It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 59


IETSTSMLARA | The Charming Substitute | 59

"Why?" The young crown prince persisted, and even the second prince muttered with his fingers in his mouth, ","

Lin Qingtang blushed so much that he seemed to be emitting smoke, but it was Lin Su who patted his head and said, "Causing such trouble for your teacher’s wife is not how a gentleman acts."

"Young master! You..." Why are you randomly patting the crown prince and the second prince on the forehead?

Lin Qingtang was almost frightened into jumping up.

But the young crown prince and the second prince were quite accustomed to this behavior and looked at Lin Su with a hint of admiration in their eyes.

The young crown prince respectfully bowed and said, "Teacher’s wife, I know I was wrong."

Lin Qingtang intended to return the gesture, but when he saw Lin Su raise his eyebrows, he smiled and said, "To recognize one's mistakes and make amends is the greatest virtue."

Lin Qingtang liked children and had no habit of being distant from them as a gentleman, so he had prepared all kinds of food, and was delighted by the two little ones, even taking out the dried fruits and candies that Lin Su had bought for him.

"You and teacher are truly a perfect match." The young crown prince sat upright, even though he was holding dried fruits in his hand, he seemed to be more unapproachable than ordinary children, but his words made Lin Qingtang joyful.

Lin Qingtang held a small hammer to crack nuts for the two, and the two little ones ate happily. "I have never seen such fruits in the palace before. I guess only Mr. Lin's family has them. Mr. Lin really loves his wife."

"My young master knows how to care for people," Lin Qingtang whispered.

Lin Su sat aside, listening to their childish talk without interrupting, but the second prince suddenly moved down from the stool and handed the fruits in his hand to Lin Su, his small white face upturned as he sweetly said, "Teacher, fruits."

"Thank you for the second prince's gift." Lin Su smiled and accepted it, popping it into his mouth.

The young crown prince also followed suit, taking some nuts that had just been peeled by Lin Qingtang and offering them to Lin Su.

The second prince also didn't want to be outdone. The two of them ran back and forth, like diligent squirrels transporting fruits.

Lin Su initially gave them some face and ate, but later he just put them directly into the pocket of his robe.

Lin Qingtang was bewildered and at a loss, feeling like a heartless tool, but he continued his work diligently, and Lin Su chuckled lightly at his actions.

No matter how big a rabbit is, it remains innocent, and a fox, however small, is always cunning. If a rabbit wants to outwit a fox, it might be better to think about how to be reborn.

The young crown prince couldn't often leave the palace, and could only occasionally be taken outside by Lin Su. 

Whenever this happened, the palace guards would surround the Lin residence inside and out. In times of peace like these, there were still people with delusions, attempting to harm the empress's legitimate son. 

However, the vast majority were intercepted by the palace guards. As for the occasional ones who slipped through the net, although they caused panic among the people in the courtyard, they couldn't get close to the three playing figures before Lin Su shattered their kneecaps with a teacup.

Porcelain is fragile and easily broken, but when thrown by Lin Su, it could shatter even the hardest bones into powder. One could imagine how effortlessly those hands could crush a person's throat if they wanted to.

This incident couldn't be concealed, and Emperor Zhao Yang already knew the whole story when the assassin was apprehended.

With someone skilled in both civil and martial arts, capable of governing the country and expanding its borders, even the palace guards were inferior when compared to his martial arts prowess. His movements were swift and precise; if he wanted to kill someone when he approached them, anything at hand could become a deadly weapon.

With such a person by his side, obedience was acceptable, but disobedience might lead to one finding someone else in their bed.

"If such a person were to become emperor, he would surely be no less than I," Emperor Zhaoyang sighed.

The eunuchs and attendants all kneeled down upon hearing this. "Your Majesty, you're thinking too much."

"With such talent yet able to hold back," Emperor Zhao Yang mused on the times when Lin Su approached him willingly or when he was completely defenseless, "I'm not saying he wants to be emperor. Why are you all so fearful?"

If it were anyone else, their chambers would certainly be uneasy, but with Lin Su, Emperor Zhao Yang found that there was nothing to guard against. 

Lin Su had served as the Minister of the Household, yet he didn't cling to power or seek authority for himself. He didn't even recommend any of his relatives, let alone take on disciples. 

If he were to retire and return back home, the one the emperor would hesitate to part with would be Lin Su, not the other way around.

He was capable but without ambition, Emperor Zhao Yang couldn't bring himself to be on guard against Lin Su.

The eunuchs all bowed their heads in silence. Emperor Zhao Yang then asked, "Do you think it would be feasible for me to appoint Mr. Lin as the martial arts instructor for the princes?"

The eunuchs all replied, "Your Majesty, Mr. Lin is unlikely to refuse."

In their hearts, however, they all thought, Even this matter has to be handed over to Mr. Lin. Would he truly refuse his Majesty?

Emperor Zhao Yang received confirmation and felt satisfied, but he was met with Lin Su's ruthless refusal: "Your Majesty, I am powerless and the Ministry of Household is currently busy with the northwest military affairs. I have no spare energy to spare."

His reasoning was sound, and Emperor Zhao Yang knew he couldn't force the issue. But as a father, he naturally hoped his sons would have the best instructor: "Minister Lin is too modest."

"Perhaps I can transfer the affairs of the Ministry of Household to someone else and focus entirely on teaching His Highness the Crown Prince." Lin Su smiled respectfully.

If he were to transfer the Ministry of Household, there would likely be problems within a few months. 

This was an obvious threat, and Emperor Zhao Yang laughed, "No need. State affairs are the most important. I will find another martial arts instructor for my sons."

"Thank you for your consideration, Your Majesty," Lin Su thanked and took his leave.

Left alone with his lingering discontent, Emperor Zhao Yang vented his frustration, "I want to use him, yet he still refuses?"

The eunuchs hastily agreed, "Mr. Lin has indeed disappointed Your Majesty's good intentions."

"He is indeed busy, and it's difficult for me to impose on him." Emperor Zhao Yang glanced at the eunuch, "Don't let this spread outside."

The eunuch hastily knelt down and said, "Yes, this slave has spoken out of turn."

Being a servant was truly difficult, having to deal with both good and bad remarks from the emperor.

Emperor Zhao Yang didn't get what he wanted in the end. However, the old ministers who used to argue with Lin Su in court had quieted down a lot. 

He couldn't help but mutter to himself, how could Mr. Lin, who appeared gentle and refined, with slender and fair fingers, not rough like a martial artist, possess such immense strength?

The thought of shattering kneecaps with a teacup lid was enough to make one shudder. If they were to arm wrestle, who knew if his tablet would crack someone's skull?

Lin Su felt at peace, his mood naturally became much more relaxed.

In the blink of an eye, March arrived, bringing with it the spring examination. Lin Su entered the court to pay his respects as the newly appointed prime minister, truly becoming the most distinguished figure, surpassing even the former Minister of Personnel who was once at the peak of his career.

The imperial examination for selecting officials and the reassignment of officials all took place in the warm spring month of March.

Lin Qingtang couldn't accompany Lin Su during the spring examinations, but Lin Su would go to meet him upon his arrival and departure from the examination hall. 

Until the final examination, when Lin Qingtang emerged from the imperial examination hall, smiling gracefully and courteously greeting others, his eyes only brightened when he found Lin Su's carriage.

That posture and appearance reminded Lin Su of the scene when he first met Qi Qingyi. However, the purity in Lin Qingtang’s eyes remained unchanged over the years and untainted by the world, combined with his present demeanor, truly captivated the attention of others.

"Isn't that the one from Minister Lin's household?"

"He certainly has a graceful demeanor, but it's a pity he's fond of men."

"You don't know. He came from humble origins, but Minister Lin personally taught him. He ranked first last time, so he shouldn't do too poorly in this spring examination."

"Minister Lin is indeed a formidable figure, but unfortunately, he never takes on disciples."

Lin Qingtang hurriedly exchanged greetings with others, maintaining the demeanor of a gentleman but showing a hint of urgency.

Carriages crowded the front of the imperial examination hall, the sound of horses neighing incessantly. Even if other carriages passed by, they didn't attract much attention.

A convoy from outside the city slowly passed by, and a crack opened in one of the carriage windows. Someone peered out at the bustling scene outside the examination hall. When they spotted Lin Qingtang's figure, they pushed open the window halfway and exclaimed, "How could it be him?!"

The person in the carriage was none other than Qi Qingyi, who had just returned to the capital from Qinghe Prefecture.

Having served as an official for three years, his term as a servant had ended early, but as a commoner, he couldn't escape from the Yang family. Without the protection of Lord Yang, even the simplest tasks would be met with insults, accusing him of being shameless, of seeking fame dishonestly, of being the son of a criminal unworthy of living in this world. 

The most severe insult was that he was lowly, just a commoner, no different from a prostitute in a brothel.

With his father's promotion, the Yang family moved to the capital, unexpectedly coinciding with the end of the spring examinations.

The spring breeze carried a slight chill, yet it felt tender on his face, as if his mother's gentle touch, brushing against his clothes and causing his hair to flutter like the wind.

"Brother Qingqiong..."

He heard someone call out to him. The elegant young man smiled kindly and returned the greeting before continuing on his way.

The resemblance between his features and Lin Qingtang's was striking. When he first saw him, he thought he was just from a humble background, destined to be by Lin Su's side doing tasks that were not different from him. Yet now, he realized it was different.

"What are you looking at?" Yang Cheng asked, leaning over to the window. When he saw the young man with fluttering hair, his eyes widened. "Who is that?"

"Your Excellency is confused, sir. That's the one from Minister Lin's household. Didn't you see him when you passed the imperial examination before? But he seems quite different now," the servant said after a glance. "He's changed a lot."

There was a beauty, like a precious gem, clear and pure like jade, truly living up to his name.

Yang Cheng couldn't take his eyes off him, recalling the thrilling feeling he had when he first saw Qi Qingyi many years ago. However, now that they were in the same room, he felt nothing but disgust towards him, no longer feeling the same pity he once did.

"What's this, has Young Master Yang fallen for him?" Qi Qingyi's tone carried a hint of bitterness that hadn't been there before, with a mocking undertone, "Seems like you only care about new faces, not the old ones. Little do you know that Lin Qingtang wasn't even worthy of carrying my shoes in the past."

"What use is it for you to say these things now? Even now, you're not worthy of him carrying your shoes," Yang Cheng retorted, "You should mind your own business."

The Minister of Household's carriage was not extravagant, but simple and elegant. When Lin Qingtang boarded the carriage, the door opened and an arm reached out, but the figure inside couldn't be clearly seen. 

Lin Qingtang smiled and reached out his hand, being pulled into the carriage without being seen again.

The identity of the person who pulled him into the carriage was obvious to all, causing a stir. Someone even rode alongside the carriage and respectfully asked, "Is the person inside the carriage Minister Lin?"

"Does Minister Lin really not accept disciples anymore?"

"If one cannot serve as an official, I'm afraid they'll never have the chance to witness Minister Lin's magnificence in this lifetime."

Although the voices outside the carriage could be heard, the scene inside was not visible to outsiders.

As Lin Qingtang was being kissed tenderly, the affection was evident. When they separated, he laughed, "If they knew that Minister Lin, who could be a role model for scholars everywhere, was so impatient, their jaws would probably drop."

"I'm kissing my wife and  not doing it in public. What's it to them?" Lin Su wiped the corner of his eye with his thumb and said, "These days have been exhausting, and my eyes are starting to look a little tired. Let's go home and rest properly."

In front of others, Lin Qingtang could maintain the demeanor of a gentleman, but in front of him, there was only admiration. He found a comfortable position leaning against Lin Su's chest, wrapping his arms around his waist. "Master, everyone says my name is good."

As clear and pure as jade, Lin Qingtang never knew he held such an image in his master's heart until he saw his name written by his own hand, telling him that it was the name he had chosen for him after his coming-of-age ceremony. Every time he thought about it, he felt a hint of sweetness on his tongue.

"Your name suits you," Lin Su said, touching his cheek. "Qingqiong."

"Um." Lin Qingtang responded, feeling different when his master called him compared to when he silently recited his own name.

As the carriage drove away, Qi Qingyi leaned against the window, staring at the departing carriage. 

His knuckles turned white, and his whole body trembled. "Why does he deserve it? Why? He's just a lowly servant, why does he get to enter the examination hall? He's not afraid of sullying... Ah!"

Qi Qingyi covered his face, and Yang Cheng lowered his hand, reaching over to take his hand. "Let me see if it hurts. Haven't I told you that Lin Qingtang's lowly status was pardoned by the Emperor? People in the capital only dare to mention it indirectly now, but you're speaking so openly. Do you want to cause trouble for the Yang family?"

The window closed, and Qi Qingyi remained motionless as Yang Cheng applied medicine to his wound. When he glanced at him, a hint of resentment rose in his eyes.

When the results of the spring examinations were announced, Lin Qingtang became the top scholar. When the Lin family received the news, Lin's father sank into his chair. He knew there was no longer any reason to oppose this.

For many years, the second wife had remained quiet, benefiting from the kindness of Minister Lin's mother. However, even though her son had just passed the provincial examination, he had failed the spring examinations. Compared to Lin Qingtang's success, the gap was evident.

"Master, our Wang’er is Zhi Yuan’s own brother. Even if you don't teach others, shouldn't you at least teach your own brother?" The second wife couldn't help feeling resentful towards Lin Qingtang.

Lin Su's father sighed. "Zhi Yuan has been appointed as an official, and the Emperor has even granted him a new mansion. He hasn't moved in yet, and you're already showing off. Once he moves in, who will give you face? People should know when to be content. Have you forgotten his words over the years?"

For many years, the second wife had been terrified at the thought of Lin Su. Now, reminded of that day, she meekly returned to her seat. "I'm doing this for our son."

"Whether our son succeeds or not depends on himself. If he lacks ambition, should we blame Zhi Yuan?" Lin's father admonished.

As he grew older, Lin's father pursued less in matters of love and romance, and his heart was not as soft as it used to be. He knew he had treated his eldest son unfairly. 

Lin Su had already done his best, and he couldn't expect more. Otherwise, it would only bring harm to himself.

Did he regret it? Of course, he did, but what use was regret? His son no longer needed him.

The second wife bowed her head and rubbed her handkerchief. "Yes, I understand."

The Emperor had bestowed a new mansion, but Lin Su hadn't had the chance to visit yet. Over the years, living with his parents in separate compounds hadn't caused much trouble. He wasn't particularly constrained, but Lin Qingtang occasionally greeting them still made him feel uncomfortable.

"Don't be nervous during the palace examination. I will be there." Lin Su comforted him.

With Lin Su's rising position, he had interacted with many officials over the years, and Lin Qingtang had seen some of them. Besides his young master, the Emperor was the highest authority in the court. Since he wasn't afraid of his young master and couldn't look directly at the Emperor, there was nothing to fear.

"I understand." Lin Qingtang's face showed no signs of nervousness. "I'm already satisfied with the treatment I've received."

Although he felt like he had been struck by lightning when he became the top scholar, he hadn't actually expected to become the champion. His only wish was to stay in the capital and serve as an official.

"If you don't become a first-rank scholar, you'll have to take the exam again to become a second-rank scholar and enter the Hanlin Academy. Since you have to do it, you might as well do it well the first time, to avoid the hassle of going back and forth." Lin Su tapped his nose.

"Thank you for your guidance, Lord Lin," Lin Qingtang stepped back and bowed to him.

Although the palace examination started early, Lin Su entered the palace even earlier than Lin Qingtang. As the examinees gathered, Lin Qingtang, who had been calm until now, felt his nerves tense up.

He remembered years ago when he could only admire such scenes from the carriage. Now, it was his turn to fulfill his wishes and become someone others envied.

As they entered the hall for the examination, Lin Qingtang advanced step by step. Upon reaching the main hall, he performed the rituals—three bows and nine kowtows. When he rose, Lin Qingtang stole a glance and saw Lin Su standing at the forefront on the left side of the hall.

Lin Qingtang had seen Lin Su in official attire before, looking dignified and impressive. However, his young master never acted pompously in their daily interactions. Occasionally, the soft whispers in his ear were words that no one would expect a high-ranking official like Lin Su to say.

Now, as Lin Su stood at the forefront, his face carried a smile yet exuded an aura of dignity and unapproachability, instilling awe in those who beheld him. When their eyes met, Lin Su's expression softened slightly, calming Lin Qingtang's nerves.

Palace examinations were unforgiving to nervousness, and despite Lin Qingtang's efforts to suppress it, occasional moments of blankness still crept in, exacerbated by the occasional glances from the officials and the Emperor himself.

These glances weren't Lin Qingtang's imagination; the old officials in the hall couldn't believe their eyes. Having seen Qi Qingyi before, they initially mistook Lin Qingtang for him, only to be puzzled by the sight before them.

The Emperor was also curious. Having seen countless beauties in his harem, he had an eye for discerning beauty. He could easily distinguish the differences between Lin Qingtang and Qi Qingyi. 

Qi Qingyi, born into a prestigious family, exuded arrogance at times but was generally composed. 

On the other hand, Lin Qingtang appeared gentle and refined, with a smile that didn't quite fit the demeanor of someone raised in the capital. It was hard to imagine that he had once been a prostitute at a brothel.

Truly a remarkable individual. Lin Su had a keen eye for talent and knew how to cultivate it.

Lin Qingtang completed his examination with a moderate performance, handing over his written work to the eunuchs one by one. He only breathed a sigh of relief after exiting the palace gates.

"Master Lin Qingtang," came the voice from the direction of Xi Kang, accompanied by a waiting carriage. The speaker, acknowledging Lin Qingtang's scholarly achievement, had changed his address in accordance with etiquette.

Lin Qingtang didn't prefer such formalities, but there was a clear distinction between social ranks. To outsiders, any deviation from etiquette would reflect poorly on the servants of the Lin family.

Fortunately, Xi Kang had grown accustomed to this formality, showing courtesy and attentiveness in every aspect.

As Lin Qingtang bid farewell to his fellow examinees and approached the carriage, he nearly collided with someone. Stepping back, he apologized, "My apologies, I was in a hurry just now."

Such minor incidents could be resolved with mutual apologies. However, Lin Qingtang was surprised by the lack of response from the other person. 

When their eyes met, and felt his gaze linger, Lin Qingtang's eyebrows twitched slightly. "May I ask, is there anything improper about me, sir?"

"No, you're perfectly fine, impeccably dressed. There's nothing improper at all," Yang Cheng replied, unable to divert his gaze, his heart pounding like a drum.

He knew that he had once considered using him as a substitute for Qi Qingyi. But now, he found that Lin Qingtang, whom he had once looked down upon, had undergone a remarkable transformation.

From being a commoner to achieving the top scholar position, Lin Qingtang's journey had been extraordinary. Now, as the palace examination concluded, he was likely to be among the top scorers, shining brightly like Qi Qingyi once did. 

However, Lin Qingtang exhibited a gentler and more amiable disposition, even showing courtesy to strangers like him.

His words were abrupt. While Lin Qingtang wouldn't have found them inappropriate if spoken by his young master, hearing them from a stranger felt presumptuous. 

Lin Qingtang bowed politely and excused himself, "Thank you, sir. Lin Qingtang has some matters to attend to at home. Farewell."

As he walked away, Yang Cheng called out from behind, "Do you truly not remember me?"

Lin Qingtang apologized briefly, but Xi Kang, noticing the altercation, intervened, "Ah, isn't this Lord Yang? Weren't you holding a position in Qinghe Prefecture? What brings you to the capital?"

Lin Qingtang, intending to leave, asked quietly, "Do you know him?"

"No, I don't," replied Xi Kang. He didn't want to dredge up past grievances at the palace gates, where it might become a spectacle. 

He gestured for Lin Qingtang to board the carriage. "Master Lin Qingtang, please get in the carriage. There’s no need to get involved with unrelated people. Otherwise, the lord might be upset when he sees you being bothered."

"Alright," Lin Qingtang complied, boarding the carriage. He couldn't recall the man's face clearly, but Xi Kang's hostile tone suggested there might be some unresolved issues.

As for the palace examination, the Emperor would seek opinions from senior officials. Despite being the Prime Minister, Lin Su didn't actively participate in these discussions, preferring to let the other ministers argue amongst themselves.

Emperor Zhao Yang remained composed, deciding to postpone the matter for later discussion after hearing the various arguments, essentially dismissing their previous opinions.

As Lin Su left the court after the morning session, he hastened his pace, knowing Lin Qingtang would be waiting for him. However, as soon as he exited the palace gates, he witnessed the scene from earlier.

"That seems to be a newly appointed official," remarked the newly appointed Minister of Personnel beside him.

Lin Su naturally recognized Yang Cheng, but after years of not seeing him, he seemed less spirited than before. Yet, there was still a lingering attachment to something that didn't belong to him, "Minister Wang manages the Ministry of Personnel. I didn't expect you to recognize people on sight. I admire that."

"That man is a newly appointed official in the capital, with experience in the Ministry of Personnel. He has followed his father to the capital after enduring for so many years. But as you know, the Ministry of Personnel is not an easy place to advance in," Minister Wang explained before boarding his own carriage and departing.

The Ministry of Personnel might seem influential, with direct access to the Emperor's affairs, but it was actually a stagnant place. Advancement there was incredibly difficult.

Yang Cheng's arrival in the capital likely meant that Qi Qingyi followed suit. It had been many years, and Lin Su couldn't help but notice the emotions in Yang Cheng's eyes, knowing they might not be friendly.

In the original timeline, the two ended up together. However, Yang Cheng was burdened by his reputation, spending his entire life in Qinghe Prefecture. Qi Qingyi, on the other hand, never achieved his desired reversal of fortune, remaining trapped in the same place, unwillingly serving as Yang Cheng's plaything.

As for whether there was love between them, Lin Su couldn't say. He only knew that, like water, one knows best their own temperature.

"Lord Minister!" Xi Kang, who had been staring intently at Yang Cheng's carriage, quickly put on a smile and called out upon seeing Lin Su's figure, walking up to greet him.

Upon hearing this, Yang Cheng stiffened, hesitating to turn around. In the past, he and Lin Su were worlds apart. One was the talented son of Qinghe Prefecture, with connections to the local magistrate, while the other was the son of a county magistrate, with a reserved nature and no outstanding qualities.

But now, as a sixth-rank official in the capital, he feared he would never advance beyond the Ministry of Personnel. The person he once looked down upon was now someone he had to flatter and admire, a figure he had to look up to.

Qi Qingyi didn't like him but admired Lin Su. Given the choice, anyone would choose Lin Su.

"Lord Lin," Yang Cheng turned around and respectfully bowed, but when he lifted his head, he hesitated to recognize the man before him. The difference in their bearing and appearance was too stark. Meeting Lin Su's gaze, he paled and quickly lowered his head. "I have offended you, please forgive me."

"There's no offense in just taking a glance, is there?" Lin Su gently lifted Yang Cheng's arm as he attempted to bow, saying, "I'm just curious what could be so captivating in my carriage that Lord Yang can't bear to look away." 

Yang Cheng was tense all over. He remembered the oppression and humiliation he had subjected Lin Su to before the exam results were announced. At that time, he still wanted to claim Lin Qingtang for himself. 

Now, facing Lin Su's challenge, he had no way to seek to redress his grievances. "I apologize for my impertinence. I was simply captivated by the exquisite wood grain in your carriage, which made me momentarily entranced."

"Who would have thought Lord Yang has a keen interest in woodworking? This carriage was made by Bie Hexuan in the city. If Lord Yang is interested, a custom order can be arranged. However, next time, please refrain from staring at my carriage. Others might mistake your interest not in the carriage itself but the person inside," Lin Su said with a faint smile, causing Yang Cheng's face to pale, sweat dripping from his forehead down his cheeks.

He had never imagined someone could instill such fear in him with just their presence and words. "I will remember," he replied, his voice trembling.

As Lin Su boarded the carriage, Lin Qingtang, who had been waiting inside, had naturally overheard the conversation. However, he still couldn't recall where he had seen that man before and decided not to add to the confusion by disembarking.

Once Lin Su was settled in the carriage, Lin Qingtang put down his book and helped Lin Su remove his official hat, tidying his hair before asking, "Young Master, who was that man? He sounded like someone from Qinghe Prefecture."

"Don't you remember?" Lin Su asked with a smile.

Lin Qingtang sighed and nodded, "I really can't recall."

"He's not an important person. Don't worry about it," Lin Su reassured him.

Unfortunately, Lin Qingtang was well-versed in the art of coaxing. There was nothing that couldn't be resolved with a little bit of coaxing. 

If it didn't work the first time, then try again. He leaned in close to Lin Su, taking hold of his arm and said, "I know the beginning of the story, but not knowing the rest is driving me crazy, Young Master, Young Master..."

With clear eyes, Lin Qingtang, the accomplished top scholar, seemed like a child in front of Lin Su. Lin Su chuckled, "It's not that I can't tell you, but knowing might not necessarily make you happy. Sometimes ignorance is bliss."

Lin Qingtang immediately recalled a past lesson, perhaps a drunken indiscretion that still haunted him. He relaxed his grip on Lin Su's arm. "Would this matter embarrass you, Young Master?"

Lin Su shook his head. "No, it's just a trivial matter."

"Is it related to me?" Lin Qingtang asked again.

Lin Su replied, "Of course, it's related to you."

“Then I want to know,” Lin Qingtang nestled closer to him earnestly, “If it's related to me, I can't let Young Master handle everything alone. In the past, I may have been powerless, but I also wanted to share hardships with Young Master. There is no reason for me to always let the young master worry about everything now that I have the ability.  Small matters accumulate and will only burden us both."

"Now that Qingqiong has passed the palace examination, he's really become eloquent," Lin Su chuckled. "Since you want to know, I'll tell you."

The situation between Yang Cheng and Qi Qingyi wasn't difficult to understand—it was merely unrequited love leading to the desire for a substitute. But unexpectedly, the desired one fell into misfortune, and the substitute ended up gaining affection.

Lin Su explained the timeline clearly, and Lin Qingtang's smile vanished. Instinctively, he held Lin Su tighter and said, "If I hadn't met Young Master, that scenario would have been truly terrifying."

If he had been redeemed by Yang Cheng when in distress, with his former mindset, if that person didn't reveal the truth and treated him as a beloved, he might have genuinely believed that person to be his lover.

If Qi Qingyi hadn't fallen into misfortune, that person might have been deceived for a long time, until he grew old and no longer resembled himself. 

But if Qi Qingyi did fall into misfortune, even if he still fell in love with him, compared to the original, he would probably be no more than a thorn in his side. Even if there were some affection, it would likely not compare to one percent of what he felt for the original.

As a servant, he naturally wouldn't be able to resist at all.

Just thinking about such a scenario made Lin Qingtang shiver all over. He looked up at Lin Su and said, "Young Master..."

He just uttered those words, and Lin Su leaned down to embrace him tightly, patting his shoulder. "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

"In this life, meeting Young Master, Lin Qingtang no longer desires anything," Lin Qingtang said.

As long as Young Master loves and pities him, even if he loses everything he has now, he has no regrets.

"That's nonsense," Lin Su said with a smile, lowering his head.

He could feel Lin Qingtang's complete love, but couldn't fully understand it. The feeling of entrusting everything to someone else, like burning with deep love as if burning one's life, was it really just influenced by hormones?

"Qingtang only acts silly in front of Young Master," Lin Qingtang nestled in his arms and smiled.

Three days after the palace examination, the results were announced, and the entire capital erupted into excitement.

"Lin Qingtang, the top scholar!!!"

"Third place in the palace examination, one must have exceptional talent and learning to achieve such a feat!"

"If Sir Lin hadn't failed the local examination in Qinghe Prefecture back then, our dynasty would have two people who achieved third place in the palace examination."

"Lin Qingtang, I heard he looks very similar to the former Sir Qi Qingyi."

"Sir? He shouldn't be called Sir anymore. He's just a traitor's son. His life was spared by His Majesty's mercy for not knowing the truth."

"That's right. He's just repaying his father's debts. Back then, he enjoyed luxury, but it was all based on the wealth his father extorted from the people."


At a street corner, Qi Qingyi's fingers were pale as he clenched them, and his attendants dared not approach to say anything. But he suddenly turned around and smashed everything he had just bought to pieces.

"Why does Lin Qingtang deserve to be the top scholar? Why? Why?!!"

"Master Qi, please don't be angry. Be careful not to harm your health," the attendants behind him knelt down one after another.

Qi Qingyi's eyes were bloodshot. He looked at the kneeling servants and the shattered pieces on the ground, then suddenly squatted down, trying to help them up. "Get up, don't kneel to me. I don't have the status to make you kneel anymore."

As his fingers brushed over the shards, there were traces of crimson blood flowing down his fingers. His fingers stung, but strangely, seeing the blood on them, he felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart.

Outside, congratulations continued to pour in, all celebrating Lin Qingtang's achievement as the top scholar, while he, like a pitiful creature, could only vent his frustration by smashing things. How unfair was that?

The man was outstanding, climbing up from the bottom, favored by Lin Su, but he had to accept being approached by a disgusting and cowardly man. He had love in his heart, but also unwillingness!

"Master Qi, where are you going?!" The servants who had gotten up watched Qi Qingyi's sudden sprint and hurried to catch up, but after chasing for several street corners, they suddenly lost his trace.

"Did you find him?"


"What should we do now? How do we explain to the young master when we go back?"

"This is really unsettling."

"Shut up, is that something you can say?"

The servants went off into the distance, still searching, while Qi Qingyi emerged from the initial alleyway, putting on his hood and heading in the opposite direction.

Meanwhile, the Lin residence was bustling with activity, with congratulatory visitors coming one after another, their joy almost rivaling that of a wedding.

Master Lin received countless praises, and while he appeared happy in front of others, there was a hint of sighing when no one was around.

The congratulations weren't even from their own Lin family members; they were putting forth someone from outside instead of educating their own legitimate son.

Feeling gloomy, the mistress was approached by a servant who whispered in her ear, "Madam, there's someone here asking to see you."

"Who is it?" the mistress asked, "I'm not someone who can be seen by just anyone nowadays."

"The person said his name is Qi Qingyi, and he bears a striking resemblance to the young master. If you saw them at first glance, you wouldn't be able to tell them apart," the servant said, "He claims to understand your difficulties and says he can help you out of your predicament."

"Qi Qingyi? I know him. Isn't he associating with the Yang family?" the mistress rolled her eyes, "He's just the same type as that Lin Qingtang. What can he do to help me?"

“Madam, you shouldn't speak like that. There's a saying, it's easy to add flowers to brocade, but it's hard to send charcoal in the snow. Qi Qingyi was once the top scholar, and now that he's fallen on hard times, if you can lend a helping hand, there may be countless benefits in the future," the servant said.

"Enough, quietly bring him in, don't let anyone notice. I want to see what he can do to help me," the mistress said.

When the mistress finally saw Qi Qingyi, she first jumped in surprise, then stood up and circled around him twice. "Well, I'll be damned, he really does look like him. These two standing together, you might not even be able to tell them apart. They're both so loathsome to look at. So, tell me, how do you plan to help me?"

"With Lin Qingtang around, Lin Su will always be enchanted by him, giving him whatever he wants. He used to be a nobody, but now he's the top scholar," Qi Qingyi laughed. "In the future, who knows, maybe everything behind him will be left to Lin Qingtang's relatives."

"He's just a lowly servant, where does he get these relatives?" the mistress said with feigned disdain.

"This is rather interesting. When I inquired before, I heard that Lin Qingtang was sold off by his family, but his parents and siblings are still around. Now that His Majesty has bestowed a mansion, it's just a matter of gradually dividing everything with them," Qi Qingyi observed the woman's expression and knew he was right.

Lin Su had indeed promised to leave everything behind to the Lin family's relatives. He truly intended to live childless for the sake of that person.

Eunuch? How ridiculous. He was just guarding himself for Lin Qingtang, rejecting those other people.

The better he treated Lin Qingtang, the more he hated him, the more jealous he became, the more he wanted to replace him.

The mistress's face turned pale as she looked up and asked, "Is this true?"

She stood up and paced a few steps before looking at Qi Qingyi. "Do you know the consequences of lying to me?"

"If Madam doesn't believe me, you can go and check for yourself," Qi Qingyi said. "It's a village in Yuanlu County, Qinghe Prefecture. Lin Qingtang's family members are all there. If I'm lying to Madam, I'm willing to endure any punishment."

Her belief in what he said had already been shaky, and now, with his oath, it was even more so. She knew she wasn't a smart woman; all she wanted was for her son to be safe. But if Lin Su didn't want to help now, and her son couldn't inherit everything in the future, what was the point of enduring silently?

But if she confronted Lin Su directly, how could she bear it if he turned against her? "How do you plan to help me?" she asked.

"I am similar to Lin Qingtang. Once he disappears, I can take his place. If I win over Lin Su, Madam will naturally benefit," Qi Qingyi said, lowering his voice enticingly.

"That sounds easy, but Lin Su treasures Lin Qingtang. How could he easily accept a substitute?" the mistress said. "Although you resemble him, you are not entirely the same."

"Looks can be modified, behavior can be imitated. As for literary talent, I don't think I'm inferior to Lin Qingtang. Besides, when I was the son of the Minister, Lin Qingtang was just a lowly servant. Do you really think someone like Lin Su, with his talent and character, would take a lowly servant seriously? He's just using him as a stand-in for me," Qi Qingyi explained.

The mistress clenched her handkerchief, her breathing becoming rough. If this were true, even if Qi Qingyi succeeded, she could still hold leverage and gain benefits. "How do you want me to help you?" she asked.

"Yang Cheng likes him. We can switch our identities," Qi Qingyi chuckled. In the dimly lit room, his features seemed more like those of a devil than the nobleman he once appeared to be.

Meanwhile, on Lin Su's side, System 06 reported dutifully: 【Host, Qi Qingyi has made contact with your stepmother.】

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