It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 128

IETSTSMLARA | The Post-Apocalyptic Black Lotus | 128

When Wang Pojun woke up, he saw the young man sitting by the bed, partially covering himself with clothes. The young man’s neck was covered in red marks, to the point where his originally fair skin was almost invisible.

But those marks had an ambiguous undertone, as if the purest, most unblemished thing had been tainted by the mundane world, inevitably pulled down into it.

Tear stains still lingered on the side of the young man’s face. Wang Pojun clearly remembered how he had made him cry—the experience was as beautiful as a dream.

Now that the young man was his, Wang Pojun felt the need to console him. As he sat up in bed, feeling a bit weak, he attributed it to indulging too much in their activities. 

He placed a hand on the young man’s back and said, “Alright, be good, don’t cry anymore. I’ll give you anything you want, okay? I was too hasty before; I won’t do that again.”

Ming Tang turned his head, propping himself up on his arms to move away from him, avoiding his hand. He said, “You can’t—you can’t treat me like this in front of others.”

“Of course not,” Wang Pojun replied, looking at his new treasure’s expression and thinking that none of his past lovers could compare to even a single finger of his current one. “I wouldn’t let others see you like this, not at all.”

"I mean we can't… can't have any intimate gestures. I don't want others to… look down on me," Ming Tang said, looking at him. "Can you promise that?"

Wang Pojun thought that after surviving the apocalypse for so long, nothing could soften his heart anymore. But when a beauty sheds tears and looks at you with those innocent, pure eyes, it’s like they can see right into your soul.

"I promise," Wang Pojun said eagerly. "Is that all you want, baby? You can ask for something more…"

"Thank you." The young man looked up and smiled through his tears. Although the smile was fleeting, it was enough to make Wang Pojun swallow hard.

The leader of the base had acquired a new beauty and stayed in his room for a week without coming out. The young man, who was already considered extremely beautiful, was now the subject of even more extravagant rumors.

These kinds of stories spread more widely among the ability users, and because Wang Pojun had a habit of passing on those he got bored of, the language used by these ability users was sometimes less than refined.

"If I had someone that beautiful, I wouldn't want to leave the bed for days either."

"Just look at that skin, I bet it bruises with a single touch. The boss is really lucky. Even before the apocalypse, you wouldn't find someone that pretty. I wonder when he'll get tired of him."

"Yeah, but even if he does get tired, it wouldn't be our turn first anyway. Let's just keep dreaming."

"…" These were the words Lin Su occasionally overheard, and there were undoubtedly even worse things said in private.

Lin Su’s expression remained unchanged, but System 06 somehow sensed that the host seemed a bit angry.

【Host, are you alright?】System 06 asked.

【It’s fine, as long as he enjoys himself.】 Lin Su said with a smile, 【Just remember to note down what those people said.】

System 06 was busy recording and had to also comfort the host’s emotions: 【Actually, Ming Tang didn’t do anything; he wasn’t taken advantage of.】

【I know, why are you so worried?】 Lin Su asked with a smile.

System 06 changed the subject and asked: 【Should we still record private conversations?】

【Record everything, we’ll settle the score later.】 Lin Su said with a smile.

System 06 analyzed various causes and effects with its mechanical voice, thinking that settling the score might involve not only those who spoke out of turn but also those who were having too much fun.

When the host becomes petty, they usually become quite unreasonable.

Of course, the base in the apocalypse wasn’t entirely peaceful. The search for supplies never stopped, and eliminating surrounding zombies was a daily task to prevent high-level zombies or zombie hordes from forming, which would be extremely difficult to handle.

But even though the ability users worked hard, the number of zombies never seemed to decrease significantly.

The change occurred when a supply search team passed through a town. The town, which had already been explored, had only a few scattered zombies. 

However, when they encountered a person who looked normal from behind…

“Really, really, there was no stiffness in their limbs, and from the back, they looked like a normal person. We didn’t expect that when they turned around, their movements were extremely swift. If we hadn’t hidden in the safety point we found earlier, we wouldn’t have made it back safely.”

“The level is definitely above level four…”

“There are no more scratches on their face; the skin is a bit bluish, and their vocal cords seem not to have recovered.”

The people who returned were talking excitedly, and the news about the high-level zombies appearing around the base spread rapidly within the base, causing widespread panic.

The leaders of the base do not need to go out frequently to gather supplies, but during a crisis, they must ensure the safety of the entire base.

Human understanding of abilities is not particularly clear, and they don’t even know how high the levels of abilities can reach. 

Even in large bases, the highest-level ability users are only at level seven, and there are very few of them.

Zombies are also classified according to human levels, based on the energy of their crystal cores. 

Zombies have no consciousness but generally follow a similar hierarchy to humans. However, while humans need power to suppress others, zombies seem to voluntarily obey those stronger than themselves.

If such zombies are left unchecked and detect the nearby base, a zombie horde is not far behind.

“Brother, you’re the only one who can handle this,” said a person with a face covered in pockmarks. “Otherwise, it will really be dangerous.”

Wang Pojun sat in the main seat but did not speak. The higher the position, the more afraid one is of losing everything, especially when people around them are eyeing them closely: “Lai Zi, we need to discuss this further. Have you contacted other bases?”

Upon hearing this, the others present knew that this time it was probably not going to work out. Lai Zi, with half of his face covered in pockmarks, said respectfully: “I’ve contacted them, but they want something in exchange.”

“What is it?” Wang Pojun asked.

Lai Zi glanced at the young man who was an exception allowed into the meeting room and said: 

“The leader of the Qingshan Base heard that you have a beauty. He said if you give him this beauty, he’ll send people to assist you.”

Ming Tang had been sitting quietly beside them, showing no interest in their discussion. 

However, upon hearing this, he looked up in confusion and glanced at Wang Pojun: “Brother…”

“He really is dreaming!” Wang Pojun slammed his hand on the table, but when speaking to Ming Tang, he softened his tone: “Don’t worry, baby. I definitely won’t send you away.”

Ming Tang shook his head and said, amid the surprised looks from the others: “Brother is very capable; there’s no need to seek help from others.”

A man’s confidence often skyrockets with the admiration of a beauty. Wang Pojun was particularly fond of Ming Tang’s obedience and admiration: “Do you really think so?”

Ming Tang nodded and said: “Brother will definitely be able to protect the base.”

“You’re so sweet, baby. I’ll make sure to protect you well and won’t let anyone take you away,” Wang Pojun promised.

After this exchange of flirtation, the content of the meeting changed. Wang Pojun agreed to eliminate the zombie, but the ability users accompanying him could not be lacking.

“Even though they’re level five, if something happens and I can’t defeat it, our people will become slaves to other bases.”

The encirclement received widespread support, but the number of people for the operation was still not sufficient.

“That’s a level five zombie. If we face it, if Wang Pojun can escape, we’ll just be the cannon fodder up front.”

“Exactly, it’s a good calculation, but they’re actually just cowards.”

“He’s afraid of losing his life and not being able to enjoy his beauty.”

“Isn’t that the truth…”

In the corridor of the high-rise, a young man wearing a soft cotton shirt and carrying snacks walked with an elegant and leisurely pace. 

When he encountered Lai Zi, who had a face covered in pockmarks, he smiled and said: “Hello, Brother Lai.”

“You did really well, little sweetheart.” Lai Zi blocked his path, forcing him to retreat straight back until he was pressed against the wall. He took a deep breath and said, “You smell really good.”

Ming Tang turned his face and smiled, saying: “Brother Lai, it’s not the right time yet.”

“I know. As long as Wang Pojun is dead, you’ll be mine,” Lai Zi hissed. “He thinks you’re a delicate flower, but you’re actually a beautiful carnivorous plant. He’s quite good to you. Do you really hate him that much?”

Ming Tang lowered his gaze and whispered: “He’s too rough. Every time he handles me, it’s painful. And I don’t want to be discarded when he gets bored with me.”

“You’re quite perceptive, little sweetheart. Once I’m in charge, I’ll treat you with great tenderness and won’t let anyone touch you,” Lai Zi said, taking a sip of the drink from his plate. “I won’t even let you touch the ground.”

As he stood up and left, Ming Tang glanced at the drink, then smiled slightly and placed the plate in front of Wang Pojun: “Brother, the snacks you wanted are ready. I made them myself, so make sure to eat them all.”

“Alright,” Wang Pojun responded warmly.

When it comes to men, they often talk sweetly but are unwilling to give up anything important, even if they treat you like a treasure. 

They might seem like they would give you the world, but if it comes to their life, they would be reluctant to part with it.

Under the forceful order, the encirclement team was finally assembled. More than a hundred people were about to set out, with Lin Su among them. 

However, Wang Tai was unexpectedly left out of the selection.

“Brother Lin, it’s the same if I go instead of you,” Wang Tai said with his round face raised. “They won’t mind a replacement.”

“If something happens to you, what about your sister?” Lin Su asked as he equipped himself with protective gear for vital areas.

Wang Tai’s expression darkened a bit as he took a deep breath and said: “If something really happens to me, please take care of my sister, Brother Lin.”

“Will you really trust someone else to take care of her?” Lin Su glanced at him and said, “What if I fall on hard times and end up selling her? Or if I get married and have a family, and my wife becomes a stepmother? Her life would be hard then.”

Wang Tai looked into his big eyes, feeling conflicted: “You wouldn’t do that.”

Although they had only known each other for a short time, Wang Tai knew that Lin Su was a principled person. Even if he was cold to strangers, he was kind to those he cared about. 

Children might not understand the complexities of life, but they have an innate sense of right and wrong. 

For instance, despite Chouchou’s initial resistance, she now misses Lin Su when she doesn’t see him for a day.

“You look like a child right now,” Lin Su said, patting his head. “It’s better this way. You’re like a block of ice all the time, even Chouchou is frightened.”

Wang Tai was a bit at a loss: “Brother Lin, I’m not…”

“Don’t worry, I won’t get into trouble,” Lin Su said, passing by his side. “Just keep your worries inside and wait for me to come back.”

His words had no commanding tone but left no room for refusal. Wang Tai didn’t say anything further; he just watched the departing team with a dazed look until a young girl stood in front of him and said: “Oh, Brother Lin is such a good person. When Chouchou grows up, she must marry him and devote herself to him.”

The young girl, whose once sparse hair had grown shiny and black, and whose once thin face had gained some softness, was quite adorable in her flowered overalls, with her big eyes making her look exceptionally cute.

Wang Tai glanced down at her and asked: “Are you sure this isn’t a case of ingratitude?”

Chouchou looked up at her brother, trying to understand the meaning of his words. She frowned, put her hands on her hips, and said: “Brother! Bad person!”

The more than a hundred people in the team traveled in a convoy of vehicles, and it took them only about an hour to reach the desolate town.

The town was barren, with no people in sight and not even the sound of birds. Despite this, the team remained on high alert as they disembarked, not daring to make a sound.

“Form teams of ten and search for that zombie. As soon as you find it, gather everyone immediately,” Wang Pojun ordered, a fireball already appearing in his hand.

Teams of ten were formed, and Lin Su randomly joined one as they entered the town.

This area had already been cleared of zombie hordes before, so even if they encountered zombies, they were only a few level one or two, easily eliminated by the ten-person teams.

While things were peaceful on Lin Su’s side, a large-scale fire suddenly erupted in the distance, accompanied by a flare shot into the sky.

“That’s where Brother encountered the zombie. Let’s go,” the leader called out, gathering the team to head in that direction.

As the ability users gathered, no one dared to advance when they arrived near the scene.

A level-five ability user is already very powerful, but despite the fierce flames and the thick smoke rising from the burning building, the zombie that emerged from the inferno was completely unharmed except for its clothes.

Zombies are usually imagined as having green faces, sharp teeth, and rotting flesh, but this one resembled a human in appearance. It showed no signs of decay, its features were clear, and it must have been quite handsome when alive, though its greenish-white skin revealed its true nature.

As the zombie walked out of the flames, it raised its hand as if inspecting its clothes. When it opened its mouth, it emitted a zombie's roar. Flames appeared in its palm, and its fire seemed even more intense.

“Everyone, come up and help!” Wang Pojun shouted.

His shout had the opposite effect—people started retreating. Wang Pojun’s face turned red with rage, and he cursed: “Damn it, you bunch of useless cowards. You’re all quick to run when there’s no work, but now that there’s something to do, you’ve turned into turtles hiding in their shells!”

“Be careful, Brother!” A figure leapt towards him amidst his cursing. The two figures tumbled on the ground, narrowly avoiding the flames that hit the ground.

Wang Pojun, still shaken, looked at the man who had just saved him and asked, “What’s your name?”

“Lin Su.” Lin Su quickly got up and rapidly wove the vines in his hands. However, since fire counters wood, the densely packed vines were only able to block briefly before being completely burned away.

In a matter of moments, Lin Su had blocked two fatal attacks. Wang Pojun, catching his breath, said, “Lin Su, right? I’ll remember you.”

He wasn’t entirely useless after all. A massive fireball gathered in his hand and, when thrown, spread out like a fire dragon, exploding next to the zombie.

Even though it was a fire-based attack, it didn’t mean the flames wouldn’t harm him as well. The sound of the explosion continued, as if burning everything around it.

When the flames finally died down, and the zombie had disappeared, Wang Pojun, exhausted, collapsed onto the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

“Brother, you chased that zombie away,” Lin Su said, also sitting down. His face was drenched with sweat, looking quite loyal and earnest.

Wang Pojun's smile was somewhat sinister. “Lin Su, from now on, stay by my side. As for the rest of you…”

He got up and walked over to the panicking crowd, grabbing the person who had been most afraid. “You ran away pretty quickly just now, didn’t you? You were hoping for my death, weren’t you? Remember this: as long as I, Wang Pojun, am alive, this base won’t fall. If I die, you’ll all be doomed.”

With his words, he gripped the person’s neck, and flames began to burn from above, ignoring the person’s struggles. 

The head was reduced to a blackened, charred mass, and the individual was dead before he finally threw the body aside. “This is what happens to traitors. Now get yourselves together and go back to your duties.”

The zombie clearly had no intention of coming back. Although this expedition was unsuccessful, everyone on the journey remained silent. They couldn’t deal with the zombies, nor could they resist the base’s leader. 

Their survival was a matter of luck, but how long they could continue to survive would depend on how many ability users the base could recruit in the future.

Others were all trembling with fear, but only Lin Su was being patted on the shoulder by Wang Pojun and praised. “I’m leaving the people who went this time in your care. Make sure they learn properly.”

“Brother, I’m just a level three wood-type ability user. I’m afraid I might not be able to command them,” Lin Su said, his tone cautious and respectful.

“Don’t worry. If they don’t listen to you, I’ll be there to back you up,” Wang Pojun replied. “Just carry on with confidence.”

Lin Su responded obediently, “Understood.”

Wang Pojun liked this kind of obedience, especially when it came from someone who was good-looking and seemed more like a successful person than himself. He enjoyed seeing such people bow to him. “Were you not afraid of dying when you charged in?”

“I was afraid, but it doesn’t matter if I die. If you die, the entire base will fall into slavery, and my younger siblings will have a hard time. We’ve only just found a home…” He sighed.

Though there were reasons, as long as there was loyalty, Wang Pojun appreciated this kind of reasoned loyalty and enjoyed seeing his subordinates have obvious weaknesses. “Young man, maintain this loyalty, and I won’t let you suffer in the base.”

“Thank you, Brother!” Lin Su said gratefully. “I will do a good job with what you’ve instructed.”

After being ordered to leave, his eager expression gradually faded as he exited the surveillance area.

System 06 said: 【Host, your eagerness just now was 80% similar to Wang Tai’s.】

【I was mimicking him.】 Lin Su replied.

After all, how else could he express his loyalty?

After saving him twice, Lin Su clearly became Wang Pojun's confidant. Not only was he given additional personnel, but he was also provided with several level-three wood-type crystal nuclei to help him advance quickly.

Wang Pojun returned in full form, and regardless of whether he had eliminated the zombies or not, everyone had to welcome his return.

In the living room, Ming Tang was organizing the tea utensils. He was exceptionally good-looking, and even his every move now carried a unique grace, completely unlike someone living in the apocalypse. 

However, when he moved too much, red marks on his neck would show, forming a series of streaks, clearly new.

Lai Zi, who had come under the pretext of visiting Wang Pojun, sat on the sofa and said, “Did he bully you again when he came back yesterday?”

Ming Tang looked up and poured him a cup of water. “You saw it, but it’s okay. He was in a bad mood and naturally took it out on me a bit.”

“According to those who came back, it was someone named Lin Su who took the fatal blow for him. I don’t know where this kid came from, but the zombie wasn’t killed; it’s said to have escaped. Wang Pojun still has to deal with the follow-up issues. Don’t worry…” Lai Zi said softly.

A door creaked open behind them, and Wang Pojun's voice was heard: “What are you two talking about?”

Lai Zi was startled, not knowing how much Wang Pojun had heard. Ming Tang stood up to greet him and said, “Lai Zi just mentioned that Brother’s injuries will be alright and to not worry. Is Brother still feeling uncomfortable?”

“With such a gentle and understanding treasure like you, I’ve long stopped feeling uncomfortable,” Wang Pojun said as he sat down on the sofa, looking at Lai Zi and continuing, 

“You can sit down now. Since you arrived early, I need you to announce something. Lin Su, who went with me yesterday, will be in charge of security for the central district from now on and will join the base meetings. When he reaches level four, it will save you from being so busy.”

“Central District?” Lai Zi showed some surprise. “Brother, I’ve always been in charge of the Central District. Have I not done a good job?”

“You’ve done well, but Lin Su has achieved merit this time. I can’t just give him a random assignment. It’s not that you’re being removed; it’s just to lighten your load by giving you an additional person. You’re all loyal to me, and shouldn’t be unwilling to share a bit of authority,” Wang Pojun said.

He clearly had suspicions. Next time, it might not be so easy to act. 

Lai Zi responded, “Hey, Brother, what are you talking about? The base is yours. Giving a bit of authority away is nothing. I’ll listen to you and make sure to properly guide him.”

With that, Lai Zi relaxed. Lin Su joining the base meetings became a settled matter. For his first meeting, Lin Su specially chose a cotton shirt. 

Though he didn’t wear a tie, he looked quite tall and handsome in the mirror.

Lin Su’s original looks were definitely good. He had been a bit sunburned before, but now, as a zombie, his skin had returned to a pale state. 

Unlike the bluish-white color of other zombies, his complexion looked perfectly normal for a human.

During the meeting, Lin Su was not late. Even so, he still stood out in the crowd. This was partly because he was a new face, a new confidant of the base leader, and partly because of his striking handsomeness. 

Even though there were a few other good-looking people in the meeting room, they couldn’t compare to his cool and aloof aura.

“What a show-off…” someone muttered quietly.

Lin Su sat upright, ignoring the comment. He only stood up when everyone had gathered. As the meeting room door opened, he respectfully addressed the entrance, “Brother.”

His outstanding appearance caught even Ming Tang, who was by Wang Pojun’s side, off guard for a moment. 

Although men generally don’t like being overshadowed, Lin Su’s respectful attitude helped 

Wang Pojun suppress any dissatisfaction: “You really do look quite good.”

Ming Tang’s gaze subtly swept over Lin Su, but he found that Lin Su didn’t give him even a glance. 

A trace of subtlety crossed Ming Tang’s eyes. Was it pretense or genuine virtue? It was hard to believe there could be true virtue in these times.

The method of blocking disasters was clearly a tactic used by those in power. Wealth and status come with risks; losing means risking one’s life, but winning can lead to great success.

Ming Tang had various thoughts flashing through his mind, but he remained silent and sat down beside them.

Clearly disinterested in Lin Su, Ming Tang saw Wang Pojun’s mood improve significantly: “Let me introduce you. This is Lin Su, who will be responsible for the security of the Central District from now on. Call him Lin Zi.”

Ming Tang then looked up and obediently called out, “Brother Lin.”

Lin Su responded, “Sister-in-law.”

His address left everyone in the room stunned. In the past, when people met Ming Tang, they instinctively avoided addressing the issue of his status, because even though he was favored now, he was still just an object. 

When the boss grew tired of him, he would become their object. Now that Lin Su called him “Sister-in-law,” it seemed like he was going to ride over the boss and assert his authority.

Everyone fell silent, and Lin Su’s face remained calm: “Is there something wrong?”

“Right, there’s nothing wrong!” Wang Pojun clapped and laughed heartily. “Everyone should address my treasure this way.”

The fact that Lin Su could call Ming Tang this way meant he had no ulterior motives regarding his treasure. 

Unlike these people, who, despite appearing respectful, all harbored thoughts of taking Ming Tang for themselves, hoping he would tire of him soon and hand him over.

“Yes, Big Brother is right. Sister-in-law,” Lai Zi echoed, and others followed suit, though their looks towards Lin Su held a hint of hostility.

Ming Tang responded to everyone’s greeting but felt a flicker of interest towards the man who was sitting upright. Although it seemed a bit absurd, he felt that the man was being deliberately provocative.

Sister-in-law? It was truly an offensive title.

A bought slave, an object, being called such a term as if it were genuine affection.

The meeting ended, and people gradually dispersed. Lai Zi stood up, clearly intending to ignore Lin Su, but was stopped by Lin Su: “Brother Lai, let’s go together; it’s a good opportunity to hand over the work.”

Saying this in front of everyone, Lai Zi had no choice but to accept. He took a deep breath and said, “Let’s go then.”

Once they were away from others, Lai Zi spoke up: “Lin Su, you saved Big Brother, but it wasn’t just a coincidence, was it? You seem quite ambitious, daring to step on any stage.”

Clearly, Lai Zi had no intention of maintaining a private truce. 

Lin Su, with a cold expression, replied: “If you have any dissatisfaction, you can speak to Big Brother. I did indeed save him, and at that time, no one else stepped up. I couldn’t just watch Big Brother die. I never thought of seeking power. The power I have now is given by Big Brother. Are you unhappy to see Big Brother return, or do you not wish to follow his orders?”

This was a blow to Lai Zi’s heart. No matter how he responded, he couldn’t admit to any of Lin Su’s accusations without branding himself a traitor. 

And even if he were angered now, he couldn’t teach Lin Su a lesson. To do so right after Lin Su had become Big Brother’s favorite would be like openly defying Wang Pojun.

“You’re quite clever, huh? Fine, I won’t hold it against you for now. After all, there’s plenty of time. Let’s see how things go,” Lai Zi said, leaving without any intention of taking Lin Su to hand over the tasks.

The work in the Central District was indeed crucial. Given Lin Su’s nature, he would undoubtedly seize any credit and push any mistakes onto others. It wasn’t that Lin Su looked down on Lai Zi, but anyone with vision and intelligence wouldn’t openly challenge Lai Zi’s authority, especially over a small advantage like the Central District of a medium-sized base. Lin Su’s actions revealed his narrow-mindedness.

Once tasks were assigned, results were expected. Lin Su, although new to the position, quickly adapted to the work. 

However, being a newcomer, he was bound to face some obstacles, such as deliberate delays or uncooperative staff. With System 06’s help, these minor issues were swiftly addressed. 

Afterward, Lin Su replaced several of Lai Zi’s staff with his own carefully selected team.

His actions were blatant, and Lai Zi seized the opportunity to report him directly to Wang Pojun.

“Big Brother, he’s just newly appointed and already replacing my people without even notifying me. Even if he’s your favorite, he shouldn’t disregard me like this,” Lai Zi said, clearly agitated as he looked at Lin Su. “He just changes people without any notice.”

Lin Su remained silent, and Wang Pojun furrowed his brow, asking, “What’s going on?”

Lin Su took out a form from his pocket and placed it in front of Wang Pojun. "Big Brother, during the time I've taken over the Central District, I've noticed significant issues with some of the personnel here. They've shown clear signs of shirking their responsibilities, and there were several close calls that almost caused problems. I understand they are Lai Zi’s people, and I tried to show some leniency, but it seems I’ve ended up causing you trouble instead."

What do leaders value? It's not endless opinions or who is right among the employees but rather keeping things peaceful and minimizing trouble with trivial issues, focusing on the work. 

From Lin Su’s observations, Wang Pojun was particularly keen on this. The more anxious Lai Zi became, the more impatient Wang Pojun would be, even questioning Lai Zi’s competence.

As Lin Su made swift adjustments and consolidated his power, Lai Zi’s troubles were not easily brought to the surface. 

Wang Pojun looked at the detailed records on the form, licked his lips, and threw the paper in front of Lai Zi. "Look at what your people have done! And you’re here complaining to me."

Lai Zi felt a pang of panic when Lin Su presented the form. As he picked it up and saw the detailed records, he felt his heart sink. "This can’t be true. He must be slandering me. There’s no concrete evidence—just words on paper."

"Yes, Lin Su, do you have evidence?" Wang Pojun asked.

Ming Tang cast a subtly conflicted glance at the paper and then looked at the man standing there. He had to admit, this man had the makings of a classic schemer—able to keep detailed records and wait for the right moment to use them. 

Since he had prepared documentation, there must be evidence to back it up.

I thought Lai Zi would be a smart person, but it seems like making him fight with Wang Pojun is going to be a bit more difficult.

Lin Su sighed and said, “Big Brother, bringing out the evidence would only make things worse. Even though these people are Lai Zi’s subordinates, they might not necessarily listen to him. I didn’t want things to reach that point.”

Showing some leniency allows for future cooperation, but unfortunately, saying this at this moment nearly pushed Lai Zi to the brink.

“No, Lin Su, what do you mean by that? Are you insinuating that I’m the one who incited them?” Lai Zi looked at him and said, “Damn your mother!”

“Lai Zi, know your place!” Wang Pojun said in a stern voice, “Are you trying to make a mess of things? Keep some dignity. Do you think I’m still here to watch you tear everything apart? I told you not to make things difficult for him. As an elder, you should lead by example, not trip him up. Lin Su hasn’t complained about you, nor has he come to me with grievances every few days. I said I would promote him, and you’re here playing tricks behind my back. Do you think you’re so capable that you can disrespect me, Wang Pojun? Is this a slap in my face?”

After this speech, even though Lai Zi was reluctant, he could only lower his head and admit, “Big Brother, I’m sorry.”

【Host’s tea skills are top-notch!】System 06 said.

【Small tricks.】Lin Su said.

He had once been a master of manipulating people, and dealing with someone full of flaws didn’t require even a fraction of his tea skills.

“Big Brother, since Lai Zi has admitted his mistake, let’s consider this matter resolved. Don’t dwell on it,” Lin Su said in a flat tone, appearing magnanimous as if he was letting the issue go.

Ming Tang, sitting nearby, rubbed his fingers and once again confirmed that Lai Zi was no match for this person. The outward display of tolerance was actually pushing Lai Zi further into a corner.

However, regardless of this person’s true intentions, they were no more controllable than Lai Zi. If the Central District was held with an iron grip, the game would lose its appeal.

Ming Tang spoke up, “Big Brother, may I say a few words?”

He hadn’t previously involved himself much in these matters, but now that Wang Pojun had publicly acknowledged his status, it was only right for him to speak.

“Speak, baby,” Wang Pojun said.

“Managing the entire base is indeed exhausting, and it requires strict adherence to rules—rewards for merit and punishment for faults,” Ming Tang said softly. “I may not know much, but I understand that bullying is wrong. Since Lai Zi has admitted his mistake, you should just follow the rules and punish him accordingly. Otherwise, if everyone thinks they can escape punishment through personal connections, the entire base will fall into chaos.”

His tone was gentle and soft, with an undertone of support for the newcomer Lin Su.

Although Lin Su said no punishment was needed, Wang Pojun was concerned about causing real harm to Lai Zi. He wanted to give Lai Zi a genuine lesson but now felt that the punishment might be excessive.

“Alright, when you go back, properly punish those who were leading the trouble. For yourself, deduct a month's worth of energy crystals and take three days to reflect before reporting back to me,” Wang Pojun said.

The punishment, aside from the deduction of energy crystals, was actually quite lenient—highly emphasized but lightly executed, hardly a real punishment. 

Lai Zi initially thought Ming Tang's comments were misplaced but now understood: “Thank you, Big Brother. I will reflect on this when I return.”

“Alright, don’t hold a grudge against your sister-in-law; he’s just considering the base,” Wang Pojun said.

“Not at all. What Sister-in-law said was right,” Lai Zi said, lowering his head. “Thank you for the reprimand. Lai Zi won’t dare to act up again.”

【Green Tea ceremony competition.】System 06 said.

Tea ceremony competitions are not frightening, but it is concerning that the host lost.

【Just as I expected.】 Lin Su smiled.

He didn’t need to exert much effort to deal with Lai Zi; simply putting him out of commission would be enough. His main goal was to observe the current nominal sister-in-law’s reaction.

Lai Zi shot a glance at Lin Su and left with a sense of accomplishment. Wang Pojun looked at Lin Su and said, “I know you’ve been wronged this time. The punishment has been administered, and he shouldn’t trouble you again. We’re all brothers who built the base together. Try to be more lenient.”

“Big Brother, don’t worry. You handle things fairly and reasonably. I won’t hold onto this,” Lin Su said calmly. “What’s past is past.”

After Lin Su took his leave, Ming Tang picked up the paper and said, “The details are so thorough, it’s as if he anticipated this day. With such a character, he won’t be easily bullied outside.”

Wang Pojun initially thought nothing of it, but now, as he mulled it over, he felt a bit uncomfortable: “Such a small matter, yet it’s really annoying. It’s a good thing my dear one is smart and noticed right away that this kid is no pushover.”

Ming Tang didn’t understand: “In the apocalypse, everyone struggles to survive. Using tactics for self-preservation is the only way to serve Big Brother well.”

“Alright, as long as the subordinates serve well, my dear one can just enjoy life,” Wang Pojun said.

Ming Tang smiled innocently: “Will Big Brother still like me even when I’m silly?”

“Of course, I like it. I like you being this silly,” Wang Pojun replied.

【Host, the green tea competitor spoke ill of you.】System 06 reported honestly, along with some flirtatious remarks.

Lin Su smiled and said: 【Noted.】

The little guy is quite capable.

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