It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 129


IETSTSMLARA | The Post-Apocalyptic Black Lotus | 129

It seemed that Lin Su was temporarily at a disadvantage in his struggle with Lai Zi, but Lai Zi felt as if he were being restrained. 

The previous assurances to Big Brother prevented him from openly targeting Lin Su, who was making no mistakes in the open. 

However, Lin Su had installed surveillance throughout the Central District, leaving Lai Zi with no chance to meet Ming Tang.

Lai Zi occasionally passed by, and asked, "Could that kid have discovered our cooperation?"

"Yes," Ming Tang replied softly.

Lin Su’s duties did not often take him near Wang Pojun's residence. His adherence to protocol made it difficult for Ming Tang to find an opportunity to meet him and ask questions.

But where there’s a will, there’s a way. One day, as Lin Su was passing by a small garden near the Central District, he heard a clear cry of distress—immediately recognizable as Ming Tang's voice.

If Lin Su had not stumbled upon it by accident, deliberately seeking Ming Tang would have been improper for a subordinate. 

However, if he heard that Ming Tang was in trouble and did not offer help, it would show a lack of loyalty.

Lin Su moved through the lavishly designed bushes and approached the youth sitting on the ground, rubbing his foot and unable to get up. "Sister-in-law, are you alright?"

Pastries were scattered all over the ground, and wasting food was particularly regrettable in this world.

Lin Su did not extend a hand to help and instead seemed to stay as far as three meters away. 

Ming Tang was irritated by his pretense but looked up with slightly moist eyes. "Brother Lin, I tripped over a stone just now and may have twisted my ankle. Could you help me to sit down over there?"

"You twisted your ankle?" Lin Su walked over and crouched down. As Ming Tang extended his arm for support, Lin Su lifted Ming Tang's foot and twisted it left and right. "Does it hurt?"

To deceive effectively, one must make it convincing. The twisting motion caused Ming Tang to gasp in pain. Meeting Lin Su's gaze, he whispered, "Brother Lin, be gentle. It hurts a lot."

"Big Brother, why are you here?" Lin Su looked over his shoulder.

Ming Tang instinctively turned his head, preparing for the worst, but suddenly felt a sharp pain in his ankle, almost cursing out loud. His pain was evident as he exclaimed, "Ah!"

"Alright, try standing up now," Lin Su said, releasing his grip and standing up, watching Ming Tang sitting on the ground.

It turned out Lin Su's distraction was to properly adjust the dislocated area. However, his distance was quite far. 

Ming Tang touched his ankle and looked up with eyes full of gratitude. "I didn’t know Brother Lin could set bones. Why didn’t you tell me?"

"Being prepared makes it more painful," Lin Su said from three steps away. "If you're fine now, I’ll be leaving."

"Do you have something urgent?" Ming Tang asked.

Lin Su replied directly, "No."

"Then why are you in such a hurry to leave? It makes me feel like I'm some kind of beast," Ming Tang said, pushing himself up from the ground. 

Instead of standing directly, he squatted to gather the scattered pastries and put them back on the tray. "It's a shame these pastries got dirty."

"They can still be eaten," Lin Su said, looking down at the pastries scattered at his feet. He picked them up and placed them back on Ming Tang's tray. "Clean them up, and they’re still good."

"It’s a pity Big Brother won’t get to eat them," Ming Tang said, stopping his actions with lowered lashes. "I know you people call me 'Sister-in-law' on the surface, but you actually look down on me, just like these pastries. Once they’re dirty, they’re considered trash..."

【Green Tea art is coming.】 Lin Su said.

System 06's mechanical heart briefly felt a tinge of sympathy before it dissipated, and it resolutely picked up the camera.

Lin Su picked up a pastry, brushed off the dust, and ate it. "I said it can still be eaten. It just fell by accident. Even if some people think it’s no longer good, in the apocalypse, food like this is incredibly valuable. And I don’t look down on you."

Zombies don't need to eat, but that doesn't mean food isn’t important. The sweetness of the pastry was a rare treat in the apocalypse.

Ming Tang looked up, his eyes shimmering with moisture. "Do you really think so?"

"Yes, food is precious," Lin Su said, looking seriously into his eyes.

"Thank you. Brother Lin is really understanding," Ming Tang said, attempting to stand. However, his foot had gone numb from squatting for too long, and he toppled forward. 

He expected to hit the ground, but instead, he found himself suspended in mid-air, his body supported by several vines wrapped around his arms.

Lin Su took a step back, controlling the vines to straighten Ming Tang before retracting them. "Sister-in-law, are you alright?"

Despite his caring demeanor, Ming Tang hadn't even brushed against Lin Su. If Ming Tang had thought that Lin Su avoided him as some kind of beast earlier as a joke, he truly felt that way now.

Is he not interested in men? Or is it true loyalty to Wang Po Jun, so there's not a shred of interest? Ming Tang thought, straightening up and picking up the tray from the ground. “Thank you, Brother Lin. I'm always careless and cause trouble for others, I'm truly sorry.”

Outwardly, Ming Tang appeared innocent and distressed, but if it had been any other man from the base in Lin Su’s place, they would have shown exceptional pity.

 Lin Su found the little guy cute, but if he were truly swayed by his charm, he would only fall into his trap. “It’s fine. If you don’t want the pastries, you can give them to the people outside. If Sister-in-law is alright, I’ll take my leave.”

With that said, Ming Tang had no way to respond, so he could only smile. “Brother Lin, take care.”

Lin Su nodded and walked away without a trace of reluctance.

Once Lin Su was gone, Ming Tang’s previous show of weakness vanished. He settled into a nearby pavilion, placing the tray on the table, glaring at the pastries with frustration. “Men’s words are so deceiving.”

Despite the pleasant words, no one was genuinely interested in something that was considered dirty. He would have to wait for the next opportunity to find out if Lin Su had noticed any signs of Lai Zi’s actions.

 Lin Su, seemingly straightforward, was actually very intelligent. Ming Tang had planned to have someone help him sit in the pavilion and gather information, but now all his plans had failed. 

The few people who could cause all his plans to fall apart were either truly straightforward or even more cunning. 

Lin Su had indeed sparked his interest, making him curious to see how someone so composed could be so easily affected.

But up until now, he has really had enough of being this sister-in-law. 

The zombies haven't really been dealt with, and the atmosphere in the base is even more anxious than before. 

However, Wang Pojun, who had previously gone out once, refuses to participate in a second battle.

"Either contact people from other bases or go yourself," Wang Pojun said sternly from the main seat. His mood seemed very bad, as if anyone who touched his temper would be punished.

Everyone below fell silent. Lin Su directly said, "Big Brother, I’m currently contacting people from other bases. There is a new response. Would you like to see it?"

As soon as he said this, everyone who had been silent turned their attention toward him. The meaning was clear: the response was a secret.

Usually, Lai Zi would have exploded by now, but Wang Pojun's temper has been so strange recently that even when dealing with Ming Tang, he shows signs of anger. Let alone toward him.

Wang Pojun stood up and said, "Come with me."

He left abruptly, even disregarding Ming Tang who was still sitting there.

Once they left, the atmosphere relaxed a lot. Lai Zi spoke up, "Don’t be upset, sister-in-law. Big Brother is just like that. Once his temper cools down, things will get better."

"Yes, yes," others reassured him.

Their words seemed comforting, but in reality, they were assessing the situation because Big Brother’s current attitude toward Ming Tang clearly indicated a potential sign of disdain.

"Thank you all," Ming Tang sighed slightly and said, "You don’t need to worry. I know Big Brother is just in a bad mood recently."

He left slowly, obviously feeling a bit heavy-hearted, as if he had a premonition about his near future. 

However, once the door to the meeting room was closed, someone whistled, and another person patted Lai Zi on the shoulder, saying, "A beauty like Ming Tang won’t stay as a sister-in-law for too long. Actually, calling her that has a certain charm."

"Even if you were to be rewarded, it wouldn't be you first. What are you fantasizing about here?" 

Lai Zi shrugged off the hand, but with the central area’s increasingly strict surveillance, he couldn't go after Ming Tang.

Lin Su followed Wang Pojun into the rest room and handed over the responses from various bases. Collaborating with other bases, of course, wasn’t free. 

Perhaps at the beginning of the apocalypse, people would strive for the future of human survival, but with so many becoming zombies and so few humans left, the end of the apocalypse seemed hopeless. People now just wanted to survive and live better.

Some bases wanted Ming Tang himself, while others demanded crystal cores and required Wang Pojun to join the battle. Either option would cause significant damage to the base.

"How dare they? They want so much?" Wang Pojun looked over the list, his face turning red, veins bulging, on the brink of fury.

He was never known for his good temper, but recently he had been particularly irritable. Lin Su's mind moved, and he said: 【System 06, check Wang Po Jun's ability level.】

System 06 received the task and, after completing the check, reported: 【Host, Wang Pojun's ability level has dropped to level four.】

【It seems his patience with Wang Pojun has run out.】 Lin Su said.

In the original timeline, Ming Tang's special ability was Devouring. He could absorb the abilities within others’ bodies, increasing his own corresponding abilities based on how much he devoured. 

However, the level of devoured abilities could only exceed his own by up to three levels; anything beyond that would be ineffective.

Even so, this special ability was enough to make him a dominant force in the apocalypse.

Wang Pojun placed the report on the table, tapped it with his finger, and sighed, "Agree to the request from Qingshan Base."

Lin Su looked at him with surprise in his eyes, "Big Brother, Qingshan Base wants..." Ming Tang.

"It’s just one person. To exchange for the peace of the entire base, sacrificing one person is nothing. Even if we lose your sister-in-law, there will be others. The apocalypse is cruel; you need to get used to it," Wang Pojun said, casting a stern look at Lin Su. "Or do you actually care about him?"

When a man who relies on strength loses his most trusted asset, he becomes paranoid because he has no other means to preserve everything he currently has. When the future is in jeopardy, even beauty seems less important.

"Why would you say that?" Lin Su asked.

Wang Pojun's tone was somewhat harsh, "I heard from Lai Zi that you and Ming Tang did something in the pavilion."

"Are you referring to the incident where my sister-in-law... I mean, Ming Tang, twisted his ankle?" Lin Su said seriously, "I only heard a sound and helped realign Ming Tang's bone; I didn’t touch anything else. I swear."

He was detailed in his response, but Wang Po Jun's anger was rising. 

However, he knew he couldn’t afford to lose loyal subordinates at this time. “It’s just a toy. If you like, I can let you have him for a couple of days. After all, he’s already been tainted. No one will know if he’s given to Qingshan Base. What do you think?”

He presented it as a gift but was secretly testing Lin Su.

 Lin Su frowned and said, “Big Brother, that’s not acceptable. As long as Ming Tang hasn’t been sent to Qingshan Base, he’s still your subordinate. I won’t have any improper thoughts about him.”

His outright refusal eased some of Wang Po Jun’s frustration. He stood up, patted Lin Su on the shoulder, and said, “Good, I knew you were loyal. Don’t worry, in the future, I’ll make sure to arrange a clean and beautiful girl for you to start a family with. No need to get involved in these dirty matters.”

Lin Su bowed his head and said, “Thank you, Big Brother. I’ll contact Qingshan Base now. You don’t seem to be resting well lately. Please take care of yourself. I’ll be going now.”

He left respectfully, closing the door gently. As he turned the corner, he saw a young man with his back against the wall, tears hanging from his eyes. 

The youth seemed startled by his arrival and, somewhat flustered, wiped his tears and said, “I’m not... just pretend you didn’t see anything today...”

“Alright, I didn’t see anything today,” Lin Su said, appearing understanding.

He was about to leave when Ming Tang tugged at his clothing. The youth sniffled and asked softly, “Aren’t you going to ask why I’m crying?”

Repeated setbacks made Ming Tang start to believe that this person really had no interest in him. 

After all, if there were true interest, he wouldn’t be wasting his time on this person.

Green Tea art must balance relaxation and tension. Retreating now would definitely make people lose all interest in continuing. 

Lin Su, with his back to him, said, "Why are you crying? Big Brother is just in a bad mood lately."

"Is it really just a bad mood?" Ming Tang asked.

Lin Su clenched his fingers and said, "What do you mean by that?"

"I heard what you said," Ming Tang said, taking a deep breath.

Lin Su stiffened.

Noticing this slight change, Ming Tang sobbed, "Are you going to contact Qingshan Base and send me there? Am I just a plaything for you? You say I'm not trash, but I'm actually something that can be discarded at will..."

Lin Su remained silent. Ming Tang released his grip on Lin Su's clothing, wiping his tears and seeming to suppress his desire to cry, "Sorry, I shouldn't have made things difficult for you. You're just Big Brother's subordinate. If you don’t do things well, you'll be implicated too. Anyway, it’s the same wherever I go. Sorry..."

Lin Su knew clearly that Ming Tang was putting on an act. After all, the real mastermind behind this was the crying, pitiful little guy who seemed like the whole world was against him. But...

【So pitiful.】System 06's analysis system, which only assessed facial expressions, determined that the young boy was genuinely sad and humble.

At this moment, if Lin Su didn't soften his heart, he would seem quite inhumane.

Lin Su sighed and said, "If you don’t want to go, I can help you."

"How... how will you help me?" Ming Tang looked at his back, feeling as if he had found a lifeline, like grabbing onto his last hope. "Are you really willing to help me? But what if it causes you trouble?"

"I’ll help you, but you need to leave the base," Lin Su said seriously as he turned around. "Do you have any other places you can go?"

Ming Tang’s eyes initially brightened, but then he lowered his head again, saying, "I don’t have any abilities, so wherever I go, my fate will be the same. Brother Lin, thank you for your kindness."

He appeared quite despondent. Lin Su couldn’t help but think that if this little guy had been in the entertainment industry in peaceful times, he would have been a natural star... He wouldn’t even need acting skills; his face alone would be enough to win many fans.

System 06’s level was evidently quite low, and although it knew about green tea art, it failed to interpret the statement: 【Host, what does this mean?】

【You take care of him yourself. If possible, please deal with the top guy now.】 Lin Su translated, 【Once this is over, I will personally make sure you die.】

The little guy had a lot of malice; at least from Lin Su's observations, he seemed to harbor thoughts of killing many people in the Central District who coveted him, including Lin Su himself. 

【Dating is deadly. Why don’t we just switch, Host?】 System 06 still prioritized the host's safety.

【If I ignore him, the five million star coins will be wasted.】 Lin Su said.

If he didn’t handle this, he would have to rely on the protagonist to take care of it, leading to a path of destruction.

Willing to sacrifice his life for others, why should it not work in his case? He wouldn’t force it, but he wouldn’t give up easily either.

Lin Su pondered for a moment and said, "How about you go to my house for now? I’ll tell Big Brother that you ran away."

Ming Tang looked at him, trembling lips, "Can... can that work?"

"Avoiding the surveillance in the Central District is not a problem, but you'll have to stay in the room from now on and not come out. Can you do that?" Lin Su asked.

"As long as I can stay safe and not be bullied, it's fine!" Ming Tang took a step forward, trying to grasp Lin Su's hand, but Lin Su stepped back and avoided him.

Ming Tang: "......"

Does this guy find him repulsive?!

Taking a deep breath, Ming Tang thought that truly upright men seemed to be extinct in this world. 

This guy really... it was so infuriating. Why not accept his advances?

"Do you find me repulsive?" Ming Tang asked with a hint of grievance.

"I don’t find you repulsive. I respect you. If you don’t want to be bullied, I don’t want to offend you either. At midnight tonight, I’ll make the Central District’s surveillance stop for fifteen minutes. You can come out then, and I’ll come to pick you up," Lin Su said in a businesslike manner.

He seemed genuinely willing to help, and Ming Tang felt his own suspicion was ridiculous. He replied, "Alright, you must come."

There was no rush tonight.

As night fell, Wang Pojun slept soundly with loud snores, unaware of his surroundings. Ming Tang placed his hand on Wang Pojun’s chest and drained the last bit of his ability completely.

"Next, enjoy the disorientation of losing your power," Ming Tang said with a light laugh, tidying his clothes and stepping out the door.

The surveillance had indeed lost its red dots, and the man was punctual.

Ming Tang looked out from the window and saw the figure waiting in the shade below. He just needed to run down within fifteen minutes.

Although he didn’t need to catch anyone in the act tonight, making him a little anxious was acceptable.

Ming Tang lingered for ten minutes, setting off only in the last five minutes. When he reached downstairs, he ran over and said, "Sorry, I encountered someone who was out for a midnight walk, which delayed me a bit. I’m really sorry."

He kept apologizing, almost on the verge of tears with his guilt, leading Lin Su to believe that initially allocating fifteen minutes was correct. If only five minutes had been given, Ming Tang might have come down in the last two minutes.

"It’s okay, let’s go," Lin Su said as he turned.

But after taking a few steps, he heard heavy breathing behind him. Ming Tang quietly said, "Sorry, could you walk a bit slower? I can’t keep up with you."

Given his ability level, he could probably climb from the bottom to the top in three seconds. But with his current stumbling pace, Lin Su was about to experience the feeling of catching someone in the act tonight.

Lin Su turned around, crouched down in front of him, and said, "Get on."

Ming Tang’s lips curved into a satisfied smile as he climbed onto Lin Su’s back, saying, “Brother Lin, I’ll hold on tight, I’m afraid I’ll fall off.”

The voice was directly into Lin Su’s ear, and the warm breath tickled slightly, creating an itch that almost begged to be scratched.

Such blatant seduction, if Lin Su had shown even a hint of ambiguity or discomfort, it would suggest he had ulterior motives. 

After all, Ming Tang had used similar tactics before, and the most direct way to counter it is: “Don’t blow air into my ear.”

Lin Su’s voice was cold in the night breeze, immediately dispelling the previously ambiguous atmosphere.

Ming Tang murmured, “Sorry, I might have been too close when I spoke to you.”

“Then keep your distance; you won’t fall,” Lin Su replied.

Ming Tang, lying on his back, almost fell over in exasperation. He had to take a deep breath and lean against Lin Su’s back. The back was wide and reliable, but when Ming Tang wanted to say that his back was warm, he realized it wasn’t warm at all.

Is he a cold-blooded animal? He must be pretending, surely pretending, and the blood is cold.

【Host, your words could be selected for the top ten 'straight man' quotes.】System 06 remarked.

【The most effective way to deal with green tea art is indeed straight man culture.】Lin Su laughed.

The little guy knows how to act, and so does Lin Su. They were having a mutual display of acting skills to see who outperformed whom.

Lin Su walked quickly and steadily, making sure Ming Tang felt secure and not at risk of falling, while his hands were carefully positioned, leaving Ming Tang no chance to take advantage.

Until they entered the room, Ming Tang thought that with them alone, Lin Su might not be able to resist making a move. 

However, he was left standing at the entrance while Lin Su, who had just carried him, went to change his shoes and wash his hands.

Ming Tang: “...”

Was touching him such a dirty thing? Did he have to be so harsh?

The next moment, Lin Su came out after washing his hands and looked at the person standing by the door, saying, “Are you okay with sleeping on the sofa?”

“No,” Ming Tang found this person really irritating.

If someone was genuinely interested in him, they wouldn’t make him sleep on the sofa. Whether it was there or here, he seemed destined to sleep on the sofa.

“The sofa is a bit small. How about this: you can sleep on the floor,” Lin Su said, taking out a quilt from a nearby cabinet and handing it to Ming Tang. “There are newspapers there; spread them out yourself. Don’t dirty the quilt; if it needs washing, it’s a waste of water.”

System 06 thought that when the host was being a straight man, he could definitely achieve the 'make your spouse angry' achievement, ensuring he would infuriate them, and then act all innocent about it.

Ming Tang held the quilt, and at that moment, he didn’t understand why he had tried to seduce this straight man. Was he just setting himself up for discomfort?

But he swallowed his frustration and started laying out the quilt. He spread out a layer of newspapers and then a layer of quilt. After finishing, he asked, “What should I use to cover myself?”

The entire room remained silent, and Ming Tang looked around to find that the man had already fallen asleep on the bed.

【Host, you haven’t covered yourself.】System 06 reminded him.

【Yes, it was intentional.】Lin Su maintained a steady breathing pattern.

【Oh, okay.】System 06 responded.

As expected of the host, switching seamlessly between a straight man and green tea act.

Ming Tang looked at the man sleeping soundly with a smirk of sarcasm. This guy was definitely doing it on purpose. 

While he appeared straightforward, such people were often the most dangerous. It was surprising that he had previously overestimated human nature.

He slowly approached and sat on the edge of the bed, examining Lin Su’s features. He had to admit that the man was quite handsome. If his abilities were a bit higher, countless beauties would probably be eager to embrace him. 

At that point, he would be no different from Wang Pojun.

A beautiful exterior didn’t mean a clean heart; otherwise, why would he help him in this chance encounter?

Ming Tang placed his hand on Lin Su’s chest. Although he lacked wood-type abilities, it would be interesting to see this person’s reaction to losing his power, much like Wang Pojun, who was flustered yet too proud to admit it, constantly losing his temper, desperately seeking help, and ultimately perishing due to everyone’s betrayal.

Ming Tang had expected that absorbing the power of a Level 3 ability user would be smooth, but although he was absorbing it, he didn’t feel any substantial sensation.

Devouring abilities was something he acquired after the apocalypse. As long as it didn’t exceed his level by three, he could absorb the power and use it himself. This was an unprecedented situation.

The highest recorded ability level in the post-apocalyptic base was Level 7, and with his devouring ability, Ming Tang had reached Level 6. He could absorb abilities up to Level 9. 

This person… it was impossible!

If he were a Level 9 ability user, there would be no need for him to live under Wang Pojun’s control. Anyone with half a brain wouldn’t put up with such a situation—what was he after?

But something was definitely wrong. Ming Tang furrowed his brows, quietly removing his hand and moving away from the bed, returning to his own makeshift bed, still without any cover.

He told himself to first figure out what was going on with that strange situation, but tonight, it felt like one disaster followed another. 

Meanwhile, the man who had caused all the trouble was sleeping soundly. The more he tried to convince himself to endure it, the more irritated he became, until finally, he decided to take his blanket and climb into the other half of the bed.

After all, if this guy dared to try anything, he would just chop off whatever part he used.

With that resolve, Ming Tang slept quite peacefully, even making soft snoring sounds that resembled a bird's chirping.

Lin Su opened his eyes and propped himself up to look at the person nestled in the blanket. He reached out and gently brushed Ming Tang’s eyelashes.

This little guy looked completely different when he was asleep compared to his usual pitiful expression. 

In just a short while, he had almost pushed Lin Su to the edge of the bed.

【Are you sure he didn't fall off the sofa when he was sleeping at Wang Pojun's place before?】Lin Su asked.

System 06 dutifully replied: 【He always used a chair to block it before sleeping, he only fell off once or twice.】

And every time, he had to restore everything to its original state before that annoying Pojun woke up, tidying up and removing all traces.

Learning green tea really takes a lot of effort.

"Sleep well," Lin Su patted his back.

Ming Tang turned around, curled up, and hugged the quilt in his arms, mumbling a few words, clearly showing no sign of waking up, but instead falling into a deeper sleep.

After a good night’s rest, Ming Tang opened his eyes and was somewhat disoriented. Although it was a strange place, he had slept more soundly than anyone else. 

However, when he looked to the other side of the pillow, he noticed that the man who had slept there last night was gone.

 And on his body... Ming Tang looked down to check, and then heard a voice from the foot of the bed: “Brother, are you awake?”

The young girl's voice was clear and crisp, like a wind chime hanging by the window. Ming Tang loosened his grip on the collar of his shirt and almost blurted out that name, but upon seeing the slowly approaching girl's face, he realized it wasn't her.

His little moon was gone; she wasn't her.

“Who are you?” Ming Tang released his collar, making sure no one had done anything to him.

The little girl blinked her big eyes and asked a question unrelated to his inquiry: “Brother, why are you sleeping in Brother Lin's bed? Are you his wife?”

In the apocalypse, even children can't be easily trusted. However, Ming Tang firmly believed that this was a foolish person's idea, as a child, no matter how good an actor they are, would never be perfect and would always reveal some clues. 

The girl in front of him was clearly well taken care of; her eyes were bright, like there were stars in them.

Such eyes, like his little moon's, had not yet learned those deceptive words.

"Who taught you these words?" Ming Tang asked, pinching her little face.

The girl touched the spot where he pinched her and said, "It's what Brother said. If you sleep in the same bed, you're the wife."

"Is he your brother? I'm definitely not your brother's wife." Ming Tang looked around the room and, seeing no one, reached out his hand, "Come here, I'll hold you and let you sit on the bed?"

"No!" The girl retreated to the foot of the bed and then poked her head out with a small flower pattern, saying, "Brother said you can't share a bed with others, otherwise, you become someone else's wife. I want to be Brother Lin's wife, so I can't be your wife."

Ming Tang's hand froze for a moment. Although he didn't fully understand what she was saying, he roughly knew that her brother didn't allow her to be on the same bed with anyone else, not even to sit together.

"Then you can stand here. I won't let you on the bed," Ming Tang said.

The girl shook her head and said, "No, Brother said that only bad people let Chouchou sit on the bed."

"You're called Chouchou? Who gave you such an unpleasant name?" Ming Tang asked.

The girl’s face wrinkled up, "You’re the bad person!"

"Who is the bad person?" The sound of a door opening and the man’s voice came from the entrance.

Hearing this, the girl who had been hiding at the foot of the bed immediately ran excitedly towards the door, "Brother Lin, you're back!"

Lin Su took the running little girl into his arms and settled her on his arm, asking, “Who is the bad person?”

Chouchou glanced at Ming Tang, looking very unhappy, and said, “He said Chouchou’s name is unpleasant.”

Ming Tang’s fingers, hidden under the quilt, tightened a bit. According to his current persona, he shouldn’t be saying such things. 

Yet, the scene in front of him seemed so warm and cozy that he was momentarily at a loss on how to respond: “I didn’t…”

“He just thinks Chouchou is very pretty, though the name doesn’t quite match. He doesn’t know that the meaning behind the name is that a bad name is easy to live with,” Lin Su said with a smile, patting the little girl’s head. “Chouchou misunderstood Brother.”

“Oh, Brother, I’m sorry. Brother, you’re also very good-looking. You’re the most good-looking brother Chouchou has ever seen,” the girl said, clinging to Lin Su’s shoulder.

“It’s okay, I don’t mind.” Ming Tang pressed his lips together, his gaze involuntarily drifting to Lin Su. 

This man rarely smiled, or rather, he had almost never seen him smile, but now, he was smiling so warmly at a little girl…

“Go play now, and don’t tell anyone that the handsome brother is here, okay?” Lin Su instructed.

“Mm, Chouchou knows, I won’t tell anyone, shh.” The little girl put her finger to her lips in a shushing gesture and then hopped away.

Such liveliness and joy were hard to come by in the apocalypse.

“Is she your real sister?” Ming Tang couldn’t help but ask.

“No, her brother is Wang Tai,” Lin Su said.

“Then why are you so good to her?” Ming Tang asked, his words carrying a hint of questioning. He noticed it himself but couldn’t retract the question.

“No reason?” Lin Su looked at him and asked, “Are you very concerned about her? Why?”

Ming Tang’s fingers tightened slightly. “Because it’s hard for children to survive in the apocalypse. I see she’s been well taken care of. Where did you go this morning?”

“You disappeared, and the base fell into chaos. I went to accept punishment and was questioned about my capabilities. Now, I have to rest at home,” Lin Su said as he sat down. “Currently, neither of us can go out.”

Ming Tang was initially on guard against him or considering how to seduce him, but now he had lost the mood for it. 

The little girl was very well cared for and was quite attached to him. She clearly hadn’t been through much hardship. If she lost this care, who knew if the stars in her eyes could be preserved.

He decided to observe for a few more days and then leave, as there wasn’t much of interest here anyway.

Lin Su ignored him. Even in the dull environment of the apocalypse, he could quietly sit and read a book. 

The room was boring, and there were no electronic devices. Ming Tang tidied up the bed. While he could still ponder over relationships and how to find opportunities at Wang Pojun’s place, here, he was extremely bored.

“What are you reading?” Ming Tang chose to speak to him out of boredom.

“Hmm…” Lin Su shifted the book towards him.

The book was very thin, with quite vivid illustrations. Despite some damage to the edges, it was well-preserved, though it was clearly a children’s book. 

Ming Tang's gaze shifted. “What have you learned from it?”

He had thought it was something more profound.

Lin Su replied, “Learning how to explain things to children in a simple and understandable way.”

“What use is that for children in the apocalypse?” Ming Tang said as he sat with his fingers clasped together. “Instead of teaching these things, it would be better to teach her self-defense.”

“Self-defense is important, but this is also necessary. She should grow up with a sense of conscience and justice,” Lin Su said.

“In this world, good people don’t live long,” Ming Tang replied with a hint of sarcasm. After speaking, he instinctively covered his mouth, cursing himself for the slip. “What I mean is, if a young girl like her recklessly helps others and ends up being framed, it would be very bad for her…”

Lin Su stared at him intently, so intently that Ming Tang, if not for the little girl, would have wanted to confront him directly. “What are you staring at, Brother Lin?”

Feigning shyness can be the most lethal.

Lin Su raised an eyebrow and turned his gaze away. “Nothing.”

As Ming Tang sighed in relief, Lin Su added, “It’s just that you seem different from when we first met.”

Ming Tang: “……”

Lin Su continued to study his children’s book, while Ming Tang, wanting to show his diligence, busied himself in the kitchen. 

When the food was ready and served on the table, he smiled and said, “Brother Lin, it’s time to eat. Come and try the food I made. How does it taste?”

“Are you trying to redeem yourself?” Lin Su glanced at him.

Ming Tang felt that if he were to die in the future, it would definitely be because this person’s attitude made him furious.

Ming Tang smiled and said, “Brother Lin, what are you talking about? Come and eat.”

His words sounded like they were squeezed out between his teeth.

Lin Su stood up, glanced at the table, and said, “Wait a moment, I’ll go call Chouchou and the others to come eat.”

In the room, there were four people, and the amount of food was not much, but Ming Tang had steamed a lot of rice just in case Lin Su had a big appetite.

Wang Tai, familiar with the routine, picked up Chouchou and seated her, then served her more rice. 

The little girl ate carefully with her spoon, reluctant to waste any food. Ming Tang, observing them, remarked thoughtfully, “You two really look alike. Are you siblings?”

“Yes,” Wang Tai nodded.

He had only greeted Ming Tang when he entered and was not very talkative. Ming Tang continued eating and asked, “So how do you know each other? You seem very respectful towards him.”

Wang Tai actually didn’t quite understand why Brother Lin brought this young man back, but since Brother Lin didn’t stop him, it meant he was allowed to speak. “Brother Lin saved us, so I work for Brother Lin.”

Ming Tang’s chopsticks paused for a moment, and he smiled at the little girl who was eating attentively. “Chouchou was also saved?”

“Yes,” the little girl said, not sparing any praise for Lin Su. “Chouchou was hungry and almost died, but Brother Lin gave us food. Later, Brother Lin got a fever and took care of Chouchou. Now, my brother knows how to make popsicles. Brother Lin is a good person!”

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