It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 75


IETSTSMLARA | The Assassin is Not so Cold-Blooded | 75

The earthquake tremor lasted only for a moment, with a roaring sound that seemed capable of pulling people straight off the ground. This force of nature was beyond human control.

Lin Su held Tang, who was beside him, and pressed him into his arms.

"What’s happening? Is it an earthquake?!"

"What’s going on? Everybody, run!"

"An earthquake, it’s an earthquake..."

"Why wasn’t there any warning?!"

The Leader of the Fire Scorpion group was about to run away, but the tremor caused her to fall directly to the ground.

She simply rolled under the bed, holding her head. She looked at Lin Su, who was protecting Tang, and said, "Come over here!"

Lin Su ignored her.

The tremors made it impossible for anyone to stand steadily, leaving everyone sprawled on the ground as if the entire planet was drunk.

"What’s going on?" Tang asked, holding Lin Su back. "You know, don’t you?"

"Nothing will happen, don’t worry," Lin Su whispered in his ear.

This tremor ended after fifteen minutes. No buildings collapsed, and there were no casualties, but the previous earthquake felt like a nightmare.

"What’s going on? The transit station suddenly trembled, but there was no earthquake."

"I’m in the southern part of the transit station, it trembled here too!"

"It trembled in the east as well."

"Is the entire planet about to explode?"

"Not just the transit station, but also here on Planet C1, there was a tremor, but it didn't last."

"What’s going on?"

"Our planet experienced the same situation."

"So did ours..."

"What on earth is happening?"

"Could it really be the end of the world, with the entire universe going down?"

People on the internet were spreading their confusion about the earthquake. This confusion spread until the Astrological Bureau's latest announcement about an astronomical phenomenon revealed the truth.

The cause of the tremors across an entire group of planets was not anything else but a gravitational compression change on a planet located one light-year away from the transit station. In an instant, the entire asteroid belt was swallowed up.

Such a gravitational change directly caused a momentary alteration in the surface gravity of this planetary belt, but the subsequent impact would be minimal.

"A planet undergoing gravitational compression? Isn't that a change that occurs only when a star reaches the end of its life?"

"Yeah, what is the Astrological Bureau talking about?"

"A natural astronomical phenomenon... Could the black hole spread over here?"

"According to the Astrological Bureau's orbit calculations, the trajectory of that black hole will only move further away from the human-inhabited planetary belt."

"That’s terrifying, but also quite spectacular."

However, reality was not as optimistic as the general public hoped. Three days earlier, the Astrological Bureau observed a beam of light emitted from the Weike Empire. This light was emitted extremely quickly and vanished in an instant, only to appear three days later near the desolate planet, causing the gravitational compression reaction upon its entry.

Currently, spacecraft propulsion in the universe requires the use of space folding technology. This technology demands that the materials of the spacecraft withstand the pressures of space folding, making it nearly impossible to fold light itself into space.

"What was that light?"

"We only know that the planet's state was quite stable before. Based on its orbital period, it could have existed for another five billion years without issue. But after that strange light entered it, it rapidly underwent a neutron star transformation, a change typically only possible in stars."

"Is that a new weapon from the Weike Empire?"

"Where exactly was the light emitted from?"

"It was from the territory of Earl Carl in the Weike Empire, specifically Tiffany."

"The effect of this weapon is very similar to the latest weapon progress report from Jiang Heng's laboratory, called 'Future'."

"Isn't that technology still in the development stage?"

"That planet was just a barren star, but have you considered what would happen if such a weapon were directed at us?"

A sudden change in a single planet could trigger the destruction of an entire planetary belt. If such a fusion were directed at humanity, no matter how large the population, it would face total annihilation. Humanity would cease to exist. The terrifying power of such a weapon was out of this world.

"If such a weapon truly exists, the world as we know it will change."

Every country has its top-tier intelligence channels to handle potential extraterrestrial threats, and their monitoring of the cosmos is extremely thorough. Naturally, such a significant celestial phenomenon has not gone unnoticed by other nations, but the emergence of this weapon has not yet been made known to the general public.

"We need this kind of power..."

"This will be a force even stronger than 'Future'."

"The life and death of humanity could be decided by one person's whim. Should such power even exist?"

The Bureau of Destruction also detected these celestial anomalies, and when the report was placed in front of Lu Yan, he studied it for a long time before saying hoarsely, "This power is very similar to the initial report of 'Future'."

"But it's even stronger. This kind of power can destroy humanity entirely in one blow," an underling said. "In an instant, the planetary belt we inhabit would turn into a giant black hole. In a place where even light cannot survive, there would be nothing left of humanity."

"The 'Future' project is still only on paper, but this weapon has already been developed," Lu Yan sighed. "When do you think Lin Su started researching this weapon? He could have kept it secret after succeeding, but instead, he launched it at a barren planet. Is he testing the weapon's power or trying to intimidate everyone?"

"The general public doesn't know about this weapon," the subordinate said.

"They won't be kept in the dark for long," Lu Yan replied, flipping through the report. "Take this to Jiang Heng. He should find it very interesting."

With the emergence of this new weapon, all eyes would turn to Tiffany, relieving some of the pressure on Jiang Heng. What exactly is Lin Su trying to achieve?

Jiang Heng, a weapons researcher, had a keener sense for weapons than most. When he received the report, he was puzzled at first. But after reading a couple of pages, he was stunned: "This weapon..."

He couldn't contain his shock and began pacing: "This is 'Future'... no, it's even more powerful than 'Future'. Tiffany... did Lin Su create this?"

The subordinate nodded. "If nothing unexpected, yes, it was him."

"This was a test," Jiang Heng exhaled deeply, sitting down but unable to hide his astonishment. "And a display of power."

What kind of changes would such a human-annihilating weapon bring to human society, being in Lin Su's hands?

The drastic change left even the Leader of the Fire Scorpion group stunned as she read the newly presented report.

"Emitted from Tiffany?!" The Leader of the Fire Scorpion group was shaken by such power. No matter how strong she was, she couldn't resist such an apocalyptic force.

"That's right. The Weike Empire has already dispatched warships heading to the transit station. All members of the Fire Scorpion mercenary group are requesting you release Lin Su, or this group will cease to exist," the subordinate said, lowering his head.

If Lin Su were merely a businessman or an Earl under the protection of the Weike Empire, he could be provoked. But now, with a world-destroying weapon in his hands, he was no longer just a single individual's power.

Possessing a weapon capable of destroying an entire planetary belt, how could he not have a second one? 

He would become a presence that everyone feared yet coveted, different from Jiang Heng. 

Jiang Heng's weapons were still theoretical; everyone contended for him, hoping he could create a weapon to deter other nations. Lin Su, on the other hand, had a real weapon in his possession. If he decided to drag all of humanity to extinction, no one could stop him.

They previously thought an individual's power is limited, however formidable, was just one among many in this chaotic world. But now it was different.

They realized some individuals could be powerful enough to change the world single-handedly.

"If I don't release him, will you still follow me?" The Leader of the Fire Scorpion’s eyes were bloodshot.

The subordinate did not answer, but the answer was obvious. They could be loyal, but they could also betray; they could serve this master or choose another group. No matter where they were, as long as they were alive, there was hope.

But if one person's selfish desires led to the extinction of humanity, it would be too laughable.

"Boss, it's not that we don't want to be loyal to you. If you don't release Lin Su, we will be condemned to death by the transit station, no, by everyone. Their power will utterly overwhelm us," said another few subordinates who walked in.

Humanity would not permit its own extinction. If someone showed such a tendency, everyone would unite as a formidable force. The Fire Scorpion groups' numbers were considerable, but they couldn't stand against billions of people.

"The person capable of creating such a weapon is not someone you can command at will," a subordinate said. "Please don't overestimate your control, or we have the right to replace you unanimously."

All of them held opposing views. In the end, the Leader of Fire Scorpion let out a bitter laugh and slumped her shoulders. "I'll let them go."

That man had asked for three days… He had calculated it all along.

After the tremors subsided, the Fire Scorpion member’s left hurriedly. Lin Su helped Tang up from the ground, casually pulling up a fallen chair and sitting down, seemingly unconcerned.

Tang smoothed his slightly disheveled long hair and asked, "Can you tell me what exactly happened now?"

"Of course," Lin Su replied, straightening his rumpled collar. "The group has been researching a new type of weapon. Three days ago, we launched it and tested it on a planet one light-year away. It seems the results were satisfactory."

"A test a light-year away that could affect us here?" Tang raised an eyebrow. "Wouldn’t that cause an entire star to explode?"

"In principle, the entire planetary belt should have been destroyed," Lin Su said nonchalantly.

Tang was speechless. "…What are you talking about?"

The power to destroy an entire planetary belt—if it hadn't been tested on a barren planet, none of them would have survived. The forces of nature are unstoppable, but this weapon was evidently a match for them.


But Lin Su wouldn't lie to him. He might joke about other things, but not about something this serious.

Tang couldn't bring himself to ask such questions. He stood there, dumbfounded, occasionally glancing at Lin Su and then looking away, as if he were examining some prehistoric creature. 

The sheer magnitude of that power was beyond his comprehension, making it difficult for him to maintain even a semblance of calm.

"If you have questions, just ask. Isn't it uncomfortable to hold them in?" Lin Su said with a smile.

Tang hesitated, then finally asked, "How did you do it? Can modern human energy support such massive destruction?"

"A great person once said, 'Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world,'" Lin Su said, taking Tang's hand. "The true strength of that weapon doesn't lie in the energy it contains but in its ability to serve as that fulcrum, converting the power of a star."

"What are you trying to achieve?" Tang asked, looking at their joined hands.

Lin Su's hands were warm and dry, with hardly any calluses, yet he could decide the fate of everyone with a mere conversation. He would become a great man, whether through destruction or protection.

To destroy a human-inhabited planet, he might not need to target it directly with the weapon; choosing the right distance and leveraging nearby stars could suffice.

"I want to give you an era of peace," Lin Su said, smiling. "This weapon is named 'Peace.'"

Tang's pupils dilated, and a wave of emotion surged through him. "What do you mean?"

"War destroys countless families, leaving many like you, alone and defenseless," Lin Su said, embracing him. "Without war, such situations would greatly decrease. People would grow up happy, and you wouldn't have to be on guard all the time. You could live like an ordinary person."

To set the world's rules, one needs immense strength. Being a businessman is ultimately unstable. In such chaotic times, one must aim to be the rule-maker.

Lin Su's voice had a unique tenderness. Tang nearly bit his tongue as he spoke, realizing once again how deeply he loved this man. Yet now he found he hadn't reached his limit.

How much more did Lin Su want to entangle his heart?

"You do so much for me. I don't know how to love you enough," Tang said, hugging him tightly. "I wish we could stay together forever."

"You can leave now…" the Leader of the Fire Scorpion group said as she entered, catching sight of Lin Su and Tang embracing and overhearing their conversation. Her hands, which had been hanging loosely, clenched into fists with an audible crack. "Your relationship is really something."

She had tried every means to obtain what she wanted, yet this man freely gave such a precious love to Tang. Despite her strength, this man stood at the pinnacle of the world, looking down on her with disdain. He didn't need to demand his release; everyone else would demand she let him go.

"Thanks for the hospitality," Lin Su said as he stood up, pulling Tang with him, and ignoring her subsequent remarks.

"Do you really think that leaving here means you'll achieve world peace?" the Scorpion said, biting her lip.

"That's my business," Lin Su replied, holding Tang's hand as they left.

Surrounded by others, they got into the car. This time, no one dared to stop them.

"Why didn't you let me kill that woman?" Tang asked, still feeling extreme disdain for the Leader of Fire Scorpion’s. The humiliation of having his lover threatened and separated couldn't be easily forgotten.

"If you want to live an ordinary life with me, you need to break the habit of killing people over every disagreement," Lin Su said, tugging playfully at Tang's long hair as one would with a girl's braid. "If you want to teach someone a lesson, you don't need to dirty your own hands."

Tang pulled his hair out of Lin Su's grasp. "Then how should I do it?"

"A stubborn leader is not suitable for the Fire Scorpion group," Lin Su said with a sneer. "When subordinates force a stubborn superior to change a deeply ingrained decision, do you think they fear retaliation from their boss?"

When the leadership and the subordinates are at odds, the Leader of the Fire Scorpion group will be isolated. She has made many enemies, and if she loses her position, her life will be worse than death. To protect her position, she will certainly strike at those who challenge her. 

Once she does, the conflict will intensify, accelerating her downfall. It's a vicious cycle.

“...” Tang stared at him for a moment. "You are so cunning."

He savored the phrase "borrowing a knife to kill," Lin Su appreciating the adjective. "I'll take that as a compliment from you," he remarked.

"I am complimenting you," Tang replied seriously. 

Lin Su could tell he was genuinely praising him, without any hint of sarcasm. "Who taught you how to use this phrase?" Lin Su asked.

"Luo Yue's mother," Tang replied. "Is there something wrong with that?"

The girl who spoke the harshest words with the gentlest tone? Lin Su vaguely recalled her. To raise such a daughter, her mother must be quite formidable.

"There's nothing wrong with that, but you might need to work on your vocabulary usage," Lin Su advised. "Complimenting someone requires finesse."

Tang shifted away from him slightly. "I don't want to read."

Lin Su couldn't fathom why Tang disliked reading so much. He only knew that the dense clusters of words on a page made him sleepy, more effective than sleeping pills. He had breathed a sigh of relief after finishing his mandatory literacy courses back in the day.

"How did you learn about technology and firearms without reading?" Lin Su chuckled at Tang's obvious desire to escape.

"I didn't learn those things just by glancing at them," Tang retorted.

"That's true," Lin Su nodded. Some people could easily pick up skills like driving without theoretical knowledge, while others might struggle even after reading extensively.

Just as Lin Su was about to say something, Tang abruptly cut him off.

"You are smart!" Tang exclaimed, demonstrating his unwavering resolve not to delve into books.

"Thanks for the compliment," Lin Su grinned, poking his nose. "You're really cute."

"Thanks for the compliment," Tang replied, taking the compliment to heart.

They needed to transfer through the Starport before leaving. However, he hadn't finished inspecting his holdings there, so he delayed his departure. No one dared provoke him now.

Abu's admiration for Lin Su reached new heights. "I was initially going to advise you to avoid the Fire Scorpio Group, but now, who needs to fear them?"

"Even without 'Peace,' Boss wouldn't avoid it," Cha Wei chimed in. "If he had chosen to run away when things got tough, the boss wouldn't have such a huge fortune."

"Are you saying I'm poor?" Abu retorted.

Cha Wei nodded knowingly. "You can't compare to Boss."

Abu was at a loss for words. How the hell was he supposed to argue with that?

The big bear(Tang) followed closely behind Lin Su, seemingly becoming more astute by the day.

With his formidable power, Lin Su's inspection of his holdings went smoothly. Even those who sought to meet with him did so politely, though Lin Su declined all invitations.

Some were curious about the secret of "Peace" and attempted to approach him, but even getting close was impossible. 

The specific reason? 

Tang had developed a penchant for sour candies recently and maintained the highest level of vigilance against anyone approaching, including Abu.

Abu: “...”. Seriously, even with my looks, Boss wouldn't take a liking to me.

Lin Su didn't stay long at the transit station. Within a few days, he heard that there was internal strife within the Fire Scorpio organization. The specifics were unclear, but it seemed their unity wasn't as strong as before.

Boarding the spacecraft, Lin Su reached out and pulled Tang aboard. His gentlemanly demeanor unwittingly attracted countless onlookers at the Starport.

"Earl Carl is so handsome!"

"A man as benevolent as him wouldn't joke about the fate of humanity."

"I heard he named the weapon 'Peace.' He must be a man of great compassion."

With the PR team working behind the scenes, public opinion had already begun to shift favorably towards "Peace." However, complete reversal would still take some time.

"I have a video conference to attend regarding matters at the transit station. Would you like to join?" Lin Su asked.

Tang shook his head; he wasn't particularly interested in the meeting.

"Then rest up a bit," Lin Su said, patting his cheek gently.

Since the announcement of "Peace," there had been no shortage of people attempting to assassinate Lin Su. Even with his heightened senses and constant vigilance, he felt weary at times. Tang was always there to ensure his safety, his spirit constantly on edge.

"Yeah," Tang grabbed his hand, surprising Lin Su with his determination. "Let's rest together."

Lin Su smirked. "Do you think I look tired?"

Tang nodded seriously. "Your health is important."

Lin Su leaned closer to Tang's lips and sniffed. "Hmm? It's not sour anymore, just sweet."

Pulling back, he looked into Tang's eyes. Tang had a hint of regret in his eyes that even he hadn't noticed, and replied softly, "It's only right."

Lin Su kissed him briefly on the lips, then took his hand and led him away. "Alright, let's rest together."

While Lin Su could manage his fatigue and avoid overworking himself, he couldn't neglect the care and concern of his beloved. In the secluded lounge onboard the spacecraft, Lin Su naturally held Tang as they slept. 

Their personal bodyguard took over the task of keeping watch. Tang, seemingly exhausted, rested his head on Lin Su's chest and fell into a peaceful sleep within moments.

Together, they slept soundly, enjoying a well-deserved rest.

When Tang woke up, Lin Su no longer felt sleepy. He carefully withdrew his arm and got up from the resting room, leaving Tang still sleeping.

"The meeting is all set. We can start in five minutes," his assistant informed Lin Su upon seeing him.

Lin Su nodded and turned towards the soundproof room. "Make sure the resting room isn't disturbed," he instructed.

"Understood," the assistant replied.

No one aboard the spacecraft dared to disturb the resting area. Approaching a sleeping assassin was extremely risky. While others might startle in a daze, an assassin's hands acted faster than their minds, eliminating any chance for regret with a swift strike.

On the spacecraft, everyone was occupied with their tasks, maintaining a quiet atmosphere. A person hurriedly approached the resting room with a tray of food. 

The bodyguard intercepted them, asking, "What's this for?"

The person chuckled, their voice slightly hoarse, a rather sinister scar on their face. "Boss asked me to send this over."

On the tray was a small bowl of strawberry ice cream, looking exceptionally sweet and delicious. 

Although it wasn't openly discussed, everyone knew privately that Tang had a liking for sweets. One could tell just by looking at the variety of candies always tucked in the boss's pockets.

Ice cream could easily melt, so the bodyguard used a device to test it for any drugs. "Okay, you can take it in," the bodyguard said after confirming it was safe.

As for appearances, everyone knew their boss hired based on ability and character, not looks. Just by looking at their colleague Abu, it was evident.

The person carried the tray into the room. Their initially harmless gaze suddenly turned sharp. 

Inside the dimly lit resting room, Tang, still groggy and faintly heard approaching footsteps.

It wasn't Lin Su; this person walked more lightly and never seemed as hurried as now.

Before the door was even knocked, the sound of it opening came from outside.

There should only be Lin Su's people on the spacecraft, yet Tang subconsciously reached for a blade, holding it against the person's neck as they entered. "What are you doing?" he demanded.

The person seemed startled, hoarsely explaining as they edged the tray forward, "Boss asked me to send ice cream over, he said not to disturb you."

The tray emitted a distinct sweet fragrance, causing Tang's expression to momentarily relax. He considered the look on the person's face, who despite being busy, hadn't forgotten to bring him a dessert.

However, Tang was a light sleeper. Would Lin Su allow someone to disturb him while he slept?

Just as Tang pondered this, the hand holding the person's neck suddenly gripped his wrist. He instinctively recoiled, but not before a powder was scattered towards him. Holding his breath was instinctive, but it was too late; some of the powder had already entered his nostrils, causing his legs to weaken and his vision to blur. Unconsciously, he half-knelt on the ground.

Most people wouldn't have such skill. Even among Lin Su's subordinates, their hands and feet wouldn't render someone defenseless at a moment's lapse of vigilance.

"Who are you?" Tang asked forcefully, keeping himself alert by pressing the blade against his leg.

The person casually placed the tray on the ground, lifted Tang's chin, and brushed aside their overgrown bangs. "You don't recognize me anymore? Take a good look, who do you think I am?"

The person's voice was hoarse, their eye horrifically scarred by some blunt object, and a gaping hole on the other side of their face seemed like something had been gouged out, leaving one eye filled with hatred.

"...The Leader of the Fire Scorpion group," Tang recognized her, "What are you doing... here?"

"I... I'm here to kill you," She chuckled slowly. Her figure was gaunt, her voice and appearance altered drastically in just a few days. "Since Lin Su can't possibly like me in my current state, what I can't have, you won't get either."

She was in a sorry state, lurking everywhere, chased by those who feared her. Every mention of Lin Su tormented her like a knife twisting in her heart. His tender treatment of the person before her, naming his weapon 'Peace,' created for him and for peace.

Such deep love made her jealous, almost wanting to destroy everything.

"You can't... kill me," Tang gripped her wrist. In the past, he could easily handle her, but now due to the effects of the drug, they were evenly matched.

She exerted force, but found this person, even if not agile, wasn't easy to deal with.

She suddenly flung Tang's hand away and he fell to the ground. However, he held onto the gun and aimed it straight at her. A flash of light grazed her arm, and the smell of blood filled the air.

"It seems the drug's effect on you is quite substantial," The former Leader of the Fire Scorpion group covered her arm. "I advise you not to shoot again, or I'll kill the people outside!"

Tang's vision was blurred, and he blinked hard but couldn't alleviate the effect. He had undergone anti-drug training before and learned inner strength techniques from Lin Su to expel toxins, but the leader of the Fire Scorpions was skilled.

Now, he could only buy time...

"If you kill them, it will only attract more people faster..." Tang struggled to suppress the trembling in his fingers. "And if you kill me, I will only... die... and not feel... your pain."

Death was the simplest option; living without hope was the most terrifying.

Her eyes gleamed, "That's not a bad idea. My face is ruined; Lin Su can never love me again. But if I ruin you, he probably won't even be able to swallow his food while looking at you, hehe..."

She seemed somewhat deranged in the dim environment, then drew a gun and pointed it at Tang. "Who do you think has the more accurate gun now? You should think about staying alive to see Lin Su again. If you die, you won't see him anymore. Drop the gun."

Tang didn't move, but footsteps and voices could be heard outside. "Ice cream delivered? He's a light sleeper; he wakes up when anyone approaches. Why would I deliver ice cream now?"

It was Lin Su's voice.

Tang's movement hesitated slightly. The Leader of the Fire Scorpion widened her eyes suddenly, disregarded Tang's gun, and charged forward. Her shoulder was pierced directly, but before Lin Su entered, she hooked her arm around Tang's neck and lifted him up from the ground, facing directly towards the direction of the door.

Lin Su took in the scene in an instant: the small assassin who should have been peacefully resting on the bed was now held by the throat, and the small resting room was filled with the scent of blood.

Abu followed closely behind Lin Su, and upon seeing the scene inside the room, he exclaimed in shock, "What... what's going on?"

Lin Su had thoroughly inspected the spaceship inside and out.

"The Leader of the Fire Scorpion's strength is stronger than yours. It's normal you didn't notice," Lin Su said calmly as he observed the scene inside the room. He showed no signs of panic, remaining as composed as ever, as if the person being held hostage by her wasn't his lover.

"He doesn't seem to love you as much as you think," The Leader of the Fire Scorpion tightened her grip around Tang's neck. The wound on her shoulder caused excruciating pain, but in moments like this, she felt a strange satisfaction.

"As an assassin, being held hostage by someone like you is his mistake," Lin Su assessed both of them. The smell of blood was strong, but Tang had no visible wounds on him. On the other hand, The Leader of the Fire Scorpion had more than two wounds, and the wound on her shoulder was particularly severe.

But the more desperate a person was, the more dangerous they became. People who weren't afraid to die would go as far as dragging someone else down with them.

"You're quite calm. Why? Aren't you afraid I'll kill him?" The Leader of the Fire Scorpion said somewhat manically. "If I kill him, will you be heartbroken? Will you lose your composure? Will you regret how you treated me before? Will you always remember me as the person who killed your lover?"

Lin Su responded with a rhetorical question instead of answering directly. Before she could say anything, he continued, "Do you know why I like Tang? Because he's strong enough to stand up on his own no matter what circumstances he's in. But you're different. You lost your position, lost your looks, and now you're hysterical, easily defeated, and now you have the person you hate the most. What makes you think I should remember you? Remember you for what? Your current ugly appearance? Or this pitiful look as if begging for my pity?"

Abu stood dumbfounded nearby. "Holy shit, boss, you're seriously provoking her to the max. If she really kills Tang, you'll regret it for sure."

The Leader of the Fire Scorpion indeed became more frenzied. "What do you know?! You know nothing! Do you know what they did to me? I have no way out now!!! I love you, I can give my life for you. Why can't you love me?"

"I only know that as long as I'm alive, there's hope. While there's life, there's hope," Lin Su replied calmly, spreading his hands. "If you insist on making me suffer, I can't stop you. You're free to act."

Tang looked at him in disbelief. His mind was already unclear, and now his vision was becoming blurry.

The Leader of the Fire Scorpion wanted to see him suffer and weep, to witness his extreme pain. But Lin Su showed no such emotions. He simply... didn't care about this person as she had imagined.

Men, they were all the same. But he... didn't love him.

"Haha... hahaha..." The Leader of the Fire Scorpion tightened her grip around Tang's neck. "He doesn't love you. Can't you see? You're pitiful too. If I don't kill you today, maybe one day he'll despise you too. How pathetic. Haha... Lin Su, even if you don't love him that much, you must be reluctant to lose his face, right? You should want to make up for your investment in this beauty. I want you to send me away and give me money. Give me these things, and I'll let him go."

She grimaced, staring straight at Lin Su as if she would take both him and Tang down with her if he didn't comply.

"Prepare the spacecraft to leave here and give her 10 billion credits," Lin Su said. "What else do you want?"

"I want this spacecraft you're using. You can use another one to leave. Once you're gone, I'll let him go," Snake Scorpion replied.

"Agreed," Lin Su promised.

They traveled with a battleship accompanying them all the way. However, the battleship was equipped with various weapons and not suitable for a comfortable journey. When they arrived nearby, the battleship docked directly with the spacecraft, and the connecting passage was established in just over ten minutes.

Lin Su stood at the passage. Everyone from the spacecraft had already disembarked, leaving only a few people.

Lin Su tossed the spacecraft's controller to her. "You can release him now."

The Former Leader of the Fire Scorpion looked at the controller on the ground, then turned her gaze to Lin Su. "I really do love you."

"I believe you," Lin Su smiled.

The Former Leader of the Fire Scorpion's gaze deepened as she suddenly tightened her grip on Tang's neck. A scream of agony followed, and a hand fell to the ground.

Tang broke free, wiping the splattered blood from his cheek. Just as he was about to deliver a fatal blow to The Former Leader of the Fire Scorpion, she disregarded her severed hand and dashed towards Lin Su. "You're deceiving me after all!!"

The sound of dripping water was particularly clear at this moment.

“Watch out!” Even though Tang had partially neutralized the effects of the drug, his movements were not as agile as when he was at his best.

Instinctively, he used his body to shield Lin Su, who promptly kicked The Former Leader of the Fire Scorpion. However, despite spitting blood, The Former Leader of the Fire Scorpion tightly grasped onto Tang’s long hair, exerting all her strength not to let go. “You have to... die with me, even if it’s on the road to the underworld…”

Tang immediately retaliated, cutting off the end of his hair with a dagger. Together with Lin Su’s kick that sent them tumbling into the battleship, The Former Leader of the Fire Scorpion fell into the spacecraft, which instantly erupted in a deafening explosion. Flames almost spread to the interior of the battleship.

The battleship’s doors were forcibly closed, and the aftermath of the explosion slowly dissipated. Lin Su propped himself up from Tang’s body and chuckled. “You actually trusted me.”

“I knew you were buying time for me,” Tang replied, momentarily incredulous but quickly realizing that their actions were necessary under the circumstances.

The Former Leader of the Fire Scorpion wouldn’t be unprepared, evidenced by the bomb on her body. Once detonated, everyone on the spacecraft would perish. They couldn’t afford to provoke her further; allowing her to self-destruct was not an option, so Tang knew he had to save himself.

“We seem to be on the same wavelength,” Lin Su said as he helped Tang to his feet, noticing the rather messy cut in Tang’s hair.

“Were you worried about me falling into that situation?” Tang asked, leaning on Lin Su’s arm.

Despite knowing what he was about to do, the man remained unusually calm.

“I was worried sick,” Lin Su flattened his palm, showing five crescent-shaped blood marks. “But I knew if I let my worry take over, you might have been lost. Knowing you're safe put my mind at ease, though it's a pity about your hair.”

His long hair was like silk, a testament to how much Lin Su cherished it. Cutting it without hesitation was not something he took lightly, and now he might regret it.

“It’s not a pity at all,” Tang said, touching his palm gently. “Hair can grow back. Cutting it saved your life. It was worth it.”

Lin Su reached up and touched the tips of Tang’s hair. “I won't let you down.”

Assassins aren't suited for long hair—it's a burden and a potential giveaway. One reason Tang enjoyed certain privileges was his strength. Another reason, known only to a few, was something Lin Yan once mentioned: Tang's mother had a mane of glossy black hair. Tang's memories of his family were blurry, but that detail lingered. 

He never spoke of it, but traces remained.

Tang raised his eyes and said. “Yeah, I trust you.”

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