The Beautiful Brother of the Orion’s Family (Wearing Book) - 139


| TBBOTOF | 139

Tang Xu was pregnant again.

The whole family was there.

Old Xu smoothed his beard and didn't speak for a long time.

Tang Erhu and Wang Cuicui were present, and the younger ones were driven out of the main room, leaving them alone.

Tang Xu, holding his belly, looked at his father and stepmother in front of him, then glanced at Old Xu, and rubbed his uncomfortable stomach.

"Old Xu, say something."

Old Xu glared, "How could you get pregnant again so quickly!"

Many gers find it difficult to conceive after getting married. If they manage to have one child, it's already a blessing. Wanting to have a second one takes many years of effort, and even then, it's not certain they can conceive. If they do, it's considered incredibly lucky.

But for Tang Xu, he got pregnant shortly after marriage, and his first child was a boy.

Six months after giving birth, he got pregnant with a second one.

Not to mention how jealous and envious those gers who pray for a second child must be, Tang Xu's body wouldn't be able to handle it either.

His body hadn't fully recovered and was weak. In this condition, the fetus couldn't develop well in the womb. Even if it was born, it would be a weak baby, or more likely a stillbirth. This would also be very harmful to Tang Xu himself. 

If he had a difficult labor, it could be a matter of life and death!

Old Xu listed all the possible consequences. Tang Xu's face turned pale as he listened, and he nervously grabbed Wei Dong's hand, turning his head to say, "I, I, I, I'm in good health!"

"What's good about it? After giving birth, I told you to take medicine, but you refused because it was bitter. I thought since you're still young, you could recover naturally in a year or so. But now, you're pregnant again!" Old Xu's beard trembled with anger. He looked at Wei Dong and asked, "What do you think?"

"We can't keep it," Wei Dong shook his head. They already had a son, and another child wasn't necessary. Tang Xu's health was the most important.

Tang Xu's hands were cold.

When he found out he was pregnant again so soon, besides being surprised, he was a little bit delighted.

How to say it, having one child is manageable, and raising two is just as feasible.

The two children in the family wouldn't have much of an age gap and could be raised together. 

Plus, they were still young and energetic, so taking care of two children together wouldn't be a problem.

He had already mentally prepared himself, but it turned out to be a harsh blow.

They couldn't keep it.

Tang Xu felt his heart tighten, and the whole person felt stifled.

His nose tingled, and tears streamed down his face.

Wei Dong looked down at him, Tang Xu bit his lip and cried silently. He quickly pulled Tang Xu into his arms, "Don't cry, don't cry. It's my fault." 

If he had been more careful, this wouldn't have happened.

Tang Xu cried out loud, feeling extremely depressed.

Tang Erhu and Wang Cuicui were also uncomfortable. The two of them sat nearby and exchanged a glance. 

Tang Erhu asked, "If he decides to keep it, can't we nourish Xu Ge’ers body?"

Old Xu sighed, "It's possible to nourish, but I'm afraid it might not be effective. To be honest, I am not an expertise in this area, and I'm getting old. I'm afraid I might not be up to the task."

Right now, he had to take care of his own patients and adjust their prescriptions based on their physical conditions, which was very taxing. Grandpa Xu was indeed old and not very knowledgeable about gynecology, so he didn't dare to take on the responsibility.

However, Tang Xu caught the underlying meaning and immediately grabbed Wei Dong's hand, turning to ask, "Old Xu, do you know anyone with good medical skills in this area? I want to keep this child. My body is in good shape, and there definitely won't be any problems."

He didn't know why, but he felt strongly that he couldn't give up this child; otherwise, he would regret it.

Tang Xu always trusted his intuition.

No matter what, this child had to stay.

Seeing his determination, Wei Dong knew that even if he wanted to insist on not keeping the child, he couldn't force Tang Xu. Both of them turned to look at Old Xu.

Old Xu sighed and after a long while said, "I'll write a letter. Dongzi, you go find someone to send it to the capital tomorrow. As for whether we can get someone to come, it's hard to say."

Tang Xu didn't say much more. He tugged at Wei Dong's sleeve, his eyes filled with anticipation.

"Alright," Wei Dong nodded.

After Old Xu went back to rest, Wang Cuicui walked over to Tang Xu and said, "I'll come over to make lunch every day. Even if Liu Yao can't come back, don't stress about it. The most important thing now is to take good care of yourself."

Tang Xu's eyes were red, and he looked aggrieved.

Wang Cuicui sat next to Tang Xu, couldn't help but gently hug his shoulders and pat him lightly, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. We'll do our best to follow Old Xu's advice and take good care of you. Don't mind what Old Xu said too much. He mentioned those as possibilities, not certainties."

Tang Xu choked back his tears and nodded.

"If you need anything, just call for us from the courtyard. We can hear you," Tang Erhu said, reaching out to rub Tang Xu's face. His large, rough hand made Tang Xu's cheeks turn red.

Tang Xu winced and muttered an "Oh."

After the two left, only Tang Xu and Wei Dong were left in the room.

Wei Dong sat on the kang, turned his body to look at Tang Xu, and asked, "Why do you want to keep the baby despite the risks to your health?"

Tang Xu pressed his lips together and lowered his eyes, avoiding Wei Dong's gaze.

He knew that his insistence earlier had made Wei Dong angry.

Tang Xu was well aware of his position in Wei Dong's heart. It was no exaggeration to say that he was absolutely number one.

If Wei Dong had to choose between his son, brother, or husband, he would undoubtedly choose his husband without hesitation.

Just a moment ago, when Tang Xu insisted on keeping the baby, he felt the man behind him tense up.

But sometimes, he just had to be a little stubborn.

"I, I have a feeling," Tang Xu said, reaching out to grab Wei Dong's hand. He straightened out Wei Dong's fingers, placed his own hand inside, and then wrapped Wei Dong's hand around his. 

One hand was warm, the other cool and damp. "If I don't keep this baby, I might be unhappy for the rest of my life. Ah Dong, look at me. The fact that I got pregnant so quickly proves that my body is actually quite strong. Old Xu said those things as possibilities. If I take good care of myself, there's no reason I can't have a healthy pregnancy."

"Don't be angry or worried. I really feel like there won't be any problems."

Wei Dong responded with a noncommittal sound, not saying much more.

Regardless of what he thought in his heart, what mattered now was that Tang Xu took good care of his body.

As the New Year approached, Tang Xu focused on nurturing his body and pregnancy, leaving the household tasks to the older children.

Liu Yao, along with Xu Ze and Wei Xi, took charge of tidying up the entire house.

Oh, and by the way, the fat sow in the yard, which had been pregnant for a while, was also due to give birth soon.

But for now, Tang Xu couldn't concern himself with that. Every day, he stayed home, ate well, and enjoyed the sunshine, occasionally playing with his son.

It's no exaggeration to say that Wei Dong was more attentive to Tang Xu than he was to their chubby son.

The chubby baby seemed to sense the change in the household atmosphere, or maybe it was true that there was a special bond between brothers. Every day, he would lie on his dad's belly, placing his small hands on Tang Xu's stomach, muttering incomprehensible things.

During these moments, Tang Xu's expression was filled with tenderness. He would gently pat his son's head and poke his cheeks.

On the twenty-ninth day of the first lunar month, the fat sow gave birth to eight piglets.

Tang Xu was overjoyed. When the sow was giving birth, he wished he could have stood nearby with a small stick, cheering her on.

 After the piglets were born, he even ran over to give the sow extra food, making sure she ate enough to produce plenty of milk to feed the chubby little piglets.

He was very confident about the crossbreed between wild boars and domestic pigs.

The sow giving birth attracted neighbors who came to watch the excitement. Wei Zhonghong, who had been busy preparing New Year's goods for her family, hadn't visited the large household for a while. 

When she saw Tang Xu's particularly rosy face, she was surprised.

"You look like you've gained some weight." Wei Zhonghong pulled Tang Xu's hand and examined him closely. She felt that although his face was rosy, he didn't seem very energetic. 

However, considering the sow had been up all night giving birth, she understood and said, "Have you prepared all the New Year's goods?  Your family can come to my place and have fun on the third day of the New Year to celebrate together."

Tang Xu shook his head. "This time, Ah Dong took care of everything with Xiao Xi and the others. I didn't get involved at all." He reversed the grip on her hand. "Auntie, let's go inside and talk."

Back in the main room, their chubby son was still asleep on the small bed. Tang Xu went over to check on him, then went to pour water for Wei Zhonghong.

Wei Zhonghong sat by the small bed and gently rocked it with her hand.

Tang Xu brought over some fried potato balls made by Liu Yao and some ginger sugar water, placing them on the small kang table.

"Auntie, come and sit."

Wei Zhonghong sat down at the table, took a potato ball, and took a bite. "Did Liu Yao make these? They’re quite good. Did he make any fried fruits?"

"Yes, he did. I'll pack some for you to take when you leave," Tang Xu said, picking up one and eating it slowly.

"I can fry some at home too," Wei Zhonghong waved her hand dismissively. Seeing Tang Xu eating slowly, she asked, "Did you call me in for something?"

"Not much," Tang Xu smacked his lips and touched his stomach. "I'm pregnant again."

Wei Zhonghong nodded absentmindedly at first, then suddenly realized the significance of what he said and looked up sharply, first at his face and then at his stomach. "Pregnant again?"

"Yes, almost three months now." Tang Xu held up three fingers and wiggled them at her.

Wei Zhonghong felt as if she'd been hit on the head with a club, leaving her dizzy and unsure of how to react.

Even if it were a married woman, getting pregnant with a second child less than a year after giving birth to a healthy boy would be considered a blessing by her in-laws.

Tang Xu's womb was truly fertile.

But Wei Zhonghong frowned and asked, "What did Old Xu say?"

"What else could he say? He told me to take care of myself." Tang Xu didn't dare to say more, fearing he would get scolded.

Wei Zhonghong saw the guilt in his eyes and glared at him, "Did he say not to keep it? Even if it were my eldest daughter-in-law getting pregnant again so soon, it wouldn't be good for her health. Why don’t you listen?"

Tang Xu pouted, holding the ginger sugar water and taking a sip. "They're already in my belly; how can I not keep them? They'd be heartbroken. Besides, look at me, auntie. I'm in good health now. If I take care of myself, everything will be fine."

Wei Zhonghong sighed. She didn't say much more, knowing that too much nagging would only annoy him. She simply reminded him to be extremely careful and prioritize his own health.

During the New Year, a time for family reunions, Tang Xu, who was pregnant, didn't dare to exert himself and didn't return to the Tang family home.

Because of this, word spread throughout the village that Tang Xu was pregnant again!

This news hit everyone like a thunderclap, shocking everyone who heard it.

Basically, everyone who was married, or even those who weren't, went crazy upon hearing the news.

They were all insanely jealous.

How could he be so lucky to be pregnant again?

While everyone thought Tang Xu was incredibly fortunate, he was actually feeling quite miserable. 

Unlike his first pregnancy, where he vomited everything he ate, this time he would get hungry shortly after eating.

He ate eight meals a day, which was no exaggeration. When he was pregnant with Chubby baby, his appetite wasn't nearly as large as it was now.

The capital had also sent a message back, saying that someone would come to check on him in the spring, and for now, he should just take care of himself.

Tang Xu leaned back in his chair, staring down at his swollen belly, not blinking for a long time.

He was deep in thought.

His belly was so prominent that he wondered if he had just overeaten and it was making him bloated.

In other words, was he just full of poop again?

Tang Xu was very confused.

TL: ...I did not expect this chapter to turn depressing like this.

If anyone can guess right on why TX said he might regret it for the rest of life for this chapter and for the next chapter in the comments below, I'll be posting an extra chapter for the winner. I'll even give you guys a hint in the next chapter.

Sorry for any readers that might have been upset of the mention of miscarrying and stillbirth is this chapter.

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  1. I think he is pregnant with twins
    Thanks for the chapter.

    1. Mmhhh, you are on the right track but it's not the answer I'm looking for. That's not the reason why TX might regret it. I'll make sure to give you guys a hint tomorrow! ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ

  2. Thanks for the chapter.

  3. Probably really off the mark, but I was thinking since they're twins, in Chinese culture it usually means the dragon and Phoenix. Maybe it symbolizes that their fate or existence is going to be really important in the future.

  4. Could one of the twins be the soul of the original "Tang Xu"?

  5. He's giving birth to the protagonist of the book he's in!

  6. Are the twins a girl and a ger? That way the family has three children, one of each gender.

  7. Okie lemme guess i guess he's pregnant w a twin a boy n a boy or maybe a boy n a girl n the reason y he thinks he might regret it bcoz it someone really close to him well it could be his mother or the kids that he saved in his first life or maybe the original Tang Xu. If it a boy n a girl that obviously will be his mother n original Tang Xu but it's kinda weird so it impossible but actually possible ahhh idk anymore but if it a boy n a boy then it might be those 2 siblings well maybe they died too when he tried to save them or maybe they died not long after that bcoz they got sick n thinking about Tang Xu a lot about him risking his life to save them. Well i said this bcoz now idr if those 2 kids were saved or not wuwu my poor memory T^T aaaahhhhh plz tell me i was right plz2 ToT

  8. Well i have nothing to say.. 😅 but i guess it's a twin.. and one of the twins is the Reincarnation of the original Tang Xu??? ehehhe.. thank you for the update.. ❤️🐾


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