It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 130


IETSTSMLARA | The Post-Apocalyptic Black Lotus | 130

If this had happened before the apocalypse, others might have thought they had learned a new skill. However, in the apocalypse, such signs clearly indicated the awakening of a supernatural ability.

In other words, these siblings had no abilities before they were rescued, and the person beside them really did save them.

But in the apocalypse, why would someone burden themselves with two more people for no reason? 

Ming Tang had doubts in his heart but didn't ask further. Instead, he served some food to Lin Su with a smile, saying, "Brother, eat more."

He spoke as if he were acting coy, his eyes filled with apparent admiration.

Lin Su glanced at the food in his bowl, thanked him, and continued eating in silence, his demeanor akin to blind man.

Ming Tang wasn't embarrassed. After all, his mindset had been toughened over these days. He turned his head and continued eating his own meal. 

Lin Su didn't notice, but Wang Tai glanced at Ming Tang, who was eating.

This person was very good-looking. Up close, he was even more stunning than expected. The descriptions of peerless beauties in books probably referred to someone like him. However, in those books, peerless beauties usually required an entire city to fall for them.

Rumors of the base leader's affection for this person were everywhere, yet he disappeared at this time and ended up living in Brother Lin's house, being gentle and considerate towards him.

If people found out he was here with Brother Lin, Brother Lin's situation would be quite dire.

After the meal, Ming Tang took the initiative to wash the dishes, and Lin Su did not stop him. Chouchou eagerly ran over to help him carry the dishes and utensils.

Wang Tai looked towards the kitchen with some concern, but Lin Su walked onto the balcony and signaled for him to come over, saying, "What do you want to say?"

From the kitchen, the sounds of Ming Tang playfully teasing Chouchou could be heard. Standing behind Lin Su, Wang Tai spoke softly, "Brother Lin, with Ming Tang here, you'll be in danger."

"If he's not here, he'll be in danger," Lin Su replied, watching the pedestrians below. "Is there a problem with that?"

Saving people was, of course, not an issue; Wang Tai himself had been saved by Lin Su before. He didn't fear that Brother Lin had ulterior motives, but he had a feeling that Ming Tang was not someone to be underestimated.

Wang Tai hesitated for a moment, then said with some conflict, "At the dinner table earlier… he looked at you with those eyes."

"What kind of eyes?" Lin Su turned around, raising an eyebrow.

Wang Tai could imagine the look but couldn’t quite replicate it. After thinking hard, he finally found the words to describe it: "Like a wolf seeing meat, with bright, gleaming eyes."

They spoke softly, and given the distance, an ordinary person wouldn’t be able to hear their conversation.

However, Ming Tang’s supernatural abilities had enhanced his senses, allowing him to hear their dialogue clearly.

Hearing this description, he poked the little girl’s face with his wet finger. Chouchou turned her head in confusion and asked, "What's wrong, pretty brother?"

"You look just like your brother," Ming Tang replied with a smile. He couldn’t bully the straightforward guy, but he could tease someone who looked just like him. 

As for Lin Su’s response, he felt a strange sense of anticipation... somehow expecting that Lin Su wouldn't say anything kind.

Chouchou touched her cheek, not minding, and smiled sweetly, "Of course, we’re siblings. My brother says that in this world, we’re the closest to each other, and he’d never leave me behind."

"So he’s a good brother," Ming Tang said, drying his hands and patting her head, "I’m not a good brother…"

If he were a good brother, he wouldn’t have let his little moon go off to die alone while he continued to live.

"He was probably just really hungry," Lin Su said, "He wasn’t looking at me."

Lin Su’s response drifted over, as usual, completely missing any hidden meaning but pulling Ming Tang out of his past memories.

"Brother, what’s wrong?" Chouchou asked worriedly, "Are you sick?"

Ming Tang shook his head and said, "It’s nothing, Chouchou, don’t worry."


Since Lin Su was staying inside and couldn’t go out, Ming Tang tried a different approach: "The little girl is really cute."

"Mm…" Lin Su, now reading a different book, responded. Even though it was densely packed with words and filled with motivational platitudes, it was better than having nothing at all.

Ming Tang glanced at the book and felt dizzy just looking at it, thinking this person couldn’t read something more normal. But he hadn’t yet asked what he wanted, so he kept trying: "Don’t you think she’s very pretty?"

Lin Su paused, turned his head, and stared at Ming Tang intently, making him feel a shiver down his spine. Unable to hold back, Ming Tang asked, "What’s wrong?"

"You seem to like her a lot," Lin Su observed, scrutinizing him. "You’re not interested in such a young girl, are you?"

"How could I be? I’m not a beast!" Ming Tang reflexively retorted.

"You’ve already praised her for being cute and pretty over ten times these past few days," Lin Su stated calmly.

A normal person would start to suspect ulterior motives after so many comments.

Ming Tang hadn’t realized he had mentioned it so many times. "I..."

"What do you really want to ask?" Lin Su said, "Just ask directly. If you miss this chance, there won't be another."

"I want to ask why you saved them. At first, they were just ordinary people," Ming Tang asked.

"We came from a small base of a few hundred people," Lin Su explained. "The defenses and food supplies there were insufficient. I wanted to take everyone away, but only they followed me. Later, Wang Tai became my subordinate, so of course, I had to protect them. Anything else you want to ask?"

"Nothing else," Ming Tang sighed in relief.

Chouchou's words matched up with what Lin Su had said: an orphaned brother and sister who met Lin Su and could now live a better life. Otherwise, they might have perished in that cannibalistic base.

Perhaps there really were good-hearted people in this world, but Ming Tang had never encountered any before.

Ming Tang sat down quietly, and Lin Su didn't bother him. System 06, however, seemed concerned about Ming Tang's state: 【Host, what's wrong with him?】

【He's giving me a 'good person' card,】 Lin Su laughed.

The 'good person' card usually implied a rejection of further intimacy in a relationship. This little guy had been probing for days and had likely gotten the information he wanted.

The base was in chaos due to Ming Tang's disappearance. 

Wang Pojun was raging in the meeting room for the umpteenth time, "Useless, all of you are useless! It's been days, and you still can't find one ordinary person! Do I feed you all for nothing?!"

He swept everything off the table with a crash, his face turning red with anger.

The room fell into an uneasy silence, and after a while, only Lai Zi spoke up, picking up the items that had been knocked to the ground. "Boss, I suggest we check all the places where people are staying, including the areas where the ability users live."

"If someone stole him away, would they be stupid enough to hide him in their own room?" Wang Pojun took a deep breath. "Are they that dumb?"

"But the surveillance was indeed interrupted for fifteen minutes that night. In this central area, only you and Lin Su have the authority to control the surveillance. If it wasn't me, it must have been him who tampered with it," Lai Zi said, anxiety evident in his tone. 

If that little vixen had escaped, he would regret it for the rest of his life.

The last thing Wang Pojun wanted to believe was that Lin Su would betray him, but if that guy really dared to, he couldn't be allowed to stay: "Lai Zi, you..."

"Brother Lai's skill at accusing others is as good as ever, I see," Lin Su's voice came from the doorway.

Everyone turned to look at him. Lai Zi's expression darkened as he said, "The boss told you to stay at home and reflect. What are you doing here?"

"If I didn't come out, I wouldn't have known how good Brother Lai is at shifting blame," Lin Su said, staring directly at him.

Lai Zi's face grew even darker. "What do you mean by that?"

"Nothing in particular," Lin Su replied calmly, "except that since Brother Lai still hasn't found Ming Tang, I went to the surveillance room to check the footage. And it just so happens I found some secrets that weren't deleted." Lin Su inserted the USB drive he was holding into the playback device.

In the post-apocalyptic world, various base stations had been destroyed, making it impossible to easily transmit information. Communication between bases could only be done via radio, but as long as there was electricity, surveillance and projection equipment could still function.

As the video began to play, Lai Zi sneered and sat down, "I'm curious to see what secrets you think you've found to show everyone."

He was confident that he had deleted all the incriminating evidence long ago.

The video displayed a corridor scene where Ming Tang was initially seen walking from one side to the other. Lai Zi approached from the opposite direction. Though the interaction seemed ordinary, the apparent intimacy between them froze the entire meeting room in a tense silence.

Lai Zi looked at Wang Pojun, his voice faltering, "No, no, this isn't possible! Boss, I—I just… I know I was wrong!"

Regardless of whether Ming Tang was now despised, laying hands on the boss's people was a betrayal.

Wang Pojun's eyes reddened with anger as he glared at Lai Zi. "You really are something, aren't you? It hasn't even been that long, and you've already hooked up with this bitch! Fuck you!"

He hurled whatever was on the table at Lai Zi's face, his rage clearly clouding his judgment. Lin Su deftly avoided the flying objects, and the others quickly backed away to avoid getting caught in the chaos.

Wang Pojun grabbed Lai Zi by the throat, shouting, "You bastard! I've treated you so well, given you everything, even shared power with you, and this is how you repay me?!"

Lai Zi, initially trembling, realized that the once strong Wang Pojun now had a pitifully weak grip. 

Tentatively, Lai Zi grasped Wang Pojun's wrist and, finding that he could easily pull it away, his eyes lit up with realization.

"You can't go out," Wang Tai said, blocking Ming Tang's path as he attempted to open the door.

Ming Tang raised an eyebrow. "Lin Su told you to keep an eye on me?"

Wang Tai nodded. "Yes."

"Actually, you don't want me here, do you? If I stay, Lin Su will be in great danger. And if he ends up liking me, it'll bring even more trouble. Let me go, and I promise I'll never bother him again," Ming Tang said.

With Lin Su's sudden departure, something was clearly happening—either Wang Pojun's lack of abilities had been exposed, or the base was in chaos. 

Ming Tang couldn’t bear to miss out on the unfolding drama.

Wang Tai hesitated but continued blocking Ming Tang, "That still doesn't mean you can leave."

"You're such a stubborn kid. If Lin Su is in danger, you and your sister will suffer too," Ming Tang crossed his arms. "And if things go south, you'll all die together."

"Then we'll die together," Wang Tai replied earnestly. "Brother Lin saved our lives. If we drag him down, we can't just abandon him. If we were to be ungrateful, we'd be worse than beasts."

He revered that man as if he were a deity, worried yet never questioning his decisions. In a world of chaos, even remembering a kindness was rare. In a world where treachery was commonplace, loyalty was invaluable.

If he had saved someone like that before, perhaps Little Moon wouldn't have died.

"That's nice," Ming Tang said, turning away as if he had given up on leaving. Wang Tai lowered his arm, but in that instant, Ming Tang spun around and struck the side of his neck with a precise chop. 

The numbing sensation hit Wang Tai as shock registered on his face, but he could only see darkness as he fell unconscious.

Ming Tang carried him to the bed, gently laid him down, and looked at the peacefully sleeping Chouchou beside him. Stroking her cheek, he whispered, "Little Chouchou, your brother's leaving. Stay happy, okay?"

After ensuring the doors and windows were securely locked, Ming Tang quietly slipped away, easily avoiding the gaze of ordinary people—a simple feat for an esper like him.

Ascending the stairs, he heard the commotion coming from the meeting room and smirked.

Inside the meeting room, Lai Zi's sudden move startled everyone, but the one most shaken was Wang Pojun himself. He stared at his arm that had been forcibly pulled away and shouted, "Lai Zi, what do you think you're doing?! Lin Su, get over here and help me pull him off!"

Lai Zi had initially been unsure, but now he was certain—the man before him had lost his powers. A sinister grin spread across Lai Zi's face as he responded, "Your abilities are gone, and you're still putting on a show? Fuck off!"

As a metal-based esper, Lai Zi didn't need to search for a weapon. A dagger materialized in his hand, and without hesitation, he plunged it into Wang Pojun's heart. 

When he pulled the blade out, blood sprayed everywhere, covering him from head to toe. 

But he didn't stop there. He continued stabbing—dozens of times—until Wang Pojun, eyes wide open and lifeless, was nothing more than a mangled corpse.

Drenched in blood, Lai Zi turned to face the room, where no one dared to even breathe. He wiped the blood from his lips and sneered at Lin Su. "Weren't you going to snitch? Go ahead, snitch all you want. I'm right here, listening!"

Lai Zi, gripping the dagger, moved closer to Lin Su, who remained unmoved. "If you kill me, you'll never find out where Ming Tang is."

Lai Zi chuckled darkly. "Where could a mere human run to? He's just somewhere in the base. Once I take control, I'll tear this place apart if I have to, and I'll find him."

"Brother Lai, why go through the trouble of tearing apart the whole base?" A clear voice rang out from the doorway of the meeting room.

A young man in a white shirt stood there, his presence at odds with the bloody scene. It was as if his arrival had swept away the tension in the room.

Lai Zi turned and, forgetting Lin Su for a moment, walked towards the young man with delight. "Baby, how did you get back? Was it Lin Su who locked you up?"

"I walked out on my own," Ming Tang replied, sidestepping Lai Zi’s hand and heading straight to Lin Su's side. He took Lin Su's hand, and a sugary-sweet smile spread across his face as he looked up at him. "Brother, you've been out for so long. Why haven’t you come back yet?"

The tone and intimacy between Ming Tang and Lin Su were impossible to miss. The others in the meeting room held their breath, wishing they could disappear from the tension in the air.

Lai Zi’s eyes filled with rage. "What's going on between you two?! Explain!!!"

"I like Brother Lin, and he likes me too. We're together now. Isn't that obvious?" Ming Tang wrapped an arm around Lin Su's waist, and his gaze sent a silent message. 

He hadn't expected Lin Su to catch on, but then Lin Su's arm tightened around his waist, pulling him close.

As they stood there, pressed together, Ming Tang found himself looking up at Lin Su’s sharp, clean jawline, marveling at how well the man carried himself. 

Then, turning back to Lai Zi, Ming Tang said, "Since Big Brother is already dead, I think I have the right to choose who I want to be with, right?"

"You goddamn wh*re! You filthy sl*t! You dare to play me?!" Lai Zi, clearly furious, his face twisted in rage, lunged at Lin Su with the dagger. 

Ming Tang wanted to reach out, but the arm around his waist tightened, pulling him aside just in time to dodge the incoming blade.

"Even though you're not as strong as him, you're still helping me," Ming Tang said with a smile as he steadied himself by holding onto Lin Su's shoulder.

"You’re definitely not the same as before," Lin Su replied, helping him stand up straight.

"Now’s not the time to discuss that," Ming Tang said with a grin, turning to face Lai Zi. 

As Lai Zi yanked the dagger from the table and charged towards them, Ming Tang stepped in front of Lin Su. Flames erupted from his palms, curling like a dragon and quickly encircling Lai Zi.

The heat was intense, instantly igniting the nearby table. The people huddled in the corner of the meeting room were so frightened by this sudden turn of events that they wished they could disappear on the spot.

The stench of burning flesh filled the air, a greasy, nauseating smell. Lai Zi writhed on the floor, trying to extinguish the relentless flames, but they clung to him like shadows. His screams echoed through the room, but no one moved to help him.

When the charred body on the floor finally fell silent, Ming Tang turned to Lin Su, his face still wearing an innocent, almost angelic smile. "Brother, I saved you. Aren't you happy?"

"Thank you," Lin Su said after a brief pause, then asked, "Who are you really?"

As the flames continued to consume the table, Ming Tang walked over to the window, opening it to let in some fresh air. "I'm your baby," he replied casually.

"I couldn’t have fathered someone your age," Lin Su said, the phrase almost sounding like a dry joke. 

Ming Tang walked back to him, hands clasped behind his back, and tugged playfully at Lin Su’s collar, pulling him down. "Do I look like a woman to you?"

"What do you really want?" Lin Su asked, locking eyes with him.

Ming Tang placed his hand on Lin Su’s chest. "Your heartbeat hasn't quickened, so it seems you really aren't interested in me."

He released Lin Su’s collar with a hint of boredom. "It's nothing. From today, you’ll be the new leader of the base."

Ming Tang believed that someone like Lin Su could garner more gratitude from people like Wang Tai.

Lin Su frowned. "I don’t have the ability."

"I’ll support you," Ming Tang said with a smile, turning to the gathered crowd. "Do any of you have objections or suggestions about Lin Su taking over as leader?"

Seeing the murderous display from earlier, the gathered individuals quickly shook their heads. "No."

"Then remember this," Ming Tang continued, "Lai Zi committed treason and killed our leader. Lin Su avenged him, and this position was decided unanimously by all of you." He added with a smile, "Do you understand?"

Despite the sweetness of his smile, the people present could no longer view him as a harmless young man. Those who had fantasized about him now wished they could bury their heads in shame. "Yes, understood."

"That’s settled then." Ming Tang patted Lin Su on the shoulder. "Do a good job. If you don’t, you’ll end up like the others."

His words were not a joke. Lin Su nodded. "I understand."

The sudden change in leadership left many unsettled. Yet, the prevailing emotions among the people were not sorrow but anxiety and concern.

"What if the zombie horde attacks now that we’ve lost a Level 5 ability user?"

"And the Level 5 zombie still hasn’t been dealt with. Lin Su is only a Level 4 wood ability user."

"Are we really going to become slaves to other bases? I don’t want that."

The internal chaos in the base was mirrored by restlessness in other bases. A base without a leader in the apocalypse was a prime target for those looking to expand their territory.

"Spread the word that the base has skilled defenders. It will help calm the panic for now," Lin Su instructed Wang Tai.

With the continual enhancement from ice-type crystal cores, the round-faced youth had reached the threshold of Level 3. Ice abilities were inherently sharp and powerful enough to silence some dissenting voices.

Wang Tai took the task, glancing subtly at Ming Tang, who was sitting quietly to the side, seeming rather composed. There was an unspoken hesitation in his eyes.

It wasn’t that Wang Tai had anything against Ming Tang, but rather that this person was clearly hiding something. Previously, Ming Tang had shown no sign of resistance.

Lin Su noticed Wang Tai’s gaze and patted his shoulder reassuringly. "Don’t worry. Just focus on your tasks."

"I understand," Wang Tai replied, taking a deep breath before hurrying away.

After Wang Tai left, Ming Tang placed a cup of tea in front of Lin Su. "You must be tired, brother. Have some water."

"I’m not thirsty," Lin Su said, looking over the newly submitted reports.

Ming Tang moved closer, insisting on sharing the same space as Lin Su, and picked up the tea cup with a smile. "I think you might be."

Lin Su met his gaze. The youth before him still wore a seemingly innocent, soft expression, but if he were to resist Ming Tang’s wishes, he could quickly shift from a harmless rabbit to a formidable predator.

Faced with Ming Tang’s persistence, Lin Su decided to take a sip. "What’s in this?"

"Goji berries," Ming Tang said, resting his chin on his hand as he watched Lin Su. "I made it myself for you. If I wanted to kill you, I wouldn’t go through this trouble."

System 06’s ledger made a note: Forced compliance, attempting to coerce the host.

Lin Su took a drink, and Ming Tang smiled more genuinely at the sight. "That’s better. You’re a grown man, but you haven’t reacted at all to a beauty like me. Maybe something’s broken, and this might fix it."

Lin Su coughed midway through his drink, causing Ming Tang’s smile to become more authentic. "Drink slowly, or you’ll choke."

System 06’s ledger noted: Questioning the host’s vitality.

Lin Su finished his tea and set the cup aside, returning to his reports. 

Ming Tang, sitting beside him with his chin propped up, watched intently. "How is Chouchou?"

Lin Su, deeply focused on his work, responded, "You can go see her if you like."

"I’d rather not," Ming Tang said. "I hurt her brother, so she might think I’m a bad person."

"Wang Tai didn’t tell her," Lin Su replied. "He was just unconscious, not actually injured."

Ming Tang paused in thought before saying, "Never mind, then. If I were to get too fond of that girl, I might try to take her away from her brother. Anyway, I won’t be staying here long."

"Alright," Lin Su said. "Thank you for helping out."

Despite the straightforward nature of their conversation and Lin Su’s usual demeanor, Ming Tang felt unsettled. 

He didn’t expect to be bothered by his own feelings, especially from someone who didn’t seem to care much. "Aren’t you curious where I’m going?"

Lin Su glanced up. "Where are you going?"

Ming Tang’s irritation flared slightly as he replied, "The Qingshan Base wants me, so I might go visit. What do you think?"

Lin Su nodded. "Be careful on your way. If you’re done with your visit, you can return here."

The latter part of Lin Su’s statement seemed to soothe Ming Tang’s irritation. "Return? Aren’t you worried I’ll come back and enslave you again?"

“You are the victor; the base was originally yours. I’m just guarding it for you. You can take it back whenever you want,” Lin Su said as held the report he had finished. “If there’s nothing else, I’ll get back to work.”

He stood up directly. Ming Tang, who had been sitting next to him, was now entirely sunk into the sofa, propped up on one side of the armrest, watching his departing figure with a smile. “Fool.”

He had always been someone who went wherever he wanted, absorbing the abilities of those who wanted to sleep with him, watching them fight over him. 

When he got bored, he would leave for another place, never considering that he might have a place to return to.

How did someone like him survive in the apocalypse? Was it just good luck?

Ming Tang didn’t think deeply about it, lazily flopping onto the sofa. In his daze, he felt as though someone’s figure was always lingering in his mind.

Lin Su was busy reorganizing the base not for any other reason but to find the person who had ruined Ming Tang’s appearance. The timeline in the apocalypse world was unclear, and even the most detailed time could only be estimated by the month, with no specific time details.

The base had over 50,000 people. It sounded like a small number, but searching through them was very difficult. The only timeline record was after Wang Pojun’s death. 

However, with his involvement, the original timeline would be disrupted again, making the search even harder.

【Doesn’t the host have healing abilities? You can heal the damage directly,】 System 06 said.

【The moment of being hurt is very painful.】 Lin Su said as he reviewed the surveillance footage. 【It’s like having your outer shell smashed, and in severe cases, it can damage the internal data, turning 0 into u.】

Even though it can be repaired later, the replacement 0 is not the original 0. Just thinking about it is quite terrifying.

System 06 agreed, 【You are right, Host. I will closely monitor every person who approaches Ming Tang.】

【Thanks.】 Lin Su said.

However, system monitoring alone is far from sufficient because those who can harm Ming Tang have very strong explosive power in a short period. 

Even if the monitoring catches that moment, the damage might already be done.

【It’s the least I can do.】 System 06 suddenly felt quite useful.

Lin Su stared at the surveillance screens. Among the dozens of screens showing people passing by, one particular figure caught his attention.

He recognized the personnel coming and going in the central area. Those who did not meet the requirements were not allowed to enter. The shadow in the footage flashed by, and a moment later, appeared in another camera feed, clearly heading towards the room where Ming Tang was currently staying.

Even with thorough precautions, there can always be an oversight. Just like in a previous world, no matter how strong that person was, they were still human.

Lin Su left the surveillance room and headed straight to Ming Tang’s location.

The sound of the door opening was very soft, but it was loud enough for Ming Tang. He half-opened his eyes and saw a figure approaching. He tried to open his eyes fully to counteract, but was met with a flood of liquid.

It wasn’t water! Ming Tang realized this the moment he saw it. He tried to dodge, but his legs were tightly held by someone and he couldn’t get away!

He instinctively closed his eyes, but no pain came. Instead, he was embraced, with a familiar, pleasant fragrance spreading at his nose, and a muffled groan sounded in his ear.

Ming Tang opened his eyes and saw Lin Su’s corrosion extending to his shoulders. The acrid smell was everywhere; it was the scent of strong acid. “You… how are you?”

Lin Su released him, stepping directly on the person who was holding Ming Tang’s legs and kicking them away.

The person collided with the wall, leaving a trail of blood. Ming Tang didn’t pay attention to that and grabbed Lin Su’s arm. “Let me see your injuries!”

“Do you have healing abilities?” Lin Su asked.

Healing abilities are rare. Those who can heal various injuries, except for those caused by zombie scratches, are highly protected in each base. 

Ming Tang hadn’t encountered such a person before. “I don’t, but I need to see how serious your injuries are and treat them first.”

Strong acid causes extreme corrosive effects. Just relying on the natural defenses of the zombie king’s body isn’t enough, but his quick reaction prevented any immediate explanation. The corrosive wounds were quite severe, but with his healing ability, healing them only took an instant.

But Lin Su’s principle has always been that if something is done, it must be done to the fullest extent. 

Lin Su turned around, and Ming Tang gasped at the sight of such horrific wounds. “What should we do now?”

“Use a towel to absorb the liquid and dilute it with clean water,” Lin Su said.

“Let’s go.” Ming Tang supported his arm and helped him into the bathroom.

The clothes were carefully cut away, and Ming Tang gently cleaned the wounds, then rinsed them bit by bit. Despite the strong acid being washed away, the wound still covered Lin Su’s entire back from his left shoulder to his lower waist.

His physique was originally excellent, but now it was a sight one could hardly bear to look at.

Ming Tang couldn’t imagine what would happen if such acid were spilled on his own face. If his appearance were ruined like this, it might indeed be a form of relief.

“What kind of medication should I use?” Ming Tang asked instinctively.

There are doctors in the base, but waiting for them to treat him is often useless, as even if a prescription is written, there might not be any medication available.

Lin Su stood up, shirtless, and went to a cabinet to fetch a medical kit. He retrieved a tube of ointment and said, “Use this, and help me apply it.”

“Okay.” Ming Tang took the ointment. Without cotton swabs, he used a soft cloth to apply it carefully. Lin Su’s muscles twitched, but he did not make a sound of pain.

After applying the ointment, the usual next step would be to bandage it. Ming Tang took a deep breath and first applied the bandage to the back, then moved to the front. His nose accidentally brushed against Lin Su’s shoulder blade. 

At this moment, it wasn’t a time for romantic thoughts, but Ming Tang looked up and directly into Lin Su’s deep eyes.

He instinctively averted his gaze and asked, “Does the bandage feel okay?”

“Hmm.” Lin Su responded, “You’ve wrapped it very well.” Then Lin Su’s upper body was almost wrapped like a dumpling. 

At the end, Ming Tang tied a bow on his chest, the kind that is symmetrical on both sides and quite cute.

Lin Su looked down, and Ming Tang’s hand paused. “I’m used to tying it this way. If you don’t like it, I can redo it.”

“It’s alright, it’s quite good,” Lin Su said.

“Hmm.” Ming Tang stood up, relieved, and looked at the person wrapped in bandages sitting there. “Why did you protect me?”

Can someone really act to this extent purely out of conscience, despite not liking the person?

“It was just instinct. It doesn’t matter if my back is damaged, but if your face were ruined, it would have a significant impact,” Lin Su said as he lifted the unconscious woman from the corner of the room. He had no recollection of this woman in his memory. “Do you know her?”

“You’re still injured; can you stop moving around so much?” Ming Tang approached, glanced at the woman, and said, “She’s so ugly; how could I possibly know her?”

Lin Su looked at him with a hint of helplessness. 

Ming Tang was aware that his personality was showing, and the contrast in his words was quite striking. “I’m just this kind of person; you’ll have to get used to it. Besides, since she wanted to ruin my appearance, calling her ugly is not too much.”

“Not too much,” Lin Su agreed. “I just want to confirm her identity and see if she has any accomplices.”

“Hmph…” Ming Tang gave a light snort, feeling satisfied inwardly. He grabbed the woman’s hair from Lin Su and examined her closely, frowning. “She seems familiar… Ah, yes, she appears to be the former lover of Wang Pojun. Since I came, she naturally retired after achieving her goals.”

“Retired after achieving her goals?” Lin Su asked.

Ming Tang tossed the woman onto the ground. “It’s just like the rumors in the base. After growing tired, they wouldn’t just set her free but would reward his subordinates with her. Nobody would value something that’s been tainted, and there are cases where people are killed together in such situations.”

He turned to the table, poured a glass of water, and came back, pouring it directly over the woman's head. 

As she woke up, he stomped on her face and crouched down to ask, “Why did you want to ruin my face? I don’t think I’ve offended you.”

Hearing his voice, the woman struggled more intensely, trying to pull at his ankle but unable to free her head. She could only cry out in pain, “You’re a bitch.”

“It seems you don’t want to talk. In that case, you might as well die,” Ming Tang said, his gaze cold and devoid of any pity for the life before him. 

The woman screamed, “If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have ended up like this. I was the one the boss loved most, and you killed him!!! You’re just a slut…”

Ming Tang applied more pressure with his foot, and the woman’s breath ceased. As he lifted his foot, he said, “Being so clueless is truly a major flaw. To describe such intelligence as that of a pig is an insult to pigs.”

Once the green tea act is exposed, people tend to let themselves go. Lin Su thought that knowing Ming Tang’s true nature from the beginning made it easier to accept; otherwise, he would truly doubt whether this was his twin.

Ming Tang looked at Lin Su and asked, “Do you have any dissatisfaction with what I said?”

“Killing her here, won’t you have nightmares when you sleep at night?” Lin Su asked.

“If you can’t sleep here, go to your place. Your injury is because of me, so I’ll take responsibility,” Ming Tang said.

He didn’t like owing others favors, but it seemed like even if he healed Lin Su’s wounds, it would be hard to repay the debt completely.

Lin Su’s clothes were cut clean off, and Ming Tang’s own clothes were too small. 

As for Wang Pojun’s... first, Ming Tang didn’t stay in that room; second, the traces of Wang Pojun were nearly erased, so his clothes were given away, leaving only the crystal cores.

The end times weren’t as conservative as peaceful times, but if he went out with his bare torso wrapped in bandages, the base would be thrown into chaos the next day.

“Can you help me get something?” Lin Su asked.

Ming Tang, with his hands under his chin and smiling at him, said, “No, I can’t. I don’t trust leaving you here alone.”

“Then can you call Wang Tai over?” Lin Su asked. “He should still be in the central area.”

“Sure, but they need to remove the body; it’s pretty disgusting.” Ming Tang stood up to call someone. Unfortunately, before the person arrived, Lin Su was locked in the inner room. 

By the time Lin Su was let out, everyone had already left.

“Where are the clothes?” Lin Su asked.

Ming Tang exclaimed, “I forgot! Brother, you won’t blame me, will you?”

“No, just help with…” Lin Su started to speak, but Ming Tang had already collapsed onto the sofa, saying, “So tired, don’t want to move.”

He could have let Lin Su go, but seeing his helpless expression made him feel very pleased and he wanted to look a little longer.

Lin Su sat beside him and asked, “What do you want to do then?”

“You’re injured and shouldn’t be traveling long distances. Isn’t it better to recuperate here with me?” Ming Tang propped his head on his hand and looked at him. “I live alone in such a large, empty room, and it’s really scary. Besides, someone just died today. If their spirit comes back to seek revenge at night, there’s no one to protect me.”

He spoke in a pitiful manner. If he could have added some facial expressions, it might have seemed more convincing.

But he couldn’t.

This little guy was a master at teasing in a playful way, and a bit of a drama queen when serious.

Lin Su looked at him and said, “Do I even have a choice?”

Ming Tang laughed, crawling over from the sofa and getting closer. “It’s best if you think so, brother. You’re still injured, and I can’t do anything to you.”

“Do you know that an injured person needs to maintain a happy mood while recovering?” Lin Su countered.

“Does being with me make you unhappy?” Ming Tang smiled.

“...Happy,” Lin Su replied.

System 06 was frantically taking notes.

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