The Beautiful Brother of the Orion’s Family (Wearing Book) - 116


| TBBOTOF | 116

Seven days after Wei Zhonghong said she wanted to send Xuna away to someone

Liu Shi had to carry Xuna with her wherever she went. When doing chores, carrying Xuna didn't pose a problem. She directly carried Xuna on her back and fixed it with a cloth. 

In Liu Shi’s eyes whenever Wei Zhonghong wanted to carry Xuna, or wherever Wu Shouye so much as looked at her, it felt like everyone was planning on snatching Xuna away from her.

Although Li Shi has some neurotic problems, her current behavior was much better than before.

It was like she had a brain disease.

Tang Xu’s effect exceeded Wei Zhonghong’s expectations. She couldn’t help but run to his place and talk to him about this.

"I don’t know what's going on, she even holds Xuna in her arms when she is eating. Wherever I hear Xuna crying, it suffocates me that I can’t go and see her.”

When speaking, Wei Zhonghong reviewed Liu Shi's actions and didn't hold back. "That way she is acting scares me."

“It’s okay as long as Xuna is okay,” said Tang Xu. He grabbed a handful of tiger skin peanuts, and sent a piece to his mouth, chewing them made his mouth full of fragrance.

 "I'm afraid that she will only be enthusiastic for a couple of days. In a few days will be Xuna’s hundred days. As her mother-in-law I plan to make a feast, and the family will be lively. You and Dongzi are also welcomed to join.”

Tang Xu understood the deep meaning of her words and nodded repeatedly, "Okay, okay, I’ll be there early.”

The Wu family was holding a banquet to celebrate their granddaughter's 100th day, and the villagers were all talking about it, as if waiting to see a joke.

"The old Wu family really knows how to make a fuss. They earned a few copper coins and they are just itching to show it off. They are even holding a 100-day feast for a daughter. How can that child be more precious than giving birth to a son!"

"You don't understand. Liu Shi didn't even raise her child; it's always been her mother-in-law who takes care of her! It's just the way things are in the Wu family. As a mother-in-law, she wants to make a big deal out of it and use someone else's money.”

“What do you know? I don't believe this either. With Wei Zhonghong’s temper, she wouldn't make a fuss about her granddaughter, she must be trying to save face!"

"Don't say that. A couple of days ago, I went to my mother’s house over there, and when I came back, she had a big smile on her face. It seems she found a way to make money."

"What's so good about it? Last time I saw her picking wild vegetables, she picked two baskets, and when I asked her for some, she said nothing. When she went down the mountain, she directly delivered the baskets over there. Does she really think she's so great? She earned so much silver, but how much did she really earn?"

"What's the use of saying sour words? If they're holding a feast, they must be spending silver."

The woman speaking has a good relationship with Wei Zhonghong. Hearing the others gossiping, she couldn't help but retort, "Are you jealous of them making money? You say nice things, but who knows what you really think."

"Exactly, they make money, eat meat, and still act high and mighty. Let's see how long they can keep up with that."

"I know I'm speaking well for myself. You wouldn't say nice things if you were in my shoes. At least if people have good things, they won't come to you gossipy women."

After Wang Jingjing finished speaking, she spat and turned away. 

Wei Zhonghong started working early in the morning, her face beaming with joy.

"Why are you preparing so much stuff, mom?" Wei Shi asked while helping to make breakfast. 

As she entered the kitchen, she saw three already slaughtered hens, which surprised her a lot. Wei Zhonghong smiled and said, "We are using them for the midday feast. Our Xuna is having her 100th day celebration, so we need to make it lively."

Wei Shi widened her eyes, "What did you say, mom?"

"What, is it strange to celebrate Xuna’s 100th day? When your child is born, we'll celebrate their 100th day too." Wei Zhonghong, often accused of favoritism, pointed at the stove beside her and said, "Bring the rice over. Eat a bit to wake you up, and tell your father-in-law to come back early for lunch. Dongzi and Xu Ge’er will be here too." 

Wei Shi suddenly understood. No wonder they were preparing for the 100th day; she was still thinking about giving Xuna away.

When Wu Qiang heard that Wei Zhonghong was going to celebrate Xuna's 100th day and invite Dongzi and his husband, he was dumbfounded.

Wu Shouye and Wu Shouxin, the two brothers, remained silent. Wu Hong, however, was astonished. What is going on? Is she really planning to send Xuna away?

But it didn't seem likely.

As the youngest in the family, Wu Hong knew he couldn't question his mother's decisions. Yet seeing how his sister-in-law had changed, he thought there might be a chance for Xuna to stay.

He ran to the kitchen, opened the door curtain, and smelled the aroma of stewed meat. 

He sniffed, swallowed his saliva, and moved closer to the smoking pot with a greedy look on his face. 

Wei Zhonghong turned around and saw him behind her, which startled her. She slapped the back of his neck and said angrily, "You scared me to death! What are you doing here?"

"Mom, what meat are you stewing? It smells so good!"

Wu Hong reached out to lift the pot lid but got slapped again.

He grimaced; his mother was really strong.

After slapping him, Wei Zhonghong rubbed the spot she hit and glared at him, "Stay away and don't cause trouble. It's stewed chicken, it smells good, doesn't it? The seasoning pack was sent by Dongzi, and Xu Ge'er prepared the spices himself." 

Wu Hong nodded repeatedly, saying, "It smells really good. No wonder people say they can make money; even the chefs in restaurants can't match it."

"Which restaurant chef's cooking have you tried?" Wei Zhonghong continued cutting vegetables, 

"What are you doing here? Go help your dad in the field. Finish quickly and come back early. Xu Ge'er and the others will be here soon." 

Wu Hong was still trying to remember which restaurant chef's food he had tasted when he heard his mother's words. He hurriedly replied, "I have something to talk to you about!"

"What is it? Fine, fine, stand aside, don't block the way." Wei Zhonghong pushed him aside, looking very impatient.

Wu Hong pouted, took two steps back, and asked, "Mom, what were you thinking? Who holds a 100-day feast for a girl?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he got another slap.

It wasn't just a single slap; Wei Zhonghong slapped him several times, making Wu Hong cry out, "It hurts, Mom, I was wrong, Mom, I was wrong."

"Who are you calling just a girl, who taught you that! If you keep calling her that, don't come to me for food! I was also a girl before!" Wei Zhonghong spat while kicking him out the door. 

With a loud bang, she closed the kitchen door. Wu Hong, feeling wronged, rubbed his leg while muttering, "Mom is too harsh."

"Don't mess with her."

"What happened?" Wu Shouxin came over and bent down to brush the dust off his brother's shoe. "Did you find out anything?"

"I didn't find out anything, I just got a beating." Wu Hong grumbled, looking pitifully at his second brother. 

His eyes lit up as he leaned in, "Second Brother, what do you think is going on? Mom says she’s holding a 100-day feast for Xuna but only invited Dongzi and his husband. Do you think they're still planning to give her away?" 

Wu Shouxin nodded, "I also feel that way, but with mom's temper, it's hard to say."

"Let's wait until lunchtime and see."

Tang Xu and Wei Dong didn't arrive too early. They brought some gifts and, when they reached the Wu family home, Wei Shi was sweeping the yard. 

She paused for a moment upon seeing them, then quickly put down the broom and greeted them with a smile, "You're here! Mother-in-law was talking about you just now." 

Wei Zhonghong heard the commotion from the kitchen, wiped her hands, and came out to greet them, "Come in, come in, have a seat inside. We'll eat soon. I used the seasoning pack Dongzi gave me to stew the chicken, and it smells amazing." 

Wei Dong handed over the gifts, and Tang Xu took Wei Zhonghong’s hand, smiling as he asked, "Auntie, where's Xuna? We want to see her."

Wei Zhonghong motioned toward the closed room door, "In the room. She's been cooped up there every day. I told Liu Shi to take Xuna out to get some sun and fresh air, but she wouldn't do it." 

Tang Xu frowned upon hearing this. Although they initially thought that making Liu Shi more concerned about Xuna was a good idea, keeping her cooped up didn't seem right either.

Inside, Liu Shi heard the commotion and nervously held Xuna, who was lying on the kang. She stared anxiously at the door.

Sure enough, there was a knock on the door, and Wei Zhonghong called from outside, "Daughter-in-law, bring Xuna out. Xu Ge'er and the others are here to see her. Bring her out and let them see her." 

"Xuna is sleeping," Liu Shi shouted back.

But Xuna, who was in her arms, was startled by her loud voice and trembled before letting out a loud wail.

Her cry was strong and loud.

Tang Xu glanced at Wei Zhonghong and asked, "Auntie, is it okay for Xuna to be crying like this?"

"The way she's crying like that could make her sick."

Wei Zhonghong waved her hand dismissively, "It's fine, little Xuna won't get sick from crying. She'll stop crying when she's tired." 

Although she said this, she didn't stop knocking on the door. "Daughter-in-law, hurry up and bring Xuna out. If you don't open the door, I'll kick it in!" 

Liu Shi was genuinely afraid that her mother-in-law would break down the door, which would bring shame to her family.

She gritted her teeth and carried Xuna out of the room.

Wei Zhonghong quickly took Xuna from her arms and began soothing her. Once Xuna stopped crying, she handed her over to Tang Xu, "You're pregnant, you shouldn’t hold her for too long. It would be bad if she kicked you." 

Tang Xu laughed, "It's fine, it's fine. She's so cute and well-nourished, so chubby and adorable."

He gently held Xuna's plump little arm, his tender actions and the affection in his eyes made Liu Shi anxious. 

She quickly took Xuna back, lowering her eyes under Tang Xu's surprised gaze and said, "She's hungry, I'll take her back to feed her."

"Auntie, didn't you say you she didn't have any milk?" Tang Xu asked.

Liu Shi tightly held Xuna in her arms and shook her head, "I have milk, I do!"

After saying that, she went back into the room and locked the door.

Tang Xu raised his eyebrows and said to Wei Zhonghong in a deliberately loud voice, "Auntie, you've raised Xuna so well. If I could raise Xuna like that, I would be happy. By the way, how's the matter we discussed last time going?" 

Wei Shi, who was nearby, exchanged glances with them. Even if she was stupid, she understood that they were trying to set up Liu Shi.

Mother-in-law was just punishing her sister-in-law.

She let out a sigh of relief and moved aside to give them space.

Inside the room, Liu Shi swallowed nervously, waiting for Wei Zhonghong’s response.

Wei Zhonghong waved her hand helplessly and said, somewhat dejectedly, "That matter? It won’t work out. Let's talk about it later, okay?"

"Okay, sure. It's fine to wait a bit longer since she's still young." 

Tang Xu laughed, linking arms with Wei Zhonghong and pulling her aside. "Auntie, you mentioned the stewed chicken. I could smell the aroma. By the way, I brought some marinated fish. Try it and see how it tastes. I'll marinate some more in a few days. Also, I brought some small shoes for Xuna that I made myself. I hope they will fit her."

Wei Zhonghong cheerfully accompanied him to the main room, patting his arm and giving her a meaningful look.

Tang Xu smiled and nodded, the message clear: Liu Shi needed to be disciplined.

Liu Shi, hearing her mother-in-law's refusal, initially breathed a sigh of relief. But when she heard Tang Xu's next words, her heart began to race again.

‘It's okay, it's okay,’ she thought. She gave birth to Xuna. No one can take her away.

TL: Thank you guys for the support in the comments, I'm glad everyone was able to understand the chapters 114-115. I'm not gonna lie but as I am looking at chapters 117-119 I feel a bit of pain in my heart looking at it lol

Anyway thank you to everyone for staying patient with my updates.

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  1. Thanks for the chapter! I am sorry the translations are creating so many headaches. It looks good from our side. I hope it gets easier soon.

  2. Thank you as always for the translate, they're always wonderfully done and I have never had any complaints. I just appreciate all the hard work being put into translating and uploading it for the readers. I hope you have a nice day!!!!

  3. I also can't find free raw 😭 I one I saw is from official website that need registration 🫣

    Thank u for translation... Looking forward for next chapter

  4. Thank you for the translation.. As a reader who read this for free I totally understand and respect the translator who translate the novel.. I will wait for the update patiently so take your time to translate it 😊

  5. Notice me! Notice me~ I have the raws for 116-130. Where can I send you the link to the gdocs file~ I tried commenting the wetransfer link but I don’t know if you have seen it. I can provide more too~

    1. I replied back to your comment in 'About'. It took me awhile to figure out how wetransfer worked but yes I did receive your link. Tysm :)

  6. No. Thank YOU.. this is a wonderful story so Im looking forward to it almost every day.. I even wish you can upload multiple chapters but i know that the raws are limited so thank you for the hard work and update every day.. ❤️🐾

  7. Thank you for the chapter ♥️♥️♥️♥️


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