The Beautiful Brother of the Orion’s Family (Wearing Book) - 140


| TBBOTOF | 140

As the one who slept with Tang Xu every night, Wei Dong naturally noticed his changing belly.

Though he suspected it might just be a bloated stomach, he didn't dare to ask directly.

Neither of them brought it up, and they let the matter drag on until the fourth month of Tang Xu's pregnancy when Old Xu checked his pulse.

That day, little snowflakes were drifting outside.

The cold wind was howling, and the eight-month-old chubby baby was already able to stand up against the wall, his wobbly legs trembling as he took shaky steps forward.

Tang Xu watched his son learn to walk with a sideways glance, remarking on how children grew so quickly. He was already eight months old.

Wei Dong came in from outside, bringing in some warmed goat milk.

The moment the chubby boy smelled the milk, he dropped to the kang and crawled quickly towards his dad.

"Eat!" he shouted, his voice clear and loud.

Yes, the chubby boy had started talking, but he didn’t call out "dad," "mom," or "grandpa." The only word he knew was "eat!"

Wanting his father? "Eat!"

Looking for his dad? "Eat!"

Trying to find his uncle? The same word, "eat!"

Every day, he would shout for food countless times.

Because he was growing so quickly, the chubby boy already had eight teeth, and Tang Xu had started introducing him to solid foods, though he still drank goat milk.

When Wei Dong pointed to the kang, the chubby immediately lay down and reached out his little hands towards his father, shouting, "Eat!"

Tang Xu sighed, watching his son drink from the bottle with gusto, and turned to Wei Dong, "Do you have something you want to tell me?"

Wei Dong glanced at Tang Xu’s belly and then at his chubby son drinking his milk. He said, "Old Xu is coming over to check your pulse. You should tell him about your current condition."

"What condition? It’s just a bloated belly." Tang Xu pouted and huffed.

Having been through it once, he wasn’t going to mistake this situation for the same as before.

Wei Dong felt that this time might be different. When they slept together at night, he gently pressed on Tang Xu’s belly, finding it soft and not like before.

He didn’t say much, choosing to wait for Old Xu’s assessment.

Old Xu had asked Xu Ze to call them over. The weather was cold, and Old Xu hardly went outside these days. He only visited the small clinic when there were patients; otherwise, he stayed indoors.

Wei Dong helped Tang Xu to the west wing, where Old Xu was sitting in a chair. When he saw them enter, his eyes fixed on Tang Xu's belly.

"Your belly..." Old Xu started, but then hesitated, not finishing his sentence.

Tang Xu took a deep breath and straightened his back.

Tang Xu tried to suck his belly in, but Wei Dong almost laughed. He quickly reached out to rub Tang Xu’s belly, comforting him, "Relax, your belly isn’t that big."

Tang Xu shot him a sideways glance, "You don't have to say it!"

He looked at Old Xu and noticed that the old man’s expression was quite serious.

Tang Xu’s heart sank. He quickly reassured himself, "I’ve been using the toilet regularly lately, and my belly is soft." 

He recalled the previous state when he had to run to the toilet after taking medicine and shuddered—he was afraid to take medicine now!

"Sit there," Old Xu said, ignoring Tang Xu’s reassurances. He pointed to a small chair, "Extend your hand."

Tang Xu obediently sat down and extended his hand.

Old Xu examined his left hand, then his right hand, and finally asked him to stick out his tongue.

Tang Xu followed the instructions, but as he noticed Grandpa Xu’s increasingly worried expression, his concern deepened.

Wei Dong’s heart skipped a beat, fearing that his bad suspicions might be confirmed.

Old Xu, without even smoothing his beard, spoke sternly to Tang Xu, "Is there any discomfort in your belly?"

Tang Xu shook his head, "I’m feeling fine. I’ve been sleeping well and eating well. What’s wrong?"

"Not really." Old Xu waved his hand and looked at Tang Xu’s flushed face. "You're carrying two this time."

Tang Xu blinked, looked down at his belly, and then back at Grandpa Xu, "Two? Are there two babies?"

Old Xu sighed, "Yes, two."

Tang Xu stared at his belly for a long moment, then looked up and asked, "What should I do?"

"You should take medicine to abort," Old Xu said sternly, his face serious. "You seem fine now, but..."

Before he could finish, Tang Xu raised his hand and interrupted, "Old  Xu, I can’t have an abortion. Just tell me what I should pay attention to."

Old Xu pressed his lips together, silent.

Wei Dong frowned and patted Tang Xu’s shoulder, "You need to think about yourself."

"I am thinking about myself," Tang Xu said firmly, showing rare defiance towards Wei Dong. "No matter what, I’m keeping this baby. I’m feeling fine, and the baby in my belly is mine. I won’t give him up."

Tang Xu felt a small, persistent hope in his heart.

He wasn’t sure why he felt this way, but it was a strong thought: he had to give birth to this child.

Wei Dong fell silent, then said calmly, “I want medicine that prevents pregnancy.” Regardless of whether this pregnancy would proceed smoothly, he didn’t want Tang Xu to become pregnant again.

Old Xu was taken aback, and Tang Xu looked at him in surprise.

No one said anything further. Old Xu nodded, "Alright, I’ll study and prepare two prescriptions for you."

Tang Xu’s anxiety spiked. “Old Xu, please don’t use any medicine that could cause serious harm!”

Old Xu shot him a look and waved him off, “Go back and rest. Eat less in the future; if the baby gets too large, you might not be able to deliver.”

“Should I walk more or move around?” Tang Xu asked.

Old Xu nodded, “If you feel uncomfortable, let me know. For now, there doesn’t seem to be any issue.”

Tang Xu sighed in relief.

That night, Tang Xu had a dream.

He couldn’t remember the details clearly, but he saw a soft, beautiful little bundle wobbling towards him, almost as if it was reaching out to him.

The baby was so beautiful, resembling Tang Xu’s own childhood self but with a small red mole on its forehead.

When he woke up, the first thing he did was touch his belly, then wipe his eyes.

He cried.

Tang Xu quietly shed tears, feeling the weight of his emotions. The chubby baby on the small bed made several sounds, prompting Tang Xu to snap back to reality. He wiped his face, got dressed, and washed up.

The chubby baby watched his dad with intense focus, tilting his little head.


Tang Xu turned to him, “What?”

“Ah!” The baby wobbled and stood up, holding onto the bed rails, reaching out his little hands for a hug.

Tang Xu wiped his face again, went over, kissed the baby’s face, and gently walked around the bed. “I’ll pick you up later. Daddy can’t carry you right now.”

“Ah Dong~~~”

Wei Dong was chopping wood in the backyard and didn’t hear him. Instead, Wei Xi knocked on the door and came in, “Brother-in-law, are you awake?”

“Can you take the baby out and put him on the kang?” Tang Xu asked.

Wei Xi picked up the chubby baby, who was quite heavy now, and said with a smile, “He’s gotten so big. Ah Li almost couldn’t lift him yesterday.”

Tang Xu laughed, “Haha, he’s already over ten pounds!” As he changed the baby's diaper.

During the day, he was basically not wrapped up, and walked around the kang in open-crotch pants. The chubby boy was also smart. He squatted there when he wanted to pee, and basically the adults saw him and took him down to pee.

The chubby baby was clean and adorable, having held in his pee all night. As soon as the diaper came off, he started to fuss.

Wei Xi quickly took the baby to the bathroom to urinate and then returned him after cleaning up.

Tang Xu sighed and said, “Just go ahead and pee. Holding it all night must be uncomfortable.”

The baby, fully relaxed, was chewing on his little foot, seemingly enjoying the taste. After taking the foot out of his mouth, he lifted it towards Tang Xu, offering it.

Tang Xu, without any hesitation, took the baby’s saliva-coated foot and gave it a loud kiss, making the baby giggle with delight.

Wei Xi, grinning, admired Tang Xu’s ability to kiss the wet foot. Though he loved his little nephew too, he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Tang Xu was indeed impressive.

As the baby grew, he developed quickly. Tang Erhu hadn’t come to see his grandson for last few days. The chubby baby could be seen walking steadily by himself holding the wall.

Tang Xu leaned back on the kang, lazily observing his son’s progress.

Tang Erhu came in and was startled by the sight of his energetic grandson, immediately reaching out, “Grandson, come here for Grandpa to hold.”

The baby, excited to see his grandfather, waddled over and pointed at Tang Xu while babbling “Ah eat!” clearly complaining about not getting more food.

Tang Erhu didn’t quite understand what was going on.

Tang Xu yawned, feeling sleepy and grumbled, “He just had a small bowl of egg custard and now he wants more goat milk. Look at that belly, it’s about to burst. I can't let him eat more.” He then glared at the baby clinging to his grandfather and pointed at the wall, “Go on, you haven’t finished walking yet. Walk a few more laps.”

The baby looked pitiful, pouting and whining.

Tang Xu narrowed his eyes, and the baby immediately turned around and continued to walk while holding onto the wall.

Even though he might not fully understand what his dad was saying. He understood that If his dad is unhappy, his father will also be unhappy. If his father is unhappy, his butt will be beaten!

Woo, woo, woo, the kid is so helpless and pitiful!

Sniffling, the chubby baby continued to stroll with the help of the wall.

Tang Xu, satisfied, hummed contentedly. He didn’t mind his father’s disapproving stare; it was more important for the baby to walk off some of the food, otherwise, he’d end up with digestive issues later.

Tang Erhu clicked his tongue in disapproval, “What’s he going to understand at that age?”

“He’s not going to understand, which is why I have to keep an eye on him,” Tang Xu said, shifting the topic to avoid his father's complaints. “Did you see the wine I asked Dongzi to bring over?”

“I saw it,” Tang Erhu said, coming over to sit beside him. He noticed Tang Xu’s increasingly prominent belly and couldn’t help but worry. “Have you been feeling unwell recently?”

“No, I’m fine,” Tang Xu reassured him. Since he was five months pregnant with twins, the news had spread to everyone, including his grandparent home who had come to advise him to prioritize his health and avoid being stubborn.

Despite their advice, Tang Xu was adamant about keeping the pregnancy. His belly was noticeably larger than it had been during his pregnancy with the first child. His appetite had decreased, and he was waking up more frequently at night, but his overall energy and sleep were good. 

He ate smaller portions more frequently throughout the day.

Seeing his father’s constant gaze on the baby, Tang Xu decided to let him take the child for a while. “Dad, don’t take him to the backyard; he keeps grabbing grass and putting it in his mouth.”

“Got it,” Tang Erhu said, picking up the baby and heading out.

Tang Xu lay down and fell asleep with his eyes closed.

On the other side, Wei Dong placed the redwood box into the car's trunk and turned to assist the elderly man with white hair.

The old gentleman looked to be about the same age as Old Xu and was quite robust.

"Thank you for coming all this way, Old Wen," Wei Dong said as he helped the elderly man into the car.

Old Wen, with a kind and gentle expression, smiled with his eyes crinkling, "Old Xu said that your husband is a remarkable person and insisted that I come and take a look."

Wei Dong didn't know how to respond and simply nodded slightly.

TL: Ding Ding we have a winner! I was expecting for someone to get it right tomorrow and not today lol. Here's a double chapter for getting it right so soon! Congrats to Sera and Anonymous. Thank you everyone else for participating ~ (≧▽≦)/

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  1. I just got awake n remembered that Tang Xu vomit n suspecting he's pregnant n read the next chap right away n comment on the comment section i guess i was too late T^T

  2. Is he pregnant with the original MC

  3. oh wow.. the original protagonist is about to be born..
    thank you for the update.. ❤️🐾


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