It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 19


IETSTSMLARA | The Vicious Support Male Lead is a Bit Sweet | 19

If Lin Tang's face was apple-red just now, it's now fully crimson, his face burning, and even his brain seems to have crashed.

Forget about his usual arrogance and dominance; now he looks like someone who could be pushed over at any moment.

"To, to bed..." Lin Tang's mind turned into mush, just when they started dating, was he supposed to go to bed already?

Ah, but as a man, going to bed is perfectly normal, he can't chicken out!

But he's really scared, what if it hurts? They say blood will flow like a river, starting with little daisies and ending with sunflowers...

The heat on the young master's face has subsided a bit.

Is this guy really being so casual after they started dating?

After all, that kiss, those words, made him feel like he is an experienced player.

Lin Tang's mind wandered freely until the car came to a steady stop. He nervously grabbed his seatbelt and looked outside anxiously.

Instead of the hotel entrance, the car faced what seemed to be an underground parking lot. The lighting was dim, and the darkness stretched endlessly, making it impossible to see the end. It's said that certain activities are carried out here, and there's a chance of being discovered, which is extremely embarrassing.

Also, there were many stories of such encounters.

"Where is this?" Lin Tang peeked out like a cautious squirrel, ready to retreat at the slightest movement.

"My place," Lin Su unbuckled his seatbelt.

Lin Su didn’t move out of the Lin family mansion just because of Lin Tang; he needed to handle many things, both publicly and privately, requiring an independent space. Naturally, he needed his own separate home.

Of course, it also made it convenient for him to date Lin Tang. He didn't mind publicly announcing their relationship right away, but now was clearly not the best time. Being impulsive would only lead to unnecessary trouble, and Lin Tang probably hadn't thought it through himself.

Lin Tang became somewhat interested. "Your place," he said, but as soon as the words left his mouth, he remembered the earlier conversation and looked at Lin Su. "You didn't move out just for today, did you?"

"Exactly. Why haven’t you gotten out of the car yet?," Lin Su said, amused by Lin Tang's nervousness. "Did you want me to take care of you right here in the car?"

Damn, his guess was spot on. Lin Tang immediately tensed up. "You really are an ambitious wolf..."

The idiom he used was wrong. .

But that didn't stop Lin Su from leaning in closer. Lin Tang instinctively closed his eyes and muttered, "Actually, I wasn't..."

"I'm sorry, I won't give you a nickname anymore..."

"I know I was wrong..."

He was genuinely remorseful.

"Alright, as long as you acknowledge your mistake," Lin Su's breath was close by and then moved away. Then, he tapped Lin Tang's forehead lightly before getting out of the car.

Just like that?

Lin Tang's astonishment was evident. Lin Su knew exactly what he was thinking. He stopped by the car window, feeling a bit helpless. "Okay, get out of the car. While I do have intentions, I'm not so desperate. Otherwise, I would have taken advantage of you when you were drunk last time."

Lin Tang's face flushed again, feeling like Lin Su was both a gentleman and someone who valued him greatly. His lips couldn't help but curve upwards.

System 06 couldn't bear to watch seeing the host spouting nonsense with his eyes wide open.

Saying he wasn't desperate was just deceiving himself. The truth was, he desired too much, which required a lot of patience and effort. When he finally gets to taste him, he'd surely break out in a cold sweat for Lin Tang.

"So, bringing me here was just..." Lin Tang still hesitated.

"To show you the way, so you won't have trouble finding me in the future," Lin Su helped him out of the car with a smile. "And also to make sure you're well-fed."

Lin Tang looked wary, catching onto his motives. "You... you..."

His wary expression was so cute that if he had a little less self-restraint, he would have been tempted to tease him directly.

“If you're really worried, here's the car key. You can easily get back onto the main road from here,” Lin Su placed the car key into his pocket, shrugging. “I promise, even if you leave today, I won't be mad.”

If Lin Su had insisted on keeping him, Lin Tang might have wanted to run. But with Lin Su being so magnanimous, Lin Tang's guard dropped rapidly. He was the type to help count the money even after being sold.

“Well, I wasn't really that worried..." Lin Tang scratched his chin, then followed Lin Su uncontrollably. By the time his tangled thoughts settled, he found himself sitting on the sofa, feeling lost and confused.

The sofa was spacious and soft, adorned with several brightly colored throw pillows that added a lively touch to the warm white space. On the coffee table lay a few books, some closed with bookmarks inside, while one open book had a pen resting in the middle, indicating that the owner had just been reading here, giving the room a homely atmosphere.

The bright interior and the cozy spot for reading made it seem like an inviting place to relax and immerse oneself in a book. Lin Tang had once entertained the idea of pretending to be more cultured, but his lack of literary knowledge made it too easy for his facade to crumble.

In an attempt to find flaws in his former big brother and current lover, Lin Tang picked up the book, intending to experience the feeling of reading. However, he quickly realized... he couldn't understand it.

He recognized every word, but when they were put together, he had no idea what they meant.

The book was filled with terms like "assets," "management," "appreciation," along with a bunch of incomprehensible numbers and symbols. Lin Tang felt like there might be something wrong with him for wanting to try reading in the first place.

Was this even a book for people to read? Definitely not!

Hmph, maybe Lin Su wanted to make him feel like he was really impressive, to elevate his admiration even further.

Lin Tang flipped through the pages casually. When he saw the handwriting on the previous pages, he stopped. The handwriting was beautiful, exactly the same as the handwriting on the page he had just looked at. It flowed gracefully, a far cry from his elementary school scribbles, and it was pleasing to the eye. But just like the book itself, he couldn't understand it.

Oh no, his admiration for Lin Su had just reached a whole new level. How did these people grow such talented hands and brains?

He placed the book back on the coffee table, deciding not to torture himself any further. After being hit with the book's incomprehensibility, his previous nervousness seemed to vanish. He decided to get up and wander around.

Lin Su’s house is not comparable to the Lin Family estate, Lin Su's house was not very large. It had four bedrooms and two living rooms, with doors wide open as if the owner had nothing to hide. Lin Tang peeked around the doorways - one room was a study, filled with wooden bookshelves lined with books that looked intimidating, deterring him from stepping inside. 

Another room seemed to be a gym, with various exercise equipment arranged neatly, not within Lin Tang's usual interests. 

Next was a walk-in closet, filled with suits and ties that didn't fit Lin Tang's taste.

The watches displayed in the glass cabinet were understated yet luxurious, looking very appealing. However, Lin Tang's upbringing didn't allow him to touch other people's things without their permission, so he just glanced at them before leaving.

As for the only bedroom, the first impression upon entering was the large, comfortable-looking bed. Lin Tang had been to Sheng Hong's room before, which was filled with cold gray tones, making him feel like he couldn't touch anything and everything was cold. 

It was unlike here, although unfamiliar, this place felt incredibly cozy.

A faint fragrance wafted in, and as Lin Tang looked around, he caught sight of Lin Su coming out of the kitchen with a tray. The fragrance seemed to be coming from the dish on the tray.

Lin Su was still dressed in a suit and shirt, having only removed his coat and tie. The apron he wore didn't seem feminine; instead, it accentuated the muscular arms visible under the rolled-up sleeves. With his glasses removed, his deep and gentle eyes revealed his remarkable handsomeness.

Unfortunately, all these details couldn't compare to the plate of food in the eyes of a hungry person.

Lin Tang hadn't felt very hungry before, but as soon as he caught a whiff of the fragrance, his mouth began to water, and his stomach started playing a duet of hunger.

"What is this? It smells so good," Lin Tang leaned in, his gaze fixed entirely on the plate.

Lin Su raised an eyebrow slightly. "Shrimp-stuffed eggplant."

System 06 coldly revealed the truth: 【The host's charm lost to a dish.】

【Well, they're all mine anyway,】 Lin Su's mindset remained as steady as ever.

He placed the dish on the table and then returned to the kitchen, bringing out two more dishes and a soup, placing them in front of both of them. "Try and see how it tastes."

Lin Tang's knowledge was severely lacking, but he had basic manners. Even though he was starving, he didn't start eating until Lin Su picked up his chopsticks. Lin Su's action was like the end-of-class bell for Lin Tang, and he didn't hold back his speed in picking up the food. The reason was simply because he was too hungry.

The eggplant was still a bit hot, but because of its warmth, its delicious taste immediately spread over his taste buds. It wasn't greasy at all but rather refreshing because of the shrimp, bringing a delightful sweetness.

Lin Tang had prepared himself to reluctantly compliment the dish if it didn't live up to its appearance. However, after the first bite, he couldn't even manage to speak. It was as if someone was competing with him for it for the dish, and he quickly took another bite.

"Slow down, no one is competing with you," Lin Su said, not competing with him and instead picking up some seemingly plain ferns with his chopsticks.

After countless tasks, Lin Su had mastered the most basic skill of cooking. After all, no matter where you go, you have to eat. Instead of searching the world for delicacies, it's better to have this skill yourself.

Of course, the benefits of this skill go far beyond the enjoyment of taste. Many times, it can provide shortcuts.

Just like now, by satisfying the picky eater Lin Tang's taste buds, Lin Su had conquered his stomach. 

Thinking of running away? 

Keep dreaming.


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