here.

The ten acres of paddy field and the ancestral land—whoever holds the land deed has the right to sell it. This isn't something I made up; it's the law of the land, set by the emperor. So, what use is all this shouting and arguing? Do you have the land deed? Do you have the property deed? If you have nothing, then what are you yelling about?"

"Whoever holds the deed has the final say. Are you here to take the deed?"

Tang Xu's voice was sharp and unyielding. "You all act so high and mighty, but what do you have to show for it? I'm not well-mannered, but I have money. With money, you can do a lot of things, right? If you want the house and the land, then bring money to buy it. But I've already handed over the silver notes. If you want to buy, you have to pay more!"

Tang Xu's tone was impatient and dismissive, showing no fear of their angry glares and mocking expressions.

Say whatever you want; I have silver notes.

Mock me however you wish; I have silver notes.

Look down on me all you want; I have silver notes.

No matter how furious they got, Tang Xu's principle was simple: I have silver notes.

Wang Cuicui stared at Tang Xu's face for a long time before shifting her gaze, not to the equally stunned Sun family members but to Wei Zhonghong.

Wei Zhonghong stood there with her mouth half-open, looking dumbfounded.

Evidently, they hadn't anticipated Tang Xu's eloquence.

People had heard tales of Tang Xu's silver tongue, but hearing it firsthand was another matter entirely. The experience was shockingly profound, like a spiritual revelation.

Tang Xu spoke calmly, standing there casually with his arms crossed, looking relaxed and indifferent. It was hard to believe he was arguing; he seemed like he was talking normally.

But his words were genuinely damaging. Judging by the furious, red-faced expressions of the four middle-aged men across from him, it was clear Tang Xu's nonchalant remarks had hit them hard.

"Wang Cuicui! You're a daughter-in-law of the Sun family! How can you side with an outsider?" one of the men shouted.

Tang Xu replied, "Uncle, listen to yourself. Was Wang Cuicui sold to your Sun family? She's been widowed for years, taking care of two of your family members, working herself to the bone. The law doesn't forbid widows from remarrying or selling property. What's this about her being your family's daughter-in-law? She's single and free to live her life as she wishes. Who made you the king of the world, thinking you can control her?"

"It's our family business! What does it have to do with you?" another man retorted.

Tang Xu smiled, "Oh, really? Are you deaf or blind? Did you miss everything I just said? It's not my business if it’s your family's matter, but you're getting in the way of my transaction here. So, it is my business. Why don't you step back and let me finish my deal first, then you can carry on with your family drama?"

When the Sun family came to cause trouble, there were always onlookers, no matter the time of day. This time was no different. Even though it was still early, quite a few people had gathered to watch the commotion.

Seeing Tang Xu and Wei Zhonghong there, and especially noticing Tang Xu taking out silver notes, the eyes of the onlookers widened, their eyes gleaming with excitement.

Silver! That was real silver!

Tang Xu turned to Wang Cuicui and said, "Auntie, is there any problem? If not, let's head to the village chief's house. I already told Ah Dong to inform him. We'll go over, make our marks, and then you can give me the house and land deeds. There’s no need to move immediately; we can handle that later."

Wang Cuicui, still in a daze, replied with an "oh" and turned to look at Wei Zhonghong.

Wei Zhonghong grasped her hand firmly, squeezed it hard, and whispered, "Do whatever Xu Ge’er says. He won't harm you."

Wang Cuicui nodded.

She took a few steps forward and stepped out of the courtyard gate. Tang Xu turned and followed.

The Sun family reached out to stop them, and Tang Xu let out an exaggerated cry, his body tilting to the side in a delicate, exaggerated fall.

He didn't hit the ground, but his arm slammed into the old wooden door. The door, likely already weakened with age, let out a loud creaking sound.

Tang Xu's face instantly turned pale, his eyebrows furrowed in pain. Both the close and distant onlookers felt a pang of anxiety.

Oh no, he got hurt!

Tang Xu clutched his arm, his face pale, and after a moment, he sucked in a cold breath and looked up, his eyes misty with tears. "It hurts so much, Uncle. Why did you push me?"

Someone in the crowd shouted, "He's hurt!"

Wei Zhonghong: "..." The familiar pattern, the familiar scenario, someone is about to get cheated.

"Where does it hurt?" Wang Cuicui was terrified and quickly reached out to support him. "Are you okay? Where does it hurt?"

"Ow, I can't move my shoulder and arm." Tang Xu bit his lip. His originally rosy cheeks were now pale and bloodless, and his forehead was covered in a fine layer of sweat.

Wei Zhonghong, who initially thought he was just faking it to scare people, quickly reached out to support his other side, anxiously asking, "Where does it hurt?"

"My shoulder hurts." Tang Xu gritted his teeth. Damn, he had planned to fake an injury, but he actually hurt his shoulder in the process—it hurt like hell.

Wei Zhonghong's face changed. He turned to the onlookers and shouted, "Go to the big house and call for help. Tell Wei Dong to bring the mule cart!"

Then he turned to the Sun family members who had pushed Tang Xu, angrily saying, "You just wait!"

The four Sun family members were startled and quickly said, "He bumped into the door because he wasn't steady on his feet. What does it have to do with us?"

"Right, he came over to meddle and got hurt himself!"

"You can't blame us. We didn't even touch him."

Wei Zhonghong sneered, "You came over and blocked his way, causing him to hurt his shoulder? Don't give me that crap. Just wait until my family comes for you!"

Tang Xu hissed in pain, thinking that he should have checked the almanac before leaving the house today.

Originally, he felt quite relieved after venting his frustrations, but it seemed he was a bit too happy, leading to a bit of a "joyful disaster" situation. 

At this moment, he was still feeling very happy.

The pain in his shoulder had eased a bit. He didn’t dare to move his arm recklessly. After taking a few deep breaths, he said to the flustered Wei Zhonghong and the anxious Wang Cuicui, "Auntie, let's go inside first. I need to wait for Ah Dong to arrive."

The two of them quickly nodded and carefully helped him inside, moving as if he were injured in his legs rather than his shoulder.

Once the gate was closed, there was no one to see.

The excitement was gone, and the gossipers turned their attention to the grim-faced Sun family.

Someone sneered and said, "Serves them right. They come to bother the widow every day. Now, they've brought trouble upon themselves. If Wei Dong comes over and deals with them, it will be a blessing for them."

"I've had my eye on this kind of man. Listen to what they say, their words are all about that young fellow. It's a pity that he's richer than them and can buy whatever he wants."

"Wang Cuicui took the silver notes. When will the contract with the village head be written? The house will really change ownership. It's a pity, it will be under the Tang surname, not the Sun surname!"

"Let's go, let’s keep our distance. We don’t want to catch their bad luck and get caught up when Wei Dong comes and deals with them."

"Hey, hey, hey! Where are you going?"

"Leaving. The monk has run away, and so has the temple. Let Wei Dong find their family; who wants to stay?"

"Right, tear down their house!"

“Make them pay!”

At this moment, Wei Dong was furious after hearing that his husband had been injured just by going out. His anger was through the roof.

After placing his chubby son on the small bed, he immediately headed to the room where he kept his various knives.

The man who had come to fetch him saw Wei Dong storming out of the room, wielding a razor-sharp machete. The sight made the man’s hair stand on end, and his scalp went numb for a moment.

This… this… this is going to be a murder, right???

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  1. I love when Wei Dong teach others people lesson 😈❤️❤️
    I love his protective bear side🥰🥰

  2. Thank you for the chapter ❤️❤️❤️

  3. Thanks for the chapter! Oh boy!

  4. Go daddy Dong.. flex your muscles.. hihihi.. thank you for the update.. ❤️🐾


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