It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 77


IETSTSMLARA | Empress Dowager at Fifteen | 77

Three days later, Lu Yang returned to report the follow-up on the investigation to Lin Su. "Young Master, the usual boy who washes the dishes and cups was temporarily replaced. By the time we arrived, the person had already fled. I'm sorry, Young Master, we couldn't catch the culprit."

"And the follow-up?" Lin Su asked, putting down his pen and tidying the papers on his desk.

Lu Yang clasped his fists and said, "I've already sent people to track him down. If they find him, they will eliminate him without hesitation."

Lin Su looked at him intently, and just as Lu Yang began to feel something was amiss, Lin Su spoke. "Master Lu, has everyone within the courtyard been thoroughly checked? I want a detailed registry of each person’s background and family circumstances. I don't want to risk someone easily slipping in to take my life. What do you think?"

Although his tone was calm and straightforward, Lu Yang realized that Lin Su wasn't asking for updates on the culprit but was concerned about future security.

This oversight was his responsibility, and instead of reprimanding, the young master had calmly pointed it out, making him feel a bit ashamed.

"I... I will ensure this matter is handled properly," Lu Yang said. "Young Master..."

Lin Su stood up and said, "Thank you, Master Lu. I need to go out in the next few days, so please assign two skilled guards to protect me."

"What is the purpose of your outing, Young Master?" Lu Yang inquired.

Previously, he would have worried about Lin Su frequenting brothels and neglecting his duties. Now, however, he felt a newfound caution.

As a subordinate, he shouldn't casually question his master’s movements, but as Lin Su’s former mentor and an elder, he had some right to ask.

"I'm going to buy some shops and start a business," Lin Su replied.

To raise an army, money is essential. Without great wealth, how can one hope to conquer in a chaotic world?

Lu Yang stretched out his arm to block Lin Su's path. "Young Master, you bear the heavy responsibility of restoring the Qi Dynasty. How can you casually venture into business? If you enter this path, you’ll live a life of mediocrity and never achieve great things. Please reconsider."

The belief that commerce was a lowly pursuit seemed common in this era. Minds were often fixed by the times they lived in, even among those who had received advanced education. Such rigidity was not uncommon.

This wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. Those educated to be loyal to the throne were indeed unwavering in their devotion, serving their former master for generations.

Lin Su stopped and sat down beside him. "Since Master Lu speaks of restoring the Qi Dynasty, you must have a clear plan. How do you intend to accomplish this?"

"Naturally, the young master must master both civil and military skills, leading us to overthrow the traitors," Lu Yang replied, seeing that Lin Su was not as impatient as he used to be when discussing serious matters.

"And how will I overthrow these traitors? By leading the charge and killing them all myself?" Lin Su sighed. "Master Lu, you have trained in martial arts your entire life, yet even you cannot stroll through the palace as if it were a garden. There are countless royal members across the five nations. To kill every last one of them in a lifetime is impossible."

Lu Yang's face was resolute. 【If the young master cannot achieve this, then our descendants will carry on the mission, generation after generation, without end.】

Lin Su: "..."

System 06 sensed his speechlessness. [He probably read 'The Foolish Old Man Removes the Mountains' too many times.]

While the Foolish Old Man was determined, there was no guarantee his descendants would share his resolve. 

A life bound by such a narrow mission would be wasted, and the ending where a deity moved the mountains was more satirical than inspiring.

It seemed as though he was persevering, but in reality, he was still dreaming of unrealistic shortcuts, wanting to achieve his goals without the necessary effort. This man’s thinking was limited, but he could still be useful—as long as he listened to Lin Su.

"What if I can achieve it in this generation?" Lin Su smiled, not irritated by Lu Yang’s objections.

"And how do you plan to achieve this? Through business?" Lu Yang asked.

Lin Su observed him for a moment before replying, "To revive the great dynasty, we need an army, wealth, and prestige. Without money, how can we sustain an army? Without prestige, how can we claim legitimacy? Without an army, we cannot even hold a single city, let alone the entire kingdom. Scholars have their ways, but a rebellion led by scholars without an army will never succeed. Throughout history, all regime changes have been accomplished through military conquest. Have you ever seen a dynasty change because an assassin killed the emperor?"

His calm yet pointed questions left Lu Yang speechless.

Lu Yang harbored great ambitions, but achieving wealth and building an army would take generations.

"The young master speaks the truth," Lu Yang finally admitted.

"There is no old dynasty now, but I am the master and you are the servant. You can inquire and give advice about my decisions, but you cannot interfere or obstruct them. Otherwise, Master Lu, you might as well declare yourself the master instead of calling me the young master," Lin Su said, looking up at him.

Lu Yang quickly clasped his fists. "I have no such treacherous intentions. It’s just that your recent words and actions are different from before..."

"In the past, I feared you as if you were a tiger and I suppressed my true self. Now, if I do not strive to improve, I won’t even be able to keep my life. Naturally, I have to share my thoughts with you," Lin Su stood up. "If you agree, we can still work together for great things. If not, the remaining wealth from the previous dynasty can be divided in half, with one half left for you to live out your days in comfort."

He was so decisive, forcing Lu Yang to make a decision. 

Lu Ning, listening outside the door, was almost holding his breath. It had been three days, and his brother still hadn't recovered from the shock?

"As an old servant, naturally, I follow the orders of the Young Master. Please, Young Master, give your instructions," Lu Yang bowed his head in submission.

The master is the master, and the servant is the servant. Without the master, what grand enterprise could they hope for? They wouldn't even have righteousness on their side.

"Send me two skilled and obedient men," Lin Su adjusted his sleeves and stood up. He took the sword from the table and headed out, "We depart after one cup of tea."

He was now acting with some swiftness and decisiveness. Lu Yang responded affirmatively and quickly went to make arrangements.

After Lu Yang left, Lu Ning peeked in and asked, "Can I go with you? My skills are still pretty good."

"If you go, this trip would indeed turn into a farce. If you don't want to be scolded by Master, stay put and don't run around," Lin Su said with a smile.

Lu Yang prepared the money and men, and even as he watched Lin Su get into the carriage, he still felt somewhat uneasy. But remembering what Lin Su had said earlier, he swallowed his words.

For Lin Su, doing business was second nature. If you give people what they want, you will be led by the nose. But if you sell what you have, and they scramble for it, then you can control the market.

Initially, no one was interested in the shop he opened. But in just three days, it became bustling with activity, with customers coming in like clouds, astonishing the Lu family father and son.

"Who would have thought the Young Master had such a knack for making money? I was indeed narrow-minded," Lu Yang felt a slight sense of relief seeing the increase in assets.

“This must be a stroke of luck,” Lü Ning still couldn't believe it. The brother who used to care only about eating, drinking, and having fun was now making money. He used to talk about everything with Lin Su, but now he felt a strange sense of awe, making him feel less at ease than before.

“Don’t talk behind the Young Master’s back. He is the master, and we are the servants. Orders are given, and we follow. Such lack of respect for hierarchy will bring trouble, and then we will see how I’ll deal with you,” Lu Yang scolded.

Lu Ning lowered his head and responded with a yes, but secretly rolled his eyes.

In his view, the Qi Dynasty was long gone. What master-servant hierarchy was there to talk about? It was just his father who loved dreaming, which was extremely boring.

The shop Lin Su took over was profitable, and with income in hand, he expanded his operations. In just three months, his shop had become famous within the borders of the Chen Kingdom. It was rumored that even the princess in the palace used items from his shop, making it even more popular.

With a successful shop, it was natural to recruit servants. These servants were all trained by Lin Su himself, and each one was quick and efficient.

“When assisting Jiaoyou County, don’t make a big show of it. Build more tile huts that can shield from wind and rain. Don’t worry about the costs for this matter,” Lin Su instructed the newly recruited guard beside him.

“Yes, thank you, Young Master.” The guard left with joy, holding Lin Su’s order in his hand. As he passed by, he didn’t even glance at Lu Ning standing at the door.

Lu Ning attempted to start a conversation, but someone hurriedly knocked on the door and entered respectfully, "Young Master, this is the situation in Luobei City, please have a look."

Lin Su took the document and placed it on the desk, saying, "I will look at it later, you may leave now."

The person bowed respectfully and left quickly, not even glancing at Lu Ning, which made him quite frustrated. Seeing Lin Su's busy movements, Lu Ning sighed and lost the courage to step in and interrupt.

He felt as if his good brother had abandoned him.

【He seems a bit pitiful,】 observed System 06.

【His brother is no longer here,】 Lin Su replied.

The reason he was here was that the original owner of this body had died in some unknown conspiracy.

People have to move forward. When one person has already moved ahead, and the other stubbornly stays behind, it's not others' fault if they get left behind.

It’s not that Lin Su didn't want friends, but true friendship was about mutual understanding, not quantity. Besides, with System 06 as his partner, it was necessary to let go when needed.

Lin Su was adept at business. Initially, Lu Yang knew how much he was earning, but later, he no longer had the authority to inquire. 

This was because many new servants had been added around the Young Master, who were more capable, obedient, and efficient. Compared to Lu Ning, who was rebellious and less obedient, they were worlds apart.

However, despite having new people around, Lin Su never forgot his master. Lu Yang still handled the training and management of the guards, though the methods had to follow Lin Su's guidelines.

Everything seemed to suddenly fall into place. The daunting task of restoration, which once felt like groping in the dark, now seemed to have a glimmer of hope.

Lin Su's business expansion had spread directly to other countries. Although entering these markets required paying heavy taxes, he had managed to establish a firm foothold in both the Lian and Li Kingdoms. 

His travel, though not luxurious to the point of fine carriages and horses, was no longer as shabby as before. Each of the five countries had different customs, and there were no specific regulations for merchants' attire. With the option to wear fine silks, Lin Su naturally would not choose uncomfortable hemp garments.

Dressed in a moon-white robe with a subtly luxurious jade pendant at his waist, its tassels swaying gently as he walked, Lin Su's appearance had significantly changed in just over half a year. 

Lu Ning, seeing him get out of the carriage, instinctively raised his arm to support him, saying, "Young Master, everything for this trip has been arranged."

Lu Ning, who had been lingering in the past, felt increasingly distant from Lin Su. Watching Lin Su's business grow and his guests come in droves, Lu Ning initially thought poorly of him. 

However, when others envied his close relationship with Lin Su, he suddenly woke up.

Lin Su was no longer the same. If Lu Ning wanted to keep up with him, he couldn't remain stagnant. 

Even his father said they couldn't view the Young Master with the same old perspective. Lin Su would cherish old retainers, but he would only use capable and ambitious people. If Lu Ning remained stuck in the past, he would inevitably be left behind.

"Well done. This is the last city in the Li Kingdom. Tomorrow, we head to the Southern Kingdom. Rest well today," Lin Su said, patting his shoulder with a smile.

Lu Ning, trained by Lu Yang, had endured much punishment and scolding, but his martial foundation was solid. His ability to adapt his mindset made Lin Su willing to employ him.

As Lin Su entered the inn, a servant eagerly welcomed him, "Sir, you must be tired from your journey. Hot water and food have been prepared. Please let us know if you need anything."

The people working as attendants in the inn were sharp-eyed and observant, naturally recognizing that Lin Su's group was either wealthy or noble, and they were exceedingly eager to serve.

Lin Su had indeed endured a weary journey by boat and carriage. In this world, there were servants for every aspect of life, but transportation was slower despite efforts to use shock-absorbing measures on carriages. It couldn't match the efficiency of the technological age.

However, every era had its advantages: the technological age had speed, while this era had a slower pace that allowed people to remain calm and patient, avoiding unnecessary haste and anxiety.

The new Emperor of the Southern Kingdom had ascended the throne six months ago and was still in mourning. During this period, he couldn't listen to music, watch dances, or hold lavish banquets.

According to the timeline, the Emperor would take an interest in the main character, Kang Boyu, at the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet after January and then bring him into the palace. To accomplish the second task, they needed to go to the Southern Kingdom to assess the situation and meet the person who’s fate he had to change.

After resting for a night, Lin Su's group set off the next day in a grand manner.

In troubled times, refugees were numerous, and bandits ranked second. Lin Su's conspicuous wealth and guarded goods made them a target for many.

Lu Ning handled a few groups of small bandits effortlessly, but shortly after crossing the border into the Li Kingdom, they were surrounded by hundreds of armed men.

Each person in the encircling group held a knife, exuding a fierce and bloodthirsty aura, indicating they had taken many lives.

"Young Master, it seems we've encountered the mountain bandits of Lingshan County. They say these bandits are the most ruthless. Once they capture merchants, men or women, they say they disappear without a trace," Lu Ning leaned in close to the carriage window and said.

Facing these individuals emitting such a strong aura of brutality, it seemed unlikely they would get away unscathed today.

"The leader of the Lingshan County bandits seems to be called Gui Jianchou," Lin Su mused thoughtfully.

Lu Ning nodded repeatedly, "Exactly, Gui Jianchou. It's said that the Southern Kingdom sent many experts to deal with him, but they were all directly chopped up by him. He even eats human flesh."

"Don't pay too much attention to rumors. Focus more on gathering intelligence," Lin Su chuckled lightly, surveying the men who were nearly naked from the waist up through the carriage window. They were covered in numerous scars, some in critical areas, presenting a fearsome sight.

"Will you get off yourselves and deliver the goods, or should I chop you up first?" Gui Jianchou spoke roughly, yet without immediately resorting to violence.

From the intelligence Lin Su had gathered, this man was extremely bold and loved to eat large quantities of meat and drink. While he had a reputation for brutality due to his ruthless methods, rumors of cannibalism were likely exaggerated.

Realizing his mistake, Lu Ning chuckled awkwardly, "I've been looking into this recently, but haven't come across this part yet. But what should we do now? I'm afraid we can't defeat him."

The man clearly had formidable martial skills, and while Lu Ning was not weak himself, the odds of winning were slim.

Lin Su didn't bother with the wild rumors. Instead, he opened the carriage door and stood up, declaring, "I've long heard of Gui Jianchou's reputation. Now that I see him, it's clear his reputation is well-deserved."

Lu Ning: "..."

How did it come to this?!

The mountain bandits were clad in rough cotton and linen, some wearing makeshift armor that appeared ragged and worn. 

In contrast, Lin Su was dressed in fine silk and satin, with a valuable jade pendant at his waist, presenting two starkly different images.

"And who might you be?" Gui Jianchou squinted his eyes.

"I am Lin Su," Lin Su replied with a smile.

"A merchant? You look more like a young nobleman," whispered one of the bandits.

"Yeah, if we bring him back, those old hags will go crazy," another bandit murmured.

Gui Jianchou spoke again, "So you're Lin Su. Judging from your silk attire, it seems you've collected quite a bit from the common folk. You look handsome, it's a pity. How do you want to die?"

"I, Lin Su, do not wish to die. Rather, I wish to live and take you along," Lin Su chuckled. "You didn't rush in to attack right away, you must care for your men. I respect heroes and value their talents. May we have a word?"

"You want to recruit me?" Gui Jianchou asked bluntly.

Lin Su bowed slightly, "Indeed, I have such intentions. It all depends on whether you're willing to give me this opportunity."

Achieving great deeds often requires sacrifices. A general with strong martial skills who also values his soldiers would undoubtedly be a great asset.

Their eyes locked, and Lin Su didn't flinch. Gui Jianchou, rubbing the handle of his knife, said, "Then come with me."

Lin Su dismounted without hesitation and mounted a horse. Several guards called out anxiously, "Young Master!"

"Young Master, you mustn't!"

"It could be dangerous to go alone like this."

"Are you brave enough?" Gui Jianchou turned his horse around and looked back.

Lin Su spurred his horse forward confidently, "Why wouldn't I be?"

In the tiger's den, how can one catch tiger cubs? Without the courage to venture into danger alone, how can one talk about achieving greatness? With these thoughts, the two men swiftly passed through the crowd, racing ahead side by side, Lin Su's horse keeping pace flawlessly.

"Great riding skills!" complimented one of the bandits.

However, with both their leaders gone, the remaining bandits were left in an awkward standoff.

For Lin Su, convincing someone was not difficult as long as he seized upon their weakest spot. Gui Jianchou sped ahead, accelerating all the way. 

Yet Lin Su followed closely behind without missing a beat. It wasn't until they reached a treacherous stretch of rapids that Gui Jianchou, seeming cumbersome, suddenly wheeled around. 

He dismounted swiftly, wielding his large blade directly at Lin Su. Using the momentum of his dismount, if Lin Su couldn't block, his head would surely fly.

Without dodging or avoiding, Lin Su casually picked up a branch from the roadside and met Gui Jianchou head-on. Gui Jianchou's face twisted in disdain, but the next moment, the clash of metal rang out, and Gui Jianchou's arm went numb from the impact.

With his other hand, Lin Su swiftly grabbed Gui Jianchou's momentarily loosened blade, reversed it, and pressed it against Gui Jianchou’s neck, forcing him to kneel.

"You know martial arts!" Gui Jianchou tilted his head slightly, looking at the blade at his neck.

"If I didn't know, how would I dare to come with you," Lin Su looked down at him, previously wearing a friendly smile, now with a hint of killing intent.

If he didn't know martial arts, he would have been long dead by now. This person really intended to kill him.

"Now that I am in your hands, whether you kill me or not, it's up to you," Gui Jianchou said, tilting his neck.

"When I received information about you before, I thought you were a person of high principles, who would seek a good future for the elderly and infirm in the mountain stronghold, rather than spending your whole life as a bandit, enduring the scorn of others. You refused recruitment not because you looked down on those people, but because you didn't see an opportunity to accept. 

However, you are so impulsive and leave no room for retreat, which does not fit well with my plans." Lin Su withdrew the knife from his neck and threw it to the ground near him. "For someone like you, I find it beneath me to dirty my hands by killing you."

The blade touched the ground with a heavy sound. Lin Su turned around to fetch his horse, preparing to leave, but Gui Jianchou spoke up: "What can you offer me? Isn't it just making my brothers fight and protect you?"

Lin Su sat on his horse and chuckled, "To obtain anything, you always have to give something in return. There are no free lunches in this world. If you want something, you have to seize it with your own hands."

Soldiers enlist for the sake of protecting their families. In this world, achieving peace without shedding a drop of blood is practically an impossible dream.

“What do you want?” Gui Jianchou grabbed his reins, asking persistently.

Those who came to recruit were either civil officials who could easily topple hundreds with a single move, or his underlings who were defeated even by him. What could they talk about recruiting for?

Only this person, clearly capable of ending his life with a single move, spared him instead.

If he forcefully recruited him, Gui Jianchou would look down on him. But this man said he couldn't do it, dismissing him with disdain. He just wanted to prove his own abilities.

“To bring peace to this chaotic world, to ensure the people's safety,” Lin Su replied.

This statement held some truth, but mostly he just wanted to live peacefully to old age. Who wouldn't prefer living in an era of peace and prosperity?

With favorable circumstances and abilities already in place, why not strive to elevate oneself?

“Aren't you a merchant?” Gui Jianchou pointed out the issue.

“Since ancient times, there have been many emperors from commoner origins, and even the Five Dynasties rose from such beginnings. Heroes are not judged by their origins, but by whether they desire it,” Lin Su turned his horse and swiftly departed.

Gui Jianchou stood quietly behind for a long time, suddenly roaring, “I’ll do it!”

Most people prefer to live peacefully rather than become infamous outlaws risking their lives and morality.

When they departed for the time it takes an incense stick to burn, Lin Su returned first on horseback, calmly crossing through the crowd with effortless movements and fluttering robes, clearly unconcerned.

The bandits who were originally at a standoff anxiously asked, "Where's our leader?!"

“What have you done to our leader?” A group of people pressed forward, but the sound of hooves echoed from a distance. 

Gui Jianchou's voice carried urgency, "Do not disrespect your master!"

With a roar, everyone except Lin Su looked at him in surprise. When Gui Jianchou arrived and dismounted, he tightened the reins and knelt directly in front of Lin Su, bowing with clasped fists, "Please accept me, young master."

Some even dropped the knives they were holding. The bandits wondered: Did this man bewitch our leader? 

Lin Su's guards also wondered: Has the young master bewitched this man?

Lu Ning felt like his jaw might drop to the ground. How did this recruitment succeed so quickly?

"I only accept those who know when to advance and when to retreat," Lin Su said, looking at him. "Can you control your impulses?"

"I'm a rough man, not familiar with those refined rituals, but please instruct me, young master," Gui Jianchou replied.

Lin Su looked down at him, then after a while, he helped him up from the ground. "Since you've pledged allegiance like this, I will ensure your family and relatives are taken care of, so they won't suffer hunger."

In this era, merchants weren't necessarily wealthy, and even if they robbed the rich to help the poor, their attire revealed their hardships. If they dared to plunder aristocrats, any country would likely send troops to suppress them. Lin Su's promise reassured Gui Jianchou of his sincerity even more. "Thank you, young master."

Lin Su smiled and said, "It's only right."

"I have hundreds of brothers. Would the young master consider accepting them too?" Gui Jianchou asked.

"Are they willing to follow you?" Lin Su asked.

Gui Jianchou nodded. "Of course they are willing. We live and die together."

"I only accept those who are physically fit. All those who are injured or disabled..." Lin Su's gaze swept over the bandits, meeting their guarded looks. "The injured and disabled will stay at home, treated equally with their families, and we will also take care of the women and children."

"Thank you, young master!" Gui Jianchou was initially anxious, but now he felt a sense of gratitude.

Lin Su and his group were welcomed into the stronghold. Seeing the low houses and barren fields, they realized this place had been avoided due to the fierce bandits. Without Lin Su's arrival, they might have truly faced starvation.

On the table, the offered meal had little oil and consisted solely of green vegetables. Lin Su believed this was the best they could offer.

"Go and bring the rice and flour from the carts to distribute among everyone," Lin Su ordered.

Upon hearing this, the people of the stronghold, previously anxious, turned joyful. They thanked Lin Su and lined up to receive their portions of rice and flour. Lu Ning even brought a bag of fruits. Lin Su took out an apple and handed it to a little girl who was biting her finger while looking at him.

The girl looked at him, then glanced at her mother for confirmation before taking the apple. She looked up at Lin Su and said, "Thank you, big brother."

"You're welcome," Lin Su smiled.

The girl took a few bites of the apple and suddenly asked, "Big brother, you're handsome. When Man’er grows up, can I marry you?"

The people in the stronghold were stunned, then burst into laughter. "Indeed, young master is much better looking than us old rough men. No wonder Man’er likes him!"

"Don't blame the young master, it's just a child's innocent words," Gui Jianchou tried to joke, but he remembered Lin Su's status and restrained himself.

"It's alright," Lin Su ruffled the girl's braided hair. "You're still young now. When you grow up, you can find a husband then."

“But of all the people I've ever seen, you're the most handsome,” the little girl continued. “And you don't speak in a rough manner. If you dislike my background, I wouldn't mind being a concubine for you.”

【Host, this child seems to judge people by their appearance just like you do.】System 06 commented.

The first sentence was harmless enough, but the last one caused her mother's expression to change. Regardless of her child's origin, genuine love wouldn't seek to make her a concubine, a lower status.

Lin Su chuckled, “I don't dislike you. But if I were to give my heart to someone, it would be for a lifetime, exclusively. I'd rather marry a poor woman than make a rich one a concubine. Whether you like handsome men like me now or someone else in the future, never belittle yourself. Seek someone who will cherish you for a lifetime.”

His approach to the child differed from how he dealt with Gui Jianchou, his gentle persuasion leaving both the child and her mother moved. “Thank you for your advice, kind sir,” the latter said.

【A lifetime, exclusively?】 System 06 was somewhat puzzled.

Lin Su smiled, 【Indeed, a lifetime, exclusively. What's wrong with that?】

System 06 couldn't find anything wrong with that.

This was just a small incident, yet it greatly endeared Lin Su to the children and women here. Lin Su's expensive attire and refined demeanor stood in stark contrast to the rough ways of the stronghold's residents. 

Accustomed to the domineering manner of high officials' children, they initially felt uneasy about Lin Su's approachability. However, after only three days of organizing and provisioning, the people here had come to highly respect Lin Su. He not only brought food and new farming techniques but also won their trust with his modesty and competence, rather than arrogance.

Lu Ning was truly impressed this time. He imagined if his father were here, he would probably praise this young master extensively and then scold him thoroughly.

Damn it, they had endured hardships together in the past, but now he was the only one left receiving □□, and even the little girls in the stronghold preferred the young master over him. 

Everyone seemed to revolve around the young master now. Thinking about it made him feel so unlucky.

As they were about to depart, Lin Su opened the carriage window and looked at Lu Ning's downcast face. "What's wrong?" he asked.

Lu Ning quickly regained his composure. "Nothing, you don't need to worry, young master!"

"Well, if we succeed in the future, I'll arrange a virtuous wife for you, rest assured," Lin Su smiled and closed the window.

Lu Ning suddenly felt like his mouth was about to split from ear to ear. "Hey, what you said, I'm not following you for the sake of having a virtuous wife."

He felt that their young master was too good at captivating people's hearts. He... was willingly captivated!

In the southern capital of Nanguo, known as Mingjing, it was much more prosperous than other places, bustling with pedestrians on the streets and devoid of the famine seen elsewhere.

Each country had its own distinct style: Liguo favored white, with elaborate and heavy clothing, while Nanguo preferred simplicity, often in shades of blue and green, with light and flowing garments.

Lin Su naturally adapted to the local customs. Despite claiming to be a merchant, he behaved more like a scholar. He openly displayed his martial arts skills in Mingjing, boldly and publicly. Within just a few days, he had already opened over a dozen shops.

If he were any other merchant, he would have sold ordinary goods, far inferior to those supplied to the imperial court. However, Lin Su's goods were different from those of other merchants.

After the late emperor's passing, with the empress dowager still in the palace, the new emperor ascended the throne and the competition among the palace concubines intensified. 

In a place where women gathered, attire and adornments became a focal point of comparison—whose dress was more elegant, whose accessories were more exquisite. 

Lin Su's merchandise stood out as the finest available, each hairpin and ornament unique, with only one of each design sold and no duplicates, making them highly sought after.

Even if others attempted to replicate them, they couldn't capture the intricate details, especially with the engraved character 'Lin' subtly placed on a corner of each piece. In the palace where every detail mattered, no one wanted to wear imitations and risk being mocked.

Lin Su's previous shops in the other four countries had already garnered attention from palace concubines, who had to obtain his goods from afar. Now that his shops had opened in the bustling Mingjing City, the competitive atmosphere among the palace women escalated to new heights.

"You've been wearing a very exquisite hairpin recently," Emperor Yuanhe remarked. As a newly enthroned emperor, he exuded vigor and authority, adorned in dragon robes that commanded respect across the realm. Despite his youth and handsomeness, the palace concubines were eager to win his favor through their appearance and demeanor alone.

"It seems to have a subtle fragrance, unlike anything from the palace," he continued, praising the concubine whose hairpin had caught his attention.

Blushing with pride, the concubine rose and gracefully explained, "This is a new design from the Treasures Pavilion outside the palace. It conceals a small compartment that holds a fragrant essence which lasts for a long time."

"Let me have a closer look," Emperor Yuanhe beckoned.

Eager to please the emperor, the concubine approached and delicately removed the hairpin from her hair, presenting it to him. He lifted it to his nose and sniffed, nodding appreciatively. "Indeed, the fragrance is subtle yet enduring, unlike typical spices."

"Indeed, the fragrance is intriguing. Have you consulted the imperial physicians about it? In these times, anything scented might conceal something else," a concubine remarked with a handkerchief pressed delicately to her nose, smiling.

Emperor Yuanhe glanced over at her, then turned to the concubine presenting the hairpin. "Have you had the imperial physicians examine it? These days, one can never be too careful with scented items."

The concubine who offered the hairpin replied gracefully, "Of course, Your Majesty. The imperial physicians have examined it thoroughly. They confirmed it contains only the essence of fresh flowers and fragrant wood, with no harmful substances. They even mentioned its potential benefits for one's vitality and spirit if worn regularly."

"A fine item like this must be quite costly," Emperor Yuanhe commented.

The concubine chuckled lightly, "Your Majesty jests. My status is low, and my monthly allowance is modest. This hairpin costs only a hundred taels of silver, it’s nothing compared to the treasures in the palace."

Although Emperor Yuanhe wasn't directly involved in procurement matters, he understood the significant expenses incurred by women in the palace for silks, jewels, and hairpins. Even a casually awarded hairpin could easily cost a hundred taels, and not all were as exquisite as this one. Now, for such a modest price, they had found something so exquisite, which underscored the palace's inefficiency.

"If the concubines enjoy such items, we could allocate a portion of palace funds to the Treasures Pavilion," Emperor Yuanhe suggested, turning to the Empress sitting beside him.

"I will obey Your Majesty's judgment," the Empress replied meekly.

With the Emperor's endorsement, the trend of acquiring goods from the Treasures Pavilion within the palace grew stronger. What the palace ladies wore quickly became the fashion among the consorts and court ladies, greatly boosting the prestige of the Treasures Pavilion in Mingjing City.

The Taihe Palace was where the Empress Dowager resided. Emperor Yuanhe, once a mere illegitimate son, had faced challenges before ascending the throne. Back then, the young Empress, barely sixteen, had helped him navigate through some difficult times with her kindness. 

Now, as the new emperor, he showed great filial piety and respect to the Empress Dowager, who was just turning sixteen. No one dared to disrespect her within the palace.

The court procurement naturally included a portion for the Taihe Palace, but the hairpins and hair ornaments brought were all in masculine styles.

"Your Majesty, I heard these are the latest hairpins from the Treasures Pavilion, very fashionable. Would Your Majesty like to try them?" A palace maid approached the window with a tray.

The room was bright and tidy, with a bed and a young man dressed in luxurious jade-white attire sitting there, quietly gazing at the gardenia flowers outside. His features were delicate and refined, his complexion even fairer than the blooming flowers, exuding a maturity and calmness that seemed beyond his years.

Upon hearing the maid's words, he softly replied, "Leave them there; I'll look at them later."

The maid sighed lightly and smiled, "These hairpins are even more beautiful than those flowers."

"Even if they are beautiful, who am I wearing them for now?" The young man lightly smirked, turning towards her.

Due to his young age and kind heart, he could now peacefully serve as the Empress Dowager. 

However, at just sixteen, he felt a sense of melancholy and maturity that didn't quite belong to his age.

"Now that you are the Empress Dowager, with everyone beneath you and none above, Your Majesty's filial piety, you shouldn't endure hardships yourself," the maid said.

Li Yuan smiled gently, dressed in the pure white attire resembling the gardenia flowers outside the window. "This humble one has never suffered. It's just that the cosmetics and hair ornaments beloved by women are not to my liking."

Since his fate was already set, bound to this life until death, he naturally wanted to live comfortably and happily.

He stood up and walked to the table, picking up a hairpin and examining it closely. "Indeed, very exquisite."

His nose twitched slightly, detecting a faint fragrance that seemed to linger. He held the hairpin close to his nose, and the scent intensified, devoid of any sweetness but rather fresh, like the scent of grass and trees after rain, exceptionally pleasant.

"How is this made?" Li Yuan became genuinely interested. "Such craftsmanship isn't found in the palace."

"These are made by the newly established Treasures Pavilion in the palace, greatly popular both inside and outside the palace walls. Each hairpin carries a unique scent that cannot be replicated with ordinary fragrances. Even with floral extracts, the similar scent dissipates within half a day. Unlike this one from the Treasures Pavilion, where the scent can last for at least a year."

"This is indeed novel." Li Yuan examined the hairpin closely, then retrieved a small box from a nearby cabinet. From it, he took out extremely fine tools and began disassembling the hairpin.

His fingers were distinct and agile. Within the time it took to brew a cup of tea, he had dismantled the hairpin and examined each part meticulously. His eyes brightened with admiration. "This hairpin is exquisitely crafted. Ordinary people wouldn't conceive of such craftsmanship."

"Empress Dowager, this hairpin was a gift by His Majesty, and each palace has its own. They are to be worn during the Mid-Autumn Festival. If you disassemble it now, what will we do then?" The maid, while pleased to see him happy, was also concerned. 

Although the Emperor appeared filial, he wasn't a blood relative. Any misstep could be detrimental to him. Now seeing him dismantle the hairpin, she naturally felt anxious.

"I'll just put it back together." Li Yuan remembered the sequence, and within moments, he reassembled the scattered pieces, showing the maid the restored hairpin. "I could solve the Nine Linked Rings puzzle at seven years old. I'm not afraid of this small hairpin."

"The Empress Dowager has always been clever since childhood." The maid had been by his mother's side and watched him grow up. The clever and graceful young prince should have been the strongest candidate to inherit the throne. However, a group of scheming people managed to send him here, sealing his fate for a lifetime.

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